tv [untitled] March 17, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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welcome back to the big picture i'm sorry when coming up in this half hour eighty one percent of americans want to see taxes raised on millionaires but what do you think republicans in congress a lot to do cut taxes for millionaires and this has come possibly get away with this stuff plus when you get your computer fix you trust your personal files or for your eyes only right. and you build a force like this to search through your private files and possibly even alert the police and finally our economy may be on the mend but as our faith in the american government critically wounded and i steely take back tackle this issue.
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earlier this week the oregon state house passed legislation that requires computer technicians to report any evidence of child pornography they may find we're working on a computer the bill also states that if a technician fails to report evidence that he or she may face jail time too so this is a good way to crack down on child pornography or is there a problem in deputizing computer tax and requiring them to go through our computers and if you're against this bill does that mean you're supporting child pornography joining me now david seltzer criminal defense attorney and former cyber crimes prosecutor david welcome to the program thanks tom thanks for having me my first impression of this law isn't this a violation of privacy of the fourth amendment you know first been explicitly said we says we should be. secure in our our papers are persons papers
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and residence business a fourth while it for them a violation. yes we are as citizens united states we have a right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and what they're essentially doing here is like you said deputizing civilians to do their job media information they wouldn't law enforcement would otherwise be able to get without a probable cause search warrant executed by a judge they're now asking reasonable citizens who have no training and no experience in this type of law enforcement matter to do this to do their work to circumvent the law it's absurd. and it seems like in addition to that well actually let me let me just throw metaphor needs only if this makes sense if this were fifty years ago before computers wouldn't this be very much like saying to locksmiths when you or two carpenters if you're called into a home or an office and asked to repair the lock on a filing cabinet the equivalent of fixing the operating system of
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a computer or to replace or repair a drawer in a desk you have an obligation to go through every file in that filing cabinet and every paper in that desk and if you find anything illegal dell nine one one or call the police is that a reason at a four. it is a result metaphor it's such a slippery slope that trying to create here that there's no end and there's no end to this this slippery slope what's next so if you see a hand to hand drug transaction on the street and you don't call nine one one you're facing a year in jail for not being a good citizen or a good samaritan i mean it's absurd what they're trying to create or they're trying to have i understand the citizens police the citizens but these are people who have no training and no experience and specifically we're talking about here child pornography now i understand your baggage is pornography you know it when you see it but i've got several years experience in this type of situation and i've actually tried cases and seen juries come back and say in child pornography cases not guilty on certain counts because the picture doesn't qualify as child pornography so you're going to see a whole host of problems here of what people are going to call child pornography
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you know false claims reputations ruined it's a mess if they're going to do this it's seems like it could be in fact when i do a radio program in the afternoon and we touched on this topic during the radio show and one guy who's a computer tech in arizona called up in phoenix and he said he works in a big company and so he does the repairs all the computers in the company and he said that it's amazing that the executors bring in their laptops that the company issues to them but they use them as if they're personal computers and he said the senior vice president brought his laptop in the open and on the desk and right on his desktop was a click through to his checking account and the guy he says i didn't do it i mean who knows he's calling who are the issue is the guy sitting next to me reached over and clicked that and we saw that the guy has two and a half million bucks in a checking account in his you know it is investments or whatever and he said i don't think i should know that you know and and another person pointed out that there's a whole you know that hustler magazine is selling
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a whole brand new kind of porn not brand new i knows whatever they call the barely legal it's eighteen year old girls who are designed to look like sixteen year olds well if a computer check comes across that i. if they send the police to the house i mean how do they know i mean that's just it it's it's purely subjective and that's just it and what the bill doesn't consider is if they're making these computer text search these files every time they get a file on their desk to search it's a national center for missing exploited children database to see if there's any matches just imagine the amount of time that that's there now take a search that computer there for the amount of money that corporation's going to lose just fixing a little laptop but here's the problem one hundred percent of the both the rogue republicans and democrats and house representatives in oregon voted for this bill and i i know why because the democrats or whoever it might have thought it was crazy actually you think a conservative it was crazy is a constitutionalist are afraid that they'll be hit with negative ads during the next campaign cycle saying that they support child pornography what is good about
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supporting child pornography it's about supporting the constitutional rights we have united states citizens and having just been sworn in as united faces and last year i'm defending a constitution that i believe in as an attorney and workforce in the laws as a former prosecutor that's what we do we're here to force the laws now the law is the same for murder for rape for child pornography for marijuana and for narcotics so yes we're focused on child pornography because that's the crime of the day right now that we're in this computer age kick that's changing with technology but because the law is the law and they're trying to use ordinary citizens to circumvent the law just so they can get reelected and it's wrong. i agree david and i'm very concerned about this this whole trend it's of just not just this particular law that there's a lot of these gotcha things that get interviews just because it'll make a good ad in the next election cycle to take on an opponent and it's just it's wrong david thanks so much for being with us tonight and the time thank you for having me reship it sure would be
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a good thing if more americans particularly legislators would simply read the bill of rights. just. it's the good the bad of the very very unbelievably ugly first the good irish foreign minister ellen gilmore today in st patrick's day which means york city will hold its two hundred fiftieth st patrick's day parade gilmore had some choice words for organizers of the parade who have for years excluded the l.g.b. t. the gay community from participating more said he quality is very much the center of who we are in our identity and ireland this issue of exclusion is not irish well we want to celebrate that saint patrick's day the right way to take gilmore's place the bad. donald trump must be getting ready for
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a run of the presidency because it came out yesterday as a birth or take a look. the reason i have a little doubt just a little because he grew up and nobody knew him when you interview people if i ever got the nomination if i ever decide to run you may go back and interview people from my kindergarten there remember me nobody ever comes forward nobody knows we use until later in his life it's very strange the whole thing is very strange so while this guy could be the perfect candidate for the republican party use of birth or the super rich he makes a living firing people he got he got his money the old fashion way he inherited it and of course nobody from his kindergarten class is going to forget that monkey here trump has a lockdown and a very very ugly florida state representative kathleen passive moto she must have gotten the memo that republicans across the nation are waging a war against women what she said earlier this week frankly was an excuse for the baby to florida law that would enact a dress code for students pass
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a moto expressed her support for the bill by saying there was an article about an eleven year old girl. was gang raped in texas quite eight teen young men because she was dressed like a twenty one year old prostitute and her parents let her attend school like that what their right mind would try to justify a gang rape of an eleven year old leave it to a republican to leave me speechless that's very very. coming up unemployment numbers may be improving but what about people's faith in our government a closer look at that it insulates daily take. twenty four seven live streaming what to tell you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on. the
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thirty five percent to twenty five percent a massive ten percent tax cut for said millionaires and billionaires so facing huge shortfalls in government massive debt and exploding wealth inequality in americans in america republicans are championing policies that make the situation even worse how can they justify this one joining us now to try to do just that from new york city david sullivan federal tax practitioner and advocate david welcome to the program. thank you for having me it is an absolute pleasure thank you how much more money did the wealthiest americans need i mean there are already richer than they've ever been before well come on that's a loaded question the real issue is that our tax rates are disproportionate and very high we need to lower them to jumpstart the economy and that's really the right idea to lower the taxes they would raise them david have you ever looked at the how the u.s. economy was doing in the one nine hundred fifty s.
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one nine hundred sixty s. one nine hundred seventy s. and the first three or four years the one nine hundred eighty s. that was the period that that thirty forty year period when we had over three point two percent. g.d.p. growth decade to decade to decade and that was the period when the top tax rate was ninety one percent. of that paradigm is not a pleco poll or i guess to put it another way leet god but that's where the problem lies all this let's talk about the germans that are there you know the rich germans are paying a lot of taxes i saw a wealthy german being interviewed on. what's the internet with in any case being interviewed a couple of weeks ago and the fellow said you know what tax rate do you pay in the guys at some news i'm like sixty eight percent or something and he said don't you object to that and the guy said no i don't want to be a rich man a poor country. well that man sounds like a fool moving on to the other issue of the problem with the comparison that you made is that it's not really even to him that comparison you look back thirty forty
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years and juxtapose that today it's an entirely different ballgame yeah it is because reagan draws on tax rate from seventy four percent out of twenty eight percent and immediately two things happened one the middle class stopped growing in terms of wealth absolutely dead stop stop for thirty years and two the rich got richer and richer and richer than they've ever been in proportion to the everybody else is one hundred twenty eight since just before the great crash. i got to disagree with that what you've done is taken to events and he noted a cause and effect relationship i absolutely am just not a fact the tax revision act of one thousand nine hundred eighty six was a radical departure of the way things were if you recall it really revamp of the economy we've had a lot of other issue i don't recall that i was alive in the one nine hundred eighty s.
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what i remember is that to the extent that he said first of all that we had three major recessions during reagan and to the extent that the economy seemed to be working it was because he borrowed three trillion dollars you give me a three trillion dollars credit card i can show you what it looks like to live large and then george w. bush continued the process of bill clinton for the first couple of years had to do the same he eventually balanced the budget and then george bush put it on steroids took us to fourteen trillion dollars in borrowing money good good points of the borrowing is certainly gotten out of control as the spending as it is all started with reagan with his the theory of yours that we should frothing at cons or you read such. absolutely we must lower our taxes and we must demand for financial accountability from our elected officials they have to stop wasting our tax dollars on these feel good projects that just don't give any projects like likelihood for hungry poor kids we've got one in five american children living in poverty we've
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got fifty two million people without health insurance you have forty million people on food stamps so your guy has a stock i write their own who are you leading your audience to believe that if we raise the taxes the government would resolve that problem that's what happened now to fast the lyndon johnson cup poverty in this country and a half in four years when the great society you raised actually didn't have to raise taxes the tax rate at that time was seventy four percent he was taxing millionaires and billionaires and he put into place a bunch of anti-poverty programs welfare programs and it worked that it created a higher you know threatens our response or it is an entirely different demographic and the a different set of standards here so again i feel as if you're deliberately attempting to mislead your audience and it's just not right. i don't get it you san fran to mislead the audience the fact of the matter is when when reagan cut taxes we started going into debt and the middle class went into collapse when. there was
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that you're saying if we raise taxes we would get rid of poverty and all of these social ills i am actually yes saying that in our heart i'm saying if you look at european nations and i encourage you to check out the website the quality trust or org www dot u.k. it's the lays out the statistics that thirty years of research from david wilkerson and kate because of their book the spirit level that shows that those countries where tax rates on the very rich are over fifty percent and there is a redistribution of wealth in those countries absolutely that that you have lower rates of not only just lower rates of poverty lower rates of crime lower rates of teenage pregnancy lower rates of suicide lower rates of depression lower rates of drug abuse lower rate i mean you name the social ill they go away when you reduce inequality there's only one problem with these statistics and these figures they're false they're cut filing to the era for a year there is nothing false i don't think we should look across the pond as it
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were and say that's the paradigm to model ourselves that again it's easy work and pretty good for us like a super grocery store looking at the small triumph of a corner of fruit stands and saying we have to adopt his policies has more personal than we have there are eight hundred million people in europe there are three hundred some odd million in the united states. again i feel that that is absolutely a fallacious arguments i take issue with those statistics and claim that higher taxes will get rid of teenage pregnancy and suicide is lucky yeah ok well our it is and i did i said i stand by a david i appreciate your coming on the program is that this and you very much for having me on again it was a real pleasure thank you this in my opinion is class warfare and as warren buffett said the rich are winning and republicans are the biggest cheerleaders. how let me tell you this this is today i would like here's the brochure the reason are walking
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over to union station and there was this big booth that said bloomberg government and there were these two women of this movement of giving away water and all this kind of stuff and so i. and this pamphlet here they were they were handing out the trophy of of my hand and it cutting the deficit painful choices put on by bloomberg government. so i said to them was this thing started by by bloomberg you know from new york they were like oh yeah he started it he doesn't fund it now but he started it and i said so a very nice woman who was very courteous who was then in the booth a couple and i said so what is this government for billionaires and and and she said no no it's the website and the and the symposium is about the impact of congressional action on business in america and i said is there anything about the impact of business on congressional action corporations by not politicians while
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the website's really not about that that's not our issue is really what bloomberg government is promoting of course and all these other conservative groups it's very simple it's government of by and for millionaires multi millionaires and billionaires so we have an ear and government hiring stew of billionaires like bloomberg hiring stooges friendly stooges to stand it union station and pass out stuff like this and we've got to take these serious this if you know this will explain the impact of proposed spending cuts on different programs and the result of different portions of the budget are considered it says they will explain the in the form of the quote it's it's not we've just we've got to wake up from this.
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are you confident that our american democracy works the way the founders intended providing life liberty and the pursuit of happiness but if so you're in the minority to a new a.b.c. washington post poll the percentage of americans confident that our government works dropped to a thirty five year low just twenty six percent twenty three percent of americans polled are pessimistic about our democracy and the rest just aren't sure anymore if we have our act together is a pretty startling numbers the thing that separates the legitimate democracies around the world like you see in europe and as many think they see in the united states today from pseudo democracies like syria and zimbabwe where elections actually are held but only for show i think it separates them is the faith that people have that their voices being heard that their vote is being counted and that they believe that their representatives are actually representing them rather than special interest corporations billionaires tinpot dictators whatever people have
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faith that they have a say in which direction their nation is headed that's what creates a solid democracy and it's starting to look that americans more and more no longer have that faith it's so crucial to a healthy democracy that how can you play what is our government done for us lately and by us i don't mean people who have six zeros in their annual salary. our nation is still reeling from the financial meltdown that sucked williams of dollars out of our households and put working class americans out on the street jobless and homeless and what did our faithful government do to help those that were conned the people who claim to represent us handed over trillions of dollars in corporate welfare to the very banks who created the mess and its tiny pittance to homeowners who were conned into adjustable rate and exploding mortgages by predatory lenders on the day of the bailout vote in congress the house of representatives switchboard was shut down because so many people were trying to call their representatives to
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thank them to vote no inter about giving more money to the banks toure's but their voices were ignored and the biggest heist in the history of the world was without a glitch during the last year of the bush administration there are two wars still raging in our life the representatives have flat out rejected calls by the american people to bring our troops home according to the latest poll sixty four percent of americans think the war in afghanistan is not worth fighting it war funding bills after war funding bills after war funding bills keep making their way through congress and then one year ago our supreme court said corporations are people they can spend unlimited amounts of money could buy politicians to byelection is what happened. just as predicted corporations spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy politicians and
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byelection so who exactly is our government accountable to any our government doesn't work the way the founders intended it corporations can by a lections with their corporate work shifts our government doesn't work of our representatives ignore the phone calls and letters from their constituents but have an open door policy with corporate lobbyists multimillionaire and billionaire campaign donors. our government doesn't work and millions in america are fed misinformation and flat out lies by giant corporate media outlets and multi-millionaires like limbaugh who have aligned themselves mostly with the party and or politicians who are most sold out of giant corporations our government doesn't work if our elections themselves are rigged by black bloc corporate voting machines or operations to care for and already voters off the rolls like are
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underway in state after state right now our government doesn't work if it can't solve problems and everything requires a super majority now in the sun it's simple our government just doesn't work anymore and people are starting to realize that when the billionaire koch brothers and multimillionaire dick armey put together the so-called tea party movement a lot of good americans knew that something was wrong with our democracy but they didn't know exactly what it was they coax an army told them that the jobs are going to china their wages were in the toilet their health insurance cost was a rough fortune and their retirement was in peril because of this and they knew all those things were true because get this because taxes on millionaires and billionaires were too high and the government was over regulating giant companies like those owned by the koch brothers and lobbied for by dick armey and so billionaire rupert murdoch and the four hundred million dollar man rush limbaugh on the two hundred million dollar man sean hannity and the thirty eight million dollar
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man glenn beck all made sure that that message was amplified and repeated sixteen ways to sunday. the result honest hardworking and terribly confused americans who work their butts off to elect tea party republicans to state legislators legislators governorships and the u.s. congress and then those tea party republicans set out to do what the cokes and dick armey want it cut taxes on millionaires and billionaires and reduce regulations on giant corporations course to do that they still had a small problem the unions in the democratic party were still largely representing the people so the cost an army set out to defund the democratic party by destroying the unions using their shill tea party republican elected officials think scott walker and given the power rich people like these have now because of the supreme
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court's citizens united decision even the president the united states was probably really a pretty good guy seems to be cowering before the danger of millions being dumped into do feeding his reelection he's being careful not to anger the banks toure's or the nuclear industry or the coal barons or the transnational companies who want more so-called free trade with korea our democracy has been corrupted it's been corrupted by millionaire lawyers like john roberts being put on the supreme court and by billionaires now being able to byelection zz until we cut this cancer of money from politics to the revolving doors and so we cut this cancer out of our government people will continue to lose faith in america first here and everywhere in the world thomas jefferson who warned us about this very problem is rolling over in his grave and the bottom line here and this really is the bottom
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line if you and i don't get involved in the political process if we don't show up. if we don't join the grassroots organizations if we don't show up for protests if we don't call our legislators and we're concerned about how things are going we don't write letters to the editor the newspaper we don't call in to talk radio and challenge the right wing wackos if we don't let our media know there were scenes for what they are what they are but they're up to if we don't do that we're doomed so get out there and get active because i believe there's still time to save american democracy i lot of time but there's still time we've got to get back as the big picture for tonight for more information the stories we covered visit our website at tom hartman dot com. and this entire show is available as a free podcast on i tunes also check out our you to pay a you tube dot com slash the big picture and don't forget to mark receive begins
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