tv [untitled] March 18, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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to. japan battles to get power back to the fukushima nuclear plant to prevent further explosions. seen rising from reactor number two essentially trying to restore power to cool it's. also this hour in libya graces and strikes from france and the u.k. as the u.n. security council backs a no fly zone to protect civilians. he again leader moammar gadhafi makes an immediate the temptation if the weight goes ahead with the intervention join me in a few moments from the capital city trying to be for an update.
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on this now it's your pm here in moscow eight pm in tokyo you without saying well the race is on to restore electricity to japan's stricken fukushima nuclear facility so that workers there can get the reactor cooling systems back on line japan's also increased the severity of the accident to a level five out of seven that means the consequences reach wider than the power plants for sinners it's now a week since the country was rocked by its worst of a post-war disaster that's left thousands of people missing or dead and it has more than your porch in the location ferocity. right now they're still trying to reconnect power to the site so they can get those cooling systems up and running and bring the temperature down inside the reactor that seems like the only way they're now going to prevent what could be a real nuclear disaster now focusing on reactor number two because this morning
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that they actually saw smoke rising from the reactor they don't know what that cause was about i don't think it was an explosion because that wasn't heard clearly the temperature inside is very hot or they've already managed to do was to lay a power cable from the main bridge a kilometer long cable to try and restore power but they haven't managed to connect that up yet the radiation is very high still and also the outer casing of the reactor the containment vessel was badly damaged in the explosion that happened earlier this week now in the meantime they are trying everything they can to try to keep the temperature down trying to cool the reactors there off of the first four actually had explosions since the earthquake for example yesterday at reactor number three they doused in sixty four tons of water from a causes from above and water cannons from below and the early hours of this morning the tokyo fire department they sent thirty of their fire engines that are throwing everything they've got at this the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog the international atomic energy agency who's in tokyo right now
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meeting with the japanese prime minister he came out and said that to prevent this turning into a full scale nuclear disaster they are going to have to cooperate with international help causing it to the japanese nuclear and industrial safety agency what they recorded this morning a kilometer away from the site was two hundred seventy nine point four might receive its per hour down from last night's reading of two hundred ninety two point two it's not a significant drop but it is a drop so clearly warning on water on has helped in some degree but they cleaning to do more now since then the government spokesman at least a gun owner who is the chief cabinet secretary has come out and said that although there are very high. radiation readings in some places he says and it doesn't pose a direct negative effect to the one's health because in these places it's not coming into direct human contact however a number of countries actually believe this and what they are doing is actually one in their citizens not to go he glances of
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a nuclear power plant whereas the japanese government has imposed an exclusion zone twenty kilometers telling residents within thirty to stay away yesterday the coast a little bit from tokyo up the east coast towards fukushima we think i'd count to see what residence. is the town of o.-r. i-a around halfway between tokyo and fukushima still a hundred fifty kilometers south of the nuclear power plant but already the radiation levels here over double that of those in tokyo the geiger counter i've got just started beating wildly shortcuts in or point five month receive it's per hour it's not harmful to one's health especially just yet but it is certainly a concern so much so that the army has started to hand out these face masks here that people are wearing and they're going to hear their we're very afraid of the radiation but who can do very much about it well we can do is follow the media and trust a continent is. the tsunami did actually come in this far inland with the town escaped
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most of the damage now ever since the earthquake they've been without drinking water here and the residents have to come and fill up water they need from points like this in the town been set up by the army further up the coast it's a similar story we've been travelling along this road for the last ten fifteen kilometers looking for a place to have lunch but none of the restaurants are open all of their truth take another week until we can loop and we have electricity because we can't do anything without water. this is the start of japan's ravaged east coast norene life by the day every just lies strewn all over the place here a wall collapsed over here thousands of fallen down such as the force of the tsunami this is also the point where we're going to turn back because it guided counties reading the highest it has done all day one point zero four might receive its turn how important final my fear is that i won't be able to live here anymore and this is my home obviously
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a fear for my health with the radiation but it's not just about that i'm afraid i will be able to come back here we're only around a hundred and twenty kilometers south of fukushima power plant now if the wind blows this way and even worse if the rain comes the radiation will shortz arrive to inforce and that was artie's i would bet there inside japan at the fukushima nuclear plant the fate of millions now rests in the hands of just a few dozen they've become known as the faceless fifty teams of workers try to stop the food we should we facilitate from reaching a devastating point of return. explains how manpower is what stands between success and disaster. and then kinds modern marvels reaching the moon a particle collider to uncover the secrets of creation and trying to master nuclear technology but those advances can come to nothing when nature strikes and atomic energy are some power becomes hard to contain days after the fukushima plant
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explosion japan's leaders implore everyone to stay calm helicopters and water cannons deployed to tackle the reactors yet the situation remains critical the japanese government hence that only a ten kilometer radius was necessary for evacuation this was the status quo when the earthquake hit and so we're already we already way behind are so great and evacuating and issuing iraqi asian orders also there is very very little environmental monitoring provided correct information to people i think that out and his government is saying they're trying to protect the japanese people but you cannot protect them from the reality in one thousand nine hundred six the soviet union mobilized thousands of people to battle the nuclear disaster at chernobyl depend how has the thesis fifty in on the most workers putting themselves up
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against radiation to keep the reactors from nuclear meltdown i don't think crisis can be averted least the radiation exposure is are so high and say that i don't think human beings can can get into the areas that need to be accessed in order to put the fire to put the fires out and also to get water into locations where the heat is the highest it's it union essentially ordered its citizens to separate fires their allies to radiation when battling the chernobyl the aftermath budget plan is a democratic state so the workers are meaningless to pursue more doing so willingly the main question is will their efforts prove to be enough to fix the situation from taking a turn for the. worse you know the amount of radiation being released now and the amount of variation that will be released in the climate is so great that actually the whole or global bertha acted in all of the disaster to a model where only one pole unit was affected in all of its release and covered the
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whole goal or saw the magnitude of the moon disaster cannot be predicted now but definitely is going to be one of the worst nuclear disasters in both history and technology has a nasty habit of turning against humans and when that happens the equipment doesn't yet exist to send machines in to put things right in the end it takes human risk and sacrifice to prevent a technological tragedy from becoming a large scale catastrophe in tokyo in a gold called r.t. the mean time filmmaker tony barrel who spent years documenting japan so that the country has a history of covering up your career accidents it told us this should serve as its wake up call to look for alternative energy sources. heard reports that the prime minister at least ministers have been rather annoyed at not getting enough information coming back from the the site of the catastrophe so i don't think the
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rest of us can feel too confident about con of information we're getting think one of the things that's going to happen in japan could be wrong about this is that people with definitely rethink their depended solar electricity one thing that worries some people across japan's decision to join the plutonium cycle the question is now does japan really require some much plutonium fuel and if so what is it going to do with it because it can't possibly use it all we all know or can turn it can be used for its modified it can be used for nuclear weapons that are to know that we clear power is not so economic as everybody likes to maintain nor is it as clean and as we can see it when it goes wrong it goes wrong to people who are a. for japanese authorities are giving a grim estimate of the number of people who've died they're expecting it to triple from the current number which sounds about six and
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a half thousand there are many more missing over ten thousand still unaccounted for and correspondents are in the region you can follow them step by step you can keep abreast of what they're discovering with cost of updates on our twitter stream also of course all the other developments in japan right now there are many many items you can see here at our twitter page for you to investigate to see the latest developments going on in japan make sure you follow us. but the fear of radiation contamination is spreading well beyond japan show was people in russia's neighboring far east start stocking up on preventative medicine often without seeking proper medical advice but as our teams are confident castroville reports this could prove far more damaging to both their health and the local economy. we see the nuclear catastrophe in japan in five years we are closing nuclear plants the way from these kind of sort of. it's hard to not to
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be great by panic when the world's high and to my seat sounding the alarm the clue so you are a typical shima the bigger your chances of peaking out the panic virus which is spreading more so if you're not a physicist or a doctor people in russia's foreign is divided from japan by a strip of water four hundred miles across but the quickest to react. my friend called me and said that she is leaving the city i'm not in session panic yet but i'm already taking iodine just in case. but radiation levels remain completely normal and doctors are forced into sounding a different kind of alarm just like the president is that if anything really serious happens there things like consuming large amounts of oil going all red wine gas water and people often say they're going to do such things won't help the reverse they may seriously damage their health because i don't function and it may
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well happen and probably will as well everything in japan goes back to normal many of our people will have problems with their thought plans. everyone wants to be on top of official reports preparing for the unknown many go even further buying personal radiation meters geiger counters price is no object. in the last three days we sold out our monthly stock of geiger counters we now have to turn to our suppliers for an additional shipment of taking reasonable precautions there's no but think at all unless public threatens to become worse than the catastrophe itself that was the case with the outbreak of the h one n one swine flu virus which helped drugs companies earn billions today in russia spar is the transport companies and pharmacies are cashing in on the panic but at stake is the region's largest business fishing. it accounts for eighty percent of the quantity
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russia's largest city on the pacific ocean local restaurants offering fresh seafood from the waters off japan are already losing clients customers are afraid of radioactive fish even histeria continues wholesale fish markets could be next to suffer meaning no silver lining to a radioactive cloud that may never arrive exceeding the greater of our teeth. or russia says it is standing by to send help to japan including protection measures for people against radiation later this hour emergencies minister tells us about the challenges facing the japanese. japanese government's main priority right now is the evacuation of affected areas this will be a challenging task and as i have already said she will do all this code to help the most pressing issue is that of nuclear safety and what it entails such as the
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evacuation of the population how to feed them as where to house them this second problem given the extremely high casualty numbers is the danger of an epidemic that's the second most pressing issue and from what we can see on the ground it's being worked on isn't dealt with yet third major problem is that of drinking water and considering that five hundred thousand people have been left homeless extremely urgent. heart outside into the rapidly developing situation in libya now where nato says it's giving the go ahead to launch a military operation against colonel gadhafi his regime within hours the warning comes after the u.n. security council backed the no fly zone over the troubled country kathy sun says they'll target civilian aircraft and ships in the mediterranean if they're attacked his policy reports from tripoli. though in theory this no fly zone could go into
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action today friday we are hearing from the french government that it will act swiftly the british cabinet is meeting and from both these governments we're hearing that they were going to take action within hours but there are still many unknowns questions like when exactly will this no fly zone begin who will be involved who will have the chain of command in iraq will be involvement of arab countries both europe and the united states have made it clear that they do not want this to be a so european american response to a number muslim country that needs to be military assistance given from the arab world the libyan airspace has been closed or seeking reports of clashes in the country's third largest city of misrata and we've been told it dozens of people have been injured several of them have already been killed to the question of the whole not no fly zone the u.n. chief thank you moved there that he needs to be immediate action realistically speaking it seems as if this no fly zone could only be implemented possibly tomorrow possibly sunday even as far from now as monday now the need
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a moment that he has threatened though that if the international community intervenes he says to quote him that he will retaliate immediately having said that though the mood on the ground particularly in the city of benghazi the last stronghold remains defiant when word of that resolution came through people erupted in cheers there were fireworks we did hear from the gadhafi regime hours before that resignation was passed at that stage they pretend that they were planning a massive attack on benghazi since then and some group of recasting of this year's edition floated through the fear in what seems to be a change of tactics possibly in response to the resolution we're coming off of the gadhafi regime that they don't want to attack the city but they simply want to bring it back into their control people are asking the question what exactly does a note sly is so mean if you look at the resolution it talks about all necessary measures to be taken to protect civilians so many are asking what are or miss. systemic measures you need to remember that five countries did it same thing to
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russia we also now hearing from turkey day on the basis of the european countries not to vote in favor also its aim of course is germany the washington best not to play she has this to say in terms of what are the concerns by many in the international community will it possible just cover that is in essence a whole range of questions raised by the russian federation and other security council members remain unanswered questions which were both concrete and legitimate questions regarding how the no fly zone would be enforced and the rules of engagement would break and limits to the use of force provisions were introduced into the text potentially opening the doors and large scale military intervention responsibility for the inevitable humanitarian consequences and the excessive use of outside force in libya full fair and square on the shoulders of those who might undertake such actions if this happens then not only the civilian population of libya but also the cause of upholding peace and security throughout the whole region of africa and the middle east will suffer there's
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a need to avoid such destabilizing developing its people very concerned if the most fly zone is not in that what exactly will be the states and what exactly will be the means that the international community will go to to protect civilians concerns that this will these two foreign interventions of the soldiers on libyan soil again we hearing on the gadhafi regime to quote them that we will not allow anyone to interfere with our if it is. well as we just heard major concern is that the u.n. ruling essentially allows for military intervention a few times course other. that's something the west has been preparing for to turn the tide against gadhafi within libya. the problem now is how do we. especially point for a resolution that you want a resolution one nine seventy three point four talks about it take all kinds of measures to protect civilians this is not all only a no fly zone this implies that we will see. us need
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to arab league really terry operationally we don't know how this is going to play out in the field. they will be able to attack their thanks moving towards going out see for instance and look to the northward this would stop. this there grows aleutian for instance for all of military installations in tripoli itself in that piece. there could be an aerial strikes against the bible as easy a cafe headquarters in tripoli as well. you know with r.t. live from moscow where it's now or twenty minutes past the hour let's get to some other world news for you in grief and fight during a series of street battles in ivory coast killing at least thirty people they were launched from a military police district in the capital held by fighters opposed to president. he's clinging to power despite global calls for him to go after the last people
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just beautiful election four months ago the u.n. says three hundred seventy thousand people have fled escalating clashes. and more than two hundred rioters have set buildings on fire while trying to escape a crowded immigration detention center on australia's christmas island hours a week of protests over delays in processing asylum applications australia struggling to cope with producing a number of applicants from afghanistan iraq and sri lanka one hundred strong police swat fire non-lethal rounds and use tear gas to regain control of a center it's located a thousand kilometers east or you're straining it. european airplane. is facing manslaughter charges of ruby air france crash in two thousand and nine over two hundred twenty eight on board died when a three thirty plunged into the atlantic during an intense thunderstorm it was on route so parents from rio de janeiro it's still not known exactly why the plane
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went down with a new multimillion dollar search will start next week to find the data recorders or to close to hand by joining us on facebook it's a chance to give lots of feedback on what you're seeing here and you can watch events unfolding all around the world reporting sixty live coverage of that are going to libya and of course of today's other stories as well bill for us by such a long. right now i trust is here with the latest business news. welcome to the business update our finance ministers from the g. seven group of the world's richest nations have agreed to step into currency markets trying control japan's volatile currency well it's the first time in more than a decade that the g seven have jointly intervened in the money markets on wednesday the yen hit its highest level against the dollar since the second world war
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strengthening to seventy six and a quarter in u.s. trading but it fell back in later sessions it's currently trading at around eighty two yannick per dollar see a coordinated effort by the world's biggest economies would have a bigger impact than if the japanese central bank acted alone meanwhile the bank of japan injected another thirty seven billion dollars into the markets on friday to try to shore up confidence and ensure liquidity japan's social bank has already injected nearly seven hundred billion dollars into the country's financial sector let's quickly look at how the markets are performing a reaction to the g. seven center invention to curve the yen so japanese shares dropped nearly three percent while the currency itself tumbled investors were also showing some often isn't the further radiation leak which could be contained if you for human nuclear plant stock markets elsewhere in asia are also rose of the g seven business stabilized global markets. closed slightly on friday and in europe at the markets are also want to rise with investors appreciating improvements in world stock in
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commodities markets well that's on the back of the g. seven meeting and slightly calming news coming from japan at the foot sea and the dax are all about half a percent this hour. here in russia the stock markets are slightly retreating from early morning gains however both the r.t.s. and the bisects are currently in the black all related stocks are leading the all for trend as commodity prices continue to grow. food prices are trading in the black this session both brant and light sweet are showing gains of around half a dollar bill that suffered a new one approved a no fly. zone over libya sparking fears about oil supplies from the war torn nation all of it other factors are very best for spotlight is the situation in japan as a reconstruction of the quake hit country is likely to boost will do matter given the extent of damages. or to discuss the impact of that and the possible military action in that libya is for him up there is the global director of market reports at a company specializing in energy of analysis that's why it's thank you very much for
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joining us now obviously this will definitely have an impact the fighting in libya has already impacted opec production and what about this new no fly zone over libya how is it going to impact oil prices. well i think the possibility remains to be our side because once we want to start some military action one never knows about this. a lot of people were waiting for some kind of leadership from the west we finally arrived but now the question because some a lot of issues have been raise. where there will be only not fly zone or whether some of the paintings for instance moving in the attack but all in all i think the possibility that production from libya is going to resume normal thing in the next week i don't think it's possible so we need to continue to count production out of
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the world's supply situation. if hangs on for a long time then the current sanctions would prevent a lot of that oil moving so that creates a situation for the upside i forget as well. in the middle east is kind of very unstable right now and we have seen for instance troops coming into bahrain. there is not an issue there in terms of production because bahrain is. a large or oil producing memory essentially gets oil from the neutral zone in saudi arabia but yet it's an indicator of instability in the region so all these things continue to create the situation for the upside in markets the reaction in the market place that they. were only in the one hundred fifteen level range
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but i think if the fighting starts in this period and doesn't bow out quickly then this oil is lost and we also have some. problems with brass in the curia a couple of days ago a lot of oil production but it's going on right ok as you rightly said we have to see how this conflict will play out but understandably investors will basically have their plans there already whatever situation might happen and how will that shift global oil distribution should the conflict be prolonged in libya well there's going to be of course more demand to come for that more simply be here for crude oil the amount of crude oil that is produced in the world is already maxed out saw some of the beneficiaries are going to be with africa who produce a very high quality oil algeria as well as well as. siberia like for
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instance will receive some of the op side that is caused by the loss in libya but it's not like people have turned off sweet crude oil production for years so what is going to happen in just a reaction to the price of this group of people that we don't have very much time but i do want your opinion on this movement of oil prices because of the situation in japan now they're saying that because of reconstruction there might be more need for oil how do you think all prices will be affected by the japanese situation just very briefly again to the upside they will need a lot of diesel and they need a lot of oil to account for a bit paranoid loss to supply electricity to the country so again that's another bullish indicator on the market ok thank you very much i was already want to pick a global director of market reports plants company an energy analysis company thank you thank you all that's all we have for you right now thank you for watching and do stay with r.t. . wealthy
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