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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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hey guys welcome to shelley tell me alone a show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear our
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audience is going to you tube to video response or to twitter for part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your responses we played your voice in. our it's time for our nightly tool time award conservative pundit and author and cold turkey raised a few eyebrows this week when talking about the nuclear drama unfolding in japan and on her blog earlier this week and had a post that was titled a glowing report on radiation and decided to make the claim that some radiation heading to the united states from japan could actually be good for us so that alone right there now who would have thought and last night while in culture was and appearing on the o'reilly factor she doubled down on her claim and offered up the following observation take a listen there's
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a growing body of evidence that. radiation in excess of what the governments says is the minimum out there should be exposed who are actually good for you will reduce cases of cancer. wow so anything that some radiation is actually good for you well that should ease the minds of anyone living in japan or on the west coast of the united states for that matter and we should point out that and based her reporting on some old newspaper articles and then went and went on television telling millions of viewers that the government is not telling the truth about the effect of all radiation levels and while some radiation levels may be ok does anyone really think that it's time to put those theories it's not just well just a few minutes later in the same interview she actually admitted that she's not really sure about the fact that she was saying look take a listen while you are carol we should all be heading for the nuclear reactor let you keep in mind all kind of sunbathing out there in florida. well interestingly.
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it's cold for me so how would it appears to be only read about it. doctor and culture spreading misinformation wherever she goes now if you're not really an expert on nuclear radiation you probably should not go on t.v. right after one of the biggest catastrophes in the nuclear industry and spout off about how radiation can actually be good for you and of course that's never stopped and told her before and i doubt that it will in the future so the fan thinks that radiation is so great maybe she should head over to the fukushima power plant and offer up her expert knowledge anyone want to chip in on a plane ticket to tokyo anyone. and that's how it that's our friday night tool time . now just two days ago the cia contractor accused of killing two pakistanis. that two pakistanis. pakistanis went home free after officials stuck with the families of the victims according to news reports two point three million dollars of quote blood money were paid to the families in
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according to islamic law a kind of ironic that the road contractor was bailed out i should be a lot of thing as secretary of state hillary clinton was quick to dismiss reports of a payout telling journalists earlier this week that the blood money was never exchanged now when asked about those payments clinton's the united states would not pay any compensation at all and when reporters asked about who actually did foot the bill she told the press to ask the families sure if the money must have just magically appeared somehow but when u.s. special forces killed innocent pregnant women in afghanistan those families were given to sheep so i guess there is a silver lining in the payout overeem davis but here's where the real flight frustration comes into play just one day later a u.s. drone fired at a meeting taking place in the northwestern province of pakistan that killed some forty people and amongst the victims were just members of the taliban but also elders and innocent locals not affiliate in philly. for the militants now while pakistani and u.s. intelligence officials dispute how many of those killed were actually members of
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the taliban the drone strike has unleashed more fury among the pakistanis those who are fed up with the surging drone war on their border pakistan has demanded an explanation from the united states and declared leaders killings as the most lethal attack on the country since two thousand and eight and what's more pakistan announced today that it is not going to attend the next round of talks with the united states and afghanistan in protest over the attack so was this really the best move for the united states i mean the pakistanis were already upset about the release of david raymond davis and now this heavy drone strike is just adding more fuel to the fire yesterday we saw senator john kerry expressing his sincere is gratitude towards pakistan for releasing davis saying that our relations with their country need to stay strong in order to continue our unofficial war there. were so painful to those people in pakistan that we decided to use our fancy drones to kill more civilians and interesting way of expressing gratitude if you ask me and it
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seems like this is just another way of showing the people of pakistan that the r. word means about just as much as the lives of the people we kill in other words almost nothing. now this weekend activists are planning events all across the globe to protest the united states government's treatment of army private bradley manning now it seems that the country remains divided on the question of whether manning is a patriot or a traitor for allegedly turning over all those secret bottles to wiki leaks but the harsh conditions of his detainment have earned this administration criticism from the highest levels costing even the state department spokesman no fan if we can fix our manning mind you his entire job so what does the case of bradley manning say about freedom in america freedom to speak out freedom to stand up for what you believe is right but we decided to turn to somebody who knows a thing or two about blowing the west so daniel ellsberg famously leaked the pentagon papers back in one nine hundred seventy one helping to bring about around the end of the vietnam war thank you so much for being here it's really an honor to
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have you on the show before we get to bradley manning i have to ask the question about libya knowing what you know in your experience about wars about how the u.s. government sells wars to the people how comfortable are you with this potential intervention in libya what are your thoughts on that so this is a dream you we're going to be very hard problem. that you're going to live on but i am glad that if there is any available to us and it will be this time order you will know it's this is and i think the right there for them to get the error of your belief that the others will be able to get i would certainly be very very skeptical of the u.s. and the world. there sir for all would be of such contrast to the fact that we have supported dictators what could be at recent years and for many years people in bahrain saudi arabia and of course egypt and these are so all of a sudden it seems as though you have the ability to answer for all these things
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since the people of egypt and tunisia taken their own lives and violently i would have been very skeptical of that but i have to watch the sky. we have going on from the year in other words in libya i wouldn't expect to get a no fly zone by itself would do the job so i'm not a great admirer of gates i have to say but i i was sympathetic to his view that have no fly zone itself would be would be no help to just involve us in another war as it is we would get very heavily involved i don't personally expect by the way that we're going to be out of afghanistan or iraq for a very long time so the prospect of having another war in both of their strengths and he is very dubious professor i certainly don't think you're alone in that perspective especially when it comes to afghanistan and iraq but are we faced with sort of catch twenty two here i mean when you have situations like vietnam like iraq thanks to your help in terms of vietnam finding out that so so so many of the
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pauses and the weight of the war was carried out was actually not as it was built for the u.s. people is it difficult to justify the so-called just humanitarian interventions when you can lie if you're going to target a version especially going to unilateral if you were less than the u.n. security council needle for example is basically i think the u.n. was right in describing that as a crime against the peace because aggressive war the only conditions were a u.n. security council with recession which they do have in this particular case i have to say but recent times no humanitarian intervention and extremely dubious about it's been a cover basically for basically colonialist type operations in the past you know military is not only even gates to say the solution of which he said can make the problem worse we really have to ask ourselves in libya as in these other cases are we going to make things worse for everybody by this intervention i do have to say if i had known you'd ask me about it it's absolutely plausible to be yes i would
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have had hesitation about the program because as i said in the beginning this is a hard one. to face and i would want to say there's an easy answer on this. i thought about pakistan for some time but you were talking about earlier. what if i can move to that from what i was i was impressed by the tone of that the fact is that in pakistan the wiki leaks exposures which may or may not have been due to bradley manning i'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt from my point of view and give him credit for that the government has to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt but you court but whoever gave that information revealed the fact that we're not only doing drone attacks some tricks are questionable aggressiveness in pakistan we're also doing ground offensive operations the pentagon has been denying that and lying about it and patterson that was shown in one of the state department cables that were released said that no in fact we've
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been doing ground offensive operations that really caught my attention because it meant that the war had expanded into another country without benefit of congress on this case or the u.n. needless to say and it meant that we could be destabilizing a country there in the direction of a military takeover of people who really might be allied to locate it and put nuclear weapons in their hands and for the president to be covertly involving us in a war in pakistan right now on the ground or even in the drones as we just saw you write them the most reckless the responsible act i can imagine in terms of it's dangerous for us in the world in the world of actually getting nuclear weapons if they're using bradley manning or wherever the source was of endangering americans i would say that the president's policy is what i'm picturing president's policy is wasn't dangerous americans well let me ask you this i mean you know at this point in your and in your life you're really seen as
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a hero i think it's safe to say by the majority of the folks here in the united states and no clear example of that than the fact that the state department itself . moved. the most wanted man in america meanwhile. see if they would now that they're showing their film abroad if they'd be willing to show it in the state department there's nothing i would prefer in the world and to have that movie shown and i have me on present for a q. and a in the state department itself to see if americans in the government are allowed to see that movie about the merits of whistleblowing why do you think there's a contradiction in the way that you are being hailed right now bradley manning by so many folks in the establishment here is seen as a traitor as someone who broke the law is someone that should be punished well i was called a traitor by president nixon and by his vice president i left office because of bribes and that time i expected to be called names like that that's very very hard
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when you are you know three hours a day making yourself i did i would as a civilian i was out on bond the conditions are very different i stoped for myself no recorder has talked to bradley manning in the nine or ten months that he's been in prison first and kuwait a known quantity not one single reporter so all we're hearing about him is the chapel it's basically collation about him i'm very impressed if those chat logs are valid which is it remains to be seen as far as the court cases if there are accepted or not but i'm willing to go on them that they're the ones that was being charged in the first place and so i'm very impressed by the person who comes through the door he said i'm prepared to go to prison for life or even be i thought that last point when i read it was a little stream that it was worrying about but of course you know the rest they are asking for charges that could invoke death penalty but he was somebody who was willing to stand up to the certainty that if he were he would face prison and life
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as i did six hundred fifty years and also be called the most terrible names now when i was called there people are saying now by the way oh ellsberg was good. pentagon papers are good bradley manning is bad science instead we could leaks instead i'm used as a foil against them that's ridiculous in terms of the actual history that i was denigrated the same way he was at that point you have to expect that nowadays not to be called a traitor by coulter it's like not being on nixon's enemies list and sort of embarrassed that you think i probably manning is. probably manning about obama's i mean last well he certainly treating him as if he deserves to be tortured right now does no credit to the president and said he was going to end torture you know according to the truckload something the first. language great manning and led to his consideration if he was a source of putting out this truth was that he was actively participating and he
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suspects over in iraq to be tortured and when he told his boss that an intelligence analyst he was told pay no attention to that that's not just hand over more subjects suspects and he said i was actively participating in something i was totally against well now as a result he's experiencing treatment himself not perhaps as bad as the iraqi suspects the bad enough as a lot of people have studied we think of solitary confinement is just part of part of life in prison but actually it is a form of torture and it has the effect of driving people mad or getting them to confess things true or false that you want to confession in this case i think he's being essentially tortured but it's known in confinement in order to get him somehow to implicate in ways that we can see in ways that make it easier to cross into the sun but that's illegal it's the state department spokesman put it he said
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it's ridiculous counterproductive and stupid well it is old but it's also abusive and illegal and the president it's up to him to pick up the phone and stop. that and not to accept absurd insurance from the perpetrators of this crime department of defense that it's all appropriate and it's so funny incidentally at the time of course the white house so called commerce were taking various actions against me which included at one point attempting to incapacitate me totally. and to eavesdrop on my phone calls and to burglarize the. surface of the good enough and i have to ask about the media environment back when you release the pentagon papers there weren't that many blogs there weren't any blogs there wasn't the internet you had your networks the washer news at six thirty or whatever time it was you had your papers do you think it's that the nature of your obliques was more shocking for some reason at the time or do you think it's that the media
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environment is so fragmented right now that people aren't motivated by for example the pakistan revelations they don't mention earlier why is it that the rest of the world is not more react that the. the what if that time something people out of prominence to the issue was that the president enjoying a prince for the first time ever that it never been done and it was against our first amendment so that got a lot of attention for of course i couldn't put out the half media pages that the terms of the possible know in this new digital era i had to use the cutting edge technology of my time which was iraq's answer and you know i couldn't have done that earlier and i put a seven thousand pages of top secret material so i couldn't put out yes i think the fact of putting out this much material did get a lot of attention as did the apache helicopter thing they said chris has been code to a large extent by making the real charges that these things go by nine eleven and the
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fear of being called names by you and coulter but not only going cold or they say that's all of the coverage at this point but by by officials and by prosecutors. obama right now is prosecuted or just brought charges against five people for undisclosed for unauthorized leaks all previous presidents together brought three prosecutions along with the first there were two afterwards obama in two years has brought so much so he is going against whistleblowers and all the other person would well hopefully at this weekend's rally some folks may carry a message we have much more ahead on the show it's time for our friday happy hour segment margin producer churchill jenny churchill and mike craig's writer for the daily caller dot com i've been trying to discuss some of the stories you've been talking about this weekend so it's. a charmer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c.
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coming up today on the big picture. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you may never see on mainstream. media so a. political. posts aren't. just. for flimsy lo and. behold rachel about these women nothing people are saying she
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speaks for no she says she's a star. athlete . it's. it's it's. it's. it's it's. to from japan to libya through nuclear disaster i mean it's been
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a really intense week and i think that we can all use a happy hour drink streaming out for happy hour this evening is our t.v. producer jenny churchill and mike riggs the writer for the daily caller dot com thank you guys so much for being here i think we all cheers a lot out of my friday finally being here and i have a lot i don't you know like i generally respect the u.s. congress but the folks over on the hill in the house decided to work on a really important important resolution they're not talking about anything to do with libya or japan or you know anything even more important than that apparently is the most important priority for those lawmakers on the hill is to defund and p.r. what you guys make of that. i don't think it's just in your right i mean we're talking about public broadcasting worley your former employer right where you were at the news hour. great i love the news i grew up listening to ninety point seven which is in orlando i love car talking prairie home companion all those places and i think they would be in their best interest and great for them if they could do what they
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love to do without having to worry about government m.p.r. costs for you or something like seventy million dollars a year afghanistan there has cost something like one hundred billion dollars so i mean to me i don't even understand why there's a debate at all because we saw from the video and i'm not saying that we saw from that video that n.p.r. is biased but i will say is that we saw that you know people high up in the company don't think that they need the money to make it so why are we giving them transparent money if they don't need it it's completely crazy i do have to say i completely agree with you and this is not the time to be talking about things like this and this is not an emergency bill that needs to be talked about right away i mean it's definitely something that needs to be looked at and i have to say no i can't point to this story or that story and say that's where a liberal bias was however from just. snotty a lead us voices that i hear all day long i have to say it sounds liberal and
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elitist to me and if you've got some fire and brimstone people in there you know yelling and really causing a fuss might someone committed to me is my elitist snotty here actually i can i used to drive a volvo believe it or not which is like is now what if your listeners are out of all of those what i am sure is saying this seems like a weird time to bring this up with you specially since he's you know there's nothing actually new going on with your spelling it's just they said something that a lot of conservatives don't like about how they respond as i also think it's a great distraction for house republicans who in the fall promised to cut hundred billion dollars from the budget revise it to sixty and now they can barely passed it now they're doing these extensions of the continuing resolution so this riles up the base well he's thinking of just. actions there's a new t.v. show out there which basically looks at one hundred one different ways to get kicked off the show and every time somebody gets voted off the show you get to choose how they leave so they can get like strap to a boat fall off a plane all kinds of crazy stuff what does this say about our country jenny i think it says something and i'm so excited. i don't know if you know i don't know if you
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know enough either of you know i consider myself a reality t.v. connoisseur our. reality t.v. happens to be one of my favorite things in the world and this show is brought to us from the same people who brought us wipeout and i think that it's going to be amazing it's a really well in england the bastion of all things reality t.v. everything that we've got comes from them so yeah i'm excited and we have enough bad reality t.v. disasters from. oh gosh i mean i like to talk about reality t.v. is a distraction from my news and things we should care about i mean this i this probably falls in the ever expanding category of things that sort of distract us from how horrible life is you could put in football that category which i think is in terms of the physical damage players it's much worse in these reality television shows but it's also not too far from what you see on a lot of people who shows in terms of like that and truth listen to me while i am in the us and culture talking about how radiation should be our next sunbathing
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location would probably fall into that category now i want to move on to new york there's been the business piece that came out that basically pointed to the fact that new yorkers don't seem to really care about sex anymore because these reporters who went to a bunch of these fancy little parties where people are more interested in. talking about social networking and just interacting with each other and not going home with each other not getting laid i mean it's horrible it is how we become slaves to the capitalist system where we work so much that we no longer take care of our physical needs it was a real physical need i don't buy it i don't buy in that same new york observer article the reporter talks to some some kids. some of the just turned twenty one thousand stars of skins i believe were there and this reporter introduced them to the idea have you heard that people have stopped having sex in these kids' well we don't know what you're talking about a kid don't kids two kids we keep hearing all these reports about how fewer and fewer kids are you know doing proper things these days but the older folks people
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of our generation right i mean we got to pay the bill these guys are on probably unemployed or living at home with mom and dad they have time to to get freaky well i think that this is actually evidence of a larger problem and it's that we're all becoming so absorbed in technical on line social interactions that we've kind of at least a little bit you guys have to at least a little bit we've forgotten how to interact as human beings with other people and it's become less important i i have got these important lessons in the york observer article i'm sorry i don't need to go there right now we're going to fly no it's ok and i use twitter and facebook and all these things i think the article was in a total i mean i don't know that it's i mean it also brings cocaine in addition to twitter right but these people would rather stay doing drugs all night which is like sort of like addict behavior so maybe if you pulled some people used to it and facebook and google but didn't use cocaine you might find it there still i don't know i don't use cocaine i use a lot of social networking sites and i work way too much and don't really go out so unfortunately i could relate way too closely to this article and i think that's all
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the time we have heard tonight show but thank you so much for tuning in and please make sure to come back one monday when alone i will be back and she's going to be interviewing joshua gray's one of the authors of an article that explains how the trainer talks to the earnings mom then meantime please don't forget to become a fan of the all of the show facebook and of course policy letter and if you missed any of tonight show or any other night you can catch it all on youtube dot com slash the alona show we are now posting the interviews as well as the entire show on the site coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the us around .
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see the british.
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market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. h m r been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. the official delegation. from the.


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