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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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my pleasure talking with you coming up nuclear threat levels continue to rise in japan president obama lays down the hammer in libya and scott walker gets a knockout blow from the courts i think picture rumble is up let's. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think it's even funny well. we never got that says they're going to keep him safe get ready because you get your freedom.
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a charmer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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are you ready to rumble on the pedals and i jimmy weinstein steen deeds weinstein get a good idea that we call it i have only you know if john walker senior policy analyst at firedoglake dot com and seen motley president of the us government ok let's get started desperate efforts continue in japan to prevent a nuclear catastrophe here in america we have to ask ourselves could this happen here there are twenty three general electric mark one nuclear reactors in operation in the us exact same design as the reactors in japan and these five of the six that are on the verge of meltdown so isn't it time we forget about nuclear power and invest in alternative clean energy like wind and coal or will the nuclear lobby
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that spends tens of millions of dollars buying politicians bring us to disaster. what is it we're well i say coal and. solar power tilting at windmills and know that we need wind windows were windows are line one thousand percent is restored another bit more deaths in the via windmill power there have been by nuclear power in the united states it's no it's not a people problem either because they're hitting zero not including the mining if you're any one what happened in japan was a nine earthquake followed by a thirty three foot wall of water and it's still almost contained and the parts of the feel safe that broke down we don't use anymore they're outdated outmoded the new designs are force better sort of more support for superior what they have there will be just fine with the twenty two were being built right now i'm not going to pretend that i you know an expert on nuclear energy design for reactors that seems
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you know i can i can i can speak on a lot of things that i can i think things right that this was like a catastrophe that you could hardly prepare for this is what that on top of a catastrophe but what i what i do think should be noted is the amazing resilience of the japanese people what they're doing right now in the people that are at the plants who are basically giving up their lives to save that country you know in the midst of this strategy tragedy they have a lot to be proud of john thoughts arise these two conservatives their support of nuclear power because it requires just massive corporate welfare to make nuclear power viable currently if you build the newest level plants with the newest e.p.a. act two thousand and five you get a twenty eighty split government loan guarantee so you put up twenty percent for losses and you get one hundred percent of the profits so the government taking eighty percent of the losses in the cvo says half the time there is going to be cost overruns you're going to lose out on building nuclear power plants they're
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just not viable without massive infusion of government freddie and fannie yeah. and it's and if this is after happened here the government has kept liability so we'd be paying for all this nuclear disastrous years and yeah so so without price and if we get no nuclear industry because nobody will insure it and you know you guys are you really in favor of big government insuring an industry that probably shouldn't exist well i think that the discussion about nuclear power would be less necessary if we didn't have a current administration who was impeding all the messages if he had no by sanderson if you had no way government carry ways for the industry we wouldn't need a nuke we wouldn't need the push for so many nuclear reactor power facilities if we were allowed to drill domestically both off shore and on land if we were allowed to mine our coal and use it properly. so yes simply paid attention to jimmy carter and follow his order was a movie i got
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a second administration where obviously he actually got to know he actually had a good energy policy. in my opinion that what we're looking at is the death of him as it was is this is going to be a but the reason assad says oh i think so yesterday the u.n. security council approved a resolution to enact a no fly zone over libya moammar gadhafi has already crushed rebel forces and despite claims of a ceasefire islands continues in that nation today president obama said this is a ceasefire must be implemented immediately that means all attacks against civilians must stop gadhafi must stop his troops from advancing on benghazi pull them back from bia this rough and zawiya and establish water electricity and gas supplies to all areas humanitarian assistance must be allowed to reach the people of libya or be clear these terms are not
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negotiable. these terms are not subject to negotiation if gadhafi does not comply with the resolution the international community will impose consequence and resolution will be enforced through military action so should we be in libya and if so or not how or why. i've some reservations about you know the resolution that was passed but i don't think i i think i'm going to stand behind the president while he's sending american troops over in harm's way and give him his full support what i what i will say is this that if this was going to be our policy which is you know khadafi must go and we're going to back it up by military force i don't think we should have gone through this fiction of the international community coming together when in reality that the force that matters in these situations is always and has always been america's force so i don't think that we should pretend that that's not the case i think the last thing we need
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right now is another war it's been a lot of money on with. basically they goals are protecting the citizens of the arab league has put forth their support for the no fly zone they should be the one force and if they really want it we already waste one percent of g.d.p. our three wars and iraq and afghanistan let's not go to war in another country you know we did this in afghanistan the first time around but of supporting those rebels there were no fighting this time around when we've gone back for another expensive war. i'm a conservative who was against nation building in both iraq and afghanistan i want to go and cut off the heads of the government and leave and leave a note saying whatever emerges from the march remember how you got here we'll be back if you mess with us again so i'm certainly hazard and i agree with jamie completely that he's going to send troops in harm's way i'm going to support him fully but that being said he said two weeks ago three weeks ago you must stop and i don't think i can ever recall another time when the u.n.
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acted with greater speed and determination than the united states and it happened here and that to me this is the whole point of the u.n. is that we are not under attack if the united states is under attack we have every right to defend ourselves his or the u.n. libya has not this is with us except for our oil companies so if we're going to say we're going to stop a rwanda we're going to stop a serbia were to stop a genocide we're going to start then then we really have to have the international you don't because they who's going to stop that america's force are going to stop it oh i don't want it for any i grant you know and john it was in the backyard in the midnight in saudi i mean that in the in the one nine hundred ninety s. in the backyard of europe it took ninety five percent american forces to do anything in bosnia we to come overseas and take care of a problem in europe's backyard america's forces is really the only one that can do these type of things but let me let me say this i think that what we should remember that khadafi in the aftermath of the iraq war was afraid and that's why he
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gave up his nuclear weapons he didn't want to end up. saddam hussein before military force is used in this instance i think we should send it on boy secretly or covertly to warn me that this could happen and he possibly could go live his days off in some you know zimbabwe or what is our history. just just fundamentally here and i'm sorry to go to cuba i have no idea what it was or. that there is in the constitution it explicitly says that only congress has the power to declare war it doesn't say that the president can declare war and in fact president shouldn't be declaring war and so if the if congress is sitting around arguing about whether or not to defund n.p.r. when they should be deciding whether or not we're going to war with this guy then they're not doing their jobs and republicans are totally screwing it up or that it's incumbent upon president obama personally because they get sixty days to do unilateral military action without a congressional authorization but beyond that it's incumbent upon the president who
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hasn't done this for two and a half years to go to congress as i need this done get it done and that includes ok i want to do a no fly zone in libya put together a resolution and pass it so i can science so i can go do it he hasn't done that with obamacare he didn't do that with the stimulus is the only president's job it see the constitution is very clear this is congress's job in congress in the days to defund planned parenthood let's see for n.p.r. on something going on in libya not our job to know these but it's amazing to see on t.v. and said you should president just went on t.v. and said this is not negotiable we have to do this but anyway he tried to go to congress and say he did was unconstitutional and same and he himself condemned bush . was on the you can do it you know it wasn't because you can do it for sixty days once he starts the process not according to you he could sixty days without congressional record of war the war powers act but not according to the all the traditions of the white house and so i speak to renew our search and there's no reason they can't take this exam not some extraordinary circumstances this is going . to come of this really what i'm saying is where obama's supposed to go go to. so
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we need this let's get it done as we would say king of war tomorrow as the eighth anniversary of the start of the iraq war in recognition of this congressman and decorated war hero charlie rangle introduced legislation to reinstate the draft earlier this week he was here on our show and explained one of the reasons behind this legislation. i truly believe that if you tell me that you're going to start a fight it's one thing if you tell me that is a job that is going to fight but if you expect me that my kids that's right you have to explain the lugovoy it to me about what the fight is about it was i think so isn't mandatory military service the best way to prevent needless wars like this in the future the military doesn't want it we have the best trained best army we've ever had in the history of this country i don't know why we're going to take that came out of you know the military doesn't want to i think i'm just sick to average person who's in the military they're going to say yeah what a great idea to bring everybody into this thing get what you're suggesting you're suggesting that you know these people aren't they don't have anything else to do
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they go into the military usually these people are here college qualified and they chose to go to actually you know patient with the modern military what we're finding is that it's the job of last resort for many i get a lot of people in the military who are somewhere where i was trying to citizenship my friend from college she left law school joined the army rangers and went to afghanistan i know many. stories like that believe me though people are people people in the new american military could get jobs many other places. to do just for as a solution for their ideas as family is. and his family is going to sit with knowing that he joined under false and most people the average the average military person needs to rely on the person who is left and is right in a foxhole in a firefight works fine and world that he doesn't and he doesn't want to do it but relying on people who are conscripted and we have the best military now precisely because they know that everyone you want to do it world war two and the reason why it worked fine in world war two was because everybody in america knew that they had their kids but was on the line and so that damn well better be
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a real war that's really worth fighting that's not true that's a rewriting of history had to draft after i mean this is not because everyone was in the military that they decided to go into world war two wasn't a question of that they needed the resources so they drafted people who were fighting on two fronts the pacific and europe and they needed more people ok john your thoughts on. you know during all those who want the war should be a bunch of kids who don't want to go to the war off of the war and somehow get people to be against the war never struck me as a gift that way i'm opposed to the war i don't want any of our soldiers dying in some sand trap for reasons i can't quite how to handle were never properly explained i don't understand why that's a good thing to send more people over there i don't want anyone over there i understand the logic it's sort of is quite in your face if there had not been a draft in the sixty's and you wouldn't see me as our war demonstration let me let me give just shout out again you know this is the anniversary of the iraq war whether you supported or opposed to united states military has given the iraqi
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people a chance a real chance democratic million democratic allies place. you know that was the also the terrorists inside. the mind of the one else guy who was in the back to set a date america gave a real chance for freedom in iraq and the soldiers fought bravely battle and gallantly you know nobody i don't think wants to put down our soldiers to do that they believe people we have you know a little of the people who had apparently had died in this conflict and what's a conflict that was unnecessary it was a conflict that was absolutely unnecessary iraq had nothing to nothing to do. and in any case i grew thomas jefferson when he said the we should have a national military draft and we should have local militias and everybody should be a member of that mix we'd like switzerland and he said i shall i hope i shall never see a time when i live in a nation with her higher lines in the military and with people poor people going into the military because i don't think. ok all right the oregon state house passed
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a bill this week that requires computer techs to report any evidence of child porn they find a fix in someone's computer or face up to a year in prison themselves isn't deputizing the geek squad a bad idea and what happened to fourth amendment. i think this sounds a bit absurd to me you know probably want some legal protection if someone discovers child porn they want to be able to go forward with it any idiot that brings their computer full of child porn think it inspected deserves to go to prison if you want an external hard drive. i think criminalizing behavior in this way this is passed unanimously by the house and i mean i gree i don't think it's a good idea however however having dealt with the geek squad at times if there is any group of people that probably knows quite a deal about pornography. i gotta tell you why i mentioned this on the air then i took my computer in to get it fixed about two years ago less time i had a big problem and when i got it back you know there's the recent history and i told
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my recent history and it was all j.f.k. example they had gone through all my family pictures on somebody just you know they were always with i think it is to be downloaded porn into a vehicle they were looking for and ok there's somebody there who's like building the world's biggest park he's probably checking everybody's computer but but i think that there's actually a serious fourth amendment issue i mean the fourth amendment says that you should be secure in your persons and papers in law somebody swears under oath that there's probable cause you committed a crime and isn't a computer the modern day equivalent of a desk or a filing cabinet and if and are we going to go to locksmiths and say if you get a job fixing a filing cabinet you're supposed to go through all the files or if you get a you know it's a carpenter's if you get a job fix in the drawer it has it stuck he supposed to go through all the papers in the desk what i just i don't think it's a fourth amendment it is clean as you do because that's the contents conservation from the government not from best buy or you know the locksmith or any of that so there's that interim conduit that makes it less of a direct fourth amendment violation i don't know when when wal-mart has those
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videos. saying you know spying the neighbors and that very very free yeah yeah you know it's very soviet pull them yeah the bush doctrine of the bush administration i don't like that. so anyway. in the end because you can protect you from the government god help you against the geeks yeah well said and let me just might to put a period point on this the reason this kind of crappy legislation gets proposed is because somebody thinks that if anybody votes against it they'll be able to run ads in the next election cycle saying so and so some favors child porn eventually and no one favors drug bills they get i know i know and it's a terrible his life should already fanning social security and all reforming medicare figure out a way we need to figure out a we have stop this kind of terrible legislation any hour later this later this month michele bachmann will be speaking about sponsored by the network of iowa christian home educators bachmann claims she's raised her own five children plus twenty three foster children and is
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a big supporter of homeschooling in yourself which is odd considering her dodgy knowledge of american history for example she believes the reds revolutionary war was started in new hampshire and the founding fathers ended slavery but assuming the bachmann does start her own school what classes are you looking forward to taking the most this is a raffle for a question a public speaking want to one why am i contact is overrated be european history want to one or why we don't need to leave it learn it or see biology want to one the myth of evolution playing off you know me speaking i would say i would learn which is barack obama's fifty seven states. it's actually fifty nine fifty seven states two more to go if you were to go i would really go with public speaking. you know as much as people like that it's all there for me misquotes he knows how to draw a crowd i would actually knows how to make public this way. and i also still looking i'm scouring the prescription drug outlets and the drug stores the world over who brock obama's inhalator. or what's that he was talking about he couldn't think of
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the word inhale or a war for asthma people and he said it in a way to ease off the teleprompter he's problematic that's that's such as you showed any i think it is i think it will be political season. so on you tube strategy yes it's political science want to want strategies for a democratic electoral victories i think that's what bush is up to i if you look at what's going on with shar bachmann i'm actually we have mike we have one minute left let me just throw this out to all of you you know with what's going on in wisconsin and you know what thomas frank and i were talking about he's the rope publican party in trouble is the democratic party in trouble what's the landscape you look you know we're talking about maybe future president michele bachmann and in that case i think we're in very good shape as a country but the spirit seriously i think i think it's we're seeing democracy in action across cross the country we are where people have voted in governors really great governors who are doing great things to try to lead the country and reform
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government and make it sustainable you know john you know scott walker has definitely made himself very unpopular if the governor of pennsylvania governor of ohio made themselves up on people or they were their mandate they thought they could go after the public sector unions the american people you look after polling up a point two thirds of the country support collective bargaining for him you know and it's not them no it's all they've got to go to you we got to wrap it up there thanks so much jamie jamie weinstein john walker motley thank you all for being thank you. right after the break sighs daily take examines the republican war against well and it's historical so.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. either one well. we have the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you freed up. a charge in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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new web site needs twenty four seven live streaming news towns like thank you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. that there's
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a need for the political. scene more on our team doctor just. since republicans took control the house of representatives and state legislatures around the nation it launched an all out war on women from the funny women's health
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care services to defunding planned parenthood to redefining rape to blocking legislation that provides equal pay for equal work for women you wonder if the next step of the republican party will be to repeal the nineteenth amendment and take away women's rights to vote. republicans are also cutting critical federal programs that assist low income families across the country and make sure poor women don't get any help raising their kids will try to work republicans are cutting head start programs and slashing elementary school funding at the same time republicans have been feverish lee pushing corporate tax cuts corporate deregulation corporate welfare chip u.s. jobs overseas tax cuts for billionaires even doing away with the inheritance tax basically it's a strategy of let's steal from the poor especially women and give to the corporations and the rich c.e.o.'s. it makes you wonder do conservatives think that corporations are actual people. but women particularly poor and minority women are
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just second class citizens the truth is they do but this isn't anything new in america since that fateful supreme court case in eight hundred eighty six southern pacific railroad versus santa clara county where the court reporter decided to take it upon himself to say that corporations are people and they should be granted all the same rights as people despite the fact that the supreme court had actually ruled the exact opposite corporations have staked a claim to more and more rights that used to be reserved just for actual living and breathing people including the first amendment right to free speech the fourth amendment right to privacy the fourteenth amendment right to equal protection under the law meanwhile women and minorities actual people have seen their rights steadily taken away in eight hundred fifty six and the dred scott case the supreme court ruled that people african-americans in this case are property that decision led directly to the civil war after which the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth
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amendments were passed history of slavery out of the constitution and guarantee equal rights for everybody except women. during that same era in the bradwell versus illinois case the supreme court ruled that women couldn't claim rights under the fourteenth amendment because basically they were the property of their husbands that was partially reserved reversed in one nine hundred twenty when the one nine hundred amendments he had women the vote but every year since one nine hundred twenty three a constitutional amendment has been proposed it simply says equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of sex and every year it's been shot down by conservatives in either congress of the states equal rights or an equal rights amendment still has not passed so women still don't have full rights and republicans feel quite calm comfortable with their war on women particularly poor women the corporations they
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got out rights in twenty ten in the citizens united case the u.s. supreme court near or image that dred scott ruling by saying that property is people that corporations have constitutional rights like the right to political free speech and frankly a new civil war has started between the rich and the rapidly disappearing middle class today we are seeing the largest gap between the rich and the poor in america nearly a century there are fifty two million people without health insurance forty million people dependent on food stamps survive and one in five american children live in poverty it corporations never been better thanks to their personally gamed the system and the financial times noted today they're on course to see bigger profits this year than any time since one nine hundred ninety three as warren buffett said the rich are winning the war i say it's time to turn the tide let's strip personhood from corporations and embrace common sense only people should be considered people. no more no more personhood for corporations it's it is an insane
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concept it needs to be a bit big that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered check out our website amanpour dot com and don't forget democracy begins with your it. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. hope for asians rule today. the big.


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