tv [untitled] March 19, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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and the history of american sports is no different. british french and u.s. warships converge on libya preparing to launch a decisive strike on colonel gadhafi forces and libya's internal warfare. the regime is maintaining a ceasefire while they both say they still being bombarded join me point to see it from inside tripoli in just a few moments. what washington is accused of cherry picking where it intervenes rapidly mobilising for libya while innocent civilians die another nation is torn by internal strife. plus this hour radiation risk grow as japan struggles to save its crippled nuclear site eight days after the nation was overwhelmed by the powerful earthquake and tsunami. and japan's nuclear power is being called into
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question time and size they've sent the state since the sake of. eight am in moscow i met reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story the united states and britain and france have issued an ultimatum for the libyan leader to accept an immediate cease fire or face airstrikes this came soon after the u.n. security council resolution to enforce a no fly zone over the troubled country let's go live now to our policy or who's with us in tripoli hello paula so when can we expect the international forces in action. when an emergency summit has been planned for today saturday in paris that will see the attendance of all of the major players in diplomatic efforts is is what. goshi nations over libya so attending will be the british prime minister
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david cameron the french president nicolas sarkozy the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton as well as the leaders of major arab states that have formed an ad hoc coalition against in libya and what we've been told is that it could be just a matter of hours after this summit that we could see british and french fighter jets here in libya already we've heard from the british prime minister david cameron that he has given the order for the deployment of typhoon and tornado jets to be strange to bases as well as fueling equipment we've also heard from the french that they are ready for any kind of military strikes so certainly a lot of attention on that emergency summit and what will follow from it on friday the pentagon issued a statement in which it said that libya had some thirty missile sites along its coast there pose a significant threats to nato aircraft now we've heard from the the american president barack obama he has issued what he's called a non negotiable ultimatum to gadhafi essentially what he's saying is withdraw your
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forces from rebel hold strongholds and now if humanitarian assistance to go through what else you will feel the full onslaught of u.n. sponsored is strikes with the americans made it quite clear that they do not want to lead this no fly zone mission they will be participating in it but essentially it will be led by the british and the french we do know that the americans already have five in the mediterranean if they could call on at the same time we're hearing from canada that it is ready to deploy warships to this region as well now these developments coming just hours after we in the libyan foreign minister announced that they would be any needed cease fire that seems to be a reaction to the call and the sanctioning by the united nations of a no fly zone resume lucian. has there been evidence of for violence and with here since the ultimatum was issued. what we are hearing conflicting reports. on the one
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hand we're hearing from the gadhafi regime that they are in foreseen this ultimatum with immediate effect but we're hearing a very different story from the rebels themselves the rebels are claiming that gadhafi forces are continuing their advance towards the rebel stronghold of benghazi we're hearing those records late friday night they also came and throughout the day friday after this cease fire was announced fighting continues in the town of his intent which is a mountainous town in the west of the country and in the east of the country continued in the town of ads as well as in misrata essentially what the rebels are saying is that it is bluffing he might be fine time or it might be an outright lie they are saying that they will plan protests in tripoli and other centers for the supporters to take to the streets in wastin held gadhafi cities and towns and they want to see how the duffy regime will react because they say that there will be an important a litmus test in terms of whether or not the gadhafi regime is serious about enforcing a cease fire but i think it is important to say that it might take time for the order of a cease fire to filter through the gadhafi running ranks so it is just possible
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that those men on the front line have not yet good that a cease fire is in place it's also important though to say that there are still concerns here in libya adar the question of the no fly zone on the one hand while the rebels are calling for it on the other hand there is very real concern and questions being asked whether or not it will not be in large shoes some kind of full scale military intervention which all people here in libya do not want to see happen the concern is there the whole label in terms of humanitarian assistance could just be a cover for foreign intervention and also concern that in the same way that civilians were killed in iraq and afghanistan the same thing could develop here in libya. we are live for us in tripoli actually well. michel chossudovsky editor of global research website says weather and are the westerners with it are these actions bombing would you woodbridge international. but this is not really and no fly zone or a no fly zone in fact it's implies
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a bombing campaign and preparations are ongoing i think the timing of this operation this stage we can't really make any just statements although we have we have the statements made by by by france and britain to that effect that i think should be understood first of all that this intervention even though it is adopted under. your u.n. auspices is interrogation of international law you colors and people into a country and start blocking the health of the place along the pretext that you're coming to a good rescue of civilians so that from my second point and from the standpoint of international law this is interference and affairs of a sovereign country either we like coffee or not at the stock issue. the revolutionary mood have been spreading across the middle east and north africa for almost three months now syria is the latest country were people were marching to
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voice their anger for them it's about the freedom to speak out five people have reportedly been killed after security forces fired on hundreds of demonstrators in the southern city of daraa the crackdown was launched after multiple protests sprang up defying a ban on marches in yemen at least forty five people have died dozens of others injured after snipers allegedly opened fire on workers who staged a walkout at it as a government protest in the capital president has declared a thirty day state of emergency but denies his forces were involved in the shooting in bahrain the army demolished a cold monument that had become a symbol of the month long rising against the sunni monarchy a lot of foreign interference in these countries is noticeably thin on the ground compared to the focus being given to libya right now or he's laura lister has more in what appears to be tunnel vision when it comes to turbulent countries. god is great but. the final words of this purported peaceful protesters in bahrain.
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before he appears to be shot allegedly by both grainy security forces since martial law was declared this week the bahraini government has crackdown on pro-democracy protesters clearing them out of pearl square where they'd been demonstrating. and my role videos the details can't be confirmed have been surfacing on the internet appearing to show police shooting protesters. point blank it's reminiscent of another uprising against an autocrat i want to address the situation in libya. when images in reports of violence against protesters they could doppies hands in libya reach the u.s. we saw the president take a stand. on the gadhafi has lost legitimacy to lead and you must leave early on president obama. for plans for a no fly zone over libya now here at the united nations the security council has since taken the lead on that but meanwhile the united states has already said
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warships along with humanitarian aid in libya so actually it's tough economic sanctions on the country essentially freezing it out of the u.s. making system and reports suggest the u.s. has also played a more cold world role in the north african conflict an opposition that the cia. for thirty years is right now. according to people in direct contact with activists on the ground in bahrain and they too are begging for help from the u.s. but. the u.s. has a military base in the island country the navy's powerful fifth fleet and six thousand troops are stationed there and in response to the brutal crackdown the u.s. president has wielded his authority to pick up the phone and call the king of bahrain
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the president expressed his deep concern over the violence in bahrain and stressed the need for maximum restraint words the forces on the ground now backed by one thousand saudi arabian troops who don't appear to be listening to critics say the talk doesn't amount to any help for the bahraini people it amounts to this absolutely there's a double standard in the way the u.s. deals with friend versus flow unlike libya rain is a strong u.s. ally in the oil rich persian gulf it's all about oil it's all but also all about geo political military strategy the u.s. has a lot of military assets in the persian gulf right now we want to make sure they stay there and u.s. interests coming at the cost of people's lives and at the cost of the values of human rights and democracy the u.s. claims to care so. much about and some of the brain blood is worthless and the meat and blood is more important it's just
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a political stand that goes it goes against everything we believe in in this country but you're looking at american old cio i'm sure you know the. protesters in the capital and that is where the united states stands on the issue tacitly behind auto kratz. or against them depending on the threat to u.s. interests not to lives lauren mr r. t. new york keep abreast of developments in the world of big stories by following r t on twitter and facebook we've also got plenty of video reports and coverage lined up for you on our you tube try out.
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code in japan aftershocks continue to rattle the country raising fears of damage workers of the stricken fukushima power plant are battling against time to restore the cooling systems to stop the reactors from reaching nuclear meltdown or if he's alive or bennett is in japan where people are struggling to come to terms with the destruction of last week's earthquake and tsunami and the massive loss of life hello good to have you with us so it's been day eight days now since this all started has there been any progress at the plant. they're doing all they can obviously but their efforts unfortunately don't seem to be having much effect at the moment the un has come out and say said they face a race against time to get the situation under control because the japanese nuclear agency has now raised the alert level or plan from a four to a five this is on the international scale of nuclear accidents which runs from zero
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to seven french novel being the only seven in nuclear history what a rating of five means is they will have wider consequences so now it's not just considered to be a localized problem i don't know exactly what these consequences will be yet but they raise that they are rated it because two of five because they believe they could be quick damage done to the cause of reactors two and three as for the attempts to call it well they're still ongoing they're trying everything they can at the plant they haven't yet managed to reconnect how they've been trying to do that for the last almost forty eight hours now they have all those and through power cable from the main grid where the problems they face is the massively high river levels the radiation which is really hampering their progress with that they're also still using water cannons from military fire engines spraying water into the reactors especially at reactors number three and thought because there was water level inside they used fuel rods cools is believed to be dangerously low now if it gets too low and the rods become exposed then there is
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a serious danger that there could be radioactive substances leaking out as it stands at the moment the government the japanese government has moved to reassure residents outside the thirty kilometer radius of the plant that there are zero risk of radiation however a number of governments foreign governments spain has now joined the u.k. and the u.s. in wanting to evacuate its citizens and also we do know that they haven't ruled out that in case of a whole lot in concrete like they did at janov all to. minimize the risk of the radiation later. japanese official admitted the government was overwhelmed by the scale of this disaster as a compound of the criticism of the country's nuclear safety track record what are people saying about all this where you are. yes mr a don of the government spokesman and the chief cabinet secretary has said that in hindsight maybe they should have reacted faster and so they could have moved more quickly on all of this
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and. they should have listened some new advice from the u.s. as well. another thing is now being called into question internationally by nuclear experts and that is the question of privatization of japan's nuclear power. least partly because of a power plant is owned by the tokyo electric power company now they're the ones who whose employees that the engineers are working tirelessly braving the ridiculously high radiation levels there to try and get the situation under control reduce the temperatures inside the reactor to try and reconnect power to the cooling systems but the question now is could this have been averted if it wasn't in private hands and were they even equipped in the first place to deal with this sort of catastrophe. no matter how hard they try disaster still looms at fukushima attempts to cool the reactors have been applauded for bravery but it's been a week since tuli capability was lost and there's no end in sight to this crisis
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the implications are that radiation already has spread a fair distance there probably will be an area around the plant like turn or wall that will be uninhabitable for the foreseeable future could get far worse than us the plant's cooling systems may have been crippled by a natural disaster but some are now questioning the merits of the manmade decision to build reactors near the so-called ring of fire this is completely human a disaster because that plant should never have been located there in the first place and citizens have pointed out the fact japan's nuclear industries also in private hands has led to accusations profits were put before safety fukushima's owner already has a questionable past history of falsifying safety records of the site back in the eighty's i think we also have to review the idea of privatized nuclear power because private means cutting corners and i think we're watching those corners being cut today what we'd like to see is the government take over these he's he's
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nuclear reactors from private corporations because private corporations need for existing is to maximize profits and i mean it's amazing profits in the nuclear set there we're talking it out we're amazing concerns the public open sea and lost private investors may be needed to get the ball rolling it's the other way around if things go wrong i think it's we're going to be inevitable state will take over in order to contain these plants they'll they'll probably need to be covered with concrete and so much like turner was and i think the state will take over responsibility for their. i think whether the state has it or private companies do it. it's very difficult for anyone to mystra japan's no stranger to nuclear tragedies this is where the second atomic bomb was dropped in one nine hundred forty five and trying everything they can at fukushima to avert another if it's
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auster which it has nuclear watchdog is already expecting wider consequences the question is how many will be affected other bennet's out see my psyche. not everyone is taking japan's assessment of its nuclear crisis at face value alex curry who's an expert on japanese culture says the government is intentionally concealing the severity of the situation there is a long tradition within the nuclear industry and town of trading or at least. you're misinterpreting the evidence one example is raising it's a five it's been four for a long time which was the level of the three mile island where there was nuclear radiation should be no nuclear material released into the environment this one is now says amounts of nuclear materials huge radiation and only now all the wrenchingly is it raised to five than it of course most people believe it should be six so there is still an attempt to play it down children newspaper
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yesterday had an article in which they did to the tune of white smoke coming out of that one of the reactors and they say the government is saying it's a plume of white smoke but they really mean it is some explosions i think what we can be sure of is that this mess will take weeks maybe not months to clear up if it's really very serious much more than the government is letting us. or the team still if it's a life risking race to head off atomic disaster radel thompson was involved in a three mile island cleanup in pennsylvania after a similar accident in one nine hundred seventy nine he explains what the workers are going through. what the people in japan are going right through right now it's kind of hard to tell because no one has access to them as far as i could see and i fear for their safety in fact i fear for their lives sometimes the radiation is so high that a person going into a say hot room can only be inside there for maybe three minutes and then they have
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to come out someone else has to go in to finish their job so you can imagine the intensity list trying to say trying to change a valve you go in with the welding machine the say and. it takes you three or four minutes just to bring that in there you haven't even plugged anything in yet when you have to leave your you're done for the month we don't know the input conditions inside the plant though most of us. from the industry confirm that it's very very dangerous i think pouring water in in massive amounts and they should be probably pouring worry cassar boron in in massive amounts as well is that really the only country only thing they have left it's almost like a hail mary pass my only real regret is that the entire area was not evacuated sooner as soon as the evolution started that would have been the moral thing to do and that is not in a competition for that i'm very disappointed. nuclear power is often sold as the clean green solution to meet our burgeoning energy demands but as the crisis
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unfolds and frankly shima people are starting to question whether they want that danger on their doorstep. as to pan struggles with a nuclear crisis are you concerned about the stability of nuclear facilities near you this week let's talk about that. sellafield is cold enough and you click on in england which precise you feel like it's safe to pick. ourselves across the river from a nuclear power plant virginia it's it's it's it's it's a concern certainly it's better than spending a lot of tax dollars on a new energy is why some people you know it's like this though to you know you look at cell phones you know cell phones there's radio waves with if a report came out tomorrow that says cell phones cause cancer if you're going to undersell phones down now they're not so people take the nuclear energy if it sounds even works people are really interested in you know surfin wins and
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different kinds of alternative energies leaving about us. enough to put enough money into the research of this enough research dollars that it's not going to be a viable alternative and what pays for those are stats that i say correct so if we stop spending money on war we can start spending money on energy saving that would ever happen. hopefully my lifetime i find it amazing the amount of energy what's being used here in eric rose in light specifically here on times square so i think people are. maybe a bit too much used to use loads and loads of energy so i guess it's what's going to be quite hard to get them to use. to spend more on green energy because they're going to be more expensive these support nuclear energy we know right now will because it's a disaster i think you think it's a disaster waiting to happen absolutely so what should we do because we consume a lot of energy on idea i have no clue i go if you don't know then how can we rule
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out nuclear energy. why is the many people so afraid of nuclear energy i go that this is happening right now but most plants are pretty state sure i do get san is on people always think in the worst and maybe that's the reaction from nine eleven even with people always think of the things that can get bad so i think there's that armageddon feeling whether or not you support nuclear energy the bottom line is that with all of our energy options there comes in one form or another a high price to pay. sure to give us your reaction to the events that are shaping the world right now you can always click on our t.v. dot com where we have plenty more analysis on today's top stories. if here about spreading faster than radiation to read how those people are living well beyond repair and chores or theory of pharmacies they want to avoid contamination but
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without proper advice or actually jeopardizing their health plus. i'm gunning for a new emblem to symbolize a state utah adopts a firearm as its token in a hurry why not our time dot com. plus energy giant gazprom wants to get its point across to st petersburg's officials from throughout plans that are controversial skyscraper next stop for a courtroom the details online. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe there's been heavy fighting between the army and rebels in southern sudan leaving at least seventy people dead the violence started after a failure to get militias to join the southern army a new oil producing areas near what will be a new national border southern sudan becomes an independent nation in july
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following a mostly peaceful referendum that almost unanimously chose to secede the northern government is accused of arming the rebel factions. the u.n. secretary general has condemned the increasing violence in the ivory coast banki moon describe the situation as quote urban warfare and called it a crime against humanity it's after a deadly shelling by security forces in a market that at least twenty five people were thought to work guy and u.n. blames forces loyal to president laurent gbagbo who refuses to step down despite losing last year's paul sparking months of violence. it hours time egyptians will start voting in their first poll in decades a referendum on constitutional reform this after the uprising five weeks ago toppled the presidency of hosni mubarak his replacement will be chosen in a few months over half of egypt's eighty million people are eligible to vote and a high turnout is expected there are forms of all out for hala mentary elections in
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