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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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on the good. video on demand. in my. street with the palm of your. machine on the call to call. it into sean is a very warm welcome this is a breaking news libyan tanks and armored vehicles are being destroyed in airstrikes like french jets these and first attacks and planes began patrolling the skies of libya and forced the u.n. sanction the no fly zone and pro-government forces reportedly advance on the rebel stronghold of benghazi despite declaring a cease fire. meeting in paris agreed to use all necessary military means to stop any aggression by kind of and i think the french president said his air force is ready to intervene against any threats to unarmed civilians. and russia says it
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regrets the decision to militarily intervene in libya it's calling for the end of bloodshed in the country and that's gadhafi forces and the rebels as a whole told us. well i've got with more developments from there in the next stop half an hour on r.t. in the meantime spotlight our program focuses on terrorism and the north caucuses as we talk to the head of russia's southern republic of english and that's next on our team. for the. we've got it first the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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to. cobble together a role from two spotlights the interview show an artsy i'll bring art and today marty guest into studio is you know as bit poor. russia has lately spearing serious of terrorist attacks on some of its three a number of these attacks were carried out by suicide bombers many of them came from gresham northern caucasus where social problems still feed extra is there a clue for the problem here is the head of russia's southern public of people here the russian federation kidneys becky of course. the government of english it has been trying really hard to improve the social and economic situation in the
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republic. is working closely with moscow in catching up employment which is one of the highest in russia it's one of the reasons blamed for extremist recruitment cannell youth group doesn't think using force against extremists will help instead is exercising in a peaceful and personal approach. hello mystery of her thank you very much for coming to our program hello mr if poor of. the war against terrorist networks in your republic i asked you the same question fifteen months ago not how much progress has she stands and. one of you must have noticed that journalists are usually quick to notice there are thing both good in that of course we have made good progress in i would like to emphasize that we achieved it not only through the use of force but the most important it was done through crime prevention measures we talk to people especially those who have
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relatives in terrorist groups. you see our approach is that we look at them not as bandits and if we look at them as young guys and got involved in this bloody war against their own people and do some unfortunate circumstances. so we do our best to talk them out of it. and today we see that this kind of criminal activity has dropped you know our republic drastically this year our statistics for the first two and a half months for a terrorist activities grave crimes and attacks on law enforcement officers are all zero levels when they go to the head of he is f has be. said that in the past year about fifty former terrorists were perswaded to
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go back to normal life. how do you know that they're not just playing games can you guarantee that these people are terrorists criminals or whatever you call them they won't take up their arms again. first of all these are not terrorists and they've been terrorists they would have been properly prosecuted what are they these are people who were on the wanted list. for most of them their crimes have never been proved they were afraid to come out of their hiding places then it's usually recruit new members from this category of people how they've been. no it's not a matter of being part of this actually i'm very grateful to lead by f.s.b. chief in english. because this work has been very effective largely due to the fact that there is close cooperation between government office souls on one hand
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and law enforcement agencies on the other. that they were never proven guilty so they return to normal life and does it mean that they will be tried later and at some point they may be found guilty. all right here is what we say to their relatives and everyone else actually. to your request we can check our records and we will tell you what the charges against your ability of what the you know what kind of punishment he would face according to law. but if he turns himself in and testify as they term would be reduced. and this too was according to law all we do is strictly warning to law as a result of stays alive he will be interrogated he testifies you get a chance to see him and after he's convicted we will try to get him to serve
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his term in the north caucasus. in southern russia we cannot guarantee that but we will do our best to ensure that it is not bill so these fifty people came out of the woods they turned themselves in sleaze and many of them went to prison voluntarily is that correct. well these fifty people actually it's fifty four hundred but eight were convicted and the rest acquitted. with the rest of them and their guilt wasn't proved. we helped many of them to get into schools or good. jobs you know one time i was meeting with college students and one of those students even told me you have to be advantage to get a job in. this because they all have heard about the support we offer to those people so i explained the situation to them and they all agree that these people do need some poor so that they can return to normal life here though i think you will
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agree that money is not the only factor affecting extremists recruitment you know that's for example those who organize the recent terrorist attack on the idea the airport were. you yourself said and i quote in order to eradicate extremism influencing young people we need to look for ideologists what do you know who these ideologists are and what it is that makes their ideology so appealing to young people and i think. we know over eighty such ideologists in our republic and i want to emphasize that it eight. special services are working with these ideology is we're talking to them spiritual leaders were authorities including me and the council of tapes are all working with them so they're not hiding anywhere and you know them you know they're not hiding but what do you mean
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when you say special services are working with them to they use intimidation i mean crime prevention analyzing the are teaching us reading between the lines. you see it's not like a person opens a school for terrorists and people come to him you know they just teach scripture and people come to them for counseling or psychological help. but if you listen to what they see and we know that from our undercover agents there is nothing stream missed on the surface but we see that most of those who join terrorist groups and became suicide bombers were first instructed. why these ideologists. of course it could be that not all of these eight ideologists influenced people this warning them five or six of them could be ok but two or three of them definitely have this kind of influence. do you know any of these people personally or you yourself ever met any of these eight with you'll get.
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not only do i know them i talk to each one of these eight. so you have a dialogue with people who basically recruit bandits when you go in for well we can't say they recruited bandits you have to realize that extremism is hidden deep in their teaching and they're all religious leaders writing from yes we're the most part of what we can only suspect the police some of poured in instilling extremist ideas through a person goes through several stages you see as a young boy become an extremist intimidation money and religious convictions of these three things which are this so their religious ideology just teaches things in his words strength in the other two factors your intimidation and money. and that's why when we talk to those ideologists we ask them to change their math and
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so for teaching. and also to pay closer attention to their students they're going to do this if. how do you view these ideologists you for you put you as the head of the republic for are they enemies or just political opponents. they're not my enemies and they're not my political opponents they're just people who think they do their work don't you do you respect them. well at least i can say i don't hate them but i have to admit i don't have much respect for them either that. is just that we could have used the gift. and methods and tool harshly with them right but you prefer to be soft but i understand the harsh methods one get us anywhere and if we remove these people others will take their place with the best ways to change them encourage them to teach differently or change their mindset.
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let them know that we are aware of what they are doing because when we just tell them that they teach an extremism they deny everything when they're with so instead we give them the numbers see eight i don't know you or ten students became bandits . was made of this city of course until recently and even guess today i think we were getting reports that the head of the terrorist underground. of the boat who is only most wanted list who was hiding somewhere in europe the public told me that this wasn't confirmed does this mean he has left in good shape here and the police couldn't catch him you know. what we know is that here rarely goes down into the valley he has camps somewhere up in the mountains on the border. we know about some of these camps but he was able to escape before we got to hamburg where they're from and so forth we don't have positive information that he's in our republic and
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it hasn't been confirmed just yesterday we discussed this and it hasn't been confirmed yet or it doesn't matter actually where exactly he is he's and it usually are anyway and we often say so of course it would be better if he realized the gravity of his actions and if least persuaded he's associates to turn themselves in and go back to normal life even if he himself cannot do that. as a possible. while if it's some point he said it's to become a criminal maybe he can also change his mind now. after all people do think about the afterlife. only about this life here and now thanks for this post says eunice becky of course to add russia's southern republican. spotlight will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us we'll continue in less than a minute. i
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. will explain briefly. clue.
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the key sports is political in ways we don't often even notice especially on the level of culture where our ideas and attitudes as a society are shaped look. these are the times between for sustenance and paul in the u.s. military have existed since the start of the n.f.l. back in nineteen twenty that relationship limits least during the one two and today that is stronger than ever to see what. we are incentives to kill kill kill kill kill kill it look at the history of the sports it's never just something that we just. and sports always had an important social function and the history of american sports is no different.
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welcome back to spotlight i'll do you know and just to remind you that my guest in the studio today is eunice becky of court of head of the russia's southern republic of english. it's your second time on our show and just before our previous meeting which took place about fifteen months ago you fired your public minister but he said i should go. and the reason was corruption and poor economic results this time again just before this meeting you fired prime minister . and in the cases where there was no prior indication no it was coming to a point that i didn't see any reports saying that he didn't perform or he didn't cope with his job or that he had a conflict with you what was the reason for this decision that it should be first of all it had nothing to do with my coming to your show i did t.v. had nothing to do with it otherwise i won't come here again well that's
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a joke of course there is a big difference between these two as a nations because the latest resignation happened for a much more pleasant reason aleksey what are your fears my very good friend and colleague and he worked really hard he was a great help and the only reason for his resignation is that he's taking up another position so that was rather his wish. he received an offer and we discussed it with him i think it is good to show understanding when you have to let someone go. is currently acting prime minister is your former finance minister right will he be offer to take. the pm post not necessarily that's because we are considering a few candidates now. please comment on another personnel decision i quote the endless judicial qualification committee has disbarred deputy chairman of the supreme court there were death of. that mr though durga of explains
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his resignation by claiming that you personally put pressure out of it in other words he uses your meddling and judicial affairs. comments on these accusations. nor sort of the record well first of all he's not the deputy chairman he's just a regular member of the republic supreme court second i don't have time to comment on such statements i have far more important things to do with the third i didn't hear him say i only saw that reported on the internet fourth and this is the most important thing judge who publicly criticise the head of the republic can no longer function as a judge he has no legal right to do this if he were to do this i think that this supreme court of the russian federation would have to address this because they have no right to criticise in the head of the republic i didn't hear this either i just read it but the right is just something that some person wrote so i can
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a comment on this. and this is what's your general opinion on your republic's judicial system. are you happy with it i know that only a small number of cases result in a guilty verdict. that would go on and frankly i was not happy with it until recently now we have a new chairman of the supreme court and i'm sure that the situation will improve with the main thing i was unhappy with was not corruption bribes or anything like that is that it was too soft you says hoagie for no that's not what i was unhappy with. i was unhappy with the fact that judges could disqualify themselves from a case if they thought it was too dangerous. and so it happened that all the judges in the republic would simply disqualify themselves. so say twelve defendants who were found guilty and sentenced to long terms by the petty gore score it was good
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of their all inda sure they committed crimes and their guilt was proven but i'm sure that had they been tried in bashir they would have received a much shorter term. i'm not saying that the judges in this terrible region were biased all i'm saying is that english judges had no moral right to disqualify themselves because they were good they rescue themselves because they fear good bench and what they claimed that they feared for their lives when i told them look police officers and you can get killed does this mean they shouldn't be doing their job or that i can get killed does this mean i should do nothing but. well if judges have concerns about their safety maybe it's not the fault of the judiciary perhaps is the fault of the law enforcement system. because billy's can't ensure their safety. no it's not like that anymore if you think your job is not see fit or that
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your safety is not properly insured you should resign and get another job where you know there were some good for nothing. if government officials all come up with excuses and see they could get murdered so i can provide for you border guards for everyone in your republic even the president can get killed as your own experience indicates with but this didn't send us running and hiding right of course border guards in an armored car and yet you barely survived. but i have hundreds and thousands of policemen who do their duty there standing all alone in the street with anyone can shoot them i have. where it's you ma'am i have local officials they all do their work we can't offer protection through judges alone but with most of the judges who would recuse themselves but i'm sure it the new chairman of the supreme court who shares my views on the issue will improve a situation or national issue not long ago you said quote. is in
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desperate need for new qualified workers with fresh i.d.'s with up to date knowledge and training and capable to use cutting edge technology unquote this produced quite a stir and in the shed here some people fear that you're preparing for a major reshuffle of your stuff. as that's true and you know it's not exactly like that with the let me put it this way. we do need a young blood but not in the top echelon. it seems to us after some analysis that we've done and they're familiar lashon on which is actually the most important one you consist of people aged fifty or sixty or even seventy years and quite often these older people are not quite open to new and daring ideas
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which i think it was so we thought it all over and we discussed it. and eventually we decided to refresh the middle ashleigh because i've noticed with the. there's a little bit of we do have more young people to prepare the next generation bride to him more young people. of this also back in two thousand and ten i wrote told gov sas them to put two or three local english residents on their staff but if you want to do so now we have more than fifty young specialists working in a regional administrations all over the russian federation. you know so until three years we expect them to maybe come to our republic and they will come as experienced workers out of the gutter. there is good news with according to all the reports industrial production public has risen by ten or even twenty percent
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which industries are developing. you know. frankly we have no big industrial enterprises almost none of it and we decided not to purchased ecology from outside instead we use our local designers for we are now good at developing break production also quarrymen and food production which although we don't have big factories or only small companies. it was in that with and we still are in municipal administrations to purchase food products directly from those companies that this helps us avoid it middlemen and high prices. and eventually things got moving our people began to work better and. you know when i met with them or put in a year ago the first thing he said was that our industrial production was in
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decline. or that but i can tell you that this year alone with thanks to the federal program we're going to launch it polymer production of them go in to revive it for two factories. brickyard and another one. speaking you're meeting with wouldn't you sad at it that the problem of unemployment remains very serious you said the task would be to decrease down employment trade by fifteen or twenty percent however so far it's been nearly forty percent why is this something that puts investors off. and it's rather a question of our failure it seemed to me to the plans that we had made with the cake anomic going to not only konami but also social. in terms of employment and considerable money was allocated to levy attention on the labor market but. from our mistakes in taking advantage of the new facilities that we are
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going to launch what would you hope to improve the situation for us and what and secondly we are creating new jobs in health care and education alone we're creating more than six hundred jobs by launching new facilities and we are planning to increase the number up to two thousand. by the end considering the programs for a tension on the labor market in supporting individual and small business sense of prize at the end. taking into account the labor force that we had not considered earlier i mean some of the to taxation when we were planning to bring this figure up to fifteen percent he answered she was a situation where being a bandit will not be the best way to make money at it. you know this theory that people become bad it's because of unemployment is not true not anymore it was false all along. when we analyze our statistics we see that those who are arrested or
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killed or are in hiding and ninety percent have good jobs they have received good education and they came from families that were far from poor so you can say that only poor or unemployed people become terrorists most of the bandits are quite reach you but disposition spicey but thank you thank you very much for being with us and just to remind you that my guest in the studio today was eunice vecchi of course a hero of the russian federation head of russia's southern republic english and i think for now from all of us here we'll be back with more firsthand comments on what's going on in and out third russia until then stay on i t and take care i said but it's the country.
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home. from.
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india all she's available to.


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