tv [untitled] March 19, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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pleasures and i would print certainly the splined entire truth wins if you tell me what your religion is a good girl would international floods achieve every green laurel for chill in talk and. if you just joined us a warm welcome this is our t. live here in moscow breaking news this hour a multinational force launched a series of strikes against gadhafi forces as they begin patrolling the skies of libya to enforce the u.n. sanctions no fly zone and even government reports there have been civilian casualties one hundred twelve cruise missiles are being launched from american and british ships and submarines in the mediterranean twenty sides. world powers meeting in paris agreed to use all necessary military means to stop any aggression by colonel gadhafi. also reporting russia says the decision to
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militarily intervene in libya is regrettable it's called the end of bloodshed in the country and urged gadhafi forces and the rebels to hold. on the news continues with my colleague sean thomas he'll be here in this in half an hour from now in the meantime we'll bring you. special reports and this is james brown's adventure as he travels hundreds of kilometers south of moscow to check out the historic city of over on the edge. the room this is a russian city on the drawings sitting near the ukrainian border in the country's southwest it's a regional capital with a thriving business community and student population. terms of nearly one million people it's a place of innovation research the procession. in the last few years an influx of cash has completely modernized the city center and
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there are plenty of fashionable mutex and cafes standing alongside british is ground on. the towering over the mood was the stunning enunciation cathedral the third largest church in russia finally reopened in two thousand and nine after eleven years of rebuilding with a brand new six ton bell calling the city to worship and that was a pretty good advertisement for one local company. and oh really slow you know it's a reason to slow the good see what you make yeah yeah so we were always well. let's go i will show you that system. and belief spells certainly made a name for itself our foundry was found in thousand nine hundred ninety one my father you see this family you know my business. and today our wedding biggest that we go through and so in the world we produce every year approximately
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two hundred tons but this global domination has come on the back of an toilet traditional bell making techniques. this is our watches so. this all step of making the else i hear will make the friends bags icons and scrapes and then pull them all on the fourth of the full value. i feel we make we only peel off all plants. we need since again i am that that's me gaps every hour every hour.
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some heavy duty safety gear because the furnace is permeated the one thousand celsius only two thousand five hundred. is some recycling in action for. the current here of old soviet kopek hope that there are cells made to make a little contribute to the filmmaking process. this is the most spectacular and certainly the most dangerous part of the whole process this revolt crucible is filled with most of the bronze busy you can see. it's going to go over here. them in their cases well but. once it's funny and position the finer the liquid is ready to fly. you can see the soup of copper and
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skin all this most in bronze being poured into this huge coal stead that's going to take a round about a week to cool down before the whole thing can be taken outside of the next stage of the process begins. so that the workers really get to shake things up a bit. i think about how we've embraced. the thing. to see you have seen a. few. of the process is still far from over a newborn bell needs to be washed to remove any traces of clay and is then sand blasted and polished to give it a match surface. of the other finished products ready to begin their journeys to churches and temples across the globe including one six hundred fifty
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kilos monster. ok so i don't know i can leave russia's biggest foundry without seeing what its biggest bell sounds right here again. were after all the fire and brimstone it seemed like a good time to clear my head so i ventured down to the riverside to meet another group of local craftsman curtis was historically famous as a ship building city in fact it's where emperor peter the first built the country's very first navy now those days may be long gone but greatest is love the pope's is still alive and well. even if these british ship builders are working on a slightly smaller scale. eagle has run the city's model boat club for more than fifteen years teaching the next generation to take to the will to waste from
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submarines to warships there's a huge number of models for the children to work on and with a championship winning replica proudly on display plenty to aspire to as well. this model is taking part in a national championship is won the cup that you can see over there this model of a cannon boat has taken coast into world championships and the european competition . comes luckily for me they don't mind the big kids having to. allow for. both. is left to. the boats are all remote controls and after a quick lesson from eagle we were out on the open water full steam ahead.
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for i guess it's not exactly sailing around the horn but they also allow for is negotiating the british canal with christmas just deficiency. of course it's never good to get too complacent about these things i was about to find out some trauma here was the sole focus from its difficulties on the move so we have to move to rescue mission but thankfully even here in the middle of russia the u.s. navy is on hand to save the day go boys. to get close to. us all through little ineffectual nudging it became clear that more drastic measures were required. so sometimes. even the minds of america is not enough and. ok boys. stranded ship back to school but understandably eagle and co workers let me listen
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to any more of their precious books so i went off in search of some of the most robust time they watch and the onus is no shortage of. blood is a sculpture in copenhagen and no project is too big or too strange to take home. ok from the old fantasy forest creature has a workshop full of beautifully crafted pieces from a wild or tablecloth to an eagle embossed coat rack so to. but of course each piece has to start somewhere. something like this i feel it's perfect play with power tools i love it. that was
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going to give me a quick course in woodwork when i warm and that meant getting hold of a chisel. i was wiggling away on vlad's mera i couldn't help thinking back to the piece i'd seen out on the street. we might be able to do something similar. to rejoin have a go one of the biggest culture. let's go show you you. the man told me some eighty miles in the woods but when i arrived he was nowhere to be seen. by leaps and walked for what seemed like hours my mind started playing tricks on me. why couldn't the i build peaceful never risen kodak's why should other people be
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able to scull to not me it was in fact. live and now somebody was going to pay me. that night. james. let me show you how to do it. it seems lot of narrowly avoided the road rash chainsaw massacre fronts the varanus train so on festival was just about to begin. some long run. there's nothing subtle about this form of sculpture and maps suited
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me down to the ground and once i sliced off the bit here in the cloud starting work on freeing the statue from the tree trunk and it was long before something with a wintry feel to it began to take shape. so the cool coffee at five and hopefully you can make out a beautiful family penguin portrait here. lessons without will. with most of those who are leaving glad to put the finishing touches to a run talk to friends i headed back into the city to visit some more crossman working on a slightly larger scale. one company bigger better than the largest employer in the city the territory is boss and the product they make just about fits. in that. this is the cross production association surface. and inside this time six prime new i am one
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forty eighth's of mind for space. there ukrainian jet plane that's been around since two thousand and seven each one is worth around twenty five million dollars and musses aiming to produce fifty of them by two thousand and thirteen. bucks dupont's we're going to have to considerably speed up production and that's where these cars coming. into this program is helping to develop a new image of money fracturing system more than fifteen thousand different items need to go into the system the most information goes straight to the production plant. each employee looks off to one station but the new multimillion dollar equipment because they have less to do than ever before. still idea about sexuality is changing this was a few years ago i'm out of a scene right bats would have taken around
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a hundred hours to make this beautiful piece of plane. but nowadays i've got these big automated drills. and they can do them in what. i now saw it i got to take a look at the finished film school. this is what a brand new plane looks like the seats some business clothes and then sixty in a color me. in the case of the exit so here comes here. but of course the really impressive stuff is in the cockpit right under straight into the captain's chair here. feel very important the controls but fully inflated it is like everything yeah great. the planes have only been in
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service since two thousand and nine when move in two hundred orders worldwide the people of france so busy few years ahead of them. so that's what six weeks work the ten of thousand people looks like one a wonderful rates may be coming to an ass trip the. pm one forty eight may already be flying around russia but i wasn't ready to catch a lift back to moscow just yet there was plenty more i wanted to see in the row nish before i got into the. hungry for the full stop we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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you know just quickly about his household the people who work autists industrialists and taken a look at both large and small businesses and there's a real energy that everyone seems to share so i was wondering how do people blow off steam here but it seems quite a few take a trip to the local schools for. whites just because i'm going to have a go at the russian game apparently it requires playing speak lightly reflexes the nerves of steel. and a healthy can catch bits of. blood ties normally play outside on a huge pitch this version unfortunately for me is apparently a great deal for. my. point. as a game is played in jules verne next meal up to
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a version of the russian game as well so this one is more dynamic and interesting than one played out dualistic wash of the. it seemed like a cross between baseball crickets and. there were plenty fings i have to remember. the purpose of the game is to score as many points as possible as a supposed to get to the audience or the beyond that line and come back. so he. is not supposed to be on the sidelines. get six shots if you got a rule seems simple enough now i just have to learn what makes a great laptop pinch hit. this is wrong this position you hit if you stay on this ok this is very technical i think i may just go for the hated and hope technique for seemingly flexibility may be the key so this game. just loosened on is the best heavy duty as it. is just killing my back. then like
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a coiled spring i unleashed my first shots. but here we go. i just totally took out the referee. as a clean hit you know would be sorry. i'm going to have like no friends but it's the. same me amazingly officials wasn't the best way to begin my laptop career my new teammates didn't seem to mind and it wasn't long before i was up the nutrients he. was two points why think i might be out because i go cause i'm not sure. i'd leave the blinding speed my deserts me a few years back. the sidesteps know what it was. i wasn't exactly sure what the final school was but the
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ghost said the same time. but. most of the close victories that i decided it wouldn't hurt to get in a little practice and trying to get to know my teammates a little faster too. money was not exact i was good at it once you do i study a good section and this is interesting it's very interesting i can take you in an excursion if you like yeah that'd be great. bruce has an excellent reputation in russia as a university city and the next day i met up with max outside the architectural faculty. and it sounds like studying here is no picnic. well james this is my university it's actually. the first year was the most difficult one to many subjects that we had to. study professional stuff you. everything related to
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construction will be. pretty intense stuff this is a six year cools and students can choose halfway through three want to specialize in architecture or construction the process of around twenty people taking lessons in court basics but also getting a chance to put their imaginations and action. gosselin to think about this beauty james get this the city isn't it yeah it's where our nation and buzzing builders have a chance to examine materials they might use and down in the department labs you can do just about. so if you're involved in construction it is vitally important to know how strong your using are so in the name of science we must sacrifice this block of concrete. and then we went. around a minute later the results were in. a. way forward. very
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low experiments so you go reading here of four hundred one killer newtons so that means that our concrete can take forty tons worth of weight discovering russia does physics school's out for the day i'm all marks went off for a lot to rematch we have a slightly unusual appointment keep thirty three so broad is so obviously seems to be homes and very clever people but. this one guy who says he's working on something really. wants me here in the middle of the. anybody.
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as. for me i was exactly. was the soup. i think the kid stuff. you know i'll show you and apparently it's based around this mysterious black box in the middle of the room. uses water and that's enough. once it's reached its limits. and we were ready to go. press the. james. magic check this out. this is constantine's police reserve and it's a three d. holographic projection. these accusers of us racing just critics like you is
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creating a mist then special fans and pipes blowing directly up with. the perfect as it's in its head. and that reflects. the. i wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be constantly tickets for the big time. so you've put together mr protect a little bit of logic and this is what you get i'm thinking that i'm not the only person. that's going to blow away. i was running. and it was one of the places i still needed to check out but luckily for me doing things quickly has no problem for these guys. as one of those
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reassuring. russia decades it's been chugging down the nation's roads doing nothing very spectacular but that's no particularly exciting so here in the road as a group of people who like to take their lot. into. tinkering that's where eagle comes from. we are training for competition. here you can see our professional racing team. but i think we'd better start with the garridge. shall we go. do your and his friends a serious rally drivers to be competitive need a complete overhaul. if we're going in the only cars of a different class which. is very good performance in terms of speed i'm over the moon and the wheel can be removed in no time. but if the car has an all wheel drive
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and the. thousand five hundred fifty horsepower. even if we take it to european championships and the rover on final misses the steering column in case of an accident the wheel touches which helps keep the pilot safe and. those reassuring safety features surely even a novice racer hausler. most of the common drive is of course you can go for that you will need to go through a brake training exercise ok lesson thought. so this looks like your average lot of evil at following driving around moscow for instance and the difference is that but one would take you about eight seconds to get snow at sixty this want to do it in three point eight. m. to probably do the security system is
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a little slow. and once i was securely behold him it was time for a quick purchase goods. plus. side lisa cad software. plus one single thing on the truck i was ready to put my supra laws up to a profit just please. him. i'm sorry. like this i know that's right. somehow i have taken the lead but then from out of nowhere.
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subsidies sunsets with. technology issues. and then finally a long straight saloons ahead of me. ok so i didn't have a look at a low point the same way again. it would be. ok i'll go. that route to go to into the up. or get back to the last. thing i might visit. it's to look to feel inspired after spending some time in verona sure this is
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