tv [untitled] March 20, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report on r.g.p. . the arab league criticizes strikes in libya as a multinational force launches an aerial offensive against gadhafi forces with dozens reported killed. as bins national community steps up if it's to stop production in full says if you need it was hanging up with the answer to his nation to defend itself i'm going to see them in the capital city of tripoli join me in a few moments from will lead mosco calls for an end to what it terms an indiscriminate use of force by foreign policy in libya and calls for military action to remain within the parameters of the u.n. resolution. and america says its role in the military intervention in libya will be limited but that's not stop comparisons to the beginning of the two thousand and
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three iraq invasion. whole show the majority of americans oppose the u.s. involvement in the intervention for more on this join me guy needs to take down in just a few minutes. seven pm in moscow good to have you with us here on r t our top story the arab of the arab league has criticized international strikes against targets in libya following reports of dozens of civilian deaths the organization was seen as key to gaining international support for the u.n. back no fly zone america says u.s. and allied forces have now halted an offensive by colonel gadhafi forces against rebels in benghazi but fighting is still being reported elsewhere archies policy or has the latest from tripoli. we are hearing reports of new airstrikes that are being carried out on the ground we're also hearing reports that military planes are
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being loaded with weapons at american bases in italy and that which is planes are on their way to libya now the american army has come for that if trucks some forty conventional bombs from b. two stealth bombers not yet clear what was the exact target of those bombs but certainly amongst them was libyan airfields were also being told that western look conason satellites off only keeping an eye on the southern part of the city of set where there are ten tons of mustard gas now the american army has said that the first phase of this operation is complete it says it is well satisfied that a no fly zone is firmly in place that there hasn't been any libyan helicopters or aircraft in the skies indeed that there hasn't even been an attempt to take them out into the skies at this stage there are five countries that are involved the united states britain france canada and it to be the united states remains at the helm it's a focus at the moment is to completely destroy all this is to
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a missile defense systems belonging to the gadhafi regime and at that stage it will hand over the reins of power to the coalition forces we are hearing reports that on the ground of heavy clashes intense shelling in the city of misrata which is some two hundred kilometers to the east of the capital tripoli this fighting has been ongoing for at least three days now now it's impossible for us to independently verify this we've been trying to reach the city for moving to tweets but it is in clamp down government forces have prevented any kind of movement in and out but i've heard this is on the ground are saying one thing that a massacre was on the boat that government tanks are in the center of the town and that they completely demolishing it we are also hearing from state television that the number of civilians who have been killed in these waste and it is strikes has not increased from forty nine to sixty four and a hug. and fifty people the main engine some of the questions that are being asked
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here on the ground i'm number one why is the fighting in misrata being able to continue why is there not more focus by the international community in terms of what is happening there and also the growing tally of civilian deaths how many more people are going to have to die if the situation here comes to an end gadhafi spoke for about fifteen minutes it was actually his face that we saw but rather the image of a gold dust that was crushing an american michael kate his tone was incredibly defiant incredibly angry he urged the libyans to defend ansel's and the understanding that he will be opening we houses to make ammunition and guns and weapons available to the civilian population and that is maybe as one million libyans could very soon be arming themselves he also said that this was an act of terrorism to close he said we will not leave we will stay and middleweights our country now we're also hearing from the taliban as can be expected they have condemned this international reaction to what is happening here in libya they have urged the islamic world not to remain
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neutral but to step up and do something. called on coalition forces to refrain from using indiscriminate force in libya are here all over is outside russia's foreign ministry brings us the details the latest statement that's be released by the russian foreign ministry the ministry says that it's well accepted will for military force to be used for anything other than the protection of civilians in libya they also called them they see is the indiscriminate use of force by coalition there you know here that foreign ministry statement. we strongly called upon the relevant states to stop the indiscriminate use of force we believe it is unacceptable to use the mandate laid out in resolution nine hundred seventy three by the security council a passing of which was rather ambiguous for purposes which are obviously beyond its provisions which were to protect a peaceful population all the same income to need to say that the foreign ministry here in moscow has received reports that dozens of civilians were killed in schools
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wounded in those attacks and from boats from ships stations in the mediterranean they also said that they've received information that no military targets have been hit in these attacks on saturday night these include a medical facility as well as roads and bridges now russia has been against the use of force by foreign powers in in the libya situation is pretty to be called for dialogue and not military intervention circular for all of the russian foreign minister is in the region at the moment this is part of a a double headed visits to to two of libya is very close neighbors to egypt and then to algeria well of course the it's inevitable that the situation in libya will play a part in not missed a lot of it was initially in those two countries to discuss bilateral trade and
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other talks between russia and egypt and algeria recourse the with them bordering libya the situation in that country will be watched very very closely and inevitably as i say play a part in missed all of those visits to those two countries. for more analysis on the situation in libya we go live with even lamanna chicago based radio host of a political talk show. would have you with violence raging elsewhere in the region for example in bahrain and yemen why is libya getting all the attention. well it really is going to be a tension because america supports them or a key member or a support circle isn't star in yemen but is not support because it is very ironic because around two thousand and three. established reproach and what washington relations will be hidden meetings with u.s. officials including secretary of state clinton who were present very warm as for
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the un peacekeepers seeming him because what's going on now was playing many months in advance and military each minute like america undertakes does not establish it isn't planned we police in advance this was planning months in advance of europe which spirit targets to pick out your troop deployments and there's no massaging of public opinion in america preparing the us public for america. to go war illegally this is needed a gracious against another country but the american people at the beacon theist's it is humanitarian intervention so seeing the rain if i just up if i could just jump in you don't think that this is an organic outgrowth of the other our prize things that are going on in the middle east region you think this is something that the united states has planned for months absolutely nothing to do with. the other
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upright it's a very legit egypt yemen. today evens out your ears if you hear very little about it in the us media but libya is all over the media and has been for weeks libya gadhafi is targeted for removal so used to be. another program so it would be nice and easy to get me. through lots of day in the region but to look up. the ones that are washington favorites good no criticism and if you wish me to. be no reporting about them so we're a saudi and yemen converted civilians just killed dozens of beers or go the same thing going on in group or a saudi troops coming murdering civilians occupying the country is barely noticed in the west no longer reach from the outrage from hillary clinton got
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a thief who did murder instead of violence suit libya you responded to it you responded see u.s. special forces cia agents british s.a.'s courses going into libya weeks maybe months in advance in listening support i mean them funding them and sending in more of. against the forces that used various call and insurrection no responsible leader could not respond to an insurrection if that happened in america if it happened in russia. you could come to your polls absolutely spot on forcefully as it should get out there that the arab league has not has now said that the campaign in libya has gone beyond what they back you think the multinational forces review their operations taking and taking that into account. well i saw the arab league statement.
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but yes it is. i honestly hate that it's own speech because the arab league all. humanitarian intervention it gets to libya knowing full well the reason nothing works that will claim aren't just in the know you've and it's your intervention go where you want this is needed to grisha they know what to expect when america goes to any sort of intervention what do they expect. no with nothing worse than whatever they knew this was being and now they're complaining about civilian casualties and any sort of classical unit should automatically salute civilian casualties it did at least since i don't think it discovered a little bit three hospital to hospital all right i
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think we've lost the link there we've been hearing from stephen lemon a chicago based radio host of a political talk show thank you. u.s. cruise missiles are at the leading edge of the offensive in libya despite president obama promising that america's role would be limited he also promised no u.s. ground forces would be deployed though some are already pointing to similarities with the invasion of iraq in two thousand and three or he's got a sticky on has the latest from washington. if you watch american television you get the impression that america's involvement is a really good thing and that there was no other option but intervention but if you look at the polls the majority of americans of polls the u.s. involvement in the intervention fox news sixty five percent they're already unhappy that their government is spending their tax dollars in inconclusive wars in iraq and afghanistan and adding one more hot spot is the last thing they want to fishel here promise it's going to be a fast war of on the set that there will be no u.s. troops on the ground could act as military is no match for the capabilities of the
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coalition forces it took just hours to cripple his air defenses u.s. has launched missiles from its war ships and submarines in the mediterranean targeting added his air defense systems and clearing the sky to get out he is not able to shoot down any planes that the coalition forces earlier french warplanes have carried out the ground forces there have been reports of civilian casualties here by those attacks there are lots of questions as to how long the operation is going to last also as to the limits of the intervention will be will it be enough for the coalition forces to just bizarre him could elfie or will they go beyond their call and what will be the outcome those are the questions everybody is asking and the wording of the united resolution that was passed on thursday he's basically all inclusive short of occupation the official purpose of the intervention is protecting civilians from gadhafi to tax but what everybody is talking about is the shooting down from the office fighter bombers and attacking other military assets
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is one thing it was authorized by the resolution but arming the rebels for example is something very different egyptian military began shipping arms over the border to leave rebels and injured soldiers in those very much influenced by launching those so it's not just the canal the army versus polish forces but the fear is that it's going to turn into a full fledged civil war and that these arms supplies could even further inflame the situation is. army and the other side of the conflict usually result in more deaths and destruction the u.s. is very careful not to. here is the driving force behind the military actions also the fact that president obama did not interrupt his trip to latin america also kind of indicates that he doesn't want to be seen as the man in chief of this whole thing the leaders of the coalition forces stressed again and again is that it's not just western powers going to war in libya but that they have the support of the arab league as well but it was just heard at the head of the arab league criticized the international strikes because they show civilians they say the military operate our operations have gone beyond what the arab league backed what happened differs
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from the no fly zone objectives and they're also saying saying what we want is to be aliens protection not civilian deaths so you actually for. oh for western powers to coalition forces it was really very important we wanted very much of arab countries assistance so that it doesn't appear as if it's just the west cracking down on yet another arab nation but with this criticism coming from the arab league it would be quite difficult to count on the arab league for their support. let's get more perspective on the situation in libya from diana johnston a political writer good to have you with us so gadhafi is gone back on his word and continued military action against his own people don't you think that in some way he justifies intervention. of course not i mean against his own people this is a civil war which part of his own people are you talking about i mean that that that that is simply can't tell me that the real concern here is about the people of
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libya. i want to point out a few things one thing is that the whole notion that you have a resolution to protect civilians by calling in nato is absurd nato is not equipped to protect civilians and nato is predicted to bomb them to send cruise missiles what nato does and the united states does what it's equipped to do and it is not equipped to protect civilians if the new united nations had wanted to protect civilians they would have sent in a neutral observation team there could have been very rapidly from different neutral nations to find out what was really going on on the ground because in fact we don't know what is really going on the ground there had been reports of atrocities if there were proof and photos of those atrocities committed by the the regime i think we'd be seeing them every hour on the western television screen
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we're not seeing them and so i am not sure that that is really the case of course now there will be atrocities and now there will be just because nato is involved and that always brings about i trust well this is a really need or whatever right now i would say u.n. involvement and you have you where certain friends see you as u.k. nato is the united states nato is the united states with the others there as cover who are getting in and strutting around and looking important like the french basically nato is is is the united states and its satellites and do you think there is any other way to oust gadhafi because he himself says that he'll fight until the last drop of blood well now he certainly will because of precisely what is happening i mean you have made him impossible to. get out because they have said instead of saying from the start that could articulate resign away ben ali or or mubarak did this is he is the only thing that we could do is send him to an
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international criminal court and blah blah blah and all that so he isn't corner he has no way out and so of course he's fighting back i say from the very start if people cared about peace and i don't think that's what they cared about and i don't get into that it's with the what's really behind it they would have the united nations has now completely disgraced itself to my mind because it is supposed to be a peacekeeping operation and it showed to keep peace first of all have to know the fact they had to stand in neutral observers they've refused to do that instead of that they send of nato which cannot possibly. protect civilian lives it's naive to think that i mean a lot of people fallen for that i think it's like you're ignorant by stern and by calculation of another but the no fly zone you see already they've gone beyond that they always go beyond whatever excuse they give the get to start military action
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now you wrote almost like that you wrote a book on iraq operation in yugoslavia do you think we're seeing parallels between what went down there and what's going on in libya yes indeed because what is similar is you have internal problems in a country. you had the albanians in kosovo who were separatists from. yugoslavia and you have. you have eastern libya which is always going to want different from west you have you have to a graphic in order ethnic splits in which are historic and libya and. these are being exacerbated from the outside and this is a pattern which is extremely dangerous once you get an internal. armed rebellion because remember the rebellion in libya unlike the demonstrations in egypt and in tunisia was present even the start you have an army of
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a billion naturally you tell me what country what it is an armed rebellion doesn't try to repress it and immediately the repression is denounced as violation of human rights or even genocide and that's the excuse for the united states and nato to intervene they have their own motives for that but they will use that and they can do it anywhere they can do it and you see this is a very different interest president because it can be used against any country whose regime the united states and its allies don't like and in the real objective is regime change or right on a johnston thanks for a perspective i have a lot. so i we have to leave it there. british forces joined the action in libya from the very beginning and submarines and fighter jets carried out multiple strikes against gadhafi forces our correspondent laura reports on what the u.k. public thinks about being involved in another conflict. what we heard before this
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started and what has actually happened now there's quite a big difference both in what's actually happened down in in the perception of the no fly zone sounds to your mind on the street like a relatively low key thing it just sounds like people won't be allowed to take take off planes but of course i think people didn't fully understand was that in order to stop it after these planes taking off from would actually have to shoot them down and certainly what we've seen so far in this military intervention and we should remember this is only just the beginning is one hundred cruise missiles fired at the u.s. it dropped forty conventional bombs on libya the u.k. alone they have fired missiles launched from submarines which are currently stationed off the coast of libya and we've also seen bombing from the sky from tornado jets which were flown all the way from the u.k. people are staying on the street why are we going to libya when we're not going to other places that is seeing large scale civilian casualties caused by governments and civil war we're seeing
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a lot of casualties thousands of casualties in the ivory coast where of course the main export is not spoiled but in fact cocoa and there are there's also been an extremely serious situation going on in some years in somalia and the situation continues that's very volatile again no intervention from from the u.k. or from the u.s. and of course given the general economic backdrop that we see here people are talking a lot about the cost of war they have their government saying repeatedly over a series of months we have got no money we've got no money for pensions we've got no money for public sector wages for higher education the cost of which is gone up by by three fold and yet the government has seemed to be willing to get involved and yes you know the war is seemingly at the top of the hearts in even after defense cuts have been made in the u.k. william hague the foreign minister has come out and said that there will still be the u.k. will still have the fourth largest military capability in the world to british people are also worried about what's become known as mission creep happen. didn't
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wrong it happens in afghanistan two wars in which pretty streets were involved no one period of time again it was it greed that what was happening was that was going to establish stability and serene so equal distribution of power and plate that hasn't happened yet in either of these countries that will be an antiwar demonstration herron nuns and outside downing street said there is definitely a worry that we see libya i'm stuck in a trance events in that i'm just you know not be able to leave for a period that is there is certainly if they here in the u.k. that this is just the beginning of this intervention. is a recap of the latest developments in libya washington says the u.s. and allied forces have effectively established a no fly zone over the country halting the advance of qaddafi's troops against rebels in benghazi and u.s. france and britain targeted the libyan leader's forces with airstrikes and dozens of cruise missiles the operation followed a summit in paris where twenty two nations agreed to do everything necessary to
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make it off the respect the u.n. security council resolution demanding a cease fire in libya in return khadafi valid a long war against the international coalition and has now promised to arm his people are opening weapons depots libyan officials say at least sixty four people have been killed one hundred fifty wounded in the allied assault the arab league which back to no fly zone over the country has criticized international strikes on libya after it cause civilian deaths. stay up to date with us on the events unfolding in libya on our twitter feed and facebook pages you can check back for all our regular updates at the links to all the latest videos.
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crews have managed to attach power cables to reactors. facility. as the latest. even though they have attached power cables to two reactors reactors one and two there's no guarantee because systems will actually work because they feel the electronics inside those calling comes and they have been damaged in the earth and are all the ensuing explosions at those reactors and so what they're doing is they're not just turning on their interest he just yet because they feel if they do it could mouth function even more in a consummate setting very wary before starting a power to those can't because they really need those comes to work and that's the only realistic way they're going to get the situation under control and the temperatures inside the reactor is that what they're doing in the meantime this still spraying water into the reactors so get our department thirteen hours
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straight two thousand tons of water into reaction number three but there's only so much that can do because already this evening we've heard that the pressure inside reactor number three is increasing again so they're going to have to vent it which means a controlled release of steam but with that release of steam is the escaper radiate radioactive substances as well now as for the radiation in the regions around for now i know that there have been traces the radioactive substances radioactive iodine in fact found in the water systems in a five neighboring greek pictures including in tokyo even says traces of radioactive iodine it's not considered harmful if ingested just yet but what's will bring is that it's there it wasn't there before this disaster happened in fukushima the radiation levels inside the water are considered to be harmful what's in what's also spread to food products from the region to taiwan has just reported that some imported fire bins from japan do contain trace the radiation as well so it's
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a bit of a wind development there and the anxiety now is regarding this radiation has now strains anger on the streets because today five hundred anti nuclear protesters joined demonstration and your antiwar demonstration in tokyo demonstrating against you can. how are they holding blackguards calling for the end of nuclear power in japan they're unlikely to have that demand met at the fukushima plant once the situation is under control will certainly be closed because it's being rendered useless now following the news that the spring of war scene siberia and since rescue operation is still ongoing but it's more of a salvage operation as search operation now because they know obviously the chances of finding people alive are pretty slim as the nine days since the earthquake and tsunami struck how he said that though they've had what's been dubbed a miracle today an eight year old woman and a sixteen year old boy were found alive amongst the rubble in a town in the me aggies prefecture called ishinomaki which was one of the worst hit
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areas so these two people have been found alive now it's been dubbed a miracle because normally with these sort of things these social rescue operations following natural disasters like earth both this incident after seventy two hours pretty unlikely to find people alive five percent survival rate up to ninety six hours he's people survive for more than double that amount and that was even in unseasonably wintry conditions and he said that though the death toll has been steadily rising it's now eight thousand one hundred thirty three and the number of missing is still over twelve thousand. stay with us here on r.g.p. i'll be back and to bring you up to date with all the latest events unfolding in libya in just a few moments. first
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cream remove old cold a clear cut chico the second the explosives are used to blast away deeper than the fear that. hurt the remains are removed by machinery. finally the unwanted soil is deposited in vallecito. modern cuddly on our team. if. russia would be soon which prizes a few more about songs from finest impressions.
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