tv [untitled] March 21, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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remain there reviewed. finally the more the show is because the judge in valley feed. the. u.s. led coalition against colonel gadhafi his forces grows summoning libya with more airstrikes and cruise missiles bombs never gadhafi headquarters in the capital as a supporter of lights up the sky with unsecured cost fire i'm told it's clear and certainly done in just a few moments from all. international calls against the intervention growing louder russia condemns the use of force in libya over sixty people have reportedly been killed by coalition bombs stay with archie for martha. washington maintains its intervention will be limited even though it's behind most of the pain it dropped on the bill is raising fears that america's military presence will have lethal
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consequences for civilians as it did in iraq and afghanistan. also this company's imports get the global cold shoulder off the radiation leak meanwhile the number of dead from the earthquake disaster rises to more than eight down since. and how low will it go the g seven steps in destabilizer following japanese yen mattress i will bring you more from the business. world news twenty four hours a day this is out here on carrots to the u.s. britain and france claim they have succeeded in scattering and isolating the market off its forces after a weekend of strikes the coalition says they have no information to confirm if sixty four people were killed in the government on sunday night's kogut office
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command center in tripoli was destroyed in the targeted attack. is in the capital with more. we are hearing from the pentagon that it is extremely satisfied with the way this operation is so far being conducted its is that gadhafi is increasingly under stress that they have managed to isolate and scatter his forces we're also hearing that washington in a matter of just days will be ready to relinquish control of this whole operation over now the last few hours have been relatively quiet here in the capital city of tripoli the situation remains incredibly tense people are certainly incredibly frightened at around midnight local time there was a whole scattering of fire in the sky in part this is because of anti a car fire that was being fired from the libyan forces and also now we receiving confirmation that a missile hit khan cannot be hearing from allied forces is that it struck the control and control control income on building of his operations that we are seeing international opposition grow it's not only the arab league that is now coming out
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with these conflicting statement that it signed up for the protection of civilians and after the killing of civilians but we also see in countries like russia china latin america demonstrations happening in those countries with people against this operation you need to remember that it was very important for european powers to get the backing of the arab world the understanding now is that their backing might only come from the united arab emirates qatar and possibly jordan and that if their backing comes it will be more in the same financial aid people here on the ground who want to the international community to get involved and i'm talking to specifically about the rebel groups the opposition leaders they would much rather have preferred countries like egypt come into the fore and for this to have been almost like an arab revolution for democracy rather than the intervention of western powers there are very legitimate questions being asked why for example when it's all carried out of a boardman to over gaza in two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine why when was there not a no fly zone imposed by the international communities are those kind of questions
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at the forefront of people's minds and serve me against the backdrop of this growing criticism of this operation most people here to. not really believe the libyan army when it calls for a cease fire there was a cease fire that was announced on saturday and as we saw almost simultaneously there were strikes and to raves and attacks on the grounds taking place via mountain and on sunday night a spokesperson for the libyan army that there would be an immediate cease fire is certainly being greeted with a lot of skepticism on the ground the rebels themselves simply do not believe that the international community has yet to respond but it is important to say that the gadhafi regime is still sticking by its earlier argument and that is that it is it here interests you survive but that it is the rebels at all the ones that are provoking them it is the rebels that are on the offensive and they all the ones who are breaking it the international community is a pains to say that its intention is really to stop the fighting to stop the killing of civilians and that it's not really at this stage trying to get gadhafi out of tower but the criticism against that is well they might strike at his
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compound and the second criticism is also if you do not get the man to step down this kind of impulse a the situation on the ground could continue for weeks if not months. because the reporting that we give us your thoughts. on the libyan. people it's facebook page has surged. to the around the clock not twitter street your opinions of its developments. on this on twitter simply search on the story. e.u. foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss libya from nato has failed to agree on whether to get involved or europe correspondent daniel bushell has more from brussels. well we're now into day three of a two day nato meeting which really tells you everything you need to know that there are growing concerns and divides within nato itself also the community many of which are participating in this nato led operation we first had the imposition
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of a no fly zone which was the original aim which was voted through at the u.n. despite some abstentions from key states and that was to ground colonel gadhafi jets and helicopters then we had the u.s. saying that. he held areas and france is going in very aggressively so we have u.s. military generals boasting about their success is there and that is exposing even more splits within the community here in brussels because you have germany abstaining from the vote also other countries india china russia abstaining from that u.n. vote which was for a no fly zone and now we're talking about going into gadhafi held areas and only now is nato talking about putting humanitarian issues first which was the key of the whole operation for the world community to have turkey which is a very important ally within the european and nato community getting increasingly
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concerned about what is happening in libya the threats of civilian casualties the bombings that are going on there and so we're really seeing here in increasing problems over the whole operation just outside this building there was an antiwar demonstration yesterday the first signs of public rift within the european community we're expecting them over this week today in various parts of europe in london we're expecting this week various antiwar demonstrations if this war there were. intervention public demonstrations. that would stop gadhafi bombing civilian casualties now that we see the reality of what is happening there we're talking. of a second iraq there are ground forces going to be used which wasn't the intention when the un approved this operation but moscow is condemning international coalition air strikes in libya and wants western troops to stop it calls the
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indiscriminate use of force or to use cutting reports from outside russia's foreign ministry. russia has always always states concerns about the possibility of an allied intervention in libya and of course now that that possibility has become a reality russia's grave concerns have been poisoned even more frequently now moving to a condemnation of the violence which the coalition bombings that have already claimed at least sixty civilian lives russia has already expressed its concern that should the bombings continue those numbers of civilian deaths willing created a force that is it not exactly was the one resolution one thousand and seventy three it was focused on one aide spoke of introducing a no fly zone to russia alongside many of its allies within the international community policing grave concerns about the ongoing conflict in libya we know the city lover of the russian foreign affairs minister is in egypt and he is of course
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scheduled to hold a number of top meetings with the various egyptian officials including the interim prime minister and the opposition leader mohamed el baradei who forces the former head of the international atomic energy agency and the question of the ongoing conflict in libya is certainly going to feature prominently on the agenda of the russian foreign minister's visit. we know that egypt has been very cautious about the possibility of an intervention by the u.s. and european allied forces and of course that now the back of the cover reality that you might have some strong opinions on that as well we know that previously gyptian officials have said that the settling in the resolution of this conflict lies solely within libya's hands is something that needs to be resolved domestically you know that's a good level for is also scheduled to meet with the secretary general of the league of arab nations and that meeting is also of course going to be focused on the
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ongoing conflict in libya the arab league states enough. first of all more supported the u.n. resolution and the establishment of a no fly zone over libya would have since raised concerns saying that when they lend their support to the resolution it was with the with the use of preserving civilian lives in libya instead of the subjecting the civilians on the ground to even more danger of course now that that has happened they are very concerned with the coalition bombings that are taking place we know that an emergency meeting of the arab league of member states is scheduled for that question is also going to be discussed others are a point of view shared by many of course in north africa and around the world rushing fluted that the presence of coalition forces in libya could not only prevent civilian casualties or somehow stab eliza just to asia but actually worsen
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the situation not only in libya was in the other african region as a whole but the u.s. as the forefront of the strikes on libya deploy some of its heaviest far apart against gadhafi regime that's despite washington insisting four days of us would really play a supporting role but he's going to church with her experience. the pentagon says they do not rule out more strikes quote if and when the need arises if you watch american television you get the impression that america's involvement is a really good thing and that there was no other option but intervention but if you look at the polls the majority of americans of polls the u.s. involvement in the intervention fox news gives sixty five percent they're already unhappy that their government is spending tax dollars on inconclusive wars in iraq and afghanistan and adding one more hot spot is the last thing they want just this saturday the u.s. shot seventy five million dollars worth of missiles and figure out if your defenses
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officials have promised that it's going to be a fast war obama said that there will be no u.s. troops on the ground but as of now we know that the u.s. contribution in the strikes substantially outweighs all of the coalition forces combined so it's really a hard pass to create a pure insert not being the leading force also the fact that president obama did not interrupt america is also kind of an indication that he doesn't want to be seen as commander in chief of all this pain so it was a very calculated decision you could say speaking of the goals of the intervention in libya as we know is to protect civilians that is the justification but critics say we have to be careful with the official reasoning behind military campaigns and really question more the u.s. for example has a track record of starting military campaigns on false grounds eight years after the beginning of the war in iraq we're getting more evidence of wise told by u.s.
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officials to justify their invasion of the country take a look at this report. air strikes in libya a humanitarian act to protect civilians from a dangerous they cater that's the reason given by the u.s. and its allies for their latest military for e. but when it comes to justifying its wars america has become the nation that cried wolf especially now when one of the key sources use the head of the two thousand and three iraqi invasion has admitted he lied i just wanted to do something for my country so i'm satisfied there is not a teacher there anymore if i must i would do the same thing again i have no regrets rafidah i made a law and i was aka curveball was seeking asylum in germany back in two thousand he told german intelligence that saddam hussein had biological weapons mounted on trucks they didn't believe him and when u.s. intelligence requested his testimony before attacking iraq germany told them he was unreliable but that didn't stop top u.s.
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officials building their case using him and no intelligence of their own we're giving you our faction conclusions based on solid intelligence one of the so-called solid sources was an al qaida suspect who lied under torture to cia allies in egypt about said am's ties with terrorists the other was curveball even now despite all the evidence of lies and deception key players in the bush administration are still in denial about their role in the events saying they were not sufficiently informed or i don't know that would have been a different level in the in a scene that for you they tell you anything good. or bad no i don't know where you're not on the e-mail list today not in their memoirs both collin powell the secretary of state back then and donald rumsfeld the defense secretary effectively dock responsibility and point the blame thing or at others mainly the cia
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specifically george tenet and of this. at the time he said it was there and it wasn't and they believed him because they wanted to invade iraq and colin powell was digging for information of cia headquarters in langley across the river getting forward and it was it wasn't clear he was trying to come up with something because he couldn't find it even after this latest revelation about curveballs lies many western media outlets put the following spin on the story u.s. officials they did not lie they were duped but it really reveals here is actually contrary to the headline that we saw from the guardian which was that the americans were duped somehow by your story and that really isn't a very accurate telling of what happened in that really the cia wanted to be duped if you want to use that word at all but really they were looking for an excuse they found one the man who presented the case for war before the u.n. security council now says he was misled not that he too was part of an orchestrated
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plan to build a case for war no matter the evidence how was he duped so easily. i don't buy a lot of people followed very likely knowing that what they were doing was wrong but they wanted to be. like the power of washington the big job the big fat salary after eight years of embarrassing revelations still no u.s. official has admitted lying and also those who took part in building the case with the iraq war out of my eyes are now off the hook touring the country with their memoirs and saying they were do you let me ask whether they're exoneration and this is my public acceptance speech or bad last. summer. we're turning out to developments in japan where smoke is rising yet again at the
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crippled fukushima nuclear power plant workers have been trying to get power back to restore the cooling systems often asked for and is powerful earthquake they have now been evacuated from the area fresh concerns were radiation leak and a potential nuclear meltdown it's more than twenty one thousand people living there perished on this ng since the earthquake crisis began and that number is still expected to rise furthermore the world bank predicts it will take five years with a print of a cover from the devastation radiation levels have risen and tokyo officials claim they're not falling for everything from the source of the ground and some food products as well as of the regular spread from going to pan floors. in the store experience notes and leading people to think twice before buying japanese governments. as japan works overtime to avert a nuclear meltdown is another crisis in the making maybe maybe think twice second thoughts born of paranoia that radioactive remnants may reach far beyond japan's
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borders how worried about the safety maybe the seafood is safe and radiation pattern of water i would i'm going to be very wary of that quite a while. it's the fear of japanese imports going all the way to the top u.s. regulators have said they will increase screenings of food coming in from the embattled asian nation the european union has warned members to do the same and italy was the first e.u. nation to ban food imports from japan all together in the wake of the nuclear scare it's fueling suspicion that besides the quake the tsunami and the nuclear crisis japan will soon have to deal with another problem becoming a trade pariah. for reasons that may not be entirely radioactive countries all over the world in tough economic times in the store looking for ways to subsidize their own producers world workers and so an incident like the one unfolding in japan gives them quite
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a good reason to do something that they may have been looking to do anyway this is bad for trade made worse for the country itself it's made in japan comes to mean native new nuclear wasteland to consumers in countries like the u.s. we're here in times square and i wanted to come down here because it is where the rubber meets the road as far as advertising in this country and you can really see the brands to play a major role in the united states i wanted to see how many of them were japanese now take a look at this center opposed to advertising for top to bottom you can see so many c.d.k. toshiba all japanese corporations playing a major role in the u.s. i noticed even our camera and my my clip from my microphone are making factory by sony and with the nuclear disaster there is no telling what the board will be on but the manufacturing of companies like this also their brand presence a country like the u.s. and the capital of the navy in japan label that would be concerned about like
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televisions the moments that might carry the radio active materials. and japan's economy will feel it for a long time to its trade suffers. a major blow this is to ride down an already near zero growth rate and if it does that it's going to have bigger effects internal to deploy globally we don't know exactly what those are but they're potentially quite significant significant because in a global economy which made in japan matters for everyone many of the world's cell phones laptops in cars rely on a poxy computer chips or auto parts from the country stoppages in manufacturing and trade consent shock waves through the system likely farther reaching then the radiation itself lauren mr r t new york. with more on all the stories we're covering here at all t. dot com source of the us to have your say plus expert on background analysis of this. knowledge of your struggle or video report showing the breadth of the
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devastation and. also trace the timeline. for all the stories to tell you what's happening on the international space station well watching closely as mankind takes nearly. as a space probe becomes the first man made objects and move. all the details are about see what's called. some of that now are some of the headlines dominating world news right now. and all the vehicles have been deployed in yemen's capital and the senior only come on has defected and joined government protests there's growing pressure for the
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resignation of president his entire cabinet and some are going around saying it's a vote in the wake of a fierce crapped out on a test in. last friday august snipers fired on the crowd killing at least forty five people support continues to rain for the body of dawn a stunning who denies allowing violence oppression. they're willing majority of egyptians have voted for constitutional change in the polls to really prevent you elections changes including limiting presidential terms and outlining the criteria for government candidates saturday's referendum was the first free election in the room of a century opponents of the vote was rushed into the other parties to organize themselves. clashes have erupted between kurdish protesters and riot police during a festival in southeastern turkey stones were hurled at officers and responded with
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water cannon and tear gas came out during the persian celebration to the start of spring which was used by kurds to call for the release of a separatist leader bent on clearing the gardens since a brand was lifted on holding the festival six years ago. north korea has issued a warning to south korea for apparently that u.s. military come close to the money that it accuses them of a provocative act stream of consciousness missions and taking photos which it says could trigger a deadly retaliation tensions have been horrible twenty two countries since then with more tourist running of an island belonging to the south few months ago. well let's check out all the business news now with naturism. thanks for staying with us here on r.t.i. matter as a with your business board in the japanese yen is extending losses after its biggest slide in six months against the dollar on friday the move follows an
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agreement among the world's wealthiest countries to try to control japan's a volatile currency and it's the first time in a decade that g seven nations have jointly intervened in currency markets yen is currently trading at nearly eighty one provider the currency rose strongly after the earthquake struck on march eleventh i expect asian of repatriation flows to japan for insurance and reconstruction costs analysis analysts expect further intervention. so reason why we did see dollar yen being declining below eighty at the exactly to deal with not ration related fears but again it is not there is a level of the year which is decisive year it is the size of the japanese risp reveal that as long as there is risk premium remains elevated you may see for us a intervention in the market my view is a longer term the japanese yen is going to suffer a c. if it currently it is simply dollar to the demographics of its inability to say friend to fund its two hundred twenty three percent of g.d.p.
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sort of a. deficit or debt level. russia will pump more natural gas to europe via pipelines to free up to pasadena for liquefied natural gas deliveries to japan prime minister putin has also invited japanese companies to buy into russia's to richfield their combined gas reserves are higher than the annual global consumption of oil prices are following the u.s. led airstrikes on libya fueling concerns about disruptions to supply brant crude is trading at more than one hundred fifteen dollars per barrel around one hundred three dollars per barrel idlest said expect an increase in demand for oil doesn't work few would be needed for post quake reconstruction in japan. and precious metals continue their bull run as investors seek a financial safe haven amid all of the uncertainty gold is climbing for the fourth day in a row to around fourteen hundred dollars an ounce silver also extending its biggest
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gain for two weeks it's now trading at thirty six dollars an ounce steak a look at how the markets are performing asian shares trading in the black on monday helped by news that japan's nuclear crisis is being brought under control hang saying added more than one per cent banks and property developers on the rise despite bank of china's decision to drain more liquidity from the banking system the nikkei is closed for a public holiday. european stocks are higher on monday helped by those gains in asia the food c. is gaining around one per cent with the dax more than two percent in the black telecom shares are on the rise led by georgia telecom it jumped fourteen percent after a weekend deal to sell its t. mobile y. as a unit to a t. and t. here in russia markets are trading makes this hour the r.t.s. is gaining half a percent but the my sex has slipped into negative territory oil related stocks mostly in the black on stronger commodity prices. russia's second largest oil producer luke oil is gaining half
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a percent rosneft is trading in the black and up by around a third of a percent bucking that trend is the auto industry with russia's largest carmaker for. almost two percent the world's third largest miner rio tinto was eyeing a partnership with russia's diamond producer our rossa to develop a large diamond deposit in the north of the country that's according to the financial times reserves are worth roughly twelve billion dollars as a twenty five percent share in global mining globing global diamond mining. as that for your business update i'll be back next hour with more and you can always find all the latest updates at r.t. dot com slash business.
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