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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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thanks. for the. russia's prime minister slams the u.n. security council resolution on libya as flawed and incomplete i think it resembles a medieval crawled out of the same. legend that was it also raises concerns over the us foreign policy all the details coming out. and foreign forces target the libyan leader stronghold as they continue to harass and strikes which have reportedly killed over sixty people. bombs may have all the death is headquarters in the capital as his supporters like took the sky with and she called fire i'm told us live in something done in just
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a few moments some will. and in other news this hour emergency teams are evacuated from japan's fukushima nuclear site amid fears radiation could spread as smokers feed rising from power lines reactor. it's three pm in tripoli libya it's four pm here in moscow this is our coming to you live let's get straight to our top story the dinner putin has called the u.n. resolution authorizing action in libya flawed saying it resembles medieval calls for a crusade russia's prime minister says foreign forces should not protect one side in what he describes as a political conflict let's get more now from our correspondent catherine mazar of us she joins us live. that's really not one of the reports and didn't hold back obviously about these events in libya tell us exactly what he said. and
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he said russia has always expressed concerns about the current intervention in libya of course for held by u.s. and european coalition forces. but flooding approaches remarks are perhaps the strongest we've heard so far concerning this coalition intervention but it was an slammed of the intervention basically saying that it resembles a medieval course age and that the boundaries of resolution one nine hundred seventy three signed by the un security council are definitely being overstepped. the reserves to the un security council resolution is undoubtedly incomplete and flawed if you look at what it says it becomes apparent that it allows everyone to undertake any actions against a sovereign state it reminds me of a medieval came to go on a crusade and someone called someone to go somewhere the three something in your
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book so you're going to follow it up with a bit of it in this one argument with and elaborated on a lot of course saying that the resolution did not call for an intervention that it was designed to prevent civilian casualties not increase them of course but we have heard that dozens of people have died so far as a result of polish and bombings in libya effectively forcing the situation on the ground making it much more dangerous for all those a currently in that countries like singapore and also raised concerns over what this could mean for the u.s. foreign policy basically saying that the united states is taking on much more responsibility than it can and basically playing a lone hand within the international community making very tough decisions seemingly very like hard. on the yorkers concerned of ease with which decisions are being made over the use of force in
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international affairs today in u.s. policy it's becoming a dangerous tendency during bill clinton's time they bombed yugoslavia and belgrade bush deployed troops in afghanistan and then using fake reasons more forces were deployed in iraq a little iraqi authorities were destroyed now libya is next they say they're protecting civilians but it's civilians who are dying when they bomb libya there's no logic in the conscience there's neither. very strong words there coming of course from the russian prime minister he also said that based on the current situation in libya and the ongoing conflict this makes all the more sense for russia to continue investing in its defense system and basically sliming the current coalition intervention in libya underlining once again russia's position that it will only serve to de stamp allies the situation not only in that country but in the north african region as
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a whole. now russia has been opposed to military intervention in libya from the very outset besides i destabilizing the region how is it justified that position. about by russia has suffered with your course released its new trends about the us and show intervention what it was still a possibility now that it has become a reality russia's once again come down the violence that is ongoing in libya i am going moment to be basically saying that the u.n. resolution one thousand seven hundred more was not said and signed by the united nations security council was to prevent civilian casualties to guarantee those on the ground in libya itself sort of a security and stability and even a swift a resolution to the ongoing marmalade and i was at that moment busy building national teams that are rising and you know that you know it's still expected to rise so the russians basically saying that in the united nations security council resolution is i'm not being interpreted or correctly and is basically giving the
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coalition forces no reason to introduce a strong military presence in that area itself in many of the most recent the runs including the russian prime minister the russian foreign ministry also wishing a statement and the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov who is currently in egypt and a later will be traveling to algeria is also expected to discuss libya with his counterparts right following the russian reaction to the events in libya argues country nazar about. well in libya the international coalition says aerial strikes have successfully halted before says of colonel gadhafi western officials claim to have destroyed a command center used by the libyan army in the capital tripoli more than one hundred air strikes were carried out across the weekend with reports over sixty people were killed r.t. has publicly or has the details from the capital. we are hearing from the pentagon that it is extremely satisfied with the way this operation is so far been conducted
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it says that the duffy is increasingly under stress that they have managed to isolate and scatter his forces we're also hearing that washington in a matter of just days will be ready to relinquish control of this whole operation over the situation remains incredibly tense people are certainly incredibly frightened in the capital city of tripoli at around midnight local time there was a whole scattering of fire in the sky in part this was because of empty a car fire that was being fired from the libyan forces and also now we receiving confirmation that a missile hits the compound what we're hearing from allied forces is that it struck control income on building of his operations we certainly are seeing international opposition grow it's not only the arab league that is now coming out with these conflicting statements that it's signed up for the protection of civilians and after the killing of civilians you need to remember that was very important for european powers to get the backing of the arab world the understanding now is that they're backing might only come from the united arab emirates qatar and possibly
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jordan and that if the backing comes it will be more in the scenes of financial aid people here on the ground to launch of the international community to get involved and i'm talking here specifically about the rebel groups the opposition leaders they would much rather have preferred countries like china z. and egypt coming to the fore and for this to have been almost like an arab revolution sort of mark willacy rather than the intervention of wisdom powers there are very legitimate questions being asked why for example it's all carried out a bombardment over gaza in two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine why when was there not a no fly zone imposed by the international communities are those kind of questions at the forefront of people's minds and certainly against the backdrop of this growing criticism of this operation most people here do not really believe the libyan army when it calls for a cease fire severe nonsense on sunday night a spokesperson for the libyan army that there would be an immediate cease fire is thirty being greeted with a lot of skepticism on the ground the rebels themselves. so you do not believe that the international community has yet to respond but it is important to say that the
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duffy regime is still sticking by its earlier argument and that is that it is appearing to cease fire but that it is the rebels at all the ones that are provoking them it is the rebels that are on the offensive and they all the ones who are breaking in the international community is it pains to say that its intention is really just stop the fighting to stop the killing of civilians and that it's not really at this stage trying to get the duffy out of power but the criticism against that is well then why strike at his compound and the second christmas ism is also well if you do not get the man to sit down this kind of impulse a the situation on the ground could continue for weeks if not months. archies polls we are reporting there she's been in tripoli for two weeks now following every turn in this unfolding story sometimes literally beneath a barrage of artillery fire take a look. look at the difficulty if you can get it and see if the fire is happening i mean people in front of me all sorts of ron paul paul is
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also reporting from the war zone on on you can follow her blog on our blog site or to me dot com. also are you through page how dramatic video footage of the bombardment from libya much more take a look at you tube dot com slash russia today. today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world is seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for in the room. well the political wrangling over what's happening in libya is continuing in brussels and a meeting of the e.u. foreign ministers talking about more sanctions and nato summit in the same city on
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sunday the alliance failed to decide what role it's going to play if any are europe correspondent daniel shop has more moammar gadhafi is a legitimate military target for the allies that statement from the defense secretary of the united kingdom has caused outrage here in nato and we're in the middle of e.u. and nato meetings which are principally focused on libya e.u. came out and agree to disagree they said and didn't really agree on the strategy for libya and nato in the third day of talks there here in brussels also without much agreement of course in a much more menacing tone because they are leading this operation against libya on the first day they did agree on a no fly zone imposing a no fly zone over libya then there was talk of moving eastward to protect the eastern strongholds of rebel strongholds of libya and only then as a sort of of the thought was the talk of humanitarian support now this was all
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backed by a u.n. resolution which are authorize the imposition of a no fly zone over libya and even then when the u.n. passed that vote it was abstained by four key states brazil russia india and china were the states which abstained along with germany and germany and turkey are now extremely concerned two key allies of nato say they're extremely concerned by nato involvement they don't want to see that they want to see a cease fire immediately turkey is worried. why france is involvement by nato member from his involvement in this bombing campaign the arab league another key ally in the region says the move. it is not being carried out in the way that its supporters just outside this building they don't see war demonstration led by the arab community the very people who are all skiing
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for help for humanitarian aid to support the civilians that were being bombed by colonel gadhafi they're of no come out very much they. know they're extremely concerned but the opposite of what they have they wanted is happening very well to the protection of civilians seeing reports called this of civilians called by nato for being we expect throughout the capitals of europe this week to see increasing numbers of she was there mr asians in london today you don't reward illustration as planned so the choice of public opinion is turning against nato involvement in libya. so i take a moment to recap you on the latest developments coming out of libya multinational forces say military operations in the country how been successful knocking out colonel gadhafi as air defenses and crippling his air force the allies also say his troops that were moving against opposition forces have been halted if not countries
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including the u.s. u.k. and france are continuing strikes libyan officials more than sixty civilian down she allied assault so far government powers including the arab. coalition attacks. said the u.n. resolution is the fact to end flawed and that military intervention into libya cannot be justified. well the u.s. has been at the vanguard of the military operation over libya where american generals in command that's despite washington insisting it would only play a supporting role are you going to japan explains why the u.s. administration is that patients so look like it's remaining in the background. the pentagon says they do not rule out more strikes quote if and when the need arises if you watch american television you can't be pressured better america's involvement is a really good thing and that there was no other option but intervention but if you
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look at the polls the majority of americans polls the u.s. involvement in the intervention fox news gives sixty five percent they're already unhappy that their government is spending tax dollars on inconclusive wars in iraq and afghanistan and adding one more hot spot is the last thing they want just this saturday the us shot seventy five million dollars worth of missiles and about easier defenses officials though have promised that it's going to be a fast war obama said that there will be no u.s. troops on the ground but as of now we know that the u.s. contribution in the strikes substantially outweighs all of the coalition forces combined so it's really a heart task to create the appearance of not being the leading force also the fact that president obama did not interrupt his trip to latin america it's also kind of an indication that he doesn't want to be seen as the man in chief all this thing is so it was
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a very calculated decision you could say speaking of the goals of the intervention in libya as we know is to protect civilians that is the justification but critics say we have to be careful with the official reasoning behind military campaigns and really question more the u.s. for example has a track record of starting military campaigns on false grounds eight years after the beginning of the war in iraq we're getting more evidence of lies told by u.s. officials to justify their invasion of the country take a look at this report. airstrikes family d.m. a humanitarian act to protect civilians from a dangerous dictator that's the reason given by the u.s. and its allies for their latest military for e. but when it comes to justifying its wars america has become the nation that cried wolf especially now when one of the key sources used the head of the two thousand and three iraqi invasion has admitted he lied as i just wanted to do something for my country so i'm satisfied there is not a teacher there anymore if i must i would do the same thing again i have no regrets
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rafique out my i don't want anybody aka curveball was seeking asylum in germany back in two thousand he told german intelligence that sat him hussein had biological weapons mounted on trucks they didn't believe him and when u.s. intelligence requested his testimony before attacking iraq germany told them he was unreliable but that didn't stop top u.s. officials building their case using him and no intelligence of their own we're giving you our faction conclusions based on solid intelligence one of the so-called solid sources was an al qaida suspect who lied under the porch it was cia allies in egypt at the outset and ties with terrorists the other was curveball even now despite all the evidence of lies and deception key players in the bush administration are still in denial about their role in the events saying they were not sufficiently informed i don't know if there would have been
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a different level the in a scene that for you they tell you anything. poor bear no i don't know where you're not on the e-mail list that they're not in their memoirs both collin powell the secretary of state back then and donald rumsfeld the defense secretary effectively dock responsibility and point the blame finger at others mainly the cia specifically george tenet head of the sea. at the time he said it was there and it wasn't and they believed him because they wanted to invade iraq and colin powell was digging for information at cia headquarters in langley across the river digging for it because it wasn't clear he was trying to come up with something because he couldn't find it even after this latest revelation about curveballs lies many western media outlets put the following spin on the story u.s. officials they're not lie they were duped but it really reveals here is actually
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contrary to the headline that we saw from the guardian which was that the americans were duped somehow by their story and that really isn't a very accurate telling of what happened and that really the cia wanted me to if you want to use that word at all but really they were looking for an excuse they found one the man who presented the case for war before the u.n. security council now says he was misled not that he too was part of an orchestrated plan to build a case for war no matter the evidence how does he do it so easily. i don't buy it bar people followed orders very likely knowing what they were doing was wrong but they wanted to be involved. they like the power of washington and a big job a big fat salary after eight years of embarrassing revelations still no u.s. official has admitted lying most of those who took part in building the case with
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the iraq war out of lies are now off the hook touring the country with their memoirs and saying they were given and many asked whether their exoneration and despite public acceptance speeches bad lots of. reporting from washington. and japan emergency workers at the fukushima nuclear plant had been evacuated from the site after smoke was seen rising from one of the crippled reactors have provoked fresh fears of a radiation leak and potential nuclear meltdown and the near is however managed to restore electricity to three reactors and it's hoped that could enable them to restart the failed to cool insistence but likely to be crucial to avoiding a crisis turning into a catastrophe but despite all their efforts the systems wracked by last friday's earthquake and tsunami are not yet operating and it's far from being resolved as we hear next. i think it's important to understand that this is an expert on going it
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is extremely difficult and i am very doubtful that they stand much chance of getting this situation under control what you have seen in the last few days rather than trying to manage the nuclear crisis has been quite effective and news management presenting the fact that they've connected that they're making progress . this is a catastrophic situation not just at one reactor but four reactors with major potential for ejection releases even above what's already been released and contaminating the environment so i am very very close all of the situation is anywhere near been resolved. and it could at any point become catastrophic. well the japanese government has ordered four regions around the troubled fukushima plant to suspend shipments of products that could contain traces of radioactive iodine and as artie's laura lister reports those worries of radiation are spreading
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far beyond japanese shores. as japan works overtime to avert a nuclear meltdown is another crisis in the making maybe maybe think twice it's borne of paranoia that radioactive remnants may reach far beyond japan's borders how worried about the seafood may be the seafood is safe when radiation bought in the water i would i want to be very wary of that firewall it's the fear of japanese imports going all the way to the top u.s. regulators have said they will increase screenings of food coming in from the embattled asian nation the european union has warned members to do the same and italy was the first e.u. nation to ban food imports from japan altogether in the wake of the nuclear scare it's fueling suspicion that besides the quake this two nonny and the nuclear crisis japan will soon have to deal with another problem becoming a trade pariah more than likely for reasons that may not be entirely
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radioactive countries all over the world in tough economic times in the store looking for ways to subsidize their own producers workers and so on and sort of like the one unfolding in japan gives them quite good reason to do something that they may have been looking to do anyway this is bad for trade made worse for the country itself if made in japan comes to mean made a nuclear wasteland to consumers in countries like the u.s. we're here in times square and i wanted to come down here because it is where the broader meets the road as far as advertising in this country and you can really see the brands to play a major role in the united states i wanted to see how many of them are japanese now take a look at this center post of advertising from top to bottom you can see sony t.v. k toshiba all japanese corporations playing a major role in the us i noticed even our camera and my my clip from my microphone are manufactured by sony and with the nuclear disaster there is no telling what.
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org will be on board the manufacturing of companies like this but also their brand presence in countries like the u.s. and the status of the made in japan label i would be concerned about like televisions the components that might carry the radio. materials. and japan's economy will feel it for a long time to if trade suffers a major blow there's dragged down an already near zero growth rate and if it does then it's going to have bigger effects internal to japan and globally we don't know exactly what those are but they're potentially quite significant significant because in a global economy which made in japan matters for everyone many of the world's cell phones laptops in cars rely on a poxy computer chips or auto parts from the country stoppages in manufacturing in trade consent shock waves through the system likely farther reaching than the
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radiation itself lauren mr r t new york well more now on how japan's nuclear crisis is affecting the global economy in our business bulletin here i'll teach. colognes are very welcome to your business talk and top stories that solve the japanese yen is extending losses after its biggest slide in six months accounts the toll on friday the move follows an agreement among the world's wealthiest countries to try to control japan's all the time currency it's the first time in a decade the g seven nations have jointly intervenes in the currency markets began and is currently trading at nearly eighty one per dollar they chorused a world strongly after the earthquake struck on march eleventh on expectation of repatriation slows to japan for insurance and reconstruction costs analysts expect further intervention to follow. so reason why we did see the dollar being.
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exactly to deal with racial related fears but again it is not there's a level of the year which is decisive year it is the size of the japanese response but as long as there is risk free will remains elevated you'll see for us intervention in the market my view is longer term the japanese yen is going to suffer a significantly it is simply the demographics of its inability to say federal fund . to our twenty three percent of g.d.p. so over the deficit. and russia will pump more natural gas to your fire pipelines to free our capacity for liquefied natural gas deliveries to japan prime minister mr putin has also invited japanese companies to buy into russia's to reach feels the combined gas reserves the high of an annual
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global consumption. let's have a look at what's happening to the price of oil oil prices the fall in the u.s. led airstrikes against the best fueling concerns destructions to surprise brant crude is trading at around one hundred fifteen dollars per barrel is a wrong one hundred two dollars and analysts expect an increase in demand for oil as more fuel will be needed for post quake reconstruction in japan. and precious metals continue. as investors seek a financial safe haven in libya all the uncertainty gold is climbing for the full day in a row around one thousand four hundred dollars an ounce silver is extending its biggest gain for two weeks it's now trading at precious six dollars an ounce. let's take a look at held stock markets are performing european stocks the high on monday held by those gains in asia say is gaining around one point three percent while the
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taxes nearly two percent telecom shares are on the rise let's run through should telecom it jumped fourteen percent after the weekend deal to sell its team over why unit to h e n t. and here in russia the markets are trading makes our story get both black this all the r.t.s. is gaining about one percent and the mice it's up by around forty three percent margin of thoughts related stocks on mostly in the black and stronger commodity prices and let's have a look at some individual moves russia second largest oil producer look oil is gaining a point zero percent. trading marginally in the blood bucking the trend is interest rate with after russia's largest car maker trucking of one percent that is down to profit taking after those eight percent opinions of last week on news that nice and is planning to take a bigger stake in the company. the world's largest mine
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a real team so is eyeing a partner. with russia's diamond producer of also to develop a lot diamond deposits in the north of the country that's according to the financial times the results are worth roughly twelve billion dollars i've also house twenty five cents a share in global diamond mining that's all the business news from all your state's . wealthy british study done. by. market. i know what's really happening to the global economy with mike.


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