tv [untitled] March 22, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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we'll. bring you the latest in science stem cell culture from the rules for. the future of coverage. broadcasting live from our studios in central moscow this is our t.v. what happened with the president says colonel gadhafi only has him self to blame for the situation in libya because of his crimes against his own people but the russian president warning that civilians that should not fall victim to the ferry airstrikes designed to protect them. and we've received reports of more explosions and anti-aircraft fire close to gadhafi his palace in tripoli coalition forces say the air raids aimed at enforcing the no fly zone are making progress the death toll
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is said to have passed sixty according to libyan call fish. in japan seems tackling the crippled fukushima nuclear plant are evacuated to safety but i can feel of radiation in the columns of smoke was seen wizen from the damaged reactor engineers at the site of the stored electricity to three reactors raising hopes of restarting the cooling systems and production is. coming up in about thirty minutes we have another full look at your news with my colleague carrie johnson but now it's back to washington for the alyona show and a look at the protests demanding the release of private bradley manning who is accused of being the source of the wiki leaks. all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to a repeat winner who also learned the earth this award last week donald trump is
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making a lot of noise about a possible two thousand and twelve presidential bid lately he's done this before and most people think that he is just seeking publicity again because we all know that his man loves the spotlight but in the meantime he sure is giving us a lot to talk about this morning at the donald called in to fox news to discuss the u.s. military actions in libya and one of the host asked trump what makes him qualified to be president he made this claim i think interacting with leaders of countries or leaders of business or of the world order of my life and i think you guys go there probably better than anybody i think i probably have more experience than anybody. so trump has more experience than anyone else i mean yes i'm sure the has made a lot of international business deals and i can definitely help but then again his business empire has had to file for bankruptcy protection several times i'm not quite sure that that sounds like a man that's called to be president then went on to talk about his experience in
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dealing with world leaders including moammar gadhafi. i could tell you struck a girl shot i don't want to speak i don't want to hear you don't leave. me i reckon from a piece of paper we want to hear from you i dunno if you ever know where bruce was but the year zero for two years i don't get a lot of music but we should be doing much. got ego donald donald trump didn't tell you there was that yes he made a lot of money off of renting that land to get off but at the time when the deal was made he didn't even know who the rancher was it was only one area residents and local officials complained that it was the libyan leader staying in the area then donald trump stepped in and i guess you could say screwed over like a pretty sloppy business deal to me poor management the you don't even know who you're making deals with and that whoever you hired obviously is a gave all of passing that information on to you either so the donald is now just
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making stuff up to boost his ego and spread false information on fox news and that's why he's tonight's told time winner. now seems as if sarah palin has gone globe trotting after taking a private trip to india the former alaskan governor made a stop in israel and has plans to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu this evening as anyone else out there find it a little troubling that sarah pailin actually has the clout to meet with the head of state because i sure do you now on her trip she's made typical pro israel comments we've come to expect such as i am very thankful to know that the israeli and american link will grow in strength and we seek peace along with you however i think we all know that peace is the last thing that fair he led is seeking she supported bombing iran she criticized obama even on this trip for not bombing libya sooner but anyway should we call this a random vacation for galen or is this her way of brushing up on foreign policy
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before announcing her run for the presidency the visit just adds more fuel to the speculation that she is planning for running. two thousand and twelve and it seems as if many other g.o.p. hopefuls have done the exact same thing paling is the most recent politician to visit israel but visits from mitt romney mike huckabee and haley barbour have made many analysts wonder if this is the new path to the white house perhaps the neo-cons hell some kind of a secret seminar telling any of the potential republican contenders the what they need to do to win the g.o.p. what they need to do to win the g.o.p. ticket we don't know for sure but i think this is how we see the republican hopefuls traveling the first stop is israel our efforts to strengthen u.s. ties with the country obviously remain a top priority booster foreign policy chops all proving your allegiance to israel then you head back to the united states where new hampshire usually ends up in the spotlight and sure this is looking ahead but it seems that a candidate if they can do well in the primaries in new hampshire they've got a good chance of iowa if you do well with new hampshire and iowa and you've got
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three primaries in the back so first stop israel next stop the primaries it's the road to the white house straight through tell of the and pale and huckabee and barber all seem to be making the trek. yesterday hundreds gathered quantico marine base in virginia to peacefully protest the abusive treatment of bradley manning they were met with hundreds of police in riot gear and the arrest and detainment of over thirty people are scaling forward reports. in photos he's a smiling twenty three year old army private. but for two hundred ninety nine days bradley manning has been behind bars accused of passing top secret cables war logs and videos to whistle blowing website wiki leaks here in quantico hundreds of activists and veterans have gathered outside of the
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military base for bradley manning is being held in solitary confinement twenty three hours a day they say he's being tortured to call for his immediate release although president obama says otherwise i have actually asked the pentagon whether or not. the procedures that have been taken firms of his confinement or appropriate and are meeting our basic standards they assure me that they are state department spokesman p.j. crowley called manning's treatment quote ridiculous counterproductive and stupid and was forced to resign. well meaning spotter denounce the pentagon for stripping his son of his clothing and forcing him to stand at attention naked i mean it's shocking enough that i would. you know our silence as a family and say you know now that this you know you crossed the line this is wrong protesters here denounced obama and say guantanamo bay has been brought to virginia
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they say the president can do better than simply trusting manning's jailers i mean seeing bradley in confinement if i can tell you probably is not doing well but if i could sneak by the public to believe i think the whistleblower daniel ellsberg responsible for leaking the vietnam war logs known as the pentagon papers called manning a hero i want his sample to give courage to other people and the more that other people realize that the descriptions which are bond together as the world trade are . that you know the truth. appreciate it but everybody that we recognize having done the right before being arrested with thirty five others for refusing to move from the entrance to quantico. robocall but not everyone in the space town thought bradley had done the right thing knowing.
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that this man who these people are protesting for were by has been cited a residence friends lives in danger it's just. it's frustrating and denied that he was being tortured they were tortured they could do it again still fred i mean come on it's not he's not being tortured even as amnesty international and other human rights groups say his conditions are quote degrading and bring back memories of graine the pentagon has not set a trial date for manning who faces twenty two charges including aiding the enemy which could carry the death penalty but activists here and around the world say they won't back down until he's free killing ford artsy triangle virginia. those hundreds of protesters rallied in quantico this weekend in support of bradley manning i have to ask if that means that america is finally beginning to pay attention to his treatment or if this couple hundred are the only ones listening joining me from our studio in new york is michael whitney with firedoglake dot com
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michael thanks so much for joining us tonight now i know that you were there at the protest yesterday quantico and from all the video that i have seen it looks like a peaceful event but how many police came out there in riot gear. whole lot of protest of the police the protests came out in full riot gear with shields and there was probably about a half dozen army officers who were had full machine guns as well as tear gas canisters and gas masks it was probably about even between the protesters and the police force and it was really completely unnecessary show of force by the virginia state police as well as by the corner base that was completely unnecessary given the largely peaceful protests that happened it was a whole bunch of people who were singing songs and chanting who wanted the torture bradley manning to stop immediately and i know that about thirty people there were
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arrested including daniel ellsberg who also got arrested on saturday actually while protesting in front of the white house and then got arrested a second time on sunday but i'm just curious dan ellsberg who was on this program on friday he's an eighty year old man how many cops did it take the arrest daniel ellsberg. it was actually really creepy how they sort of the arresting people it was a little like the body snatchers there was a whole line of riot police that was approaching the group of about thirty people who were sitting on the ground in front of the marine base and the riot police line inched up and would open up for about a split second and three other riot police would jump in and haul one person away at a time the line we closed back up that person would be arrested put into a prison or a bus and it would just go again it was actually a very slow process but on average to take about three riot police to arrest one of the peaceful protesters we're not talking about thugs that were out there trying to
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cause trouble among the protesters we're talking to a whole bunch of people and students who were upset that they were denied access to the you would you memorial in front of quantico marine base where they had an agreement with the marine corps to lay flowers on that memorial in honor of fallen marines the police on their part of the deal at the last minute and forced daniel ellsberg and for the people to put their flowers through these bars that were wrecked blocking not just the protesters but the entire public from the morial at quantico and that was enough for colonel and right and daniel ellsberg who on the way back from putting the flowers decided to sit down in front of the marine base in civil disobedience against the really raw deal that was cut by the virginia state police and point to face definitely doesn't sound like much of
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a deal or at all representation of your first amendment rights but i also want to ask you so there is one hundred a couple hundred people there yesterday do you think that finally this means that people are starting to wake up to the story of bradley manning we've been covering it on the show here for months but you know last week after p.j. crowley after barack obama spoke about it finally the new york times decided to editorialize it finally people have decided that it's really going on but is it still just a couple hundred people that really care enough to come out and protest only. not all on our own at firedoglake we've organized more than fifty thousand people in support of bradley manning and there are tens of thousands more across the globe more than thirty cities around the world held rallies for bradley manning yesterday in show solidarity and what we're seeing now is quite different than when you first saw the covering the story back in december when very few people actually knew of
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level and cared about the conditions in which bradley manning was being very unjustly held in which he is continued to be held we're seen now something that is that is waking up and that frankly for bradley manning is abusers as well as president obama who with one phone call could stop this torture it's too late for them to contain this the momentum is building and it's a matter of time for this to really pick up a lot momentum that already has but in the last week the new york times l a times san francisco chronicle the guardian the economist have all editorialized against the torture of bradley manning and it's up to president obama now to take action to make that phone call and stop the torture of bradley manning and i think you're right and you say the cat's out of the bag and there's not a cure for the obama administration michael thank you so much for joining us thanks for having me. now we're taking a short break going to return pastor terry jones finally got some burn back home
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ron that he's been developing for this time he held a mock trial first and then police all over the united states are being trained to fight terrorism but wait until you hear about the so-called experts they are teaching them. in canada and the u.s. that it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the shines of most put into print they are supposedly in the spirit and most of the guys great donuts clean the girl for the first today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer in my five therefore i protect focus because ninety to ninety
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five percent of cancers hurts people with self funding history of cancer and pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget on research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and administration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. and members of congress the. first three remove old cold clear cut. second explains are used to blasting deeper in the fears. heard the remains are removed by machinery. signed by the someone who actually is because the judge in valley feel.
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our guys in time for show and tell on tonight's program last thursday we discussed discuss the global impact of the nuclear disaster in japan and we ask you at home does globalization make us more vulnerable to chain reactions it disaster strikes in japan and doesn't affect us all and here's what some of you had to say daryl the mob responded on facebook and said i think the news media is hyping the earthquake and tsunami in japan yes we need to know what's going on there but on the flip side there are more problems here with us greg miller says if there's no environmental global impact the situation in japan is having an impact on our domestic policy and opinion gino rebus rose gave us her feedback now that we're living in a global village will be directly affected in an economical and geopolitical way no way to avoid that and miles lacy said the united states often doesn't appreciate. the disasters in places like new zealand and japan can impact the u.s.
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because it takes time before the full impact of a disaster takes effect and as always we appreciate your feedback and here's our next topic of discussion we've spoken about the u.s. involvement in libya and today's show while president obama swears that this is an effort by the coalition when he's out those statements wondering if this really are the first steps towards another war for the u.s. but if you remember then presidential candidate obama vowed not to be like his predecessors so has he let let his supporters down going against his own promise for the campaign trail so let us know what you think has obama trade voters by starting his own military conflict abroad you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. over the weekend a small church in gainesville florida burned a copy of the koran now does that sound vaguely familiar to you he murdered back in september of last year when pastor terry jones of that same church originally planned on burning a pile of korans of september eleventh we had
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a rare opportunity to speak with jones about his radical approach to dealing with islam. well we believe it is our culture to show why you stand up and say your opinion. or it is a radical thing to do but we believe that. and we believe that you. and the koran is that dangerous a really bad means or necessary. after receiving a lot of hate mail even a request from robert gates the defense secretary himself pastor jones called off the burning of the koran thankfully that is until now what another pastor at the exact same church way in south carry out the burning of a koran during a service but the really crazy part of all of this is that according to reports that the church held a trial and after deliberating for about eight minutes it was decided that the koran it was guilty of what we don't know but they don't. sentenced to death pastor sacked then took a copy of the koran which had been soaking in kerosene and then lit on fire with
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a barbecue lighter so why did the church go back on its word apparently jones had given the muslim community a chance to defend their book but says that he didn't receive any response how shocking of the muslim community didn't feel the need to explain itself to a psychopath who let's not forget that there actually was quite a response to pastor jones the first time around how about the initial outcry from muslims when they learned that their holy book would be desecrated people took to the streets burning the american flag calling out the u.s. for its obvious display of islamophobia it was to me this just looks like pastor jones and his church were desperately searching for an excuse to burn that koran after all and performing a fake trial would be their way of defending those actions and anything to draw attention to their hateful world view i'm certainly not shocked that pastor jones are back on his promise he it is pat he and his buddy pastor wayne are back in full force spreading islamophobia and destroying the koran some people i guess will never change the lure of spreading hate is just too strong and that's why we as
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a country have to fight back on that hateful intolerance of people like terry jones and wayne sapp now violently or by burning anything to say something please. and two weeks ago representative peter king began hearings on radicalization within the american muslim community on capitol hill where he claimed that there wasn't enough cooperation by the muslim community with law enforcement agencies and reality seventy percent of recent terror plots in the u.s. have been foiled thanks to muslim americans maybe the more important question to ask is how law enforcement is being trained to find these threats since nine eleven federal money isn't pouring into programs to bring local police forces into national counterterrorism efforts and experts have been hired to train police on the fundamentals fundamentals of is long and how to spot a terrorist but if you take a deeper look into these training courses the picture isn't pretty you see poor oversight questionable accreditation practices and experts with no background in his law or counterterrorism who teach our cops that all muslims want to take over
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america joining me from southern sudan is journalist joshua crazed joshua thanks so much for joining us now you know in reading this piece here it doesn't really seem like it takes all that much to become one of these experts in terms of your background or accreditation to teach the police has it. and where it can be pretty easy i wondered if you could if you got a little. political. block or so in this hearing it is very difficult to get equivocation. so little. or a lot of them including. some who are simply really from the middle east because they are living there was such a demand. it was anyone who had some some things that you could establish career do we know how much federal money has actually been flowing
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into these programs i know that obviously since nine eleven you know this has been initiated and that the demand is only going to continue to increase. we are exactly how much is it programs for you coming from so many different sources so some states might get money for instance for course. on getting these three. were paid to police to get in. but right now because you have something called the national psyche you have suspicions ok because reporting initiative i'm not asking all the police to compile lists of terrorist threats but they were going to be concerned. now initially when the first draft of this iraq war looked suspicious activity like taking photographs of others here as we can. so you have used this beautiful piece of the street know who they are to be suspicious that they would keep increasing people who are teaching muslims were hit by losing
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people for most want to be martin's now a kind of you know black and white approach and over simplification at least our you know also from a number of other of these experts and trainers that you highlight over there say that islam is overall goal is just to dominate civilization or to dominate america that can't be good for law enforcement as a whole that's have been good for counterterrorism efforts and we have it officials on the highest ranks even spoken out against these practices. right it does look counterproductive for counterterrorism let alone for the human rights issue it's going to provoke it because it was going to mean if you can still be less inclined to go back to the harassment from the jury the whole series of false reports that the police are going to waste time with. the problem is there's very little oversight of this sort of activity. so what you have these people who have money but that money doesn't have any sort of you know check down
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a lot of the how that money will actually spent and because of the statements that were not afraid to remember their own being buried with supervision of the billions of dollars that go down. so we have better on my going to stay for the federal government can actually track and where there are very shoddy accreditation practices and now these people are training the police why don't why why do you think we don't share more of these local police officers taking out somebody have to realize hey i don't think those guys act i don't think the world is that simple . what we found were in one of these terminals from a couple of these terminals with the first a fair amount of police officers were suspicious could dispute my get your department in trouble it might get you in trouble and might make you seem ungrateful so if you're the interim about getting ahead in your career you just take for granted that some of the truth is going to be bad sadly what we funded a lot of people who love train and thought they were wonderful and part of the
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problem there is that if previously you are doing a training mission. you can see that if you're a good teacher who is a good shot it's a very simple system of valuation and in the end at least on the consumer becomes the king of the market but the problem when you're pitching someone about economics there is no one that is the global guy who makes you laugh so make humans care so some of the stuff the scenes that we came across from doing this investigation were people who said in the deal sure i'm going to realize that as long as the trip allows in this training but now i know and now i know to watch out for those. so we're going to. we're going to get it but we. are going to thank you very much for joining us definitely doesn't make me feel comfortable about the way a law enforcement is conducting their counterterrorism operations here thanks so much. now before we go tonight it's time for today president obama promised americans today the u.s.
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military operation in libya were taken out of days not weeks and he has it off the coalition partners to take the lead so what would the american people tweet to president obama about we've heard that one before now it's a pretty night so thanks for tuning in to make sure to come back tomorrow happy hour is coming early this week we'll have a special guest reasons michael moore to have you aren't want to miss it in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch it all if you got called slash a lot of show or of course the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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if blinds in motion would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from finest impressionists. whose friends totty don't come. wealthy british style. that's not on the title. market financials. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my charger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to come.
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