tv [untitled] March 22, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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it's a report on our. gun laws and explosions and their colonel gadhafi his palace as the u.n. forces press on with the no fly zone over libya and the lobby international community is concerned of a possible civilian casualties. the u.s. has rushed to join the military effort in libya despite already having to pay billions of ongoing conflicts sparking debate over who benefits from such spending . regimes efforts to stabilize the damage the absence of the free nuclear power plant after work was suspended for an unexplained smoking mission.
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where you're watching r t twenty four hour news with the latest about it and so let's go straight to libya now fresh explosions and gunfire in the capital tripoli overnight as international coalition forces continue to warm up the country's state television is reporting for the civilian casualties over the fourth day of allied airstrikes. you can request about one source. it was a massive explosion here in the capital city of tripoli it sounded like it was coming from the south of the city i cannot see any smoke from where i'm standing at the moment but we are hearing reports of smoke in the southern parts we're also hearing reports of explosions around the compound of gadhafi they have been rounds of anti aircraft gunfire we are hearing from coalition forces there they had hit one hundred and twenty four targets they are saying that this operation is
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a success they say that for the last two days since the coalition forces have conducted is strikes could laugh he's a force has not been in the skies and that they have managed to stop the advancement of his ground forces the only confirmation we've had in terms of a target they've hit here in tripoli has been gadhafi is headquarters it was hit by two missiles and we were told that this was the command and control center of his operations we were taken there earlier today and the area is completely destroyed it was a small group of protesters they shouted abuse at the international community and echoing what essentially has been gadhafi is missing there but will has no right to interfere with internal libyan affairs at the same time though there is still fighting in three predominant cities across the country the worst of their fighting is happening in the city of misrata which is about two hundred kilometers to the east of tripoli it is the last rebel held town in the west of this country and some of the reports we're hearing from there are quite terrifying we've been told that civilians are being brought in from other areas they're being used as human shields
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against these is strikes we're being told that needed a few soldiers have surrounded the whole city and that they stop in supplies of electricity of fuel and of water but the civilian count is what people here are worried about we're hearing from rebel groups that they now plan to edwardes to try and recapture some of the towns they lost with the ultimate goal of marching here on to tripoli state television has been showing pictures of funerals they put the toll of just yesterday's strikes at more than sixty seven is civilians who have been killed right now they're reporting under the banner of tripoli and attack. so no doubt as we see more civilians die in this conflict they will be more questions asked on the ground exactly what the international community is doing here. says the military intervention is a direct consequence of behavior. however he was critical of the bombings no fly zone. and to protect bring about peace.
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was more in russia's assessment of events in libya but what have we heard from the kremlin so far peter. president dmitri medvedev said that although russia's initial response to the situation in libya was to call for a peaceful resolution to that situation the actions of colonel gadhafi in persistently attacking his own people have forced the hand of the international community and that this was why they this is why russia heard passed the u.n. resolution to allow an asset freeze an arms embargo why russia didn't use its veto on the security council to to block the resolution that put in place the no fly zone and allowed foreign intervention in the country. but everything that is happening in libya is a result of the shameful behavior of its governments and the crimes against their own people should know and we'll be there no fly zone resolution to go through to
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prevent these collision of violence but the events that followed show that any use of force should be proportional to what is happening the fact that as a result of these actions the civilian targets were damaged and according to unconfirmed reports innocent people have died and shows that states taking part in the military strikes have achieved that. to me. well the president also said that any intervention any military intervention from foreign powers should and must remain within the parameters of the u.n. resolution which is soley there to protect. civilian population of libya he also said that although russia has no intentions to send troops or military hardware to the to the area that russia was prepared to mediate to step in and mediate a peace to broker peace between the the all sides all of the sides that are involved in this conflict well story minister russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is in the region he's been meeting with the heads of arab states and he said
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that russia stands with the arab league. in saying that the attacks on libya and the current intervention military intervention there is should only be to protect the civilian population and that no military attack should be made that would endanger civilian life. of course we discussed here the u.n. no fly zone result is being implemented in libya we totally embrace the position of the arab league who requested the u.n. security council to urgently provide protection for civilians we believe that this should be the goal of the states who volunteers to implement this resolution the fundamental principle of international humanitarian law is not an acceptable use of force against civilians who should be equally applied to any situation in any country. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov they're speaking in cairo saying that russia stands with the arab league and their stance over military intervention in libya. ok peter thank you for that.
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well. it's a coalition of us tread carefully his actions may end up countering the u.n. resolution former british ambassador all of them miles told us the risks. i think that so far as i can drug british very difficult of course the military action that's been taken so far is exactly what robert gates the u.s. defense secretary said some weeks ago now would be necessary in order to impose a no fly zone better to say eliminating all the effective and here craft offenses which might put patrolling aircraft in danger it was obvious from the beginning that that was going to involve a lot of intrusion of military activity and inevitably civilian casualties so i don't think anyone should be surprised at what's happened and i think it's very worrying indeed the mandate from the united nations is perfectly clear it's to protect to impose
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a no fly zone but the purpose of it is to protect civilians and that means that if we kill civilians we are in danger of being accused of going against the mandate. i think as a leader moammar gadhafi should step down that's according to the u.s. president barack obama who was once again denied washington's position over the crisis obama says the main goal of international action in the me and threat civilians. has more from the u.s. . here's the trick in president obama's response he said there is a division between the goals that the u.s. military are pursues which is yet again underscored is to enforce the u.n. resolution and u.s. policies he clearly said the u.s. policy there is needs to go so again he's saying it is not the goal of the military at the moment but the overall policy is that khadafi must step down there's definitely a very interesting rhetoric diplomatically speaking but there are still lots of
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questions as to the limits of the intervention will it really enough for the coalition forces because there's arm could all be or is it a target now the pentagon says no in fact the defense secretary robert gates said targeting gadhafi goes beyond the u.n. resolution on libya and the u.s. is determined to stick to the resolution but the thing is that the wording of the resolution is basically all inclusive sort of occupation the fears are that the coalition forces could be going beyond the u.n. authorized no fly zone measures which were designed to protect civilians so the majority of americans definitely do not cheer for the drums of war but as my colleague lauren lyster says some here in america could actually benefit from the campaign take a look. one to one point five million dollars the reported cost of this united states tomahawk missile launched into libya. it's only been a few days into operation odyssey dawn and already the costs of the environment
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from sea and air are skyrocketing the price of day one alone. more than one hundred million dollars within the first two hours they fired one hundred ten cruise missiles so right there thousands of teachers of course could be paid for coming at a time when teachers not to mention other public workers are fighting to keep their livelihoods close to ten percent of people are unemployed. and the country faces fourteen trillion dollars of national debt the u.s. has already committed trillions to ongoing wars in afghanistan. as well as iraq. despite all this has moved to the helm of this international intervention but can the country afford getting involved again the united states clearly doesn't have money for this we will end up taking money from other important programs
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domestically and other lawmakers locked in the constant debate over u.s. money problems are going public it's a strange time and which almost all of our congressional days are spent talking about budget deficits really just problems and yet at the same time all this passes which is a very expensive operation this mission was led by the united nations but quickly the united states has emerged at the forefront so you have to wonder with so many cars at stake what does justify this role for the u.s. despite claims from the top of the humanitarian intervention people from the streets. to the pundits don't buy it the u.s. mission is to keep the doxy from having any influence on oil prices people oil expert michael rupert says the real reason for the bloodshed all boils down to the one point five million barrels of oil a day coming from libya which the west simply cannot afford to lose you can't take
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any supply out and not expect the price to go up dramatically for everybody on the planet but not everyone's taking a hit in the pocket conflict is good for some of the most powerful u.s. corporations military contractors and they have made literally super profits spectacular profits off of the wars in iraq and afghanistan so it won't be any different in terms of the war in libya but having used areas and destroying military equipment in in. libya opens up markets for more american british and french arms sales in the world justifying perhaps per some who would have benefited a war that adds to the tool other conflicts have taken on the us economy and reputation in the world we will spend at least a half a trillion dollars right now in afghanistan and no libyan the money we're spending for the encouraging of pakistan the united states has to start focusing on things here at home otherwise we're not only be broke but we have the rest of the world
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angry at us a price some believe is to high for america to pay more in mr r.t. new york. put us into a snit that's the america that from the scene is the only thing that stands to benefit from the culprits according to the rockwell action of occasional sense of the week when these instances. they want to divide and conquer just like the romans so they yes this is this is not by the way not a no fly zone it's also a no drive zone and no walks out of there but they needed leave they didn't keep them as bad as it would be to intervene to keep their planes from flying immediately or attacking people on the ground. or. killing a lot a lot of a lot of people going to a lot of point. we don't know whose word it is but i believe it's a good thing when you're out of work this is not a good thing that we have another war going on and i must say from that as a standpoint of america concerned with the fact that our government is broke that
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the dollar is going down the drain that the government is putting the whole country in the most horrific financial circumstances because they're starting yet another war to spend who knows how many billions of dollars makes the military industrial complex very happy but i must say among us taxpayers we don't like it so these rebels are being led by former officials of a look at off the regime these are not a bunch of libertarians so i think yes there's they struggle for power and as one group will want the us helping them we will be regional players whether it's people with an egypt or sudan or some of the other countries in the area that may not want another u.s. occupation right in their backyard so yeah i think there could be much more of an open civil war. india has joined the chorus of international voices agent elevation forces to stop and strikes against libya was among the five human security council members who abstained from voting for five cents and she. has more from me danny.
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india has come out and said that it strongly disapproves of the airstrikes that are going on in the libya the minister of external affairs that they are hoping for a peaceful settlement to help them with the help of the united nations and other regional organizations they said that they will do whatever they can to strongly discourage violence in libya while respecting the wishes of the libyan people so really just strong disapproval from here in india like so many other countries around the world who are watching the situation of the minister of external affairs did say that he believes that airstrikes would be counterproductive and actually harm innocent civilians foreigners and diplomatic the communist party of india which is really powerful and eastern portions in southern portions of the country actually released a press release not too long ago saying that they believe the main reason the united states is interested in libya is for oil and they said that to support any
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sort of sanctions you are sponsored sanctions or airstrikes would essentially be promoting imperialism and they don't want to have anything to do with that so like the official word from the government of india they don't believe that any airstrike should happen and that especially if you compare these events to what happened in tunisia and egypt they believe the indian people should actually respect the libyans freedom fight is what they say. card coverage of the crisis so the lawyer. would. be just as long to go to court to find out what it's like to start selling. clothes. or you tube charging us to join the bombardments of the swallows excuse me just log on to you to. see.
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the parent has resumed its efforts to solve the atomic crisis that will be seen at nuclear plant growing emissions of smoke forty eight after the incident high levels of contamination in measured at the site workers at the facility are trying to restore electricity and cool down the troubled reactors meanwhile the authorities of all three senior water and they're in the area surrounding the nuclear plant crisis at the plant for the devastating earthquake and tsunami which left more than one thousand people dead bodies either bennett son in japan fear history will soon or it itself. least man has borne the scars of a nuclear disaster for most of his life as
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a resident of nagasaki you sure you're malarky has had liver and kidney problems since he was thirty five and he's already beaten cancer twice every time he falls ill now he feels it could be his last battle. you sure you watch these events unfold at fukushima fearing the true nature of the disaster is yet to show itself and you were saying that the result of the contamination won't just end of the event it will be handed down from generation to generation i have four daughters the first to have leukemia another has breast cancer the results of a disaster will be shown in generations to come. you should know was just eleven when the bomb was dropped he survived the blast but was exposed to lethal levels of radiation on his two trips to the hypocenter first to find his father then to bury him despite everything he's pro-nuclear power but still thinks fleeing from
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fukushima is the wife's thing to do so then you have the i don't think the public all the governments are overreacting in this situation i think people must take all precautionary measures they can to avoid the worst for the rest of the nygard psyche the stands today had to be built from scratch eleven square kilometers were reduced to dust a cloud of its tragic past still hangs over the city it's a residence though know what it means to suffer and are willing to help those in need and members of the international volunteer organization the lion's club here collecting for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami everyone's desperate to give with donations already ten times higher than normal we have a custom something happens in our nation. and we help each other especially the people. who are very sensitive to atomic power so we are very worried about what happened. and we want to help in. every way turning like a sack it is
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a morial to the seventy five thousand it died when the atomic bomb was dropped here this one mark that exact moment now the city will ever serve as a reminder. the destructive potential of power and there is here now praying that book ashima well remembered in the same way and i guess sucky transformation has been remarkable ground zero is unrecognizable the city would escape any radiation from a meltdown at fukushima but there is a nuclear plant close by and the incident has left residents living in fear. but they never experienced such a devastating nuclear arsenal before and i think everyone is now free this could happen again i wasn't afraid of nuclear accidents before but now it is in c. it's not under control. and it's something. that will be taking a look at what's happening at the plant and one of russia's leading atomic
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scientists and philosophers. certainly no country or will ever report every day by day change in every detail japan's atomic industry has been providing a rather detailed table of each box condition it's hard to judge its truth not because they would rather because they may not know it all my background radiation . what. i do know is for the latest developments in japan on our website.
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now for some other news making headlines around the world. at least a dozen tanks moved into the gravity capital of the three top on the come ons defected to join the test it comes and they often present an event than a saturday incident that your political revolts has been met with this cracked out of the recent weeks on the people killed by government forces on one volunteered to months out of position has been from the president steps down. at least seventeen people have been injured offer a series of israeli airstrikes on the gaza strip according to palestinian hospital officials sources said number targets such as the incident training bases as well as a cement factory and workshop were hit as well as commented on turks although such actions are not uncommon in israeli rocket attacks on escalated in recent weeks and start to see scoring since the two thousand going to. the second round of
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presidential elections have taken place in haiti international observers have praised the process calling it a good honest first round you know when but also the final two candidates are pups of the former first lady when the results are expected body in the month when it will face the task of rebuilding a million homes lost often to his thinking with waking trying to go isn't. much as a result of a business. thanks for staying with us here on r.t.i. mattress out the business desk oil prices remain high due to supply concerns following the u.s. led airstrikes on libya idlest say tensions in the region may lead to further oil spikes in the short term but there are no fundamental reasons for the moment why prices should remain permanently high. they could go short.
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as high as you could think the number was you could even see. them in two thousand and eight. i don't think we're going to see images like libya unless of course things go really two weeks tree scenario and we see in the bills will those solutions destroy the risk premium in the world price might ride we put him on from a few months we just hope to see some saloon seems to open the way who governs libya it's and succumb to it just from lines will expose for its logo a balloon on the loose there's no way we can afford to reduces all exports significant no it doesn't have a zone listed on the sweden's extension of. the. self so some and so it was. to be really rocking used in the for the. let's run those numbers now asian stocks are on the rise tuesday the nikkei adding almost four per cent helped by weaker yen
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and improved sentiment over japan's recovery exports are on the rise also with toyota motor up nearly four percent in steel company j f e holdings up more than nine and a half percent the biggest gains though have been posted by the shares mostly hit by the nuclear crisis tokyo electric power that operates the damaged fukushima plant and jumped around sixteen per cent and to shiva which builds nuclear plants out in twelve percent. despite strong performance in europe russian socks. russian stocks are mostly modest gains monday the market was consolidating after outperforming during the previous week the r.t.s. closed one per cent out of my six added only point three per cent oil related stocks were mostly in the black and stronger the prices. looking ahead out of the russian markets are likely to perform in the near future michael stein from old creeds here believes that equities here still offer good value given the increase in risk aversion and the increase and will tell you that we've seen that investors
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are more most likely going to keep susan from what's happening with western markets with a focus on what's happening in japan and also what's with what's happening in libya that's the russian equities from being very cheap especially given the elevated will prices that we have out there we think in the medium term you're going to see a strong performance in the oil gas sector which is going to benefit from forthcoming upward revisions to oil price forecasts and also. pending tax tax reform changes and that's all the news from the business side i'll be back next hour for more you can always find the latest updates at r.t. dot com slash business.
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in canada and the us today it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the chances of motherhood independence they are supposed to and i think is that it and most of the time they don't claim the girls would go first today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer in my family and therefore i protect sots because ninety two
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