tv [untitled] March 22, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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you the latest in science technology from around rush limbaugh the future. amid reports of numerous civilian casualties you want to force this cross on with their mission to impose a no fly zone over libya progress thousand forces on the ground are sent to me to mount an attack on directed strongholds. and the u.s. has rushed to join the military effort in libya despite already having to pay billions for ongoing conflicts elsewhere sparking debate over who benefits from such spending. a new player bringing more of those so it's true pipeline project by metro's a world where new all the latest from the business desk. also this hour japan
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resumes afterwards to stabilize the damaged reactors at the fukushima nuclear power plant after work was spent in following unexplained smoke concerns. plus belgium is frozen without a government as a dispute between two major ethnic communities continues fuelling experts predict should stop the brits could spread across all europe. it's three pm here in moscow this is our team coming to you live with me and he's now away thanks for being with us let's get straight to our top story fresh explosions and gunfire have been heard in tripoli as international coalition forces continue to bombard libya the country's government says further civilian casualties occurred following the third day of allied airstrikes meanwhile troops loyal to the
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libyan leader colonel catastrophe are reportedly attacking rebel strongholds in the last pulse lior reports. well in the latest coalition air strikes to libyan naval bases and to live in airports were hit we're hearing from the government spokesperson has brought him here in tripoli and number of people were killed in what he says was a civilian airport in the city of set and certainly state television here has been reporting nonstop that many people have been killed many people have been injured in these latest strikes rebel leaders in the east of the country have been meeting with members of representatives of the united nations in the city of to brooke and there they are discussing humanitarian concerns and the latest humanitarian efforts there was a cease fire and nance meant by the government on sunday but this seemingly continues to be ignored on the ground as intensive fighting continues to go on if you can free cities in the city of some ten in the waist and there we're being told that government troops continue to bombard the town in the city of misrata for the
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fourth consecutive day the government troops have surrounded the town and they are stopping the supply of all water fuel and electricity she residents inside and in the city of baghdad bureau which is the next largest city after the rebel stronghold city of benghazi where we've been told that government troops continue to ambush it is intensifying and the latest word we have is a verbal fighters are advancing from being she would actually be trying to help the comrades and fellow fighters there now overnight here in the capital city of tripoli there were major explosions most of them came from the south of the city there was a lot of smoke in the skies that is where the compound of gadhafi is situated it has already been hit before a three story building near the controls the command and control center for his operations was we were told we'd be destroyed but certainly here for several hours throughout the night monday it was anti aircraft fire canada is the latest is in full flight or jets we understand that they have flown over libya but they haven't
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actually as of your participated in any operations they've also seems to refueling tanks here qatar has seemed. six fighter jets they have landed in crete the british typhoon fighters have also participated in the first ever combat mission that took place on monday and we've been told that they will be a not a meeting of united nations security council but will be held this coming thursday to discuss these latest developments and the latest operations on the ground what is also seeming alarm bells is that we are hearing from bible readers that as they advance with swords to try and recapture some of the towns and some of the cities that they've lost their calling the international community for more cover so people are asking what just times will do for just how long is the international community keep going to provide this in the cover and what will be the continuous climb of civilians more people on the ground becoming increasingly alarmed that innocent people are going to be killed. post their reporting from tripoli well moscow is standing firm over its position towards the crisis in libya saying the no
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fly zone should be used only to protect civilians and bring about peace not the stance which was earlier voiced our president's meeting with rigid has been repeated by russia's defense minister who met with the pentagon chief tuesday that's crossfire now it's our peter oliver he's following the meeting tell us some details of these latest statements coming from both the u.s. and russian defense heads. that's right u.s. defense secretary robert gates is here in moscow to meet with his russian counterpart. following the meeting they both had statements to make robert gates said the united states is role in the ongoing operations would be reduced over the coming face the moment the united states really be the point if you will be the main force in these operations against targets in libya. case also said that nato is expected to resume to assume control of the operations very shortly
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and the libyan people should be allowed to determine their own future in their in their country now he also said the leaders in neighboring countries on the arab league were on board with the decision the colonel gadhafi had brought all of the actions that are taking place upon himself that gadhafi actions had brought about the un resolution on these airstrikes and strikes from ships from the mediterranean that we've seen now under thirty surgical reiterated really the woods of president to me to be made good if he said any operations that in danger or put at risk look to cause damage to any civilian population. you must be stopped immediately to go president earlier said. the coalition forces must remain within the boundaries of the u.n. resolution one nine hundred seventy three to impose
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a no fly zone and the resolution was only there to protect the civilian population of libya so russia sticking to its guns in the defense minister reiterating the words the president's made to get it right live from moscow peter all of our following the russian assessment of the situation in libya thanks for the happy there. now with civilian lives at stake many apps say the coalition must tread carefully as its actions may end up countering the u.n. resolution former british ambassador to libya oliver miles told us about the risks i think far as i can draw goodish very difficult of course the military action that's been taken so far is exactly what robert gates the u.s. defense secretary said some weeks ago now would be necessary in order to impose a no fly zone that is to say eliminating all the effective and craft of french's which might put petroleum crawford in danger it was obvious from the beginning that
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that was going to involve a lot of intrusive military activity and inevitably civilian casualties so i don't think anyone should be surprised by what's happening in my think it's very worrying indeed the mandate from the united nations is perfectly clear it's to protect to impose a no fly zone but the purpose of it is to protect civilians and that means that if we kill civilians we are in danger of being accused of going against the mandate. now the lead role of the u.s. in the military operation against libya is already suffering a global backlash but it's the ordinary american taxpayer battling unemployment and a huge deficit that stands to lose the most as our teams learn the explains. one to one point five million dollars the purported cost of this united states tomahawk missile launched into libya. it's only been
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a few days into operation odyssey dawn and already the costs of the barman from sea and air are skyrocketing the price of day one alone. more than one hundred million dollars but in the first two hours they fired one hundred ten cruise missiles so so right there thousands of teachers of course could be paid for coming at a time when teachers not to mention other public workers are fighting to keep their livelihoods close to ten percent of people are unemployed and the country faces fourteen trillion dollars of national debt the u.s. has already committed trillions to ongoing wars in afghanistan. as well as iraq. good despite all this has moved to the helm of this international intervention but can the country afford getting involved again the united states clearly doesn't
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have money for this we will end up taking money from other important programs domestically and other lawmakers locked in that constant debate over u.s. money problems are going public it's a strange time and which almost all of our congressional days are spent talking about budget deficits religious problems and yet at the same time there are all this passes which is a very expensive operation this mission was led by the united nations but certainly the united states has emerged at the forefront so you have to wonder was so many cars at stake what is justifying this role for the u.s. despite claims from the top of the humanitarian intervention people from the streets. to the pundits don't buy it the u.s. . mission is to keep the coffee from having any influence on our products peak oil expert michael rupert says the real reason for the bloodshed all boils down to the one point five million barrels of oil
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a day coming from libya which the west simply cannot afford to lose you can't take any supply out and not expect the price to go up dramatically for everybody on the planet but not everyone's taking a hit in the pocket conflict is good for some of the most powerful u.s. corporations and military contractors and they have made literally super profits spectacular profits off of the wars in iraq and afghanistan so it won't be any different in terms of the war in libya but having no story and destroying military equipment in in libya opens up markets for more american british and french arms sales in the world justifying perhaps for some who would have benefited a war that adds to the tool other conflicts have taken on the u.s. economy and reputation in the world we will spend at least a half a trillion dollars right now in afghanistan and no libyan the money we're spending and for the encouraging of pakistan the united states has to start focusing on
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things here at home otherwise we're not only broke but we have the rest of the world angry at us a price some believe is too high for america to pay lauren lyster r.t. new york. as the situation in libya develops the american military machine is the only thing that stands to benefit from the conflict that's according to lou rockwell from research and educational center a lot of big business institute. they want to divide and conquer just like the romans so they b.s. the so this is not by the way not a no fly zone it's also a no drive zone no walk so there but they immediately they didn't keep them as bad as it would be to intervene to keep airplanes from the media we're attacking people on the ground and. killing a lot a lot of a lot of people want a blood pool and. we don't know whose blood it is but i think it's
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a good thing the writer who works with this is not a good thing so we have another war going on and i must say from the standpoint of america i'm concerned with the fact that our government is broke that the dollar is going down the drain the government is putting the whole country in the most horrific financial circumstances you're starting yet another war to spend who knows how many billions of dollars makes the military industrial complex very happy for the let's say among us taxpayers we don't like it so these rebels are being led by former officials of the gadhafi regime these are not a bunch of libertarians so i think yes as they struggle for power and as one group will want the u.s. helping them maybe they'll be regional players whether it's the people within egypt or sudan or some of the other countries in the area that may don't want another u.s. occupation right in their backyard so yeah i think there could be much more of an open civil war. you can find continuous coverage out the libyan crisis
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online almost logon artsy dot com to find out what it's like when. outside your window also not on you tube channel and there you can see all day to slate it's including images on t.v. when i mean that we have also the nuclear emergency in japan that and much more. on c. to japan now reports suggest workers have restored electricity to five of the six reactors at the fukushima nuclear plant it comes as japan has resumed its efforts to solve the atomic crisis called the unexplained emissions of smoke. following events the focus has shifted on to the impact of the radiation which was already
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been released the thirty's are saying that in some of there is around the plant the radiation levels are one thousand six hundred times higher than the should be normally villagers in nearby settlements have been told not to drink the water because it contains possible radioactive elements instead they're being given bottled water there's also suspicion it's on the marine life around the plant has been a poisoned as well and that may pose some sort of risk to the fishery you also heard scares over the weekend and afterwards but i recall chal produce from that area may be contaminated as well now the thirty's are saying that the levels are safe but of course there's still a level of anxiety among the japanese people and even people further abroad i sort of possible risk of radiation of course there is still the impact of the earthquake and the tsunami which has recently struck japan the police are saying that nine thousand people have been confirmed as dead more than twelve thousand. three hundred thousand or more than remain homeless and of course the number of confirmed
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dead is likely to grow over the next few weeks. well the nuclear crisis in japan has fears that yet another atomic attached could devastate the country the only nation to ever feel the force of a nuclear weapon japan still remembers of course the horror of the event sixty five years. reports now from. leese man has borne the scars of nuclear disaster for most of his life as a resident of not a sucky you cheri i'm a wacky has had liver and kidney problems since he was thirty five and he's already beaten cancer twice you sure are watches events unfold at fukushima fearing the true nature of the disaster is yet to show itself so you are saying that the result of the contamination won't just end after the event will be handed down from
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generation to generation i have four daughters the first to have leukemia another has breast cancer the results of a disaster will be shown in generations to come. you should know was just eleven when the bomb was dropped he survived the blast but was exposed to lethal levels of radiation on his two trips to the hypocenter first to find his father then to bury him despite everything he's pro-nuclear power but still thinks fleeing from fukushima is the wife's name to doing so then i think people must take all precautionary measures they can to avoid the worst the negative the stands today had to be built from scratch eleven square kilometers were jews to dust the cloud of its tragic past still hangs over the city it's a residence though know what it means to suffer and are willing to help those in
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need we have a cause of something happens in our nation we collect the news and we're very sensitive to our so we are very worried about what happened. to health. everywhere you turn in i guess it is more real for the seventy five thousand. drop here this one marks that exact moment now the city will forever serve as a reminder of the structure potential of nuclear power and those here are now praying that. around in the same way. he would escape any radiation from a meltdown at fukushima but there is a nuclear plant close by and the incident has left residents living in fear that. we've never experienced such a devastating uclear accident before and i think everyone is know afraid this could happen again because we believe it's not under control. and that something. well we'll be taking
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a deeper look at what's happening at the nuclear plant with one of russia's leading atomic scientists you can watch the full interview next hour but here's a quick preview. certainly no country will ever reported every day by day change in every detail. has been providing a rather detailed. it's hard to judge it's truth because they're brothers because they may not know it all. and radiation at the site limits the work personal can take. belgium has set a new record as the country has now been without a government for almost a year the country is divided between that speakers in the north and front speakers in the south triggering concerns of a split if a compromise is reached. the fridge
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parents the floor all those cultures so was breaks up he fears for his children's future if you. don't know because all the snooze you all these. all the flaming. trash on the streets. filled up with subsidizing its poor southern neighbor the north wants away but we're losing big to disagree leaving the country paralyzed without the government the noid months now a world record schools already teach well in children on the ground floor flemish kids up stairs the fact. behind the clashes is belgium's breakup will spark a wave of suspicion through the european union. and. in. spain
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like france follow growing ethnic divides of fueling separatist movements across the e.u. from the shaky cease fire off the terrorist attacks in spain support means in french corsica divorces i'm a couple in just one state and britain. at least if you believe that. it would be acceptable that scope and since if there is a majority of the referendum so. there's an obvious and. present in other european countries splits of a less harmonious kind could mean trouble ahead here comes. the southern part of the country and hope it can float away so you're stuck with a poor neighbor the e.u. seems unable to stop rising inequalities between its people. in the twenty first
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century some see new states europe as a some extensions across the board separatist see lloyds at the end of the tunnel that threatens the very concept of the european union and as for growing numbers of its citizens abroad see this on the wall. or to brussels. let's take a look now at some other stories dominating world news this hour at least a dozen tanks have moved in began to be accountable after three top army commanders defected to joint ventures government protesters becomes a day after the president i mean iraq was in a higher government political revolt has been met with a serious crackdown over recent weeks with around fifty people killed by government forces on one day alone two months now the opposition has been demanding that the president steps down. at least seventeen people have been injured after a series of israeli air strikes on the fall of the strip according to palestinian
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hospital officials local sources say a number of targets such as militant training bases as well as a cement factory and workshop hit israel has not commented on the attacks although such actions are not uncommon israeli rocket attacks as glee did in recent weeks despite the cease fire from the two thousand and nine war. and tarantula rains have caused more flooding across the illawarra region south of sydney one man has died and several people had to be rescued as a result of the flood waters prince william has been in areas of southern australia which were devastated by downforce earlier this year thirty five people perished in the flooding and the stink of northern queensland waters move south to return. all the way this business news is next with matt stay with us.
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good to have you with us here on r.t. this is your business bulletin germany's winter's haul may invest around two billion dollars on a russian led south stream gas pipeline project according to deputy prime minister igor session the energy unit of industrial major be a hazard rejoined gazprom any italy's any in the twenty one billion dollar project to bring the russian gas to the southern europe where there is holes involvement could ensure support for the south stream project from the e.u. gazprom selects the miller explains how the deal will work. soon but is not on them according to a memorandum will get fifteen percent of the project so will stay with its fifty percent share. will gain its share from the need it needs a limb random also includes new long term good supply only contract is not on because of that he said it but he said while it prices are slightly lower wait by uncertainty about the demand from the world's number three consumer japan persis
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tensions in libya still give support to crude analysts say tensions in the region may lead to further oil spikes in the short term but there are no fundamental reasons for the moment by prices should remain permanently high. and you could go short so. i size you could think in other words you can even see the height of the room into films and eight. of them i don't see are we going to see images like a movie it unless of course things are really too extreme scenario we see libya's oil installations destroyed and the risk premium in the oil price might be time from now on a few months we just hope to see solutions you know from who governs libya and it's it's true and it's true lines will expose for it's likely a group on the loose there's no way we can afford to reduces the exposure of
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significantly. taking a look at the big board now european stocks edging lower after posting gains earlier on tuesday insurance and financial stocks rallying among the losers in the german retailer metro a.g. down two point seven per cent after giving a cautious trading outlook. turning domestically russian stocks are lower this hour after losing earlier gains investors still taking profits after last week's strong gains the r.t.s. losing point six percent the mice extracting one point two percent. so as an individual stock c.e.o. they are doing aero flow dropping a third of a percent a source of the airline telling interfax that its net profit rose more than two fold in two thousand and ten to two hundred eighty million dollars gazprom down point eight percent possibly on profit taking after the stock's strong performance last week these shares not getting a lift from news that the south stream deal with winter is all or the fact that alexey miller has been elected c.e.o. for another five years meanwhile other energy sector giants are faring better ruse
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hydros shares are up more than one and a half the size of. russia's largest mobile phone retailer euro say confirming plans to float on the london stock exchange. source close to the deal says the company is looking to raise as much as a billion dollars in the issue euro said has been devalued by banks have a tween three point two five billion dollars. looking ahead to the russian markets are likely to perform in the near future michael stein from old cliche i believe the equities are see here are still offering good value given the increase in risk aversion and the increase in volatility that we've seen that investors are more most likely going to take use from what's happening with western markets with a focus on what's happening in japan and also what's with that what's happening in in libya that's the russian equities remain very cheap especially given the elevated will prices that we have out there we think in the medium term you're going to see a strong performance and it will gas sector which is going to benefit from
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