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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2011 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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at five thirty pm moscow time these are the top stories here on our team the libyan government says the coalition air strikes in the country have claimed more civilian lives after a third night of bombing as a service loyal to colonel gadhafi attacked armed rebel held city in blasts. and concerns rise that there is a hidden agenda behind the military intervention in libya as written some visuals say colonel gadhafi could be targeted because contradicts the u.k.
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prime minister's earlier statement that she is not a. bus radiation levels runs or pounds fukushima nuclear plant are reported to be over one and a half thousand times higher than normal and the figures rise so your fears around the radiation six of food and water contamination. well we continue with max and the possible consequences russia could face in fukushima reactor goes into meltdown are discussed income in our interview program spotlight. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on r.t. . hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview shell on party. and today my
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guest in the studio is. shipped the possibility of a reactor and meltdown japanese nuclear power station is sending shivers around the world but it's the neighboring countries which are especially worried in russia's far east scientists started keeping an eye on the radiation level they say the situation has remained safe so far but should we fear any global consequences are here's the head of iraq's saddam commission and while sharing an analysis of japan's nuclear accident alexander luck should. nuclear power plants bring cheap energy but they also bring risks in japan a powerful tsunami caused by a massive earthquake hit a nuclear power plant and caused several reactors to shut down part of the radioactive fuel broke free and it's causing fears of contamination in japan and in neighboring countries europe and russia have ordered
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a stress test of all nuclear power stations many europeans are so scared they want all nuclear stations in the region shut but experts in russia say we have to work on reactor security rather than shut them down and draw back. thank you very much for being with us today hello first of all your commission as we just mentioned is called the commission and monitoring and analysis of the situation around this for pushing a paraplegic what's what's the main main mission main take main task of your of this group you having just said the main task of this commission is to morning through to analyze the situation of the nuclear accident in japan and to inform the russian government that says so so this so you know the russian government get adequate information let's go read your it's not about informing the people
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informing the press because you do you do need absolutely who are depressed so is this a also your mission what is just your free will. probably it's a part of it ok now are you providing the japanese with any help with any advice we would anything or you just wondering we offer japanese our health often any help they needed so far we. received in specific would still be a really help whatever who we meet. we send our experts to japan to an ally situation where the minute some people they have some talks and as far as i know they give him some advice i'm not open to the japanese are you how are you happy with the state of openness with the information they provide. well i wouldn't discuss. openness sure and would help with the amount of
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information we receive but i wouldn't blame them i understand the situation when work i understand the amount of problems. ok so so you say you understand them because your affairs the city itself and you work in the atomic agency of russia and you you say you have the stench there is that mean that. if an act so like that happens the government the local government the the specialists at the site of that those are trying not to inform the public fully in order not to cause panic is there so we may expect that the situation may be worse that they're there they are reporting is that right. to say i understand the circumstances i'm and not one of this nuclear accident and suffered from those from the tsunami and that's why you know lot of problems and people killed.
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this for the nuclear accident in sea of probably doing all right again. to cause panic you don't have to say everything you think so you know to be grateful about what you say here so you mustn't understand how people will accept this information just people usually overreact to at least when he hears atomic they may overreact ron let's not be able to tell you in a disaster. look the japanese government is claiming that they have reach subs success about the overheating at the reactors five and six those that mean that the major catastrophe has been avoided or we may face something more so new blasts and new explosions something catastrophic or what was done was done i mean the damage but you. certainly something serious and it is
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very unlikely that samson there happens to you and it's number five to six and i. can see the major catastrophic is all variance there will not be any nuclear explosion what the everybody was afraid of but i wouldn't say that everything is all over the wrist still some risk and significant risk the situation cumple worse because of a possible nuclear drop out yeah because of the possible nuclear contamination is not right yes because of the possible nuclear fuel meltdown and as a consequence nuclear contamination it will it will depend on the work of these guys who are working night and day out of the site or it will depend on guard on the weather both when it comes to such association most. most what can be done highly depends on the guys. the second half of the pencil not
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ok how long. your estimation will it take to lick with the axe and completely to get away with it. will see in four to ten days got into my estimation the situation has been stabilized. but to liquidate the situation at all it will probably take up to several years i hear of your boss mr kerry and co well the who is the head of ross atom he spoke on russian network television earlier today and he said that contamination to date. twenty miles. but.
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in some new information coming i confirm this information there is no risk nothing risk for legal countries doesn't mean countries will not see or will not measure. my be some changes to your situation no risk i can confront it and there is still no risk for japan so far with dollars here in risk for japan except this twenty kilometer series of events but there is more not to look like but great worry and great concern among russians living in the far east i know that i know that people are studying buying tickets trying to take their kids out is it true do you know anything about it. because i knew about the situation and know what people feel there and i know the real situation with radioactivity there is
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not only risk there is no changes. radio active waste from the power plant in our system maybe it's. the environment. it has already damaged environment the question is to what degree to what extent you will have to wait until this situation is over until it is stabilized and have to calculate what amount of radionic lights went or and then how to judge very carefully you know where what if mrs where and when she was watching television give a shit and suddenly saying thank god most of the wind went towards the ocean and most of the radioactive cloud went towards the ocean which was the sea so what she said immediately we should stop eating sushi. because because the fish well drank radioactive water and officials from japan and so so sushi may be dangerous
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can you confirm the way can you not know what. it's past. doesn't matter what the amount of radioactive really goes to the ocean it is a minimum of such amount of liquid don't be afraid so even even defense will be caught in japanese waters will not be dangerous for humans to. give them in turkey are you. right you satisfied with the way the russian government is reacting to the book because. for as i understand some governments around the world have changed their atomic policy says p. they said well let's let's stop the projects let cognise cut the number of power stations the russians are being sort of state level and that. is the russian
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atomic agency recital is happy with that we'll have a little help of those russian. we field your government trust. us. actually this is just an accident. it must be analyzed conclusion my take was taken afterwards but still there is not there is no another suffering source of energy for the future there is why we must prove the safety of home last and by the way o. a new design nuclear power plants not withstand such a situation the nuclear power plant built in india already going to be on tour appeal and what will be the offer of communal in bulgaria their kind of hope on what was termed what will suffer from the japanese slump ok we will talk about the
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project server side of in less than a minute after a short break just a reminder that my guest today is really something the deputy director of the russian state atomic energy cooperation. and the head of the right side of the commission a monitoring and analysis of japan's new rats spotlight will be back stay with us. is he.
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in canada and the us that it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the strength of most cooking different layouts console in my industry and most of the current grade going to places a call for the first today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer and my father and therefore i protect so much because ninety to ninety five percent of cancers kurth people with health funding history of cancer the pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget on research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and
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ministration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. and members of congress. welcome back to spotlight i'm al green of and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is alexander lection the deputy director of the russian state atomic energy corporation or saddam and the head of
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the iran saddam commission and monitoring and their losses of japan's nuclear accident this election you just mentioned the safety regulations the safety requirements and atomic station i know they have all these be very high i know that i know that in russia and modern stations the safety requirements are even higher than in japan a very high tech nation so in russia they are higher but are you planning to to analyze the maybe to review them and to make them even higher i'm sure that there i should add that there people from the government are saying you should i are going to do that. first of all have to say this to ourselves we'll probably do this first of all have to analyze what is going on. what changed if before
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excellent it could answer some questions is improbable it cannot. know we don't have a right answer like that we have to ask ourselves what happens if. and we have to imagine. very improbable situations and to give to ourselves first of all the answers present safety standards we have to improve when i read about what happened in fukushima i suddenly realize that these these say true quorums they should they should take into account every possible situation starting from a terrorist act to an earthquake and an earthquake is even. even more serious than an act of terror because it's it's it's more powerful but at me is it true that that it was the water which damaged and which ruined the
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fukushima station not the earthquake absolutely. so so that but that but there are places where tsunamis cannot happen the lever is a true the truth is there are some places where so nine it never happened and there will be that nobody can tell but if you saw it all is it possible to defend a station to give the tsunami alert yes it is possible even to go to the only authority just shouldn't shouldn't build it in fresh places. both but after what has just happened we have to take into account every probability even if as i said it never happened before as for the japanese a way and this plant was designed for some money but not so high as the highest tsunami it was designed is as far as i know six point five meters in recently ten years from now it is estimated in fourteen fourteen me. but let's take
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a look at the evolution of attitudes towards nuclear energy in a report by spotlights alluded to me that. they churn or go disaster like two years of strong public opposition to nuclear energy the mustang is however have seen a shift in attitudes with makes nuclear power plants attractive despite the potential risks is there are lots of environmental friendliness the global woman issue many people trying to nuclear energy because it uses less carbon dioxide emissions another factor in favor of nuclear power plants was the high gas prices over the last decade as the world watches the situation at the fukushima plant and to nuclear feelings and gaining momentum with demonstrations spreading across europe protesters in sr if a country as organized as japan was not ready for the accident the safety of nuclear energy cannot be guaranteed that all nations which are currently using
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nuclear energy. only she'd investigations into the safety of existing paul plants russia is no exception is going to turn power plants operate in a movement all of them will be checked for potential risks however there are nations which the menu to panic turkey for example which is also quake prone like japan hasn't given up on its whence to build its first nuclear power plant the plans have recently been discussed in moscow with the russian president and the turkish prime minister meanwhile implementing this and other similar projects my proof problematic is government claims upon to be opposed by the public which is once again losing trust in nuclear energy as a result would have been a good plan. this election and i well truth here was mentioned about. a project the winner of saturn has been
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negotiating is a project of garia well how will the new clear the nuclear the the anti-nuclear public sentiment that is rising around the world when you should move that affect the new projects or recite them and especially those which haven't been negotiated yet like the bulgarian project. they have to prove plant we are going to build is say what we have to prove the same in the past turkey is a safe make country we can call it an assessment say so we can we have to act and country but the turkish government has decided to go on with the project and is continuing to cooperate with. them. install anything special. i mean concerning the safety about the plant you are building interest were isn't a standard set of safety regulations he recalled plant i mentioned before his
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design for the bills for the period of the location of this plan says we collect active let's say strictly it is designed for more stronger or less strong or flick of steel it is designed to withstand the earthquake which can happen in the same what is interesting. the russians i know are very proud and valid for the safety measures they take at nuclear power plants maybe it's because of true novel because we did learn a lesson. after the chernobyl power plant accident so can you say that today russia has the the most advanced safety safety measures in the world and then you cleopatra's the stations in better than in japan and in france some of the countries. i can see russia has one of the best designs in the world
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do you do people like yourself do specialist share these things i mean they're all or are there any secrets that they're the country's technological secrets that you can know there is no secret the secret secrets we're open we'll demonstrate once so all nuclear new nuclear know how especially concerning safety it's like in the internet and so be able for everybody here they are still knowhow so some of there is now that you know that i mean you may not share it but you may sell it is a true. sense that anybody who cares about it they may either get the nobel for free or buy some of it if it's if it's not on the market ok. this isn't japan's nuclear accident. show that. total safety total safety is a myth. you know it's too early to say. sure
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of the roofs only with some probability. before with the probability of a mexican like this is ten minus six and we believe the probability is very low but after this accident we will probably have to reevaluate the estimation of the probability. there is nothing absolutely certain just to questions what we believe you see did you ever have a feeling that running a nuclear power station is like is like flying an airplane because airplanes are considered to be the safest transport in the world you should know that but then every day thousands of people die in car accidents but once a put there is a plane crash every says we've got it out a tragic accident it isn't are you in the same situation with nuclear usually and i
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mean thousands of ecological accidents happen every year but whenever there is a minor incident and a nuclear power plant when there are reasons why we should start that will we should abolish all nuclear stations that will lead to ask is it took a can we compare these three things. there is a big difference between in europe liberation nuclear power plant reaction first the full first thing you have to do the reason emergency the power plant was shut down and you can it's so america. the great difference. and still the nuclear power plant is on the earth. when you're on earth you can do everything you need doesn't matter how expensive a cheese that you can have him if he's. still a but still they say that nuclear energy today is one of the safest and certainly
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the cleanest energy in the world do you feel that despite the incidence the share of nuclear power nuclear generated electricity in the world will be rising he's had three years. early to judge let's wait for a while let's wait one months and after one months will compare the consequences of all this accident would be consequences of accidents look like earthquake other industrial accidents tsunami whatever fire runs out and then well the fear is behind us we'll try to give the sober analysis ok thank you thank you very much for being with us in just a reminder that my guest is still here today was alexander the luxury of the deputy director of the russian state atomic energy a gracious casada and they had of their southern commission and monitoring and analysis of japan's nuclear attacks and that's it for now for the spotlight will be
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