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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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join t.v. channels see a movie that's the case we go to the grand imperial truly the top western coast coromandel you can a with original closure which says don't need to go. read this and the colonel goes the child is used to retreat. hello this is the r t news channel and said choose another twenty second of march here in moscow the top stories the libyan government says the coalition's a astroids of the country of claims of more civilian lives after a third night of bombing that says troops loyal to colonel gadhafi attack a rebel held city of west. concerns rise that there's a hidden agenda behind the military intervention in libya as british officials say colonel gadhafi could be targeted but contradicts the u.k. prime minister's earlier statement but regime change is not an aim. radiation
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levels around japan's fukushima nuclear plant are reported to be over one and a half thousand times higher than normal as the figures roys so the fears around of the radiation impact such as food and water contamination. more on that in half an hour's time with news continues in full next looks into the rise of it is not a phobia in the u.s. and how it's being justified there in our interview that's coming right up. archie sitting down with award winning writer and journalist ian buruma named one of the top one hundred global thinkers by foreign policy magazine mr brewer is a professor of democracy human rights and journalism and bard college in new york sir thank you so much for joining us today thank you for your latest book is taming the gods of religion and democracy on three continents so i want to start our discussion by asking you about the role of islam in the modern world how
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significant is it do you see a certain level of. some for being in the united states nowadays and you think it's just so there is certainly a level of islamophobia just as the all over the western world it's difficult to talk about a lot of the role of islam because it's not one thing to millions and millions of people it's a faith inside the world of islam there's also a violent revolutionary movement which is a minority of muslims who take part in it of you can sympathize with it but it's there and that causes problems and to the extent that people are worried about violence coming from those groups that worried that worry is justified is that it's alarm i would. know that would be a very mistaken and dangerous notion are you seeing a certain level of phobia when it comes to islam. well yes you do you do
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occasionally meet people who have bigoted opinions on it. i think it's one of the last forms of bigotry that is more or less for spectacle and you can't be you know just semites and be respectable but you can say that you can't stand muslims and you cannot you'll still get invited to dinner is not an acceptable double standard no not in my view it's it's part of the modern world from some of the things that have been coming out of the media but he seems like that is a sentiment they're trying to fuel i don't think so. i wouldn't blame the mainstream media for god so. i think what it really is is that because of globalization. because of financial insecurity. fast moving developments in the modern world in which some people feel that they are being left behind and so on there's a lot of anxiety and it's always useful in times of anxiety when people have an
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enemy to focus on immigrants in general but muslims in particular are singled out as an object of fear. but. but to come back to your question i don't think that the mainstream media been. the worst culprits in this who have been the worst i think some of them in europe some of the populist politicians who have used various. in the united states. on radio cable t.v. and so on who. use this issue to stir up. water exploit resentment now in one of your articles about china there is a place where you see nationalism is often fed by a sense of impotence and i want to ask you about this do you think there is a saying that could also be relevant to modern day united states yes but it. comes back to that same issue that people who feel they're not represented they don't
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have a voice that they're not listened to they don't have a grip on public affairs. very vulnerable. leaders who promise the earth as it were if you feel you're a lonely individual who has no influence on anybody and nobody cares about it feels good to be in a crowd shouting usa usa or. in the case of america could be in china or could be anywhere and in china what i meant by. chinese nationalism being a form often an expression of a form of it's i didn't mean that in the sense of the chinese government but where people have no political voice china is awful not a democracy. there nationalism can play the same role that religion plays in other parts of the world it becomes a kind of. substitute for political. participation the united
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states is a democracy do you think people have a political voice here certainly more than in china. but the huge role played by money for example has distorted the process somewhat i mean it is not received but like all democracies it has great flaws and one of the flaws i think in this country is that you have two parties and people who get elected only can only get elected if there are. huge amounts of money involved and that leaves a lot of the population sort of out of the equation who do you think is the real power in the united states who really leads the country at this point is a corporations you know still wall street is it really washington d.c. or is it the tea party is the media it's course not one thing and the fact that it's not a dictatorship means there is not one center of power but if you corporations for example do you think they have
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a bit more control than they should in making some i think are probably have more control than they should that's not to say that corporations run america be too simple they certainly have a huge influence as does the street as does the pentagon and those. in congress as do the. various voices in the media i mean they all have an influence some. of these groups institutions have perhaps more influence than water and that's because of the enormous role played by money i want to talk to you about china now. we talked a little bit about some of the fear mongering in the media do you think china is really a threat to the united states why is it seen as a threat by so many people and. is their bases to i don't think it's a direct threat to the united states certainly not military a. threat they're competing and they have a comparative advantage of having
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a huge population that can make things much more cheaply than people carry the united states i don't think it's a huge threat it's perceived as such again because the rise of china as an as a serious power. with the economic clubs is has been is recent and has been very fast people are fearful for many different reasons and it's it helps them to be able to focus on something in the united states it's usually an external enemy well why is it so often external and it could be part of a lack of knowledge what is it well i think it's a big well it's partly the history of the u.s. it's sort of a refuge from the dangerous outside world and one way to make people feel that they have something in common with each other that creates a kind of conclusiveness of society is of course this idea that here we are in the united states and we will have to defend ourselves against this dangerous world out
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there is that the united states powerful enough to just start worrying about you know rationally you would have thought so books these things are not always rational and if there isn't an external enemy people often vent in the domestic one that's not just in america it's all over the place you mentioned japan having been seen as a threat to western economies decades ago where does it stand now where you think anybody sees the threat anymore very soon after people are making a tremendous fuss about japan buying up the will there was a big recession and japan is now seen as a more or less normal capitalist country with it is a lot and now it's japanese to be fearful and they're very anxious about trying to want to ask you about bric bloc that is made up of brazil russia india and china some experts are saying that this block is going to really become. leader in. the world's economic arena do you think that's the case or is china way ahead of
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everyone else china or certainly bigger than most other places and all these countries have a long way to grow. and are very dynamic for that reason because they come from a lower. base and so the tend to be industrious and ambitious and so on the way that perhaps is less true in. a continent like europe which has been prosperous for an awful long time do you think they could become stronger than the united states in europe in terms of their. combined possibly but to stronger me in today's economies and. corporations very very often it's they have will have their headquarters in one country but most of the factories in other countries and consumers all over the place and. it's become such an international economy you know it's it's difficult it's very difficult to talk in
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terms of national strength and the chinese talk in that way and it's a it's it's a nineteenth century. rather driven way of looking. thinking about an economy. the american system of course is different if you are an american corporation and you game is not to make the united states into a stronger nation states your game is to make a lot of money and make sure that the shareholders are happy how do you measure power in north korea economically is a complete backwater it's a little slum out there that nobody would pay any attention to except for the fact that they have nuclear weapons and that makes it into a power that has to be taken into account in anything much it's a pleasure. first
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three remove old cold clear cut the cloak second explosives are used to blast through a beaker the material. heard the remains are removed by machinery. on mortgage soil. in vallecito. on the. gold. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we are going to the future of coverage.
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in canada and the us today it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the most cutting different . and most of the. claims of conflict of interest today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer in my time therefore i protect sought because ninety to ninety five percent of cancers occur among people with health family history of cancer. a pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget
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a research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and administration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. and members of congress. wealthy british style. sometimes the tires on. the car. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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morning news today violence is once again flared up. in these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada asked. challenge corporation to rule today. the coupe. some stories from r.t. tonight the libyan government says the coalition's airstrikes in the country claimed more civilian lives offer of the life of the bombing and since troops loyal to colonel gadhafi attacked a rebel held city in the west. and concerns rise there was a hidden agenda behind the military intervention in libya as british officials say colonel gadhafi could be targeted this contradicts the u.k. prime minister's earlier statement that regime change was not so many. radiation levels around fukushima nuclear plant reported to be over one and a half thousand times higher than normal as the figures rise so the fears around
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the radiations impact such as food water contamination. i'm kevin i mean thanks for being with our team tonight i'll bring you the news in full in fifteen minutes time but it's sports next with. joining us this is sports the way i need to know me on these are some of the stories we're covering this all. in it's two in and kneeled on the final semifinal spot in the continental hockey league taking her up on card in their deciding game seven. rising fast to meet in the second weekend of premier league action on salt alongside another of the pre-season favorites rubin. last time i promise that's the message from fee for president sepp blatter he confirms he'll stand down in twenty fifteen if he wins another term. if the first time ever this year that
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the guardian cup will not be raised aloft powers the feeling to make a chelsea semifinals the lineup which was completed on monday evening that's. who was last seen the picture with the side inside. out on card the club springing into life great through the second period lead them into. the lead with the death this makes the visitors slimly remaining until the final minutes of regulation that's next denise off the man taking full advantage of the guard's eld third sniping at the pool tender the next for. two zero how about when did mesler take the series four three meaning be a nice a solid reliable in the west finals solid team to jump through in a row reaming champions are always runs earlier of the battle for eastern dominance
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centers on the. hot lunch meanwhile the action gets underway on wednesday in the. premier league football now where champions the needs to remain perfect in the russian premier league the same petersburg side making it true for. following victory over angie on monday the oldest joining would have been up to some a courtesy of the to know when to revert to carlos and company up north calm and collected the montreux cough story it's all for you chance but let's meet six months in sneak then double the early dunkel loss of each free kick right before the great support efforts even after the second time run to no. i'm spartacus could have points back from their shopping defeat off last weekend's sonora with. reason i can easily strike the lease on with the celtic the fifty i staying with football were separate after i stated he intends to step down his
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fee for president in twenty fifteen if he's reelected for a fourth term in june the seventy five year old who has been head of world football's governing body since making ninety eight is being challenged by asian confederation chief mohamed bin hammam the most recent challenge to publish kingship came almost a decade ago his rival this time around been how mom was promised greater transparency and the spread fee for the loss of wealth more evenly across the globe if he wins the vote something. out of it's there but last year putin has stated that russia are ready to step in and host the world figure skating championships if necessary to kill was the whole event starting this week but not a possibility following the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit japan on march the eleventh. so it is less. it's known that there were japanese friends and are unable to host the world concert because of the tragedy it underwent i know god will read it as a bird i would have been his colleagues and international security for direction by
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suggesting we can hold them back g four of course the federation is interested this is not an expensive procedure so we can't cover all costs there's a priest is that you've got. the name alexander may not be one of the most well known and global martial arts circles that could be about to change our correspondent constantly gets help off caught up with the man who's regarded as versus hottest prospect fighting today. russia has been synonymous with producing world class fighter respond many years now there is disciplines and there is martial art scene washington and man in the octagon but the hostilities one stage where the undisputed world kick boxing champion was recently invited to the british g just a one world series after winning every male he had fought for. and now there is an expired legend fielder a million in the thirty four year old last stand for maybe in the twilight of his career now after losing two consecutive ballots but he is still on the one of the
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greatest quieter is blank history today he really on his former coach recently given it believes the next global star like on the game in his corner i think sound of course is that sidewalk so what if initially but he is ready to knock down the key one door. i've been training bolcik of who more than a year with good people deserves a good coach and vice versa when i started to train him i had to change his technique a little but he's punching and kicking style is now as good as anyone's it's so powerful that sometimes after training i can feel my hands of. which i called has had eleven k.y. qualifying but i was winning ten of them in one draw with a flesh style featuring flying using heat the twenty seven year old outclassed that can petition to claim the european. from last year and world crown now top of his agenda. first of all i want to become the best in the plant and then we'll get an opportunity to hold the title defense white in russia because if you win you
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dictated terms and hopefully that will happen which of course has been addicted to martial arts since he was ten each year making impressive progress with regional and national titles around his waist but for almost a decade it's been all boesky one for the st petersburg native and should have been germany and the netherlands for example paid by their for the riches of the us that's why we don't have a lot of athletes because all of them have to earn money so instead of training they stay in the office. has them honing their skills cope with success will help to stem a section of q one here at russian players will get lots of opportunities develop for the policeman who specializes in drug enforcement stating if a new ration actually starts up in his native country his rise to the group one ranks would happen sooner rather than later and that is sure to be a very important step in developing the sport in martial arts crazy russian his name but out of r t. ok let's move to the n.b.a.
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were memphis are doing their best to secure the final playoff spot in the west the grizzlies overcoming conference rivals utah in the pick of monday night's action and that started brightly eventually leading to an eight point advantage by the end of the first quarter and made daddy making its way into what you're converting me by with a left handed shots or de mayo then out of the three pointer from the corner right before the half time break increasing the memphis needs it doesn't exactly runs off yet again hi nice points thirteen replies i was one of seven memphis players he faced in double figures of the night it was ending up one hundred three to eighty five in front of the ends meaning. three games behind the five feet of space only let. and against. we go back to the pitch finally for a recap of all the strikes that poured injuring week two in the premier league who are being honest and it's they are the teams to catch check out the way they moved
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up and all the rest of the action it is called school. live . live live
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. live play play. live
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. some great strikes there are valleys all your sport from the weather is coming up in just a second all season. for
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the full so we've gone to. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on the.
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