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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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coalition airstrikes and heavy gunfire rock libya's capital for of course tonight experts point out a lot of strategy and coordination among the allied forces. gadhafi continued his reckless policy of intimidation is relentless pursuit to be counted on america to be tested. the code of wrong old habits die hard we look at how engaging in foreign military conflicts has become a trademark of the u.s. president. and a new hauled into pads attempts to cool the reactors at the quake damaged fukushima
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power plant that's rising black smoke problems the evacuation of workers and firefighters. question our steve live from moscow with me and you so now way it's six pm here in the russian capital five pm in tripoli and coalition strikes on libya are showing no signs of easing there's more than three hundred war plane flights reported on the fourth night french aircraft carrier is moving to the region and more fighter jets are arriving in crete that's despite the pentagon chief supplies to ease the intensity of strikes are seen as polls there is following developments in the capital. colonel gadhafi spoke on state television on tuesday night in what we're being told is a live address from his compound are as asea now that compound was hit some two
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days ago by iraq allied is strike he was incredibly angry and incredibly defiant he called this a crusader war and say that he would not let down that the libyan control would make a mockery of these eight strikes he said that libya was leading international efforts in the international war against imperialism and this process he also said that this was a blatant aggression by fascists now speaking to people here in the capital city of tripoli what they say it's particularly frightening is that he stated that they have not used the full rights of the libyan military machine now we've been hearing from kurdish leaders that they've managed to practically destroyed his course this was denied by the libyan leader he hasn't spoken in public for several days now and they will questions being asked as to where exactly he is but we understand that he has a number of underground bunkers and no doubt he is hiding in one of them we're hearing from these kurdish leaders that the airstrikes have been successful but they simply
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haven't stand back the advancement of gadhafi soldiers on the ground there is continuous fighting in a number of cities the most prominent cities in the cities of misrata and then turned in the ways in the city of ajdabiya in the east now particularly in misrata where they would see some airstrikes very intensive shelling and intensive fighting continues just yesterday tuesday we've been told that thirteen civilians were killed four have been with children from the same family we're also being told that the duffys men have taken up positions on the roofs of buildings and that they work in there as smyth is literally shooting at anything that moves on the ground the local hospital has run out of medical supplies and is in fact turning people back early this morning wednesday shortly before bored they were three explosions here in the capital city of tripoli they came. in the eastern part of the city and it's still too soon to say what exactly was the target but there is a military base there so we are casing that was probably at least one of the
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targets people here in the capital city are getting incredibly frightened and that this view is turning people even move into the space yesterday i visited naval base here in the capital city and it had been struck by six missiles and speaking to mabel offices there it could the words of gadhafi saying that this was an illegitimate war and that they would continue to fight back against what they are calling a gray says these strikes besides making people very angry also opening the floodgates in terms of the questions of who we will this operation in what is he in strategy and what is the exit gate is this going to be a war that just continues for months and months and if indeed it is within the anger the frustration on the ground is just going to intensify. or to use pause we are there reporting from tripoli well you can keep up with the very latest from all law by staying in touch on our twitter feed our polls the latest tweet from the libyan capital talk about how she doesn't feel safe she feels anger and anxiety
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hanging heavy in the air of tripoli that's after the fourth night of airstrikes will continue to keep bringing us trading news from the war torn country you can follow her at our team under a score card. where former british intelligence officer an emotional and told r.t. the roots of the differences within the coalition right in the longstanding inconsistency of what policy towards libya i think there are a tangle soon as the whole uprising began in libya because they really didn't know which side to back in which way to jump of course the colonel gadhafi in a historic enemy of the west for many many decades and suddenly he's been brought back into the international fold and there were lots of nice juicy oil contracts and business contracts flowing out of libya towards places like the u.s. . u.k. france and italy so i think they're very torn for a long time and it's only really over the last weekend that they did a bit of a rush job to take the violence to the next stage and protect the rebels that they
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had been battling secretly for a couple of decades in the east of libya so i think a different aims from different countries different vested interests within libya of the different countries and also different histories are all playing a part in this in this model and it is interesting is we're looking at the sort of conflicting reports coming out for you cater to kili about the endgame where the military chief of defense is saying absolutely not we're not going to get out of the capital even state or not is trying to assess the gadhafi and yet the government is trying to sort of hedge its bets on that front i think the temptation is going to get stronger and stronger certainly for the west the u.k. and france to try and get rid of gadhafi in an accident a bomb that goes off in the wrong place or something because of course they've made such a problem for themselves now even if they end up with a stalemate a war of attrition and the peculiar partition situation between the east in the west of libya then we have a situation where gadhafi still has power now gadhafi is in feel very betrayed by his ex best allies in the west of course because he's actually over the last decade and get off he has experience has
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a track record and also his state is intentions of carrying out terrorist attacks in the future if he stays in power so i think the west really is in a position where it has to go for the end game of getting rid of gadhafi for regime change but of course that is highly illegal under all sorts of international laws and is specifically excluded from the u.n. resolution. when president obama said colonel gadhafi was continuing his repression despite ample warning many may have had a feeling of deja vu because similar words marked the beginning of the attack on libya by the breaking administration twenty five years ago and its artie's christine for points out since that all incoming american leaders have made a habit of going to war. it's becoming a danger to the job description. become president of the united states. declare war my fellow americans my fellow citizens for president ronald reagan in
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one thousand nine hundred eighty six the familiar attack on a familiar enemy despite our repeated warnings gadhafi continued his reckless policy of intimidation is relentless pursuit of terror he counted on america to be passive he called it wrong turns out so did saddam hussein just two hours ago allied air forces began an attack on military targets in iraq in kuwait for his successor president clinton the target was slobodan milosevic today our armed forces joined our nato allies in airstrikes against serbian forces responsible for the brutality in kosovo president george w. bush said it was weapons of mass destruction that threaten the world and invaded iraq in what was supposed to be a quick and live it campaign on my orders coalition forces have begun striking selected targets some military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war most thought it would end there with president obama running on an
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anti-war platform he has spent most of his presidency trying to end the wars started by his predecessor until now the u.n. security council passed a strong resolution but the bands and to the violence against its. it authorize the use of force in the timeline of recent history there have been some glaring similarities when it comes to the use of force by u.s. presidents none have been in response to a military attack or even threat of an attack on u.s. soil none have ever been formally declared wars we have to protect thousands of innocent people who kosovo from a melting military offensive we are determined to knock out set of hussein's nuclear potential we will also destroy his chemical weapons facilities self defense is not only our right it is our duty the definition of duty often changing the result eerily parallel thank you god bless you.
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thank you very much christine for south r.t. . well u.s. congressman dennis kucinich said it's time for wants him to think of diplomatic methods to ease tensions in the muslim world rather than cultivate more conflicts there we are in a fourth war here fourth front going to. push iraq and afghanistan. we do these wars and the united states does not have unlimited power we should be trying to find a way to effect more with the muslim community worldwide which means getting out of atlanta stand out of iraq out of. away from the explain currents in pakistan and it doesn't mean ceding to terrorism it means you work with the world community this is a massive intervention already in the name of a no fly zone which isn't like telling people you just can't park in a space it's really a massive attack on infrastructure of a nation we're in
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a war. but the history of u.s. involvement in conflicts over the years suggests the future is bleak for colonel gadhafi no matter whether the libyan people want this or not that's one opinion voiced and peter lavelle's debates crosstalk and it's coming your way later today. our mission is to remove gadhafi either dead or alive let's face it that is the reason the average guy isn't a u.n. resolution though this is what i'm getting is not the un yeah but you would revolutionize solution is pretty vague and he'd be sure that you see there is this ok who's business is it to get rid of gadhafi sammy if i can go to you here gaddafi is that ruthless dictator but that's for the libyan people to overthrow qaddafi just like it's for the egyptian people to overthrow mubarak in look and nobody has a crystal ball but one thing is for sure and that is khadafi must go he must go and we've already made that decision with our allies and now we've got to see it
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through we've made a mistake in gulf war one one we freed kuwait we should have removed that dictator at that time it was our mistake shame on us we didn't do it so we had to wait a number of years to get the job done the second time. high levels of radiation have reached tokyo following the accidental japan's fukushima nuclear plant people in the capital have been told not to drink tap water the country struggled to resolve its nuclear crisis has again been stalled out of focus in the plant evacuated after black smoke emerged from one of its reactors. is in principle he's kept. i'm not a setback for the shut down operation at fukushima workers have to be withdrawn once smoke began billowing from one of the reactors for fear of contamination now this time it's reactor number three perhaps the most dangerous of the lot because it operates on plutonium not only has
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a much longer half life than you radium i never thought however to get out into the environment to be a very expensive and very difficult cleanup operation because of course more orders being lost two days of very steady progress the engineers have now managed to connect up all of the reactors to some electricity in fact electricity has been restored in one of the control rooms they're saying that if this operation continues successfully destroyed the recent set back that eventually they'll be able to put the cooling systems back into action and the cooling systems will then cool the rods and therefore any immediate risk of contamination will then have been avoided here in tokyo the dangers of radiation are coming from different directions first it was the vegetables and fruits which are produced in the area near for shima which are becoming contaminated now the thirty's are saying that the levels of radiation in the water are also rising and now babies and small children have
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been banned from drinking tap water because the levels are apparently dangerous to them hardly take a for adults but at the same time doubting that a lot of people are risking it and in fact if you go to the shops the proper water is still going at a very fast rate so people are not risking drinking water from that that there is a lot of rain which has been falling here over the last few days and it's been dropping if not significant but notice all of the radiation and we've been walking around the city measuring the radiation levels in some of the streets by five six times that it's supposed to be even though the indicators are normal nevertheless but are these are asking their citizens to stay calm. continue to follow japan's nuclear crisis and its effects on line with us parties he is tweeting from tokyo and says people are sweeping mineral water off the shelves that's after the government's contamination alert there this is just talking about but for all the updates on japan much more content for twitter feed that our chief underscore.
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in other news one of the women has been killed and dozens of people injured in a bus blast which has rocked central jerusalem the violence comes amid escalating tensions in the region to discuss this more in depth we're now joined by sought new murdoch sure of political science at present university thank you for being with us live this evening from ramallah israeli police say that palestine the palestinian militants are behind this bomb in jerusalem do you think that that is the case. for it's going to have to. put us through it or not it's. so if it's going to. grow again it was really rare that i had been. a disagreement with you as a good. movies that it's that good. every few months or years that it was the
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rooms and. it was the biggest thing was i think it's the route they were going to because the and i better not are you afraid that you think israeli officials are rushing in the situation to blame palestinians. it could be because we have we're just going to ask if you like nuns and it's going to show that's because by the israeli government against the palestinian and lebanese and everywhere and both bank and as a sort of as if they're trying to get out of the conflict which is a necessary match my wound is very bad when the palestinian i dreamed. that i sing them back to the square of brigands they were going through serfaty the last was dreams we would like them to grip interact i don't think it is that we have a bad situation i want to expand the conflict in a way or another way israel always had into reacting or acting rather in
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retaliation and the palestinians claim the same so what's the way out of this cycle of violence people are dying here. which were really bad and. as i read them the international community the prime. minister and his right in the bush regime and. the from the better greet him with them as friends and when i could reach him as a roofer which was the better way manson's. i might move to step two seconds and christabel with the sentiments and the script in the book in a stupor i'm glad we landed which simply was a seaman. and the movie shushan establish i'm going to sue in state so it's a square i have respect is that you're never going to move the ribbon route to peace with the palestinians and. screw the situation and it's right for good people assume it's good and pursue have with bad guys and pursue the peace process
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so if everybody is to never have. a pair of the delusions of the mad have nothing good use of the bushes and i'm not willing to do that so it's quite obvious that. if they were. just to serve once i'm going to send in a question that was removable to sure shows ground establishing the person who spoke on the nine hundred sixty seven as new palestinian would wish to have a sleep state. where you are a proponent of peaceful revolution obviously for this mideast conflict professor does a talk show that dialogue simply isn't working in order to get israel to stop building like you say as you see it as the only way to see some sort of peace. if there is i think that the israeli should try to stop settlement activity news. show of goodwill and bad intention to peace and women. is ridiculous to mean as
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far as we know that good news is news relief that there's some question and now i'm back with vets when i'm in the arab countries iran and also in the arab countries such as. this and i think i've got through back to my things might change dramatically. and sad i think that that plan through at this time of the situation rather than finding a set of solution. to give the palestinians the right. do you think that israel could use this incident to justify more use of force in the future. i wish i could say i would have noticed back in the last month or so the good news and discrimination and there were discouragement against because it was bent and business to its. method of threat.
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and that's obvious to us and we have noticed that remember of the wrists and revolution with the simple ones and do it with good genes good news. good reboot actions bad news that was good to bring the people in the rest and it's quite noticeable if you look at the news and the rest of it was very. predictable as. this is actually. in bad position pursued by prison because of the biggest rebel rebel advance and say well i'm still for it. let's go to everest that is i was glued to the stewardship. but i guess i'm against the list right side number lecture of political science at present university joining us live from ramallah. let's take a look now at some other top stories from around the world legendary american actress elizabeth taylor has passed away at the age of seventy nine starting out as
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a child star her beauty and talent quickly made her one of the great actresses of hollywood's golden age her personal life also added to her stardom with eight marriages to seven husbands kim bondy the glamorous lifestyle leader she devoted much of her time to charity driving for greater awareness of aids and establishing a number of foundation. women's parliament has approved president so this request to impose emergency law in the country comes despite massive protests against the move with opposition saying it condones the massacre of civilians emergency law bans protests suspends the constitution and the house security forces to exercise. greater powers is seen as a desperate attempt by the president to preserve his power amid crumbling support a mounting public anger. twenty three people including a russian crew of four have been killed in a plane crash in the republic of congo it was caught on camera you can see this
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dramatic footage which shows how the plane crashed into a residential area in the town of. destroying several houses and starting a fire the smoke still billowing out from the site authorities say a committee will be established to investigate. belgium is setting a political record as it's been in deadlock for over forming a new government for almost a year the two communities from northern flanders and southern baloney you have been locked in a stalemate since parliamentary elections last summer many experts foresee a split ahead if a compromise isn't reached and daniel bushell reports they say this is such an as to wade might suite not just belgium but the e.u. as well. the fridge parents in florida oh noes a toga both cultures so was building breaks up he fears for his children's future
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it will be much more difficult don't know because all this museum it's all his big picture. nor the flemings and seldom. clash on the streets. fed up with subsidizing its poor southern neighbor the north wants away but we're losing big to disagree leaving the country paralyzed without a government the nine months now a world record schools already teach well and children on the ground floor flemish kids up stairs the fact. it will not and. will not influence indeed i would come from slight of spain like france they will follow the growing ethnic divides of fueling separatist movements across the e.u. from the shaky cease fire of the terrorist attacks in spain to bombings in french corsica divorces amicable in just one state and britain it is considered
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at least a few believe the editorials it would be acceptable that scotland if there is a majority of the referendum splits of a less harmonious kind could mean trouble ahead here comes. the southern part of the country and help the conflict away you're stuck with a corner neighbor the e.u. seems unable to stop the rising inequalities between its people in the twenty first century some see a new states forming in europe as ethnic tensions across the e.u. boiling point separatists see lloyds at the end of the tunnel that threatens the very concept of the european union as for growing numbers of its citizens the writings on the wall. r.t. brussels. well it's in short break here in our business next.
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this is business saucy hello and welcome to the program political and environmental seans they have a sale of the world in the first quarter of print and have been have brought have been good for russian authorities than the rest of the new police in north africa has caused or prizes to john and more recently the quake in japan has raised the prospect of increased demand for commodities for construction and you guinea have gotten from learned less out of the shocks isn't likely to last long but the fundamentals are improving anyway thinking back on current situation i don't even need japan and techs although we're speaking about japan the b.
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and other stuff i would see these effects on oil and stuff most of this could lead to point it to me jim talk about thinking about the inclusion of wealth of developing nations to go bald because of the special imagine market it's a little like a break from the sort of regional price and that's exactly what russian from the low support russian economy in terms of in full financial position in terms of potential development we managed to use it properly so that's exactly the question . russian consumer prices jumped zero point eight percent in february much less than in january but still twice the rate of the european average wheat prices rose the most with drugs not solid behind and finance minister could record for extreme measures to curb inflation driven by last summer's drought and high crude prices and right now let's take a look at how the markets are performing this hour stuart so low that the open over forced new home sales fell to have recalled loan february adobe systems and down is down five sons are placed on food and lower than expected profit forecast blaming
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the crisis in japan for lower sales european stocks some mixed as worries about debt problems in portugal and other retailers are among the biggest losers down more than five percent after disappointing results in a wild card make up the m w's on the rise after a broker of great. year in russia the markets are trading in the blind this hour he also has his trading marginally in the blind while the mice it is up by nearly a percent. let's take a look at some individual shot moves among the blue chips in norilsk nickel is gaining a one percent investors wait for further details of its long term strategy in the energy sector into rao is up two percent of news it's acquired nearly eighty percent of the power generating company k. three telecoms are also on the rise investors are rushing divide into regional operators ahead of their merger with austerity and possibly congress currently trading flat on their my six. russia's third largest oil producer chain k.b.p.s.
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says its profit reached six point fifty five billion dollars in twenty ten and it's quoted a smaller than expected income tax for the twenty four percent improvement on last year's performance and b.p. is a joint venture between a group of russian businessmen and the british oil giant. two more russian companies have announced plans to list on the london stock exchange one of the country's largest real estate developers that's on group is expecting to raise around five hundred billion dollars from the flotation the company says it intends to use financed acquire land plants and to replenish working capital. russia's second largest private a private owned by norma's announced its intention to raise seven hundred million dollars the offering vulcan says to one hundred ninety five million dollars worth of primary shares as well as existing shirts from a minority shareholder. that's all the business news for now much more to come next hour and you can always find all our latest updates on r.t.
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