tv [untitled] March 23, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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welcome the loner show where you get the real headlines with none of the mersey are going live to washington d.c. for the military attack on cut off he continues but who exactly is in charge and we have to wonder if this war is doomed from the start with no strategy no goals no end game in sight and there are reports of more violence in the middle east this time coming out of israel rocket fire is picked up in recent days between israel and gaza strip and just today there was a bombing in jerusalem so what will happen if tensions do become worse and what will the u.s. to now do we have a rapidly changing middle east and more dismal news on the housing market but at this point has anyone even pay attention anymore or has the news become just too depressing for americans to swallow and it's now easier to get a gun in the state of south dakota that is for a woman to have an abortion so what does that say about this country and what happened to armageddon that was promised publicans when health care reform was passed exactly one year ago we'll speak with anika spirit of the young turks and
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it's the latest attack on public employees florida's governor signed an executive order insisting that state workers face random drug testing as well as pre-employment drug testing or does anyone else out there see this as a violation of your rights we're going to host a debate on the issue at the end of the program but now let's move on to our top story. the war against moammar gadhafi continues reports say the international air strikes forced gadhafi tanks to retreat from the key western city of misrata and went straight to the rebel council created the governing body in order to in efforts to organize and the pounding by cruise missiles bombers and fighter jets is only getting heavier that doesn't mean they can offer us any closer to stepping down or giving up and quite the opposite is promising a very long fight so what's supposed to happen next the u.s. continues to vow to take a step back after the initial phase but there also seems to be no cohesion amongst the allied forces involved in this initial phase today nato. countries fail to
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agree to take command no one can figure out what the goal of this mission is so politically militarily how is this doomed from the start and to discuss that with us is lawrence korb senior fellow at the center for american progress when i think that much for joining us now obviously this is all interwoven but let's see if we can break it down militarily politically and let's just start with military strategy how do you possibly conduct an operation of this size when there really wasn't a goal something that was agreed upon before it even happens now the goal was agreed upon the goal was to protect civilians from for free from killing. innocent people but how do you do that with airstrikes if could on the way that he's made it out isn't standing allowing. all to go wasn't that the goal was to prevent him from killing civilians which in fact he's going i mean basically we have accomplished and we're continuing to patrol and keep the pressure on him so
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that he can't do what he did the goal was for to you know would move through from power would you like that to happen sure but that's not the goal of the mission now there also seems to be a little bit of a problem in the sense that no one can really figure out who's in charge right because this is supposed to be an international coalition but at the same time you have the u.s. and the u.k. and france all with their own operations with their own names the u.s. is perhaps coordinating all of these efforts but french defense minister nuri ministry keeps reminding us that that does not mean that the u.s. has commands nato now hasn't been able to agree upon whether they want to step in or not so what is not supposed to mean for the international coalition if u.s. does step back very soon for the military point of view the u.s. charge the french will always claim that they're not working in the first gulf war but you know they're going along because the french military very professional and so they're doing they're working with everybody else you don't see french planes
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but you know planes from the united. it's or anything but there were some reports that initially some of the french jets on saturday that went out had been cleared or there wasn't you know no i mean in fact the united states wanted to be the first there because we don't want this to be seen as the american involvement in a muslim country given the fact that we went into iraq under false pretenses now of course we don't want to be seen that way but i'm just asking then how it technically even to defense secretary robert gates came out today and said possibly even by this weekend the u.s. is going to take a step back how is that going to happen or is that basically what's going to happen is we will not be flying those movie patrols with you know six pm to be as we will be largely as many cruise missiles because we've already accomplished our objective we've made libya now safer aircraft from all over the all of the countries and again with us stepping back it gets the american grand off there and it also tells people in the united states that we've got going to start
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a third war and all the people are going to help us a car you know because they have more interest about that we do but it could be a really now safe for the civilians because like i say khadafi isn't it doesn't look like he is going to step down anytime soon he quite the opposite is going to promise a long fight here with a noun like moammar gadhafi he might start using civilians right as shields to protect his own forces and at that point are airstrikes really going to help the people on the ground well the fact of the matter is this not happened he would be in control of because he would have control of the country he doesn't have that he's going to lose control of those water and it's only a matter of time until his people or people supporting him turn on him because you know addition to the military pressure we've also got economic pressure on of about embargoed we've got a blockade and so basically he could talk all he wants what time was not on his side so you think that boots on the ground it doesn't have to become reality in the sense you know i don't think so because you've got boots on the ground in the sense
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of the people who want to get rid of a bit of the boots on the ground and we're providing them the protection that they need in dealing with with gadhafi politically president obama has. not really been on message entirely here because one day he says cut off the must leave the next day he isn't quite sure about that and you know i feel like a lot of people have felt confused that there is no cohesive message coming from the white house and from you know the military know here and paul has been very clear he wants he wants to die if you believe what he was saying start if we want to commit to being the one with the baby leave the military mission is not to get to profit with the military mission is to protect civilians but the ultimate goal to scare kids off and to leave the president has never said he wants to use military force to a clock which is not objective so how do you put two and two together right now do you have a bit of a problem divide between the military and you know do we want results or what we want to loss of it's the leave we bomb kosovo for seventy nine days we finally
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perpetuated of eventually they got rid of what we did not do that you know by by bombing them or anything like that do you think of this is already being perceived as another war for america a lot of people say that this is war no matter how well how long or how short it is right this is all the ones who are involved that's why it was that people talk about no fly zone but the point of view of the united states it's not costing us anywhere near what iraq and afghanistan but it's causing us money it's costing us hundreds of millions of dollars that we don't have we've already budgeted for that i mean in terms of you know if the ships and planes were not flying you know far north they'd be out flying i mean i used to be able flight also we had to fly so many hours with all of that in our war you'd be flying anyway so it's not costing us you know american troops are really in danger so yes it is a war but in terms with the american people they are not looking at it like they do afghanistan or iraq you know the american people in fact a new poll came out today is that seven out of ten americans support these airstrikes because in order to protect civilians and see it as a humanitarian mission i think that's where some of the debate is whether it really
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will end up being just a humanitarian mission or not do you think it's going to hurt obama politically helpful politically in fact there's been talk from both the right of the left which means i think you have to insult the right because basically they see. seen him do two things one get international legitimacy and number two get other people to be a part of the burden americans are tired of doing most with the heavy lifting by themselves and he's definitely getting a lot of fire from those i have learned thank you so much for joining me tonight. now we have even more violence in the middle east today a small bomb exploded at a crowded bus stop outside jerusalem's main bus station today killing one woman and leaving at least twenty four others injured and this was the first bombing in jerusalem in four years leaving many wondering and for about to see with long been a volatile situation descend into chaos and in recent days rocket fire between israel and the gaza strip has picked up israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu said that this matter could entailed exchanges of blows and it may take
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a certain period of time but he said that he is very determined to strike at the terrorist elements and then comes the next complication while hamas has taken responsibility for the strikes from gaza the bombing in jerusalem was claimed by islamic jihad a smaller faction within gaza so what happens if this situation gets worse and how will the u.s. respond to its closest ally in trouble while we're currently waiting three wars joining me is attorney christopher swift fellow at the university of virginia law school center for national security law christopher thanks so much for joining us again tonight pleasure to be do you think if the situation is deteriorating from what we've seen here not only over the weekend and in the past few days we've seen a lot of airstrikes from both sides or rockets or both sides but now we have a bombing in jerusalem which hasn't happened in light of some time but let's be very clear the bombing in jerusalem today is tragic it is terribly sad but it's not terribly surprising fortunately rather than seeing something completely new what we're seeing is the same dynamic that's gone on result for decades now playing
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itself out again and it's playing itself out again both because of the international situation but more importantly because of the lack of progress within israel and palestine currently towards some kind of final. but at this moment does it become all the more important because of all the unrest that we see in the middle east in north africa do we fear that this could actually get even worse get even more violent we have these more extremist factions it's not just a mosque now also taking place right lets word. question done is different parts you have the concern of who's responsible for the different attacks in israel right it's pretty clear that katyusha rocket attacks from gaza into southern israel are a hundred last operation today islamic jihad claimed the operations claim the bombing in jerusalem these groups are aligned with one another politically they're aligned ideologically they may not be very well lined operationally out of trouble in reining in islamic jihad so to the extent that you know absolutely stackers on
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both sides of this conflict are using provocation to promote their political agenda that's definitely a concern you know backing up into the broader region the concern isn't so much that israel and how will sign will touch off violence the neighboring countries if you look back at the gaza war in two thousand and nine that was pretty well contained because it was pretty much an israeli hamas conflict but if you look at everything that's happened in the greater middle east over the space of the last six weeks if you look at all the fundamental changes that have happened in so many crucial countries having this open wound in the heart of the middle east does not make anything easier for us and it certainly sends the wrong message to a young generation of arab performers that are looking for a better future and what message are we sending exactly because of course it's no secret that israel is our ally right the america but america will do anything it needs to protect israel but at the same time now we're trying to send messages that we are going to support democracy in some of these other nations but what happens
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if it's a type of democracy an elected government just like hamas that we aren't so fond out there the danger that we consistently grow is that one man one vote one time scenario which arguably happened with hamas in gaza. you know but looking at the bigger question the issue isn't so much which side we're going to choose right there's only one side here that's worth supporting and that's the side of peace and majority of our students are for it the majority of israelis are for it and it willing to bet that if you want to round instead. well the majority of the people who've been pushing for reforms in these arab countries across the region the majority of them would like to see a pluralistic stable region that's back anomic very prosperous and at peace with israel although why can't it happen if the majority on both sides is florida everybody would like to see peace in the middle east here then why can't we fix the problem here is the difficulty with insurgencies in any kind of insurgent situation which is what arab israeli sorry the arab palestinian but the israeli palestinian
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conflict fundamentally is provocateurs on either side in the rail majority opinion were processed by using provocative violence we saw it today. it's over the border is israel response you have a terrorist bombing in jerusalem the city of peace israel's going to respond now israel has a right to respond and it should but that response has got to be absolutely targeted announced proportional and when that response isn't that when things happen like the accidental killing of the palestinian boys over the weekend it only feeds the same cycle of anger and hatred and bitterness that's been going on in this region for decades you know what we really need to take a look at the situation not in terms of which side we support or who's right or wrong you know israeli absoluteness want peace without justice right palestinian absoluteness want justice without peace the simple fact of the matter is both sides know you can't have peace without justice and vice versa both sides know they have
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to make hard decisions and it's time for the united states to step in and hold some hands and encourage people to start making some of those hard decisions i would love to see that happen and it's a very nice idea to say that it's time to stop saying that you must take a side but think about it obviously people are going to expect the united states to pick a side israel is going to expect the united states to pick a side but the difficulty with both of these sides is that both of them are right both of them have done things that are very wrong and having this congress. that we've been having for the last sixty years hasn't made anything better right the united states will always protect israel from an accidental threat but at the same time we have to be willing to push our friends and our adversaries towards the negotiating table because a failed to negotiate here means an open wound in the center of the middle east for generations to come given what's going on right now and egypt and tunisia and perhaps the i mean we might see a change of government there we bought her a in syria do you think if the u.s. is going to have to change their tune
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a little bit of are going to have to step back and come up with this what's he's not a matter of changing the tune so much of that as it is a matter of really engaging and dealing being willing to take the risks that american administrations have deferred for decades even if those are military risks i don't think this problem this situation can be solved a military standpoint the israelis and palestinians are more than capable of making each other's lives military lives miserable united states is not a position where it intervene militarily to prove that situation the kind of intervention i'm talking about is strong clear leadership in the diplomatic and political domain preferred way from the american president it's just on breaking these old ideas breaking these old cycles and working towards a constructive solution well i brought obama can do it that will certainly be something thing as no other president has been chris thanks so much christopher thank you so much for joining us tonight pleasure to see now time for a short break and when we come back i can see he is doing what republicans do best waging the culture war to obscure the issues that actually matter to chinese taking
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on the gays originals and then home sales in the united states have reached the lowest point since j.f.k. was president the american dream seems to have died and no one's talking about it anymore so is it simply too depressing for america to face the music. let's not forget that we are in the far right brooke. i think. either one well. we never got the there for the keeping safe get ready because you get the freedom.
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h m r been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news tell us what to do about the ongoing financial part unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find the name streaming. so. the political. parties are just saying.
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hey guys welcome to shellings tell me alone a show we've heard was just start to sound the topic now i want to hear audio is going to be you tube video response our twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is really like your book. what do you do when you have no novel ideas or solutions to the problems that face america but you still want to be president of the e.u. just a wage a culture war you distract from the real problems of this country faces and you focus on abortion and gays and of course the left sinister plan to conduct background checks in order for you to get guns and mike huckabee has dive head first into this war he's decided to join the very cool ranks the republicans including simple indeed who wish that they could go back in time who desperately wish they could take back the progress that was achieved by the repeal of don't ask
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don't tell that's right huckabee like before and has decided to take a grave at stand against an issue that has brought support from the american people i think we all remember when paul lindsay the predecessor his conservative credentials were under fire so he said the following. in recent in the funds for implementation for implementation of repeal. it's not only does keep popping the don't ask don't tell is very very bad but if you elect him he'll even defund if implementation that is really super conservative you have to vote for progress or wait a vote you go back in time much like the entire republican platform which now brings us to mike huckabee who in interview with one news now said the following he said there's been some talk that the military is fine with having same sex orientation people but if you really surveyed the combat troops that is not at all
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the case i don't think that these are decisions the politicians should make these are decisions that soldiers should make when the soldiers in the foxholes make the decisions they choose something different and we should listen to them. right how could be so when the pentagon it did a study asking troops and found that upwards of seventy percent of those troops didn't believe the gauge troops would undermine unit in or out or cohesion and the pentagon was lying even if the majority of the soldiers didn't want the repeal of don't ask don't tell what about what the american people want is how can we care about that the american people who paper the military how big overwhelmingly also support the repeal of don't ask don't tell and i guess what they don't get to say because they are in the foxholes the i'm not convinced that huckabee actually understands our armed forces operate we don't poll the armed forces and let them decide when the entire country goes to war we don't poll the armed forces and ask the way we should leave a war for a little bit more complicated than that congress is involved theoretically that is
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i think we all go after libya that there are ways around that ideally the american people are involved and of course the president gets to say and in reality if we abide by our constitution which says that equal rights are for all polling means nothing because it's already said. to apply to all including gates so sorry but your reasoning just doesn't really pan out at all and as for repealing don't ask don't tell good luck you can pander to your base all day long but that doesn't mean it's going to get you elected and it certainly isn't going to convince the america as a whole to go back in time with you. higgins' remember that housing crisis in this country well it turns out that it just got worse and conversely partly released figures today for february home sales and new home sales fell by sixteen point nine percent are now at the lowest point since the kennedy administration and it may get worse goldman sachs released a statement today saying the housing data has gotten so bad that investors can't
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even be disappointed anymore so has it gotten so bad so depressing and we can't even talk about it and if that's the case then how are we supposed to come up with here to discuss with me as anthony randolph the director of economic research for the reason foundation and we thank so much for being here tonight so when goldman sachs tells investors you can't even be upset anymore is that just mean that it's really all gone downhill that it's completely demolished we're at the lowest place in the housing market by force and since actually the crisis began really since that eighteen sixty's has really began we've been keeping it if you look at whether it's building permits in the new start like new starts of homes existing home sales new home sales they are all almost every statistic is at the lowest number lower than even when we were at the bottom of the recession when the housing bubble was really starting to crash and that is despite several years of the federal
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government seeking to try and prop up the housing market to try and boost sales to boost prices. given that that's where we're at there's a lot of people who might say look now we've reached the bottom and we really can't be disappointed new but bad numbers in the future because it's just it's so bad eventually it can only get better which is essentially what the goal report saying i think that there's probably some credence to that then surely the housing market does have to bounce back but i actually don't think they were necessarily at the bottom yet oh yeah worse thing you know so we haven't even hit rock bottom or about had or not and here's and here's why i said if you look at it's. estimates of how many homes still need to be purchased it's kind of clear out the inventory of all these homes built these neighborhoods outside las vegas or in atlanta or outside phoenix just you know it's not being sold or people are trying to sell their homes that kid you have to four years worth of holds that need to be purchased before we have a stable sustainable growing housing market three to four years depending on us that's
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a lot of homes so how much of that you know how much the fact that new homes aren't being sold is based on the fact that there are so many homes there under foreclosure that people are going for those deals more because it's a lot cheaper that's certainly impacting the sale of new homes and why would you want to pay a high price to build a new home when you can get a short sale or a cheap home with foreclosure. so the case and there's a lot of people who are saying this is a great time to buy prices really taken a lower but the fact is that there's a lot of homes that haven't even hit foreclosure the foreclosure process has been slowed down by a number of foreclosures last year banks just being overwhelmed with the number of homes that they need to actually put through the foreclosure process so we still have a lot of homes that need to go to be foreclosed and then be put on the market which is going to depress prices so there's a lot of people that don't want to build a home right now because they don't know what their home is really going to be worth in a couple years because they don't know what the housing market is a look around now you know you and i have tried to talk about this before
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personally last time we had one second ago is here they could hear you why you relenting over but let's get back into the conversation too right because many americans are the american dream was to own a home and fortunately that just might not be the american dream anymore that maybe isn't realistic i mean more but you say that the entire market needs to be privatized you know fannie and freddie obviously need to go but then what happens to all those people that thought that one day perhaps the government might help them reach that dream but what needs to be privatized is the system of financing these homes of the. how much money or where the money comes from to fund these homes i don't think that the american dream anymore really should be to own your own home it's not practical in a more. twenty first century where people are moving more frequently we're travel is not what it was in the right and sixty's you can you know go all over the world you can work in new york one year or two years later work in d.c. and that's normal we can still obviously people should still buy homes. we
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shouldn't have that but we shouldn't necessarily have a public policy the government shouldn't try to make sure that every single american owns a home that's the american dream that should change but if we privatized if we get rid of fannie mae and freddie mac. and we don't have the government basically financing the purchase of homes that doesn't mean that people are going to be able to buy homes that doesn't mean that the rates of mortgages are going to go skyrocketing high what it means is that it's going to be a little bit more expensive to buy a home and it means that you're not going to buy a home until you can afford to buy a home and during the housing bubble we didn't see homeownership rates rise we just saw it really cheap because i rented it because the homeownership rates are now where they were in the one thousand nine hundred ninety s. all those people who did by homes who thought that they you know had become homeowners that have now lost their homes they don't have any equity and so they're put into their homes they don't really ever own their homes and so simply by getting rid of fannie mae and freddie mac. what we do is we say when you actually buy a home you're really going to be
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a homeowner if you actually achieve that american dream it's going to be a little bit more expensive so you're not going to maybe i home in your twenty's you may buy in your thirty's but that should be ok could it be that you never get to buy that home considering the way that you know look at the economy right now look at unemployment we've seen so many study after study that says that this generation is going to be going to make less money than their parents did i mean do you think that americans can actually come to accept that that perhaps they might never ever be. if people are not able to buy a home ever in their lives it's not going to be because fannie mae and freddie mac. not existing. it's not going to be because it's not opening as well it's to support basically investors and wall street financing american homes. there certainly are going to be individuals that may never own a home and that's maybe that's good maybe that's but it depends on really where you live you may never be able to own a home in washington d.c. but if you really want to own a home you can move to houston work homes are a lot cheaper and you can be
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a homeowner there certainly are going to be markets where that may be the case but just because we have a private private market for financing those homes i think it's really interesting what their process is that doesn't mean that you'll never get you're never going to be able to home you're still going to be money out there so you're still going to be around even more three survival of the fittest obviously not everyone you're not going to have the right given your well i definitely you know if i think it's something that's going to be really hard for a lot of americans to come to terms with that it is depressing i think that's perhaps why we've seen less coverage of this issue lately it's because people just don't even know how to really talk about it anymore anthony thank you so much for joining us tonight it's now coming up next our tool time winner is looking. at the man leading the march to war against all of us seem to have forgotten that just two years ago he was praising the improvement of the u.s. relationship with that yes and selling weapons and it is now easier and the state of south dakota to buy a gun than it is to get into.
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