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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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for slate the slaves of speech. need to do more in study private companies. excluded from the student. species. broadcasting live from our studios and. glad to have you with us more airstrikes on the fifth night of military intervention in libya while in the least a dozen civilians are reportedly killed by sniper fire from the forces earlier getting a city hospital following. washington. to decide by the weekend who will lead the coalition experts point to the military intervention lacking a clear goal and suffering at divisions about whether colonel gadhafi is
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a legitimate target. black smoke seen rising from the fukushima nuclear power station prompts emergency crews to abandon work and move to safety radiation has already reached a tokyo with the government advising people not to drink tap water workers have been battling to restart cooling systems crippled by the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck almost two weeks ago. coming up in just about thirty minutes my colleague being with a full look at your news right now it's back to the second part of the show and a look at why one u.s. state lets him walk off the street and buy a gun straight away but makes women wait three days for an abortion. for the. we've got. the biggest issues get the invoice face to face with the news makers.
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are it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight's winner is no stranger to our daily award seems that senator john mccain has absolutely no trouble at all contradicting himself yesterday the senator did an interview on c.b.s. his early show where he fully backed the u.s. mission in libya saying that this move was necessary and he even suggested that the u.s. supply the rebels with weapons. the overall objective is to stop him from continuing to murder his own population this is a man with american blood and his friends who committed acts of terror in the past and our policy of united states policy is articulated by the prez united states states so he should go and he should not stay in power. wow so it sounds like he really doesn't like get off easy he did twice in
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a five minute interview with the libyan dictator needs to be held responsible by the u.s. for what he's done and then goes on to say that could be has american blood on his hands. there he is a proven quantity he is the blood of americans is son his hands because he was responsible for the bombing of pan am one hundred three he is from involved in other acts of terror. now his go approach to libya if it why he's earned a special spot in the show tonight but rather it seems to be his case of amnesia he just a few years ago the u.s. had much different sentiments when it came to libya during the bush era efforts were made to mend ties and that included sending weapons to get off the himself and good old job you boy here accompanied by joe lieberman and lindsey graham took a trip to tripoli in two thousand and nine to visit the dictator and self just days before the lockerbie bomber was freed and sent back to libya and he was quoted by the associated press is saying ties between the united states and libya have taken
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a remarkable and positive turn and rethink yours and you see what i mean about amnesia just two years ago mccain was all about giving weapons to think that are the same guys we blame today for having american blood on his hands not to mention he was ok with the lockerbie bomber being released back in two thousand and nine but what like he didn't have blood on his hands two years ago so became goes from being a pact with a dictator to hating on him why was we go through this time and time again we need to either start choosing friends better. or since we're obviously really bad about stopping the world's arms dealer because we always end of selling them to our future enemy that we end up spending money and lives on fighting against the back to mccain individually ladies and gentlemen this is just the latest of ocracy coming out of this former presidential candidate and ask for his contradictory approach to libya and gadhafi john mccain is tonight's tool time winner. and we all knew the day was coming and york times has been talking about it creating
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a paywall for its online viewers for a while now but it's finally going to become a reality currently the subscription plan is monthly and it will range anywhere between fifteen and thirty five dollars depending on if you want to be able to access it on your mobile devices it's already in place in canada next week it's coming here to the u.s. like anything else on the web there are already problems with this paywall that are being exposed according to bloomberg paywall which is going to cut off years after reading their twentieth article has already cost the newspaper forty million dollars just to decide but apparently hackers really love getting their news for free and they've managed to come up with a way to circumvent the paywall and all comes down to java javascript that is called n.y.t. clean and it's essentially over lines of javascript or code if you will that are going to remove the label that pops up requesting that you pay so on the airwaves people are obviously already buzzing about this code saying that it's so easy it should be been to be considered a hack but rather just
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a bypass and in fact their pay wall is so easy to get around that many are already questioning if the times is really serious about getting payments out of its readers help you can go on to twitter right this very second you can find the code in a matter of clicks like i said nobody is making any efforts to keep this going to secret and the paywall has not even been implemented yet for the u.s. so if they already know how to bypass it before it's even been implemented then what's the point dropping millions of dollars on a project that isn't going. to be effective now i'm no computer programmer but the details of this code seem pretty user friendly so why can't other parts of life be this easy you know i could really use a i pass to access h.b.o. and showtime on my cable box for free for anyone else there that knows how to do that. south dakota strikes again and the national war that's being waged against women's reproductive and health rights the state really is taking the lead yesterday governor dennis to guard signed
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a bill into law that makes the state the first to require that women who are seeking abortions first attend a consultation pregnancy help centers to learn what assistance is available and that sounds innocent but the reality is that these centers are not medical establishment rather they're anti-abortion organizations and that's not all the state also is going to establish the longest waiting period in the country three days after an initial visit with an abortion provider before that procedure can be performed meanwhile two years ago south dakota repealed the two day waiting period to get a gun so it's now easier to get a gun than to get an abortion so what does that say about the state of the nation earlier i caught up with and despairing of the young turks and i asked her just that. i don't know the first thing that it says is that republicans are hypocrites ok the reason why they're hypocrites is because the main reason why they want to have very relaxed gun laws is because they say that the government should not play a role in regulating gun control they think that it is the constitutional right to
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have weapons to bear arms and that the government should pay a very play a very minimal role however when it comes to people's personal lives when it comes to the question of abortion well in that case the government should be involved as much as possible it's just a classic republican hypocrisy i'm totally with you there somehow it's still a never seems to be amusing to me or shocking to me that they can actually be hypocrites this way. liberate themselves a big part of the really shocks me most about this is you know if you look at the layout of south dakota this law also now mandates that you go to counseling which in essence counseling isn't a bad thing but it's not like they're going to be seeking unbiased counseling here from someone who actually has a medical license it comes from these centers which are mostly run by anti-abortion advocates and to me by kind of sounds like coercion. yes the reason why this bill
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is so disastrous first of all there are a number of different reasons if you look at south dakota right now they only have two different abortion clinics ok two clinics that actually perform the procedure the rest are these so-called pregnancy health centers that pretend like they give information about abortion when in fact what they do is they lore vulnerable women then and then if the women are seeking abortion they will fill these women with all of these lies that there will be basically guilt tripped out of seeking an abortion and will be forced to carry the baby full term so in most cases the people who. these pregnancy health clinics or centers they will do whatever it takes they will lie about the potential risks of having an abortion just so they can talk the woman out of seeking the procedure so it's it's crazy and you know just to give you an
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example of another state that's doing something similar or is attempting to do something similar indiana is trying to pass legislation that would force doctors to tell women that getting an abortion would lead to breast cancer and the american cancer society basically stated back in two thousand and three that that is not the case that it's an absolute lie but legislators in indiana don't care they want doctors to lie to women they want the government to force doctors to lie to women at the absolutely incredible i also hypocritical because you know they claim that centers like planned parenthood will force women into getting abortions which in fact is not the case yet all been for someone else on to them but you know i feel like you know we have. a tough moment in this country when you look at the type of legislation that's being passed and you look at the ideals that this nation was supposedly founded on when you have both you know a democracy dedicated to freedom and a country where religion does play such
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a large role all in one. yeah i i think that this country was founded on freedom and it was founded on the separation of church and state for some reason people tend to forget about that why are the religious beliefs of christians playing a role in how or what decisions i make for myself and my body that doesn't make any sense maybe it maybe i don't believe in the bible maybe i don't believe in your religion so why should your religion dictate the choices i make in my life ok the reason why the founders of this country wanted a separation of church and state is because we should have a real democracy where people get to vote and they decisions for themselves not where religion you know orchestrates our future or orchestrates what we should do in our lives and it doesn't make any sense so every time i find out that legislation is being passed based on people's religious ideals or beliefs it really upsets me because i think that you can't have
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a real democracy if you're constantly worrying about appeasing people and their religion i believe in freedom of religion in this country i think that's really important and if you are religious individual who doesn't believe in abortion then it's your choice and your right not to have an abortion if you become pregnant but don't you know force other people to believe in what you believe. now today also happens to be the one year anniversary of the affordable care act obamacare as republicans like to call it you know it's so interesting if you look back to year ago we saw so many people saying that john boehner saying that this is going to be armageddon glenn beck saying abyss is going to be the end of america as we know it but you know it's a year later and as far as i can tell we're still here. i think that what's really going to lead to the end of america art is things like citizens united i love how do i backer peter they don't talk about that at all they don't talk about the fact that corporations now have the right to fund politicians with
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a limited amounts of money ok i think that that's what undermines our democracy and i think that's what will eventually lead to the end of america but i love how they never bring that up they bring up the fact that they think health care providing little babies with health care is going to ruin the country i mean anybody who believes in these clowns or listens to these clowns they're just heartless individuals who don't really have their priorities straight. and you know i think he really had that on when you talk about corporate america very because even with this health care legislation that was passed obviously it's not perfect there are a lot of people out there who critique it but it just makes you wonder if anything that's going to get passed whatever really make a difference if we don't talk about corporate control in america the same way that was performed basically just allows the banks to skirt around that reform i feel like the same you know it's the same thing with health care the insurance industry's still went out at the end. yeah you're absolutely right the number one problem we have in this country right now is the fact that corporate america
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controls all ok they control the wealth they control all the legislation you know that is the number one reason why the power of the people is you know not being listened to because politicians are getting all of their campaign money from corporations you know big america didn't spend any money in two thousand and nine on federal taxes in fact the government paid big america back because of you know tax breaks in the corporate tax loophole but it amazes me if corporations paid their taxes we wouldn't have to talk about education funds cutting education funds we would have to talk about programs like wic getting huge cuts which by the way no running out of time but the house the republican controlled house wants to cut wic by seven hundred fifty two million dollars and weep of course is a program that helps feed infants house of infants in the united states have been on the way at some point ok and i love how republicans say that they're pro-life
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but they want to cut this program that would help them that would help them live their lives in a healthy way with food and produce it's just there's such hypocrites all the more reason they have to you know put two and two together poor people of the they start realizing from time dan thanks so much for joining us. thank you. we're taking a short break and when we come back one man by that. against his placement on the no fly list and in turn get blackmailed by homeland security i'll give you details on that in just a moment and then you the taxpayers have a right to know if public workers are on drugs the governor of florida seems to think so we'll debate the latest attack on public employees right after the break. it's the secret incursion into the country. since the invasion by means of. tradition the language really you know this is the first to go feed the beast.
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and culture. the things. that the have the germans are still unaware of what's going on in their life still left in their lives. like. i go to. the grave. the official g.o.p. convention. called touch from the. light on the. video and to my. mind. the resonance for you now with the palm of your. call. do you remember when president obama first took office he promised to make his administration the most open and
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transparent in history and i think we all know the white house is having a little bit of trouble making that happen but there's a group is working hard to hold the president accountable on out promise he made in two thousand and nine crossroads grassroots policy strategist that's a republican advocacy group and they've launched a new web site called we can eat countability dot org as a crowd source site and it's going to post all documents. made available to the public under the freedom of information act and it also shows why information is being withheld and asked the journalists organizations and the public all contribute any information that they've obtained under foil now as more and more people learn about the page crossroads says it will be a way to keep tabs on what information is released what information isn't released to the public essentially forming a debate on the true transparency of the current white house even though the page has just been launched we have two pieces of information that you're already find there an ad promoting obama's health care plan that left taxpayers with
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a three point six million dollars bill elizabeth warren head of the consumer financial protection bureau had dinner with liberal journalists markos moulitsas david corn of mother jones. from american prospect and labor secretary hilda solis shows solidarity towards union bosses by joining meetings or attending events on forty different occasions between two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten now these are just a few of the freedom of information act release documents but needless to say they seem to be promoting the g.o.p.'s agenda and general i believe the more information available to the public the better but if it only tells going side of the story then well that's a problem don't pretend to be all about transparency and then only post that information that helps your particular agenda so now we have two to hypocrites to call out the obama administration for not being open and transparent and awake he counted billett he dot org which also doesn't seem to like it or to be too transparent a less it helps that but i guess we'll just have to wait and see how that website
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develops and if they do eventually make an honest name for themselves. now isn't democracy grand yesterday governor rick scott of florida signed an executive order who require random drug testing of state employees and agencies are to answer to the governor as well as pretty high are testing for applicants and according to scott floridians deserve to know that those in public service whose salaries are paid with taxpayer dollars are part of a drug free workplace and if that's how he feels i say that we should randomly start drug testing the governor as well but opponents including the a.c.l.u. say that scott violate the constitutional rights of employees so we say that this is just another example of government overreach joining me to discuss it as my calculator journalist and contributing editor for in these times and chris friend independent columnist and president of the friendly fire zone dot com that and i want to thank you both for joining me now chris i'm going to start with you please tell me why on earth you have to surrender some of your constitutional rights to
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privacy if you want to work for your state i don't think you should learning and the right to privacy is no one here to work with as state government you know. if you don't like that label regulation you can do a lot of jobs and we're also remember the bare majority of companies in the sector require drugs and we're not sure when or are constitutional rights but they can come down the street and just kind of you know at any given point. if you're a new hire. otherwise random drug test version of one of our rights. people they are paying are drug free in the when i was upset i'm something. like what you say this is should they just go work somewhere else if they don't like it this is a completely disingenuous attack and it demonizing public employees but florida governor rick scott now if rick scott was really serious about cracking down on drug use he wouldn't have defunded
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a database that listed you know. you know these pain clinics that give prescription drugs to people they could only prescriptions to people that really don't need them that abuse drugs he funded this database but not only did he run the database but then he refused private donations to keep the database going so when of course the state any money because that is going you know several drug companies offer to provide several million dollars to track this so why would governor scott walker not fun this database that could be used by law enforcement to track down these phony prescriptions the reason is he wants a he include he owns one of these phony prescription you know these pill mills they call him called saul and tech and he makes money so governor walker really wants to governor governor scott not walk around with a book crease i think if you go all the time if governor scott really wants to crack down on drug abuse maybe he should start by cleaning up his own shop well chris tell me this i mean if this really was some philosophical thing about how the
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taxpayers deserve to know whether the people whose salaries they're paying are on drugs then why does he have to sign an executive order and just decide on his own why can't the representatives of the taxpayers actually voted for them get a vote on this measure and doesn't seem very democratic to me that he just gets to sign an executive order and say because i said so. well look every state is different you have a number of different legislatures around the country and something you being one of them that has a bill in the legislature right now that i think will actually pass me so i'm a governor and i do think i'll pass constitutional muster it says welfare recipients will have to be tested in order to receive benefits but i can't believe we haven't switched over yet that's the key welfare recipients the reason we want to bring up drug test is the new racialized attack and see when people actually this is something that starts drugs are associated with african-americans when people think that the majority of welfare recipients are african-americans and are twice as likely to be opposed to work or spending there's a study done by martin back in the ninety's and this same type of tactic is being
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applied not of public employees which is demonized let's make them look bad because the overwhelming majority of american support public employees as we saw in wisconsin but the only way you can make them look bad is to talk about them being drug addicts and to talk about them being black and i guess what i bring in welfare then i guess you're saying if they're poor and leeching off the government is that the case might you go about it just this is a racial argument and this isn't the public you know you're really going to be is not racialized look in the private sector all got most companies test for drugs now if i were president for a drug. i'm sorry i never root for a cultist with a lot of private company absolutely a lot of private companies test their employees for drugs number one have taken drug test we get hired if you don't like it they can go work somewhere else as the stewards of the taxpayer money you know public employees the same way that anywhere anyone receiving public assistance you know there's a fundamental right that people have you know that would not subsidizing programs
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and that you're clean in the workplace this is nothing to do with organized labor or public sector unions let's not go where it's not but then how come to time it is why governor scott say that only those working in certain agencies that are important to him need to be tracked tested by the courts the legislators and those people aren't affected i mean i personally think that if governor scott wants to do this then he should be publicly drug tested and we should all know what his results are look i look i don't have a problem with that i don't have a i think it should be everybody i don't think that just you know several people or you know it's like the agency i think should be across the board for all new hires and then you know random baby average not present on any given period of time to make sure that people are clean remember taking drugs is illegal and you know there are people who want to legalize it that's fine call your punishment but for right now it's against the law and when tax free money is involved i don't you would as a invasion of your privacy remember we're not talking about busting down your house
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we're not talking about you know just. because when you're on the street and saying someone hey you know what let's just go you know that's number god we're talking about people in the public were raised with our money we're praying for them and i again you look at the makeup of the u.s. supreme court in a number of stages three words i think there's a real good chance of passing on future muscle well actually in florida because it violates court authority under florida law because protesting this is a mandatory subject pardon so this is incredibly legal in this brings up another thing that republican governors like rick scott and scott walker like to do which is they can't pass these measures but they want to demonize public employees they want to make them look bad so they do anything they did i mean we just saw that law in wisconsin overturned by a court because it was illegal this is a common tactic demonize public employees strong legislation through a legal you know through legal laws and just do all these awful things so you think that if they hadn't been brought out if we didn't even get to talking about this subject then it wouldn't be in anyone's mind that maybe the federal or the state
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workers that my taxpayer dollars are paying for might be on drugs but now the legislation's been brought up and immediately you start questioning that is probably workers doing drugs nearly as important as the steroids we get for the profits of the big banks that's the types of drugs i really would be talking about is the massive amounts of money that's being given way to wall street that's been given away to wal-mart and this is what we really need to talk about you know i don't care if some core gets high as long as they do their job that's all that matters are you guys we have to wrap it up unfortunately chris i'll let you get one last word in here like i have one question where are there are things in your land the problem people like you don't want to live in the real world and you want to branson ramp with these you want to try to make you know racial anyone into labor you're going to see that as a real issue issue and you're. going to have to wrap it up i want to thank you both very much for joining me you know i would just say that if you're going to do it have people vote on it because it's their taxpayer dollars they're going to go towards the drug testing as well that was where we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day games o'keefe right wing's most people love it mike rakers running
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a little low on cash out. his stings to destroy a korean a.p.r. he's racked up so much credit debt that he's now appealing to the american people to raise fifty thousand dollars so we're wondering what the american people tweet and we say publicans and extra cash after defunding everything democrats hold dear that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make me come back tomorrow robert farley on the program discussed whether or not the strategy in libya makes any sense in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other night you can always catch all the you tube the lower show posting the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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