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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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in india oh she's available in the movie go hard look enjoy be hotel rooms be a movie that's the gateway who took the grand imperial truly the torch was pushed coromandel you can away with a chill closure which will see dodi to go and. read this in the kennel was her child is used to retreat. that this is our team and stories we're covering for you so no fly zone has been forced across the libyan coast following five days of restaurants against drug dolphins forces and even commanders insist all the targets were hit to slice the spot in the course of civilian casualties from several weeks off the unrest in egypt and president mubarak control activists who fought for the revolution they've been manipulated with is on the rise to state. three workers at the fukushima power
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plant have been exposed to high doses of radiation as work needs to stabilize the facilities cooling systems i mean the reports of smoke rising from unstable reactor number one. coming up a special report into the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. in two thousand and two the top ten drug companies in america made more profits than four hundred ninety of america's wealthiest companies combined helping raise profits are cancer drugs which in two thousand and five alone rose nearly sixteen percent compared to three percent for other prescriptions. today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month. the pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget and research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing in the ministration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in
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washington d.c. and members of congress. food and drugs act in the united states and the food and drugs act in canada are not being abided by this is a very serious problem this is been the fight that i have fought for now for the last twenty years in canada and together with my colleagues and my union and a lot of other people and as a result agrees three of us are to mentally were fired by health canada for years the talk to build up this case and ultimately fire us and saying we should pass everything that america passes and you think we cannot we are a country with a sovereign country we have to solve the not none of us refused to conduct our work if it's insubordination to pass drugs of questionable safety or
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harmful products then of course we want to be in support if that's the way it is let the canadian government say then that this is what they're fighting us for big companies pressure to get us fired this way the longer the weird the more time they get to continue doing what they're doing. they have got at least ten years and it may take longer to keep selling the same stuff and i'm using the health of people to make profits on the backs of people's health that was the insubordinate. to him .
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to it's the same chemical companies that brought us pesticides chlorine and dioxin i've known worked on a new frontier biotechnology. this new technology has been used to transfer genes from one organism to another and has subsequently enabled companies to patent and own the organisms that they genetically modify. that means that seeds plants and even trees which are modified using this technology can be privately owned by corporations for the first time in history. all right owsley they like that much i want to. see. they said well yeah we got some but they made that expensive seat so how much all that a lot got what it was now but they was quite a bit over. and. i didn't sylar graeme with them they didn't ask me
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styling because somebody or saddam brought them back somebody had done bottom and kill them out and bought a mat so i'm gonna plant this and you can be as bright glass by the top but as our you know as i want the end of that plane. and then i describe a movie with brass fake i don't i don't like colorado best as most honest. but anyway i saved. and that was where most i like on them down you know they said they got a patent on it there's no you can't have a patent was the cause mother nature bottom line so the guy that sold you the cd you first i think you have you sign a license and you said here's a new baby seat in the state was brought back by somebody else. somebody done signed off on he want to get rid of because he didn't want people in
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the mall where the most not a lawyer but he gave a deposition or they do you see as a star. that i don't ever rate a back seat because i'm be too busy working on quit and stuff like it and then trying to keep it running here is the most are a great that was forced by war most not to represent us that's not my hand right. that's a nice my hand right right there this is my hand right now right here all day long that's my hand right there's i looking you think it cost me five thousand dollars to prove that that was not my man right and judge wright is simple would not allow this to be and the court decisions our justice system clearly sucks a lily sucks it's just a corrupt company. mr elf was fined over two point nine
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million dollars per can infringement in regards to saving see. the district judge mr al ski's was rodney simple a former attorney who worked at the law firm that represents monsanto and who is listed as one of monsanto's attorneys in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven class action lawsuit. from two thousand two thousand and eight rodney sample was the judge in the eleven cases of which monsanto was the plaintiff or defendant eleven cases were ruled in one sentence favor. i found that the original research grants came from the new york foundation and that was the rockefeller foundation and that they had spent over one hundred million dollars of their foundation money to finance scientists around the world to do research to kinetically modify some of the basic food seeds of the human food
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trade on the animal from change and the more i researched into this the more i found that three maybe four companies if you include the swiss sent them to but killed three main companies and one among them was dominant and that's one sample that these what i call in the book the four horsemen of the apocalypse these private seed companies they were originally chemical companies. stude poised within five or ten years at the rate they were going to dominate the basic seeds and patent those seeds that much power concentrated into four corporate entities three of whom have decades long track record of fraud deception lying to the public on top of the dangers of dioxin the dangers of agent orange and vietnam war and after and so forth. that really set off the alarm bells for me.
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i got involved in the g.m. issue because you know it was a new technology bringing up the changes and i still see them as often so that. i was the only that this is good or that she took part in four years of trawling. they were the monsanto of the grave i said gentlemen they were all in this group in the green to the trial work which paul told the two hundred sixty all different i mean not just conniving if they did spring and winter and i did both on the farm collector a grow the spring right occasionally when i have to when i have a failure in the winter so i do both of those trials almost all for three years other side did the first year as a winter protocol the of and they decided exactly how they are with us at the trial
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in zero. eight a good insight in long to realize at least walls up the tension the simpler way to fall and therefore it is cheaper therefore we get the benefits that could be seen to be bank of a possible home if needs chafe are made to grow and if the price of the end product played down i can stoop and juicy things after the end of the doubt but to make a margin whatever i'm doing as it happened is because of the technology we were also following being the g.m. crop yielded a bit more with a collection called in the same field under otherwise similar management because i was doing. def there what now thirteen years of crops in the field the theory is that. we'll have we have a herbicide tolerant tree that will reduce the demand for her size and we have a tree that will protect from reserve critic crops from some does some pests that's the theory. even that can't be proven finally a stage and there's a still
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a constant battle union yang going on between researchers and the companies to start showing with not this really does work or not. we're not seeing increased food production we're not seeing increased benefits to farmers in terms of their production costs we're not seeing improved in the traditional qualities in our in our other table so there really isn't a clear benefit. everywhere
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you go this is seen three good rumors to get issued to have to apply for grants. to come from the from companies on. on the campuses the enlist students from beginning. appears to me and on what subject and whether they can publish those materials because they're now owned by the companies so it's really you go there is this kind of corruption going on this is not science. people who want to administer departments are not competent or even qualified or educated in
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science these are accountants these are lawyers these are m.b.a.'s is that anything but scientists this intimacy thing to have become part of the uk. what do you think about genetically modified foods and just in general yes i think it's definitely safe as long as there's a regulation there is in research and everything there's. no research showing that it's not safe or that there's any difference between it and regular not modify for scholarships to give us caution oh yeah there's lots yeah lots from santo. that yeah all the different chemical companies and everything like that for sure. so yeah they're getting involved in there's definitely have. a presence on campus
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for sure. it is the first time in the history of mankind that we have been able to engineer the genetic inheritance of living beings a man it would be wise to ask if there are side effects and to check on them when you insert artificial genes anywhere by bombarding an organism the constant all metabolism can be affected you know it could be terrible. if somebody could prove it he she and those are dangerous really good. words. very quickly because he would have arguments that nobody else has but as long. as nobody has the arguments expected to go from thinking. there is no reason why did this month's time to meet p.c.p. is that they were a huge chemical company and they own ninety percent of the biotechnology patents so
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we took some of those g.m. corn i was part of the commission which was assessing this corn. and we said where are the blood tests firstly the tests on rats didn't go beyond three months which was crazy they concealed the results not from the commission but from the public there were effects many others on the commission said no it doesn't matter what we said we must at least start over but we didn't so we asked it to be made public we had to go to a court of appeal monsanto went before the courts to stop the world scientists and the general public from seeing the blood tests on rats they're genetically modified corn for only three months. because you can you imagine. a world's largest company which sells the most herbicide and which sells virtually the most g.m. seeds in the world goes to court to prevent disclosing blood test results of rats
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who ate their g.m. moves for only three months that's crazy. so we published the effects that we had observed there was a forty eight percent increase in fat a ten percent increase in sugar in the females an increase in liver with an increase in body which. resembled a pre-diabetic symptom the rats urine samples were abnormal particularly in the male rats the rats lost whips and their livers were affected. in the past thirty years there have been you know government tests. all the world's drugs are only tested by pharmaceutical companies and same goes for pesticides. in the late one nine hundred ninety s. patrick to go but see that his local organic supplier seeds turned out to be contaminated with chemos so he filed
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a complaint to uncover where the contamination originated but in two thousand and one the case was dropped mr because who was then contacted by a group of american farmers to join them in a class action lawsuit against monsanto dupont chemical astra zeneca and novartis international accusing them of engaging in anti trust activities and failure to test for human health and environmental safety coincidently the judge was right he said it will the same judge as in mr ross case. was ruled in favor of the chemical companies. gene in my field was a pittance monsanto gene which was sold to me in seeds by as a girl which is a monsanto subsidiary i agreed to take part in a class action lawsuit in the united states so in two thousand i went to washington d.c. to testify and to answer the questions asked by monsanto's lawyers hold
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a they asked questions such as do you know your neighbors names by much tax do you pay and where nothing to do with g.m. seeds. i tended to meeting for the ministry of agriculture recently during which they tried to impose on us a bill for ministerial order for coexistence determining a twenty five yard distance between two fields of corn. that means that my neighbor g.m. crops twenty five yards away from my field and yet we officially proved in two thousand and six two thousand and seven that land three hundred yards away was contaminated . maybe there's not much organic corn today. maybe there is someone with five acres of organic corn surrounded by people with five hundred acres of g.m. corn. so he's not important even just die out that's the situation
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if you're small you don't matter any make room for those who will feed the world. big farmers and i grew my winters will feed the world having poisoned it for years it's unbelievable their objective is obvious they want to sell the seeds and the herbicide with the same company makes them both be objective is to liberate the farmer or to make them independent it isn't to make a better product for the consumer. the problem is pesticides and most. what does eating g.m. food do to our d.n.a. chain to ourselves and to our children cells we don't know or. for the past twelve years genetically modified crops have been growing on a large scale around the world they feed both us and our animals we haven't
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observed any problems due to g.m. consumption either direct or indirect this french farmer is completely self-sufficient along with four hundred fifty million other farmers worldwide the practice is organic only cultural farming compared to conventional chemical agriculture this type of farming produces soil with three times more earthworms produces eighty percent more yields in developing nations and fruits and vegetables that are up to forty percent more nutritious studies even show that this type of organic farming could feed today's population and more so why do governments still give the majority of subsidies to conventional chemical farming companies claim we need g.m. crops to feed the world. if this is the case then why in america where g.m. crops have been commercialized the longest are thirty five million americans still food insecure. cele next period if you experiment with something
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but out of any follow up it's almost criminal off it passed to kenya now because what we're doing isn't very serious remember see how you feel it yet that's what every government has done because biotechnology is their religion they think it will develop so that it will be goods law but that's just a belief because i would yeah it's just like when we were told the earth was flat or you could rather than the reality community here in atlanta. the. someone from the european union commission explained it to my wife at the time they didn't do it it shows my why she doesn't carry my name says she's a professor bard though it's not a professor of history they explained that you had that. if if they had
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repeated the study they found civilizations that we thought there would be a go to hush it up again as runs it was bad enough. twice is sort of stopped also but what i have he got it or so as the most important thing studies is that there is and even the spartans. and in each case since then whatever the jihad was they looked at the indian status of the other was they always felt that it was jeopardized when we looked at the rats who had been having with g.m. in the clip that was illuminated and that we wouldn't have expected if the g.m. is substantially equivalent of the was the same then the length should be the
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identical but we weren't so vocal rule and the sternal cracked the lining was growing up was thickened so we thought this was evidence that there was a growth factor work if you apply that to transition lesion in the human for example with the lower end of your sofa goes if you apply the growth factor of a or then you might history on the development of malignancy at the lower end of yourself with us and similarly in the stomach there's once again transitioning lesions there which normally will take time to develop in the council got at its image system and the guards this as for it the cheerio it's almost like an infection it's not an infection but if the immune system just sees something coming in as strange for it and it has to react to it i just
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think that. it was highly irresponsible. forced on us something that was not properly examined. and we are all major. be exposed to it that's highly irresponsible oh in fact i would say that it's probably criminal but. they have this sense to be monsanto b.s.f. they are dupont dow chemical. and astra zeneca declined to be interviewed for this film.
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with. a six six. six. six six six. six. six. six. six. six.
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six thank you. thanks rick. the. machine would be soon much brighter if you knew about someone from funds to pressure. these firms start on t.v.
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don't come.
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