tv [untitled] March 24, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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the international community and such a no fly zone is in place right here in tripoli because we need to hear what sorts of civilians injured and killed join even want to stand on the capital city in just a few moments formal. for weeks after the on rest in egypt ended president mubarak's control activists who fought for the revolution seared they've been manipulated to allow his allies to say power. was first images emerge of the fifty workers remaining inside the damaged japanese fukushima power plant as they attempt to repair its cooling system that's described records
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of rising temperatures and smoke emissions. a slew of russian i yos set to go public but is the timing right i'm outros on a business desk all those and more coming your way. it's three pm in moscow this is r t coming to you first up this hour fresh explosions and gunfire have been heard in the libyan capital tripoli with reports saying coalition forces are targeting major military facilities across the country libyan forces have for the first time since the intervention began showing foreign journalists adjutants of civilians killed by allied airstrikes are these polls are has the latest from the capital.
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well the noticing more and more is that the momentum for this operation in libya remains in the balance it's literally hanging in the balance because on the international front we're seeing that coalition forces are now snuffed it green in terms of how to move forward here on the ground there will be so selfish divided in terms of how they want to move forward and even now here in the capital city of tripoli which is traditionally the stronghold of moammar gadhafi we are hearing from him in every reports of some of his former supporters starting to meet in secret but not from the coalition is trying to some from the coalition community we know there for six days of these airstrikes that have been happening overnight and into the early hours of this morning we are being told that they hit military bases around the country but a different story emerging as it always does for the capital city fear we've been told that a number of civilians have been killed and injured one of the towns that the coalition hit according to them was the town of misrata and they insisting that they've managed to stem the government force advancement there but we are hearing
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conflicting reports some of those reports suggesting that for days now the town has been unable to have access to the whole church fuel and electricity that gadhafi soldiers are literally going from house to house that they've hit the local hospital you know in tripoli immediately also this morning and for several hours off the words they were loud explosions it was all said and he aircraft gunfire exploding in the sky so tripoli again coming under intense a fire overnight now the coalition has insisted that the airstrikes have been successful it is a gadhafi a capability has been completely wiped out he is denying this he says that he has a capability to continue for some time to come if the rebels themselves are now starting to find themselves in an incredibly difficult position they are falling on the international community for some kind of freak him to strike as they try to advance forward the stalemate on the ground is that the rebels do not have the weaponry they do not have the rank and command structure in a city to not have the experience to take on the duffey soldiers but those soldiers
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in turn do not have the numbers. so you have this situation on the ground where neither belief is able to actually move forward and advance well maybe now for three straight days nato leaders have been meeting to try and decide who can actually move forward who can take control of this operation over libya and today they say to me for a fifth day seems to be no three men two sides two key is one of those countries that is most critical the sticking point is essentially the killing of civilians and teaches this thing that they can be no civilians killed in such an operation but of course the other european powers are saying that he needs to be at me never to be they will be some kind of political damage that of course they try not to injure civilians the civilians will always get caught in the crossfire the longer it ministration is incorporate space because for days now we've heard the american presidents insist that america's handing over control of this operation to nato countries and you keep saying that this is going to happen soon but suki in terms of the cracks we're seeing on the international front it doesn't seem as if it's
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going to happen any time soon so the question really at the heart of this debate is whether or not these strikes can continue who will take control over them and just how much longer they can carry on. parties polls they're reporting there from tripoli where you can keep across the developments with her in the war torn country walk into our website archie dot com you can find paul's blog there she's also tweeting for us from tripoli one of her latest post talks about how there are rumors that is that if you put escape or even commit suicide to don't miss any moment of what's happening in libya stay in touch with us on twitter and facebook as well. now crippling financial debt in the european union hasn't stopped some of its members spending millions on the military campaign in libya you leaders have gathered in brussels for a two day summit as yet another european country may seek a brownout was given to greece and aren't parties then your bushel has more. the
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sense of process has been shut down by this massive and she will stare at a protest coming to the office this morning neither protesters nor police wanted to let people get through to get to work the police barricades to stop people getting into sensitive parts of the center of brussels of course the home of both. nato headquarters and last nights the european commission called this was shot down by what police are calling serious side. now they're trying to find out if it's a mix of today's trade union and public protests the internet and e-mail services were shut down as a result and it's really seriously disrupting today's e.u. summit which is expected to give unprecedented powers to be to control economic policy of its member states i didn't pose knew there were two measures portugal prime minister has is off to portugal all of them rejected imposition of austerity
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measures which gives you an idea to say publicly is not in favor of more austerity measures what's being called social regression and people are really they feel their life still gets even worse that their way of life. of life is getting worse that could. makes it far more likely this rejection of austerity measures by parliament that portugal will become the third country off to greece and ireland in the e.u. to need an e.u. bailout and as a backdrop to all of this there's increasing anger at the cost of the war in libya people are saying why are we bombing libya when there's record unemployment here in the e.u. we need help here and reports that the cost of the bombing campaign could reach a billion dollars if the bombing campaign continues. but staying in the middle east an overwhelming majority of egyptians have approved changes to the country's constitution one of the main aims of the uprising but just over
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a month since the victory signs of sins already they may not get everything they fought for. has the story. several weeks have passed since the revolt but it seems the wheels of the old political machine are still turning restart now of an hour of your usual resignation didn't finish here we need your we need you'll be able. to govern ourselves. can do that and we would be. there but you see if they used to be an anchor on egypt's national state run radio she claims even though president mubarak has already stepped down the media is still being. the main command to. me around all those who are proud including. now take this up at their feet and make. their financial pressure very professional people are. in late january several
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hundred thousand people took to the streets of cairo demanding president mubarak step down after several weeks of violence the president. according to the united nations around three hundred people lost their lives during rest thousands of others were injured by that since then the interim government has held a nationwide referendum set parliamentary elections to be held before the end of the year but many activists say it's too soon for the newly emerged political movements to gain enough momentum before the old elections coming very soon nobody is prepared to head for a lot of the leftists and look for the political optimistic thinking that maybe this was the stage as a way to green power the n.d.p. alongside the president for the last three decades the national democratic party was the ruling authority in the country and meath year with state media still under its control it may gain enough force to come back to power. even though the
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traces of the recent violence are still obvious life on the city streets. to be returning to normal here on the square most of the shops every open and heavy traffic has returns but the political situation in the country is still far from healthy sure thousands mobilized to get rid of the authorities but whether the in muling emerge political powers will be able to get their act together in sign for the election and what direction it will be to this country and it's still a big question even to the revolutionaries themselves he got his golf already cairo . and the turmoil in egypt is that cohen are crossing borders as we find out in just a few minutes for full sun vyvyan grass in the arab world are set to turn into waves of immigration in europe are threatening the greek economy countries like greece.
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and back to the sky russian plane spread its wings after class landing in the wild six months ago. in other news three workers have been exposed to harmful radioactive elements while working at the fukushima nuclear power plant in japan there have been reports of a rise in temperature a new plumes of smoke rising from one of the reactors are. keeping across the valley. after being forced off the side of focus by black potential radioactive smoke coming from one of the reactors today the engineers have been able to return to the site they're focusing on reactor number three that's the one that was emitting the smoke it's also one of the operates on plutonium which is particularly dangerous in case of any potential contamination what have they been going to be pumping as hard as they can using hoses inside the reactors to try and cool down it was considered that was potentially the fuel overheating that caused the reactor to
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start smoking in the first place those initially away with optimism over the weekend as more and more reactors were connected up to electricity it was assumed that once this is done the cooling systems could be restarted a lot of attention has been focused on the so-called nuclear samurai the workers themselves helping to restore the station to a normal state ready on the one hand they're seen by the media as heroes people who are risking their own lives and doing everything to save japan from nuclear disaster and they're seen as victims a lot of these people are not professionally trained nuclear workers and as we know from what happened in chernobyl a lot of these workers have a tendency to suffer cancers and other elements for years and years afterwards just today we received news of a couple more being hospitalized for receiving too high a dose so this is a story that will be developing over the next weeks and even then a month and year as the radiation fallout from the accident keeps spreading because
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of levels of radioactive being exceeded by more than one hundred times around the area in fukushima and it's reached as far as tokyo yesterday the water was declared unsafe to drink for infants despite a fight that the government told people they call. mineral water off the shelves here so there's a real water shortage here in tokyo other countries are also taking what they're saying are precautionary measures to prevent the radiator. in spreading abroad several countries had already banned the import of vegetables and fruit growing around the fukushima area today several more joined up list the australian has now banned imports from japan for the moment and also russia has banned imports from japanese profit church we got the first estimates of the damage which has been suffered from this earthquake from the tsunami and from the nuclear accident actually my top three hundred billion dollars was the most expensive natural calamity in history. as images of japan's earthquake and tsunami poured in the
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world watched in horror as the tragedy unfolded the media coverage has not been as starro in more remote regions of the world natural disasters and less technologically advanced areas tend to get less attention and as a result generate that somewhere nice and cap has more. images that shook the world tragedy live twenty four seven leading news outlets deployed their best journalists to cover the disaster in japan and the hearts of billions of viewers worldwide have gone out to those japanese who fell victim to the earthquake and deadly tsunami what makes great television is images that make the viewer sympathize and feel the tragedy of the people caught up in a natural disaster but when there is a lack of such images streaming live from all screens the sorrow of millions can go almost unnoticed let's look back at the earthquake in pakistan it killed more than
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seventy five thousand people in two thousand and five while the world's media did notice that tragedy the coverage was nothing as intense as we're seeing now in japan some in the business say japan being a high tech country means coverage is assured whereas less developed nations like pakistan get much less media attention the world probably got less of the story in some of those other countries because they don't have they didn't have the technology they didn't have the cameras that were right there like they were in japan from different countries dozens of different angles and saw the waves coming in which is the kind of footage in our business unfortunately that is the dream to be able to get that kind of footage and you don't get that in some of the other third world countries you see the aftermath the shots of the aftermath of a psych loan that hit mine mars three years ago or horrifying more than one hundred
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thirty eight thousand people were killed the government of mine more limited access to foreign journalists than there were no live pictures from the disaster zone and as it happens in the news business very quickly the story died down if there is a disaster in the middle of africa and sit. herron africa it's always let you all have the same kind of images that you have subject where he is a twenty four seven operation that's why this bed is so huge in terms of what worldwide coverage because there are cameras absolutely everywhere it depends if this was in china i will say western china for instance you have probably one parent's of the coverage because the images are not there here earthquake in this issue one province in china killed around sixty eight thousand people and again the coverage was limited and so therefore was where all the interest in the disaster their human tragedy whether in japan or china or chile deserves
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sympathy but more often than not the attention span of news channels depends on which tragedy makes it better television or i'm going to check on reporting from washington our team. well russia hopes that israel will change its stance on the issue of settlements in the west bank prime minister benjamin netanyahu will meet with president hamid three news related to discuss resume a peace talks in a bid to resolve the middle east conflict between us are joins us now from moscow she's following their developments why now is there were nude hopes that the peace process need begin to move forward in a more balanced and diplomatic way. and he's a many are hoping that that is indeed a possibility of course following the recent events of the unrest in the north african region and of course the middle east israel may have to rethink its positions due to the conflicts that we saw taking place in countries like egypt
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tunisia libya all those places of course specifically egypt which israel longo has considered a very strong ally with the change in government israeli officials may now have to rethink their position on the middle east peace negotiations and somehow downgrade and modify their position making it perhaps a more negotiable one more prone to more open to finding diplomatic solutions that would suit both sides of the israeli palestinian conflict many experts are for saying that this is a possibility although nothing is certain thought many do hope that the middle east peace process will of course feature on the agenda during benjamin netanyahu his visit to moscow and israel's position maybe it will be explained a little bit more with the discussions during the talks with the russian president maybe even to the edge of. the first with talks with mahmoud abbas and now benjamin
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that's not here is in moscow are looking like a trend what can watch as role be in this peace process. who rushes of course has been a long time member of the middle east. for ted i know of the four countries that have dedicated a lot of time and effort to acting as mediators in the middle east peace negotiations hoping to find a solution that would satisfy both sides and of course be a political one dog in the military one of the united states frequently tried to act as mediator in the conflict but russia also believe now hopes to pick up where the united states left off and perhaps couldn't achieve what they'd set out to do now with the meetings first with the leader of the palestinian national authority now with the israeli prime minister russia hopes to step up to the plate and fill the position of mediator hopefully. taking the position that would.
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this bring the two sides closer together closer to finding a diplomatic or political solution to the middle east conflict of course israel. is very upset in its ways and again its position on it the middle east peace process but with little recent events in north africa and the middle east opposition may change still israel is. suffering from one of its worst suicide bombings in jerusalem in a number of years that of course intensifies the situation a lot of with benjamin netanyahu maybe not as willing to look for softer political solutions that would perhaps include the palestinian authority or in the following of these latest a suicide bomber. if you know carville live in moscow thanks for that.
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now the number of immigrants trying to reach europe is set to dramatically increase following the uprisings in north africa thousands have already fled to violence and uncertainty as antigovernment protests continue but as are these arena reports the grass isn't necessarily greener across the mediterranean. unrest in egypt. and the region. and a full out civil war going on is northern africa a city for the rest of the region if you look here in their home countries and many end up in greece where their lives hardly get any simpler is one of two hundred fifty migrants living in this makeshift refugee camp in the center of the greek capital. frankly though greece is a european country the quality of life here is not much better than at home after the financial crisis it's nearly impossible to find a job here because to me here is lagging behind many other european states. tens of
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thousands of migrants coming into the country every year most of them are hoping to move on to other countries like france and germany using greece as a chance for grace however a lot of them end up staying hoping to make it in the country yet the country is not able to handle such an influx of migrants and some are calling the situation catastrophic last year alone thirty six thousand migrants mostly from the group countries were arrested for illegally crossing into the country now the situation in northern africa region has gone from bad to worse the number of migrants seeking to escape the turmoil is sure to rise of course there is no one. that is not. otherwise existing problems of course a visit. with migration. migrants themselves only have one hope that the situation in north africa will stabilize and they will be able to
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return home. every person must leave and work in the country and not in a foreign land we must feel human at home and his loved ones as right now life in our home countries is impossible and while the coalition forces are busy from boarding libya seeking to go. the country to peace it's european nations like greece that end up getting near the hardest. and this greece. the russian airliner involved in an emergency crash landing into temper last year has lots again taking to the sky tom barton the latest for us he covered the emergency situation back when it crashed and. that plane took off from my add field in the komi republic one thousand five hundred kilometers north of moscow that air field is the same airfield that is made is what was at the time for the miraculous crash landing last september at the height of ten thousand meters the
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plane suffered a massive electrical failure it's now thought the maybe its factories overheated the pilots then how out in the middle of the ten thousand metres to try and find an airfield they found this old disused airfield in it it was not in a coma or public in the middle of a heavily forested area and managed just by sight alone and manual controls to land the plane it was shot there the short runway there really aren't designed for light aircraft and at the time only used helicopters overshot that the runway about two hundred meters into some light woodwinds the seventy two passengers and nine crew on board who were say the crew were hailed as heroes since then though the russian federal agency for air transport house said. the plane clearly was very old so in fact there are dozens of these too close to you one five floors that to use. the moment to make this flight rated with its undercarriage john it will now fly on
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to another russian city simyra six and the loss of every nautical engineering experience in it and engine is there we have to look further at the plane and ascertain what happened to it exactly and make further repairs so that it will still it seems be used in service. next is the latest from the other business here on our t.v. stay with us. good to have you with match reza this is your business bulletin a wave of russian companies are preparing to list on the london stock exchange among them real estate developers telecoms and banks in total the issuers will be looking to raise some two point seven billion dollars in april he buick from b g c partners in london says it's market sentiment and timing which determine an i.p.o. success. the number of times the amount has changed as regards the i.p.u.
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in the last ten years is extraordinary once we came through on an international basis the pain barrier when we used to see huge numbers every year between one nine hundred ninety six and two thousand and one and now we see a little full lot more cancellations with people saying because it was still quite right since it was changed so you can actually have an extremely good company but if simpson writes that it doesn't go and i wouldn't be remotely negative about any of these i.p.o.'s that russia is putting forward they all have very credit worthy reasons for doing this just to push the. stake a look at those market numbers now european stocks in the black at the moment with the german jacks gaining more than one and a half percent the gains in europe followed a stronger session for most asian markets and wall street on the back of a more optimistic view of what japan's rebuilding will do for the global economy that's also helped to offset sovereign debt worries on the continent after
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portugal's parliament rejected new austerity measures. here in russia markets are extending the gains of the previous few days days of both the r.t.s. and bisects up around two percent this hour with commodity stocks taking the lead take a look at some individual market movers out of as edging higher after the russian government decided to extend its cash for clunkers program till the end of the year russia's second largest oil producer loop oil also up more than a percent as concerns that oil supplies from libya could remain just rocketed and keep oil at two feet high it's a bucking that trend is aeroflot is trading lower on news that it has sold its subsidiary airlines more davia to mining giant enormous nickel. russia's largest lender spera bank plans to gradually increase the size of its dividends according to the bank's head come on graph spare bank supervisory board recommended that shareholders confirm dividends for two thousand and ten at twelve percent of net profits dockery. the asli that figure was ten percent for the given year.
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and the economic news financial giant citigroup has upgraded russia's g.d.p. growth forecast for this year to four point three percent that's up from four percent key drivers fueling the growth are higher government expenditure and consumer demand but citigroup's economists also warn that inflation could be nine or even ten percent at least in the first half so the business news for now yulia shuffle volatile coming your way in next hour with the business and remember you can always find the latest updates at r.t. dot com slash business.
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