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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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i know what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause report. to. the international community insist that no fly zone is in place and here in tripoli we continue to hear reports of civilians injured and killed twenty policy has on the capital city in just a few moments. but lost in transition and weeks aftermath on the wrath of egypt like regime change there are signs of disenchantment with the outcome council resolution plus. the first images of the worker struggling to stabilize the situation that's apparent who can see a power plant nurtured reports that read more than exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. and while the media for exhaustion with japan keeps the world from
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improvising some question why not call disasters in luxembourg countries and their farms but tensions. and also join me there chicago all of it about twenty minutes time to find out her the recent disaster in japan can affect world steel prices. it's five pm in moscow this is r t coming to you live thanks for being with us to our top story for a fifth night explosions and gunfire have shaken tripoli and other they'll be in cities as coalition forces conduct more airstrikes all the allies debated who will take over command of the operation from the u.s. fighting between gadhafi troops and the opposition is intensifying in the west of the country artist. we are has
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a waitress from tripoli. who will be noticing more and more is that the momentum for this operation in libya remains in the balance it's literally hanging in the balance because on the international front we are seeing that coalition forces are mouse not agreeing in terms of how to move forward here on the ground the rebel groups themselves are divided in terms of how they want to turn forward and even now here in the capital city of tripoli which is traditionally the stronghold of moammar gadhafi we are hearing from him in any reports of some of his former supporters starting to meet in secret but not from the coalition is trying to some from the coalition community we know that for six days these airstrikes have been happening overnight and into the early hours of this morning we are being told that they hit military bases around the country but it just one story emerging as it always does for the capital city fear we've been told that a number of civilians have been killed and injured one of the terrans that the coalition hit according to them was the town of misrata and main sustained that they managed to stem the government feels advancement there but we are hearing
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conflicting reports some of those reports suggesting that for days now the town has been unable to have access to water fuel and in a key city that gadhafi soldiers are literally going from house to house that they've hit the local hospital you know in tripoli immediately also this morning and for several hours off the words there were loud explosions it was all said and aircraft gunfire exploding in the sky so tripoli again coming under intense fire overnight now the coalition has insisted that the airstrikes have been successful it is a gadhafi it capability has been completely wiped out he is denying this he says that he has a capability to continue for some time to come the rebels themselves are now starting to find themselves in an incredibly difficult position they are calling on the international community for some kind of freak him to strike as they try to advance forward the stalemate on the ground is that the rebels do not have the weaponry they do not have the rank and command structure they certainly do not have the experience to take on the duffy so it's. but those soldiers in turn do not have
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the numbers so you have this situation on the ground where neither group is able to actually move forward and advance already now for three straight days major leaders have been meeting to try and decide who can actually move forward we can take control of this operation over libya and today they say to me for a fourth day they seems to be no demons inside turkey is one of those countries that is most critical of the sticking point is essentially the killing of civilians and two kids just think that they can be no civilians killed in such an operation but of course the other european powers are saying that he needs to be i mean never to be the will be some kind of the damage that of course they try not to injure civilians the civilians will always get killed in the crossfire of the abundant administration is incorporate phrase because for days now we've heard the american presidency this is that america's had been over control of the separation to nato countries and you keep saying that this is going to happen soon but simply in terms of the cracks we see on the international front it doesn't seem as if it's going to
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happen anytime soon so the question really at the heart of this debate is whether or not these airstrikes can continue who will take control over them and just how much longer they can carry on. archie's war correspondent paula spear reporting there from tripoli she's also keeping us up to date on twitter constantly her latest tweet talks about rumors that bodies from hiding in are we are being presented as evidence of coalition bombing you can keep track of her on our twitter feed that the party under or. well for more we're joined live i should say from germany by researcher and william and he's also the author of a book on to total terry and democracy in the new world order thanks for being with us this evening we're think a lot of can i think hearing voices and inconsistency is from top western officials during this operation by such a triangle do they know what they're doing here. well i think the term polish n
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should be changed the coalition of the willing we've never seen such a divergence of there's no clear mission here the entire thing the europeans the russians the chinese and i think some members of the arab league now realize that they've been essentially tricked by apparent confusion in washington and. manipulation by washington and the arab league to say yes vote that to the u.n. security council and that gave washington the. no fly zone which is a war declaration there is no peaceful no fly zone so i. knew that before and he has a mission to become president of egypt and u.s. backing is a big feather in his cap you know is that so but this is ultimately a part of the larger agenda that washington has behind the transition of the entire
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greater middle east from literally from morocco to afghanistan this project that was put on ice for the bush administration to create a huge zone of influence for the united states with directly control capital flows oil flows and that essentially the. choke points of of oil to places like china and. there are reports of the u.s. is planning to supply more than four thousand sailors and marines to the region do you think that suggests that we're in for another long ground operation. well the british government ministers yesterday said that this could go on for thirty or thirty years this war and libya and this is the spreading conflict keep in mind. these are being ignited by u.s. government sponsored n.g.o.s from tunisia to egypt and now yemen and bahrain and so forth and they're trying to create as zone of chaos and instability
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which justifies a military presence and washington is trying to get nato to take the brunt of this european able to take the brunt of this that's why we're seeing the. pressure on the coalition the italians accusing the french of trying to grab the oil that the pounding the oil states come state of the company. and in libya and the british are in there with the trying to grab their piece of the oil riches of libya this is one of the richest countries not only in africa but in the world in fact if i can interrupt you tried top brass was inconsistent specifically about regime change do you think that's what we're going to see and that's the goal of this operation. well it's certainly the goal of the operation cut off the it's been a thorn in the side of. what i call in my book the spectrum dominance the. new world order the agenda that the. one single superpower that dominates the entire planet well khadafi has as opposed to u.s.
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policy in africa and in the middle east quite recently. interestingly enough libya has a higher standard of living of any country in africa the food crisis is not good libya because of government lifted off actions as the prices went up they have the highest. lows mortality rate and the highest standard. in the cockpit so this wasn't a case of hungry poverty stricken people clamoring for more bread this was an armed insurgency supported by the arms of the us government british government and the french so everyone is trying to cut a piece of the pie and that's i think why we have this chaos right author and researcher s william and live from us live with us i should say from germany thanks so much thank you. well as the crisis in libya continues to unfold a neighboring country is struggling to find its feet after a longstanding dictator was toppled the revolutionary before and egypt is subsiding
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but many fear the return of the old guard and question whether the new leaders will bring about the changes they fought for i think you can cannot have more from cairo . several weeks have passed since the revolts but it seems the wheels of the old political machine are still turning we start now our usual british and didn't finish here we need to change there we will be able. to help her ourselves. can't do that and would be. used to be an anchor on egypt's national state run radio she claims even though president mubarak has already stepped down the media is still being million people in the main command is to. be around all those who are proud including laurie allen pick this up that they think and they came in late january several hundred thousand people took to the streets of cairo demanding president mubarak step down after several weeks of violence the president.
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according to the united nations around three hundred people lost their lives during the unrest thousands of others were injured. since then the interim government has held a nationwide referendum set parliamentary elections to be held before the end of the year but many activists say it's too soon for the newly emerged political movements to gain enough momentum before the vault elections coming very soon nobody is prepared. and for a lot of the leftists and a lot of the of the political activists they're thinking that maybe this will be staged as a way to be in power the n.d.p. alongside the president for the last three decades the national democratic party was the ruling authority in the country i mean if you're with state media still under its control it may gain enough force to come back to power. even though the traces of the recent violence are so obvious life on the city streets seems to be
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returning to normal here on the square most of the jobs every opened and heavy traffic has three. turned to blogs the political situation in the country is still far from health beat sure thousands mobilized to get rid of the authorities but it's one of the in mulino birds political powers will be able to get their act together in time for the election and what direction it will be take this country and it's still a big question even for the revolutionaries themselves you've got this little forty . but the changes in egypt are expected to affect not only the country itself but also its neighbors later in the program we'll look at what that might mean for the peace process in the middle east israel's prime minister is visiting moscow for talks with the russian president we ask if there is hope that peace talks would finally phone line. european leaders are gathering in brussels for
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a fresh attempt to stop the region's debt woes from spreading on thursday portugal made their goal even harder. and harder as the economic crisis there took on political overtones the moves in moving lisbon closer to you balance and while the summit may result in more austerity measures it seems the public is not ready to tighten their belts for their new bush reports. but the sense of process has been shut down by this massive and she will stare at you protest coming to the office this morning the protesters no police wanted to let people get through to get to work the police of barricades just stop people getting into sensitive parts of the center of brussels of course the home of both e.u. and nato headquarters last night's the european commission headquarters was shot down by what police are calling serious side. now they're trying to find out if it's linked to today's trade union and public protests the internet and e-mail
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services was shut down as a result and it's really seriously disrupting today's e.u. summit which is expected to give precede in two hours to the to control economic policy of its member states and impose new there are two measures portugal's prime minister has resigned off the portugal parliament rejected imposition of austerity measures which gives you an idea the said publicly is not in favor of more austerity measures what's being called social regression people are angry that really they feel their lifestyles getting worse that their way of life. of life is getting worse and. makes it far more likely this rejection of austerity measures the parliament that portugal will become the third country off to greece and ireland in the need and the e.u. bailouts and as a backdrop to all of this there's increasing anger at the cost of the war in libya
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people are saying why are we bombing libya when there's record unemployment here in the e.u. we need help here and reports that the cost of the bombing campaign could reach a billion dollars if the bombing campaign continues. well to japan now where three more workers have been exposed to harmful levels of radiation and walk connecting electricity at the fukushima nuclear power plant many are asking if the people working to make the facility safe are heroes or victims as are reports now from japan. after being forced off the side of my blood potentially radioactive smoke coming from one of the reactors today the engineers have been able to return to the site they're focusing on reactor number three it was emitting the smoke it's also want to party operates on plutonium which is particularly dangerous in case of any potential contamination those initially a wave of optimism over the weekend as more and more reactors are connected up the electricity it was assumed that once this is done the cooling systems could be
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restarted a lot of the attention has been focused on the so-called nuclear samurai the workers themselves helping to restore the station per normal state on the one hand they're seen by the media as heroes people who are risking their own lives and doing everything to save japan from nuclear disaster but on other hand they're seen as victims a lot of these people are not professionally trained nuclear workers and as we know from what happened in chernobyl a lot of these workers have a tendency to suffer cancers and other elements for years and years afterwards just today we received news of a couple of more being hospitalized for receiving too high a dose so this is a story into developing over the next weeks and even then months and years the radiation fallout from the accident keeps spreading of levels of radioactive being exceeded by more than one hundred times around the area and it's reached as far as
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tokyo despite a part of the government told people they can't. all mineral water off the shelves here other countries are also taking what they're saying are precautionary measures to prevent the radiation spreading abroad several countries had already banned the import of vegetables and fruit growing around the fukushima area we got the first estimates of the damage and actually my thought three hundred billion dollars but the president spends of natural calamity in history. the tragedy in japan has been extensively covered by new. outlets around the world and your edges of the earthquake and tsunami have garnered huge interest some are now asking why other natural disasters and must develop contraries that to attract such attention is going to catch explains. images that shook the world tragedy live twenty four seven leading news outlets deployed their best journalists to cover the disaster in japan and the hearts of billions of you worse worldwide have gone out
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to those japanese who fell victim to the earthquake and deadly tsunami what makes great television is images that make the viewer sympathising feel the tragedy of the people caught up in a natural disaster but when there is a lack of such images streaming live from all screens the sorrow of millions can go almost unnoticed let's look back at the growth earthquake in pakistan it killed more than seventy five thousand people in two thousand and five while the world's media did notice that tragedy the coverage was nothing as intense as we're seeing now in japan some in the business say japan being a high tech country means coverage is assured whereas less developed nations like pakistan get much less media attention the world probably got less of the story in some of those other countries because they don't have they didn't have the technology they didn't have the cameras that were right there like they were in
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japan from different dozens of different angles and saw the waves coming in which is the kind of footage in our business unfortunately that is the dream to be able to get that kind of footage and you don't get that in some of the other third world countries you just see the aftermath the shots of the aftermath of a psych loan that hit mine mars three years ago or horrifying more than one hundred thirty eight thousand people were killed the government of mine marla. limited access to foreign journalists and there were no live pictures from the disaster zone and as it happens in the news business very quickly this story die down if there is a disaster in the middle of africa in sub-saharan africa all these rich you all have the same kind of images that you have subject back where he is a twenty four seven operation that's why this thread is so huge in terms of course worldwide coverage because there are cameras absolutely everywhere
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a joke that if this was in china i would see western china for instance you have probably one parent's of the coverage because the images are not there the earthquake in this issue one province in china killed around sixty eight thousand people and again the coverage was limited and so therefore was where all the interest in the disaster their human tragedy whether in japan or china or chile deserves sympathy but more often than not the attention span of news channels depends on which tragedy makes it better television i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. well the situation in the middle east is not heading in a positive direction so it has to meet their needs met there after meeting israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu you're in moscow russia talking to help get the israeli palestinian peace negotiations back on track the talks have been stalled since september when israel refused to extend
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a freeze on settlement construction in the west bank are you covering us are reports from moscow. following the recent events of unrest in the north african region and of course the middle east israel may have to rethink its positions due to the conflicts that we saw taking place in countries like egypt tunisia libya all those places of course specifically egypt which israel long ago has considered a very strong ally with the change in government israeli officials may now have to rethink their position on the middle east peace negotiations and somehow downgrade and modify their position making it perhaps a more negotiable one more prone and more open to finding diplomatic solutions that would suit both sides of the israeli palestinian conflict still israel is. suffering from one of its first bombings in jerusalem in a number of years that of course intensifies the situation
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a lot so with benjamin netanyahu maybe not as willing to look for softer political solutions that would perhaps include the palestinian authority or in the following of these latest small pushes of course has been a longtime member of the middle east quartet that jeddah gaited a lot of time and effort to acting as mediators in the middle east peace negotiations hoping to find a solution that would satisfy both sides and of course be a political one not a military one the united states frequently try to act as mediator in the conflict but russia possibly now hopes to pick off where the united states left off and perhaps couldn't achieve what they'd set out to do now with the meetings first with the leader of the palestinian national authority now with the israeli prime minister russia hopes to step up to the plate and fill the position of mediator
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bring the two sides closer together closer to finding a diplomatic or political solution to the middle east conflict. well business is next here in our. stay with us. i think it is a hello and welcome to our tease business subject it's great to have you with is a wave of russian companies are preparing to list and the london stock market among them real estate developers telecoms and bunks in total the issues will be looking to raise two point seven billion dollars in april and david buick from the g.c. partners in london says though the russian equity looks attractive new offers can be overpriced. well i think everybody looks and sees how well russia has go in the course of the last four years and what the opportunity saw because you have internal growth which many other countries apart from the far reaches of steamy
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jealous souls but unfortunately we generally footings many of the investment banking so finding for the cost that they all tend to be rather of them fish and sugar prices and many i.p.o.'s and i think also you virtually have to offer the investor a guaranteed profit on the first day of trading but if he doesn't feel as good if they feel that they'd rather leave. well let's take a look at how the markets are performing by big dollar and did not stock trading in the blind gaining around zero point four percent encouraging called for to prove the boys did not have the best of the period to be in face by the deepening political crisis is unfortunate. your pain stocks are in the blind at the moment with john and time again around one of the sun gazing you know it's going to destroy the question of my station on it's off the books on the back of a more optimistic view of all chaplains recruiting moving the global economy also help to your son covering wars on the continent after portugal's parliament with
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chancellor stands. in russia not extending the gains of the previous g twenty by the os he has never been around a bit more than a sound system with commodity stocks taking that. let's take a look at the individual in office where he was asked about the eventual fire off of the russian government decided to extend the cash for clunkers program to get russia's second largest oil producer new coal is also looking at the sun as the sons of paul supplies from leave it remain disrupted as people say we've already bucking the trend of flows trading that trust holding the situation lines north on a good mining giant never ask a couple. russia's largest lenders are behind plans to gradually increase the size of its dividend according to the vines had given credit for banks advisory board recommended that shareholders confirm dividends for twenty ten or twelve percent of net profits while previously that figure was ten percent for giving.
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russian consumer prices german point eight percent in february much less than in general but still twice the rate of the european average starting from january prices vary by three point six percent of that approximately zero that the government started for this year wheat prices rose in by those with buckwheat and behind the ebit finance minister that if they could recall for extreme measures to curb inflation during by summer's drought and high crude prices but as julie davis explains official they have limited time. but inflation has been a mounting problem since for the third quarter of last year it's not a specific russia problem and you've got nine point four percent i think your or your c.p.i. for february on the producer price would smaller than twenty but this is really broadly an emerging market seem which is now spilling over and translating into inflationary pressures in the rest of world in developed markets to. fund another
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economic news from john citigroup has operated russia's g.d.p. growth cost base yet well point three percent from four percent a key driver it's fueling for growth are higher government expenditure on consumer demand but citigroup's economists also warn the big relation could be nine or even ten percent loss and depressed. as their business needs for now back next hour with more and of course can always find all the data someday that home slash business.
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