tv [untitled] March 24, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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coming up he sold his house moved into a mobile home community and decided to start life anew we'll talk with the award winning director of. a documentary exploring a new documentary that just might change your. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw. on
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tumblr is a big. brother back to the big picture on tom arbonne coming up in this half hour first a movement has targeted the bank of america is preparing to jump off a national day of action what the protesters are up to later in the show and he went on a on a whim in search of solutions to the world's troubling problems and found the solutions to some of his own award winning director tom shadyac who wrote them and directed the new movie i am with you here and of vermont really can pull off single payer health care is it possible that two hundred doctors could be on the move that incidents daily take.
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to get a robber to robin hood what would happen if a rich famous and successful guy decided to change his lifestyle out of a more average american that's just what filmmaker tom shadyac did and has just released a movie titled i am it tells a story and if you are a very real way all of our stories check out this trailer from. we are asking. the significant. role in the world the we do and. most importantly what we do about. science. scattered elements that undermine everything we've been told about how we work how the world works we are working with each other at a fundamental level people realize previously. truthful.
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that we because we know. the basis of nature it's cooperation in democracy it's in our view. we're just at the point where it sounds and sound for tonight's washington d.c. from near the movie at the e. street theater top welcome thank you good to be here that was your voice by the way that i heard in that clip you're in this movie i'm i'm honored thank you it was beautiful to have you and thank you you've been fabulously successful and quite wealthy and then you decided to give a lot of it up here's a clip actually from the movie shows where viewers. they took a chance on a guy who at the time was known as the white guy on in living color. my world changed overnight. and well i kind of went shopping. first i bought a little seven thousand square foot house in the hills of several swimming pools movie store. pictures professor
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a lot. more from success came my way i bought a bigger house and more stuff. but something odd happened to me when i moved into my first beverly hills house that kind of took the edge off my buzz i was standing alone in the entrance foyer after the movers had just left and i was struck with one very clear very strange feeling i was no happier. there i was standing in the house and my culture had taught me was a measure of the good life and it made me absolutely no happier. so this is the main set up for the movie yeah you know in the microcosm my personal story and the flawed character and i was taught a certain model of success by our culture and that it would pay. and i found it neutral and i got the rewards if you will the treasures on earth and i found it
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absolutely neutral and yet as i have shared more of that as i had moved away into a simpler life use less resources a simplified things i've been able to share more. create community get part of a connection with other people that has brought a wealth that was not taught i felt and supported by our culture in the way that the material wealth was really interest in some of the studies on happiness showed . there there's a certain pay a certain rise that occurs with you know basic needs meaning that you know and then it kind of levels out and then there's actually a drop at great wealth you know i mean we're the point where people start getting o.c.d. about their wealth. talk about that well in the movie you say that there's a certain limit money buys you out of the burdens of homelessness hunger poverty you want your an education or an operation the money could make you happier but above that it actually doesn't make you any happier and can invert your happiness because of the complexities that it brings i found that true also this is this is i
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think it's just absolutely remarkable that after all these movies that you've made back to give me a quick listen i did a spin through as my first movie the ninety professor liar liar patch adams a dry dry composer drama bruce almighty evan almighty and i produced accepted and i now pronounce you chuck and larry they're both largely mostly successful films they were just short of two billion dollars but but it wasn't the kind of success that success to me is about these horizontal ideas of family community connection sharing you know giving a gift that i've been given a gift as a director and i want to share that with those i want to it's a question we don't ask. in our society i didn't hear your other guests asking how much is enough or what does tom shadyac need to live a joyful meaningful purpose filled life and it's a question that when i ask myself i see my needs are simple i still live this this beautiful life and then the rest can be shared and that to me creates a true wealth that i believe we should be teaching our kids do you think that. the
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movie suggests that your perspective is that we're not individuals that were part of a whole that we are our brother's keeper yes i do very much and i think you know your issue your shows are very much an issue shota and i respect that we wanted to get underneath the issue and there's a fundamental way we're looking at the world now and it's this idea that we're separate that you and i have nothing to do with each other so we hear the word me a lot it's me it's my effort it's my stuff and yet when we look even at the science in the quantum physics say there is no my there is no ego that's the illusion that einstein had said we are all truly in this together and i think we have to make a choice as a society that we fundamentally believe what the mystics what those leaders have told us the moral leaders like martin luther king are we brothers and sisters are not and i would agree with you i don't want any brother or sister of mine which is anyone to go to bed hungry i don't want any brother sister of mine to not have medical treatment if they need medical treatment especially when i've been given so much as a gift and i can share that if it creates some kind of material wealth i can share
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that and it makes me wealthier and i believe again a truer sense i'm hearing from a lot of people who've seen the movie obviously because i and other people you know i didn't you know i didn't do a lot of. this is not publicly sucking up you were wonderful in the movie you tell amazing stories and i find them a political i find the moral you know i find them very moral and i think we can meet even those we disagree with on those moral grounds you know we have to ask ourselves who we are or you kill beautiful stories or thank you for the feedback i'm getting from people was that they feel like their lives. has been changed as a result of seeing this movie this is a transformational movie was that your goal when you set out to make it to transform others or simply to get out of your system when it happened to you but i think it's both i think every filmmaker wants to communicate something i needed to tell the story i literally thought i was going to die had a kind of a near death experience and a bike accident that compelled me to share something as
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a last chapter of my life but i think every filmmaker hopes that something that they do will affect another person to rethink something to recalibrate to make a shift not per my own edification but for their own potential joy for potential meaning and purpose a brilliant job of it tom shadyac thanks thank you thank you for your participation membership appreciate your thank story thank you the movie is called and it is life changing check it out. it's the good the bad of the very painfully oddly first the good senator dick durbin in response to congressman peter king as hearings into american muslims durbin will be launching his own congressional hearing into muslims but his hearing
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will not focus on the threats posed by muslims but instead the threats posed to muslims and their civil rights pointed out the surge in anti muslim rhetoric and hate crimes durbin were being hearings next week to try to improve the situation of muslims in america as durbin said it's important for our generation to renew our founding charters commitment to religious diversity and to protect liberties here and she'd buy a bill of rights. and you can start by investigating peter king the bad guy steve doocy but i can't really blame him you just reading from a teleprompter so let's give it to fox news on fox and friends this morning to see cited sarah palin's thoughts on libya and suggested that her insightful prediction shows she may know more about the libyan situation than president obama take a look the white house is insisting khadafi needs to leave on his own accord but former governor sarah palin sees a difference in being for her i think kathy it is going to end up dead through this
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mission caucus not going to go willingly sort as a former governor have a better understanding of the libyan leader we want her to write i guess that's because she's studied up on libya extensively on facebook bad and of course you can see libya from house and the very very ugly the westboro baptist church elizabeth taylor died yesterday so naturally the westboro baptist church announced plans to picket her funeral argy phelps the spokes. for the church said it was with taylor has now joined michael jackson heath ledger in hell do you realize how it was so full of talented people so go ahead show up with a picket signs is anyone really even care anymore it's just all theory very ugly. coming up over two hundred doctors are preparing to pack their medical bags and head to vermont at a new health care policy is put into effect i'll explain why they're so heated up in tonight's take.
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another hour led per people who want to put an end to the republicans reverse robin hood crime spree is the u.s. uncut movement u.s. uncut grew out of the u.k. uncut movement and is dedicated to making sure a trans national corporate tax dodgers like bank of america exxon mobil pay their fair share of taxes so we can uncut the slashing going on in benefits of the middle class are held in a national day of action this saturday urging people to show up in protest at their neighborhood bank of america branch so far bank of america in washington d.c. has been shut down twice by u.s. uncut protesters the movement is getting so much mobility in the u.k. that today the government there announced they were raising taxes on the rich oil companies and banks and declaring no more cuts to social programs because of that and actually the daily take interest of none but will u.s. uncut get the same sort of response from our government here tell us is ryan clayton regional spokesman for the u.s. uncut movement brian welcome thanks for having me great to have you here with us
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the first of all why bank of america will become america's an egregious tax structure you know they made four point four billion dollars in two thousand and nine and they paid zero dollars in taxes you know what it is that one company alone would do their fair share you know we could uncut one point seven billion dollars in early childhood education that's head start in title one programs so america do we want teachers or we want tax cheats and that's a decision we have to make right and it looks like. republican which made the decision on the tax cheats you know. we've got a sound bite here we have a little clip from from what you guys been up to with bank of america let's take a look at. our firefighters teachers public servants or attacks. your tax.
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dollars are. actually. property. that's incredible that was the bank of america's shareholders meeting and you were kind of response that you get oh no they were stunned i mean they were silent and actually i'm a little shocked they were so silent they let us speak our piece i think they were happy we didn't bring pitchforks you know he was tackled you. it isn't even in the u.k. . i've lived in europe for a year and i spent a lot of time watching b.b.c. and b.b.c. is not owned by any giant corporation and you know they pretty much you know they take on the sacred cows even in the government because there's so many multiple levels of arm's length between the government and the you know unlike n.p.r. for example where they where they're actually taking their corporate funding isn't the fact that the you in the u.k. the u.k. on top of it is getting a lot of news coverage in the major media particularly b.b.c. but here in the u.s.
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. it seems to me from just watching the news what your biggest challenge is the corporations who run the big t.v. networks they don't want to pay taxes anymore and bank of america and are you having a tough time cutting through this we know that's our job you know that's what we're here to do we've got to penetrate public awareness and make sure the people hear the facts because you know americans are pretty smart and when they hear the facts on this one everybody agrees it's a magnetic message you tell people you know break america made four point four billion dollars and paid less in taxes than you have in your pocket everybody gets that that's wrong if that's cheating and that it's immoral well they did it with one hundred thirteen offshore the other fifteen tax havens around the world you know and they say i mean that investor conference and they say we make the majority of our money in america no market around the world competes with them right and then they go and they tell already their taxes and exactly when they go in there telling them of the make the majority their money in cayman islands and luxembourg in these other one hundred fifteen tax havens you know that's the dirty little secret of wall street they they share one set of books to uncle sam and they show
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another set of books to their investors and if we can match those two things up then we would have one hundred to one hundred billion dollars more into. x. is collected by the government every year and that means middle class taxes could go down that means we could fully fund things like social security and we could keep teachers and cops and firefighters in these critical services ok stop cutting us on cut with cutting the things that are being cut and right now we're cutting to the bone of social services and we have to fix that because there's there's long term consequences to that you know my guess ryan ryan is that if you were to talk to the average tea per year and i'm not talking about dick armey or the koch brothers or the people who organize the bosses or pay for the big stages and things but just the average person shows up with a sign who knows it something's wrong in america but isn't quite sure what it is if you shared your message with them they would be with you if you guys reached out to the to these folks are you are you finding that they're starting to show up i mean i know on my radio show i'm getting calls from tea partiers all the time going i
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just realized i didn't have it so yeah i you know i would say i've talked to a lot of tea party members in the course of my activism especially around d.c. the one the one person i talked to you know fill kirpan from the tea party organization of americans for prosperity we were talking back stage one day and he said you know i agree with you i think corporations should pay their taxes i'm not in favor of corporate tax deadbeats and if they feel corporate america's prosperity can agree with us you know two different sides of the political spectrum and then the people in the middle of america can agree with us you might if we fired those i quoted you. then we might get this problem fixed you know what and that's important it's critical that we get this message out there that people demand that our politicians do something about it you're absolutely right and the website is us i'm caught out orgy ryan thanks so much for showing thanks for having us it's great to have your shit while the tea party pushes for policies that only help millionaires and billionaires u.s. uncut is there for the rest of us so join in and show up you're not alone in this war against corporate tax dodgers and austerity measures act we're late already.
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and. in fact let's just check out how the world is doing right this is today's financial times this is not intended to be an ad for them or anything like that it's just it's fascinating to read what you know the how the richards talking to the rich to each other that kind of thing and there were some just really interesting international stories the first one comes from the company's market section was section two in the financial times italy steps up drive against foreign takeovers now while for example german car companies in america are advertising the fact that
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they're making cars in america is that wonderful we're giving you jobs we're giving you cars do not mention that they're taking all the profits back to germany the italians are saying no italy has stepped up their campaign against french buyouts of italian companies italy's cabinet agreed on wednesday to put before parliament a bill that will define telecoms food defense and industry and energy as strategic in an effort to staunch unwanted foreign takeovers and this is by the way the theory in part doing this because france is already doing it to. a couple of other stories. socrates pays heavy price for austerity push is the headline in page seven today's this is that he's the prime minister of greece and portugal and as prime minister jose he's the he's been pushing these austerity measures that are being kind of shoved down the throats of the greeks by the i.m.f.
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and the world bank and the. pushing back to the point that today he just kind of threw his hands up in the us and that's it i can't do it anymore just already measures and including a special tax on pensions they want to axe oceans securities actually were drafted within put from the european central bank and so now they're going to you know have well we'll see any of the pedro pedro apostles' coello leader of the center right social democrats the main opposition party said he would not support further measures quote targeting the most vulnerable members of society so this is you know if portugal is heading for a bailout as the prime minister quits and in the u.k. this is where it gets really interesting u.k. uncut is where the whole uncut movement started. george osborne the headline u.k. oz bourne's unveils pro growth budget ok so it's a pro growth budget in the u.k. george osborne u.k. finance minister underlined wednesday what he described as
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a pro growth budget extensive tax rises now we would call those tax increases the iss british newspaper extensive tax rises and spending cuts announced last year had brought economic stability said but the package unveiled in the annual budget was fiscally neutral with tax rises for banks oil companies and electricity generators offset by tax cuts for other companies or smokes the small companies motorists and middle income households in the u.k. has jacked the taxes up on the rich people the banks the oil companies and here were saying oh you know exxon mobil paid nothing in taxes nothing in taxes was profitable corporation has for the world and you wonder why us uncut is starting to get a little upset i think personally that this wouldn't have happened if you uncut had been out there good on them.
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there is no more glaring example of the steal from the poor give to the rich scheme the republican reverse robin hood's been pushing that in our nation's health care system and there is one group of people a group of people who are very important health care who've had enough of our fraudulent system it's doctors hundreds of doctors in thirty nine states have signed on to a petition saying that they would move to vermont if that state approves a single payer health care system as one doctor points out we want to practice medicine not push paper every single democratic president since harry truman has tried to reform our health care system only to be shot down by conservatives even some republicans like richard nixon with his employer mandate tried and failed and as a result we have a sort of health care in america that republicans want
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a for the rich by the rich for them and death panels for the rest of us look at people who died in arizona as a result of what jan brewer is doing health insurance companies have near monopolies and ninety four percent of health insurance markets around the country as a result fifty two million people are uninsured another twenty five million are under insured employers are kicking thousands out their health insurance rules they're threatening their workers if they protest or they try to unionize our woes of shut the business down on him over to china or india or some other country where there's no health insurance costs could be canada could be any european country for that matter. people are slipping into bankruptcy mostly because they're getting sick illness is the trigger for fifty percent of american bankruptcies fall in every other developed country in the world this is simply impossible because everybody has health coverage twenty percent of americans or de laine medical care because of
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the high costs that's the result of that forty five thousand people will die do die every year because he has been for the money to care for these people when they get sick has been sucked out by a small group of millionaires and billionaires who've gamed our system bankers really who call themselves health insurance companies all they do is handle money they're run by people like dollar bill mcguire who made one point seven billion dollars in compensation for his first ten years as c.e.o. of united health care the current guy who followed him stephen j. hensley made over four hundred seventy million in his first five years this is you know every penny of this is the that these so-called health insurance companies make everybody is from saying to somebody no we're not going to cover you we're going to cover you we're not that and we're going to pay for that this isn't just
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stealing money from the poor to give to the rich it's stealing the life from the poor and it's a moral crisis as much as it's a health crisis that this takes place in america the wealthiest nation on the planet and now doctors doctors are saying they've had enough just like filmmaker tom shadyac discovered money doesn't buy quality of life just like us uncut the movement is fighting against austerity measures going after corporate tax dodgers doctors are now going after the health insurance companies to drown their lives in needless paperwork and act like the real death panels in our health care system. and turns out of vermont succeeds in replacing its for profit health insurance system with a single payer system and other states around the nation follow which is exactly what happened in canada and says catch one adopted a single payer system and then it spread across the country and our nation will be
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fundamentally changed for the better we'll become a nation where people can start a new business or pursue a new career without having to worry about losing their insurance a nation where a mother or father can get sick without it affecting with their child can afford to go to college and a nation is not drowning in debt because for profit health insurance c.e.o.'s need the mansion these guys are after all sucking about a fifth of all our health care dollars into their paychecks dividends and corporate bureaucracies look anywhere you want and you'll never see a successful nation with a sick population health care is sacred and we are our brother's keeper so let's stop the theft and make a healthy again as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website at thom hartmann dot com dot com this entire shows available for free pod cast on i tunes also check out our youtube page youtube dot com slash big picture and don't forget the marker see begins when you get out there and get active when you show up when you contact your elected representatives when
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