tv [untitled] March 25, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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book and the alone to show that the real headlines with none of the mersey are going to live out of washington d.c. now we've been carrying out attacks on libya for a week so have details from what's happening on the ground i will continue to try and find out what the goals are from the u.s. or nato or whoever is in charge now we'll tell you about a regular we tell you on a regular basis about the military's missions in iraq and afghanistan but today let's look into another important element of war psyops archies lauren lyster will join me to discuss how the military works to sell a positive image when it comes to our war on terror and tax season is upon us and
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it turns out that there's somebody who isn't paying their taxes this year big corporations companies posting billions of dollars in profits we had they pay no income tax we're going to find out which corporations are getting that free pass and what if anything we can do about it and today is the one hundredth anniversary of the triangle shirtwaist factory fire it was called by some the day that the new deal began so what can we say one hundred years later about the plight of labor in america and it's friday which means the world host of the hottest stories making a buzz in our happy hour segment there's a new study about religious people that i think might shock you we're going to save all the details for the end of the show now our top story. it's day seven for attacks on libya and the question about this war well they keep piling up airstrikes continue with mixed reports coming out of the country as to how many civilians might be victims of these attacks and all this to the confusion over identifying who the victims that they found really are are they fighters are they
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innocent bystanders who for the media believe or who should the people believe reports from nato or from libyan officials artie's possibly or has more on the ground in libya. is the proof of civilians being injured and killed in coalition is strikes we've driven more than forty minutes to see the remains of a rocket and some glass in a big room window with a father says he was very lucky that his family was not at home forgive us for being a little bit suspicious but certainly here the pressure is on for the government to try and show the international community that indeed its claims that more than one hundred civilians have been killed are true and we attended a mass funeral where more than fifty homes which was how we were told that inside we should billions the government spokesperson later did admit that it was possible that some of the bodies were i suppose the sheriff preaching if this in a position to say that all libyans i'm supposed to take the question in terms of what is the decision here. and this is really is the manager listening to this is
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a hospital within where more than a dozen bodies beyond recognition and presented also as proof that these airstrikes are killing civilians there are we miss here in the capital city the bodies have been pushing for i think it is going to be to fight you think this into the foreign media as proof again that civilians are targets and are the collateral damage in these airstrikes the reaction on the ground in terms of the announcement that mater now will be in charge of enforcing this no fly zone is rather mixed the average rebel fighter actually doesn't care he just wants to see more weapons he wants to see more air strikes but the opposition leadership is a bit concerned they do understand that when you have more power. always calling the shots you run the risk of one of them being able to veto any french operation a lot easier for the united states and canada to take this operation forward in european powers which have domestic issues they need to consider such as migration here in the capital city the situation is very very tense friday prayer is always
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a focal point security downtown has been stepped up in fear that they could be nasty to ministrations overnight there were is strikes in the east in the west of the city targeting military barracks and military a field at the same time there was a lot of empty aircraft gunfire over the capital city so indeed the situation tense people angry and most just fearing what the next few days and weeks can bring policy r.t. tripoli. nato is now set to take command of the war against moammar gadhafi but it's still hard to sell exactly what that means on thursday night and nato said it would take over command and control of the no fly zone from the u.s. but the obama administration insists that the command of a no drive zone was also part of that so even now the picture of commander means murky and the end goal is still nonexistent joining me to discuss it all is jack rice criminal defense attorney and former cia officer jack thanks so much for joining us tonight now like i said it's still hard to tell exactly what's been
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agreed upon here at nato said that they'll take command of the no fly zone but that's the part that's well it's already been done the no fly zone has been established i guess you could say that's the easy part what does a no drive zone really mean you know those are both great questions i mean that's really the problem because if we look at what president obama has got in the past i mean bottom line here the whole purpose was to get this off of his back he wanted to put this on somebody else's back somebody else's shoulders so they will have to deal with this and let me give you the worst of all worlds the worst of all worlds is that this turns into a guerrilla campaign and that all of us of moammar gadhafi does not walk away quietly peacefully he simply sits out there will be fights again and again and again and this does not go away when an f. eighteen or to fifteen goes down when you see more casualties coming up in all it was and president obama says a let me get this right we have iraq we have afghanistan and now we have libya you have people on the left and right into him
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and so get into your question no body no but do you know what is a no drive zone is specifically mean versus the no fly zone right so they've now established the fact that that it's safe for planes to fly over to the no dot drive zone does that mean shooting tanks shooting it off these compounds. yes i mean in the end what you're trying to do is you're trying to clamp down and control everything that moves and frankly it's can be very very hard to do in many cases because bottom line this is what the white house said and they tried to say this in the last twenty four forty eight hours it's not just about of the flood zone it's about protecting civilians and it's trying to stop this sort of kinetic energy of the regime trying to slow them down trying to stop their armament from moving trying to stop their people from moving but if you do that then you have to increase the amount of armament that nato or the americans have and by the way i would use slash nato or americans because it's the end of the day no matter what it
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is that the white house says the americans are nato bottom line they're the ones ultimately we're going to trigger is saying this is what we're going to do and nato will essentially follow through with what the americans want they just put it under a different heading so all of a sudden it's not the americans were driving this entire war it's somebody else and that's not really true i'm really happy that you mentioned that because of course like we said obama's message this entire time has been to step back to say this is an international effort that the u.s. is going to rescind that's raul and that nato is now in command but if the u.s. is nato right the u.s. plays a very leading role the u.s. has the nie as military capability then you know it doesn't make any difference at all if we say nato is in command now not really i mean it really doesn't i guess the only comparison we have at least the latest comparison we could have is
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afghanistan and if we think about what's going on yes a good trip to afghanistan being invited myself and i saw this very closely it will she thought it is well yes there are new nato troops on the ground if you want to go to the highest policy levels in still frequently be dictated the money and the power of control. it's. still rolls out of washington still rolls out of the pentagon yes you're never president bush when you have all of these various organizations coming together and you have all sorts of why it's everywhere from some of central america. places around the world there it clear to the gate it's still the americans who are driving this day and that's true whether or not president obama is prepared to admit it and that's something that i think president obama isn't prepared to admit a lot here if you ask me i feel like he's been very dishonest about this entire situation because his administration is refusing first of all to just call it a war he didn't ask congress for any kind of approval he didn't sit down and
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address the people now and now with in his in this race and they say that he's trying to avoid having to people because he doesn't want to equate what we're doing in libya with iraq war with afghanistan because this isn't on so much of a smaller scale but is it a little you know too late now they're saying that he might actually address the people once the u.s. steps back from the situation in libya i don't understand why did he do this right away and this is a failure on his part i mean what i do find interesting and maybe a bit fascinating politically is you can take a look what's going on in washington around the country as you look back at the left and some who really tried to support this president sometimes blindly you think about the arguments they pay going after president bush well into iraq and you think about the right sometimes following the right blindly the conservatives widely saying he must be right and now to look at that support that's been flip flop and all of a sudden use ones acceptable when you see
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a democrats tearing themselves apart with wrapping themselves up in pretzels trying to explain why this one is ok when at the end of the day the argument sound shockingly it is saying what you're left or right and that's the sort of hypocrisy that we're seeing right now and i think we should be talking about. i'm with you that i think we should be talking about it and at the end of the day it's a no win situation politically because even the republican lawmakers that were out there who are the most vocal about the need to take it off the out and implement this no fly zone are now turning against obama and saying that he was wrong in doing it but let's move on a little bit from libya clearly there is a lack of a goal a lack of a clear message on what's going on in libya we also see a lot of violence in the middle east in bahrain in syria and jordan in yemen where you know they're saying that president saleh might step down in a number of days and yet the pentagon says that they don't really have any kind of a contingency plan as to what's going to happen to all these counter terrorism
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units which are u.s. funded in yemen how could we not have plans something set up for you know in case these situations occur. well it's pretty shocking actually we think about what's going on in libya as we started our conversation was mali and we think about what's going on in syria and yemen and elsewhere but we do not these are all tied together and they're all tied together in this sense the idea is that the west the europeans the americans are more than willing to step up and provide support for some of the organizations some of those who are broken ocracy for a western and we've got to be careful about that because what you would be doing is you end up labeling them as sort of anti islam sometimes because it could happen you could be labeled as as anti in the least stern and pro western when in fact it may not actually be that it's always been that they were when we saw what was going on in iran but the idea they were not actually have any they don't have anything in
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place that makes a clear jump it says this is what we're going to do next i think really shows up i don't i don't i would call it paralysis at the white house right now but i think there are there's so petrified of what's happening in libya trying to get this off their backs if they're afraid to say ok if something happens you haven't here's what we're going to do next out of fear it somebody anybody everybody maybe will actually jump on them for that and of course their every move is being like stare and criticize but you know and rightly so i think because that's what happens when you're in that kind of position but now lastly when it comes to libya what do you think of the option of arming the rebels instead of a military intervention. you know that is one of the big questions that people have i think the fear that people have if you are of the rebels exactly who are the i mean exactly what are they that is part of the problem in the first place what will we give them and how long will those weapons actually last in the hands of the people that we hand them to and who gets to decide who actually gets those weapons
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i mean this is part of the problem that we've had in the past we decided to arm our friends and we've seen it in places like saudi arabia we've seen it in parts of north africa we've seen yes throughout the middle east and what you end up getting is this on point growing instability and it gets worse and worse and worse i mean the more we went. after them they end up becoming our enemies as well jack i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and i'm going to have a lot more to say about this war in libya later on in the show now it's time for a short break and when we return it's almost as important for the u.s. war as it actually it's winning hearts and minds that's not just the people in the country where you're fighting the every day the military fights every day through psyops through in the hearts and minds of the entire world then one man fights back against his placement on the no fly list after having an email intercepted and instead of an apology ali thought was blackmail courtesy of homeland security.
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you know sometimes you see the story and the scene so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry blogger was a big issue. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think. even funny well. we haven't got the says the safe get ready because the freedom.
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hi guys welcome to show itself on the about a show we've heard of our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear our audience is going to you tube the video response for the twitter for part of the question that we've hosts on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your response is going to leave your voice. for. a few.
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in the global war on terror we discuss the military operations with troops on the ground coalition forces and let's look at another aspect of war on the take so much different approach of winning hearts and minds psychological operations are just as important in a war zone as the artillery that's used at this weapon is used to tackle the media and the public artie's loyalists or takes a closer look the reality of war war still and that's why you only go to war when it's an absolute interest to your national security it's one reason why coalition forces do battle with an information war to fight alongside the real one playing out on the ground in afghanistan for example so it's not widely known by these milestones the longest war to american history we have surpassed the soviet campaign there we have spent sectional a lot of money but instead carries this message good morning afghanistan welcome to
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the new day of hope and reconstruction in the war torn region which would each conflict with loans for peace that's the nato version told in this promotional film it was given to international journalists like myself at the annual nato summit presumably to spread the message public relations after it's like these are nothing new and commander of the nato forces the united states spends billions of dollars alone to market its version of the war to the world including p.r. at home and abroad u.s. funded media as well as psychological operations for example a leaked classified cia document revealed a plan for our lights a quote strategic communication program across nato troop contributors that taps into the key concerns of specific western european audiences that could provide a buffer if apathy becomes opposition to fight declining public support for the war from france and germ. there's
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a young girl she recalls the day when the taliban wounded to taliban talk to tank outside her home and kept watch on her family and her need to use the cia tap the afghan women as the perfect messenger to make an emotional appeal about the taliban and professed their aspirations for the future as this woman does here. some media picked up on this message to hear time magazine equates pulling out u.s. troops from afghanistan with brutality against women however the new number about this poor girl this happened while he was troops were there and some like feminist writer jill plouffe with which argues these p.r. tactics are an assault on women too i think it absolutely exploits the women's issue and explains women's use purely to advance u.s. foreign policy objectives they certainly weren't interested in women's rights in that region before it became strategically important to them in this so-called war on terror. and it's not clear efforts like this even work it's absolutely possible
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that what i would be willing to suggest that. it's very ineffective and maybe u.s. defense secretary robert gates would have free as his recent closed door nato speech can attest he's now resorting to spalding allies for getting ready to abandon the war meanwhile hillary clinton says the u.s. is losing when it comes to broadcasting its message abroad on state funded t.v. station on the street unfortunately we are paying a big price for it even though the u.s. has spent one billion dollars alone to broadcast its message to the arab world where it's at war through the state news network. the network has lost didn't just happen percent of viewership i think they know we're all showing perhaps you can't sell a war welcome to the new days unless you have a buyer lauren mr archie your. but join me to discuss it from our studio
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in new york is our correspondent going mr now lauren i think that of course we can talk about the way that these wars are sold even with the conflict that we're seeing right now the obama administration doesn't want to call libya a war it's a humanitarian intervention but if you look at the polls is their messaging actually working well i think that's an interesting point because it looks like you can see the messaging reflected in the polls a reuters poll showed that sixty percent of americans that they polled were in support of u.s. military intervention to protect civilians which is really the message that the obama administration had sold now when you look at the reality of what actually is going on as far as the military actions that the u.s. is taking in a new poll based on that question the numbers seem to be a little bit different gallup poll came out showing that when you say do you approve of the u.s. military action in libya that's going on the numbers drop forty seven percent approve and thirty seven percent disapprove so you really see the difference in
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messaging and what that conveys to the american people and how they feel about a military operation and that same poll when you asked about sending boots on the ground just seven percent would be in support of bad and analysts say oh it's because the u.s. is embroiled in other wars and the u.s. has really felt the toll that this is taken and the costs of that but as you mentioned the obama administration is not calling what's going on in libya a war but does that make it less of a war the u.s. is involved in airstrikes there are military facilities in libya i mean what is a war then i certainly would call it a war and i'm really curious as to this nato promotional see the you were privileged to see after going to the latest summit in portugal tell me more about what's on it. all sorts of stuff alone stories that really kind of play to the u.s. policy there in support of it you know let me give you one example they show afghan soldiers training with their new american and sixteen's and they have quotes from
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them where they're saying you know we we want to fight the taliban but we can't just do it with force we have to talk to them we have to talk to people here kind of reinforcing their counterinsurgency winning hearts and minds strategy and then you you also have those soldiers saying you know we believe we can beat the taliban were loyal we want this mission but what it really is going to take is a strong afghan army strong afghan police so kind of all reinforcing what the u.s. wants to build there and in addition you see afghan students saying we want this better life for ourselves we are studying in university we want to build a great country here we want to build industry here but we don't have the infrastructure we don't have the things that we need and of course that's one of the other aspects of the u.s. mission there is building infrastructure and kind of having a civilian surge there that works on those aspects and you really see told through this afghan story a reinforcement of the u.s. and nato mission there and you even have
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a home at the beginning that says democracy is the answer that's from an afghan women's group so lots of messaging throughout that video and those kind of videos are shown i'm sure not surprisingly i don't think anybody would be surprised but on big screen t.v.'s in the media center throughout the whole summit you know we're definitely doesn't surprise me that they try to sell the war but then you would like a little bit of honesty to write if they do sell to a specific audience to say that this is helping women and children how can you exclude the fact that women and children are often the ones that suffer the most in these types of conflicts. it's a really great point and it's one that the feminist blogger that i interviewed also brought up which is that if the u.s. is using the women's issue as a justification for its presence there what about the fact that war is horrible for women and for children at that matter i mean the u.n. report that came out this month showing that two thousand and ten was the worst year for civilian casualties so far in afghanistan of the twenty seven hundred seventy seven casualties that that report detailed more than half of those are
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women and children it's more than eleven hundred that are women and five hundred some that are children so the war is by no means good for women if you look at the numbers that are dying and the lives that are being affected not no two of women one interesting kind of anecdote when you look at the fact that the u.s. has pushed the women's issue is just recently just this month a very prominent afghan feminist and also a critic of the war and she was elected to the afghan parliament she was actually denied a visa to get into the united states or promote her book a woman among warlords it wasn't until the a.c.l.u. launched a campaign and members of congress got involved and there was all sorts of protests that then the state department did grant her visa better originally when she was when she applied for one it was reported that the consular office said we know exactly who you are and you're not getting a visa who goes at the side of the stories that you don't hear but that's what they put out in the p.r. world laura thanks so much for joining us. how many people are raising questions
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about a marine who's been placed on the no fly list corps veteran eva scholl found out the hard way that he was on the list when he was attempting to board a plane and it turns out of the f.b.i. flagged him after they found that he had e-mailed him all asking for advice on how to raise his children in a multicultural household you seem a shawl as muslim his wife is a christian but since the f.b.i. was keeping watch on that your mom they were skeptical of the veterans e-mails now michelle said that he was then approached by the f.b.i. where they attempted to cut him a deal they saying that if he could be an undercover informant for mosques in the u.s. he could get off the no fly list and i dare say that kind of sounds like blackmail doesn't it's obviously the muslim american decline and he has since fall the lawsuit with the a.c.l.u. in this issue but when michelle contacted the department of homeland security they sent her applies saying that they reviewed the situation and determined that no changes should be made at this time no changes should be made at this time does that mean the homeland security is admitting that this man who's
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a veteran of the military should be kept on the no fly list all for sending an e-mail i think on crazy i what point were his questions regarding raising his children an indicator for the government to think that michelle could be linked to militants and i think it's safe to say that homeland security definitely overstepped their bounds on this one and to make matters worse the f.b.i. then tried to blackmail him into investigating mosques is that the way to gain trust in the american muslim community do we need any more proof that homeland security and the rest of the government are overstepped their bounds of what's actually keeping us safe into paranoia and islamophobia this is ridiculous i for one hope that this u.s. marine veteran gets off the list the legal way by winning in court and instead of having to play the games. and the war on terror it's been the u.s. top priority since the nine eleven attacks our government has gone to extreme lengths to show that any terrorist will not succeed in the good ole usa. but first
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let's point out the obvious here are wars in iraq and afghanistan right those are clear since you know that there are center pieces of this so-called war on terror but here at home efforts have been made to ensure that each american is trained to fight terror the t.s.a. has all kinds of checkpoints most of which are there to invade your privacy all for the sake of keeping you safe in the skies and homeland security secretary secretary janet napolitano says if you see something say something that's her campaign that encourages the average joe schmoe to use his best knowledge to determine if something suspicious is happening in public places like train stations we even see it on capitol hill or peter king posted the bigoted radicalization within the american muslim community here it's working essentially used his political platform to spread his own fears of islamophobia but let's get back to this war on terror we're also using federal dollars to train local police on how to speak with the muslim community how to communicate with locally moms how to spot any potential terrorists although i think that we all know that they're creating is all about as
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you saw in our recent report which we did on this program now all of us effort all of this money spent but it didn't seem to help in this one case out of detroit a security guard stumbled upon a suspicious package outside a federal building or rather than investigate what a package might have been he brought the baggage inside put it in lost and found the package sat there for three weeks you heard me right it's after three weeks of course i believe somebody decided to scan it and it turns out it was a bomb now i'm not even to comment on the intelligence level of the security guard but let's pull it all into the bigger picture do we need any more proof that our domestic war on terror needs to be refined if an undead made of bomb sits in a federal buildings lost and found for three weeks i think that answer is clear enough that softened people's privacy i restricting their civil liberties and just start getting smart. all right the time of the night coming up next will time our winner this evening has a great idea. scott walker is turning in wisconsin drunk off
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