tv [untitled] March 25, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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new website with twenty four seven live streaming news tell us what to do about the ongoing financial hari unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find a new. media. aren't much to say. hey guys welcome to shelling tell me alone a show we've heard our guests talk to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube to video response or to twitter for part of the question
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that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is. like your voice be heard. all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight's winner might not be a familiar face but when we explained why he's our guest of honor tonight i think that you might understand let's backtrack to a month ago when the protests were at their high point in wisconsin i know governor scott walker is in our winner but rather indiana prosecutor carlos as a lamb is now we couldn't find his picture anywhere online after his slimy ideas surface so we're guessing that maybe somebody did a little bit of scrubbing but let me explain the story governor scott walker of wisconsin received an e-mail from lamb and this e-mail not only praised the governor first standing up to the unions but also contained a sinister plot that would help why. her with out in this battle lamb's plan to
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shed the bad guy image was to create a flag operation so in the e-mail he explained his idea saying if you can employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the union's cause to physically attack you or even use a firearm against you you could discredit the public unions and other words make the media believe that walker is the victim of a vicious mob of protesters to win over the rest of the country and get them back on walker's site now this e-mail originally was sent back in february obviously walker didn't decide to carry it out but still are you kidding me stage an assassination attempt you see what i mean about his plan being ridiculous and half baked not to mention illegal now if the email is public land is not only become the buzz of the media but he's also been forced to step down from his job as deputy prosecutor a good thing now the public workers need as much support as possible if something like this was actually carried out it would destroy everything of the protesters who work for peacefully not to mention being allowed to victimize
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a man who has done everything in his power to goalie and intimidate every day workers quick not on this one to lamb isn't the only politician at indiana who suggested drastic measures to get rid of the union protests the deputy attorney general general jeff cox is also a fan of using weapons to get rid of the protestors he said use live ammunition in response to a tweet from mother jones about police coming in to control the protesters so seriously the answer is just to shoot them thank god the rest of the country doesn't seem to favor violence with these nut jobs in indiana deal anyway now that lamb is out of a job maybe he can take some time to rethink how he supports politicians before is a legitimate proposal of staging an assassination all to make unions look bad carlos simon is tonight's winner. and how did make you feel to find out that the largest corporation in america pays no income tax thanks to an exposé in the new york times today we now know that it's true g.e.
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or general electric reported five point one billion dollars in profits from business done within the u.s. last year but they've paid zero income tax and in fact claim a tax benefit of three point two billion dollars so it's another example of corporate tax evasion joining the ranks of bank of america exxon mobil and we can only guess how many other companies out there are doing the same and it's all done through various strategies including lobbying g.e. is spent more than two hundred million dollars in the last ten years lobbying on tax reform she is also expanded its business abroad cutting one fifth of its workforce within the u.s. since two thousand and two placing their profits made here at home into offshore accounts and they also hire the best of the best including former i.r.s. and treasury officials for accounting purposes i'd say that it's pretty clear that our system needs reform and how do we go about doing it joining me from our studio in new york is dumped in duncan needs on a national coordinator for us and now we can thank so much for joining us tonight
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now first of all how does it make you feel as a taxpayer personally makes me really angry to know that g.e. paid absolutely zero nothing in income taxes despite making billions in profits that's right while the rest of us are being asked to more general electric and other major companies in america or would invade their taxes and bankrupting our country now do you think that we also very easily see in this story the corruption the revolving door as a g.e. has an entire team dedicated to work on taxes and obviously they're not working on figuring out how they can comply with the law but they're looking for these loopholes and this tax team has people that are from the i.r.s. from the treasury department all working on it too from washington. that's right there's been an exceptional amount of money lobbying congress but almost no money paying congress making sure congress has the money to do what it needs to do to serve the american public but how do i also do you feel me that in this revolving
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door we constantly talk about so many people right they go straight from washington to wall street and here we have them going from washington to g.e. and then helping them in their taxes absolutely it's disgraceful i mean we in america we are all benefit beneficiaries of a society that relies on tax revenue to provide basic services nine one one hospitals teachers all these things and spending all that money to evade paying your taxes it's unacceptable it's morally wrong and they need to be doing a better job to serve the american public that does pay their fair share both in congress and in the companies that are important for making our economy go why don't you think we hear the president say more about this right because the president is after all trying to cozy up to business in fact the chief executive of g.e. is his chief guy to get obama to be closer to the business community he's talking about reducing the corporate tax rate but he's not pointing any fingers he doesn't seem to be at all angry that they're completely paying nothing. well also what it
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takes is it takes citizens who do pay their fair share who are fed up with the system as it is getting out and taking action actually just tomorrow we're going to over forty demonstrations coast to coast part of the international day of action against corporate tax cheats united states has over forty actions i'm here in new york there's going to be one i'm leading all the way out to california small towns like silver city new mexico big cities like los angeles who are all over and people are fed up and they're taking action against corporate tax dodgers going to their front door saying there will be consequences to your brand there might be legal consequences we're showing them that we're really fed up and i think we're going to see an enormous backlash beginning now extending as long as there are still budget cuts in america people are going to be fighting back and that's eventually how we're going to get the president and get the congress to respond is one of the companies see that is going to hurt their bottom line is going to hurt their image
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then you're going to see the dynamics in congress and with the president shifting as well how have you found the media the media coverage to be so far and of protesting because of course you run into a little bit of a problem when you have corporate owned media when companies like m.s. in d.c. and n.b.c. are own by ged they talk about these stories. of course i mean and we've actually brought together a lot of very strange bedfellows you know people have pointed out how often our police officers who are directly impacted by budget cuts normally don't take that well people may be trying to come on private property and cause a little bit of trouble to actually take to it very well and they're usually very open and understanding of the protests that are taking place so we actually are bringing together some strange allies and i think it's an obvious message and it's a simple message that corporate tax cheats are bankrupting america we need to come together to show them that they are going to be consequences and we no matter who pays your bills you can understand that and i think a lot of people are receptive to it so i def i think
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a lot of people i understand i just have more of them are now hearing these stories and finding out about some of these protests don thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. i say is the one hundredth anniversary of the triangle shirtwaist factory fire is a horrible tragedy and which one hundred forty six workers perished in new york because fire escapes fell apart doors were locked so there was only one exit there was no sprinkler system it was a different time and franklin delano roosevelt's labor secretary called it the day the new deal so one hundred years later looking back at this day as a catalyst for the labor movement what's changed what's stay the same and what's happened in america when you're discussing with me is that you're lining reporter and blogger for think progress dot org and the progress report the center for american progress as well seek not only presidents of less government and i want to thank you both for joining me tonight and see i must start with you because i know that you aren't a fan of unions obviously but if we look back at this day if we look back at this
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day in history though look at this tragic event you know can you deny the importance of unions when it comes to workers' rights when it comes to safety in the workplace yes and nineteen zero eight they have long since outlived their usefulness as demonstrated by the current private sector union membership is under eight percent it's seven point nine percent they have served their purpose in the in the evolution and they may not have ever been necessary because in the evolution of a capitalist system you start out with the robber barons because only a certain number of people have money and they make the working conditions untenable but what that is is an opportunity for other employers to come in and say ok you don't have to work eighty hours a week you can work sixty and then some other employer can come out and say you can work fifty and it becomes a competition for the workers rather than the competition for the jobs and that's the evolution of every free market system throughout history and the unions perhaps accelerated worker safety and there's no denying that probably but in the grand scheme of things over the over arching growth of about for every free market system
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those things happen on their own without the this is of union how can you possibly say that we all know that if the. if business does what's in their best interests it's never what's in the best interest of the worker and you can utilize that are you know in a manner i don't think reasonably i will go always people i think i'd rather you could i like i do or that i think you do the best thing to do is to start talking about some facts here ok if you're going to say that unions have outlived their usefulness what you're saying is the american middle class has outlived its usefulness the one single point america where the middle class have the grey share of income was the one nine hundred fifty s. and in ninety three things we had three times as many workers and labor unions as we do you know as labor unions have declined so as the american middle class that's totally untrue that is completely true you can fundamentally untrue what isn't true about that absolutely that the middle class is shrinking more people know you don't know what is your money or you give us fake stack i give you real stuff more people under rate you move from the bottom fifth percentile to the highest that percentile
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then stayed in the bottom five percentile the middle class has been growing for decades what's been squeezing them out is higher taxes more government actually cost has a much lower than they were the one nine hundred fifty s. unions are much lower than they were in the ninety's and i love getting oregon is a great guy ron reagan said that collective bargaining is a human right and he supported the solidarity union in poland which actually supports the protests in wisconsin so i love our rate i'm glad and thank you very much for bringing him into the debate then but also the middle class is shrinking the wealth gap in the united states the largest ever being that is a false in the one nine hundred seventy s. when when we had a lot more unions down the average c.e.o. earned about thirty times as much as the average worker today is about three hundred times i mean that's where his own speaks most of the economy is gone is not going to the right people as i go into the great american middle class is are you in the working group when you do the godfather of all i can all the. anger that is usually no need to be rude but i have seen those facts as well that now let's talk about break one hundred years ago and let's look at the labor movement today that we've all said that union membership has dropped significantly but american girls
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are going to be seeing a huge war on unions to the public security which shouldn't exist anymore it's constant in wisconsin but you can't say that there is. this intimidation campaign from the story that i did earlier in the show we found out that from indiana they were suggesting to scott walker the bacon assassination attempt we know that's not why we're is now going after a professor who works in wisconsin and trying to open his e-mails just because he wrote an op ed supporting laboring that's not why i listen to him it's intimidation he's doing it because the guy was writing fake sick notes to people who are striking you're not going to destroy that's why he's going out and how many other doctors in the state did that well they should go out for all of them do you think though this is clearly clearly an intimidation campaign well i mean i think walker's scared i mean the polling shows that two to one wisconsinites oppose what he's doing that's waiting campaign and that's why i came here without talking about political says that's false and i think that last year i think i was very sorry to get really scared here and that's why it's hard to do these things i think is really really scary that come january when he's eligible for
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a recall he'll is that recall election a year from now the economy would be much better in wisconsin because they've done what they've done and no one will be trying to recall scott walker because you find it frustrating for example i was speaking to a gentleman from us on. i find it ultimately so frustrating to learn that a corporation like g.e. which is the largest in america paid no income tax and in fact collected billions of our taxpayer money and get public sector union workers are the ones that are being victimized here and said you know being painted as if their pension plans are just so fat that they are spoiled g.e.c. leaders jeffrey immelt is the obama crony i call them the foods the friends of obama and he gets all kinds of breaks he's on the job board that obama put together which has created no jobs and i felt like they weren't getting tax rates before. an effective tax rate of four percent you know it seems on to something you know he's right obama shouldn't appoint this man to the to the so called jobs kind of the competitive council because the way they're being competitive is by dodging their
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taxes i pay my taxes it is a great guy i'm sure he is taxes why isn't there a ledger paying their taxes why isn't good paying their taxes why exxon mobil is citigroup paying their taxes and i'm. that is the anger is the it is about this and i think we need all these people get our government i mean these people pay if they start coming up as if there's a fire and i think. it's a great example they're a democrat senator from oregon he's calling for fundamental corporate tax reform he's exactly right more republicans wrong as easy only democrat they're republicans or a lot of republicans are wrong that's why we need to fundamentally stop the car belts for this group and that group every corporation is a different percentage equal protection for the law straighten it out make it simpler and make everyone pay the same rate ok lastly obama is he going to get the vote from public sector unions in two thousand and twelve even though he hasn't really said anything or help them out at all here well they're sort of between a rock and a hard place right now is how obama is this something when he was running for president he said he put on a nice pair of shoes and walk the picket line with people he did say they may get
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it may get to that point i hope he remembers his own words there i think he's forgotten otherwise he would have already been out on the streets what's important is not the votes because about half of the union membership vote for republicans what's important to obama in the democrats is they get the union money which is almost one hundred percent spent on democrats half of which is used against the candidates the republican membership votes for gentlemen i thank you very much for joining us on a lively conversation of course and. now still to come tonight pryor side friday and since it's friday we're also going to celebrate with happy our state and a senior making all the buzz this week i'll be right back. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here so you saw the president and realized everything you saw you don't. charge because of the.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the lead. i think the. one hundred twelfth. we never got the shows here keep them safe get ready because living in freedom. hey guys welcome michel ancel on the a lot of show the part of our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear audience says well i think you seem to video response more to twitter for part of the question that we've posted on you tube
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and rightly so and there are no simple answers either no one word to describe what's going on except for that one word but no one seems to want to use war make no mistake about it despite the obama administration's attempts to call this a limited humanitarian intervention or journalists that are carefully labeling it as simply a military operation this is a war if you choose a side you start dropping bombs the result of which ultimately are deaths and destruction and it's a war and the length of the campaign the size of it not to mention the truth when it is president obama reportedly doesn't want to give an oval office address about our latest military endeavor because he quote doesn't want to equate what he regards as a smaller time limited mission with iraq and afghanistan i know it's not iraq or afghanistan but that doesn't mean it's not a war you know it's not iraq or afghanistan but that doesn't mean that we should look to the two conflicts that we've been boiled ourselves in as cautionary tales
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for what could happen in libya if anything we should know by now that war is rarely quick or easy and those who consider themselves generally anti-war but support military intervention in libya under the guise of humanitarianism i think you need to take a deeper look nobody wants to see innocent civilians killed but opposing this war does not mean that you're choosing to let them die if this was solely a humanitarian mission to protect innocent lives then we'd be intervening in yemen and bahrain in syria in the ivory coast and that's just to name a few if it were so cut and dry we wouldn't see the world divided on whether or not to support it and. is divided russia china germany the african union these countries are not on board and no matter who ultimately takes command from this point forward we're now involved so can we at least those who have a little bit of honesty can we at least have a president that shows his own country some semblance of respect asks the congress
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talk to the people gives an address and takes responsibility for the decisions that he's made because whatever game obama is playing right now no it's definitely not cutting it you can't win this politically no matter what you'll always be a time for one side or the other for something that you did wrong in their eyes along the way so why not in that case just show some sincerity just say the truth rather than treat your own country like a bunch of ignorant fools that might not think that libya is a war because of your twisted rhetoric for me at this point obama has already blown it however a war in libya might end well oh it's have been started with deceit. ok guys happy friday it's time for a little happy hours tonight i have with me jenny churchill jennifer churchyards
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you producer and seed molly we decided to let him stick around and i wouldn't. so first of all let's just talk about an interesting study that came out today which i just found kind of funny he said basically that the more you go to church the more chances you have becoming obese by middle age and they did this by following young adults but they didn't actually give any reasons as to why it happened in the study and they tried to act like it's because people they go to church have potlucks and just eat a lot bigger meal yeah i thought my favorite part was that they gave no scientific evidence whatsoever of why this would be the true case and then there are their explanations were so unbelievably ridiculous to me. like oh good eating in churches then you know widely acceptable well i don't know what church they are talking about but at my church if you are like children eating fried chicken it would not be socially acceptable and then you know the other almost that you feel so good about going to church that then you go home and reward yourself with
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a big fat meal that's crazy well it seems to hold some sort of thing because you know most people get up in the morning and the sun rises in the morning so therefore you close people are getting up in the morning the sun rises. in our chief weekly that was just you know the common denominator that was the factor they kept popping off the most is that all these people were churchgoers but i think you have to keep in mind too that the areas of the us where people are obese the most are parts of middle america and that's also where people are more religion that's right i think you really hit it on the elderly and the south those with lots of fried chicken wings basically i think that's where i think you really had it on the nail it appears they don't teach go as they don't like they don't like counting calories actually do works. very much to most of the republican party does not let's say it's really great in real scientific. climate. anybody hard to declare i brought out some of your friends michele bachmann tim paul and he i
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feel like they're just going to make it so easy for obama in two thousand and twelve because every single person right now that is a possible g.o.p. contender is either crazy or incredibly boring like well if ever there was a year we could elect the born person it was four years out we lied to the squad based on charisma and he's been the worst president since jimmy carter and that's tied for last you think we want a little boring we want something we want competence and this guy is incompetent i will say this. most of these people or interesting. you can be good part about it is by being interesting in that way to bring something to the table well i have to say i think as an elder writers are just. keeping their fingers crossed like please michele bachmann please when president but at the same time i mean i was really really disappointed by the recent ad from polanski because his ad for his was so epic i told you i watch it like multiple mornings just to get pumped like this is america. but i disagree with the use that ad to do you like
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a little bit like that evan and super bowl ad that detroit is trying to make a little greedy here really work for me what they're getting i don't work it's character you know you can try to create charisma where there's not and he was trying to do that with all of them is charismatic it on your point of view or other people why only one who is the company i think perhaps is a little too confident results rode like a slimy schemer will go i know you know these george bush back you just says it's very simple it was a slimy scheme i have some really did he's right that ok he's right and you speak about this but this is what i think used evidently beautiful the number of people who voted for him in a way to said oh my gosh i'm never doing that again versus the number of people who didn't vote for me no way and so i can't wait to vote for him in two thousand and twelve i would argue that number is for far larger than the number of a whole think that the amount of people that would rather just vote for obama again rather than have to deal with mike huckabee or it's in poland or wherever bachmann or a sarah palin or herman cain or mitt romney even just i never was you know there's
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a large work if you like that eighty seven republicans now we're seeing very much so that now we know we're not the polling numbers are slipping because they're not cutting enough and american people this thing really i mean it's like a fun to be on and i mean the guy was all about changing things up but i don't know where the jobs i have not seen any effort for example for the state and first of all this is that mindset of we need to have the government create jobs you know the purpose of what the republicans are trying to do is the reality of getting the government out of the way and that actually creates room in the private sector to grow and create jobs everybody has no idea that is a really good excuse for the government doing nothing is just what. now that's our way of setting our estimates for the worst two years during your everything don't promise jobs if you're not going to do anything actively to job your going to explain it to me show it to me i know a coach that will first hold the ball if there's one person because we got to wrap it up here if there's one crazy that you would actually find more of using than
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obama or you know if you would want to go up against him who would be my one of her favorites or crazy it's my favorite is tim tim tim or rick perry in texas and he's not crazy he's debatable jenny or potential story want to. experience and i think that i would want a dual ticket. sarah palin michele bachmann all kinds of awesome crazy and i and they will never i've another chance for women to run for president ever again because they are all those guys that we are you are going to are equal happy friday piers guys that's right so thanks for tuning in make you come back on monday for all the latest about the escalating war in libya in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the ellen show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's or any other nights you can raise tax dollars you got cost last year on a show where we close the interview as well as the shell in its entirety we have next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. for.
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