tv [untitled] March 26, 2011 6:30am-7:00am EDT
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here with our to you live from moscow our top stories are coalition forces leave colonel gadhafi air defense in tatters but on the ground tensions remain high in libya made claims of more civilian deaths reports with reports that over one hundred people have been killed since the weeklong operation began many are starting to wonder whether foreign forces are doing more harm than good. london braces itself or was promised to be the biggest political protest in a decade three thousand six practice to hit the streets against deep austerity cuts the government is set to slash spending by eighty billion pounds to eliminate the country's huge budget deficit. but critical work out reportedly been suspended in
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one of the reactors in japan's fukushima nuclear power plant as the radioactive skyrockets fallout house apparently reached a nearby home the radiation levels in the scene now i've found sometimes higher than the. next did the space race really die with the cold war our latest edition of technology update is heading your way. hello and welcome to technology update april twelfth two thousand and eleven marks the fiftieth anniversary of an incredible achievement to put soviet science and innovation not just on top of the world but beyond this world altogether. it was that day in one nine hundred sixty one that saw the unprecedented launch of manned
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into orbit the soviet cosmonaut you got and making history aboard of us talk spacecraft going in became a hero and the whole world caught space fever but behind the scenes the technology that made man flight possible had been a top priority for over a decade with both peaceful and military objectives. along with talented specialists like but he told masterminded the soviet rocket program that emerged after the second world war as with their rivals in the us this will be its first developed rockets based on the german v. two that it was known as the r one first tested in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight soviet engineers work simultaneously on original designs that would create new rockets in quick succession within a decade to first of the now famous r seven family would be ready to launch sputnik . for me. with all its details especially the control system and its modifications me was
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like a lot of. fun fact i would say they need. we will do all in love with the rocket progressed incredibly quickly. but the first rockets were designed to manufactured within two years. thanks to the efforts of his build is that with the design turned out to be so good. even today only rule based only original construction of the. a used for russia. on the same lines that started turning out early model back in the late one nine hundred fifty s. today's most reliable use launchers are produced with unparalleled precision construction bureau progress in the russian city of continues to rely on the design pioneered by. their colleagues tapping the rockets to fit the changing needs of the
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russian space program as well as those of the international clients. seems to get younger every year. we've changed the control system in the tell metric system. and upgrading the engine. of the rockets overall functionality is increasing. in more than a half century of history has had many faces and many firsts it was the first i.c.b.m. the first satellite carrier the first to put humans in space and in modifications today is still the only launcher ever used to put soviet or russian cosmonauts into orbit. distinctions for the developers of tomorrow's best rockets progress is actively evolving new designs to meet new challenges in the aerospace
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industry and it's not just the russian spacecraft said to shoot skyward on progress built site a recent breakthrough in international cooperation has been keeping them busy since the european space agency chose a new generation rocket noticed this i used to ask for a soon to be opened new pad at south american space complex in french. would not. i know who are two of our rockets are currently stationed the guy on the space center in the room though the infrastructure was created and developed are complex . missiles past the test security except that i bought them to move up in it's if we should this launch pad is functional in a pool we will take a rocket in the mobile service tower for a draw when you see just what they know that we men were counting down to list. for russian space engineers it's a new mission on a new con tropico french guyana is
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a far cry from the traditional russian launching ground on the cosmic step and they've been working with european partners for the better part of a decade to ensure the site is ready to launch pad will be unique insight uses a storied history first incorporate a mobile service tower and the first to install the rockets payload in vertical instead of horizontal position. the launch melt will also be fixed instead of rotating so the rocket itself has been designed is the first in our seven family capable of roll maneuvers for proper post launch positioning with first liftoff slated for august or september of this year the caruso use center will give european satellite launch capacity a much needed boost and will be yet another in a long list of high points produced by russia's progress. the technological level in capacity of this plant and several other high tech factories that work among other things with cryogenics equipment will allow us to develop
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a new launcher under the name we're use. it will be used at russia's new launch pad the cosmodrome. both russia many of the world watches. conflict but that's a privilege that crossing russia over one hundred fifty million dollars a year. point particle. programmer period. the soviet and russian space programs have blasted off from several sites spread across the country's vast territory but with the real heavy lifter now left outside russia's borders future hopes are being pinned on the plan cosmodrome russian for east. could be hosting launches by twenty six t. and its appealing for more reasons than independence from russia's neighbors building from the ground up lets the site be fully outfitted in twenty first
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century technology proximity to the pacific ocean is a plus both for transporting equipment to the base and for homeless descent of rocket boosters expended with each launch russian prime minister vladimir putin made his way to the future in the region of russia's far east symbolic groundbreaking in august of two thousand and ten. stages as a leading space. prove a country's access to space will be capable of launching all types of ships into orbit this includes man flights and positions to the moon and. rocket been central to these plans may have been designed. but it will lift off on the power of engines built by another key player in russia's aerospace industry moscow based in march. we've
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chosen the engine. that we've developed for sale to american. the v one eighty for the story. we've made some adjustments to adapt it to the rockets that will fly from the. primary design elements will be changed a little of the technical adjustments aimed at improving the. engines will be made . back in the late soviet period in a march with the makers of the r d one seventy the most powerful liquid fuel rocket engine in history in the ninety's they started work on a new model they cut down to two combustion chambers instead of four and found a powerful partner in the u.s. aerospace giant lockheed martin now enjoying with boeing in a joint venture called united launch alliance the americans used to already won eighty as the first stage engine on their workhorse applets five rocket previous
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editions of the atlas launchers used three engines in place of the one powerful in march model the already won eighty produces nearly a million pounds force of thrust with the thrust to weight ratio more than fifteen times that of the engines used to fly just super sonic concorde jet since the r.d. one eighty first gave the atlas five a lift back in two thousand and two there have been two dozen successful launches for american military commercial and space equipment but not all the hardware on board the atlas five has been american in the summer of two thousand and nine an unprecedented move mapping mission was launched with the help of russian ingenuity in february two thousand and eleven the kremlin rolled out the red carpet to recognize the innovative work of young space research institute scientists maxine mckew and until one sun in whose lunar exploration new trying to tech to lend for sure is playing a key role in nasa's lunar reconnaissance orbiter fact finding mission. that is going to one of the main equally sure is the high spatial resolution seen all the
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previous missions measured hydrogen levels with a spatial resolution of one hundred fifty coleman says that they had a spot on the moon one hundred fifty kilometers in diameter zero divisors narrows that down to a ten kilometer spot you can send a man there to dig a shovel and it will probably find something that. was a political something like that. such a discovery. would be no small matter since interest in the movie's resources has created a buzz beyond space science circles what role does the new trying to take to play. the way device works is quite simple from the point of view of physics where you introduce is neutrons emitted from the moon or the new trends of formed about two meters under the moon ground due to cosmic rays they lose their kinetic charge once they reach the surface rubbing against surface mass. the result of hydrogen and
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that mass. will be slowed down more efficiently device can register events. we were selected following an open and fair competition. or what the laboratory of last us but also took part in the contest but device turned out to be better we've suggested narrowing down the visible area by using a passive color meaning based on boron ten. in all the lunar reconnaissance orbiter or l r o consists of six instruments intended to produce the most detailed analysis of the lunar environment today this includes not just high resolution imaging of the moon's terrain but also tests for the potential biological impact of radiation from cosmic rays thermal and ultraviolet mapping of the moon surface to detect possible deposits of water ice in
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cold traps and topographical studies that help survey for future landing sites and hazards the impact of data is already being felt. the program was recalibrated based on knowledge of ice is indications the knew for sure that they changed the planned landing location i'm confident that when the european space agency are discussing their programs countries that in. like china. they will take into account. after a virtual decades long dead spell the international space community is again turning its attention to our nearest neighbor with lunar exploration projects and the plans of space programs the world over but even before these are set to bear fruit we'll be getting data back from even further afield as mankind reaches towards the red planet and its satellites. grew into so much hype sample return mission to mars is mysterious. it's
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a russian led project transported chinese made. from the longstanding attraction to the planet scientists interest thanks to theories it's actually an asteroid captured by mars is gravity a living laboratory. space. the solar system part of. the course. is. first be doing if you use that it. is. updated since its first planned launch in two thousand and nine group is bigger and better in addition to the transport and return vessels as well as soil sampling equipment the complex now carries the chinese martian orbiter as well as an additional expendable fuel tank to propel the extra weight. meticulous
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testing is underway at the mosque l.-space research institute to assure the functionality of each focus group component. dormitory trajectory of mars and its moons reaches its closest point to earth just once every twenty six months. any other time is both more complicated and more costly after missing the first launch window due to delays scientists understand time is have the essence. to unfamiliar environment of the martian moon surface means every single piece of the more than twenty scientific instruments that make up the probe has high standards to meet and exceed. what the. program unlike lunar programs fear the task was undoubtedly complicated by the need to collect samples under tricky conditions gravity is virtually absent on phobos.
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well those aren't conditions easily recreated here on earth teams at the space research institute have gone to great links to prepare the high precision sampler that's at the heart of the focus mission a computerized full scale model of the robotic arm and sampling device was constructed for the purpose as these samples could hold the secret to his origin millimeter. skill precision is the key the sampling device achieves that on just five watts of energy and under two hundred grams of mass in addition to testing the hardware simply the model has been helpful in honing the specially designed software. from soil samples or on the mission. not only to probe it but the adjoining optical devices including cameras and microscopes even. from colleagues in geochemistry to be the closest possible simulation of the mars moon. there's every reason to be confident that apparatus will execute the missions main objective. when focus groups arrives in orbit around mars roughly ten month journey
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the chinese orbiter will split off after orbiting the red planet. spacecraft will make its landing on the surface of. there will take it samples and send them back to earth in mid two thousand and fourteen unprecedented research a testament to the long term long range capability of state space programs. no matter how much i work on my designs there's little chance of them leaving my room let alone leaving the earth's atmosphere but increasingly independent initiative and private funds are becoming legitimate players in this space industry. a model made by a private russian company. snow might not be an analog for the moons terrain but the models makers have lunar ambitions and perhaps just the right incentive. to do that this in september two thousand and seven the company google and the x.
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prize foundation and the most ambitious contest in history they wanted to send the first of a private lunar robot to the moon to google in x. prize we started coming together as a team in the same time and when we found out about the come petition we saw that forming an initiative group that was served as the core of the team. then we made it official with the competition's sole representative from russia. but the lunar x. prize entrants will not be alone in russian history. program offers a firm foundation. for this insight. you need one for. team still in the cold has an important ally this traumatization from the seventy's features real life pilot. movement forward could just. be. decreasing
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beautiful that has made contact with the moon. three evaluating surroundings. eight meters to the right. over fifty centimeters high in. the solution. two meters back so you can turn sixty degrees to the right three the rover is moving. to his team with still enough to bring sylvia expertise to bear on a twenty first century project. technological. everything is new. with no computer no it's all computerized but it. was essentially. seven hundred fifty six. five to six. look at the size of.
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over forty centimeters this was for me. it was much larger significantly. the subject of serious scientific debate and extensive testing. in the one nine hundred sixty s. . perhaps the most important question was how exactly the. many of the questions. campaign. overlap between form and function. they've narrowed the field to.
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to make it. we will be happy never of the expense of the engineering. team. with funds to raise and a second prototype to fabricate a company with a total of twenty nine teams from seventeen countries in the race to put their rover on the moon surface and unique is google's twenty five million maybe the lunar x. prize is just one example of the expanding arena of private space entrepreneurship . and eileen country of eighty thousand people in the middle of the irish sea may not seem a likely player in the space exploration game usually dominated by world superpowers
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but if you believe the hype the next giant leap for mankind might be coming from the isle of man it's a place best known for its beautiful landscapes tasty cheeses clean scallops and business friendly tax code generally means a focus on offshore banking but the arrival of two soviet made space stations owned by the company excalibur almaz in early two thousand and eleven showcased the island's expanding emphasis on space commerce. to be in the business of launching rockets. satellites. hi hi. to help facilitate the private sector. into the space industry. we joined russian cosmonaut and project consultant. on a visit to the island home of the former soviet station. spacecraft return to orbit
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they're banking on the tried and tested expertise already invested in their design and construction to step ahead of space tourism competitors. because it's history's first multiple spacecraft. so this is it. for use on a single flight mission for ensuring up to thirty. nine hundred sixty military launched a program to provide a million surveillance station in low earth orbit. consisting of a service module and the reusable reentry vehicle to be launched on the heavy lifting. stations flew under the names two three and five in the seventies and were fitted with advanced observation communication equipment even modified artillery to
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protect against enemy satellites the original project was divided in later discontinued both the station's going to return capsules gained valuable flight testing. three or four people. every person. space. planning is the most suitable for. scientists or so. tourists to work in a comfortable environment. everyone will have their own. to the. capsule will be the first part of the complex to fly with excalibur almaz taking up to three passengers and they'll be sent on a trajectory to station the crew can then pass through the adapter into their
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temporary cosmic we should see more spacious weightless visitors floating between floor and ceiling. cooperates with the u.s. and european space. to launch and twenty thirty. and have a full scale with the service module by twenty four. combining the experience of seasoned russian space men and savvy american businessmen excalibur almaz is getting down to work on making the dream a reality after raising money and international interest on the isle of man they expect russia to be the logical launch partner by their calculations six capsule launches a year would be the magic number for making. station economically viable sooner than you might think with would be already in line so more than a half century and a manned space flight are still finding new ways to open up the vast expanse of our
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