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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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tribal forces and leave it at westward capturing to keep oil towns but critics claim these games are due to western air raids on the cover of the un resolution intended to protect civilians and not to take sides in fueling a civil war. tripoli accuses the international community of taking sides and says as far as coalition partners go saw from protecting civilians there harming them on policy in the capital city join me in a few moments formal. praful stop general says to call issues as strikes on libya have brought few results meaning a ground offensive is likely soon despite assurances from the nature of there is no such intent. and hundreds of thousands of people have converged on london
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to crying out against the government cuts in the largest demonstration the country's experienced in years. twenty four hour news live from the russian capital you all with r.t. to seven am in moscow very warm welcome libyan rebels claim they've made against towards the west of the country after regaining control of the strategic oil hub or from colonel gadhafi forces they have also retaken another oil town helped whether by western al strikes which government officials say have killed one hundred people . or has the latest from the capital tripoli. the rebels have taken the town of which is a strategically oil important town in eastern libya it is some one hundred and sixty kilometers from benghazi benghazi of course being the heartbeat of the rebel
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revolution the word coming through now though is that they were advancing beyond edge ws and that they were around the perimeter of brit ago which is some forty kilometers further on that much closer to the capital city of tripoli inside edge ws there are massive celebrations as can well be expected this is an important town because it is the gateway to the oil reserves in the eastern half of this country now we're hearing though from the libyan government from the deputy foreign minister that the international community far from being neutral is taking sides in this conflict he went so far as to accuse them of siding with the rebels in the sense that there is strikes are actually causing this advancement and these claims have been backed up by the rebels themselves he is also warning that the longer the coalition powers remain involved the longer this operation will be torn out so essentially what he is saying is that the international community argued that it started this operation because it wanted to protect civilian lives the for the more
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time that this operation continues the more civilians are likely to be killed and we we do know that some one hundred fourteen people were killed and more than four hundred fifty five in just the first four days of a strike so no doubt that figure is safe to climb a very different picture emerging from the western part of this country around the town of misrata now there that this town has been held onto by the rebels for some time now it was the last town in the waist of this country that the rebels actually still maintain some kind of control we have now good that gadhafi forces have entered on the buses snipers of into the city from the western side and we've been hearing for days now that gadhafi is in and operating in a city in plain clothes using civilian cars we're hearing increasingly more and more reports like this now the american president barack obama says that he is satisfied with. this operation he said that it has saved many civilian lives but a very different would coming out of tripoli the libyan leader moammar gadhafi saying that he is promoting those of his soldiers who have been involved in this
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fight for their heroic efforts against the crusader enemies among the rebels themselves there is growing concern because the understanding is that as soon as you have the twenty eight member alliance calling the shots it's a muckle difficult to have robust stringent action on the ground so we are hearing the stirrings of concern that as the rebels call for more weapons as they call for more air strikes which is indeed what they are calling for and again that is why many here are starting to wonder just how long this operation is going to go on for if indeed the international community responds to those kind of course the rebels themselves also least the organizers they have a very lightweight can reach compared to the weaponry that gadhafi forces are using so people get very much suspecting that if the international community is going to remain involved in this conflict it what might need to be on the weapons and there's even the stirrings of the first suggestions here in tripoli that despite the fact that that u.n. resolution one ninety seven three clearly stated that they would be no ground forces it also said that they would be the use of the more it necessary measures
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which is why some people here in tripoli are beginning to suggest that that might mean the eventual deployment of ground forces now the african union is one of the latest bodies to come to the party they were against a military intervention from the start but they're now calling to facilitate peace talks between both sides the libyan delegation to the african union has said that the deaf ears prepared to make some concessions he might even go so far as to call for a live shot but opposition leaders are rejecting this out find they do not believe the libyan leader and also they say that they will have nothing to do with him short of him actually stepping out of the political climate so they really want moammar gadhafi gone from the political atmosphere but if indeed these claims are correct in terms of the concessions he's prepared to make the international community again faces a whole host of questions how then can it argue continuing with its operation if indeed the victim media is prepared to meet some of the concessions that have been demanded of him. archies policy or importing from tripoli as colonel gadhafi troops
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exchanged fire with rebels the coalition forces continue their strikes many people are fleeing their homes hundreds of thousands have already become refugees with more expected to follow as. reports from the libyan egyptian border. so far the humanitarian situation hasn't really improved much thousands of people are continuing to flee libya each day looking for safety and better living conditions the main flow of refugees is on libya as a western border with tunisia but many people are going to egypt as well we've met this family we were from. they said that the humanitarian situation in the city is critical at the moment they were saying how they're not actually fleeing because their home has been destroyed the zone feel safe there anymore and said that they were going to wait out here in egypt as he was going on there maybe come back when
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the things settle down when it comes to egypt actually many towns and cities in the egyptian libyan border security has been really strengthened there also there have been changes on the egyptian will be in voter itself if we hear of that just several weeks ago it was patrolled basically only by egyptian border guards or people who are letting people in and out of the country now it's being patrolled by both sides there are representatives of the so-called national police in the libya whole so checking documents of the people that are going through the border so maybe the opposition is gaining some more. some more control over the situation and perhaps just simply discipline them but judging by these figures thousands of refugees each day and in total according to the u.n. over three hundred thousand people have already fled libya the situation hasn't
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improved much and to the goal of the whole military operation by the alliance which was to improve the lives of ordinary people and make it safer for ordinary people to live there at the moment in libya that still has not been changed unfortunately . and you'll find all correspondence first hand account on our twitter feed and his book page full of. keeping us updated with all the latest developments just search for r t underscore com to follow breaking news from all correspondent you can also find us on facebook. page are. you from the danish institute for international studies says the operation leap it is a key test. but there's no indication how it will conclude. it is fair to say that definitely there is no clear understanding of what the endgame of this
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mission is supposed to be clearly all the big air mold aspirations about the e.u. playing the foreign and security policy role here are really being discredited i mean if there was one sealed and one a battleground where the e.u. should have proven its ambitions because this is precisely its backyard and clearly you are seeing that this is not working and then of course the other issue is that who is left to do the job and then we are back at the old cold war style alliance and that is the nato option if the idea of ground troops becomes actual their objective would become regime change rather than protecting the civilian population if ground troops are not considered the only other option by enforcing the no fly zone is really to try and give the opposition a fair chance to or thrown gadhafi by their own means so there we are in
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a whole different ball game as to looking at various options for supporting the opposition but clearly ground troops is not one of them and i think the libyan opposition or whoever is speaking for them at the moment has been quite clear about that they don't want western ground troops on the ground. and russia's top military general believes the coalition's aerial operation in libya has brought no results mending it might not be long before ground troops are sent in meanwhile russians and more tenacious their minds come to count on moscow support for a possible operation with land forces which could be classed as an occupation of libya argues the really good reports. the head of russia's chief of staff gen ne climate of did say that in his opinion the operation conducted by the coalition forces in libya is failing and that most most likely they will have to resort to use of ground troops and alleviate and if that happens that will be a direct violation of the u.n.
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security council resolution which does not permit that sort of involvement in libya general makarios sentiments were echoed by the opinion of russia's envoy to nato meter goes in who did say that by what he's hearing and observing in brussels it does look like nato officials are also thinking in terms of the ground a variation as the most likely result of the ongoing situation in libya there also there's also information coming from the united states navy that around four thousand sailors and marines have been shipped off to the mediterranean in order to assist the ongoing operation in libya at the moment at the same time the state department also made a statement on saturday saying that the united states is not going to participate in ground operation in libya mr goes into rushes to nato is saying that the operation nevertheless will take place on the ground and that is because the coalition and nato are caving in under the pressure from the united states and if
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that actually will have a result on the situation in libya if forces will be on the ground that that will. win or goes into opinion that will put the united states into a third losing war that's alongside iraq and afghanistan also the the the heads. the opposition of their position forces in libya themselves have thanks the coalition for the airstrikes which they believe are helping to undermine the conduct his regime but they have asked the coalition and needed to refrain from putting troops on the ground so we have to see if that cold will actually go unheeded by the coalition and nato or whether they will listen and comply with their is illusion and with a request from the libyan opposition. as the u.s. tries to step back from leading the libya assault americans are showing signs of fatigue for at the prospect of yet another potentially lengthy war opinion polls suggest a position to the libor companions almost forty percent close behind the proportion
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in favor showing the country is sharply divided and authorities going to check on reports the title of the operation could spell a long and painful conflict for the u.s. . coalition is calling this operation odyssey dawn odyssey dawn odyssey dawn what's in a name the names that the u.s. previously gave to his campaign is kind of make more sense like desert storm in the gulf war or operation enduring freedom in a game of stand or iraqi freedom but odyssey dawn on top of making no sense as a combination of words in itself if you interpret it it actually means something really lengthy in time or the word bomb could it possibly why that we have now is just the beginning we talked to the u.s. command in africa that was tasked to come up with two words and they say the title does not mean anything what happened is there is a group of planning officers led by lieutenant colonel the sit down in the early
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days of planning you came out to look at the list and they decided to call it odyssey just because they like the sound of odyssey. the second part of the word and the second part of the nickname is basically chosen at random but amid the growing confusion that americans have over the alternate goal that their government pursues in the oil rich north african country the title suggests different interpretations of title is confused and says the operation so is the public understanding of the operation so i think it's all it's all very confusing what's really unhappy is that if you think about the odyssey it's the story about these people wandering around the mediterranean for ten years not able to find their way and that seems exactly the wrong metaphor for what what they want to convey about this president obama said the u.s. will be in and out of libya in no time. the name odyssey dawn seems to be an entree ways for a quick operation considering a this is is ten year journey to return home after
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a ten year war it in some ways represents the lack of clarity as to what the objective of the mission is if americans in their own hearts could call it something it would be operation here today gone tomorrow for many of the u.s. odyssey don has become a joke following odyssey dong. nearly no combat operation after a yes album i want to see don't. that's not a military operation that's a carnival cruise ship i don't want and i was thinking. i know her but not only do most u.s. comedians poke fun at the name of the operation they also best express the growing public prostration over the u.s. involvement poll showing the last four decades americans disapproval of a military action has never been as high as it is now with the libyan convention the pentagon saying that the yeah activities in libya that were only going to be in for a short time and then were pulling out and they are many times where that our ladies
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were at war. oh a good many fear like homer's odysseus it may take the u.s. years to finish the journey. is going to check out our t. washington d.c. . well the name for the military operation against libya is one source of debate archie has been finding out the views on the streets of new york about their texan colonel gadhafi forces later this hour we check in with our big apple residents laura hearth and us has been gauging opinions there. into sides we don't know what the opposition forces we don't know if they're communists we don't know if they are democratic or saying is don't bomb them with heavy duty weapons when they have just pistols the other countries the freedom from from the nazi party that it was ok. but the modern was always.
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paired with economic reasons then i don't think it's ok. and as to mated quarter of a million people from across the u.k. have staged a massive march in london against the british government's eighty billion pounds public spending cuts there were early was mostly peaceful but violence erupted after also a breakaway group of activists clashed with police the protesters the largest in britain for eight years since a huge antiwar demonstration before the iraq invasion floor and the trip was from central london. what does it open the peaceful demonstration here in london on saturday has turned into this hundreds of political it demonstrates it's gathered scale in piccadilly with the police using the controversial closing off a technique that's now become named as catholic these demonstrations move down the
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street earliest not saying everything in that because they smashed up the windows of expensive shops bank machine all sorts of buildings with that when they come out stand kate kildare that they're now hanging on it into the evening they just if you read about five hundred we have to make all the huff a million demonstrators who took to the streets of london today but nevertheless possibly it may be fitting that these are the ones that will make the most impact the ones that breakaway from the main street and the ones that feel like significant amounts of damage in the fifty's and loved it will be up to the new dimension it's painted into this great chance to meet face with the minute she intervention the question is now filmmaking in libya it makes it that four and a half million dollars a day is being spent on bombing libya and the people here on angry about that they're angry that the government says it's not a money and yet at the same time it's entered into another expensive for it local
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county i state children's health the still full coalition and he told me why people say it was important to come down and present some that say if we were to stop the wars in afghanistan on the attack on libya we would have a very very last portion of the british government's deficit dealt with a single blow through total in the very first moments of the attack on libya over one hundred cruise missiles were fired at those cruise missiles one hundred million dollars worth all the resources blowed up everything with every single weapon that does take a lot of fire over imagination for people here to calculate how many places a university stuff would mean how many libraries that would be for the hospitals. but me so i think it's very very graphic people have to clear the financial cost of this is i say let's see peaceful demonstration here in london on saturday but it may be these people here the people who are the political damage the people who have caused the police to get dressed up in that riot get us through chains that
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very well as that ring dustbins even anything they can get their hands on the throwing out police it may be these people here who have the most impact and he make the most overriding and lusting impression on the government and of course on the fact of how this process has proceeded on saturday. reporting from london and the japanese government has criticized the management of the fukushima nuclear power plant for its failure to contain radiation leaking from the facility and now reports have emerged showing that three sessions were ignored two years ago despite warning of the threat a tsunami would pose to the complex it's over two weeks since the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck japan beijing to continue nuclear crisis at the plant in the north east of the country and radiation levels in the ocean of fukushima have risen to over one thousand times normal as contaminated water used to cool the plant back out to sea the death toll from the widespread destruction now stands at
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over ten thousand with many more missing or displaced emergency teams of still working to bring the fukushima under control though several workers have sustained radiation burns during work to restore the plant's cooling systems. i think it's catastrophic i think that the narrative that we've had for the last week or so which is that we're trying to fix the problem and get it under control is misleading i think that there's evidence of radiation having entered the environment in large amounts it's turning up in lots of places in water and food it's even being detected far away what this could mean is that there is really a significant entry of radiation going on into the environment right now and that there doesn't appear to be any any any halt to it in the near future so that's very catastrophic this is not something that is a situation that may get out of control this is a situation that is having
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a catastrophic impact currently already i would say in significantly dangerous there's been high levels of radiation detected out of the twenty kilometer limit already. what you have it when you have radiation levels of that of that level is that in a week or two you'll have people that are experiencing the radiation exposure of nuclear plant workers. you know over the course of their career and these are people in a situation where there's been an earthquake there's been a tsunami there's a shortage of food there's a shortage of water so their health is already stressed their bodies are already stressed they may not be in heated homes at night they may not be getting electricity so the impact of these exposures will be even larger. so that you receive in the course of a week or two the exposures the nuclear plant workers receive in their entire lives is rather dire and these people should not be allowed to remain in such an exposure area. nuclear power expert robert jacobs. and don't forget there's always spot
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small on a website archie dot com you can find all the stories we check online as well as talk radio's photos and features here's a taste of what you can find there right now. in no way back home a u.s. soldier could face the death penalty for desertion and american military base unless he gets political asylum in germany. and russian lawmakers have passed a new rule for themselves find out why the state duma devotees will be deprived of cigarettes and miska. let's take a look at some other stories making headlines from around the world but yemeni president has rejected demands for his resignation despite two months of unrest and protests in his country at a rally of supporters at his palace on friday western backed president saleh denounced his opponents as criminals and said he'd only hand power over to what he called trustworthy hands he said he would step down by the end of the yeah but has
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broken similar promises before yemeni security forces face international criticism for shooting unarmed protesters killing fortune last week alone. and there we go found three government protests in syria has exploded international wide rust with tens of thousands marching and fitters across the country and in the rest of city of tehran crowds have been demanding that president bashar last that steps down a ruling baath party headquarters was torched in the southern city of to foss at least twenty three protesters were killed in the city of cheering of violent crackdown on friday. seven civilians including three children have been killed in another nato as strike in southern afghanistan five others were injured across the spectrum of carrying a taliban leader along with other militants will start it it but. next to another vehicle carrying the civilians going to fish oils wouldn't save three insurgents
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were killed. nine children were killed by nato forces during an air strike sparking a furious reaction from president curbside foreign forces should leave his country . and the number of people killed by a strong earthquake in myanmar has increased to seventy five with more than one hundred injured relief operations are underway after hundreds of houses buddhist monasteries and government buildings were destroyed by thursday's drama and a follow up landslide strong aftershocks up to five point four on the richter scale with felton thailand laos and vietnam. and lights went out all around the world on saturday for our a symbolic sixty minutes with energy saving to highlight there are good minish in that trial resources in europe citizen towns across the continent when dark between eight thirty and nine thirty in the evening central european time the event began
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four years ago in sydney australia and has since spread worldwide the world wildlife fund which organizes our says it's to help promote a future where people live in harmony with nature. now weeks passed since coalition forces began attacking libya with growing concern internationally over whether the action is justified argues laurie harshman a style resident reporter in new york has been finding out what people think on the streets of the big apple. as the situation in libya heats up foreign militaries are starting to get more involved should they be this week let's talk about that do you think we could ever know what it's like for the libyans there but we didn't choose sides we don't know what the opposition forces we don't know if they're communists we don't know if they are democratic or saying is don't bomb them with heavy duty weapons when they
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have just pistols i think it's ok to send troops to leave but. i don't want to become a second iraq or something there. so do you support your country's decision to stay out of it i understand germany's decision because of course with our history with three difficult for us to send our troops to other countries how would you feel about another country coming into your country depends on the motive when they the other countries the allies freed us from the from the nazi party that it was ok. but the modern war so to say always with paired with economic reasons and then i don't think it's ok there's so many uprisings going on in the middle east why are foreign countries getting involved in libya yeah that's a good question. so i mean i think it's really important that the united nations backs
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a war like this or an attack and perhaps we should get involved in more countries do you think the world has a plan for what comes next in libya probably not. but probably not so you think they should if they're going to go in there and try to oust the leader oh i think we have to if it's going to be a democracy obviously and that's what i'm going towards have to have to put in put in place elections and examination but other than that it at the tate it's a tough question to answer because you see what's going on over there and and you. it's kind of hard not to want to help whether or not you think foreign military intervention in libya is right the bottom line is that at this point world leaders seem determined to get involved. ok you're up to date now back in a few moments with a recap of the headlines. wealthy
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british style it's not. right sometimes we don't. like the. markets why not. come to.


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