tv [untitled] March 27, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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latest headlines and the we can review here on r t the rebels gain momentum in libya putting a man to their recent stalemate but local leaders blame foreign forces and their air strikes for helping the advance. tripoli accuses the international community of taking sides and says as far as coalition partners go saw from protecting civilians there harming them i'm told is here in the capital city join me in a few moments for more. washington tries to distance itself from the libyan crisis but the continent's long history of international interference leaves a war weary public fearing another conflict.
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painful economic see quarter of a million marched through london and protests elsewhere as hard pressed europeans question an expense of libya campaign spending slashed at home. plus in japan radiation rises in the sea near future see much despite efforts to bring the plant under control following the earthquake tragedy over ten thousand are now this to this dad with many more homeless boy missing. it's nine am in moscow this is r t coming to you live with me and he said now a we've got the latest and a look back at the week's top stories for you this sunday we begin in libya where rebels are advancing west towards the capital tripoli have to regain control of a strategic eastern oil town from prague daffy forces and marks a change of power in the conflict. which at one point saw gadhafi supporters retake
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rebel strongholds the eastern towns along the coast have been lost before u.s. led coalition stepped in to enforce a no fly zone over a week ago or oil rich. now returned under rebel control with reports suggesting another key oil town greg was seized on saturday evening mr has become a key focus being the only western town held by the opposition it's been under heavy bombardment for days now are the reports from tripoli where concerns are growing that the coalition is trying to change the conflicts course rather than just protect civilians. now we're hearing though from the libyan government from the deputy foreign minister that the international community far from being neutral is taking sides in this conflict he went so far as to accuse them of siding with the rebels in the sense that there is strikes are actually causing this advancement and these claims have been backed up by the rebels themselves he is also warning
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that the longer the coalition powers remain involved the longer this operation will be torn out so essentially what he is saying is that the international community argued that it started this operation because it wanted to protect civilian lives for the more time that this operation continues the more civilians are likely to be killed and we already know that some one hundred fourteen people were killed and more than four hundred fifty five in just the first four days of a strike so no doubt that figure is safe to climb the american president barack obama says that he is satisfied with this operation he said that it has saved many civilian lives but a very different would coming out of tripoli the libyan leader moammar gadhafi saying that he is promoting those of his soldiers who have been involved in this fight for their heroic efforts against the crusader enemies among the rebels themselves there is growing concern because the understanding is that as soon as you have the twenty eight member alliance calling the shots it's a muckle difficult to have a robust stringent action on the ground so we are hearing the stirrings of concern
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that as the ripples call for more weapons as they call for more is taxed which is indeed what they are calling for and again that is why many here are starting to wonder just how long this operation is going to go on for if indeed the international community responds to those kind of cause the rebels themselves also recently organized they have a very lightweight can reach compared to the weaponry that gadhafi forces are using so people here are very much suspecting that if the international community is going to remain involved in this conflict in what might need to be on the weapons and there's even the stirrings of the first suggestions here in tripoli that despite the fact that that u.n. resolution one ninety seven three clearly said that they would be no goal. forces it also said that they would be the use of what mississippi measures which is why some people here in tripoli are beginning to suggest that that might mean the eventual deployment of ground forces now the african union is one of the latest bodies to come to the party they were against a military intervention from the start but they're now willing to facilitate peace
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talks between both sides the european delegation to the african union has said that the deaf ears prepared to make some concessions he might even go so far as to call for you make sure that opposition leaders are rejecting this out front they do not believe the libyan leader and also they say that they will have nothing to do with him short of him actually stepping out of the political climate so they really want moammar gadhafi gone from the political atmosphere but if indeed these claims are correct in terms of the concessions has been paid to make the international community again faces a whole host of questions how then can it on continuing with its operation if indeed the victim leaders put paid to meet some of the concessions that have been demanded of him. but the u.s. led coalition maintains colonel gadhafi himself is not a target and promises a quick and decisive campaign but international affairs analyst john locke when things to allies are committed to regime change in libya will stop until they bring death without. i think they're gravely mistaken and i think that this escapade
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will end in catastrophic failure and my fear is that the european leaders and the americans who have pushed this attack on libya think that a quick bit of bombing will sort the matter out but in fact i think they will find that it will last far longer than they have gambled for the british prime minister the french president the american administration these people who are so happy to let bombs fly on countries that almost at the drop of a hat they are determined to get the outcome they want which is the overthrow of colonel gadhafi of libya so it will make the task the disagreements and the the discord and voices that are now coming out of both within western states and also in the arab league these will indeed make it very difficult to continue the war but i'm afraid they won't let go now that they've started. well american bombs pound libya barack obama says the u.s. should not and cannot intervene every time there's a crisis somewhere in the world even so every american president since ronald reagan who also bombed gadhafi has weighed into at least one military conflict
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parties christine for winds up the controversal trapped. it's become an unspoken i don't do to the job description. i become president of the united states. declare war my fellow americans my fellow citizens for president ronald reagan in one thousand nine hundred eighty six a familiar attack on of the mill your enemy despite our repeated warnings gadhafi continued his represent policy of intimidation is relentless pursuit of terror he counted on america to be passive. he counted wrong turns out so did saddam hussein just two hours ago allied air forces began an attack on military targets in iraq in kuwait for his successor president clinton the target was slobodan milosevic today . our armed forces joined our nato allies in airstrikes against serbia and forces
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responsible for the brutality in kosovo president george w. bush said it was weapons of mass destruction that threaten the world and invaded iraq in what was supposed to be a quick and limited campaign on my orders coalition forces have begun striking selected targets some military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war most thought it would end there with president obama running on an anti-war platform he has spent most of his presidency trying to end the wars started by his predecessor until now the u.n. security council passed a strong resolution that demands and to the violence against citizens it authorized the use of force in the timeline of recent history there have been some glaring similarities when it comes to the use of force by u.s. president none have been in response to a military attack or even threat of an attack on u.s. soil and none have ever been formally declared wars we had to protect thousands of
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innocent people in kosovo from a mounting military offensive we are determined to knock out sat on hussein's nuclear bomb potential we will also destroy his chemical weapons facilities self defense is not only our right it is our duty the definition of duty often changing the result eerily parallel thank you god bless you. god. thank you very much christine for sound r t. russia has rolled out participating in the coalition operation in libya saying it is not producing the expected results from mr putin agree the protection of libyan civilians is paramount but simply achieves at a cost to innocent lives. there's a civil war going on in libya the proposal of a no fly zone was aimed at preventing gadhafi from firing at his opponents and so protect civilians such a decision applied to a sovereign state is
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a difficult one but the aim was well intentioned but what are we seeing now that it is strikes on the entire territory of the country and how can it be aiming to protect civilians such means are choosing not to civilian death toll actually rises . but we will continue to bring you full coverage on the situation in libya our correspondents on the ground are updating you on our to use twitter stream constantly bringing you breaking their stay in touch with what's going on there what they're witnessing there's also more on our facebook page and our team is going to.
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london streets were filled with more than a quarter of a million angry voices on saturday public sector worker stays britain's biggest political demonstration in years over the deep spending cuts which are being rolled out there were hundreds of arrests as part of the rally turned violent the windows were soft and banks were smashed and doused with paint the demonstrators oppose the government's eighty billion pound spending cuts which they say will destroy essential services and jobs but ministers insist they are necessary to reduce britain through its deficit the u.k.'s outpouring of anger follows a week which saw intense protest in gross holes as the e.u. contemplated belling out portugal r.c.s. danube assault reports. no more layoffs no to pay cuts no retirement the message from angry demonstrators pushed back with water cannon and pepper sprayed by riot police the protesters tried to get through to
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e.u. leaders meeting in brussels to slash spending this money was made to be to be used for social security. to be used for their health not to own the bank sure when euros do bring you that world's worst move to take ground because of the prison there goes across europe voters are saying no more spirity measures portugal's prime minister has quit of the parliament voted down a fresh round of cuts because he has three months left to repay almost ten billion euro at a time when its sovereign credit rating has been cut analysts say the only option left is national default to tell lenders the country called pay back its loans or accept an e.u. bailout similar to greece and ireland it hasn't happened in the west since the second world war but the longer you postpone this necessary evil. the more costly it is it's going to be at the same time military intervention in libya is costing
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hundreds of millions of euros many a few areas so what they see as an unnecessary and expensive campaign somebody asked the chancellor of the finance minister about the financing of this and i think the overwhelming sense that you got from among the public in britain with skepticism with millions unemployed across europe people losing patience with politicians who seem out of touch with reality increasingly familiar sides on the streets of the e.u. with government built timing leaves growing numbers out of work the big question is now the right time to spend the money available on wars abroad don't you wish your losses. were british year and pay ninety farrar says people across the continent have every right to feel angry over the cuts by their government squander money abroad. we've had british troops on the ground in afghanistan now for over ten
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years i don't think there's any appetite for us getting involved in foreign wars where we cannot directly see our own national interest being threatened where frankly if we go in to support the rebels we don't even know who they are or what they stand for or what they want i don't think anybody has thought this through and if they are going to put ground troops in that i think they're going to find in all the member states involved in this a real strong level of opposition when people see cuts in front line services for whatever reasons when people see their retirement age is going up when people see the taxes both direct and indirect they're paying going up they have a right to question what on earth are we doing getting involved in an open ended commitment in terms of war with libya that could cost those goodness knows what else i do think that to a very close but i also feel as portugal is about to topple over as the next eurozone country rich requiring a bailout that that is actually going to cost each british taxpayer about four
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hundred pounds and that actually the biggest effect on our pockets this week was of the chance of this budget but it was the fact that the portuguese government fell and they're about to be bailed out so i think people have every reason to be pretty angry that they see their own costs at home going up their services being cut money being thrown overseas in all sorts of projects that they wouldn't necessarily support. turning to developments in japan now where the spread of radiation from the fukushima nuclear facility is rising raising i sense a concern among those in the region high levels have been found in the sea nearby and they're increasing the government's warning people to get out of the area are either bennett spoke to a man who knows firsthand what the consequences could be. leese man has borne the scars of nuclear disaster for most of his life as a resident of nagasaki you're shiri i'm a wacky has had liver and kidney problems since he was thirty five and he's already
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beaten cancer twice every time he falls ill now he feels it could be his last battle you sure are watches events unfold at fukushima fearing the true nature of the disaster is yet to show itself so you are saying that the result of the contamination won't just end of the event it will be handed down from generation to generation and i have four daughters the first to have leukemia another has breast cancer the results of a disaster will be shown in generations to come. you should know was just eleven when the bomb was dropped he survived the blast but was exposed to lethal levels of radiation on his two trips to the hypocenter first to find his father then to bury him despite everything he's pro nuclear power but still thinks fleeing from fukushima is the wise thing to do so then the i don't think the public all the
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governments are overreacting in this situation i think people must take all precautionary measures they can to avoid the worst for the rest of the nygard psyche the stands today had to be built from scratch eleven square kilometers were jews to dust the cloud of its tragic past still hangs over the city it's a residence though know what it means to suffer and are willing to help those in need members of the international volunteer organization the lion's club here collecting for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami everyone's desperate to give with donations already ten times higher than normal. we have a custom something happens in our nation we collect donations and we help each other especially the people and i guess i can be very very sensitive to atomic power so we are very worried about what happened. and we want to help in. every way of turning like a sack it is
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a memorial to the seventy five thousand it died when the atomic bomb was dropped here this one marks that exact moment now the city will forever serve as a reminder of the destructive potential of it be a power and there is here now praying that focus shame or wherever in the same way now go psyche's transformation has been remarkable ground zero is unrecognizable the city would escape any radiation from a meltdown at fukushima but there is a nuclear plant close by and the incident has left residents living in fear. but you know. i think people from nagasaki and hiroshima are very sensitive to the incident in fukushima we've never experienced such a devastating nuclear accident before and i think everyone is no afraid this could happen again i wasn't afraid of nuclear accidents before but now because i can see it's not under control so this memorial represents the water craved by so many after the explosion that basins tranquility
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a far cry from the destruction wrought by the tsunami once that has done its damage this place reminds us the ripples from a radioactive disaster extend for generations are the bennetts r.t. and a sucky. bunch of as a government has criticized the operator of focus enough for its handling of the crisis but some global officials are underpaid playing the situation and are holding back information about what is happening. every single case where there have been nuclear accidents in japan and in the united states in the soviet union. all the places that have had crises with nuclear power in the initial response has been to lie and cover up the seriousness of the problem so i don't know why this one would be any different and i would put zero stock in what official reports are and how serious it is how much radiation has been released what the dangers are the i.a.e.a. has a long long record of being a basically
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a tool of the nuclear industry in all the countries that have nuclear power the i.a.e.a. has a major flaw which is that as an international body it basically answers to the government has been. with hold its interest ratings and so it's very politically controlled organisation that. well even though japan claims radiation levels are not harmful companies are taking precautions when it comes to japanese manufactured goods contamination has already been found in some food products spreading radiation where it's far beyond japan source as artist or lister explained to fling people to think twice before buying. as japan works overtime to avert a nuclear meltdown is another crisis in the making maybe maybe think twice second thoughts born of paranoia that radioactive remnants may reach far beyond japan's borders how worried about the safety maybe but it does say that it's safe and
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radiation bought in the water at what am i what every very wary of them for quite a while it's the fear of japanese imports going all the way to the top u.s. regulators have said they will increase screenings of food coming in from the embattled asian nation the european union has warned members to do the same and italy was the first e.u. nation to ban food imports from japan altogether in the wake of the nuclear scare it's been. suspicion that besides the quake the tsunami and the nuclear crisis japan will soon have to deal with another problem becoming a trade pariah more than likely will for reasons that may not be entirely radioactive countries all over the world in tough economic times and the star are looking for ways to subsidize their own producers their own workers and so an incident like the one unfolding in japan gives them quite a good reason to do something that they may have been looking to do anyway this is
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bad for trade made worse for the country itself if made in japan comes to mean made a nuclear wasteland to consumers in countries like the us we're here in times square and i wanted to come down here because it is where the rubber meets the road as far as advertising in this country and you can really see the brands to play a major role in the united states i wanted to see how many of them were japanese now take a look at this center post of advertising from top to bottom you can see so many c.d.k. toshiba all japanese corporations playing a major role in the us i noticed even our camera and my my clip from my microphone are manufactured by sony and with the nuclear disaster there is no telling what the toll will be on both the manufacturing of companies like that but also their brand presence in countries like the u.s. and this data and have the made in japan label that would be concerned about like televisions components that might carry the radio active materials.
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and japan's economy will feel it for a long time to trade suffers a major blow this is dragged down already near zero growth rate in japan if it does that it's going to have bigger effects internal to japan and globally and we don't know exactly what those are but they're potentially quite significant significant because in a global economy which made in japan matters for everyone many of the world's cell phones laptops in cars rely on a poxy can. pewter chips are auto parts from the country stoppages in manufacturing and trade consensual waves through the system likely farther reaching than the radiation itself lauren mr r.t. new york. we're updating view of round the clock on what's happening and to have right now also at our two dot com you can trace back the events as the earthquake disaster on folded look into the living in some words from the fukushima reactors as nuclear experts explain the danger levels to both health and environment. also
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long lines of fans economy has been crippled by the disaster and will take years to the call for the human cost of the tragedy is much harder to tell to let we have survivor stories that are seen. here with our t.v. live from moscow a look now at some of the headlines from around the world today a week of antigovernment protests in a syrian border city has developed into a nationwide on breasts with tens of thousands marching across the country in a restive city in the rest of city i'll draw crowds call for president bashar al assad to go he faces the deepest crisis of his over seven years in power after security forces fired on protesters on friday killing at least twenty three
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activists the government blames gangs for the bloodshed and civilian deaths. yemen's embattled president is in talks with the opposition for a handover of power after weeks of protests the bell the sunday adventure they offered to quit later this year by protesters in suits they want to go now it's all hardened out there around fifty people were stopped at an anti-government protest last week. senior military and political figures have also abandoned the leader of . hamas as it will agree a cease fire with israel if attacks on gaza stop it comes after some of the most serious violence in the palestinian territory which the group controls at least ten people including civilians and children killed in last week's attacks israel is yet to respond to the cease fire of. russian energy giant ross nuff says it's pushing
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ahead with its alliance with b.p. to pursue its arctic exploration project that's despite a swedish court ruling earlier this week that said the alliance conflicts with b.p.'s other joint russian partnership to end k b p chairman said the deals not dead yet and that he is satisfied with b.p. as a partner multibillion dollar share of swap between two oil giants was signed in january to export the potentially huge deposits of oil and gas in russia's arctic shelf. well in a few minutes america's manmade environmental catastrophe that's changing the landscape and tearing communities apart that's after i update you on the headlines shortly.
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in canada and the us today it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the shine through the mouth but in defense they are sponsored by industry and most of the guys they don't that claim the conflict of interest today an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer in my five therefore i protect folks because the navy to
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ninety five percent of cancers kurth people with health funny history of cancer the pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget on research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and ministration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. than members of congress. there is not enough space for them on the ground. zero down to. get things nonexistent under the sun. through the gap of adrenaline. discovered deeply hidden secrets. they are seeking to.
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find. and even. talking to god. under the ground. it's the secret incursion into the country. the invasion by means of. tradition the language the jell-o. you robin. this is the best deal could be. the thing is that the had the dems are still unaware of what's going on in their land. i don't know any but. they're great.
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