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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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on this visit. from the russian capital with twenty four hours a day top stories the libyan rebels are gaining on colonel gadhafi as the. capital tripoli allied airstrikes help them retake several key oil town. ready to replace the u.s. in leading the coalition's. moscow says the full intervention is a result of gadhafi crimes against his own citizens but warns that ordinary people shouldn't suffer during strikes russia's foreign forces have been reckless in their actions as reports of more civilian deaths come through. the news this week hundreds of thousands marched in the streets of london in protest of eight hundred
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billion pounds of cuts demonstrations also gripped the heart of the e.u. with many. of the libya intervention. in japan and the operator of the nuclear plant denies reports that radiation levels reached ten million times the norm claims led to the immediate evacuation of the one but a high concentration of radioactive has been detected in the sea the city. will be back with more in less than fifteen minutes from now in the meantime we discuss the rise of islamophobia in the us with award winning journalist in the room who says it's a reaction to fear and that's all interview next. artie's sitting down with award winning writer and journalist ian buruma named one of the top one hundred global thinkers by foreign policy magazine mr bruma is a professor of democracy human rights and journalism at bard college in new york
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sir thank you so much for joining us today thank you know your latest book is taming the gods of religion and democracy on three continents so i want to start our discussion by asking you about the role of islam in the modern world how significant is it and do you see a certain level of. a phobia in the united states nowadays do you think it's just there is certainly a level of islamophobia or just the all over the western world it's difficult to talk about the role of islam because it's not one thing to millions and millions of people it's a faith but inside the world of islam there's also a violent revolutionary movement which is a minority of muslims to take part in it if you can sympathize with it but it's there and that causes problems and to the extent that people are worried about violence coming from those groups that worried that worry is justified is that is
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a long war with no would be very mistaken and dangerous notion are you seeing a certain level of phobia when it comes to. well yes you do occasionally beat people who have bigoted opinions on it. i think it's one of the last forms of bigotry that is more or less respectable i mean you can't be an anti semites and be respectable but you can say that you can't stand muslims and you can still get invited to dinner is that an acceptable double standard no not in my view but it's it's part of the modern world from some of the things that have been coming out of the media really seems like that is a sentiment they're trying to fuel i don't think so. i wouldn't blame the mainstream media for that at all. i think would it really is that because of globalization. because financial insecurity.
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fast moving developments in the modern world in which some people feel that they are being left behind and so on there's a lot of anxiety and it's always useful in times of anxiety when people have an enemy to focus on immigrants in general but muslims in particular are singled out as an object to fear. but. to come back to your question i don't think that the mainstream media been. the worst culprits in this who have been the worst i think some of them in europe some of the populist politicians who have used this. in the united states. on radio cable t.v. and so on who. use this issue to stir up. or to exploit resentment now in one of your articles about china there's a place where you see nationalism is often fed by
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a sense of impotence and i wanted to ask you about this do you think that is a saying that could also be relevant to modern day united states yes i think it's comes back to that same issue that people who feel they're not represented they don't have a voice to not listen to they don't have a grip on public affairs. very vulnerable. leaders who promise. as it were if you feel you're a lonely individual who has no influence on anybody you know because about it feels good to be in a crowd shouting usa usa or. in the case of america could be in china or it could be anywhere in china what i meant by. chinese nationalism being a form often the expression form of impotence i didn't mean that in the sense of the chinese government but where people have no political voice china's after all not
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a democracy. there nationalism can play the same role that religion plays in other parts of the world it becomes a kind of. substitute for political. participation the united states is a democracy do you think people have a political voice here certainly more than in china. but the huge role played by money for example has distorted the process somewhat i mean it is a democracy but like all democracies it has great flaws and one of the flaws i think in this country is that you have two parties and people who get elected only can can only get elected if there are huge amounts of money involved and that leaves a lot of the population sort of out of the equation who do you think is the real power in the united states who really leads the country at this point is it corporations you know still wall street is it really washington d.c.
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or is it the tea party is the media it's course not one thing and the fact that it's not a dictatorship means that there is no center of power but if you do corporations for example do you think they have a bit more control than they should in making some i think they probably have more control than they should but that's not to say that corporations run america be too simple they certainly have a huge influence as does wall street as does the pentagon as does. congress as do. various voices in the media i mean they all have an influence some . of these groups institutions have perhaps more influence than they ought to and that's because of the enormous role played by money i want to talk to you about china now. we've talked a little bit about some of the fear mongering in the media do you think china is really a threat to the united states why is it seen as
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a threat by so many people and. is there a basis to that doing to consider red threat to the united states certainly not a military. correct they're competing and they have a comparative advantage of having a huge population that can make things much more cheaply than people kind of the united states i don't think it's a huge threat it's perceived as such again because the rise of china as a serious power. with economic clout is has been is recent and has been very fast people are fearful for many different reasons and it's it helps them to be able to focus on something in the united states it's usually an external enemy know why is that so often external and it could be part of a lack of knowledge what is what well i think it's something that's probably the history of the u.s. it's sort of refuge from the dangerous outside world one
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way to make people feel that they have something in common with each other that creates a kind of cohesiveness of society because of course this idea that here we are in the united states and we will have to defend ourselves against this dangerous world out there is that the united states powerful enough to just stop worrying about you know rationally you would have thought so but these things are not always rational and if there isn't an external enemy people often invent the domestic one that's not just in america it's all over the place you mentioned japan having been seen as a threat to western economies decades ago where does it stand where you think anybody sees dupin is a threat anymore very soon after people are making a tremendous fuss about japan buying up the world there was a big recession and japan is now seen as a more or less normal capitalist country with it is a lot. japanese to be fearful and they're very anxious about trying to want to
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ask you about bric bloc that is made up of brazil russia india and china some experts are saying that this block is going to really become. leader in. the world economic arena do you think that's the case or is china way ahead of everyone else china is certainly bigger than most other places and all these countries have a long way to grow. and are very dynamic for that reason because they come from a lower. basis to tend to be industrious and ambitious and sold in a way that perhaps is less true in. a continent like your which has been prosperous for an awful long time do you think they could become stronger than the united states in europe in terms of their. combined possibly but what a stronger mean in today's economies when. corporations very very often it's they have will have their headquarters in one country but most of the
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factories in other countries and consumers all over the place and. it's become such an international economy now that it's difficult it's very difficult to talk in terms of national strength the chinese talk in the way it's in one thousand century. rather german way of looking. thinking about an economy. the american system of course is different if you are an american corporation you aim is not to make the united states into a stronger nation state your aim is to make a lot of money and make sure that the shareholders are happy how do you measure power in north korea economically is a complete backwater it's a little slum out there that nobody would pay any attention to accept for the fact that they have nuclear weapons and that makes it into
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a power that has to be taken into account in the room i think it's thank you it was a pleasure. in canada and the us today it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer most of the shines out of mouth and depend they are sponsored by industry and most of the guys they don't claim it's a conflict of interest to be an average cancer drug prescription costs nearly one thousand six hundred dollars a month oh my god i'm a nobody with cancer in my five therefore i protect focus because the navy to ninety five percent of cancers occur among people with health family history of
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cancer the pharmaceutical industry spends about fourteen percent of their budget on research and development and about thirty one percent for marketing and administration. in fact there are more pharmaceutical industry lobbyists in washington d.c. than members of congress. there is not enough space for them on the ground. to dumb to. get things nonexistent under the sun. through the gap of adrenaline. discovers a deeply hidden secrets. they are seeking to. find . and even. talking
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to god. from. under the ground. down the field for sure on t. hopefully cation on the phone. from the. video. available in. central. will start. of each.
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it's. not nexus all the way to sports news for you with union members you know can't remember for russian motorsport fans and indeed it has been vitale petroff remember the name he's just got his first podium placing a former want to vent that was at melbourne so he's turning very very well at the moment the first race of the season there are a great start but can you actually build on it do you think you know well i tell you what russian organizers are hoping so what she gets its first formula one event in two thousand and fourteen we all know that would be great if they had a champion before without the way without of course but we have news on the latest . thank you.
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have you with us this is forced to be i mean only beans or some of the stories are coming in for the next ten minutes or so. step up the russian vitaly petrov which is the formula one podium for the first ever time finishing third of the season opening a stream from three. all change say goodbye to the top twenty twelve qualifying group after failing to break the deadlock against armenia. and i school i've learnt on solid. cup finals both moving three zero up in the respective series for. the tally petroff has shown he's got what it takes to contest in form row one the first ever a podium finish at the opening race of the season taking place in melbourne the only battered by polls to flag winners. petroff putting aside the.
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new season last year to assert himself as a more than capable replacement for injured robert. results also the first podium finish for a country that's in great spirits to the reigning champion. well it was a full twenty two seconds in front of hamilton up the checkered flag. all in all or a very good race i think there was a lot of things to learn today and we need to definitive another look onto the race and hear move move forward from here football russia have been knocked off their perch in european qualifying dick advocaat side no second in group b. after being held to a goalless draw by armenia last night watching that much in your of and for us was richard front porch. russia have not reached the halfway point in their quest to try and qualify for the euro two thousand and twelve finals in poland and ukraine and that task is now become a lot harder following their failure to beat armenia or pick up a cab overseas a big setback for him but he was my grandmother's enough to pay tribute to way
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armenia played today well in the game because. we had four away games and winning three one goal employees would disagree is good but seeing this game we played against a very aggressive team. but still we had the opportunity to do to win. so i think the organizational world was excellent from the team that was the final finishing touch you need a little bit luck or russia dominated possession for long periods of the game but i broke out will look to a point in a match in the second half of the first half when really russia had many chances to score but unfortunately they were unable to find a net and i want to talk of who was the stand i play really for the russians tonight he said here it was crucial the key point of the match is that we didn't score had we scored we would have worn. more from the team dominating controlling and creating chances as a coach. but shooting in the goal they have won fortunately andrey arshavin was
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once again not at his best form the russian national side as they are small midfielder really was on the periphery of everything the russians trying to create and certainly didn't show the same sorts of energy of the likes of celtic or found the showed in his form side is a worry for advocates of a moment it's been a long time since he has put in a decent performance and also russia going to free in a half matches without change managing to find the back of the net the thing that i think the whole team works very hard you have always she do a good look everybody brings his best form we also have seen that some players did not bring the best form but in the organization they did the job one of the last visit fantastic point for armenia they didn't create much going forward but they managed to restrict russia's attacks by playing a very good defensive game and. in contention for us plays the euro two thousand and twelve finals in poland and ukraine i think that not many teams have considered . being up there you know fighting for the final four points fighting for qualification you know what i think we have
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a very good team and i think that you know many people many teams should really. be serious when they're playing well russia's next year in two thousand and twelve will be in around three months time when though again play the armenians and they've got the catamount time has plenty to think about most notably about how to try and get his team scoring again as bellamy defined in the back of a net said they want to break those euro two thousand and twelve finals. result mean slovakia rise to the summit in group b. after they saw off on by a solitary goal while robbie keane struck to be the winner on twenty two minutes in the republic of ireland secure two one win over macedonia so all very close in the group. all in ten points but it is the still box who would currently take you off my spot on points difference armenia also still in with a shot just two points behind in fourth where finish second was going to be off for
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the brain and finds. a surprising result stateside meanwhile where argentina were unable to clinch victory over the us in new york some russian interest in this game to its defender marco rubio given a full ninety minutes to impress in the friendly taishan that's been the keyword first but recently the argentina mounts are constantly changing the squad with two interment cumbia obviates and n.t. back in the fold. in the real world as one player rogering more adama's rain though the real madrid attacker coming close after the hour mark di maria also pivotal in opening the scoring the visitors intricate play vengefully allowing cumbia to fire them three minutes from time. argentina didn't make thirty. trying to in the second period the one paid the price fifty nine minutes in i did delo taking full advantage of the mistake by argentina to keep my money on the angelo or to the final school. let's talk ice hockey were semi final surprise package
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have nailed down a commanding three zero lead in their series with locomotive to reach and i think nothing off after the first period was part ridiculous and coleman made it three zero in the second third. did not buy a consolation in the in the third still back at puzzle demitra giving the visiting found some hope but i've learnt it weren't to let her guard slip she valve extent been on most reel in the best of seven western conference decider within touching distance of a first career king h.l. final for. argentina. some of you i have meanwhile have seized control in their eastern semifinal series with matthew murray that he found men to nothing on his role in some of these some of the t.v. it was here with the cool tender eric berg in sparkling form once again for the winners least he might need at the worst on
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a day. moving on to the greens where warm up action is continuing in florida head of the masters which itself gets underway next month martin lowered the man leaving the arnold palmer invitational after three days of action defending masters champion phil mickelson all but out of the reckoning in orlando lefty carting a seven day on saturday which leaves him on two hundred par tiger woods meanwhile lies for the final. shots. were number five with one too many bogeys on the back nine finishing with a two of the seven for marte on the other hand well he had a great day the scot almost holding his greenside chip on the sixteenth before parting eleven on the park total with a day to go but the f. . of the day was a birdie putt by steve marino which lifted him to john third ahead of sunday's action you know four strokes behind the leader along with bubba watson spencer eleven he is all alone in second place.
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to basketball where adults are heading to the playoffs the hawks booking their eastern conference berth after seeing off new jersey on home court. taking control with a nineteen zero on early in the game josh smith and horford enjoying each other's company smith the man slamming it home for the wood finish with twenty three points twelve recall ins for the hosts on the back while at two jumps nationals from be on the end of the first quarter thirty two fifteen the hawks to the entrance to advantage to twenty six points by the time they slowed down a little after the break but the nets never really got close ninety eight c. eighty seven how they ended up with a lot to notch on chicago boston miami and orlando six. it's pretty huge the entertaining cricket world cup today three in a row champions are strictly exiting the quarter final stage arlen's shocking and of course on so they are forget being dumped by new zealand the lottery occur and
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seeing the odd going pro she has coach offer an apology for a science elimination the sunday before you go out over the. well this was great as it was who will. you get serious sort of. it's a bit difficult to explain but. we sit in our city team all truth. is that i know i know this and is going to go along. and so people who'll say things to us. highlight of the martial arts here for some bloggers happened over the weekend in moscow the world's super cup taking place in a country where the sport came into existence some seventy five years ago more than two hundred fifty athletes from twenty six countries taking to the mats in the capital the majority of podium places going to russian practitioners both in the men's and women's events despite such notables us feet or in the go on flooding there puts in being experts in the combat sports some both popular at sea remain
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somewhat stunted worldwide however action movie actor. who is also a former ultimate fight champion no less promised to help bring it to new audiences . but somebody is very similar. to me in general that says we'll have a jacket and i think the transition is going to go smooth from now on that may come but some was not so popular just last year or so we're going to. start. putting together fires like this and i hope they're going to bring future for our finest and let's not have a great relationship with you see and you know i do my best to promote. all the fighting championship in the russia but i. don't do my best to get russian samba to come but some of my there are so involved in the sport. that is all your sport and i worry whether it's coming up in just a tick and those dollars here with all the news at the top of the r.c.c.
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. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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