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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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eighty percent of the public wants to end nukes she had oil she had actually come out and said that as a result of what was going on in japan that nuclear power in germany was going to be considered transitional and would be phased out replaced the greens came out and said just shut them all down and they won the election she said this is because of japan that she was she's right and this should also be. probably not is there a special religious car about when it comes to the first amendment right to free speech of talk of conservative radio as bryan fischer ottawa groupie thinks is not entitled to the most basic right in america.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you sure see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't know i'm sorry there's a big. welcome back to the big picture i'm so when coming up in this half hour. is one step closer to making health care a right not
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a privilege governor peter shumlin joins us live with details on that state's new health care plan plus does the right to exercise religion count muslims out in america i'll talk to a man who believes that earlier in the show and could a governmental shutdown be just the thing republicans need to clinch the twenty twelve white house presidential seat i'll break down their strategy in tonight's guilty take. even though it's been just over a year since or are conservatives call obamacare i actually think he should be calling that the affordable care act was passed potentially the biggest victory of it for health care reform in america app and at the end of actually last week they were not state house passed the nation's first single payer health care bill on thursday democratic governor peter shumlin so the legislation will create
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a system where health care will be a right and not a privilege his words senate is soon expected to pass the bill as well so does this passage of this legislation in vermont means something significant national for. health reform joining me now on the phone from vermont is the man behind this huge progress and step forward governor peter shumlin governor welcome to our program well it's great to be with you thanks for having me you campaigned on this i lived in vermont for ten years and we talk with bernie sanders every week so i'm pretty up on what's going on there what was the response during the initial campaign. to you campaign on this issue. it was interesting i suspect as bernie sanders has said i may well be the only politician in america who ran on a single payer platform and i ran t.v. ads saying if you like the government we're going to pass a single payer health care plan lead to nation and as you mentioned make of pure right not a privilege and you know i won the election wasn't
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a wide margin but we won and you know i intend to get it incredibly important you know we live in a society where number one poor people are low income people increase from people can't afford health care can't get access really is a privilege not a right governor isn't it isn't in many ways this a bigger step forward for health care reform than even obamacare well you know i don't want to get too carried away because you know we haven't tested yet and we've got a long way to travel. you know plenty of landmines to confront yet as you can imagine there are plenty of people special interest insurance companies parasitical industry the people who are making so much money off of our you know how if they're going to try their best for this town if they can run very optimistic they can do it and you know if we do i do believe that we'll get health care right we'll get costs under control we'll be
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a state where health care follows the individual is required by the employer which i think is a huge job creator and frankly if we can get it right for the states. so you're expecting that you are successful with this that. the saskatchewan model basically will happen i'm curious what you said you've got a bunch of roadblocks ahead of you or a bunch of potential bombs on the way in the minute we have left what are the. well insured we're trying to do first is design a health care system and three things that don't happen currently anywhere else in america i might point out they happen almost everywhere else in the world but not in america the first is as i mentioned everyone's covered publicly financed health care second is a health care system where the requirement of an employer to provide health insurance is funded by all of us and therefore it follows the individual i say that's a huge jobs creator which is one of my goals the third and most importantly we're
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trying to move to a system where we were seeing our hard working health care providers by a fee for service system we're going to reimburse them based on healthy outcomes making our six hundred twenty five thousand homeowners healthier and all of the things we have done in this country we want a simple system or even a health care for single payer go to providers office you come out to case your bill right there which the huge amount of money that same card is a pipeline to your medical records. services and waste motion importantly where our providers get. the and all of that takes a certain amount of work has been done yet we have a five member board that were established. to design the system back to the legislature in twenty two of the twenty thirteen the funding mechanism and we hope to push the send button on the plan everyone covered by twenty fourteen. it's an
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ambitious goal as you know it's much easier to lose in health care than to win but i'm very optimistic that we can get it done and do it right here in vermont governor shumlin best of luck thank you so much for being with us thanks so much for having me. recently more than two hundred doctors around the nation of cite a petition vowing to move to iraq if the state creates a single payer system and i would love to shoot a sold out so she's friends and they argue that they would rather heal sick people than deal with mountains of private insurance paperwork the petition was circulated by the organization physicians for a national health program or p n h p r dr margaret flowers with p.h.p. joins me now to talk about why doctors are on board the single payer health care system first of all i got a p.h.p. is a great organization he noted your your conference in san francisco eight years ago i think it was or thereabouts and i think the great bunch of people who are doctors and getting harmed by health insurance companies i was
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a you know not just working against people you know patients but right now actually it's against providers as well you're right and that's why i left practice to do this work full time advocating for a single payer system you know we go to school and train and do our residency programs and train and how to take care of patients and then what you find out is that once you've seen the patient made a diagnosis and come up with a plan that then you're talking to in terms company administrators with no medical knowledge then tell you whether or not your patient can have the care that they need so it was maybe a high school diploma if you are looking at a computer screen of you know yes or no type of protocol and making life and death decisions based on their lot on line which is profit not based on the health of the patient so it's very frustrating for physicians who spend a lot of that time getting authorization has been a lot of time doing paperwork it's it's a micro management of health care that undermines our integrity and our ability to practice you know based on our knowledge why are more doctors i know p.h.p. has what fifteen thousand over eighteen thousand eight hundred thousand in that
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time i spoke to there was like look like a thousand people it's pretty big but that's still only part of the universe of doctors in america want more docs out there speaking out in favor of the majority of doctors do. favor this approach when there are polls and yeah we have a quote from two thousand and seven that showed over a five year period a ten percent increase in the number of physicians that support this so at that time the number was fifty nine percent. physicians are busy they're trying to make it in. this world right now and i know that when i was a practicing physician it wasn't until i started wondering why we were in this situation and started looking around that i discovered physicians for a national health program and then once i discovered that it was like well this makes so much sense based on the evidence of what works back when l.b.j. proposed medicare. initially i mean just didn't seem to cure all that much about it looked like they were just offloading the elderly and then word came out that mr
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paul cobol it would be that his name was freshly wrote the bill but the goal was that every decade they would drop the entry age by chain years until eventually it covered everybody that came out two weeks beforehand and they went nuts how was the among others i mean they got right robert ray to make a record right. how was the only handling this i was the official and not just the a.m.a. the the official doctor but it is really it's a organization that's thought you know getting smaller and smaller it only represents fifteen percent of practicing physician was right i think it's a public service we don't believe that their voice really represents the majority of systems you represent more than exactly if you look at our approach and how it's may vary by the physician population yes and number of the specialty organizations are. starting to come on board or their membership is trying to push them into this one where it's great and we're we're pretty much out of time just one real quick
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question how much time do you think the average doctor wastes doing a full work for these baxters well i think it's around the eleven hours a rican spends by the doctor by the hour so it's write and write and then the rest of the stuff is right and it takes away from time that we really should be spending with my paintings on sequential art and flowers thanks so much for the much things they did with us for us congress so corrupted by money and lobbying from the for profit health insurance industry in america what for i'm not good maybe our best bet to enhancing a nationwide single payer health system is the same model of canada used to create its single payer system after the saskatchewan province created a single similar plan it then swept across the nation basically every state looked at it said hey we want that red states stuck with big insurance corporation see how successful the vermont model is expect a wave of reform to sweep across our nation. for
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hundreds of years scholars politicians and average political walks have debated just what the intentions were of our own and father's role drafting parts of the constitution but bryan fischer the director of issues analysis the american family association claims he knows exactly what the intent of our early leaders were especially in regard to that first amendment that was he says they hate muslims last week fisher wrote in his blog quote islam has no fundamental first amendment claims for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the first and it was not written to protect the religion of islam first meant it was written by the founders to protect the free exercise of christianity they were making no effort to give special protections is long by a contrary end of quote so could this possibly be the case the first time. only protecting christians let's hear from brian fisher and so he joins me now to talk about his new his line of reasoning on this issue brian welcome to the program. i'm
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well i'm curious what do you have against peter selene from framlingham massachusetts. who is peterson. massachusetts he was a revolutionary war decorated hero he fought the month of june seventeenth seventy five in the battle of bunker hill later he fought the battle of saratoga he had an audience with george washington for his bravery he was a muslim. i have nothing against evil good the founding fathers so you're not saying that the founding fathers did not intend the first moment to protect the religious freedom of muslims. what i'm saying about the first amendment is that the founding fathers did not expressively protect religious liberty for the islamic faith nor did they prohibit religious liberty for the islamic faith what they were out to do was to protect religious liberty for the christian faith and to exclude
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all right able read between the various christian denominations that were active about making the original thirteen states care about nine of the original thirteen states that have established churches and the term establishment had a very specific and technical meaning at the time it meant to have one christian denomination and that was a conference in law and was supported by the taxpayers of that jurisdiction so when it came to go to form a federal constitution that was an issue what are we going to do about the issue of establishment they'd come from england which had established the church state seen appeared to be the result of sort of bad idea to have one christian denomination and make it be established church of the united states of america so that was the purpose of the first amendment so tied to hands of congress so it couldn't pick one denomination we could keep issue a church of the united states and as far as the rest is concerned as far as islam's concerned buddhism as far as it was it was from certain they laugh their issue up to the state so to speak sort of considerable latitude in terms of what they do
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with religious expression or non-christian religions when thomas jefferson died before he died he wrote his. tombstone epigraph and or epigram or whatever and he did not ask that it be noted that he was the founder of president states rather that he thought of the university of virginia and that he wrote the virginia statute for religious freedom which and became basically a good chuckle became the first of many he's quite proud of that and in fact he was the one who first proposed the the bill of rights to james madison in a series of letters in seventeen eighty seven and he. wrote of his virginia statute for religious freedom that it and this these are jefferson's personal words that it and therefore the for and he was also speaking in the context of the first amendment being based on it that it quote protected the jew and the gentile the christian and the mohammad t.n.
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the hindu and infidel of every denomination. also in the treaty of tripoli in seventy ninety one as i'm sure you know george washington john adams said explicitly the us has nothing against islam and these were our first three presidents and no one wrote the declaration of penance one helped write the constitution how can you say that they were against islam in pro procreation. well number one thomas jefferson illustrates perfectly my point here for jr wanted to provide specific religious protections who are going to assume that they were absolutely free to do that there was no prohibition against profile providing special protections in state constitutions so jefferson's. stance the religious freedom perfectly illustrates my point when it comes to the treaty of tripoli we do understand that people need to go all expression there because what it said is this is not a christian nation in the sense that it is not in a possibility group the islamic doesn't in the us i've read it when i read this
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afternoon. ok well let me finish my thought here this was in contrast to the religion of islam which does have an innate hostility toward christian religious the backdrop of that is the barbary coast pirates they were attacking and pillaging american merchant man so thomas jefferson those wanted to find out what was going on and he said well we have a religious duty to attack and plunder infidels that's what our religion teaches us to do and so the point of the treaty of tripoli look is we don't have the skill of the greatest not islam as that you need hostility toward the infidel that's christians and jews but a christian nation base it does not and you're suggesting then that congressman keith ellison a muslim a sitting u.s. representative should have no free speech rights no. i'm not sorry i'm not the first amendment prohibits the free exercise of religion or islam i'm saying it
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doesn't deal with the oh so now the issue then is a matter of courtesy and it's a matter for states to decide as i said of my past where i think even under. i understand you're saying and i think you said very well thanks for dropping by tonight ok you can argue that any time. distorting the intent of our founding fathers is nothing new republicans do it all the time to wreak havoc on the middle class but doing it to spread hate and fear about an entire religion i have a problem with that i think it's inexcusable but ells what else would you expect from the american family association organizations being deemed a hate group by the southern poverty law center. coming up inside staley take the republican scheme to right president obama's faith resemble the do legacy for words .
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you know sometimes you see a story and the seed so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. it's the good the bad of a very extremely odd way first the good senator bernie sanders said is the best and
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only democratic socialist is introducing new legislation that will put a surtax on millionaires and close tax loopholes for big oil companies like exxon the most profitable country in the history of the planet senator sanders said regarding his bill the emergency deficit reduction act that quote we have a deficit problem it has to be addressed but it cannot be addressed on the backs of the most vulnerable in this country the wealthiest people are just corporation in our nation in this country have got to contribute got to talk about shared sacrifice. he poppy good work bernie. the bad mississippi governor haley barbour jumping on the bandwagon of potential republican presidential candidates who are pledging to repeal the don't ask don't tell repeal barbour explains why he thought gays shouldn't be in the military. to close is true growing on the soldier on the ground zero was the most opposed. and it's not
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not necessarily over homosexuality it's over the fact that when you're an under fire and people are living in. a siege and you know any camera amorous. man see it begin to fixate on people's wives and children by. yes. amorous i'm certain that this guy's view of gays and soldiers is so far out of whack that it's almost funny even sets up the old ridiculous canard about why women should be in there what's not funny is the thought of barber as president. and the very very ugly herman cain i have a feeling this republican candidate for president will make our list frequently over the next few years in an interview with think progress over the weekend cain was asked if he would consider appointing a muslim to work in his administration this was his response. no. problem not.
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good news why. there is this creeping up to this this is. to gradually ease surreal moment in the most of them flee into our company does not the moment i woke up again this is. just what i want a president a guy who's dangerously paranoid of muslims oh and a guy who clearly has not read the constitution particularly article four which states that no religious test can be required as qualification for public office herman cain very clearly of. it less than two weeks our government might shutdown if congress doesn't pass a budget and the republicans are perfectly willing to let that happen at some of
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the even campaigned on the idea of letting the government shutdown that's even though a government shutdown could have disastrous effects are already fragile economy. but there in lies the strategy the republicans have been pushing over the last two years and will continue to use through the twenty five elections if they can crash the economy then president obama will become the face of economic disaster just like herbert hoover was in one nine hundred twenty nine republicans will win the white house so they can handle last remaining wealth of americans working people over their millionaire and billionaire masters that's why republicans have proposed tens of billions of dollars in spending cuts that will suck money out of the economy cost people their jobs and kill economic activity but president obama is fighting against these cuts right doing what's best for the cot the economy
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right well actually rob he's capitulating. with the blessing of the president democrats are on the verge of proposing a budget plan that will include more than thirty billion dollars in spending cuts that's thirty billion fewer dollars circulating in our economy that's thirty billion fewer dollars in the pockets of public sector workers who by the way spend pretty much every penny they earn just to raise their families to stimulate an economy that's thirty billion fewer dollars that could go toward rebuilding our nation's infrastructure and putting unemployed people back to work so they're earning money and paying taxes rather than sucking down tax dollars it makes you wonder if president obama even understands the effects of these cuts and on the other hand does he know that tax cuts for the rich have absolutely no stimulative
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effect whatsoever that they just go into an already bad bank accounts and sit there or you know rich people even move them offshore to switzerland. or else if they got a lot of money flowed around cheap money it gets injected into wall street in a form that creates speculative bubbles which then crash our markets on the other hand federal programs like food stamps generate more than a dollar seventy in economic activity for every one dollar in the program by these people spend all that money stimulating the economy was from consumer to retailer to wholesaler grower i mean every step along the way it's making money federal spending is the definition of economic stimulus and it's been used every time our economy started to slow and every time it's been effective yet for some reason today federal spending is off the table but tax cuts for the rich.
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now we know why republicans are doing this but why the president obama on top of all that unemployment insurance is due to run out this year spending more and more people off assistance rolls and further crippling working class families across america for reasons that i can't understand president obama negotiated a one year extension of unemployment benefits last year there were some publicans received their two year extension of tax cuts for the rich meaning heading into the two thousand and twelve election millions of people's unemployment benefits are going to run out upset in them and also crashing the economy and add insult to injury president obama has put jeffrey immelt the head of g.e. in charge of creating jobs even though g.e. didn't pay any corporate taxes on fourteen billion dollars in profits last year
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the big reason why our budget is such a mess and g.e. is notorious for shipping jobs overseas what's going on here. our economy is facing a dark dark road ahead as president obama is playing right into the hands of republicans who really and truly and seriously are willing to ruin america for political gain after the two thousand and eight financial crisis our nation was facing a choice to go the way of f.d.r.'s new deal that produce the forty golden years of the middle class from one thousand nine hundred nine hundred eighty or go the way of the conservative conservatives whose policies of tax cuts for the rich are created were teen trillion dollars in debt ever since reagan first started this and impoverished working people ever since reagan declared war on working people shortly after president obama won the presidency in two thousand and eight time
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magazine ran this cover speculating that he'd sweep into office in this time of peril and push through a new deal to uplift the working class just like f.d.r. did after all what he campaigned on but today more than two years into his presidency barack obama is looking more like f.d.r.'s predecessor herbert hubert hoover america's little plain nero who let the great depression blanket our economy thanks to poor decisions and inaction. and the stakes couldn't be higher after hoover blew up the economy republicans were banished to the political wilderness for almost a half century and today if president obama doesn't start making the right decisions and fight these insane policies that republicans are pushing then he will be responsible for destroying the democratic party for decades mr president we're counting on you we need to fight for us as the republicans sure as hell won't and that's it for the big picture tonight don't forget your marker see begins when you get out there into that could say your it will see more.
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the official. called touch from the. video. old girls. and since feeds. you want.


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