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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy which might stronger the no holds barred look the global financial headlines tune into khan's report. of i welcome back it's now here in moscow the rubble ludwell by coalition air strike that killed off the count of the south east haven town the best concert in the capital of positions of knowledge of west with the the solid winning it's about down fears of an impending golfball that gripped tripoli. prague a bomb as is the u.s. will not be taking a hands off approach in libya even when they say takes kamala's he admitted america is keen to make sure get zapped he called in the rebels but russia says taken sides
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in the be a civil war is not the case is gone i think u.n. resolution. on last day mourns the forty victims of last year's twin metro's suicide blast which shocked and they should butt out of results in the fight against terrorism. top about the latest headlines but now stay with us for the claims a report by his mouth sky the looks of the scandals behind the latest financial headlines. guys are welcome to the kaiser report listen to the own kin and hear that these are the so over cars or oh yeah twenty solar chargers these are now available and being available training all over the world that's right people are joining the silver liberation army and they are basically financing the global
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insurrection with is. yes. all right let's bring in stacy herbert max kaiser there's a war on and in that case you can never have arms as a t.v. presenter try to close over cars or torch your turquoise solar cars or here's a little video i want you to see get in the mood for this broadcast here it's a libyan t.v. presenter oh yeah let's play a juror has. any time away as he sees us ranting about protecting the homeland and all this guy he's going to. go to. over closer but of course is being presented as a man who's being pretty crazy but is it any crazier then the country doing the bombing because the headline reads us spending on military operations in libya drains pentagon the us military operations in libya will cost hundreds of millions
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of dollars and forced congress to seek help next week for the cash strapped pentagon which is operating on short term funding resolution so remember the financial crisis where the base operating on short term funding as well and that's what led to the whole collapse of the banking system are we about to witness the collapse of the whole military industrial complex i mean look there that ceiling in the u.s. is being raised again it's. fourteen and fifteen trillion that's doesn't include the words that they do off the balance sheet like super enron you know afghanistan and iraq were just in place or invading libya ok that's all off the bell and they don't actually include it on the fiscal balance sheet so america actually has not just fifteen trillion dollars and that they're well forty five trillion and then add in fannie mae that's fifty trillion then you add in social security medicaid that comes up to about one hundred trillion dollars and that and they just think that by printing more money they're going to be able to survive this catastrophe
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this rise sooner is going to. what they do make you know in this article that none of the war funding for afghanistan or iraq are put on the defense budget these are all supplemental funding and it's out of temporary short term funding resolutions but carl levin a senator from michigan chairman of the senate armed services committee he said wednesday that he had asked the defense department for an accurate estimate of the cost of the mission in libya since the ballpark numbers being circulated including one of nearly one billion seemed too high so he's only reading in the newspapers what the war is going to cost in libya he's the head of the senate committee where of course barack obama should have gone to seek authorization for a bombing of the country america doesn't need to get authorization to start a war more apparent obama doesn't need to get congress to sign off on invading people in committing mass murder no more it's all good there's all this is
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basketball team wins in the final four well that's about the craziness of it the libyan t.v. presenter he might look crazy but so does the u.s. going to war while their president i don't like that it sir i don't like. it but speaking of wars there is a war in the monetary world and that is silver and gold versus the u.s. dollar and all the other these so you know you take a look at the silver chart here and it's of course taking up arms heading straight out. well that's really attractive max but you know taking up arms against who is silver taking up arms against but this next headline max special report the revolution in central banking on a warm lisbon day last may john clarke tree shade the high school president of the european central bank was asked whether the bank would consider buying euro zone government bonds and open market he said at the time i would say we did not discuss
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this option well four days later the e.c.b. announced that it would start buying bonds so just as lunatic as all these wars being declared. on a weekend but nobody else this congress isn't sitting nobody knows any worries being declared the same craziness has gone on with the central banks they have a revolution in central banking. well i don't know who saw the news let me just break out of thank you did you see what is going on with the bank of japan on that front now they're going out it is saying that bank of japan said that they're just going to start to issue bonds essentially flowed money directly from the we talked about the last episode yeah so this is just another continuation of central banks going crazy and taking the law into their own hands and deciding just to print funny money without any authorization as you point out if barack obama can simply invade a country with no authorization central banks are using the same model here they're just saying oh we can just print trillions of dollars of killings of euro's or
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trillions of yen we don't need anyone authorization we don't need any collateral we don't need any accounting we don't need any oversight we don't need anything in the central bank other than the toxic waste that we inherited during the last one and a crisis why because we use mathematical formulas that some pimply faced fifteen year old kid at mit says makes this trillion dollars of the work of garbage worth something other than worthless garbage guess what is worthless garbage and that's why silver is going to cardholders because you're all for it can delusional the article points out by reaching for its nuclear option. the e.c.b. also helped rewrite the manual modern central banking calling it a revolution but i would say that in fact it's skip the revolution part and just gone straight to the reign of terror these are what central banks are doing it's a reign of terror that they are raining down upon us as they think they can reinvent the entire idea of economics from scratch because they're deeply in debt and they are really interpret ing the fact that they're in debt and they're calling it something else it's delusional it's the stockholm syndrome. it's highly illegal
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according to any dictates that would cover the counterfeiting of these banks are doing these central banks are doing are counterfeiting they're counterfeiting by the trillions and trillions are doing electronic wings well then the article finally wraps up since the early days of the financial crisis in two thousand and eight the european central bank the u.s. federal reserve and the bank of england have all been forced to adopt policies it's kind of like the human shield thing where just human shields for this whole crazy monetary and fiscal disaster and economic disasters around the world that just a few years ago they would have dismissed as preposterous oh right exactly they just term force as if somebody is put got a gun to their head and saying we you must commit fraud behalf of everyone who supposedly you're protecting over there the central bank and that's false of course they're not being forced by anyone to commit fraud they're doing so for one simple
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reason they're making a boatload of money doing it because they're essentially pirates of the digital age these are the pirates of the digital caribbean age you've got. a bank of japan who are just out there stealing they're just they're larson mystically pilfering without any recourse whatsoever and that's why so over is going to five hundred that i say that yes well yes you have but this is also in the way that norman bates . syndrom it is just as the u.s. is fighting itself illegal it's fighting itself in afghanistan it's fighting itself in iraq all of the enemies there that they themselves created the central bank is fighting itself it's forced to fight itself so it's a battle with its own consequences of its own actions well that's just a definition of quantitative easing is actually eating your own definition you know the central banks got to keep out bonds and then they swallow those bonds back that's what quantitative easing is it's quantitative definitions following notion
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of a preposterous chavez says capitalism may have ended life on mars this is venezuelan president hugo chavez he was speaking last week and he said i've always said heard that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on mars but maybe capitalism arrived there imperialism arrived and finished off the planet so be careful he continued here on planet earth which is ago or less there were great forests now there are deserts where there were rivers there are deserts he said sipping a glass of water well yeah i mean i think he's making kind of an interesting insight there in terms of capitalism being unsustainable you surely see it in the fukuyama . meltdown in japan that's a direct result of capitalism gone crazy it's gone no longer has any self-serving purposes it's just using humans as the product of a. mission to make profits out of dead people and you see this happening in all
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over the world so he has a point there but you can't criticize the u.s. for being capitalist because it's not a socialist it's a bunch of banks and corporations to get huge welfare bailouts from a corrupt federal reserve bank that's not capitalism that's socialism why don't we get socialism i don't think it's capitalism those are just isn't there just like a religious text or whatever it is the crazy mad men who have hijacked it they don't realize there are no roommates here we talked about the european central bank the u.s. federal reserve and the bank of england fighting themselves they're for. to fight this demon of this crazy markets collapsing that they themselves caused the norman bates and you remember norman bates and psycho we saw a reflection in the mirror and couldn't understand that he himself was attacking and doing all the violence that's exactly right you've got all these central bankers looking at themselves in the mirror printing trillions of dollars and wondering why the economies are exploding and going bad well it was actually done with bases mother. well those are the particulars but i remember the title of the
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film was psycho and i think that's a good description of who's running the show here are a bunch of psychos and life on mars may have ended apparently due to these psychos and this takes me to the next headline of might not be so preposterous maybe they're perhaps listening to hugo chavez sales of lux doomsday bunkers one thousand percent. only it's a big market in the us i'm going to be into my looks i'm old and that's less than eighty percent going to cover those don't work so there's two different things you could buy your own exclusive one of those cost up to twenty million dollars so northwest shelter systems which offer shelters ranging in price range from two hundred thousand to twenty million they've seen their sales surge by seventy percent on the uprisings in the middle east and then there's this other company you see that in the photo this is one of their renderings of what one of their places looked like they sell rooms in two hundred person doomsday bunkers and they've
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received thousands of applications since the uprisings and the earthquake and tsunami in japan and you have to deposit five thousand dollars and then pay up to tens of thousands more to actually secure a place in these bunkers other times jurors in doomsday bunkers and of course the people who buy these doomsday bonkers for twenty million dollars say you see capitalism works i was able to buy doomsday bunker forget about the fact that your actions created the doomsday to begin with why do. because they're psycho why because you are but your imagination is the sound of your own one hand clapping against yourself because basically inherently when you look down underneath the. global growth of dirt all. strata of the varicose veins even in operability of your consciousness on any one plane that would adhere to anything be construed as normal your pathologically ill ben bernanke blankfein ben bernanke you would blind trying to psychologically ill brain damage treated by
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a straight jacket carted off to jail medicated heavily all right thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you matt and that's going to do it stay right there because there's much more coming your way. i.
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welcome back to the kaiser report time now to turn to is a gloomy aisy assistant professor of modern middle east and islamic world history at georgia state university and he's the author of chaos in yemen societal collapse and the new tarrying as i'm isa welcome to the kaiser report great to be here all right is a little while all eyes are on libya what is happening any yemen and why is it happening in yemen the situation in yemen is a direct response to the ongoing. power grabbing and realigning of our our alliances. are the response to what's going on in the south of yemen the traditional struggle between northern and southern and i mean it's but also the consequence of since the year two thousand to saudi arabia and you know and i'm from the police jointly there frontier shirt fronts here which has
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caused considerable destruction flu people who live on both sides of the traditionally has or has remained open and were able to travel back and forth with how sports and now suddenly and since two thousand. very expensive project over three billion dollars. as of now is to police the works of the extent. to trade and stop the movement back and forth or are based regulated. and that is the structure of people's lives and people are responsible on this russians and challenges. this is actually it suits. me because you can solve this disruption is police actions that you know it's the taking are to enforce sovereignty of the government and protect us saudi arabia from the invasion of of yemen is trying to enter into saudi territory and sell this to his partners both in saudi arabia and united states. just give us some geography here where this wall
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and we're going to separate exactly if you were to look at a map of southwest the radio you'll see that saudi arabia and yemen share obviously a very long border and a supportive stems from the inwards and this is an area that was captured by saudi written in one thousand nine hundred eighty s. but they are agreements with the people who live on both side of this order they really didn't enforce the border so people on both sides were able to travel back and forth so if you look at it's so an area code not a scope a suitor the region these people are historically yemeni and as this as the saudi kingdom expanded territorially to conquer mecca medina jeddah and then further south here in this region called. it because they were it had no means of actually physically. intimidating and conquering this region been basically left the door wide open for you to look to conduct their day to day lives but i can foresee the
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board in really exist unfortunately with the rule transforming as it has in the last fifteen years leasing borders ironically you know. ryle europe is supposedly tearing down borders other parts of the world are encouraged to build fences and police there were. causes of considerable economic social cultural disruptions in places like the assyrian and so again people whose lives were. disrupted by this. often very brutal process of policing these frontiers is let's do a reaction from people who are well armed and who are still dignified enough to stand up to tyranny. a certain indication young people are going to take any crap from dictators and from people who certain faraway places and starts to play these kind
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of shell games. but of course you know that students are reproaching to most of your arabia. use yemen are supposed to launch in for all kinds of. things which of course the direct impact on the people on the ground who have just out now for that are let's talk about the comparison to the one nine hundred eighty nine and for the fall the berlin law now i think looking back with a lot of historians are coming to the conclusion that the soviet union effectively economically with spent and of course now in the case of yemen thousand arabia you could say that about saudi arabia and you can economy that spent as a matter of fact it's a very strong economy that a petro. petro whatever you would like to call it a petcock arcee or something of that order it's got huge oil was there and so they're very well funded so that's that dynamic is missing and the saudi yemenis in their quest to push back against this this occupation i guess you could call it our
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fighting they're up against a very well funded follow in the sand so talk to me about the chances of this going forward what are we going to see in the next year or two is yemen go. going to succeed as we've seen i think we could say that what we've seen in tunisia is a success you know we're going to happen wait to see how it out all rights out but is that going to be the story for yanna near a year from now i'm afraid not and actually i would step back and be a little bit more cautious than characterizing any of us benson released last or last or months as a success cases certainly we have the figureheads remove your actually have the infrastructure of oppressive regimes in all dark usually run two societies actually and that's a that's an open question still i think people in places like tunisia and egypt are still willing to go and hit the streets when necessary. and you. know it doesn't
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take much to intimidate good percentage of those people who are you know on the street so far and yet it is a different case because people are very desperate now it's interesting saudi arabia is also not immune from social unrest money it's not distributed fairly and there is a lot of regional and saudi arabia case in point was this area around the on the border with yemen. how thin. are demanding enough of course not only payments in this kind of caustic run to your state system where oil money trickles down to everybody and everyone just sits and watches. like the u.s. model i guess gets sacked and stupid and don't let me say. that they actually want some kind of participation and have a direct place in the decisions made in their societies because they see their societies are falling apart i meant in one year two years i don't see things
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changing your americans and the saudis just will not countenance the transformation of yemen in the way that they had in the past you know when into the early ninety's the same dictator who's now she's our united states played. where he was and how it's saddam hussein when they invaded kuwait and he was severely punished by the yemen was a million in a house people were thrown out of their jobs in go into saudi arabia and thrown back to yemen which is one of the dynamics loads to this peyos this turn towards chaos is my thesis that how does so it's used for violence and used just this order your superstition him so as the too big to fail regime kind of our viewers should only ask you this when our barack obama took office he took a trip to cairo and spoke to the region and seemed to town but hey hey you know america is behind you get up and and seek your freedom and then when the people did
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what he suggested it he's very ambivalent and i think is that it would be a nice way to characterize his reaction so far to what's going on and what more and more revealing i think is that what we're seeing is how the geo politics work out here barack obama appears in correct me if i'm wrong that he appears to be completely in a. aligned with saudi arabia and couldn't care less about these populist uprisings across the region absolutely right place that everybody all these kids very brave is the stuff to do and there's a story unfold in fact that all these media who go and visit cairo or go now looking watching from afar what's happening in libya. the uprisings in tunisia and cairo clews lots of prisoners who are now in military prisons in egypt nobody's speaking on her behalf nobody's actually even interested what has happened to them . this is my fear is that you know we've we've all kind of thought into this this
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is nonsense that the social networking has you know some new democratic subjects in the middle east that. they can deal with on their own and we have to. wait and see whether or not they're going to be fundamentalists or elements and and therefore i think the barack obama message which is kind of an ongoing it's by united states. interests stakeholders and in the larger american empire. have lost all credibility and that's for me for america if i were sitting in watching the scene actually was concerned about the future of the military industrial complex i would be concerned about because there's only so much you can do. by using the bludgeon of a dictator gene or indeed using your unknown drones to take over opponents. it's some point as we see you can right hundreds of thousands show up on the streets and
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change things overnight whether or not overnight means long term change in the middle east i feel has not seen that you know there's always the potential i don't know anymore believes america as they know it's friend no one actually trust america for actually taking the right side on discussion this divide between democracy let me ask you a final question here should the world last thought about this it appears now the u.s. is actually now just openly invading countries area made in east libya they're taking control of the sweet crude in east east libya and they're just on a imperial conquest and sams is this just another another front in the ongoing empire project empire that america is attempting to finance with a completely. non non respected u.s. dollar expansion hideous one of those classic cases where the hedge their bets to.
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the survival of their dictator of choice and what has happened after a month of allowing could offer to reinforce his is army with sessional mercenaries to bludgeon you. those who dare to stand up to the obvious now are this intervention is too short a two and a half million lead libyans who could never return to living under market coffee well contained kind of like in a concentration camp when eastern libya around benghazi an area that has never really supported in the first place has always been a headache for coffee so i think even the idea of leaving got part is kind of autonomous free zone something like south sudan or something like that would be to do in fact which of could offer you know long run i have no doubts that this is you know how to manage the crisis done quite well they say of the regime to. prove to be
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a very lucrative trading partner for many countries are out states for sure at the same time they they can change their potential refugee problem there's nothing worse for politicians in spain italy and greece to have a bunch of north africans flooding the border i think they've accomplished a lot of. waiting it out until gadhafi was in suburbs of gaza and now they are doing just farcical intervention which will not lead to regime change or lead to basically trading a new divided libya we're going to leave it there a symbol only thanks so much for being on the kaiser report i'm closer by solar. and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert allen thank my guest is doug looney if you want to send an e-mail please do so at kaiser reported r t t v dot ru until next time this is max kaiser
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saying bye to a normal. it .
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