tv [untitled] March 29, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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with r.t. and live from the heart of the storm headlines now the libyan rebels a rapid advance towards the capital is a call to each other back on the outskirts of town and there are reports of heavy bombardment by pro-government forces despite declaring a cease fire. far and heavy weights gather in london to thrash out libya's political future without a doubt the drazen speculation of the aiming at regime change rather than that of protecting civil rights. and russia remembers those thirty eight victims of the
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moscow metro blasts a year ago after two suicide bombers blew themselves up in the morning rush hour president medvedev says all the suspects behind the crimes have been identified and most of them have been in the senate. one hour to talk to an intelligence expert who suggests that russia needs to deploy deep level field work and agents to deal the decisive blow against terrorists. we'll. review the latest science and technology from the realms like. we've got the future covered.
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so we're going to welcome to spotlight the interview show on our t.v. i'm ali not vent today the guest in the studio here is parry. the recent terrorist attack on russia's biggest payoff for the addendum once again brought the problem of suicide bombers into the spotlight at thirty's turning to metal detectors and other high tech devices they believe it will help filter out the terrorists but many say we'd rather we introduce fieldwork and agent it's self what is the right way to guarantee public. agency former director. perry. the israel security agency the counterpart of f.b.i. internal safety issues for the years of its existence it has most of the school so
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well the new suicide bombings are taking place recently in israel of perry head of the service for almost a decade commuting and difficult period of the first intifada major conflict and palestinians and israelis to be rushing to share is valuable experience on how to tackle the terrorism threat. how mr perry and welcome to the show thank you very much thank you for being with us israel has been facing the problem of terrorist attacks of senator obama's for quite a while now and many experts in russia and other parts of the world say there's no way there's no way to tackle to fight eliminate this threat or find this problem is a true and and how how how is your country and sackings when it's not true that you cannot eliminate total i mean you're really not
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very much but because there will always be individuals that will be. satisfied come from engel from revenge from political aspiration etc you know i'm sorry but i once said terror is is the other side of democracy it's it's it's still it's a way for for a minority it's the last chance for them to say something against the charity well it's the last chance used here and why not do it like me but it's not the last because you can see what's going on in our region you can bring a demonstration and change the regime i don't often. the battle for the well let's leave it no law well israel had succeeded to minimize terror by combining by making a package of a very very accurate and folks intelligence. by using very well trained
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men power and by using technical technical technological means like paramount for security and a very sophisticated legal system you have to combine the package of intelligence apparatuses which are collecting by sigint and by human i mean by technical means and by human agents sources you have to go into the roots of terror you have to find what is the source and when you understand it you can tackle it you can fight it better you can minimize it i can give you one example for the last three or four years we are in a very israelis a very good cooperation with the palestinian authority and we have almost zero acts of terror well almost zero is true because as far as i understand there hasn't
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been a single suicide attack in israel for more than three years almost three years now is it because this is because the efficiency of these methods which you've just been talking about or just luck well there is always a bit of luck i must admit but there are three or four reasons and i'll make it very shortly first of all deficiencies of the apparatus secondly the fact that we have closed the gaza strip through the main suicide border moments came from the radical islam from the gaza strip now the hamas can shoot rockets on israel but they hardly can send suicide bombers and so it's a combination of a very good intelligence pre qualification of the of the of the three a close the closure of the gaza strip and then the fact that israel had shown that bill the filmy nation. and. using
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a chemical means by good men can minimize and be a good but while the security measures get tougher and tougher terrorists seem to be able to think ed of those who are fighting them spotlights you know neither has more. almost three thousand people lost their lives in the group can i know of attacks in new york or washington the tragedy clearly spelt out at no place you know is safe enough when it comes to the terrorist threat russia was among the countries where nine eleven and most loudly the peak of terror came in two thousand and four when several disasters for the neuro on the twenty fifth of movers two passenger jets exploded in within minutes of each other in different parts of russia no one survived the two in question were
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painful reminders of nine eleven then just a few days later. killed ten people and left more than any injuries but the nation was given no time to grieve over those victims fully and they the bisla nightmare started this time terrorists targeted the most vulnerable children almost two hundred of them died in what was called by the media who would stare wrist attacks since september eleventh after that the russian security forces have been on their highest alert top security measures were introduced in airports and generally in new public places and after two thousand and four the number of terrorist attacks in russia has a police top every year but statistics give little consolation as people still lose their lives like this year at most airports in the moscow metro and every time a new tragedy happens tougher security measures are introduced but they are.
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exulting is only truth which the terrorists break after they've devised a new atrocity. well i know you will say that the israeli security and special agencies are ready to share their know how their experience but are they ready to share their secrets how this secret stand there that you are not ready to share with anybody including russia as the answer is positive i would say that we are ready to shell secrets but definitely not all of them. let's be true and frank but cooperation between countries and cooperation between russia and israel and israel have learned the hard way how to pickle terrorism is possible and we are ready to support we are ready to advise we are ready to send technological means and israel is really a leading expert country in the area but let's be frank not
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one hundred percent of the secrets it may reach ninety five percent which is a lot which is a lot ok well is it true that many and maybe even most of the suicide bombs the human bombs are triggered by were controlled by the accomplices are they harder to prevent there they are there these kind of suicide bombers from a technological point yes but from intelligence you know most of the year suicide bombers that. prevented by the israeli intelligence where because of a very accurate intelligence and we could stop them before the suicide bottles and other equipment that they want there is a perception that suicide bombers are coming prompt for a poverty from low social level it's not true. born of the
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majority are coming from a hope they think they can change they came in make their point ideology ideology ology which brings me to another comment that any intelligence operatives in any government any leader should go very deeply to the sources of terrorism to the roots of sources and only when you'll understand them you can't you can fight them better is it true speaking about ideology that underground ideology alternative ideology is always stronger and it was always will work better than the official ideology be the religion be the official the official ideology of a country or state when it differs it differs because we are living in you know in very different mentalities the radical islam which promises
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a suicide bomber philthy your six virgins in heaven all this kind of stuff. he's one mentality and this brotherhood. islam in the radical islam in egypt is something else but it's true they're going into the roots of people understanding them and then trying to give a political answer the answer to terrorism is not only technological means not only men powell trend brain power and not only intelligence this is the essential combination but the answer is a political answer because most of the terrorists are coming from political aspirations political motivation revenge trying to change regimes cetera. question after the acts of terrorism they usually the governments and the russian
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government is not an exception start equipping those at the transport the railway stations subways special equipment metal detectors or sort of high tech things they're very costly they spend millions of public money and that and the results it's close to minimum isn't just a concession is it because they have to do something to show that they're doing something when you're asking and giving the answer but do you really but you are i agreed that after the terrorist attack there is a bomb they all kinds of means and all kinds of tools which is a wise. to do the problem is the implementation how to avoid the routine how to use them officially and that needs a very well trained mental a very good intelligence and of course a void in group given what happens is a bomb after it of terror you are putting technological means you are buying you
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millions cetera and day one man who has to operate it rightly i don't. falls asleep. oh he is not not debate that enough holy is not trained didn't use motivated by the other side always look for things which can happen so moral public vernace avoiding routine is essential says perry the former director of the israel security agency spotlight was it back then. it's the secret incursion into the country. the invasion by means of. tradition the language really. this is the best deal copied.
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and culture. to think. that the have the germans are still unaware of what's going on in their minds you're still asking them much. like. the last time the great. fun archie. the official anti allocation. i pod touch from the. on the good. video on demand exceeds my old costs an r.s.s. feeds now with the palm of your. question on the.
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welcome back to spotlight i'm older now and just a reminder that my guest today here in the studio is yaakov peri the former director of the israel security agency we're talking about how to organize the the service how to organize the work to prevent terrorism to make our life safer because what the terrorists are doing as he said they are promising ideological things like thirty six virgins in heaven well not exactly my idea of fun loving thirty six versions of ones anyway. not exactly the way the if i don't. get i would go for me. it would have been an incentive but ok. equipment the equipment they're using said today it has been after the out in terrorist attack in the moscow airport after the president visited the railway station and the like the state of security there they decided to introduce those
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metal detectors in on all transport of all real way stations around the country i think it's a road forty thousand railway stations and each will cost about five million can you imagine the sum of money they can spend and that is there i would ask you is there equipment that can detect all explosives probably no. ninety nine percent yes i will yes including plastic it could be plastic but the investment is huge so you have to prioritize. you have to approach probably stations or turtle territory the tell me more sensitive and to the less to do it is the whole it's a budgetary the then i don't think that it's efficient enough a terrorist expert is an expert in prioritizing sense it's sensitive
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places one place has to get this kind of equipment the other one less and maybe the other with a third one shouldn't get anything just guards because nobody would want to blow it up yeah so you have to prioritize because terrorists have their priorities to exactly and they're asking the searching for al. empty belly and you have to try sunset exactly and you have to analyze you have to invest in good allies of research in the intelligence apparatus and then when you are prioritizing you are minimizing still good or bad you should understand where we're talking about people and of course for many people today if the president says we want security for some people it's more fun it's even better than thirty
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six versions to get the funding when the war cost a hundred forty and equip all the stations with metal detectors by these detectors problem i mean. how would that do ocracy works all around the world still still for it's very important the president says because the lives of a leader is. a leader has to be determined he has to say we are determined we are going to fight terrorism it helps it helps and to blame is the one thing and to do it another thing the israelis really airport the ben-gurion ok. world is called example every year for its security so i have been there i didn't find anything special any special cues any special line well maybe it's a bit slower than heathrow but nothing really special so what's what's the tricks with all due respect this is really good all of the good of the state this is this
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is the secret i mean there are a issues that you can see and feel and there are issues that unseen but let me state one very important statement intelligence and security and technology is not helmick we are not talking about mathematics we are talking about human resources we are talking about technology we are quite a safe port but if a suicide bomber wants to blow himself outside the airport even in this sport or another he may succeed let's face it i want to share one of your secrets concerning bin korean with that without years right now because when i came when i came to the circuit and saw how it was organized and i asked people where is it where is all the equipment they say as you said it's not the equipment but if you wanted to blow up the airport they would have known about it before you
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arrived so. you were talking about intelligence we are talking of getting the impression from the us and we are talking about slowly checking the cargo we are talking about a safe aviation and we really made an airport which is an example exam proof not only inside the building the perimeter security the fences the checking where you are going in through even with the impression of the young students ladies and boys and asking you questions if you would be. who helped you to pack it slows a little bit the process and sometimes people are complaining but it's better to complain and to be safe then not to complain and to be held this when they blew up demanded of the airports yes we we saw this picture here on screen couple minutes
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ago the government they blame the police the police that patrolled the terminal was it fair to blame the who would you blame if something like that happened just from your when you bring the patrol patrol no i wouldn't blame anyone and i'll tell you way first of all the maybe that's something i should be responsible i mean this is the russian way nobody's responsible just happened you will know this is wrong that's what they're trying to tell you for sure there's a responsible guy who could do better there is no doubt but i think we shouldn't go on blaming we should look on the present and the future how can we do it better with whom we can do better and maybe the mental and is doing good today is not trained enough is not motivated enough is not paid enough i don't know there are several reasons but to go only on blaming we
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only encouraged reason and not stokes a reason. putting new means putting a new mental. focus in your intelligence bringing the legal system to be much more sophisticated to reassure me meister. i also continue trying to trying to please try to get secrecy around you're a person you said that this underground this this terrorist underground it's based in ideology and someone so it should be pretty hard for an agent to go undercover to infiltrate this this community. is the only money there's money open all the doors all else not as easy as no no no money helps well i would say there's always a. result money it's almost impossible to but it's not only money you have to find in the. potential agent what is his motivation
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sometimes it's a personal motivation sometimes he wants to immigrate sometimes his wife has a medical problem and you can help sometimes that are motivation that our markets wall important that money so a combination of money finding the motivation training the aging and has to be rave enough then in a way to believe they're preventing terrorist action is for the benefit of the insights a combination of this all makes a good agent gives you a good intelligence you have to build a very very sophisticated line of communication with the agent unseen uncovered and israel has done miracles with recruiting agents that brought us
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from testing intelligence listen you mentioned a very important. good thing that thing public awareness but russians unlike the swiss you know the swiss they're legendary they're not used to reporting on each other they're not used to spying on their neighbors they would say this this is not the right thing to do i mean this is bad so if we try right now to urge the russians to report and to watch their neighbors closely and report it well maybe they're terrorists would say this will make russians even more anti-semitic that you are not on the right way really because i wrote asking for the russian citizen to report to both his nato different culture but what. if his neighbor is a member of a terrorist cell i would expect from him as a. citizen to report and i would recruit him with agent but i'm not calling to report or to become
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a country of one who watches like we had seen in countries in the down years not not long did not know lot not long ago we are focusing on terrorist groups we are focusing on individuals that we know that they planned or they might claim an act of terror or an act of violence we are not going to spy on the whole population israel is not against nations israel is not against the slummy religion israel is not against iranian people israel wants to eliminate those individuals who are planning doing exit exam q think acts of terror so let's not do it the swiss problem because even in three salons i am sure if there was a terrorist excel you could find this with agent who could tell you i will
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penetrate to dissent in order to prevent acts of terror. and the last very sure question a personal question for me we have discussed this among in our community in russia should surely help special special agencies where every very much so i'll tell you how they say we should just report we shouldn't be engaged in i mean elise said to be neutral is very. very popular e pull our if you shouldn't be i thought think the three journalists to be agents but if a journalist knows or has an information i think it is villian duty. to report it to the rightful tory thank you thank you very much i kind of fully agree with you but thanks for being with us and sharing your views and just a reminder that my years on the show was perry the former director of the israel security agency and that said for today spotlights will be back with more friends
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