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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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teeth come. in them. the libyan rebels rapid advance towards the capital is related with reports that gadhafi forces are using heavy shelling destroy declaring a ceasefire. while here in the capital city supplies are running no excuse for food fuel and medicine see grow as people become more and more desperate. for an heavyweights meet in london trash child libya's next chapter but no one's invited from either the libyan government or the rebels even though it's their future at stake. and russia remembers the thirty eight people killed in the moscow metro blast a year ago when two suicide bombers blew themselves up during the morning rush hour
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. and a high price for investing in georgia a business renews millions await a court's verdict on wednesday parts he insists the trumped up bribery charges are so pretty she can avoid paying up. and says r.t. come july from the russian capital where it's now nine pm and seven pm in libya where after their rapid advance libyan rebels are now being pushed further back from the outskirts of colonel gadhafi time town there are reports of a heavy bombardment and gunfire being used by pro prominent forces despite claims of a ceasefire when it's get more now from. the force in the middle of tripoli paula we're getting reports that the shelling from international forces has restarted what can you tell us from where you are. all of us all seem to stay with we now explosions
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here in the capital city of tripoli i was actually indoors when it happened and i can tell you that we have windows of the building visibly so this is the tenth straight day that took me has been the target of current. and there's fights and as i'm speaking to you hearing a few gunshots just coming to my right now it's not only tripoli but also the city of misrata that has been hit increasingly so by these coalition planes this also is the last rebel held stronghold in the voice of libya but the latest report suggests that the rebels are fast losing ground it's very difficult as foreign journalists to ascertain exactly what's happening in this water because the fighting there has been going on for almost a month and we have simply been unable to insert the downtown area of the city the doctors they tell us that it is already days that the hospital ran out of medical supplies that they have been forced to turn patients away that governments markers are standing on the roofs of buildings and literally shooting at anything that
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needs and that some of the government tanks that are shelling actually shelling into residential areas now a lot of this is happening on the one hand there's this war all dollars and ammunition there is another war that's taking place parallel to it and this is the war of propaganda it is interesting that the pentagon has been giving almost daily accounts in terms of its operations here in libya but only now has it made mention of its propaganda planes and these are essentially planes that fly over in battle towns and cities they drop leaflets and they broadcast messages urging people to stop supporting gadhafi to lay down arms and to return home. what it's been buries of brains and losses on both sides and as you say it's very difficult to know what really is happening there is there any indication of anything actually destroyed on the horizon. it doesn't really seem to be anything decisive on the horizon serving off now in terms of the front line which keeps shifting just forty eight hours ago
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it certainly looked as if the rebels were making a quick evonne so ultimately here on the capital city of tripoli not only have they been stopped at the duffy stronghold of sirte but they have not actually been pushed back and the latest word we have is that they are in the town of the binge a lot but even those kind of reports keep changing if you always with some of course suggesting that they've actually been pushed even further back to ruslan north and gregor the problem with the rebels is that they simply did not have enough weapons not only that but the weapons they do have are insufficient and old and this is why we hear rebels calling to the international community to number one stick up their stripes and number to supply them with more weapons their own rumors that they are receiving reinforcements of these weapons from the egyptian border we are also hearing that as his office forces the treat and as they run away in face of impending is strikes they leave a lot of weapons and ammunition behind that the rebels are then able to take and use themselves but certainly the attention particularly among opposition leaders today is on this conference that is happening in london and they very much
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a hoping that they will be a willingness expressed by the international community to continue to be involved in the conflict here because certainly without that international involvement the rebels really do not stand a chance of ever reaching tripoli paula thanks very much indeed for that update live from tripoli ati's paula say that both foreign ministers and statesmen from over thirty five countries have been meeting in london to outline libya's political future let's get more from across the emirates she's following the meeting that in london laura tell us what has come out of this meeting today. well at the end of the meeting we saw a media briefing given by the u.k. foreign minister william hague and also by the prime minister of cats are and they pointed to the formation of what they're calling a contact group as their main achievement of the day it's going to lead the international effort to support libya they say and they've set up
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a date for the first meeting of that contact group which will take place in qatar under the auspices of the government there they also talked a lot about the un resolution they literally they must have said the un the un resolution one hundred seventy three about twenty times during this media briefing they said that they were interested in the full and swift implementation of the un resolution preserving the integrity of libya and they talked also about pursuing measures against members of the regime which is a clear pointer to the fact that the international community has agreed that it's necessary to targets gadhafi directly they reiterated that nato would take charge of that happening on wednesday nato will then lead the effort in libya and they said that they would continue this effort until it's done essentially until gadhafi is gone and until they can they can create some sort of stability in libya they
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reiterated the fact that libyans must choose their own government but also said that gadhafi has lost any legitimacy that he ever has and also importantly qatar is going to help with the effort to sell libyan oil in order to provide money for the humanitarian aid that's going to be there is going to be needed but essentially what's happened is that they have said very very loudly and often we are sticking to this u.n. resolution it's what's keeping us going and this is an international effort not just the u.k. the u.s. and france almost i have to say to the point of protesting too much over and over again. those seem to be their key messages drumming up international support and saying that no matter how liberal our interpretation of the un resolution might be we are sticking to its ultimately will or plenty of people meeting there in london today but without anyone interesting enough from libya itself i mean do we know what the reaction there is to all of this. well we haven't seen it's true anybody
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from libya at this meeting itself but what we did see this morning was members of the rebel opposition who were calling themselves the international the interim transitional national council they met with william hague and with hillary clinton also with the foreign ministers of germany and france have been informing the process but it's true they weren't invited to the meeting and u.k. prime minister david cameron says that's because they don't recognize them as the government of libya obviously the government is still colonel gadhafi is governments they've released a document called the vision of a democratic libya in which they again said that it's up to the libyan people to determine its own future the task of liberating libya is for the libyan people they also had two points that they said were entirely non-negotiable the first one that was that was that they would keep libya united with tripoli as its capital and the second was that they demanded that he and his sons and his aides underwent some
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sort of justice in the international courts that might prove quite decisive because it seems that the countries haven't been able to agree on whether so awfully awfully good at least on kind of deal in exchange for stepping down immunity against prosecution or life in exile or whether to proceed as you can through the international courts that could by the libyan rebels and the international community will have to see all through the very known of his government invited obviously gadhafi himself not invited he sent a letter to me saying a letter saying that they should stop what he's calling their barbaric offensive and comparing the air strikes to hitler's military offensives the second world war laura thanks very much indeed for that. lloyd's there in london. well dr tommy from the institute of islamic political thought says that although libyan rebel representatives held fringe talks that had london still disagreement
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between those deciding their future some of the members of this international coalition. have already discounted gadhafi and his regime and recognized the leaders of the rebels as the legitimate representatives of the levy and people now remember that this started with a very limited mandate to impose a no fly zone and then very quickly progressed into bombardment of the gadhafi forces in order to tilt the balance in favor of the rebels or the revolutionaries and now there is talk about removing gadhafi altogether and this is not something that everybody agrees on or everybody has a clear vision as to how it could proceed and i think one of the signs of the lack of consensus is the fact there representatives of the rebels although they are in london have not been invited to the meeting and that just shows that there is no
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agreement. of them all to even deal with them. moving to new developments in syria now where the president spoke septa and his cabinet resignation the move comes amid weeks of violent crackdowns on demonstrations calling for liberty reforms and despite a massive pro president rally on tuesday a new government is expected to be in place on wednesday as well as the lifting of a controversial state of emergency has been the fact of nearly fifty years has been eleven days of college in the country of more than one hundred fifty people well the president brains foreign sources locals claim government troops are behind the lethal violence. all the way artie's correspondents are getting updated around the clock from around the troubled region that bring you what they are seeing firsthand through twitter stream and also facebook page and for video reports from where the stories unfolding you can head for you tube channel.
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it's. this is r t live in the russian capital where there's a markedly somber atmosphere on moscow's metro this tuesday a year after it was rocked by two terence erik's thirty eight commuters were killed and many others injured when two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in two stations during the morning rush hour where peter all of a now reports from outside one of them. it's a busy average tuesday across the metro system but a very somber atmosphere here at park metro station where i am also at lubyanka in
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the center of the city we've seen many people turning up with flowers to pay their respects to those who died in these two suicide blasts as well as remembering those who were injured in these attacks as well now and save many people to stop pushing a. makeshift memorial there on the platforms no i said a very busy day on the metro one thing that has come from this is it hasn't stopped people from using the metro system and still saying that they won't let the terrorists win and won't stop them from using that they're getting on with their day to day lives now my colleague but the question of a spoke to some of those who were caught up in the blast a year ago it started off as just an ordinary monday morning for me three get through he like many others had a certain string in his step knowing the harshness cool winter was a little but little did he realize the nightmare he would be thrown into just
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a few minutes later suddenly there was a very horrible sound as if something huge had formed. and i was. small. people were shouting and rushing to. meet me had her it was the start of the worst terrorist attack in the russian capital in six years just before eight am defers to two explosions hit the moscow subway killing twenty four people at the crowded lubanga station which lies beneath it had quarters of the federal security service forty minutes later the terror trail moved south targeting a station at a crucial city intersection killing twelve moved. east last year finally the basic. eight thirty eight right in the middle of the rush hour it's trot out the back of the train asked can you please try to get on board it was
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dark there was no light and i just thought he was bored is that whatever remained of them some of them were stretched on the floor near the metal train and the site was horrible it was. just before your eyes it was nothing to save them eight million commuters every day moscow subways one of the busiest in the world that's made it a terrorist target in the past and on this stage a year ago in wants to be a target once again a twenty year old student leader so the horrors for herself the truth uses to live in fear shooting sometimes i feel something like this i think about this but in general i think that we have safe safety now. a year ago tires brought moscow to a standstill bringing horo to our reading life but if they wanted to destroy people's spirits those goal was certainly know what it shift says alive go zone and
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while a terror threat to millions both in moscow and across the globe remains it's something people have long to live with my question also moscow will in january moscow again was the target for suicide bombers this time it was a drama geode of the airports the blasts there killing many and leaving many many more injured now this prompted president medvedev to order a view of how russia defended itself against terrorist attacks and put in place many new systems to make sure that terrorists couldn't strike at the capital again and yet every day to day to day lives you will be seeing more police around on the metro system as well as on other transport networks across russia but there's also a wider larger scale antiterrorist operation ongoing there. been ongoing for a long time now in the north caucuses where russian security forces fighting against funding against terrorists groups there know both the moscow metro bombing
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a year ago and the suicide attack on don't as yet comedy out of the airport were both claimed by the same man rushes number one most wanted terrorist model for now the most recent. operation was the the largest in recent memory now that left seventeen gunman dead. now among them it was reported that doku a model for may have been killed though it's must be reiterated that these are unconfirmed reports that we cannot confirm a model was among those killed but it has been suggested that he may have been amongst those who resisted arrest by russian security forces and into shape here and were killed. president dimitri medvedev has been very strong in his words about what he what he saying to those people who have been involved in organizing terrorist attacks in russia and those who resist arrest saying that they will face
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the strongest possible penalties. we've identified all the suspects behind this most horrible of crimes which most of them were eliminated during special operations this is a just punishment the fact that we've managed to get these villains is good i think that we worked well in cooperation with different parts of the government we've been able to bring that up seriously. as moscow remembers those who were killed and injured in suicide bombings on the metro system a year ago president dmitri medvedev those who are responsible to justice and any means possible. well that was our tease peter all of the reporting from outside one of the metro stations here in moscow hit by a deadly terror attack exactly a year ago. japan's describing the situation at the fukushima nuclear station as very grade plutonium has been detected in soil near the plant after highly radioactive water leaked from one of the reactance the government says it's on
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maximum alert to tackle the crisis it's also considering whether to extend the evacuation zone around the plant which is now a thirty kilometer radius the battle to restore the cooling system has been underway for almost three weeks but with little progress ever since the reactors were damaged by the earthquake traces of radiation were found in some products and tap water as far as tokyo which is two hundred fifty kilometers south of the shame because we're still struggling to look after communities shattered by the earthquake and tsunami disaster really quarter of a million people are still living in shelters just remind you all to dot com is more in japan as it struggles to recover from disaster with online video reports from the moment tragedy struck and its aftermath. with the bodies of thousands of victims relatives are being forced to lay their loved ones to rest in mass graves party reports from the tsunami devastated region also there on the web sites. are warning of water karmas earthquake experts say the seismic pacific
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ring of fire could lead to further destruction in the region. and it's really investor who put his money in georgia is experiencing a dramatic change of fortune instead of a massive payout he's been arrested for bribery says over one hundred million dollars by the government for pulling out of appeal but when he went to collect the cash he was seized and told he faced corruption charges and he said now explores why investment in georgia is a risky business. you might not know exactly where this small caucus country years georgia but the crossroads of europe and asia are chances are if you watch major global news networks you've seen investing in georgia ads. you. not have magnets are investing huge or just capital because getting a trump tower of its own businessmen should be we're getting trapped beneath
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your spend millions trying to get the world to know it on a mission to cut corruption but why that is wrong you folks and it's really business men who torture owes almost four hundred million dollars been sitting in jail for almost six months with a nobel in march trying to turn ronnie foods one are ninety eight million dollar payout from the georgian government for breached agreement on construction of an oil pipeline no payment was made instead he was arrested only motive was to avoid paying hundred dollars when they were instructed by international arbitration process was conducted on the world bank. similes he is alleged to have set up a scheme arresting food from bribery charges after morning him on a visit to georgia i was struck they've been going to stand what was happening i thought that if they're going to. think for days before it. would be better
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but then. i have to look behind the. good start was a trip to georgia and a fifteen year dispute with an official invitation from the country's prime minister turned out to be a one way ticket to prison there was in fact a. cooperation a collaboration between four important ministries of the government and probably with the approval of the president of the ministry of finance the ministry of justice the ministry of the interior and the prime minister's office all of which came together with the plan to entrap romney feels after the businessman was arrested what could be called a ransom was put on the table cukes was that informed through diplomatic channels that he would not be released until the arbitration award was waived georgian human rights activist blame a broken system that is cracked at the very top but this is actual suckers really
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does not want an independent court system the prosecutor's office dominates the law and the police are the main power and political pressure instrument in the country is to get this is something food says us lawyers are more than aware of the odds of his succeeding in georgia are very very slim western point zero one percent so it's a good it's a good warning to businessmen who are thinking of investing in georgia that they should think twice and that they should be aware making their legal battle not about winning but warning others not to tango with tbilisi and he's now way r.t. must come. dimitris here with business news in just a moment but first let's have a look at some of the other international stories gunman he sees the government building in northern iraq executed fifteen hostages before blowing themselves up to remake the scene the men who were dressed in police uniform stormed the building after a suicide bomb a breakthrough official said total of thirty eight people were killed in tact and
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more than sixty five others injured. the u.s. army has apologized for the disturbing images which show soldiers posing with dead afghan civilians the troops from a supposed kill squad that targeted civilians and were published in rolling stone magazine which also posted videos allegedly showing u.s. attacks on afghans and soldiers already pleaded guilty to murder other war crimes hearings will also take place in the u.s. . ivory coast forces loyal to the internationally recognized president say they have taken control of several major cities become president laurent gbagbo refuses to quit despite the widespread consensus that he last november's election in the church compound up to thirteen thousand the trapped inside is more civilians get caught in the violent crossfire after a million people have fled their homes fearing a widespread civil war. well in a few minutes from now we'll be exploring a fortress church and a wartime resistance headquarters that you'll find hard to spot that's because
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they're buried deep underground that's our special report coming shortly but first let's take a look at what's happening in the business world with the trip. hello and welcome to business outside the russian british article expiration deal hangs in the balance as contracting parties b.p. rocephin propecia beth let out of course the stock an arbitration tribe you know will hold a hearing on the case next week on things concerning the question as more the president believes that his views will not approx investment climate in russia and hopes that politics will come to a solution when asked what kind of advice the crown in the key of russia's
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presidential a duck i did mark which so don't choose state that this solution should be mutually beneficial for both sides in the first place gatorland gas giants b.p. and roll snout agreed upon the joint exploration of the arctic shoal fandor share swap and one of the biggest tie ups ever of issue in russian and the western company but the deal was suspended after a court ruling i should group of russian and busters of tain ca b.p. filed a lawsuit they complained that it breached become positive news of the russian shuffle just and that they were unaware of this one joint venture for most of this is control both their who seek to push the movie off the venture and the shares will we be peed believes the deal is good for russia we also know that prime minister vladimir putin lauded the allies well b.p. says it will apply to proceeds with the shares more on his own without the exploration however its shareholders are concerned that to these assets will close
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without the right to develop the world it was a symbiotic may not make sense for the british will try the ruling by stockholm cause there's obviously a setback for the company's efforts to explode one of the world's largest on top tropes and this agreement with ross now was part of a major strategy to revive the u.k. producer after last year's gulf of mexico oil spill. to the markets where u.s. stocks and. they don't choose their use by the klein in consumer confidence this was pretty much expected that turns up half of the sensors nasdaq european stocks are lower led by bank shares and commerce bank fell four point four percent in frankfurt as fanservice speculate that maybe looking to raise capital b.p. added pressure on the front seat to the downside after a broker downgrade book soon and the dax ended next with the half a cent in positive territory in russia there was a quite a significant correction osseous mice extending down one point three percent stake
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a look at some of the the big jewel stocks energy majors were trading in the red will snap shedding to half a cent luke or one point eight percent towards burbank was actually very better than the market asterism ause that it's placement will start and if the stock. market is dominated by profit taking and which is not surprising we are seen as a small price correction it's very very small nevertheless it gives investors a good spears to take some profits from their oil and gas sector names mostly you are seeing oil and gas majors dahlan by between chewing to a half percent on the day to day which is again quieter logical and explainable given the run up that they have had all of the past three weeks bill is next with the headlines they say about.
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fifty. fifty five.


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