tv [untitled] March 29, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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clearly doesn't sound like a ceasefire so as that is being ignored the battle lines are being drawn and redrawn in libya we'll have a report from the ground in tripoli. uncle of the risks and costs of military action we are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world's many years still it seems sometimes we will someone also president obama tells the us about libya and could there be more in the future. and the rosenberg trial it's been sixty years since julius and ethel rosenberg were convicted of espionage but
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the jury's still out on what they've done for humankind. it's tuesday march twenty ninth eight pm in washington d.c. and christine for is out there watching our team let's start with libya this evening where after a rapid advance rebels there are now being pushed further back from the outskirts of colonel gadhafi his hometown there are reports of a heavy bombardment and gunfire being used by pro-government forces despite claims that there's a cease fire in place are just holes there are reports from tripoli. let's often choose day with we now explosions here in the capital city of tripoli i was actually indoors when it happened and i continue that we have windows of the building visibly so this is the tenth straight day that tripoli has been the target of coalition airstrikes and as i'm speaking to you hearing
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a few gunshots just coming to my right now it's not only tripoli but also the city of misrata that has been hit increasingly so by these corelation planes this also is the last rebel held stronghold in the waste of libya but the latest reports interests of the rebels off fast losing ground it's very difficult as foreign journalists to ascertain exactly what's happening in misrata because the fighting there has been going on for almost a month and we have simply been unable to enter the downtown area of the city the doctors they tell us that it is already days that the hospital ran out of medical supplies but they have been forced to turn patients away that governments might because all standing on the roofs of buildings and literally shooting at anything that needs and then some of the government times that all shelling actually shelling into residential areas now a lot of this is happening on the one hand there's this war on all ends and ammunition there is another war that's taking place parallel to it and this is the rule of propaganda it is interesting about the pentagon has been giving almost
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daily accounts in terms of its operations here in libya but only now has it made mention of its propaganda planes and these are essentially planes that fly over in battle towns and cities they drop leaflets and they go across messages urging people to stop supporting gadhafi to lay down arms and to return home it doesn't really seem to be anything decisive on the horizon serving off now in terms of the front line which keeps shifting just forty eight always a good certainly looked as if the rebels were making a quick at vons ultimately here on the capital city of tripoli not only happy being stopped at gadhafi stronghold of sirte but they're not actually being pushed back and the latest word we have is that they are in the town of bin jawad but even those kind of reports. keep changing if you see lalas with some reports suggesting that they've actually been pushed even further than to rust and rigor the problem with the rebels is that they simply did not have enough weapons not only that but that with britain they do have are insufficient and although this is why we hear rebels calling to the international community to number one to stick with us
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strikes the number to supply them with more with iran said they are the ceding the enforcement of these weapons from the egyptian border we're also hearing that as gadhafi forces would cheat and as they run away in face of impending is tried they leave a lot of weapons and ammunition behind that the rebels of unable to take and use themselves but certainly the opposition leaders very much a hoping that they will be a willingness spruced other international community to continue to be involved in the conflict here because certainly without that international involvement the rebels really do not stand a chance of ever reaching tripoli. and you know there is increasing pressure from lawmakers in washington as well as the american public for president obama to be more specific in the strategy for libya there's also increasing cost and a debate with many layers about whether the u.s. should have gone in in the first place so let's go now to austin texas to speak now to radio host alex jones all right alex day eleven and tallies have the cast just
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part about five hundred fifty million dollars and there are indeed people who say the americans nato because they've my family what do you say about this. well i mean this is classic propaganda when the united nations is going along with the blustering that happened in rwanda back in the early ninety's you know nobody cared when saddam hussein was a us puppet and virtually repressed his people and used us nerve gas on the kurds it was a great act of patriotism when al qaida was used to start the war with the serbs in kosovo they were the great allies of freedom and then of course when they were busy using al qaida the mujahideen to start a war with russia that was a great activity liberty and freedom and now mcclatchy newspapers even reporting that the head commander of the rebels in the east of libya was trained for
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decades in virginia and is cia and is now commanding the al qaeda forces and i'm in a fox news headline and we're all a lockie now number one an al qaida under bin laden secretly meets at the pentagon and has dinner with the secretary of the army i mean that's fox news associated press alcott it was created by the cia and there are a few low level terrorists that operate on their own but at the top they use al qaeda to attack the us they can take our liberties and we have this new u.n. mandate where they order the president and other presidents and prime ministers with a resolution to start bombing libya and obama didn't even go and consult congress which is a lot a declaration of war authorization of force so this is all part of globalism here and there is al qaida or gallant little ally and i know that american because i don't support al qaeda i don't support am around the lobby running the attack at
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fort hood medley or the christmas day bombing the underwear bomber the shoe bomber the times square bomber i think al he's got a lot of interesting point there it's pretty interesting when we think back colonel gadhafi is always saying that one of his goals is that he's fighting the taliban line. and that it is interesting when the u.s. goes in and fights against gadhafi inevitably there's going to be some sharing of sides and sharing of duties with people who might have otherwise been our enemies you also brought up the fact that you know the u.s. sometimes goes in places and sometimes doesn't a lot of people have been making this criticism last night alex we heard from president obama making the case for libya he was defending his decision the president also responded to these criticisms of people who've argued that there are many places in the world sudan yemen bahrain we're innocent civilians are threatened by brutal dictators if we go into libya should we go there as well here's what he said it's true that america cannot use our military were ever repression for given the costs and risks of intervention we must always measure our
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interests against the need for action but cannot be an argument for never acting on behalf of what's right. i said what do you think i think you know you thank the u.s. should never act on this is ridiculous it's come out the british special forces u.s. special forces were there before this began just like in egypt they fly elbereth in and glitter both of the liberation graves are headed up by western funded people in egypt well barak says he won't stand down when the u.s. ordered him to and then magically he has a stroke and it's never seen again that's one of their former dictators like saddam . propped up i mean this is ridiculous the last is setting a precedent through the un that they can fund rebels to start wars against regimes not favorable to the globalist system and then the west will come in and bombard
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them we've now seen senator lieberman and others calling for no fly zone and kinetic military action which means bombing the new or well we can turn against syria and this is about africa for later moving into sudan later moving into somalia later moving into the entire continent of africa this is part of the full spectrum dominance and this is the beginning of a new front and i'm that unit hitler would have been smart like the people that run our country and if you would have hired rebels and trained them in berlin just like the head of the rebels was training virginia and then you go get the weapons and you bring outside and out of the ally saudi arabia and then they start attacking and shooting and killing and have their own jets and tanks and they're all protestors and then another older line dictator who quite frankly is as bad as al qaeda he stands up to him and so then you go in and bombard him and so you can't call it a war it's kinetic military action they've got
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a rank order except british marine ships and they're saying this won't be easy and it's a humanitarian force well i think to do i i think allies it's an interesting point you bring up the fact that we're going into this country and a lot of americans out of. you know members of the u.s. government even people with expertise in this area don't exactly know who the rebels are and i want to play this for you this is a sound bite from senator rand paul rand paul excuse me. about what he has to say about this in audio response. the problem with sending u.s. military to help rebels in libya or anywhere else is that we are taking sides in a conflict and on behalf of the people whom we know nothing about. when or if there is regime change in libya what kind of leadership exactly will replace good afy who are of the libyan rebels exactly. who are the libyan rebels exactly i know that you've spoken about senator rand paul on your show before what do you think do you
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think you got a point. well he's absolutely right look geopolitically if you break down what's even buried the mainstream press admitted there are a lot of angry people who don't like the forty two year rule of gadhafi and they have beach but the u.s. and nato got the ball rolling on record by inserting rebel commanders to command hardcore sunni radicals who want to overthrow secular arab and north african country so it is just qaida they started the ball rolling just like they started the attacks on serbia the attacks on russia's underbelly in one nine hundred seventy nine percent he brags about this so yes there were some real people who didn't want using the barak in egypt and some real people who were independent a lot of different groups that didn't like a zombie i don't like duffy i mean i mean i don't like tyrants but the fact is this has nothing to do with humanitarianism it's about a beachhead in africa destabilizing the middle east and the secret army brigade all
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the al-qaeda the sort of the new world order is being used yet again they use them against america to take our liberties but use them against russia to suck russia into a war to bleed on they use our asked alex let me get in here relpax we're running out of time and i've got i have you here so i really want to ask you this certainly over the last few months especially in light of your friendship with charlie sheen been getting the needy attention several magazines have done profiles on you from rolling stone to this one in new york magazine this article says a strange man is following you shouting about nine control assassin nine eleven conspiracy and the builder of our group radio host alex jones has cornered the bipartisan paranoia market and alex kind of a frightening photo there. you called strange a conspiracy there is then more your reaction i mean do you think they captured the essence of alex in this article no it's a complete. you know soft more
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a classical cliche peach and i even gave them the photo they wanted i said let me show the new world order by war and i'm one hundred percent but to be clear new york magazine had already been here to interview me before the charlie sheen did show a good moment stone it's just that they've been grafted a little bit of that into the story charlie's my friend he got back on drugs i went out there to try to help him you know stay clean schober and i had him on my show to talk about how it was job or and then he kind of went off the rails because he was angry at his bosses at warner brothers and c.b.s. that day and that was not where i intended that to go but frankly at some respects it it kind of overshadowed some of my mother other important work that we do and i first interviewed charlie sheen and i almost had a good radio show as he contacted me and wanted to talk about nine eleven pretty i think alex it's a good thing though they you're getting a lot of you know press out there as they say no press is bad press and certainly your message is getting out there alex jones radio host alex jones. with our
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earlier in the show our own policy clear on the ground in tripoli and hundreds of journalists remain to cover the day to day events there is help the rest of the world get a grasp on what's going on keith olbermann is now is a veteran war correspondent joining us from williamsburg massachusetts hey there you know i'm wondering if your take on this as you've been watching the coverage of libya certainly we've been getting some mixed messages from the ground rebels have taken over sirte and they're being pushed back with some intelligence do you think journalists in libya are facing. well first of all if you're operating with the rebels you're either side you're operating with you're an embedded reporter you're an embed it works we're talking for work journalists and being embedded means you can only cover one side of the conflict honestly or else you're going to be shot quite frankly the u.s. military would not allow anyone to operate is going to tell the story of u.s. military bombings of hospitals for example that happened in libya. innocent civilians as soon as they do that's the end of their intended relationship with
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u.s. military other journalists who work in an enemy in war zones like iraq or afghanistan have been targeted and eliminated by coalition forces meaning western forces meaning nido united states britain and cetera because they've been reporting more honesty about what happens so it's impossible to be an independent journalist to some degree it's just it's really an information propaganda war serving a very imperious to gender at this point i want to talk to you i know that you've done a lot of reporting and africa from what i understand but you know we're reporting and reporting in tough regions there can be a lot of similarities i'm wondering your thoughts on exactly what's going on in libya in terms of the challenges that these reporters are facing i mean you talked about some of them you know being in that in the challenges reporting fairly but what about you know other steps the safety and other things that they they deal with. well i worked in afghanistan the congo uganda and you can go be as a reporter each of which were conflict zones of its own i mean if you're going to
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afghanistan is well known in the congo it's going to be more dangerous you're faced with you know if you trip the problem is most many journalists out there are not not honest they're not going to tell the truth if you tell the truth you've got to consider who you're working with and how that's going to going to play out it becomes very difficult to present an honest picture of the events you have to be able to pay for protection or work with somebody to protect you so i mean you have to be in the united states military or with the rebels as i said otherwise you know you potentially face the possibility of being shot or exploded by one of these u.s. tomahawk attacks for example because they're indiscriminately killing this is not a targeted well well. well targeted attacks these are industry minute killings of civilians and military targets military installations as well as hospital six ceterus of journalists face that you know that probably playability i think that that's a good quietly if you bring up i mean it is extremely difficult and if we just look around what's going on the world right now there's a lot that needs to be covered and i think you make
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a good point that in order to cover it fairly you need to be independent however it's nearly impossible to be independent in a region where it's just too dangerous so what's the answer here how do we get a fair assessment about exactly what's really going on but the same thing with anything else we have to remove the money from the politics remove the money from your reporting and remove the money from the government and reason the government the officials in the united states government allowing this to happen this and this very minute killing of people in afghanistan iraq congo ethiopia what are you for example is because the money that has bought them off from the tens industries which are profiting from this or from the other corporations that are going to make money on it whether it's coca-cola whose interest in sudan or for a significant or whatever the same thing with journalists journalists are there with a paycheck where there was support from some institution under the new york times or. national. radio or whoever and you get some sort of level of support and most journals can operate without it because if you don't have any money you don't have any support how can you do this work you know basic bottom line it's
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a financial financial aspect which then determines censorship and the private profit motive just keeping with the specifically dealing with libya we just had congressman kasich on here we heard from senator rand paul a lot of questions about exactly who the rebels are this is a group of people that the u.s. has gone in to work with to protect they're fighting for democracy but they're starting to be questions raised about who they are and if they'll stay loyal to the u.s. then nato forces any insight into that in terms of how that's been covered from the ground. but if the rebels comprised four significant components of the rebel so-called rebel and take it out the movement in libya and now would be the popular uprising component there's definitely a popular uprising people disaffected by four years of dictatorship and seen get out the rule serving american interests for example since two thousand and four or serving british interests for longer than that in corporate interest and nothing coming back to the country so there's a popular component then there's
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a cia back component some of these rebels the national front for the salvation of libya these guys were originally working with the cia in sudan and in early one nine hundred eighty s. against other factions of the united states was fighting against at the time and now they show up in libya they had meetings in washington in the last two years and they had meetings in london before these events unfolded on the twentieth of february and there's an islamic fundamentalist component which seems to be these islamic radicalism radicals who have some association with britain and the united states and israel prior to february twentieth two thousand and eleven and that means they've been used by the u.s. and its agents to serve interests in different places such as in afghanistan prior to the u.s. invasion meaning with the taliban so this is the islamic fundamentalists so there's a national component is one of the islamic fundamentalists and then you've got some gift disaffected. military from could could have easily shimon selves it would be
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again part of the disaffected popular uprising component but the question is where do they get their back it certainly some interesting points made and a good time to talk about it as we reach are they alive and in libya now that's one worker responding thanks so much and it's not just the coverage of the conflict there are also mounting criticisms of the strategy itself some call president obama's decision to get involved in libya hypocrisy asking if libya why not examine or bahrain or sudan but others they can now put a little closer to home to countries on our own borders where there are plenty of in. since civilians being massacred countries like say mexico earlier i spoke to enrique morones founder of the border angels here's part of our conversation here right on the border between san diego and tijuana mexico the state's. fifty thousand people slaughtered innocent people that are simply trying to cross the border for a better life they have no legal way of to be there and they would be to be
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slaughtered in essence to be slaughtered president obama said the words of the world community the words will be hollow if you don't seek action that we need to do things for humanity rights how about right here how about what to do people dying every day how about the fact that these people are being slaughtered the. front door president obama needs to step up and practice with the beaches not only the middle east where there's oil for right here on our front door when we have a little different here because you know in this situation we have evil dictator moammar gadhafi willing to you know he said he's willing to go in and slaughter his own people i know you're not saying that mexico's. calderon is an evil dictator i think you're talking more about what's going on with the drug cartels is that a fair assessment. that's right and i'm not saying this is president calderón of the un and what i'm saying is that this administration the united states does not mean immigration reform and as a result two people die every day the drugs that are crossing the borders because
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of the u.s. demand for drugs and we have four and a half percent of the world's population at united states consumes half the world's illegal drugs but it's not that demand innocent people are being killed we're the human rights and this issue where is the humane immigration reform we've got to do something about that's a day that's a morrow because it is not an evil dictator in mexico or the united states these are two presidents that i've met that have talked about making a stronger mexico a stronger united states you couldn't do that made building bridges of communication not allowing people to die on the border every day like what is happening right now because of the u.s. demand for drugs and people coming across the border the only way to get both governments u.s. and mexican to do something about it we cannot be out in the middle east saying that we're trying to promote human rights and not having it in our own front door i'm not saying that mexico doesn't need to do more of course it does but you know if he says going around the world going into other countries and saying we need to look out for the people's human rights how about the human rights of the people on this border are dying because of the u.s. demand for drugs it's immoral to truong and i support president obama could be
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wrong but what he's doing right now by not taking action on immigration reform is immoral it's time to step up to the play to keep his promise he promised us humane immigration reform the first year that this come up with that you know it does is very very important nobody in the united states that disagrees with the fact that we need that immigration system is broken and we need secure borders but this wouldn't in an intelligent manner the militarization of the border is not the solution but we need to be doing is working with our neighbors to the north south east and west methods what's happening you don't do constitute in an area with us lots of oil mexico also has a lot of oil that decides that these are human beings but if they're in libya egypt or in mexico these are human beings they should not be dying because they simply want to promote human rights in the united states has a big responsibility as the world's power to do the right thing not only in intervening in other countries policies but right here on our very front. that was when we came around as border angels founder and pro immigration activist today
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marks the sixtieth anniversary of the day julius and ethel rosenberg were handed down a conviction for conspiracy to commit espionage for stealing atomic bomb secrets from the united states a ruling that would later lead to their execution we are talking about a time largely ruled by hysteria anti-communism sentiment and a fear of the unknown and light of the development of the atomic bomb history has judged this case from many angles including those who call what happened or staying on america's history robert marable is one of ethel and julius rosenberg's two sons and also the founder of rosenberg fund for children. hey there robert you were six years old from what i understand when your parents were killed how sixty years later has history judged what happened well we all remember. why your and your your. and.
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your and your. well we've made. it. clear and we're all on for. one or. one. year. and talk about what it's been like for you over the last few decades certainly a lot of things have changed in this world what is been most significant in terms of you know being the son of the rosen burns and what's happened over the years. well i think one thing that you feel for people you know. from north. of. rock people or all the people they run with. they're not done with the government they're through the wrong
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people or government or why and people aren't that naive or in one line they have one more week of the war and the what they're looking already to american only if you can learn from the poor or the wrong our way of life and of national security precedence over people liberty. the you are going to write one of the great world war i think you will in your mouth a lot better and. there are. for prime. years in this area have been. for large or so one very. briefly so in summary. and from the root that have a very. i want to draw
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a connection now i mean in many ways is that your parents ethel and julius rosen are your kind of the whistleblowers of sixty years ago and you just said in some ways think haven't really changed at all i want to kind of connect what's happening with bradley manning this is the private first class who is accused of leaking accused by the way and not charge of leaking the documents classified documents to wiki leaks kept for twenty three hours a day in solitary confinement. do you think there's any connection do you think that's a fair connection to say that a lot of things happening in the bradley manning case are somewhat similar to what happened to sixty years ago. well i think that the heart of this that concerns you even more. concerted effort on the part of. your guard. to break. the middest and this is where with earth. really in the song we found.
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and believe in that is the concern is. a month here in the government have lists and they did greengrass my mother was younger brother and they convinced them that he would be killed if he didn't cooperate and so he then for the finger not fair and it's. helping him the government for. what i see here what i believe. the government is going to do now really. we're we're only lending will turn into a green glass with the least. and become the however it seems to me that i'm like ringo. turned very quickly and saved his own neck that bradley manning that made a proper start and is using the blood and that's why i haven't really gone there
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are some people who study in this case because of the rosenbergs and have said you know what they were involved in some way that they were very fearful of the u.s. having sole ownership of an atomic bomb and they wanted to sort of at least even out the scale a little bit so that this it wasn't a situation of total world domination. talk a little bit about that area and how you think that played out. i think that theory is not in the under reasonable belief given that risk then. you knew the united states. will one preeminent superpower now we can say that the only. thing very bad that it hasn't been for a literal. that was robert meeropol activist and founder of rosenberg fun for children also son of julius and ethel rosenberg.
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