tv [untitled] March 29, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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oh i'm so our been in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture a government train wreck is headed our way and guess who's behind the wheel republicans of the tea party seems to be succeeding in manipulating congress plus seniors and middle class workers may soon find their safety nets senator bernie sanders joins me live with his plan to save social security and the state with the worst unemployment numbers in the nation is about to be hit with yet another blow less unemployment benefits in our daily take i'll tell you how and most importantly
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why michigan's republican governor rick snyder is planning to throw tens of thousands of michiganders off on. a government shutdown is looming two weeks away at last republicans and democratic lawmakers can hammer out a new budget and recent reports suggest the two parties are tens of billions of dollars apart at the negotiating table meanwhile republicans are already positioning themselves to wage the next war cutting social security they claim that if you want are already going to get tough with deficits and you have to get tough on entitlement programs right. this is true yesterday senator bernie sanders appeared at a back off social security rally and had this to say about that critical program.
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social security has worked. eight to fifty percent of the elderly big the number is too high but it's down to percent if you want to talk about the deficit talk about who was talking about tax breaks let's talk about the wall street bailout talk about social security as month senator sanders also released his own proposal to cut the deficit but doesn't throw seniors in the working class under the bus by ripping apart america's social safety net senator sanders joins me now from capitol hill to talk about this issue and the best ways forward for america senator sanders welcome good to be with you great to have you here i had on my radio show today a koch brothers funded think tank guy who said with a totally straight face and said he had all the numbers to back it up by twenty forty all of our tax dollars are going to pay for two things the national debt re
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interest on the national debt and social security and everything else will be wiped out through no trudel in terms of social security what right now is an enormous amount of misinformation being thrown to the american people the reality is that social security has a two point six trillion dollars surplus the reality is that social security hasn't contributed one nickel to the deficit because it has a surplus and second of all it is funded by payroll tax. every worker in america or virtually every worker contribute six point two percent his or her lawyer contributes six point two percent and that's what makes up the social security trust fund social security could pay out every benefit owed to every eligible american for the next twenty six years the attacks on social security are not based
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on finances they are based on ideology and politics the right wing the republicans wall street don't like social security because it is a government program that has for the last seventy years worked extremely effectively paying out every nickel owed to every eligible american and it's the clip that you played indicated it has gone a long way to reducing poverty among seniors helping people with disabilities and widows and orphans as well it is a government program that is working which is precisely why our republican friends don't like senator why are these guys and even the president's commission constantly bringing social security into the discussion about the budget deficit well i think for two reasons they're trying to confuse the american people are one hand they're saying look we have a one point six trillion dollar deficit therefore we've got to cut social security
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no absolutely wrong it doesn't add up social security has a two point six trillion dollars surplus. social security hasn't contributed a nickel to the deficit as i mentioned yesterday if you want to look at the deficit look at two unpaid wards maybe a third war in libya look at the tax breaks the hundreds and hundreds of billions we've given to the wealthiest people in this country look at the wall street bailout look at the medicare part d. prescription drug program written by the insurance companies paid for look at the recession which is resulting in less revenue coming into the government those are the reasons why you have a deficit now the point we are making is that you want to deal with social security if you're really worried about the next beyond the next twenty six years then what you want to do is lift the cap on incog sold that millionaires will be paying more
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into the social security trust fund that people will make are hundred and six thousand dollars a year about alyson truly solve social security for the next sixty or seventy years . senator speaking of the the budget deficit from the george washington administration to the ronald reagan administration other than a few problems for a few wars that we resolved fairly quickly we basically had no functional budget deficit it was under a trillion dollars when ronald reagan came in it reagan cut taxes on billionaires down to twenty eight percent and the budget deficit or the budget the debt exploded clinton raised taxes on billionaires to thirty nine percent and we had a budget surplus bush cut taxes back down to thirty six percent and we're back to budget deficits why would anybody talk about this really simple math instead of always ranting about spending well excellent point and you're quite right the republicans clearly have won the narrative when you talk about
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a book you're talking about two things spending and revenue coming in we have given hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top two person. today the effect that the real for the richest people in this country is the lowest on record corporations who in general are enjoying record breaking profits in case after case after case of paying zero in taxes very little in taxes or in many cases they're actually getting refunds from the i.r.s. it seems to me that if we're serious about deficit reduction you can't simply do it as the republicans want by calling head start and throwing hundreds of thousands of kids off that program cutting held grants making college education and affordable for millions of middle class and working class families cutting the social security administration which will make it harder for eligible beneficiaries to get but they
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are entitled to in a timely manner you can't do it by cutting e.p.a. alone by thirty percent. you've got to raise revenue and what the republicans are saying you know we want to balance the budget but we're going to do it on the backs of the sick the elderly the poor those people who are most vulnerable but i am saying and others are saying but not a not is you need shared sacrifice you've got to ask the wealthiest people in this country to also contribute to deficit reduction you've got to ask corporations like exxon mobil which a couple years ago made nineteen billion in profits and ended up paying nothing and a getting a refund from the i.r.s. you've got to start asking those large corporations to slaughter paying taxes as well senator you've proposed legislation to tax millionaires and congresswoman jan schakowsky broke the news of her proposed tax for millionaires sitting right here
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next to me on this show a few weeks ago do you think either of your proposals years in the senate has in the house will gather steam as more and more average working people realize how badly they're being screwed well i can tell you this there was a wall street n.b.c. poll couple of weeks ago and this is what the polls. what do you think the best way is to move toward deficit reduction eighty one percent of the people thought that a surtax on families earning a million dollars a year or more was a good idea eighty one percent then they said people what do you think is the worst way to go toward deficit reduction and people say don't cut social security so the american people believe in the concept of shared sacrifice they think when the wealthiest people today are doing phenomenally well their taxes have gone down they should contribute so the american people are already there and i think the more
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they learn about the issue they will be there even more the problem is obviously in this congress you have a whole lot of republicans and some democrats who are not looking at the needs of ordinary people but rather the needs of the very very wealthy but i'm going to do everything that i can to make sure the people on top play a role in deficit reduction and you just don't balance on working families or low income people and to their point senator with two minutes or so we have left. doesn't this really speak to the corrosive impact of money in politics and the whole how the political landscape has changed since is united and what can the average citizen do about this well it certainly does play the role of money in politics i mean you just look at it first of all in terms of good public policy the right thing to do you don't cut back on pell grants when so many families today are desperately trying to get their kids
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a college education you don't cut back on the head start program when we know that it is enormously successful in preventing kids from dropping out of school you don't cut back on e.p.a. environmental protection agency when the vast majority of the american people want to make sure that we're breathing clean air and the water we drink is safe. but because of the powell money in congress the power of law vs the large corporate interests to wield so much influence you know what you're seeing is congress certainly the republicans and too many democrats are just looking at spending spending spending cuts and the debate is well do you cut this and how much do you call it rather than saying what is the fair approach what is the best approach for it so very very well said senator bernie sanders thanks for joining us tonight good to be with you. senator sanders an amazing man well i have a plan to protect social security also and mine will also revive the economy let me
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tell you about it it's pretty straightforward stuff it's called cash for geezers it starts out with the theory of the david ricardo arguably the second or third most famous economist in history back in eight hundred seventeen laid out he called his iron law of wages and it basically says that when you get a lot of unemployed people wages crash and when the labor market tightens up and you've got more employers looking for workers than there are workers in other words when the thing then wages go up pretty simple straightforward stuff so the goal to raise wages which increases taxes is to reduce the workforce right to reduce the number of people looking for a job reduce unemployment by reducing the workforce so my suggestion is drop the eligibility age for social security to fifty five years old. right now it's sixty five dropping down to fifty five maybe even fifty what this will do is a couple things about first of all only about half of the seniors around will take
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advantage of it a lot of people like working after their you know in their fifty's and sixty's and seventy's but about half of would probably take advantage of it and by doing that what's going to happen is half of those people which is you know a few million people are going to remove themselves from the labor market now when you get two three four five six million people pulling themselves out of the labor market suddenly your unemployment rate drops like crazy unemployment rate drops goes down and what happens wages start going up because now employers have to compete to get good workers as wages go up guess what happens people earning more money they're paying more taxes so they're raising the increase in tax collections from this program pays for the increase in dropping the social security the eligibility age and in the process rebuilds the middle class the variation on the same thing is what france did back fifteen twenty years ago thereabouts they were having a recession and they said ok how do we reduce our labor force and sort of taking
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all elderly people or i don't know fifty five is over with instead of a you know older people out of the labor force what they said is we're going to cut the work week from forty hours down to thirty five hours which is pretty much where it still is and in doing so what they do is actually reduced unemployment drove up wages at an increased tax collections so there's a precedent for this the theory works as i said i call it cash for geezers not rob to see it tried. coming up fourteen days that's the length of time democrats republicans have to meet in the middle of the budget road early merge or drive their separate ways.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime. i think. even one well. whatever government says here they can feel safe get ready because their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw. i'm
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reid placed the blame on the tea party on the republicans the tea party who are refusing to compromise on budget negotiations reid said the infighting between the tea party and the rest of the republican party is keeping our negotiating partner away from the negotiating table one of the main obstacles in the budget negotiations is demands by republicans to defund planned parenthood and obamacare in other words republicans are arguing that it wasn't disadvantaged women and more than fifty two million people nationwide on uninsured people are blocked from access to health care they'll shut down the government so how is that a winning position and what exactly are republicans really trying to do for more on this i'm joined by democratic strategist erica kennedy and bill kirchen vice president at americans for prosperity phil welcome. welcome back to the program it's great to have you both here with us erika first of all harry reid says the tea party is effectively killing the budget negotiations between parties largely funded
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by the koch brothers or at least was initially kicked off does this mean the two billionaires have the power to shut down the government well i mean i wouldn't say that that's a fairly to billionaire for the one saying you know you guys go ahead and create a problem and shut down the government but i would say that absolutely that the tea party does have the ability to shut down the government and it appears i mean baiters got a problem and that he has a lot of young freshman members and you know they they won a lot of seats like you know they've been in government for just a couple of months and something like that but it's very complicated it takes a lot of time to be good at it and to really understand how these things kind of fit together and have a lot of people that you know are just going to you know die hard to even without looking back into this kind of a bit is i think is really concerning i think it's concerning because there's a lot of republicans that have been around for twenty years have the same rhetoric and talking points then and beliefs but aren't you know ready to and to drop everything and one hundred percent of these new tea party freshman one hundred
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percent of them deny the existence of climate change for example you know they don't believe in science phil cuts to working class women and children seniors shared sacrifice bernie was just talking about can you identify for me one just one cut that will affect millionaires and billionaires in the proposals that are being put forward by the republicans well i think that ideally we should cut almost every program that exists in the federal budget i think there's waste fraud and abuse everywhere and in particular willingness to take on the defense i think affects everyone and i think it's certainly good faith as well as we're going to republican support etc well i think that there certainly is a willingness the in nature one the house passed bill let's remember republicans in the house passed the full year continuing resolution democrats warn even put forward a plan in the senate so the house they'd actually do. their job they've passed the failure continues or solutions are going in the senate saying we're democrats really are that's not all the number of candidates and there in that time there were a number of changes in there and one of the most significant was cutting funding
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for the alternative engine for the joint strike fighter and your mark for g.e. and other left wing companies like world rolls royce that democrats are trying to defend now there there are a number of cuts in a child on including in defense on the non-defense side i think it's a good start towards much more aggressive spending reduction i think that the most important thing we can do so in to give both of these a little bit about what actions under control is to block grant a lot of these welfare programs to repeat the bipartisan success of ninety nine was that i think now there's really there's been an additional and i can actually name you a program that is going to affect them it's going to be the s.e.c. watchdog finding on the table here is cuts to essentially the wall street reforms that are important wall street and the mess there took took its economy down and these are some of the most wealthy billionaires in the country exactly and so they i think we're going to cut as he sees coming to watchdog the very people that threw us into this economic mess so i mean that's why you look at things like the whistleblower provisions which are a pure giveaway to the trial lawyers they can get a huge take out your you don't have to put on a seventy we're off
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a lot of the somebody just ripped us off for trillions of dollars that look longer i think that when you want to set it up as a minority and women inclusion the every special interest got something in the twenty three hundred page bill i think we've got i think i think the fact is i think if we cared a great deal of course and that the american people have an interest in seeing their being reform on wall street so yes if the american people in the general you know role for the economy as this special interest and i'm sorry but i'm going to leave my little port from their own commission they still going to have to close and somebody commission i mean it didn't wait for it to report on a program to something what do you go public and really want to do they want to cut spending or do they want to cut the taxes because a lot of these provisions in here that they're talking about cutting is actually going to raise the deficit if they cut the funding for health care that is going to increase the tappet say the health care bill if they have magic math all right i mean after the. then cutting funding for planned parenthood is going to lead you to the actuary of many of you said the actuary of medicare said i'm required by law to put these phony baloney numbers out that pretend this will reduce the deficit i do
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not believe them here a set of realistic assumptions and he showed that the law will dramatically worse than medicare finance this i think we all know there was a lot of crying advantage or medicare if you have medicare read the alternative sumption from the actuary report in the appendix the very very early van it was actually a private for profit program it's medicare has been drilled full of holes over the years and republicans and then people like united health care come in to fill those holes. which is why stephen hemsley me and i don't want to do it yet i don't want to force you to buy health insurance from one of those handful of companies were favored by the low push to get it through and who want a mandate to goose their product what i think you ought to make sure that i get the same health better health insurance for a lower price for my government were just i what i want real reform elaborations the preconceived ideas and allied insurance companies drop children when they get cancer are not right you know it's just going to mash medication one at one of the you know harry reid is complaining that the republicans are can't come to the table
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because the tea party is trying them on a one of the senior republicans today made the comment that ok what we're going to do is a series of continuing resolutions short term budget fixes you know will go we'll give you a month we'll give you two months and this month you pull thirty million bucks obama's put thirty billion on the table this this this month or two months you pull thirty billion out in the next two months and put another ten billion in the next period and eventually by the end of the year we'll have pulled out all the stuff that we want to pull out and democrats won't have taken the political heat for it because it will have been incremental and nobody will notice that the republicans will have gotten what they want is is that actually a possible scenario i mean i'm hearing this from both i think it's sensible look one of the things we've seen with the short term continuing resolution is that we are seeing spending cuts i would like to see much deeper cuts given the. that spending it's the latter is historical to voters what's it all along with those who are going to be forced into this i mean the real i don't think anybody wants that it's not a good way it's not a comprehensive way to look at actually what we're spending and make sure that
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we're spending smartly and efficiently and not talk about government waste fraud and abuse we're going to go ahead and kind of selectively just chisel out money on continuing resolutions or not looking at overall programs continuing resolution just continues previous and doesn't allow you to raise that actually your answer because of it i would love to see the senate passed h.r. one so we can turn the page to fiscal two thousand and twelve because it was the right way it's a regular and unfortunately the tea party didn't win the senate back and they didn't win the white house and that we have a government that has multiple branches and house has to have a balance and this is a team sport you have to be willing to negotiate you have to be willing to sit at the table and the problem to the tea party first i mean originally boehner came out live with them about twenty eleventh's they don't believe last year when they controlled every thing i mean well first of all let's let's go back here for a second painter said that he wanted military building and i let him go but i think that you're not going to know right now the search now but my point is the democrats utterly failed that they didn't fund the government they don't do it now because we're going to lead to do the same. one hundred and that because we have to
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start the treaty that needed to get confirmed because we have an idea that all you . have to give me are you going to rush into what i would ever get done after the election to tell you how i just had a call of yahoo or an extract of money to hire your whole headline so you really have to by the by the minute i have i have two quick questions number one why is nobody talking about raising taxes when bill clinton said we actually had a budget surplus and secondly if you feel when has cutting benefits to women and children ever been politically advantageous to any political party well i would suggest the tax increases were not allowed to cross the road in the ninety's it was the one thousand nine hundred seven balanced budget agreement combined with the tax cut it was in the reconciliation bill that year the cut the capital gains tax which i believe triggered the long boom so i think that if we want to look at the things that are going to do or worked. wouldn't look at increase. it's one of the thirty second american cutting welfare spending i'm glad i'm going to say here is that when we have the tax cuts up on the table there was no talk about how important the
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deficit was or budget spending or reducing spending then it was perfectly fine to spend money that we didn't have and right now we're going to cut a five million out of n.p.r. that doesn't have that sort of need to make it and what we might hand it over to the richest people in this country at the expense of the vast majority and at the expense of of everybody and the i would say the overall prosperity of our country is that if this if these budget cuts continue to go if we called in fact to say that we will lose seven hundred thousand jobs we have not i mean we have stopped losing jobs at the same well that we weren't kicked out of seven i think we had a round this is a political winner i want to get a people off the rolls get them on to work i want to do we get around is there already happens in the observer that you want to your side of the truth is the other thank you very one says the truth is that the republicans want the government to shut down and they want our economy to tank more on this in just a few minutes when we look at what happens when republican policies are acted in democracy bill us.
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it's the good the bad of the very mind bogglingly ugly first the good the progressive change committee and democracy for america the two progressive groups are getting high gear in their efforts to recall wisconsin republican state senators who illegally strip rights from public workers they've launched a one hundred thousand dollar ad campaign targeting six senators are pledging to succeed in the recall by the end of this year good work but bad steve doocy so-called news two weeks ago dues do see in part so called news exhaust. did themselves lavishing praise him congressman peter king for investigating american muslims but this morning as democratic senator dick durbin began his hearings he did discrimination against american muslims do see and fox do see and fox are
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speaking in a different tone. today's hearing led by senator dick durbin focuses on the rise of anti muslim bigotry and discrimination and it comes just two weeks after our next guest the highly criticized hearing to discuss muslim radicalization in the united states so is this move by your being just political pandering with no do see what you do is political pandering every morning on fox news let me get this straight hearing on violence perpetrated by by american muslims that's patriotic but here in violence perpetrated against american muslims that's and the reason this is making sense to anyone and the very very ugly republican rick man on dog santorum in a radio interviews morning santorum put his finger right on what's wrong with american social security program and why it's losing money should. the reason so security is in deep trouble if we don't have enough workers to support the retirees
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while a third of all the young people in america are not in america today because of abortion because one in three pregnancies had an abortion and so we are depopulating this country it's through a policy that does not support families this does not encourage families to have children to support them when they when we do have those children and of course the second aspect which is even more important which is the abortion culture of this country so. so rick why don't you just come out in favor of immigration reform seriously her over twenty million on and under employed americans and this guy is worried about abortion cutting down our workforce is this guy even listening to the words coming out of his mouth a very very a. coming up the koch brothers are they really the green eyed greedy monsters just out for profits and wealth or are they just misunderstood by the left wing the truth after the break.
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