tv [untitled] March 29, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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i wonder is not a scary prophecy for the future of the united states all it probably is doesn't make any sense and it's the biggest class action lawsuit in history against the perfect team at the wal-mart so let's tell you why this supreme court case is a workplace battle everyone should be watching. let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right now. i think. on the well. we never got that says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you're going to be freed up.
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a charge in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new web site which twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to tell you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find mainstream news. media so. the political. parties are just. hey guys welcome to show and
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tell me alone a show we've heard our guests not to say on the topic now we want to hear our audience just go on to you tube the video response or the twitter for part of the question the police host on you tube every monday and on the first day of the show your responses. later worboys. time for tonight's tools i'm award and tonight's winner is the flip flopping muslim hating adulterous and repeat till die what are you that's right newt is our tools i'm winner yet again and this time it's not for changing his position so many times on libya that we can't even keep track or for claiming that he cheated on his wife because he just loved his countries so much which i will say we didn't give him a few points or just for creativity because honestly i don't know where he comes up with that stuff you know this time new wins are tools i wore for his comments about
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his fears for the future of the united states of the mega church of reverend john hagi newt stopped by the mega church over the weekend but before we get into new what he said let's do a little bit of background are on the friend of the reverend turns out the reverend how you kind of like hitler as in he was a fan of his work with the jews here's an excerpt from one of his sermons where he said god says in jeremiah sixteen behold i will bring them the jewish people again unto their land that i gave to their fathers behold i will send for many fishers and after i will send for many hunters and they then the hunters shall hunt them that would be the jews then god sent a hundred hunters someone who comes with a gun and he forces hitler was a hunter so when these comments were brought to john mccain's attention during the last election cycle he immediately rejected the endorsement of the reverent we're not mute hell newt feel just fine speaking of his mega church down in texas. and
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when he spoke there over the weekend he had quite a few interesting comments about the america that his grandchildren will grow up in but i warn you it's very frightening he said i have two grandchildren maggie is eleven robbers night i'm convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of america by the time they're my age they'll be in a secular atheist country potentially one dominated by radical islamists with no understanding of what it once meant to be an american so let's break this down because it all sounds very very scary for nukes grandchildren first of all america is going to turn into a secular atheist country ok i got that young americans are less religious than their elders these days but it's also going to be dominated by radical islamists now i'm just confused how can a country be run by evil anti religion atheists and also be dominated by radical islamists with the two groups really get along considering that one doesn't believe in religion of the other is radically religious so newt touché you read it some how
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to combine all of your boogieman into one thread even though these two threads are completely contradictory to each other and make absolutely no sense together and that is why you winter nights told time warner once again. now for the past few days we've been keeping abreast of the donald's dance when it comes to running for president one of the clear signs of running for the highest office these days seems to be to question obama's roots which donald trump has been doing constantly on several occasions trump's called on obama to produce a produce a birth certificate to prove his citizenship. for that the nomination if i ever decide to run you may go back in which of you people from my kindergarten will remember me nobody ever comes forward nobody knows we usually kill joy is very strange and i'll tell you why i brought it up just documentary now i have a certain i like rocks are emerging and i'm starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in newsgroups or if they make these procedures into the worst against white as me show his person to forget. now in his latest media stunt the
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donald decided to produce his own birth certificate and then go on fox news and brag about how easy it was to find and show it to the public. the fact is that if you look at what's happened with respect to there's. a good issue he doesn't have it he spent millions of dollars are no use trying to get out of the use you take it what's called a shoot to fix it of life which doesn't even have a signature on it it anybody can get a certificate of live birth. you know it's actually pretty funny that points out the difference between a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth because according to politico here in south has done the exact same thing this was the document that he officially released saying that it took only a matter of hours to dig it up in the records but as political points out the real birth certificate comes from the department of health has an agency seal on it as well as a signature from the city registrar do you see either of those on this document i
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certainly don't that's because it isn't back the hospital certificate of birth notice that it's from the hospital and it's signed by the physician who was there not by the registrar so i got to be honest at this point i. getting a little bit skeptical of donald trump you know what let's do a little bit of investigating ourselves to find out if the donald himself is in fact a u.s. citizen we put together a checklist of some crucial factors that we need to look at let's start with the basics his parents his father is a natural citizen his mother is actually a native of scotland and you know who else had one of their parents born out of the country that's right obama moving on how about some of his property sure we know about the hotels that is seen as good you know that his plane is registered in bermuda you see when planes are registered in the u.s. they start with the letter and but trump seven twenty seven is registered with a b. which is for me to try to skip out on this or just hiding something bigger and then
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what happened donald's better half or should we say better have he's been married three times two of those times were the two women of other countries ivana trump is czech and his current wife melania is from slovenia so another one to american women are you donald now to top it all off he produced a certificate of live birth rather than the legitimate purse or to get you know what i'm just going to throw this out there but don't you have to be familiar with what's included in a real birth certificate if you're going to be a burger now since this morning donald trump and after so much attention was tried on it he didn't end up coming out and releasing his real birth certificate to a.b.c. news but you know what considering all the facts that we just went over we're still just not convinced that he was born in the united states. today the supreme court is hearing arguments in what many say is the biggest case of this session in fact it's the biggest class action lawsuit in history being brought against the biggest
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corporation in the world and a lawsuit is one that alleges sexual discrimination by wal-mart towards its female employees and if the supreme court decides to hear that means that all women who have worked at wal-mart since december of ninety nine. he ate them bring more than a million could potentially take on wal-mart for billions of dollars in damages there's nothing that small about this case so let's talk about it and ask how it could change america join me to discuss it is derek crow political director of brave new foundation which had released a documentary wal-mart the high cost of low price gerri thanks so much for joining us tonight now like i said this case is just massive for all proportions wal-mart in fact likes to point out that the lawsuit could include more people than the number now serving in the army the navy the air corps the marines and the coast guard come by but you what's really the central issue here. well the central issue here is whether the united states were going to let super huge corporations like
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wal-mart get away with what's called the appearance of compliance with our laws and discrimination against women and that's really what's happening at the supreme court right now they're arguing about whether or not the classification scheme that the plaintiffs put together here is sufficient to define a class that's being discriminated against and if the other thing that's an issue with it is whether you can use statistical him for information that shows broad disparities among protected groups like women and men among compensation and salary positions to be true evidence of discrimination in a court case versus direct evidence like a written company policy saying that we're not going to hire as many women which is of course ludicrous so what's happening here in the supreme court is just another example of huge corporations using their political allies to slap down the ability of the little guy to be able to green real legal defense for their rights in court well it's interesting that wal-mart the big guy thing and there is just simply too
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many little guys joining against them and you can't make a tie between them all but let's say that the supreme court doesn't decide here they don't go in the women's favor does that mean that wal-mart is too big to sue. i think it really does and it will mean that other corporations of similar size and even smaller size will be able to say look we have this this really a spineless policy on the book that says we don't discriminate but when it's time to actually enforce it or track whether or not protected classes already is are actually avoiding discrimination in the workplace if they can get away with just these written policies that don't actually have any unfortunately and isn't behind and that's what's happening in the wal-mart case for example there are these really lame you know spineless provisions inside the personnel policy that say we're not going to discriminate but they don't track pay disparities adequately they don't try to analyze whether or not those pay disparities which do exist are the result of discrimination and they give their individual managers huge latitude in hiring
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or firing or salary practices which allows discrimination to work its way unit every level of wal-mart's organization and you know i think of be easy for a lot of people here to say at this point fingers and wall are and just say well it's wal-mart they're evil corporation but they have a lot of corporate backing here i know that microsoft you know the g. twenty other big companies within the u.s. are are behind them in this case so it really does seem like a battle of corporate america versus working america. it really does it when you look at the people who are lining up behind the plaintiffs for example it's civil rights groups it's people who have an interest in defending the ability of people to defend themselves from corporate trampling of their rights and when you look at the people who are lining up behind wal-mart it's other groups like costco who also have huge corporations that sell you know products at bargain basement prices that have huge distribution networks that really eat away at the small town america that
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we all know and love and it really is just another instance in america of huge corporations going after the rights of people to gather to defend themselves similar to what you're seeing that was constant in the labor movement across the country and you know i think that's also a very big test for this current supreme court because obviously there is this notion as specially after the citizens united ruling that this is a. well a loving supreme court so do you think they're going to be taking that into account in their decision oh i think they're going to do their best to try to keep any kind of actual public opinion out of their decision making because as we know americans are are kind of wise to what's going on here in america right now and we want people to stand up for the rights of people like you know the workers at wal-mart who have been systematically discriminated against over the last decade and longer when it comes to hiring and firing and compensation decisions so the supreme court's really at odds with the broad broad spectrum of americans who want to be
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able to get together with their fellow americans and assert their rights in court do you think that this case would have gone to the supreme court have not been completely relentless did they not have the money to spend i mean this case is already eleven hears in the making court after court after court has actually ruled in favor of the women but wal-mart has kept fighting it all the way up. well for the supreme court to agree to hear the case on this on the grounds that wal-mart's appealing shows in the first place of friendliness towards corporate america that i think everyone should find a little bit disturbing but an issue for wal-mart isn't just the exact dollar amount that's could be handed out should the case to be you know rule in the plaintiff's favor what's at issue is whether or not we can use things like statistical studies that show without a doubt that women do worse at wal-mart than men as evidence of discrimination so it would open them up to other suits by other other classes and it would open up other huge corporations at the same kind of suits which they ought to be brought in
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my opinion and that's why you see so many corporate backers lining up on war i guess we have to wonder if right now a third of our supreme court is actually made up by women if that you know even though they won't be judging on the discrimination factor here if they also might be willing to give it a go because of that barry thank you so much for joining us thank you. now coming up it's happy hour you know that it's a sit down to relax always talk about all the stories we'll be drinking here tonight i'll be right back. you know somebody should see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't know i'm trying hard to look at the big picture.
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let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right now. i think the rocket is needed and wanted well. we never got the chance to further confirm safe getting ready because the freedom. hey guys welcome michel intel on the alone a show we've heard with our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear audience cisco i think you seem to video responses are to twitter for fun of the question that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday but the show long response is please play your voice.
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if you've been keeping up with the news at all then you probably know that there are some major budget issues on capitol hill politicians on both sides of the aisle are under deadline and here's what's at stake they have to find a way to fund the government past april eighth which is only a few weeks ago way or else it's lights out for capitol hill now in the time they also have to find a middle ground when it comes to the debt ceiling and they have to start considering
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a budget for two thousand and twelve but let's just focus on the main issue at hand here the looming government shutdown it's been a game of back and forth the democrats propose an idea gets shut down and vice versa with republicans and in fact an effort to reach across the aisle the white house proposed thirty million dollars in cuts to current spending all for the sake of reaching an april eighth deadline and yes that's probably going to get shoved aside by john boehner people too and you wonder why it's because there's disagreement over whether mandatory spending programs should be included in these cuts meanwhile the democrats say that they're game for cutting big entitlement programs although frankly nobody really knows exactly which ones are on the chopping block all the details of the measure remain up in the air but here's the key issue that really confuses me doesn't anyone else out there find it a little bit backwards the democrats are now the ones who are ok with cutting inside of the programs that the g.o.p. is against it should be the other way around i thought the g.o.p. is all for small government all about cuts i can only draw one conclusion from this
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the g.o.p. g.o.p. is essentially throwing a temper tantrum they're working so hard to oppose anything presented by the democrats or the white house actually willing to go against their own stated policy goals and i for one not hopeful about reaching an agreement before you america grace herself for a government shutdown because republicans seem hell bent on making it happen. and everybody and welcome to our tuesday edition of happy hour joining me tonight i have the producer jenny churchill and jake founder of realist idealist laps and i swear to take it like a well of course you this is definitely the any no a busy couple of weeks in terms of the news there's
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a lot going on in the world there's a lot of unrest in the middle east we now have a war in libya and of course japan is still reeling from the earthquake and the tsunami and now the nuclear fallout and what's going on there so i've definitely not a laughing matter but in light of that we have to talk about the simpsons because as you know homer simpson works at a nuclear plant and now the simpsons are actually starting to take out some of the nuclear jokes from their episodes do you think that that's right i mean is that the good tasteful proper thing to do or is that a little overboard i mean i i think it's the obvious thing to do. following nine eleven there were a lot of things that were edited out clatter of damage an arnold sorts mayor movie was you know kind of postponed and pushed back and i think that when something this serious happens you have to take a look at things and think wow you know maybe it's not so funny to portray people working in nuclear plants as differences that don't know what they're doing while there are fifty heroes in japan trying to stop a nuclear disaster but it's
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a cartoon and i think it's overrated cartoon and it's overboard to pull it off i think i think so tire is is healing actually i think one of the ways that people are able to fast it isn't only wrong if i saw that i would probably maybe want to turn in one of the girls who have little or disaster and i mean is it ever you know is it ever ok it is whatever ok because wherever those use you see the results possibly for thousands of years to go to radiation doesn't go away for what is it because not too soon. cartoons of use mushroom as an example of things being totally awful for a long time and they did it pretty soon after hiroshima or nagasaki write it that there are examples of things a fundamental component of the show of the simpsons is that homer works in a nuclear power point that's just part of the show and you know look some people it's too much for they should turn the channel but that's ok that's why we have a lot of what other people it gives them a chance to step back and laugh and go ok this is been a little too much and we can just step back and have a drink i'm kind of with you on our intake i think it's hard to know i think that you don't have to watch it necessarily and you know satire humor does have
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a little bit of power come on it's the same thing it's not like they're releasing collateral damage a movie with arnold schwarzenegger it's a cartoon or your wrong sells well i mean i just i completely disagree i think it's like i said i mean my exact point is soley that when you have people risking their lives in japan fifty people who are sleeping there working there trying to stop a nuclear reactor to have you know jokes about people you know homer simpson who works in a nuclear plant as a doofus throwing out nuclear reactors in his car in the open of the show i think that's insensitive and i think that you know i would be really upset if the situation were happening here and it were americans i would be upset so i feel the same way about japanese people and a nuclear power plant in japan that's me it's possible that somebody would probably always find itself an example of something that's going to strangle someone somewhere about something that's happening in the world many of them i mean. now. honestly some days i wake up and i went to hell is wrong with this country when i
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read these stories and we've done so many of these stories because it happens all the time now a radio shack in montana is giving away a free done if you purchase a dish network service oh my favorite part of the story is that it's actually in direct opposition to erotic store in alabama a couple we've spoken to the owner of that sex drive to issue a sex shop in alabama who's actually taking. to give you a sex toy you want to see a competition because you can get more guns off the market versus who can quickly find people who want more as sex toys are there for their dish network that's the only time we will let him know that that actually is tough given the locations of all shops to like guns in montana and where was it alabama and sex toys i don't know if it would be interesting to see the outcome i do have to say what i thought the best part of the story was fifty dollars gift certificate to pizza hut was the equivalent if you didn't want to gun give me a gun if i don't want to i'll sell it dear god don't make me go to pizza hut to
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leave this people is better than dominoes and we all just have a guy so to is your i love his little caesars no one ever. but i think knowing americans i'm kind of thinking that they're going to be more into the dish network and the sitting on their couch and watching t.v. and they are playing three fold yasser group brilliant business strategy but this is also still remember that one in fifty people over the age of seventeen has a concealed weapons license so this is an area where that kind of business strategy is actually going to work and i lovingly man tanna because everything about it as they say i like it's really makes me. and face the meters gun violence there are people dying on the streets so we should just be going to wait until i can yes guns because any time i need an animated heart you would hear me because i'm sure these people don't care every thug in montana is going into the store to get their free grace i know they don't think i'm sorry to be to sell their candy sure it is good but if you just like to stand all starry let's move on to
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a magazine cover that's causing quite a stir i mean it's for a good cause it's to educate college students about you know the dangers of getting h.p.v. and other sexually transmitted diseases oral sex and we're actually showing it right there it's called spinnaker but some people have been up in arms there saying that it's inappropriate and it takes away from the seriousness of the issue when you guys say i have two points and i think they're both are true. an important one is that the fact we're talking about it right no means that it is very successful information campaigns education awareness campaigns mostly don't work because people try to make it too serious and college students don't pay attention so the fact that they would actually dive in and actually take a look at. or. take a look about is that i would and i think this is interesting because look this is a turning point in women's empowerment that is there is the not is there is no question about who controls that photo and that is that is
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a lot of you know i think the well we haven't even thought of that they seem to go in this way that is i will. point number one if it were the opposite if this were a cover that was simulating a woman giving a man oral sex you better believe feminists all over the country would be beyond out rachel corrie's point number one point number two you just said that you know they could come out they do ones that are spending the day with their mouths. and i don't understand that the reason that they did this was they couldn't come up with another way to us that's like saying you're doing an exposé on of rape and you're like we have to simulate a rape on the cover there was no other way i want it smart how many stories we've done on this show about how and now they're hookers for jesus right or pole dancers for jesus the church is a new way of selling jesus is by using sex sex sells if that's the way to get
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people's attention and if it's about religion or if it's just practicing safe sex then i think it's a good way to do it we've got to wrap it up i want to thank you guys both for joining me tonight. are now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day yesterday we told you about herman cain statements to think progress that he wouldn't appoint a muslim to his to have it if it was elected president because he believes that sharia law has no place in the government well today cain has come out on fox news and clear. five his statements and back to you both so bad about his comments that he even said he might appoint a muslim to his cabinet he could be super duper sure if they believed in the constitution over shari'a law so what would the american muslim population tweet detains offer thanks for the generous offer but you know thinks you're so crazy now it's a great night show thanks for tuning in to make me from back tomorrow dr american masters the director of the labor studies program at wayne state university and one of the professors being targeted by the american accent or will be on the program and we time don't forget to become a fan of the old on a show on facebook always on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any
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other nights you can always catch it all the you tube dot com slash the alone show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety we have next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. wealthy british scientists. sometimes. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. we'll.
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