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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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and not be a productive forces of burst the advance of rebel fighters following a strike but in the international community there's now talk of arming the rebels but some are warning that this would be in breach of the un resolution. the fears of a terrorist a band clash in europe with the alarm sounded over possible points by libyan islamists in the event of the bombing raids. and the in a concentrated israeli businessmen use a column of prisoners you only paid for on sort of the georgian government's foreign investment yes.
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indeed this is aussie line from moscow i'm honest have it now we start in libya where pro-government troops have pushed rebel forces out of recently captured territories after a heavy counter offensive but this comes as some nato countries including the u.s. and france are suggesting they could be a prince to all make the rebels but there's criticism this would go beyond the terms of the u.n. resolution will also joins us live now from jeff and some more on this point of the rebels seem to be losing their positions despite these allied strikes the what's the situation like on the ground. well the latest word we have in terms of the front line is that rebel fighters have now been pushed back to the city of ras lanuf we're hearing that this is strategically important oil port city is firmly in
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the hands of gadhafi his men now there are numerous reasons being bandied about as to why the rebels are being faced to retreat and retreat so quickly part of that is because gadhafi forces are simply base organized a better trained of a have basically leadership and this is posing some real dilemmas to the international community in terms of what it should do next we also know that the army has essentially changed its strategy it's changed its tactics whereas days ago we saw them working through the desert and this is essentially the terrain that they were looking and fighting on we saw him using long convoys of tanks now they're operating in small mobile units and so he this is posing a problem to coalition pilots from the sky it's very difficult for them now to tell the difference between those who are rebels and those who are gadhafi fighters because all of them now are using small tanks with mortars but certainly in terms of gadhafi troops it's giving them much more mobility mobility that they did not have say forty eight or seventy two hours ago at the same time we are hearing
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reports that among the rebel fighters they are suspicious that there are spies because the rebels are such a. bandwidth of people essentially many of them don't even know each other possibility that among them will all be the main who are feeding back information to hit cauldrons in terms of where and how these rebels are operating is a very real possibility indeed now today is the eleventh day that the coalition has been targeting libya in the eleventh day of is strikes and what we witnessing now is and a very quick retreat of rebel forces so the big question on people's minds here is what will the international community decide to do next when it's becoming increasingly clear that these airstrikes are not that successful but of course paula the main criticism over the airstrikes was the civilian casualties and there's been some to beijing what extent that was happening are we any clearer now . well the government here in tripoli is insisting as it has done since these coalition air strikes began that we number of civilians continues to climb and that
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it hovers some way more than one hundred now we do know that it was taken three explosions course in the town of ms go which is about two hundred kilometers to the south of tripoli because at an ammunitions dump that was hit in those coalition air strikes we went there was a group of foreign journalists and we saw damage to the hospital as well as to several persons in residential areas we moved some of the wards of the hospital had been broken in we also saw some beds where there was blood stains and did we now the patients were evacuated in time but we heard from the hospital staff that some thirteen people were wounded we also met when we were very a number of listeners thought bangladeshi and also filipino and they as you can well imagine are very anxious and very scared and very desperate to get out of here with us on board palace have been talking about providing military assistance to the rebels what do you know about balance. the latest word from the british prime
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minister david cameron and he says that he has not ruled out arming the rebels and this of course is the concern that's been expressed by critics in the international community and syrupy here in tripoli something un resolution one ninety seven three was approved there is the closer talks about all the necessary measures and this is open to interpretation of what we think from the british is that if weapons are needed to protect civilian lives well then they can justify the use of weapons we also hear in the some of the kind of lines coming out of the obama administration they have a saying that they couldn't allow for the supply of more weapons and that they are looking at all options on the table now if indeed there is going to be the supply of weapons to the rebel fighters this poses a whole host of the members and a whole host of very critical questions number one people do not know who the rebels are there are those amongst their ranks with i'll cry the meanings extremists meanings movies where police land up in the hands and indeed if they do does that mean the source of the bay will possibility that the weapons could end up
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in the hands of gadhafi soldiers and then even more than that if you're going to hand over weapons to fighters on the ground are going to need to give them some kind of practical assistance and training which begs the next concern particularly here in tripoli and that is the question of whether or not the international community is the preparing the ground to stand ground forces here now the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has reiterated just how critical and just how important is so norio one of his pains. in the user should be student when we all heard the statements the only good as yours regime is to protect civilians as according to the un resolution we also heard the coalition would side with anyone in the conflict at the same time sharansky has recently stated it's ready to supply the libyan rebels with weapons the nato secretary general has immediately objectives saying the operation seems to pretext and talk english is not amish and we fully agree with these positions said. just now russia's ambassador to the
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united nations has warned that when you talk about an arms embargo it needs to apply across the whole field meaning that it needs to apply both to the rebel fighters and to the gadhafi regime and now the interesting question or perhaps an alarming question so people people here in tripoli is the whole question of whether or not the international community is going to target gadhafi himself the latest word coming out of britain as well as other powers is that he is not a target that people get something to not believe that it's ok paula many things fall apart after you don't use a policy of tripoli that. well are you good with because in the major rebel stronghold he reports no good people there remains of followed us despite the latest defeats. everybody here in the city is monitoring the situation out there on the front and of course the news that the rebels were thrown back again by gadhafi forces were somewhat of a lot i mean here but i can tell you that all the locals here are really standing
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only on the one position and that is for gadhafi to go as soon as possible on the rebel say that they are ready to battle the fight until the end either until they're gone or until god is gone the purely there is an illusion of a normal life because many shops are open cafes and even restaurants but at the same time the banks are still not working and also and neither are schools in fact just yesterday i saw a ten or maybe eleven year old boy dressed in the traffic police uniform directing traffic at the same time the opposition has been working to build the control structure of the administrative structure in the east of the country the war going to rise to an interim council they've also organized a new national bank and a new national oil company but when it comes to oil that industry is currently on
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hold here in the country because of the on rest many foreign companies international companies suspending their operations here and we're actually hearing that the only oil refinery working currently indicated she is in the town of tobruk this may be enough to supply the the rebels with gasoline and the world but it's truly not enough for exploiting or abroad. as the allied forces push for more military action in. iraq there is one that intervention may seem backfired on the fear is that the libyan islamic groups are promising terrorist attacks and then for our i dare say. expect. e.u. countries have taken the lead role in forcing the u.n. resolution but their efforts all the way over in libya will threaten to bring conflict right to their very own back door i list claim colonel gadhafi now has
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little other weapons left in his armory than overseas terror he's faced repeated accusations that he ordered lockerbie bombing that killed two hundred seventy mostly westerners experts say some countries are particularly in the firing line three leading countries of the offensive operation that means for. the united states of course the only option the us really is to use still so i think. it's a clear cut in prison then today in the coming days maybe in the coming weeks but you backing for anti could that few rubles could backfire further rebel leaders include the libyan islamic fighting group and associates of al qaida and the casualties mounting every day from allied bombing make fertile recruiting ground for and she western forces there are. working now.
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that must see chaos or. e.u. muslims protest against nato bombing of libya the organizer says people should prepare for the worst there's only there's a very strong likelihood but i think what we do have the ability to. track everybody should. go at the invasion of iraq. in terror attacks in the e.u. almost two hundred people died in the madrid train bombings in two thousand and four while suicide bombers killed fifty two people in london in two thousand and five officials now dread similar results in the wake of this campaign western intelligence reports increased activity among suspected terrorist cells indicating the threat of attack is high one officer told r.t. an e.u. terrorist strike is now just a question of time. brussels. cross-talk
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panel question whether nato really knows which direction it's heading in in libya. with the interventions like iraq they didn't have an exit strategy with this one they don't seem to have an entry strategy either. now investigators are working to establish whether russia's most wanted man was killed in a special anti terror crackdown security services suggest the model could have been among seventeen militants who died during a raid in a country south on monday on our has more from a mask. security services and investigators are being cautious about announcing a confirmed death toll for the al qaeda linked terror leader doku model has been announced around eight times in the past that they killed him in operations and knots turned out not to be true so they're waiting on the thorough investigation
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it's taking place in the aftermath of a major. operation that took place on monday in english to a in the north caucuses now once the d.n.a. testing is being carried out on those seventeen people who were killed while resisting a rest from security services a not operation once not investigation is being fully carried out then they will give an announcement whether doku umarov was among those seventeen who were killed on monday in a machete and now this was a huge huge operation the largest we've seen in town ten years from security services in the area that used the full force of the russian security services attacks from the sky using aerial bombings as well as helicopter gunships being used to suspects were arrested on the scene model certainly the most wanted in the country he has links to al qaida and his his terror cells house
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carried out a slew of deadly attacks across russia and just on tuesday he was the fish really charged with being the most the minds behind the january suicide attack on the airport here in moscow now called course tuesday of course of which well the anniversary the one year anniversary of another cold the models they claim to go terror attacks claimed by your model they took so many lives that was the double suicide bombing on the moscow metro so a very very much public enemy number one here in the country but and it's not just inside russia's borders that he is one. it was announced that the united states had placed him on their. of their wanted list also the united nations looking out wanting to see him being brought to justice. this hour on r.t. facing a jail term for time to linger with us of need sleep. you're just spend millions
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trying to get the world to know it on a mission to cut corruption but why ban is running folks and it's really businessmen who georgia owes almost one hundred million dollars been sitting in jail for almost six months with no bare. breasts as you know well into georgia that story just ahead. to japan now radiation levels in the sea watch him near the fukushima plant to continue to rise there now more than three and a half thousand times higher than normal radioactive material has all think we detected in a small well it out there in the sea has government described the situation as serious and unpredictable workers have been successful in china to restore the parts cooling system and what is now the worst atomic crisis since chernobyl out of the space nuclear energy expert who says there are parallels without disaster twenty five years ago it. was
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a very very dangerous and powerful substance even in very small quantities. it was only if it is ingested by a human body or almost certainly be true of cancer you know or concert hosts who were in poles who store the radioactive fuel. for many many really thousands of years already a significant amount of sorts the radio because. my. situation where we can compare it to the novel and to morrow it comes to the moment of release of truth of substance. just a thought there's a gauge of tuning. of the chernobyl exclusion zone still has high levels of radiation a quarter of a century after the world's worst nuclear accident artie's. traveled to the nearby
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town which was abandoned because of the catastrophe. exactly twenty five years ago what is now an absolutely lifeless ghost town of creepy in ukraine was a bustling scene this was not only the pride of the soviet union in terms of construction something of a role model of a perfect town but also it was one of its biggest secrets towns like people were called at a migrant or nuclear city and they were restricted only to the nuclear power plant workers and some military personnel and security service men is nowadays part of the noble exclusion zone and it is believed to be very unsafe to live here in terms of radiation levels now this is the place where the authorities made their first fatal mistake this is called the death bridge it connects the chernobyl nuclear power station and the closest town of people when the explosion happened nobody knew what was going on in the very first hours so the authorities set up a security checkpoint in order to avoid anyone leaving the city and entering the contaminated area the security checkpoint was at the very end of this bridge nobody
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knew how much radiation was emitted and most of the policemen who were working at this security checkpoint died in the first days after the explosion there's a lot of misperception and misunderstanding concerning the levels of radiation in the chernobyl area or how dangerous it is here many speculate as to whether the land is populated with mutants or the levels of radiation would be able to kill a human being within minutes or even seconds now i'm walking in the central part of previous right now and my radiation meter shows the level of around one hundred and forty my corona inspire our this is of course about five seven times more than the normal human level and it may sound scary to some but this still is a radiation would not kill a human being but in some parts of people it's radiation levels go much much higher this is now around three hundred twenty my career which is more than fifteen times more than the normal human level of radiation but if we just take
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a little walk to this layer of moss on the ground you'll see that there. ideation level will go dramatically higher now this layer of morse is one of the most dangerous spots in people in fact and it acts like a radioactive sponge if we put the radiation meter on it you can see and you can even hear how frantic the radiation meter goes and the numbers are increasing rapidly. some may say that this is very dangerous for for human health. specialists to told me on many occasions that in order to get some kind of harm to your body to to maybe even get the first stages of radiation sickness you have to literally just sit in the slayer for a week or so and only then you will feel some harm to your body in the fallout period of many nuclear particle still remaining in this area amounts to several thousand years only few of them actually started their fall out period twenty five years since the chernobyl accident should anything like that happen at the fukushima nuclear reactor the fifty sixty maybe even seventy kilometer radius would
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be evacuated that is according to some experts but clearly all this land for the exclusion zone in ukraine will images will remain until the end of times as this land will never be inhabited again alexi russia r.t. reporting from the chernobyl exclusion zone in ukraine. ten rounds not of news this hour rash of floods and swept through eight provinces in south florida killing twenty one and leaving more than three hundred missing with trains canceled three airports shut over seven hundred thousand people affected thousands of tourists are stranded meteorologists blamed heavy rains on a cold front coming down from china more rain is expected over the next few days. huge crowds of protesters in yemen refusing to back down assisting their president immediately ends his decades of rule the embattled leader has to go on for elections and install a caretaker government in the meantime wednesday's round eyes in the capital also
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denounced the deadly explosion in a back country which killed over one hundred of the sound of demonstrations where have all things in the presence of control slipped away. georgia is advertise worldwide as a lucrative business destination but one investor says it needs a health warning he said languishing in a georgian jail waiting sentencing for bribery even though he invested a fortune in the country's development as an isa now explains why the government then engine millions in sandusky. you might not know exactly where the small caucus country years georgia the crossroads of europe and asia are chances are if you watch major global news networks you've seen invest in georgia ads. massive markets are investing in georgia capitals even getting a trump tower of its own businessmen should be we're getting trap.
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door just spend millions trying to get the world to know it on a mission to cut corruption but why ban is wrong the folks and israeli businessman who torture oh it's almost one hundred million dollars been sitting in jail for almost six months with a nobel in march trying to turn ronnie foods one are ninety eight million dollar payout from the georgian government for breached agreement on construction of an oil pipeline no payment was made instead he was arrested going in what he was to avoid paying hundred dollars when they were instructed by the. ration process was conducted on the world. he believes he is alleged to have set up a stream arresting fruit from bribery charges after ignoring him on a visit to georgia i was from the denver understand what what was happening i thought that if they're going to. take for days before it's over and they would.
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the. plot behind it would start was a trip to georgia and the fifteen year just to you with an official invitation from the country's prime minister turned out to be a one way ticket to prison there was in fact a. cooperation a collaboration between four important ministries of the government and probably with the approval of the president of the ministry of finance the ministry of justice the ministry of the interior and the prime minister's office all of which came together with a plan to and probably phoenix after the businessman was arrested what could be called a ransom was put on the table fuchs was there informed through diplomatic channels that he would not be released until the arbitration award was waived georgian human rights activist going
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a broken system that is cracked at the very top goodison saggers really does not want an independent court system the prosecutor's office dominates the law and the police are the main power and political pressure instrument in the country is to get business something foop says us warriors are more than aware of the odds of his succeeding in georgia are very very slim western point zero one percent so it's a good warning to businessmen who are thinking of investing in in georgia that they should think twice and that they should be were making their legal battle not about winning but warning others not to tango with tbilisi and he's an hour away r.t. moscow. thank you they suspect is on the way now with libya. hello and a very warm welcome to your business update the russian central bank has reconfirmed
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it expects the annual inflation rate to fall from eight point nine percent last year to between six and seven percent this year how well the world bank isn't so sure it will achieve that goal. russia still has a lot of short term and medium term and long term policy troubling views that would need to be addressed head on the main truth of traveling remains to be inflation and i think that these so-called think has already started in the monetary conditions and the question is how that will go over the course of the year anything below ten percent will be success and eight percent is probably achievable provided that you want to reinvest corporatist continue to try to leave here the policy stance. we think that this is possible this is within the real of possible but we also think that six or seven percent is. probably very difficult to
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achieve under the circumstances. have a look at the markets european stocks are trading end up like tracking gains in asia the currency is up just about half of the science but by strong gains from the mining sector and the dax is up one point six percent. and here in russia the markets are staying in positive territory both the r.t.s. and the mice it's have recovered from tuesday's losses but the noise it's gaining almost one point three percent and the r.t.s. is up by more than half cents at the moment. pipes hell look at the individual moves now and energy majors are enjoying gains gas promised gaining more than two percent oil is not far behind one of the help sent higher banking stocks up also on the rise was one point eight percent on the bisons. brush metal major move all of this still has poses
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a six fold increase in its annual net profit totaled one hundred billion dollars coming in slightly shy of venice full price increase and profit is in line with other still makers around the world company forecasts a ten percent increase in our best year. well some new faces in california's silicon valley they are russian some of the biggest russian companies have opened an office in the heart of the high tech mecca ross now know the russian financial company and skolkovo have been given a helping hand by some of america's biggest corporations including intel and cisco cisco says russia's reach and highly skilled specialists gods as yet it's not living up to its potential it appears that these strings are not turning into business innovation market penetration or even information technology leadership for instance only about fifty percent of russian companies invest in r. and d. to create innovative products and moreover and i would like to stress this only
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three percent of russian companies successfully invest in the development of innovative products that could compete in the global marketplace. but perhaps not the business bulletin for knowledge when they're less than one last time for business news and get lost for a small web site r.t. dot com slash business.
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it's the secret incursion into the country. against the invasion by means of. tradition the language still you this is the first to compete. and culture. the thing is that the have a dozens are still unaware of what's going on in the land still asking them much but let's cut. thing i don't know any but the alaska the great. and archie. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. download the official anti up location kill i phone called touch from the i.q. exams to.


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