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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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it's not on the. markets why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy is cause a report on r t. l r t in libya pro gadhafi troops reverse the rebels advance following the airstrikes because mission considers arming the opposition now but there's a warning that that would breach the u.n. resolution we have the latest. also the fears of a terrorist backlash in europe with the alarm sounded over possible plots by libyan islam is said revenge for the bombing raids. and as radiation is the biggest concern around japan's stricken nuclear plant we visit a one consequence town that should not will to see water pumps to a crisis exclusion zone looks like a quarter of
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a century gone. for good evening from moscow it's eleven pm here now this is the r.t. news channel with me kevin oh in this hour we started libya where pro-government troops have pushed rebel forces out of several recently captured territories are for a heavy counter offensive it comes as some nato countries including the u.s. and france are suggesting they could be open to arming the rebels but there's criticism that that would go beyond the terms of the u.n. resolution. has more now from tripoli. the bullfighters have now been pushed back to the city of western north we are hearing that this is strategically important oil city it's the only in the hands of the duckies men now there are numerous reasons being bandied about as to why the rebels are being
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forced to retreat and retreat so quickly part of that is because gadhafi forces are simply very so organized they better trained event have basically readership and this is posing some real time limits to the international community in terms of water to do next when it's becoming increasingly clear that these airstrikes are not that successful while the government here in tripoli is insisting as it has done since these coalition air strikes began that the number of civilians continues to climb and that it hovers somewhere more than one hundred now we do know that there were secondary explosions in the town of mr which is about two hundred kilometers to the south and to believe they were close at an ammunitions dump that was hit in those coalition is strikes we went there was a group of foreign journalists and we saw damage to the hospital as well as to several homes in residential areas the moves of some of the wards in the hospital had been broken in we also saw some bits where there was blood stains and now the patients were evacuated in time but we heard from the hospital stop that some
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thirteen people were wounded we also met when we were there a number of tourists who stopped bandra day she had also filippi me and they as you can well imagine are very anxious and very spirited and very desperate to get out of here british prime minister david cameron says that he has not ruled out arming the rebels and this of course is the concern that's been expressed by critics in the international community and serve here in tripoli since that u.n. resolution one ninety seven three was approved there is the cause that thinks about the syrian measures and this is open to interpretation and what we're hearing from the british is that if weapons are needed to protect civilian lives when they can justify the use of weapons real securing the similar kind of line coming out of the obama administration there they're saying that they could allow for the supply of. and that they are looking at all options on the table now if indeed there is going to be the supply of weapons to the rebel fighters this poses a whole host of limits and a whole host of very critical questions number one people do not know who the
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rebels are there are those amongst the ranks of i'll cry the meanings extremist meanings movies weapons land in the hands and indeed if they do what does that mean it's a very real possibility that the weapons put them at the hands of gadhafi soldiers and even more direct if you're going to hand over weapons to fighters on the ground who are going to need to give them some kind of practical assistance and training which begs the next concern particularly if you're in tripoli and that is the question of whether or not the international community is preparing the ground to stand ground forces here now the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has reiterated just how critical and just how important is tomorrow all of this case should start if we will we all heard the statements only because the operation is to protect civilians as you can you give us resolution we also heard the coalition would side with anyone in the conflict at the same time schrans has recently stated it's ready to supply libyan rebels with weapons the nato secretary general has
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immediately objected seeing the operation seems to pretext to take you live not armies and we feel you agree with these positions russia's ambassador to nato has warned that when you talk about an arms embargo it needs to be applied across the full field in other words it needs to be applied both to the rebels as well as to gadhafi support base now another question that is also alarming people here in tripoli is the whole question of whether or not the international community intends to target gadhafi certainly here when we hear statements from the british government as well as other european powers saying that they do not intend to target him he is not the target the sense and the mood here in tripoli is that people here do not believe that. outings paula slater on the ground more from paul roos well of course on twitter all the latest out there. it's from tripoli she's recently indeed tweeted to say that coalition pilots are struggling to distinguish rebels from gadhafi forces from the sky know the latest twist because both are using small trucks with mortars kill yourself today for the very heart of the story
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search twitter and follow the story. how does the caucus can officer in the major rebel stronghold regards the forests he reports there the people remain defiant despite the latest defeat. everybody here in the city is monitoring the situation out there on the front and of course the news that the rebels were thrown back again by gadhafi forces. somewhat of a lot of me here but i can tell you that all the locals are really standing on the only one position and that is for gadhafi to go as soon as possible on the rebel say that they are ready to battle the fight until the end either until they're gone or until. the current leaders an illusion were normal way because many shops are open to cafes and even restaurants but at the same time the banks are still not
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working and also neither are schools in fact just yesterday i saw a ten or maybe eleven year old boy dressed in the traffic police uniform directing traffic at the same time the opposition has been working to build the control structure of the administrative structure in the east of the country they've organized an interim council they've also organized a new national bank and a new national oil company but when it comes to that industry is currently on hold here in the country because of the on the rest many foreign companies international companies suspending their operations here and we're actually hearing that the only refinery working cruelly in the currency is in the town of this may be enough to supply the the rebels with gasoline in the world but it's truly not enough for exporting abroad. because most of us about what's happening in the brain
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a picture of best going to journalist webster tarpley joining me from washington d.c. where hi there echoes do you think a lot of the past year webster the u.s. has tried supplied weapons to rebels in afghanistan back in the eighty's that didn't turn out so well those weapons and they don't expertise being used against the now do you think we could see a repeated libya. i'm very much afraid that it is we have a study from west point united states military academy dated december two thousand and seven which would indicate that the band of territory from benghazi over to tobruk going through the city of dharna or ghana this is an area with one of the highest densities of islamic terrorism anywhere in the world if you're looking for jihad is if you're looking for mujahideen who seems to be the world capital especially according to the us government definition of terrorism what happened was the u.s. forces back in two thousand and seven captured the al qaeda personnel files in the
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an area in iraq near the syrian border and what they found was in terms of terrorists per capita libya was by far the most active center for the recruitment of jihad is to go into iraq and kill the u.s. and the nato forces saudi arabia sent more individual fighters but in terms of population libya was the champion but not all of libya especially this area of benghazi and above all the city of donna donna is a town of about fifty or seventy thousand people and they were at the absolute world champion number one in the world in terms of sending terrorists into iraq and they were doing this they'd be riyadh the capital of saudi arabia even though riyadh is a city of four or five million people and it is much smaller again fifty to sixty thousand people by some estimates it's so intense that in the city of daraa you've
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got about one thousand population that that's enough to send one terrorist fighters or one terrorist or a thousand or fifteen hundred population at the most in this is not simply a study that indicates the sociological tendency towards al qaeda terrorism because that's who this was we have it now confirmed. if you look at the london daily telegraph this past saturday based on a report in saw a venti quatro to the main business newspaper in italy they sent their correspondent to dharna and interviewed the commandant of the city the rebel commander and he's a guy called her cd and he says yes i said twenty five fighters to go and kill the u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan and he says he was there himself he was captured near peshawar he may well have been an inmate of the guantanamo bay concentration camp that part's not clear but he is a former us p.o.w. captured as a terrorist and he is now commanding this amazing city of daraa where you've got
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one one terrorist fighter for every thousand or fifteen hundred of population and this is the group that the u.s. regime with obama and hillary clinton and cameron in britain are proposing to on they want to give the modern weapons they want to give them a share of the thirty two billion of libyan assets that have been confiscated here and they want them to have a share in the oil revenues this is an absolute recipe for disaster it's an exercise in insanity and as you say it shows they've learned absolutely nothing from from the said story of afghanistan the taking absolutely everything you say there what are your thoughts about what's going on on the ground the opposition now it seems last twenty four hours has become somewhat helpless if the allied support doesn't how to hold on to those positions they made so many games we all heard about in the last forty eight hours before that what's gone wrong what's happening . well the the forces that are deployed by the cia because there's no other way to
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put it are a very heterogeneous secret army if you like i see four components one is you've got a tribal component mainly delivered by the british these are the how robbie and the obey that tribes these are monarchists they're not interested in democracy these are their nostalgic for king interests the king who was installed by the british back in the fifty's that get out the overthrew this is the majority of the of the rebel council the cia delivers two components one is al qaida the cia secret army the cia arab legion and there's also something called the libyan salvation front here in northern virginia a group of politicians and others who have been kept on the on the u.s. payroll the french the d.g.'s sea directly anjanette are the service exterior deliver a group of generals around a guy called mess mari who was successfully turned made to declare by the french so those four components to two cia one british and one french that creates this secret army the u.s.
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is now so weak and so crappy if you will we can't afford to ground forces we can afford air power and some naval soured really would rather horses are too expensive so who is really in control of libya's there so they have a nearly forty countries with a starting libya's future in london on tuesday no one from libya itself from either side was invited to that so who is really in control of libya's the destiny. well libya right now is on its way to being divided into two parts as sudan has been as serbia has been as yemen is being divided but the idea is that the al qaeda forces are in a sense the u.s. land army against gadhafi you know gadhafi is somebody who has been around for quite a while he's a very. very kind of fiercely independent guy he began kicking out the western oil companies last autumn and he has been bringing in for example russian investments he's talked about bringing in the russian railways to build the coastal railway and he was trying to get some effective anti-aircraft missiles. with the
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prime minister putin a little while ago something that would have stood him in good stead right now right now it's going nowhere except towards chaos if the u.s. air cover were withdrawn gadhafi would then reassert control over the country if however that rebel army manages to get into the western areas they will carry out a tribal vendetta a massacre a genocide under the cover of an anti genocide or pro-human rights process of billions resolution from the united nations they're talking about arming those rebels in the first thing those rebels will do is to go to tripoli and conduct one of the greatest massacres of our time and this as a result of us on this one thing i want to ask you when you look at the crystal ball where do you think this is going to go where we're going to be in a month's time will get halfway still be there holding on. i think it is shown great resourcefulness i think it's likely that the inherent. contradictions in the
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imperialist coalition will come to the fore the italians in particular are very unhappy because one of the goals of this entire thing is to push the italians out of libya and replace them with the french and we've got sarkozy seems to think he's napoleon he's really more like napoleon the third of the support so it seems to me that this is going to fragment you've also got the british french so where is the one nine hundred fifty six coalition coming in right now here in the united states this question of is it an al-qaeda force that you're supporting seems to be bubbling up towards the surface that could be taken out for example by investigating committees in the house of representatives or on cable television elsewhere that will make it politically very difficult to go down this road especially the arming of course they're already arming the rebels from egypt right the cia is sending in weapons were with the help of the religion going to leave it there i know you could talk all night about this you're a man there's no it's not about the subject to thank you for now. always good to
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see you on the program ok well as the allied forces push for more military action in libya experts on arab affairs war that the intervention is to backfire on europe the fear is that libyan islamic groups supporting terrorist attacks in britain in revenge for allied airstrikes are bushels got that sort of. e.u. countries have taken a leading role in forcing the u.n. resolution but their efforts all the way over in libya now threaten to bring conflict right to their very own back doors claim colonel gadhafi now has little other weapons left in his armory an overseas terror he's faced repeated accusations that he ordered lockerbie bombing that killed two hundred seventy mostly westerners experts say some countries are particularly in the firing line three leading countries of the offensive operation that means france in the united states of course the only option the us really is to use terror so i think.
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it's a clear cut in prison danger today in the coming in the coming weeks but you backing for anti could that fuel rebels could backfire further rebel leaders include the libyan islamic fighting group and associates of al qaida and the casualties mounting every day from allied bombing make fertile recruiting ground and she western forces there are agents of. the working now in v.b. i think that last year of chaos. i am for. e.u. muslims protest against nato bombing of libya the organizer says people should prepare for the worst there's certainly there's a very strong likelihood. that the most track everybody.
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at the invasion of iraq lived in terror attacks in the e.u. almost two hundred people died in the madrid train bombings in two thousand and four all suicide bombers killed fifty two people in london in two thousand and five officials know dread similar results in the wake of this campaign with the intelligence reports activity among suspected terrorist cells indicating the threat of attack is high one officer told r.t. and you terrorists strike is now just a question of time. see russell's more thoughts more analysis in about ten minutes time crosstalk panel question whether nato really know which direction it's heading in and. this ambiguity make it even worse because we don't even really know what we want actually a friend of mine who's not an international ation specialist recently sold me he said well as far as i can see it's with the other interventions like iraq they didn't have an exit strategy with this one they don't seem to have an entry
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strategy either. that's japan and radiation levels there in the sea water near the fukushima plant continuing to rise they're now more than three and a half thousand times higher than normal radioactive materials also been detected in soil at the facility and the government's described the situation as quote serious was predictable workers have been unsuccessfully trying to restore the plant's cooling system in what's now the worst atomic crisis in history not well let's try to get a handle on with a situation where are joined by john large an independent nuclear consultant mr large hi there as this goes on there really is a worry isn't it whether all the information is coming to light that shocking incident i'm thinking about the other day when the company running the plant tepco mistakenly reported radiation levels ten million times more than normal. and we believe anything we've been hearing so far. well we can what's happening now of course that tepco are beginning to take control of the site at last i would say you
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know a week at least half that they should have and we're now beginning to learn how serious this incident is in terms of the amount of radiation that's actually creeping not those three reactors and spent fuel pond that detonated so we're now getting the sense of how much radiation is in the reactor plants and how much is actually creeping onto the general site fukushima and then going into the actual marine environment that's the real concern have we seen the end of this release and are we seeing to disperse or into the environment or there are more releases the calm so was not so why was tepco so do you think in trying to deal with this and does that add to the increasing talk tonight the japan may want to nationalize the company should this have been done before hand. well the problem is really the fundamental nuclear safety culture in japan and generally in the rest of the developed world is
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flawed what happened here is that the japanese considered this cascade from earthquake food to tsunami could never happen or would happen so infrequently that they didn't have to take account of it and as a result they never practice is never rehearsed for this type of accident and we can see affectively that the japanese for the first two weeks have been running around to coin an old english phrase like headless chickens not knowing what to do the real problem is this if they take a measure like flood in and quench in the reactors with water that may well lead to serious consequences later on when they have all that accumulated water on site which is highly radioactive then they have to make a decision of how to deal with the water whether to keep it in sight in bond trenches or to actually destroy get to sea with the consequences on the marine environment so whichever way they turn they've been ill prepared and they poorly planned for the consequences of this succeed in action three weeks into this unfolding disaster this unfolding situation are we any closer to it being sorted
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out or is a situation in fact getting worse. what is happening is it's taken a different turn virtually every day nell the two two of two of the three reactors that exploded seemingly under control but are still generating tremendous amounts of heat number one reactor still has a certain amount of instability in it and then you've got the awful problem the radiological problem of actually control in the fuel pond but went wrong but the problem is for these technicians to get in to actually mitigate to try and stop this ongoing situation they have to go in right into the plant into the third line calls which are now become heavily contaminated with the radioactive water the water they used copiously to quench the reactor which i guess no improvement i guess could have been foreseen in the first place couldn't we had a professor on earlier on tonight saying now the situation is as bad as chernobyl do you agree with that. well it's different it's quite different to chernobyl and
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look there's not small radioactivity to riskier than a chernobyl this is involved three reactors chernobyl was a single reactor this is involved reactors were closed down but nevertheless have violently exploded in your own way chernobyl was a single reactor it would least took over six days there were very heavy actions taken by the soviets at the time to try and control the situation in an altered way here we have disorder and chaos. we've recently been witnessing number of major accidents which greatly damaged the environment people's health i'm thinking about the oil spill in the gulf of mexico and now we've got this nuclear crisis in japan a question for you is technological progress going beyond what people can realistically control what are your thoughts about that. well when you talk about hazardous plans and ideas what happens is the designer and then subsequently the operator and in this case the nuclear regulator has to be absolutely sure that they can foresee all of the risks to try to risks and the frequency particular frequency
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at which those risks the likely to occur so in other words if the operator would be pushing a plan to the risk of an earthquake in a tsunami of this size was one in ten million years in the regulator would have said that's ok that's such an incredible accident that's rather like saying that tiny speck of ice in the enormous geographical area of the north atlantic sea you would never hear that ship so little because it was such a remote occurrence you could ignore it you didn't have to make the titanic unsinkable nor did you have to put it with life or a rabs that's the problem it's turning a blind eye to the obvious john large independently of the consultant thanks for being on our team and i get your insides appreciated. we're coming up in less than ten minutes and i peoples cross-talk the big show as a nation just an hour discusses how successful nato has been in libya so far an interesting program coming up here tonight those that get across the business the
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next. hello and welcome to your business update new rules for russian state companies have been spelled out by president medvedev he stars their regulation needs to be significantly improved to help the country's investment climate. we have pretty much in order to reduce the influence of state companies on the investment climate we need to do three things first of all to publicize the show jewel of state companies privatisation of the next three years then to eliminate practices where government ministers hold positions on the board of directors in competitive companies and thirdly state companies need to establish a procedure for publicizing planned procurements including prices and information about contracts that would be really difficult and anyone how long to wait until the changes take place. editions of the presidential proposals are priorities
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that improving the information which you think is very broad experience these measures to be implemented for each year but it. cannot time to have a look at how the markets are faring this hour your stocks are significantly higher after some roads really good news about jobs the a.d.p. national employment report says about two hundred thousand private sector jobs have been added this was roughly in line with analysts expectations it's raised optimism before friday's government payrolls of. european stocks finished once a session in the black tracking gains in asia if that seawitch was backed by strong gains from the mining sector slightly narrowed its gains at the close it was up about a quarter of percent and the jets was one point eight percent higher. and here in russia there are tears on the minds of spanish to wednesday's session in the black recovering from choosers losses but the mises gaining more than one and
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a half stands at the r.t.s. was up point nine percent at the close it's now have a look at some of the individual share moves energy majors were enjoying some gains gazprom gained more than two point three percent world wasn't far behind with two percent banking stocks were also on the rise was up around point six percent on the my six. russian metal major level look at still has but this is a six fold increase in a special net profit a total of one a quarter billion dollars though coming in slightly shy of dental school costs the increase in profit is my and with other filmmakers a role in the world the company forecasts a temp cent increase in our food this year. after four consecutive sessions of gains russian stocks saw a correction on tuesday how well they returned back to charge for it on wednesday with the upward trend likely to dominate all the markets till the end of the week. in last five days we saw four days of growth yesterday we saw some drop in the
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market mind arson just less than one percent drop and with some very important on very low volumes this is a very good feature of correction or consolidation you can call it but it's not the beginning of the fall so today we see the growing walmsley and the market is picking up again. hager high from troika dialog that that's the business news for those saw your option say it's kept most or a small that size charges on com slash business.
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it's the secret incursion into the country. it's the invasion by means of. traditional language tell you this is the best deep copy beat. and culture. the thing is that the have the germans are still unaware of what's going on in the land still asking them the idea. like nothing i don't know anything about the last guy the great. an archie. down the official on t.m.p. cation q i phone i pod touch from the top story.


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