tv [untitled] March 30, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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you can blame the lack of funding for social security on abortion that's right you have to hear it to believe it hadn't are called time and i'm protesting budget cuts by going on a fast let's move stop the government from cutting services to those who need help from outside looking for a tax. let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right now. i think. either one well. we have the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you're going to be afraid of.
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him or been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new web site which twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about it ongoing financial hardship unlimited all of the videos for download. and stories you never find mainstream news. let me get this so. he looks a little. closer to my heart to just trust. him . welcome to shellings hell. we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now i
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want to hear. is going to this video response want to twitter first part of the question that we give every monday and on thursday. the sponsor we. are it is time for tonight's tool time award two thousand and twelve possible presidential candidate rick santorum is out on the news again with yet another insane statement that we hope that this is just another desperate attempt at media coverage not something that he actually believes or the former senator from pennsylvania is now trying to do you know build a little bit of buzz around his white house bit but everybody knows that while he really doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning so in a radio interview this week santorum told listeners that the reason america's
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social security program is going broke is abortion that's right take a listen the reason so security is in big trouble is we don't have enough workers to support the retirees while a third of all the young people in america are not in america today because of abortion because one in three pregnancies i don't worship and so we are depopulating this country it's through a policy that doesn't support families this does not encourage families to have children to support them when they when we do have had those children and of course the second aspect which is even more important which is the abortion culture in this country so. really gotta hand it to be the republicans their excuse is it do keep getting more and more creative by the day to push their agenda so because of abortion the u.s. doesn't have enough qualified workers to fund social security nice try rick really i mean the absurdity of it is just stunning social security is sitting on a four point three trillion dollar fund that's not expected to change for another
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quarter of a century but if rick is so worried about the workforce here in the us i don't know how to change his stance on immigration issues and urge other g.o.p. lawmakers to do the same how many millions of undocumented workers are there here in the u.s. right now the estimates range from twelve to fifteen million so just if those people were given citizenship started paying taxes and baths might help save social security in the future or recruit actually invest money and resources into education job training programs what that would be actually working to improve the quality of the american workforce but we all know that well that will never happen you know it is just so so much easier to try to scare people by saying that abortion is causing social security to go broke that way you don't even have to talk about real solutions just blame everything on abortion next thing abortion is going to be the reason that our schools are failing or why we're in multiple wars abroad and that's why rick santorum is tonight's full time where. now is the battle
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of the budget continues on capitol hill one thing is very clear the both sides of the political aisle are not going to budge on this one and if nobody is willing to budge then the inevitable is going to happen and that is a government shutdown now it happened back in the ninety's but the threat of another shutdown has politicians going a little crazy democrats are going out that shutdown is really serious news there will be serious consequences all fact average americans no social security checks no veteran's payments just to name a few of the areas will be hit now on the g.o.p. side are they. are going to stay intact with the shutdown and even say the shutdown it could be a good. thing for congress because it'll it'll make them and by them i mean democrats rethink the offer the house republican set forth earlier this year but how do you think a government shutdown sounds to the american people i'd say it sounds like the people that we elected aren't doing their jobs so now several republicans and the tea party caucus are trying to change up their rhetoric they're worried that the term shutdown is going to make them look bad so now the politicians aren't using
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the words slowdown and partial shutdown into their debate on the budget or really really you think changing the wording from shutdown to slowdown is going to affect how americans feel about this those who don't get their social security checks can just blame the slowdown they are publicans let us offer of a few terms that you can throw in there you know just to spice up your rhetoric over the budget talks since you will be working in d.c. even april is right around the corner how about spring break for our growing latino population how about vs the primavera or ones we want to give it a little bit of a more serious title exodus politicus the mass exit of the politicians what a professor takes leave they call it a sabbatical so i don't know congressional sabbatical might also be a good synonym for the shutdown or how about a more technical term we came up with a temporary leave of action to re-evaluate the state of the nation or t l o eighty
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r.t.s. o t n for short now these are just a few ideas but i think you guys get the point no matter what name you call it it still means the government won't have a budget and unfortunately the effects of the looming shutdown are going to reach further than just some crappy political terminology so stop fighting and figure out . now about four thousand people from more than thirty organizations are fasting to call attention to congressional but. they would make huge cuts in programs for the poor and the hungry both in the u.s. and around the world house budget bill h.r. one is the spending bill that could become law if the senate can't come up with their own and it's all in the name of deficit reduction but the budget proposes cuts to the week program for women infants and children eighteen million people would be immediately cut off from a food stream that comes from international food and health aid four million people would lose access to malaria medicine and even though we're seeing record numbers
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of americans on food stamps due to the economy there are also now under attack now mark bittman of the new york times who is also joined this past growth of these cuts will barely make a dent but they will quite literally cause more people to starve to death go to bed hungry or live more miserably and they're doing so now a lot more money is being put towards defense spending but can a fast really make a difference here the scotts is with us is author preacher and theologian jim wallace who's also the president and c.e.o. of sojourners the largest network of progressive christians jim thanks so much for being here tonight for starters tell us how long have you been fasting and how long do you plan on doing it. we sort of monday and the good news is six thousand people joined in the first three days i'm going to go through mr i think. we've still but the message is very clear a budget is a moral document reveals our priorities who's important who's not what's important what's not and the cuts are very small to very effective programs that
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affect our poorest people so what right right now if we look at this budget document as you call it a moral document thing where do our priorities lie i priorities lie in war and cutting any kind of help or food or aid to the poor we have cost effective programs internationally and here we have had bipartisan support the tightest and there are good poverty fighting programs they're working difference but the cuts proposed include like ten million malaria bed nets kids won't get protection from malaria twenty thousand kids may die because of these cuts for the forty thousand who want to get their drug treatments for. women in. food aid. child health these are basic things that cause the poor to survive and in some cases save lives
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and i don't i want them to say that every item of military spending every every item is is better for our wellbeing and security and all these affairs programs that in fact save lives and all the poor to survive and in fact help. so our priorities are wrong here the fastest saying these are extreme cuts and fast is a spiritual escalation if you will and saying these are cruelly selective budget cuts they're not even helping the deficit very much they don't go where we're going to talk about you know who. often proposes these budget cuts right now we have a republican led house and the republican party is also known as the party of more reality i know they're the ones that are now treating the people who are needy people that might be on food stamps you know they be how they treat these people like their government leeches for school health is a good thing so cutting deficits is also
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a moral thing to do so we don't have generations of pressure for our kids and grandkids but how you cut the deficit is also a moral issue so how would you cut it well i think we've got jobs at hawks on the one hand which i think some of them care about through school but there's hypocrites on the other which is going to where the real money is the real money in military spending in corporate subsidies and tax loopholes leave sixty minutes on sunday. it is sure and expose sixty billion dollars of corporate. tax havens in switzerland but in fact. that revenue you know i'd be happy with sixty billion dollars stuff good faith we just want a firm national association of evangelicals bishops soldiers lots of those in you
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whether they're republican or democrat defending poor people is our vocation as people of faith we have a campaign going what we jesus it's a provocative question we bracelets the warriors as they would discuss we personally i remember congress as a person i'm curious jim then how do you know some of the groups that your also aligned with here some of these religious organizations feel about certain cars that have been made to programs like planned parenthood right this is also something of the republican party has treated as if it's really about the budget but at the end of the day the way that these some of these programs might cause people to starve to death well cutting funding to planned pair. i heard my also cause people to like we said. to have cancer because they can't deal with these screenings but they do it all under this moral banner of ending abortion which is only less than two percent of what planned parenthood does as a whole well many of us in the three of you we have we are pro-life we have problems with abortion and i've talked to mrs martin grandparenthood well planned
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parenthood is also doing good work on maternal. and we're doing similar work in our church which is maternal health and child protection is is is being taken away from this budget is really misplaced the priorities are misplaced so we're saying. what is the budget say about us. so i want to say that i don't believe it's in our security interests to cut the poverty programs all over the world we're going to be spending more in a few weeks in libya then we're spending right now in these letters i mean programs i also have to ask you right we're not just talking about party programs within the u.s. we're talking about poverty programs that help people internationally but i do you think that america is right now when they're told that you know unemployment is low when americans are told that they have to cut in order to get our budget in order
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a lot of them support the fact that they don't want to be giving aid to foreign countries anymore they say we need to get our own house in order first i think most americans are supportive of life saving efforts that are literally saving the lives of kids most americans most christians support and this is such a small amount of money i mean we're not going to solve the deficit with these very small but very cost effective and lifesaving programs so internationally we're going to form a circle of protection that's a resounding around the programs that most impact poor people at home and around the world so. the think forming a circle. and creating an advocacy to defend these programs or we're going to say what are our choices here. and one of the costs well it sounds like a very illogical argument that i only wish that some people would listen to few issues here as in do american people really support you know be they christian or
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not helping other nations when our own country isn't a problem but you're definitely right on the ball when it comes to the fact that our priorities are very wrong if we look at some of these budgeting here jim thank you so much for being on the show tonight or much thank you all right now still to come tonight b.p. spills again the company because last summer's huge oil spill in the gulf has now lost the personal information of thousands of people affected by the disaster so how does a company even pay and it's a mess and obama is out with a new energy policy he's calling for the u.s. to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by one third over ten years it is that plan there that really. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you say you don't know i'm sorry is a big. let's
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not forget that we sat in a parked car right here. i think. the oil. we never got the as the keep safe get ready because of the freedom. hey guys welcome to the show and tell on the alone a show we've heard of our guests topics now we want to hear. just go on to you tube the video response or the twitter for part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday when they show the responses we like your voice he.
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also say we've got good news and bad news about b.p. the good news is that there's not another massive oil spill the bad news of b.p. employees has lost one of the company's laptops now we managed to obtain a press release from b.p. about this missing laptop that shouldn't even give us all the details i mean surely
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this lockout didn't have lots of really important information on it right. away actually it says that it contained the names of thirteen thousand people who were the victims of the gulf oil spill from last year but there's no way that b.p. would put any sort of really personal information about the victims on the laptop right. but wait a minute apparently they have details on each individual case and the like their social security numbers and their addresses now the paper says of the computer is password protected so you know i'm sure that that will keep any inquiring eyes away who has a laptop these days especially when there's so much super personal information on it plus any time that there's really important information on a computer it will be encrypted to keep prying eyes from finding anything oh wait a minute actually it says the information is not encrypted so here's some other good news b.p. says in their statement that they apologize for this inconvenience that they reassure everyone that they take the victim's personal information very seriously.
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so seriously that they didn't even bother to think about what could happen if loses a company laptop come on b.v. that's just more fuel added to the fire to all us this oil giants one last question before i get really angry is there anything that you guys can do correctly it's been almost two years since that massive spill from the deepwater horizon explosion i knew can't even keep tabs of your own company's property it really makes me wonder what else b.p. is screwing up especially when it comes to paying back their people the faith that city. now if you pan is still reeling from an earthquake tsunami and continually developing nuclear crisis unrest continues in the middle east and some of the world is now at war with libya gas prices are rising and it's almost summer which means lots of family travel time i know we have you have forgotten about last summer's massive oil spill in the gulf so what better time now to lay out a brand new energy plan for the united states well president obama gave a speech today focusing on energy security. cutting the u.s.
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reliance on foreign oil something that he wants to reduce by one third over the next ten years and yes that does mean drill baby drill now obama also laid out plans to focus more on natural gas biofuels and nuclear energy as well as making cars and trucks more efficient whole weather is ation and a clean energy standard with the goal of generating eighty percent of the nation's electricity from clean energy sources. and you know what all of that sounds very nice but it's going to cost money so let's take a wild guess as to which areas congress will be more likely to fund joining me to discuss it is david robert senior staff writer for grist dot org there are thank you so much for joining us tonight. i said it seems like there really are some very ambitious goals here within obama's plan especially things like cold weather is a sion fuel standards for commercialized trucks but let's just talk about the congress that we have in session now right how much he want to bet that there are
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going to be more along the let's drill more at home side rather than investing at a time when they need to be cutting into alternative energies and fuel efficient cars. oh i'm sure that obama prefer not to talk about eurostar as i think one of the reasons that speech in is a play on words scattered and unsightly into a parent and certainly less ambitious stern a lot of comparable plans that are floating around right now is because you sold because congress and ultimately they show no willingness. to get it all so i think you're right it really will have at least. so basically what obama did in this speech and i'm asking corning's he do you think that he chose politics over actually you know what might have positive effects in the future oh there's some substance to it are you think you mentioned actually implement your purchase of course huge areas there will be substantial so some of us are cheap oh sure but
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that's not to say that it was a zero percent so i mean it was charged politics and we're talking about how to make the u.s. safer from oil shots if you're really talking about energy security you're talking about using less or just u.s. the u.s. doesn't have enough well to substantially change or reduce any of those threats that oil goes up and so the fact yes but oil supply was first and natural gas supply was second and biofuel supply was third in all the sports was using less and i think it's a it is a function of politics entirely now you know i also wonder because obviously there's a lot of unrest in the middle east right now like i said we're going into. war with libya and oil prices are on the rise so when you talk about ending our dependence on foreign oil i think it definitely has a nice ring to it for many americans because you think oil and you automatically think dictators in the middle east and north africa but do you think most americans know that actually our biggest suppliers of oil are canada and mexico first. well
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if there is one that you can hear and be certain when you hear a lot about politics foreign oil there's needless to say doesn't she quickly get her about foreign oil and as you say are the biggest foreign suppliers are scared and mexico so the main problems we have with more oil or just with oil wherever it comes from the foreign part of those is entirely. sort of the nationalistic current instincts of programs so what do you think then what is it going to take you know some people also say the problem with obama's policy here is that he's not advocating any type of a tax on gasoline writers going to have to take something to make americans change their habits. well there are policies to go out of policies for days there are tons and tons of cars sorting out there was not a lot of work done craters on us by policy analysts and security experts in the military and everybody else what's needed for anything to happen there's there's
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for congress to move in and and what needs to happen for congress to move is for the republicans to drop their stance absolute pleasure opposition to anything obama and the democrats that we know it's best. to care what is the past. and until something shifts they're called policy talk i think you've got it's now you know increasingly are also of course unfortunately because of events around the world we remember last year's b.p. oil spill in the gulf we're now looking at the nuclear fallout after japan's earthquake and tsunami you know we've seen documentaries more people talking about the negative effects of fracking more and more it seems like all of our energy options are unsafe all of them can be damaging you know can we ever get to the point where we can not have to rely on any of those energy that you hold so much risk. well all of it comes from natural slogans and it's humans want to
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use energy they have to extract it's all part of her natural flow so by definition there's going to be some impact any time you talk energy out of those natural slow start to say that we can't prioritize that song so sources are much much more dangerous than others i think. if you're talking about technologically chair and socially care where you can't reach than what you are you ramp up the supply of cleaner energy use read down the supply of dirty energy and then push out energy efficiency as hard as you can probably in the middle but politically whether we share. it is a much different question sense and big the dirtiest forms of energy or the longest standing they have the most healthiest lobbies they have the most money the most good source of all of you know the most infrastructure those bills devoted to kill them so there's a huge problem of inertia political and economic inertia now lastly i just want to ask you about this clean energy standard out that seems very ambitious right obama
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is asking about here twenty thirty five eighty percent of our electricity all comes from clean energy but is that actually you know is solve any problems i think that a lot of people might look at that and say well look that means that we're totally tightening climate change because now we've set this very ambitious goal for ourselves but things like cap and trade actually have more of an effect. oh. always in the details i mean if you're talking about. the world according to. obama that's defined here to include virtually. all your. words are consequence trash and so what you should. hope so yes reducing your. trust a substantial so no one saw anything when you know it's going to but first of all a very long journey r.j. i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and i think you're right that
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we definitely have a very long journey here in a very confusing one if we see both the political battles ahead and also let's just remember that obama was just in brazil where he said that we were going to be better partners in terms of extorting their oil so it's definitely hard to tell what is really going on here thanks to him isha now before we go tonight it's time for our tweeted today hillary clinton had some very blunt news for lawmakers on the hill the day she stated plainly that any war resolution passed by congress would simply be ignored by the white house so we were just wondering what congress tweet back to hillary we thought if they hillary why don't you guys simply throw away the constitution. that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make you come back tomorrow wrap around political activist load he will of the on the program discuss the rising to the middle east and our war in libya and the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any tonight or any other nights you can always catch ellen youtube dot com flash heal our show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety we have next is
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