tv [untitled] March 31, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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a very warm welcome back it's hard down here in moscow the u.s. reportedly rules the writings and overt cia operations in libya and is supporting the rebels and gathering intelligence this comes as nato officials themselves more experience than a number of rebel colleagues are toppling the sound kind. meanwhile the libyan foreign minister and the colonel down fees long time right town rather lose the prince the defense of the pay and all the ground force and still loyal to get down
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to repelling further rebel advances. plugs and stabilize the british even nuclear plants comes to a halt as radiation levels in the seawater by the museum reached new heights and the u.n. pushes project done through it spun the evacuation zone from twenty to forty faults it's. coming out next month and stacey for the latest financial scandals of the week stay with us for the closer of course. and welcome to the cause or report we're going to explain everything today using this slinky. to herbert's taste your own or just a server well max guys are going to set the scene for a slinky episode household wealth down twenty three percent in two years
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so according to the fed the average american families household net worth declined by twenty three percent between two thousand and seven and two thousand and nine the median net worth of households fell from one hundred twenty five thousand in two thousand and seven to ninety six thousand and two thousand and nine and the families the stock portfolios were hit especially hard their wealth was down by thirty percent you know they got shellacked as obama said during the stock market crash and because people in america don't work anymore they speculate the stock market and they lose their independence workers and they become dependent on the casino gamblers so they lost a bunch of money and they got a free breakfast so let's go on to the next headline now so we see that the average american lost twenty three percent of their net wealth. forbes wealthiest list reflects changes in global economy and the wealth of the world's billionaires was
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up twenty five percent in the same time that the wealth of the american population was down twenty three percent yes yes it's a clip takhar see you see normally capitalism is about risk reward risk reward winners and losers like this you say this is this is what f.d.r. garrard see during the depression when he brought in the f.c.c. and the f.b.i. seeing all the reforms like last legal but the last twenty five years thanks to j.p. morgan goldman sachs we have something like this. we go your money. so the average net worth of billionaires on forbes billionaire list is now three point seven billion compared to three point five billion in two thousand and nine it dramatically increased at the top so carlos slim is still the richest man but his wealth in two thousand and ten increased by twenty billion for example but then
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steve forbes the guy who runs forbes magazine he says. these are creators they're not plutocrats these are do or making things happen and when they do well we all do well oh he's lying they're not creators they're not do or they're or plucked or crabs they're stealing money from the system it's like defending cancer saying that cancer is somehow beneficial to the host you know cancer is destroying the host the top fortune or forbes list as a cancer destroying the host called the global economy and the global ecology it's eco eco disaster in the u.s. ten percent of the people own about thirty percent of the nation's net worth that's up from thirty five percent at the beginning of this crisis so as we see more and more of the wealth has shifted to the billionaire class from the average person whose wealth is now down twenty three percent they lost most of it because of the
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stock market or you know the housing but the wealthy the billionaire class increase their wealth according to the forbes list mostly because of the stock market so that's the zero sum game that's the high frequency trading machines that these guys get to pay for from the likes of goldman sachs and j.p. morgan and the bankers that they get to just siphon this cash from that lower ninety nine point nine percent like john paulson they made billions of dollars during the housing crash and stock market crash because hi paula john paulson and hank paulson together. part of the conspiracy to crash the markets and all the lording with the federal reserve bank because they benefit and the proof is in the their net worth game they're making billions of dollars on the crashes and they're making billions of dollars more on the return trip up like the warren buffet for example who saw an honest guy is making an august book he's gaming the system and that you should be removed from the system because he's leeching from the well there they're making money on the collapsing system john paulson who you mentioned
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i do believe he has alan greenspan working for him so alan greenspan is the architect of the system that we currently have well that collapsed two years ago we have no system at the moment other than just these kleptocrats just taking so let's look at the consequences of this collapse of the system the twenty three percent of the wealth evaporated from the bottom ninety nine point nine percent of americans here's a response glenn beck exposes economic terrorist plot on us by far left unions so he's claiming they use this guy steve lerner who is a former union leader was caught at a public forum and the left for my piece university on tape saying that a good idea for well average people would be to stop paying their mortgages and that is that way crash j.p. morgan because j.p. morgan is one of the biggest mortgage holders in the us the most aggressive foreclosing on american citizens and he's saying this is
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a way to use the leverage of their relative weakness against the banking system which owns the whole federal reserve and the whole government system steve lerner is the sister campaign to our campaign of buying so over to crash j.p. morgan steve lerner saying default on your mortgages don't pay your mortgage to crash j.p. morgan and the same reason anyone with cancer would want to get rid of cancer and glenn beck is the use of propaganda meister for the fricken terrorist on wall street or murdoch is trying to point this guy as the bad guy which of course is propaganda and i believe there's even more to this. well he's telling his audience it's the leftist the far left the union organizers people who want to organize you are the bad guys that the they could cause a run on the banking system he's saying so i want to remind people what happened in two thousand and eight what who is the financial terrorist in this case and i refer you to this little video clip and this is paul can george ski he's
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a congressman from pennsylvania and this is him in two thousand and nine on c.-span and he's talking about thursday september fifteenth when he was visited by the treasury department officials and they said five hundred fifty billion dollars had been withdrawn from money market funds within an hour to two hours that morning we were having an electronic run on the banks they decided to close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of two hundred fifty thousand dollars per count so there wouldn't be further panic out there and that's what actually happened if they had not done that their estimation was that by two o'clock that afternoon five and a half trillion dollars would have been brought out of the money market system of the united states would have collapsed the entire economy of the united states and within twenty four hours of the world economy it would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it just to break this down
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glenn beck is saying steve lerner is risking a run on the system contrast that with what we saw in two thousand and eight a multi-trillion dollar multi hundred billion soon to be trillion dollar actual run on the system by financial terrorist like j.p. morgan which beck doesn't mention in his little story what the history is and his vilifying a worker he's scapegoating a worker glenn beck is the guy who would be a guard in a concentration camp that's the kind of thing he would do well let's get a little bit more into the actual deeds. and what he's saying here he's talking about this one guy at a university open forum where anybody in the world can go anybody could have walked in there listen to this guy paul can george was he was the head of the subcommittee on capital markets in the congress the united states congress the representatives of the people the people's house he's a congressman the treasury department officials came to him and secretly told him
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that if you don't release this money if you at this point they were talking about tarp if you don't release eight hundred fifty billion there will be a five point five trillion dollar run on the money market system we will collapse the system instead now glenn beck is trying to direct you to this little guy at a public meeting and that he's the cause of the financial catastrophe this is the the the message they're trying to put into people's minds out there who are desperate and on food stamps. another one of his rallies be handing out little yellow armbands with stars on them to the people part of his final solution i mean i mean how much more evidence how much more proved you need that this guy back and murder are working for the same fascists who eliminated millions sixteen years ago how much more evidence do you need you know he's blaming unions so let's look at the situation in one of the lowest union participation rates
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states in the whole united states and that's idaho less than five percent of the citizens of idaho are in a union food stamps surge in west the number of idahoans taking food stamps grew by forty two percent last year we were less than five percent of them are in use so they can't blame their catastrophe on union members so the number increased from in two thousand and seven before the financial terrorist attack that glenn beck is trying to distract them from. before then five point eight percent of the population were on food stamps now fourteen percent are on food stamps this is more than the national average which is that thirteen percent so the national numbers of people relying on food stamps which is like a pitiful amounts of like one hundred dollars a month for individual it's up seventeen million nationally since the crisis began
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in idaho alone it's up one hundred thirty six thousand one hundred fifteen people now rely on food stamps this is a state which is a very classically red state it's a very fox news sort of audience these are this is what glenn beck and his terrorists that he's defending they are they've caused the starvation the near starvation of seventeen million people number one employer in food stamp administration and distribution. j.p. morgan but that's right that's her big hope the billionaires the puppet brats and then they administer food stamp program for the peasants and by the way you're probably one of the persons arjen unless you're one of the billionaires are watching the show because of our recommendation for gold and silver but anyway please continue so final headline here for fox news glenn beck telling you don't organize whatever you do that's the devil's leftism it's like these are evil people they're feminazi is and all these nasty liberty so don't organize i'm going to show
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you what happened in a nation that would probably be called socialist by glenn beck marxists and other sort of nasty words in american lingo dutch bankers' bonuses axed by people power so in the netherlands people gathered on twitter and campaigned to they were going to basically boycott i n g bank which is state bell this is state owned bank but they were awarding themselves big bonuses the c.e.o. was given himself a bonus of one million pounds and these the dutch people threaten to withdraw all their money and fearing a partial run on the bank these bankers that i n g are giving back their bonuses. the global insurrection against banker occupation as a major win. against i m g a financial terrorist well that's it shows you the proof that you know in america they've negotiated with terrorists paul kanjorski negotiated with terrorists and as
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a result many americans are now on food stamps but here these guys are getting their money back before they do deals they won't negotiate with these guys until they're on a level playing field and when they run out of money for food stamps it'll be for the ghetto all right stay sober thanks so much for being on the guys report thank you don't go away much more coming away so stay right there. we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers
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. bringing you the latest in something. from the realms. hubbard. welcome back to the kaiser report time now to get in massachusetts and talk with dimitri our law is the author of the newly updated reinventing collapse dimitry welcome to the kaiser report thanks thank you for having me on your program max great to be with you again all right dimitri oarlock we are in the midst of a the collapse that you refer to in reinventing collapse where are we in the collapse well it's it's hard to tell which phase where in some countries have gone through political collapse others other countries are in the midst of
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a financial collapse and now we have a bit of a commercial collapse on the way because say missing sojitz air sensors that are required in just about every production automobile it is supposed to be rolling off the production lines but isn't ok talking about supply lines disruption correct and it was globalization ireton break it down for us basically companies have so. it completely to just in time. inventory control systems and the logistics are becoming a nightmare because japanese manufacturing has shut down to quite a great extent woad won't be up and running because of a tricity shortage is because it's nuclear plants offline and these companies that diversified their sources of the parts they need for the various manufacturing process between several japanese manufacturers in many cases and since both of those manufacturers out into the off line not much will be moving then will they
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will have actual shortages of product and spare parts that are needed to keep systems running and so on it sounds a lot like the union with factories stacked up with stuff that they can't ship products that nobody wants workers being underpaid as a matter of fact when you wrote the original collapse gap you made a comparison between the u.s. and soviet era russia saying both countries were spending military budgets out of control that the soviet union collapsed and that the u.s. would collapse surely there after were in the midst of that collapse the u.s. is stepping up its military spending there in afghanistan they're in iraq now they're in libya people are asking where's the money coming to spend in libya i think per your collapse gap scenario it all makes sense fill in the details well what's happening now in libya is his just a very striking example of being unable to stop even though what you're doing isn't
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actually working. leaving khadafi in power would have been a nightmare scenario because of you know his brand of islamic democratic tribal socialism it was it would have been ok to have all of these you know western supported dictators knocked over and replaced by some somebody that the west could appoint through some kind of you know because the west is such as such experts. yes and freedom and democracy they could ship in some experts and find somebody else but if these muslim countries have their own expert on freedom and democracy that would be a big problem for the western for the united states so i can see where they would be motivated in removing gadhafi but this is this is just an extreme example of being unable to stop this astroturf revolution that they're now perpetuating in in libya probably won't end very well for anyone even of khadafi is removed and
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i can just generally see how this is not going to to evolve into internet anything stable all right let's take a look at the mainstream media's coverage of what's happening in the us and the economic collapse in the u.s. they seem to be leaning in the direction of blaming everything on the unions particularly teachers your thoughts dmitri all of the american political system loves to pick victims and they generally are the weakest part of the population they don't really fight back they don't really want to pick a fight with a soldier but why not pick a fight with a schoolteacher instead if you can there's been all sorts of efforts to. patronize you know. skinned women with too many children you know you call them welfare queens things like you blame immigrants you blame defenseless people and this is just part of this. sadistic streak that
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exists in american politics and it comes out in the worst of times this is just part of it all right so that sounds like scapegoating sounds like scapegoating from the world war two era a helpless or a minority in a population was chosen and scapegoated everything was blamed on them saying in the us their techniques their teaching teachers as the scapegoating teachers and the weakest in society with the least rights and then blaming all of them is that correct well yes it is that they're hoping at the same time that by by demolishing . as much of this the social infrastructures exist in the country you know getting rid of the people who make for a literate population for instance you will end up with even less literate population that will be unable to oppose the government unable to stand up for themselves and demand that their rights and needs be mad so in this they might actually be successful all right so there is
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a program being conducted by the government against its own people in the us can we say that without any hesitation vote yes and the remarkable thing is that i look at the us population and in a crowd. and speaking to people and they pay don't actually have any understanding that it's not their government but they don't have any control over that it completely ignores anything that they will say will pretty much follow the dictates of the people who own the government and it's not the general population that owns the government and they still feel that there is some kind of a role to be played in by them in voting or in forming some kind of an opposition intelligent people talk about forming a third party as if this is a political system that can be reformed i would say that in the soviet union people were a bit farther along in the process. understanding that it wasn't government at this
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stage of picking and this is rather disappointing parting with dimitri orloff and i encourage everyone to look him up on the web and read his writing. it predates a lot of what naomi klein has been writing about or what naomi wolf has been writing about dimitri has been doing bit of a social science experiment by mapping the fall of soviet empire the fall of the us empire and finding remarkable overlapping between these two countries and the collapse gap is just about completely closed let's talk about currency the role of currency in the collapse in particular the u.s. dollar and the increasing doubt that we see. in the global community in the u.s. dollar what do you see happening there i noticed that the fellow who was queening. gold and silver dollars a while ago i think was something like free money i don't remember the exact name of the company but he just got locked up for twenty five years
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a judge in the us accused him of being a terrorist so. people who think that they can somehow skirt the financial system. are wrong you know that they will. they will be dominated by the bernanke's of this world and others there isn't really a way out except to make two money and that's kind of what i try to explain to people this is reduce your need for. any kind of interaction with with the official economy and we will do better let's talk about oil for a second what role it plays it's in the triple digits again the last time oil prices were the size of stock markets plunged shortly thereafter how do you see oil prices factoring into this going forward to meet the all of the short term view is that there's a lot of volatility of the long term view is that oil is without an industrial economy as oil oil is pretty much a talks talks equates to now one of the big addition. the second edition of my book
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that i made is a big chapter on peak oil where i debunk part of peak oil theory the part of it that says that there will be very gradual declines in in the global production of crude oil spanning decades i have discovered that this is really bunk as and what we should be looking forward to is rapid stepwise declines where parts of the world are cut off from petroleum imports all the ones that may be preceded by shortages for a period of time can argue that this is the case based on a lot of different lines of evidence so that's one of the additions that i made in the book the. oil is behind us and coming into focus in our rearview mirrors now let's talk about propaganda for a second because in the us the mainstream media and the propaganda that is mainstream media is trying to convince the public that the there is no such thing as peak oil it's it's an agenda being pushed by it's hard to determine exactly who
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they identify as driving this agenda but that it doesn't fact exist now it's simply a matter of of mathematics and physics right i mean if you extract half of or more than half of all the oil that's in the crust of the earth you're going to start to pay up for what's remaining in the crust of the earth is that is not a fair statement there's a way of modeling any given well reservoir and then if you combine a lot of different oil reservoirs then that's just a smearing effect but the basic the basic math the logistic function remains the same. but the problem is that the oil that we're getting at now is not the oil that was there before before you could take a whole hundred years ago you could dig a hole with hand tools and get it there will you have to drill offshore there's also all sorts of technical complexities to get at the remaining oil which makes it much. more expensive and at some point it makes it sound economic that is there
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isn't enough spare energy or money left over to keep the economy going while getting at the the amount of oil required to keep the economy going that's just one of the effects but there's a lot of different effects that play into it such as resource nationalism and various countries where they see it to their pitch to consume as much oil as possible and export as little as they can get away with because that could stand in a relative advantage he said heat the oil importing countries where a lot of a lot of things that will basically disrupt the global economy by by causing shortages and price spikes and there is place and and and crashing economies that there is countries and that's what we're seeing now all right to me through we've got about a minute left can you just cover two or three of the. strategies that those listening and watching might want to think about to deal with this collapse well
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one thing the focus has brought to to the fore is make sure you're not within fifty kilometers of a nuclear power plants just get a map. draw dots where the plants are. fifty kilometer radius circles around each one and a sure enough living in there because we know now that one little mistake and you go from people in white smocks with clipboards to the three stooges running around with plastic bags on their feet and in radioactive pride so there isn't really the stability in the world that's required to operate a nuclear industry and so we should all try to stay away from those locations as much as possible ok so you're advocating basically stay nimble stay mobile stay alert this is why i hate real estate as an investment have for decades and secondly move somewhere some crazy stuff goes on all right well that's all the time we have for the me. you're all of thanks so much for being on the kaiser report
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