tv [untitled] March 31, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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the club school has. photos in the big old circus hotel. cringe an escape from this reticence this is really convinced him we could switch to plug in school kids come on. now so turn. on r t tonight for us will possibly also rises covert cia operations in libya the libyan foreign minister defects to the united kingdom but neither development seems to stop pro gadhafi forces from the pearling further rebel advances we have the latest for you also work holes in stabilizing the fukushima nuclear plant as groundwater radiation around the facility reaches a high. and russia closer travels to siberia doorstep with space travelers get their welcome home from orbit coniston in the chelyabinsk region a bit later in the program. hello
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this is our team from moscow i'm kevin owen it's now eleven pm here and it's nine in the tripoli the top story the u.s. is reportedly sending cia teams to libya to gather intelligence and set up links with the rebels it comes as doubts grow about the exact makeup of the movement to oust colonel gadhafi and that's prompted criticism of plans to them with nato officials themselves admitting they fear that al qaeda fighters are among the rebels. as the latest from tripoli. well there have been airstrikes in the east and south eastern suburbs of tripoli at a military base there for a while the front line seems to have been pushed it was so further back it is now not far from the town of ajdabiya which is just seventy kilometers west of the rebel stronghold of benghazi there have been and number of coalition air strikes in
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and around here would switch certainly does suggest that the coalition is afraid there could have his forces are closing in on this town and also they can offer i just got here two for gadhafi forces and now the terrain that the rebel fighters are fighting on is working against him it is essentially one highway in the desert it is very hard for them to get supplies and so if you the stage it does seem as if this coalition is try some making very little difference to the big question on everyone's mind here is the whole question of weapons this is a concern a trip we have had from the beginning and it is a legal question whether or not that united nations resolution one thousand nine hundred feet actually allows for the arming of the rebel fighters the rebels have shown themselves lack of leadership to be quite loosely organized and by large not actually know how to use the weapons if they do have now we understand that about two to three weeks ago the american president barack obama reportedly signed a secret order that's all the deployment of cia agents to this country on the
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ground gadhafi is winning the war but certainly he has been dealt a psychological blow to his foreign minister recently said has defected and he is currently in discussions with the british intelligence not concerned has been a foreign minister of this country since two thousand and nine feet headed the libyan intelligence agency for some fifteen years and after him the nickname of the man of so many here are asking what is it exactly that mr russo koussa knows that has caused him to defect and just how important any information he has the to the coalition partners. contributing to our twitter feed to from tripoli to bring you closer to what's really going on on the ground it one of the latest. and she says that some people in tripoli think that arming the rebels would mean that the west is also threats of lee are being held hostage in a sort of a that's again in a minute with the latest guest on the program but anyway you can find us on twitter i doubt the other school can all log on to our website as well r t two caught on to
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read about a war correspondent personal life in the prisons all the personal blog you can read over which is going through the. crowd that's going to a former u.s. government official into the picture now to try and shed some light on what's happening fourth of that climbs in washington these scenes as archival even if you can hear me we're coming out in the early almost two weeks now into the operation in libya but the opposition is losing ground again we hear now talk as well of arming the rebels and even congress today in washington complaining it's not fully in the picture but i look at it it's not going well is it. well it's not clear whether it's going well or not going well what is concerning the congress obviously is as you say they don't seem to be getting all the information they normally would expect to get under these circumstances as to how it's actually going up. well i suspect and i can only part the size here because the decisions are being made in
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such haste that it's probably difficult from the administration's perspective to keep congress up to speed that doesn't entirely satisfy them how did i. make decisions in haste repent and sure leisure hopefully that won't come back to hit the main operational aim was to protect civilians save us and forget that must wait we're seeing the coalition partners clearly siding with the rebels how much longer covers countries claim that this is all about a humanitarian mission that's wearing a bit thin now isn't it. well i think it very much depends on where the united states goes from here if indeed it lines up arming the rebels there's no question that it's going to be more than just a humanitarian mission although there will be those who will argue that anything less than getting rid of gadhafi is not humanitarian and only if you get rid of him it's humanitarian there are
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a lot of people who don't necessarily buy into that argument you think of that question do you think that's on the cards do you think the. big way. it's being debated whether to arm the rebels that's number one do i think he will go easily no why should he go he's being called a criminal. well they haven't done it so far and he does run of patronage system that's forty years old so there are a lot of people who owe him a lot in are not certain that they too might not be considered war criminals so yes there are those who are defecting but what i've been told is that in many cases he keeps many of his senior officials families kind of hostage to having their people work for him so there's a lot of uncertainty there this is a man who survived for over forty years he knows every trick of the dictatorial trade and it's not necessarily a given that he will not only not go of his own but that people somebody will take
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him out we're hearing that. six now agents are reportedly on operations in libya maybe trading the rebels as we speak now although the cover agents uneasy but suspicious way for countries to get around that u.n. resolution. well again of course the u.s. government has not said anything at all about what agents may or may not be doing on the ground and national public radio or national public radio has stated that they've confirmed this the real issue is in getting around the united nations in my view the real issue is how far does the united states get into this given that it is already fully committed in iraq and afghanistan we have not completed anything like the pullout from iraq that doesn't happen until the end of this year course in afghanistan we're not talking about really leaving in a serious way for some time so we're stretched pretty thin and to me that's the
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more fundamental question whether the allies britain france qatar the others the emirates i here are coming in whether they're prepared to pick up the slack even by the way with respect to any kind of reconstruction to me that's the fundamental question not whether the united states is trying to get out from under a security council resolution or the medium. fishel saying only that this operation could last for three months with the opposition losing already is that estimate even credible do you think oh well again it's gone back and forth that least three or four times it's almost like a basketball game you get different scores in the first quarter in the second quarter and so on the truth is nobody really knows nobody knows how long the army will hold out in support of gadhafi nobody knows whether gadhafi will do anything other than what he's already doing nobody knows whether the rebels can really organize themselves nobody even knows who all the rebels are so several months is
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pure speculation i don't think anybody really knows former united states government official thank you for being on the news channel much but. my pleasure thank you. now the united states has a long and mixed history of supporting rebels in internal conflicts and it's out his gun and she can reports next helping out anti-government forces can sometimes fire to the international community permitted intervention in libya to protect civilians from colonel qaddafi but washington wants to the further than that and is considering arming the rebels while officially denying that toppling qaddafi is the objective of its involvement in libya but broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake president obama has reportedly signed a secret order authorizing covert american support for rebel forces seeking to oust the libyan leader critics of the u.s.
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taking sides in a civil war war of the consequences we help accelerate the chaos. and in creating more chaos we're to we think somehow we're going to be able to direct the outcome it's the same hubris that has visited the united states in iraq the same hubris that keeps us penya and in afghanistan causes us to believe that somehow we are going to wreck. any outcome in libya we cannot do that nor do we have the right to determine who the leader of libya should be many fear radical forces could take advantage of the chaos in libya former jihadist noman bennett men who renounces all kind of feeling asian in two thousand says he has two mates one thousand jihadists are among the rebels in libya one lady and rebel commander has openly admitted his fighters have links other reports say terrorists seized libyan surface to air missiles when arsenals were looted nato intelligence
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reports claim flickers of al qaida and hezbollah have been found among the rebels in libya but maintained there is no reason to believe their presence is significant but a u.s. military study three years ago said lidia's made up the second largest group of jihadists in the world right after saudi arabia all of that seems to be discarded as the u.s. is trying to prop up the opposition in libya as some analysts say in an attempt to forge a relationship with them that would be favorable for the united states in the future but experts say as of now the opposition in libya hardly has a defined face or power so these people. will not be able to take control over the city as soon as the current regime. goes all of them this means that somebody else will be. tempted to take over the country and you know the village will organize the world force in the region not in
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the country but in the region is unfortunately i was. some say arming the rebels could backfire we've been in this situation in afghanistan one day we help people and the next day they sure are us if we are cautious about military intervention to blow back their charm was johnson johnson wrote famously about you sure to happen in libya in afghanistan back in the eighty's the u.s. had in their own goal to help them o.j.d. fight soviet troops subsequently the same with militants turned their weapons and training against the us among those of them was osama bin ladin whose group eventual evolved into al qaida this cannistraro cia and alice is an operations chief in the 1980's says back then the us didn't see the dangers of arming afghan militants. and what we've seen were troublesome so.
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interests separate. and leading to the reconstruction of. over two decades after arming the afghan mujahedeen america is now considering giving weapons to another rebel band with an unclear identity simply because of who they're fighting against going to check on r t washington d.c. and while the u.s. gets expensive bogged down in libya american billionaires are watching their wealth rise as we report later this hour a financial analyst moves kaiser stacy had to dig into the week's financial scandals. you see that the average american lost twenty three percent of their net wealth. forbes wealthiest list reflects changes in global economy and the wealth of the world's billionaires was up twenty five percent in the same time that the wealth of the american population was down twenty three percent yes yes it's
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a club soccer see you see normally capitalism is about risk reward risk reward winners and losers like this you say this was this is what f.d.r. guaranteed very depression when he brought in the f.c.c. and if you guys see it all the reforms like classical but the last twenty five years thanks to j.p. morgan goldman sachs we have something like this. we. more of that a little later back to the news now though and you can work at the damage fukushima nuclear plants being hampered by the dangerously fluctuating radiation in and around the facility a highly radioactive substance has now been found in groundwater near the plant it's ten thousand times more than normal levels and the levels of nearby seawater now estimated to be four and a half thousand times more than normal the highest figures recorded in the city
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since the beginning of the nuclear crisis experts think it may be caused by highly radioactive cooling water leaking from the plant also the u.n. has now found contaminated soil forty kilometers from the facility and once the twenty kilometer evacuation zone to be expanded powers government though says the findings require no immediate action dr john large he's an independent nuclear consultant told me the crisis shows that japan was ill prepared for the virgins like this. the problem is really the fundamental nuclear safety culture in japan and generally in the rest would be developed world is flawed what happened here is that the japanese considered this cascade. fruit a tsunami could never happen or would happen so infrequently but they didn't have to take account of it and as a result they never practice is not a rehearsal it's quite an accident and we can see you're free to believe that the japanese for the first two weeks have been running real to coin an old english phrase like headless chickens not knowing what to do the real problem is this if
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they take a measure like flooding and quench in the reactors with water that may well lead to serious consequences later on when they have all that accumulated. which is highly radioactive then they have to make a decision of how to do with the water whether to keep it inside trenches or to actually destroy object to sea with. consequences on the marine environment so whichever way they turn they've been ill prepared and poorly planned for the consequences of this succeeding action dr john large of the planet deeply consulted highlighting the problems they're facing there right now but the earthquake and tsunami would cause the massive destruction if you can see may also wiped out entire communities to people who lost their homes and now living in overcrowded shelters while the painstaking cleanup operation continues result is a garage and found out first many will still have nowhere to go even when that complete. this is the first time many residents of asian
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a marquee have seen their houses since the tsunami has surged through them but in most a little of value remains but supple shinji is not trying to salvage material possessions . my house was totally destroyed and my husband died in the tsunami now i'm honoring him by getting his personal things out i just wish everything could go back to how it was. changing has been housed at the local school with several hundred others people here have been taken turns to volunteer as cooks and cleaners . the ground conditions mean that after nearly three weeks the communal spirit is fraying and. we are dissatisfied with your forties we know there are temporary houses that will be put up but who will get them some areas are being favored over others. the government admits that lot a single temporary house has been constructed so far but even when they do finally
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go up they won't solve the far greater problem. the government the excavators are removing the rubble as fast as they can but for the victims of the disaster even those lucky enough to get the temporary housing it will be years before they can come here rebuild their house and color their home many of the stricken japanese coastal towns rely for generations on dwindling fishing and shipping industries livelihoods which no longer exist and there is little hope of ever getting them back. the government is good at solving big problems not the ones of a small people i don't think this town will ever be a rebuild as it was even if i restore what i have no one will build anything next to my house. but the government providing food and temporary shelter was the relatively straightforward part in helping victims cope with the disaster making sure people have a place and a community to return to will be much more difficult eager of no artsy topical
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japan. and as the nuclear crisis in japan continues to unfold the worry among some is that fukushima might turn into another chill novel artie's correspondent the next year a jet ski has visited some of the long planned there is in the chernobyl exclusion zone in ukraine. loves to share photos with you he's posting them on our website tito coleman is also there a special report documents history's worst manmade nuclear disaster with those who lived through the tragedy you can experience it at r.t. dot com. or news in brief now syrian state media is reporting that president assad thought of the new committee to be formed to consider the removal of the country's decades long emergency lowest it's been among the key demands of anti-government protests over the past month comes a day after the president dashed expectations that he didn't have political reforms given rights groups say over one hundred people been killed in government
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crackdowns on protests in the last two weeks. ivory coast's army chief is seeking refuge at the home of the south african ambassador there it comes as the u.n. introduces sanctions against incumbent leader long by both creating an asset freeze and a travel ban any time supporters of the internationally backed president elect l a son of a car and laying siege to the country's main city of the john they previously took over a key port and the capital as controlled continues to slip away by a girl who she says to quit. thanks to russia close a journey to the city that provides a space age welcome for those returning from the final frontier. so let's get a clearer picture of where we're headed she really areas around two thousand kilometers east of moscow it marks the border between the mighty ural mountains and
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harsh snowy siberia for its three and a half million population it's an industrial heartland but the giant adjoining plane also makes it a perfect landing spot for cosmonauts and astronauts as a radical founder. months spent in space i mean stars and constellations orbiting the earth in zero gravity being a cosmonaut or an astronaut is no easy task. after their mission is complete and a return for earth mission for other men and women begins. obvious there's no telling where cars will land so in order to be first here for anything it is possibly the wrong russian navy the space agency regularly exercises just a month before its scheduled landing so they can be fair for anything in fact the rescue operation kicks off even before the capsule with cosmonauts lands. gets one
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of the most exciting moments hearing in your head phones that they got us on their radar they're watching us and following us that's awesome that means that all the survival practices that we had won't be needed. but though this is how it usually happens the search and rescue teams on land and know that it's better to be safe than sorry. such trainings are conductor's regularly right before every when the objective is to test the condition of the equipment and vehicles of the preparedness of the personnel our team has an extensive experience in this field and we are ready to work in any condition. to process involves several teams of specially trained air force personnel from parachutists kinetic. finding a landing capsule opening it up there in the cosmos out into the open back on terra firma of course during the training one of the rescuers acts as a stand in for the cosmonauts the whole process normally takes twenty five to
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thirty minutes but in order to achieve such speed a months of training are needed after all they're all lives at stake and one of the most important factors the weather is also one of the most unpredictable. this is both the hardest when helicopters going to fly into the ground initial on can you get to the cosmonauts create them and get them to the nearest airfield we always have very little time and we must get them out is soon as possible because a lot of the hardly low pressure working environment but there were it is priceless it's just like the super all cosmonauts we greatly respect you guys and really love us and i hope that all knowledge and lifesaving skills that you have will never be needed by you or us but thank you engine auburn's krege and even goes cold r.t. . was promised coming up later this stacy haven't picked apart the lakers business
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headlines in the u.s. the cause report there is a bit less than ten minutes time but before that let's get across that is financial headlines next for what. has struck time for the business of data very welcome proposals by president medvedev to overhaul state companies are kicking up a storm even before they have been introduced the president wants to see government officials also also states companies his aides aren't mensing worst together a hit list of kremlin officials who should be stripped out of their directorships. in many cases the board of directors is being led by government officials deputy prime ministers and ministers and the example is well known in finance it is very cheap read and could rent you know what i guess it is rosemary and searching and transported you very far from sure and if you tune in financing and agriculture it is rosales was buying and you cough and there are other examples and we need to
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understand of course these officials will continue to have wide ranging powers to influence the activity of these institutions that you know which is not it's all part of the president's call for using government influence in states companies increasing their transparency and pushing privatization and new regulations are aimed at helping russia travel more investors. on time to have a quick look at how the markets are faring that's all u.s. stocks are flat after the government reported a smaller than expected drop in weekly jobless claims the labor department said new applications for unemployment benefits fell just three hundred eighty eight thousand traders will be watching friday's march jobs report when the federal reserve will raise interest rates and we want to europe here the markets closed in the red on day with if it's a losing almost point seven percent banking stocks gave off the session gains as a result of our huge bank stress tests show that the country's banks need
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additional thirty four billion dollars to survive the financial crisis the biggest decline as i was satan them offers earnings missed forecasts. on bush markets finished mixed but they are less than half a percent rise it was just a temple percent that's now have a look at some of the individual share moves most energy major sources of cross never finished down one point six percent gazprom last quiet one percent and banking shares were also down was i wrong to waffle percent in the world on the price it's wrong bash apparently got it all wraps up the trading day. the market has been really quite flat today the big story has obviously been around. the impact of present comments about the potential change in the board of directors. but actually as a result of that and i think it's going to really be underperforming for today i
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think that reflects you know uncertainty what does this actually mean for sort of. obviously searching as a. story. of the news the world. a more than three fold increase in net profit because to twenty revenues were up by ten billion dollars with a profit point. in the hong kong market and shares have been up almost. on the new. direction. so we have time for now you are up you can get.
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. as you know song was sixteen years old when he committed these murders that's not to say that song sower should not be punished for his crimes sean is being honest no rational person can deny that john has been punished is been honest and will be punished. as ours must be executed for the brutal crime committed this is a punishment this is not. to mention. veterans day. because we've. been immersed in army whatsoever. and i didn't come here to ask justice. and heard they first. start were just more. violent martin. and my dad is now.
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