tv [untitled] March 31, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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well. yeah he says they're safe that. freedom. of movement in the middle of the world. will. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you sure see some other part of it and realize everything you saw you don't i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture.
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on the decline so what better time to get a little history lesson on the real tea party seven hundred seventy three and why we need it again today and today's daily take. if you thought the republican war against organized labor was restricted to just the lower forty eight states think again alaskan state lawmaker carlow got. introduced a bill last week to strip public unions public employee unions of their collective bargaining rights the bill also exams firefighters police officers and e.m.t. ease from losing their rights if you think that sounds familiar it is as gatto told c.n.n. it's nowhere as considine range but that's right the exact same bill proposed and
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passed illegally in wisconsin has been recycled for use in alaska so should we expect the same sort of fight we have north joining me now in the studio to talk about this issue and other republican antics in our northernmost state is shannon moore host of the shannon more radio show and more up north in anchorage alaska shannon welcome it's wonderful to be here thanks for having great to have you on our t.v. show. does it take longer for things to get up to alaska i mean you know the brick snyders already got this thing in law in michigan and i don't know if it takes longer for bad things but certainly the results like you would think that they represent got a would not dream of introducing this right now seeing as the result of people but i think part of the issue of juneau not being very easily accessible it's not on the road system we've got to have about a thousand bucks to get there from anywhere you know maybe raise from he's not from there but that's where everyone is in the capital i mean there's no real practical way for people to converge on the capital in alaska because it's awfully late
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demonstrate there because actually it's on a busy it's. amazing so you know he's he's the same representative that just introduced a bill to outlaw sharia law. this is a real problem in alaska apparently all those millions of muslims who want to know we have apparently stoning is a big problem and we also had. a person that the governor just nominated mr hayes who decided that he wanted to really badly what he thought was a great idea and he's nominated to the judicial council to choose judges is that we would start prosecuting all sex that is not marital yeah i see you've mentioned that you know to me and i was like wait a minute so between shari'a law and now prosecuting all sex that isn't recognized by jesus and when they prosecute it will they throw stones i'm not sure how they check like that how is it different from your ilok if you get pulled over for a headlight out do they actually you know do
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a check and you guys been sleeping together yeah we're going to have to swap now you know what it was how are they going to enforce this it's like the government's getting small enough to fit in your underwear well yeah that and that that is the big government you know weirdness of these get these guys around to go work for smaller government but we want to be in your underwear right but i want to know what you're drinking we want to know your smoker what you're doing what i know you love that's right yeah yeah and where you're not allowed to sarah palin's been reclusive lately you've got a lot of really good reporting on sarah and sarah palin over the years much of it on my radio program and of course on yours but what's going on up there well you know sarah love sarah sir's always love sarah she's doing whatever works for sarah and she's right now unfortunately i mean i kind of miss her right now. she's you know she's out and about i'm not missing her because i miss the drama but because the governor that we have right now sean parnell is actually worse than she is
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you're kidding no no like i actually miss her being the governor comparatively speaking but he is you know when sarah came into office ten percent of our legislature has just been indicted for taking bribes from oil companies which is a bad idea this. and when you get caught in there on tapes and watching all the cash handover it was interesting but you know she came in and implemented a tax regime they call it we're alaskans get our fair share we actually collectively bargain our mineral rights we're not like a socialist it well. it's as i got that we are a great courage to admit on the general right i mean it's pretty amazing though that we have you know that's why alaskans get a check you know everybody gets a check as we collectively bargain the mineral rights she got a certain percentage of the oil companies think it's too high and that right now our governor is getting ready to give back between two and three billion dollars a year to. to the oil companies in alaska and i was just talking to their markets i was just up on the hill here and i said how hard is it for you to get
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money from the federal government for projects in alaska we would we can afford to give back to him three billion dollars to oil companies and it's got to be a bit of it it's really difficult so very pro corporate our governor now right now was a lobbyist for conoco phillips and apparently didn't have been this bad which is comical philips the largest oil company out there they are p. and exxon are the main players. in interest you. can respect personal failing to run for governor soon or might she run afoul of this law that they're proposing to ban sex out of marriage or you know i don't know she moved to arizona i that's right you're right i mean there's levi johnston's has already lost her of mayor now and there's a alaska really has so much there's so much drama and people say we need to move to d.c. when you can move to new york and i'm like there's just not enough going on i mean
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it's just that crazy there back to the original serious bill that karl groucho proposed to the union stripping built first of all i first i want to interrupt you for just carl gado is a retired fireman on a fireman suspension. his wife retired from the school district and school teacher's pension so and they both have their insurance through that i find it really disingenuous that he would even bring this up ironic is not even the word. just very very quickly can this bill pass i don't think so i really don't think so but money in anchorage is going to be a huge solidarity rally ground will be generally candidates to be this down so if you're watching an anchorage show up and shout out thanks so much for this theory to have you back alaska's way up north doesn't mean we can't forget about what's going on up there two words for you on why sarah pailin. after the break tonight's daily take on the real story behind the boston tea party and how today's tea party would be tarred and feathered by our founding fathers.
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time for thought i'd say the good the bad and the very painfully ugly first up the good democratic congressman jared polis in an event yesterday paul is called on congress to end the prohibition against marijuana he said it is home state's experience with losing it was fortune's on the plan and said we see the benefits across the board as a job creation engine in colorado as sorely needed contributions to our revenue on the state level it's a critical and important time for advocacy on the national stage right on it's time to call out marijuana for what it really is a medicine not a bad recreational drug bill bad alan greenspan the former chairman of the federal reserve at whose feet a lot of the blame for the financial meltdown can be laid and an op ed in the financial times but last in wall street reform laws he advocated less regulation
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writing with notably rare exceptions to those and. for example you can lowball invisible hand has created roads it was stable exchange rates interest rates prices and wage rates. two thousand and eight the rare exception that's right greenspan called the worst financial collapse since one thousand nine hundred twenty nine which by the way he helped create a rare excess. i suppose you'd also consider the nine hundred twenty nine crash a rare exception in deregulated markets these guys are just able just not able to see the obvious truth the regulated markets as happened in the twenty's as happened in the in the late ninety's early two thousand and always lead to crashes. problems and that's and the very very ugly florida governor rick scott today scott laid out his agenda to make deep cuts to state programs of the system developmentally disabled individuals including
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a fifteen percent cut that will affect thirty thousand floridians with autism and downs syndrome he claims he needs to make the cuts to address a one hundred seventy million dollar deficit in the persons with disabilities agency but at the same time scott is handing out one and a half billion dollars in tax cuts to corporations and another one and a half billion dollars one point four billion to rich property owners he's taking money from a mentally handicapped people to give to his rich buddies to top it all off scott appeared today at the special olympics promotion of it to raise money for the upcoming florida special olympics that's my destiny and that's very very. the tea party is in the news today a c.n.n.
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poll released shows that only thirty two percent of americans approve of the movement as a whopping forty seven percent of americans actually disapprove of the tea party movement but more interesting than this astroturf movement it was bought and paid for by billionaires bult multimillionaires and their corporations frankly is the real tea party i'm talking about the boston tea party is seven hundred seventy three that auto flier was nailed on people's front doors and trees all over boston in the middle the night signed by an enigmatic character who went under the pseudonym rustic us there's still some debate about who he really was it's make sure that your watchman be instructed as they go on their rounds to call out every night after past twelve be aware of these to india company the east india company conventional wisdom has it that the seven hundred seventy three t. act tax law passed in london that led right to the boston tea party was simply an increase
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in the taxes on tea paid by american colonists in reality however the tea act gave the world's largest transnational corporation and british east india company the biggest corporate tax break in world history it was an actual tax refund and millions of pounds of tea they were unable to sell and they were holding an inventory and would have been billions in today's dollars so why did the american colonists get so angry about a corporate tax cut if they commit a multi-million dollar in today's money active vandalism against the company and thus a light the fuse for the revolutionary war. i couldn't find a ready answer on the web or in any american history textbooks back about a decade ago when i was writing what would jefferson do they all seem to either incorrectly suggest that the tea party active seven hundred seventy three was a tax increase that set off the tea partiers protesting or they ignored it
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altogether so when i found in an antiquarian bookstore in london and original first edition of one of this nation's earliest history books i had a bias where in the real story of the boston tea party and the subsequent american revolution this is an original copy of retrospect of the boston tea party with a memoir of george r. t. hughes a survivor this is the full title of it a survivor of the little band of patriots who drowned at sea in boston harbor and seven hundred seventy three because the identity of the boston tea party participants were hidden other than sam adams and all were sworn to secrecy for the next fifty years this account is singularly rare and important as it's the only actual first person account of the tea party by any of the participants who were there that exists to this day and turning its brutal aged colored age covered including pages and looking at printing on an evenly sized sheets typeset
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by an aunt and so i don't know if you can see that it's literally different sizes when this is printed on small hand crosses almost two hundred years ago was both fascinating and exciting although george roberts twelve three uses the name is today largely lost in history he was actually quite well known in colonial times and during the early nineteenth century for example when young paul revere went off to join the army he took hughes along with it. after escaping from the british fleet to join the rebels general george washington and his wife martha took hughes into their home for a few days washington called hughes a man who was amazingly good natured and hughes said that that in washington waited upon them at table at dinner time and it was remarkably social and it was hughes and this book that named what thomas jefferson and all his writings and speeches
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always referred to as the incident in boston harbor into something called the boston tea party hughes literally queen the phrase and here's why he dressed up like an indian and showed up for the tea party the east india company was trying to corner the team market after all it was the drink of choice of the colonists and there's pretty much a tea shop on every corner in america we imported millions of pounds of tea every year and most of it was brought in by small american entrepreneurs but the british called smugglers and the east india company wanted to put those smugglers out of business and their strategy undercut their prices they wanted to pull a wal-mart but the colonists were having none of it as hughes wrote trying to get around the east india company quote render the smuggling of tea an object that was frequently practiced and the resolutions against using it the
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colonists resolutions against these in the chain had greatly diminished the importation into the colonies of this commodity in other words the colonists boycott was hurting in east india company and meanwhile hughes noted an immense quality of an immense quantity of it accumulated in the warehouses of the east india company in england this company petition the king the rights to suppress the duty of three pence per pound upon its introduction into america. that petition by the corporation was successful it's known as the t act of seven hundred seventy three and the result was great for the transnational east india company and a big problem for the american entrepreneurs as hughes again writes in his book the east india company however received permission to transport tea free from all duty from great britain to america allowing it to wipe out its small
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competitors and take over the t.v. business in all of america they got their tax cut and now they are going to underprice and put the smugglers out of business hence use rights it was no longer the small vessels of private merchants who went to vendor tea for their own account on the ports of the colonies but on the contrary ships of inner norma's perth and transport an immense quantities of this come out commodity amassed in suitable magazines use wrote accordingly the company sent its agents at boston new york and philadelphia six hundred chests of tea and a proportionate number to charleston and other maritime cities of the american continent the colonies this is hughes writing in his in his book the colonies were now arrived at the decisive moment when they must cast the die and determine their course had new york captain sears and
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macdougal darien an enterprising man affected a concert of will against the east india company between the smugglers the merchants and the sons of liberty by the way who had all joined forces at that point in most cases with the same people back to hughes pamphlets suited to the conjecture or daily distributed and nothing was left on attempted by popular leaders to attain their purpose. and you get it resistance was organizing and growing and the t.m. was the final straw the citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations if for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power they were planning to destroy the goods of the world's largest multinational corporation to intimidate its employees and to face down the guns of the government it supported
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a pamphlet was circulated throughout the colonies called the alarm and science signed by our enigmatic rustic us it left no doubt about how the small american teashop entrepreneurs felt about this giant corporation trying to run him out of an out of business rustic is wrote in again disappeared on. trees and front doors all over boston are weird like banner to be given up to the disposal of the east india company who have now the assurance to step forth in aid of the minister to execute his plan of enslaving america their conduct in asia for some years past has given simple proof how little they regard the laws of nations the rights liberties and lives of men fifteen hundred thousand it is said perished by famine in one year not because the earth united spirits but because this company and their servants engulfed all of it as says cities of life and set them on so high a price that the poor could not purchase them the pamphleteering worked after the
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colonists turned back the east india company ships in philadelphia new york use continues in boston the general voice declared the time was come to face the storm this was the voice of the last audience and seven hundred seventy three wrote use a card was a this is incredible this is the actual story of the one guy who was actually there a guard was placed on griffin's work near where the chief ships were more. it was agreed that a strict watch would be kept and if any insult should be offered the bell should be of mediately wrong to call for the assistance of the country people rustic us added his voice with a pamphlet saying resolve therefore noble it resolve and publish to the world your resolutions that no man will receive it see no man will lead his stores or suffer the vessel that brings it to morrow at his war another pamphlet titled the alarm probably written by santa latins although we don't know for sure also appeared on
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trees and houses on october twenty seventh seven hundred seventy three it said it hath now been proved to you that the east india company obtain the monopoly of that trade by bribery and corruption at the power of us obtained they have prostituted to extortion and other the most cruel and horrible purposes the sun ever be. and then hughes says on a cold november evening the first of the east india company ships of tax free tea arrived on the twenty eighth of seven hundred seventy three whose rights the ship dartmouth with one hundred twelve chests arrived it was now evening and i immediately dressed myself in the costume of an indian equipped with a small hatchet and claw after having painted my face and hands of coal dust in the
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shop of a blacksmith i repaired to griffin's warthe war or the ship's lay that contained the tea when i first appeared in the street after being busted skies i fell in with many others who were dressed and equipped and painted as i was and who fell in with me and we marched in order to the place of our destination when we arrived at the wharf they divided us into three parties for the purpose of boarding the three ships which contained the team at the same time the name of him who commanded the division to which i was assigned was leonard it the names of the other commanders i never knew. hughes this is still from the guy who was there george roberts for use we were he was seventeen at the time we were immediately ordered by the respective commanders to board all the ships at the same time which we promptly obeyed the commander of the division to which i belonged as soon as we were on board the ship appointed me boatswain and ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and a dozen candles i made the demand accordingly and the captain promptly replied and
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deliver the articles for requested me at the same time to do no damage to the ship or that its rigging we then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders first cutting and splitting open the chests with our tomahawks so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water in about three hours from the time we went on board we had thus broken and thrown overboard every teach us to be found on the ship all those on the other ships were disposed of the sea in the same way at the same time we were surrounded by british armed ships but no attempt was made to resist us you know it's we then quietly retired to our several places of residence without having any conversation with each other or taking any measures to discover who were our associates there appeared to be an understanding that each individual should volunteer his services
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keep his own secret and risk the consequences for himself no disorder took place during that transaction and it was observed at that time that it was the stillest night that had ensued that boston had enjoyed for many months short of a trial for he was in all the three hundred forty two chests of tea over ninety thousand pounds turned overboard that night were enough to make twenty four million cups of tea and were valued by the east india company at nine thousand six hundred fifty nine pounds sterling or in today's currency just over a million dollars. in response to the boston tea party the british parliament immediately passed the boston ports act stating that the port of boston would be closed until the citizens of boston reimburse the east india company for the two they destroyed the colonist refused your and a half later the colonists still refusing to reimburse the corp again openly stated their defiance of the east india company in great britain by taking on british troops in an armed conflict at lexington and concord the shots heard around the
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world on april nineteenth seven hundred seventy five so there you have it the boston tea party it was a revolt against corporate power and corporate tax cuts from the mouth of the man who was there that night and today it seems as if this generation of tea partiers as they begin to slowly realize that their so-called movement is being funded by america's second largest privately held corporation and its owners the east india company of today and maybe they're beginning to wake up there was a tea party event scheduled today for washington d.c. and so few people showed up that thought news which would sort of satellite truck it was intending to break into their news with the coverage gave up and went home it's time the truth of the real boston tea party came out spread the word. that's it for the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visit our website it's on martin dr archie dot com this entire show is available as a free podcast on i tunes also check out our youtube page dot com slash the big
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