tv [untitled] April 1, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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snyders a growing number of senior libyan officials are reportedly fleeing the country the regime stands in with receive the attacks on a rebel held city. georgia wants the world to know it's going to come paying to white house corruption so what is relief cook said businessman could georgios one hundred million dollars sentenced to seven years in prison all the details are coming up in just a few minutes here on out to. people in this come about forty kilometers away are in danger and yet the government seems stunning shingly on willing to. japan's
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authorities are under fire for the way that they're dealing with the fukushima nuclear plant disaster and for ignoring calls from spotting the evacuations of. it watching our team from moscow it's nine pm friday evening here seven in the evening in tripoli my name is kevin owen and first of all more civilian deaths from coalition strikes are being reported in libya with seven people found dead after the recent bombing in the eastern city of brega the u.k. is said to be holding talks meantime with a senior aide to the libyan regime who is believed to be seeking an exit strategy for colonel gadhafi after a series of high ranking defections was artie's polis leah reports from tripoli the government doesn't seem ready to back off yet. it seems incredibly unlikely that the libyan leader of woman gadhafi will stick down in face of these increasing
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defections and also the offer from the opposition of a cease fire deal they are insisting that exactly first pull back use troops from the waist in the cities of this country and also stop his offensive in the east of libya they say that if he does not do this they will fight on and liberate this country now there is no reason why gadhafi would actually agree to the cease fire deal because his troops are number the rebels by ten to one and all to chew weeks of nato airstrikes the rebel fighters have been pushed a little way back to the oil town of rigor and at this stage that is where the fighting the same to the round as far as the defections go the tripoli government is making light of the fact that the foreign minister who's a qusay is in britain that he has defected they say that he is an old man who is very sick and he asked for a leave of absence which they granted him now we are hearing rumors that is nearly as ten libyan officials people who are from gadhafi is in a circle could also be thinking of defecting they are in talks reportedly with the
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british we're also being told that a senior aide to conduct these son has now returned to tripoli up to holding secret talks in london apparently he has been discussing some kind of the exit deal over the duffy family and we understand that him and on the table insists that gadhafi sits down but so far the tripoli government tight lipped about all of that and those officials that we can get to talk compete denier's the vatican envoy to libya says that the information he has puts the number of civilian deaths in tripoli alone from nato air strikes at more than forty he says that most of these people have been killed in the eastern tripoli suburb of two shura and he quotes one incident when the house when the roof of a house collapsed in on the family and small children inside that we're also hearing from a doctor on that front line the town of brega he says a seven people have been killed in air strikes so the numbers. civilian deaths continuing to climb. of his policy reporting from tripoli and the you couldn't
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follow us on twitter as well to get instant updates from marine one of the latest tweets in fact she says that increasing numbers of people on the ground say they feel a stalemate in libya could recover reality follow is that it r.t. under school can you can also check of paul is inside some a blog too on our main web site r t dot com. boom. there's her argentina now discuss the story with a researcher and author adrian so good she was bitchy good evening now decided countries have got directly involved in libya do you think that sets a dangerous precedent for the other ongoing uprisings in the arab world you think we're going to see more of the same. well yes we are seeing more of the same actually and i think that we have to be very careful with the double standards that
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are used by the western nations in this case so far france britain and you know because they seem to make a great differentiation whether the uprising is from off the bad guy government. or where there is one of the good guys as we are seeing in saudi arabia which invaded another good suppose a good go back reign where the united states keeps we you know should flee and have been no invasions of saudi arabia or a rain cloud on the western powers definitely i think that is part of the turf war that is being spread even on purpose i would even say in some parts of president obama has just admitted that there are cia a and m i six operatives in libya helping the rebels and i definitely believe you know britain are playing with fire because they're not selling us what other needs are super powers you might be thinking of doing in the near future but later it is not just out of the for the u.s. there's not enough money enough manpower to get involved in or else in the region right now well the united states for decades every time they need money they just print it as we have just seen with the banking bailout so those the secret of the
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super power united states of america the fact that they can print money whilst every other country has to earn it that being said i am very very shocked at the fact that nothing's being said about what china will be planning on doing those cia operatives that we hear about well we know that way back in one nine hundred fifty three it was the cia that housed the harm it was something from iran because of oil so the story seems to be and just for the record i can i'd speaking from argentina where the cia have backed military authorities here includes in chewy and in argentina and the consequences have been horrendous so every time i hear about the cia know being told i'm one of the rebels i become very concerned for those people's likelihood taking everything you say they're also asking here hey are there any parallels to be drawn between what we're seeing in libya now or the beginning of a new type iraq type war. absolutely because well iraq as a matter of fact yes because iraq was invaded on the basis of
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a total and flagrant while weapons of mass destruction that could not exist at all and never did exist so it libya we cannot be too sure what is happening president assad from syria just warned his people because they are also heading up roses to be very weary of what is reported in the western satellite channels as he calls it because psychological warfare is bred definitely by the major european and european media outlets that they can. we probably war frenzy war mongering as they did with iraq and then when they realized that it was equal importance state it's too late it was a country has been invaded and destroyed as occurred in iraq and as is happening right now in afghanistan further down the line is there anything positive that can come from this is there a bright future lying ahead and told for libya's people considering the years they've been denied to share the profits from their countries rich natural resources of course. no doubt because a lot all these are prices whether in be egypt back reined in tunisia algeria they
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are genuine in a way they are innocently genuine so people have to be very weary of the so-called democracy that the western powers want to impose upon those countries as who will research and said right before her trip to egypt we want egypt for example to have the type of democracy that we want to see so we have to be very careful about the type of democracy there who are recruits and once a cd because if it's good for hillary clinton he will no doubt be no good for the libyan or of egypt for no other peoples in the region so the more people become aware of the complexities behind everything that is happening the more the people will be able to fact fight back and defend their own interests and not the interest of the thora tearoom government it might actually but also not the interests of the united states united kingdom and france. author and research joining us on the line from what is arison i thank you for your views on the r t news channel. well as the military campaign in libya rages on questions remain over how far the coalition
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might decide to go on the ground that in just over two hours time in fact in pete's late edition of crosstalk he's going to share their views about the issue. the reality is that obama despite him saying that the ball is natural move could our feet on the ground that's what's happening and of course everyone anyone will tell you behind the scenes that is the goal if you look at the last twenty four hour news cycle you'll see that there are special forces on the ground in libya right now and in afghanistan style scenario that is the first step towards ever greater and. involvement in the conflict on the ground. people's program on a couple of hours' time seven years in prison that so doing business in georgia has ended up for one israeli investor tony folks was found guilty of bribery by tbilisi
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caught his lawyers say he was entrapped by top officials so the government could have avoided paying one hundred million dollars you know to the businessmen of his country which over explains more. rony folks is not only a major investor in georgia he's also on record so in turkey a position combining both economic development and all the rock diplomacy he worked as an oil trader in new york for some people teen years and yes see he invested huge amounts of cash in georgia back in the nineteen ninety's now quite surprisingly for he managed to bill last year he received an invitation to visit georgia from the prime minister of the country himself now was surprisingly because for some fifteen years rooney folks has been demanding one hundred million dollars from georgia the money which georgia owes him for a bridge to grammont on construction of an oil pipeline back in the ninety's now
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a court in london. ruled that georgia indeed should pay the money back but georgian authorities but obviously didn't want to pay that money to any folks here believe that invitation is just a formality to put an end to this fifteen year old dispute now shortly before that visit in quite a rude sea hotel room and there was an unofficial meeting between rollie folks and georgian authorities and there they reached a verbal agreement after drinking lots of cognac big roni folks would receive only seventy two million dollars instead of ninety eight we ga owed him but on one critical condition in return he gives seven million dollars back now the agreement was reached only one for a mallet he was allowed to come over to georgia shake hands with the prime minister and finalize the deal now minutes after that happened in front of georgian t.v. cameras only folks and his business associates were arrested by the question is how
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did it come that a businessman who georgia owes but huge amount of cash and are in a prison now the lure of it was a trap. he wisely set out by. himself there was in fact a. cooperation a collaboration between four important ministries of the government and probably with the approval of the president of the ministry of finance the ministry of justice the ministry of the interior and the prime minister's office all of which came together with the plan to entrap brony fuchs was that informed through diplomatic channels that he would not be released until the arbitration award was waived now shortly after rhony folks and his business partner what they were all for it runs and could be called the ransom on the table now georgia said that he could be released but me it's
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a kilt and he gave the money back but rooney folks refused to do either now we know that juror general wants the world to believe that it's on a war against corruption and really personally wants to attract foreign investment into the country so of course he has saved one hundred million dollars obviously but the question is how much will he lose because no foreign investors will have to think twice before bringing money into this country. over our correspondent there with four years now coming up on our three. listing in engineer went missing in ukraine today to resurface in an israeli prison scandal is gathering momentum with everything pointed to our special operation by the assad we speak great authorities had no idea of a lecture he's got all the details in the report from him from kiev in just a few minutes time and also ahead. by. the.
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incoming does that tell you what still people hear differently when you make some things which are being hunted by what you call the world over art. close the place with time seems to have stood still but frankly that's not afflicted with what. rush is you really like. updates from japan now and officials there are spraying resident around the quake at fukushima nuclear plant to avoid any further spread of radioactive substances it comes off the radiation was detected in groundwater near the plant for the first time the levels in fact were ten thousand times higher than the legal limit authorities say they don't plan to expand the twenty kilometer evacuation zone despite the radiation was registered forty kilometers from the facility american writer an expert on. the action of the government shows it's trying to save face. of the biggest problems they are dealing with here is this whole thing has been left in the hands of the electrical company and in most of the
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large countries of the world i think if you had a problem of this seriousness you'd have now the central government coming in with all the big resources at their disposal the army the navy the resources of this company are not up to it they don't have enough cars and vans and so on to get to the site well them. in a big wealthy country and there are other ways to do it and yet the government just seems to just unwilling to make a move beyond what some pyrrhic for us in the electrical company are telling them that there are many to start only that gratian one of the curious questions is why are they staying at a facility that is subject to radioactivity just five hundred metres from the site there have got to have been ways to bring it to the temporary shelter say a one kilometer or even two which would lower the amount of radioactivity that they are exposed to the issue is not so much over the electrical company cater to them
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too but why the central government seems unwilling. it's one of the weirder aspects of this. please government seems unwilling to accept reality when it comes to serious danger outside the twenty kilometer limit actually it's not just the u.s. results even the japanese government's own results as published according to the. nuclear radioactivity testing facility which was reported about a week ago announced the same results so it's obvious that people in this hamlet forty kilometers away are in danger and yet the government seems stunned shingly unwilling to move but i can only guess that it's something to do with face saving. need the. government doesn't want to admit that. the danger is
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can be on a certain artificial limit. well as the nuclear crisis in japan continues to unfold there is a worry the fukushima might turn into another chill novel the disaster of the ukrainian reactor was indeed the world's worst nuclear accident on our website you can find exclusive photos from the area around chernobyl nearly taken for your twenty five years on the city's striking and harrowing images and follow our columns and blogs to just head over to our team dot com. next tonight a scandal flaring up after israel confirmed that of duction it gutted a palestinian engineer and is now awaiting trial in an israeli prison dura sissy whom the country queues of links with
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a mass disappeared in ukraine in february i think the lexer jet skis got with details about that. this story has definitely more questions than answers and more mysteries than we can imagine the palestinian engineer. who went missing in ukraine in the middle of february he was on board a train from hikers to kiev when allegedly two men walked into his argument and removed a man from the train there had been no information whatsoever on his whereabouts until thursday when the israeli prime minister openly admitted that the man was kept in a prison on israel's territory and now his connection to the hamas is being named as one of the reasons for such actions and he is waiting for charges to be put against him but his wife and himself are saying that these allegations are not true in fact his ukrainian wife iranica turned to the u.n. high commissioner for refugees to sort this issue out and she believes that this alleged kidnapping was performed by the israeli intelligence service the mossad now
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what's interesting about the story is how exactly this man was removed from the territory i spoke to one of the former security officers and he told me that in case of a planned operation between the two countries intelligence services this is this usually is not a problem with a man is arrested then he is quietly deported from the country but in this case both the iranian intelligence service and the cheery ministry say they had no idea of any actions by their israeli counterparts moreover the country's interior minister alexander would you know if he's going to israel to sort this issue out so the country's interior minister has now a very difficult task to tell his israeli counterparts not to do anything like that only creating territory without letting them know will be brief least twelve people killed as the u.n. office in afghanistan from sharif straight as foreigners and for workers is said to be among the dead protest was a reaction to the burning of the qur'an by the american past the last month the
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demonstrators stormed the home chanting death to us. in ivory coast to fight. supporting the u.n. by president of like to listen to what laying siege to the residents of the embattled v.a. the wrong bag-o. forces loyal to would have advanced in recent days seizing a key port in the country's capital by both been refusing to step down following defeat in the event as presidential poll the un's imposed sanctions against them including a travel ban and the freezer is as usual huge rallies have occurred like have a little yemen as tens of thousands of supporters and opponents of the president to take into the streets with tensions high between the two camps hundreds of security forces were to pull checkpoints across the country president alyea dollars sell a address the crowd saying the rule in the country cannot be changed by force the demonstrations comes amid a stalemate in these talks with the opposition about a transfer of power. a change of pace to take off without russia closer to make it
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their mission to bring us a taste of some of the most interesting places in the country. this time as you can see all of out of focus is the you rules the border between europe and asia the chelyabinsk region is an industrial power house that's been fueling russia's economy for centuries among its trademark goods a highly sought after military watches an engraved steel weapons at israeli girlishly went to look for hisself. time stands still it's like almost. time to throw a right play is like being the time certainly anything has to be here over the last thirty to forty years in fact when i look around the league of some of the archives i'll catch phrases like this one that's in the back in my childhood they were made in one thousand six thousand nine hundred seventy but despite the fact that with their new things it was somewhat incoming because like oh what's that great still
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people here continue to make things that should be hunted by watch collectors the world over you may have heard of these russian divers watches they have been hard by collectors worldwide for several decades now but most can only get their hands on costly replicas which have nothing to do with the originals the real deal is being made right here in town of that almost always. we produce these watches until nine hundred seventy four for the soviet navy then we stopped because there was no need for them but now suddenly they've become popular so we've removed production now these are the famous divers watches which the you proposed to watch planes is known for of course there is nothing dainty about them they're extremely heavy and well frankly very bulky so i don't think i could pull them off but for any watch and there was in two big things this may just be the ultimate choice and it's not only watch fans taken care of here that those test something to offer even to
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modern day swashbucklers boosterism notes from eighteen fifteen years like toast was the center of calderon's production in the country the town essentially supplied weapons to the entire russian imperial army. these days the town supply is called steel weapons widely used by russian special forces and military and state officials and state gifts and rewards for outstanding service was the young. clients include the army wheat russian federal security service and private collectors are called still weapons are more of a symbolic item now rather than a functional one they signify a calendar and on it to this day so whether you're looking to reaffirm your status with a blade or to keep time with a heavy duty military watch as opposed to the town of iron workers who managed to evolve with time will probably have what you want it includes court he should have been scrooge and looking ahead in terms of his time will be looking at life after
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the death penalty in our special report see how it's affecting the families of those convicted of the death penalty first though it's the business up there usually is here after this very quick break. hello time for your business update and business is in russia could be for a tax break present retreads better says the social tax rate which pays for health care and pensions should below which it went up to thirty four percent at the beginning of the year and many analysts say it's having a negative impact on all types of businesses however personal virtual part.
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taxation is not the main issue for investors. i don't think the. reverse mccall in russia is a tax system i think taxes were actually one of the. reasons why russia at some point was not as good as a real wasn't. done the research in such a short is a major impediment to investments in russia both local and foreign as brokers and the next. let's have a look at how the markets are faring the russian stock market has here's the new twenty eleven high on a tide of global optimism both here archie hasn't vice it's finished up more than one hundred percent energy majors and we're. finishing up more than two point six percent. russian markets this week have been quite volatile however the positive bias has prevailed and the markets are closing one hundred percent up all supported by the growth in. contracts by around two percent as the military conflicts in
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libya continues to be pressing outside of the oil price environment we have seen this week is a mixed bag of statistics from the us europe and china today we have seen very strong change in my numbers which came ahead of consensus and with lots of growth for the first time in four months we have also seen renewed concerns of the european sovereign debt crisis with portuguese debt trading at record high yields in the entire history of the european union. and mother you come from a creature of their reading of the week and russian airports so often a big worry the russian government is going to spend almost fourteen billion dollars giving them an al queda long air traffic control president medvedev hopes this will also improve air links across the biggest country in the world. as there will be compared with ten years ago the number of similar reports has fallen by almost forty percent i mean problem is the infrastructure of many
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airports does not meet existing requirements in order to improve the situation the government will spend one hundred seventy five billion dollars on aviation in general by twenty twenty that's ten times more than in the last decade before during your dishes it and finally canadian auto parts company magna may supply components for the first russian hybrid car the your model the car is the brainchild of businessman with the program it's aimed at saving energy and cheap to buy under one production could start next year with plans to produce ten thousand cars annually it's that of this story price for your bill will be around sixteen thousand dollars the car will have two verses a saloon and just boating they could pay version like that scene with gas who prime minister would have gotten behind the wheel. that wraps up the business was enjoying me but less than one else type more business stories here are
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