tv [untitled] April 1, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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let's not forget that we live in a far right. i think. even. one of the government says they're safe get ready because their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so bleak you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you
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iran and seating not like the president of less government god or group c. you're going to see it and then as i walk into our tour a little. what harry price. a bombing campaign continues in libya as rebel forces are with the rain and the firepower okayed obvious military yesterday congressman dennis kucinich he was leaving speech against what was going on take a look this is ministrations no war doctrine will not lead to peace. but two more war and it will stretch even thinner our military meanwhile tea party darling marco rubio donned his war hawk clothes and sent a letter to senate majority leader harry reid saying this resolution states that removing moammar gadhafi from power is in our national interest and therefore authorizes the president to accomplish this goal at the end of the day the fact remains that our nation is not like other countries the united states is an exceptional country with exceptional powers but that power comes with unique moral
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obligations and responsibilities so our question of the tea party and the president finally found common ground in this war maybe a little bit but i will say i was someone who supported intervention in libya earlier when the rebels were actually on the gates of tripoli and not that i think the president waited too late i think legally speaking they're doing is considered brings up a lot of these points but the truth is this is not been settled ever by the united states supreme court there's no precedent presidents in the past have said that they've got a power to do this democrat republican congress will sometimes pitch a little bit about not being informed or whether they when they said they they invoke the work hours of the work hours after explicitly says we have to be under threat but the discipline of course is not even close to this i was not even tested nor have any president ever said that that likewise either so the real story here is that this was a really hard decision you know and i think a lot of ways look is is the reversal of what we achieved in egypt you know if you
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want your freedom take it yourself stand on your own two legs and rise up and in libya we had to come in and we had to do that now i think the reason obama did that is you made the decision that any moral person is going to make five hundred thousand people are going to be slaughtered by a violent dictator you know you can be able to sleep at night if you make a decision not to step and you know i've got that bit ago when the when you got that they are on the ropes not when he's got the rebels on the ropes who we know are in training and now we're seeing this flicker of al-qaeda flicker of hezbollah that's what starts troubling the american people why do i. you know it's much easier to hold our website is issue number two for three interventionists if. there's absolutely no us interest in this at all we have we have no business being there and i think this is the first time ever we've agreed with you know we've agreed you know this is a this is a for you know people are going to use it it was right at the back in iraq afghanistan saying we didn't have an exit strategy to this latest visit if we didn't have a good job and i was let down the united of the room earlier in the week we didn't
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have it we know we did have an exit strategy to record us and we did have an entrance strategy in libya we had no idea what we were getting into when we went into it and so five hundred thousand people were going to end up dead the next day that was a very good if there's a very own national interest to me that this is not yes i don't think it's just noticed it was already made the decision to stay home you know if you absolutely have to keep the united states if you want to be the united states the world power that we are where you've got interview so everyone's best of my leaders and i don't say you know my take on this is that i am hoping for the best i'm hoping that this can work out the way that george bush said iraq was going to work oh you know what i'm fearing the worst i'm very concerned i think that we've stepped into something that's very sticky and i agree with you i'd actually say one thing he said in the green room though was that you know the ultimate evil is a government official murdering his own population oh it is the world we know it's going to move on to another topic here so you know an employment numbers came out today take a look the economy added two hundred sixteen thousand jobs last month and the unemployment rate dropped to eight point eight percent considering the republicans
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have spent their time in congress focusing on legislation they didn't create a single job arguably took some away by defunding n.p.r. and planned parenthood aren't the strong unemployment numbers over the last few months proof that president obama's economic policies are working and republicans are wrong right i think it's great news you know americans get back to work in the best thing to bring down deficits in this country and put americans back to work make sure they get a good paycheck every day you know there's a there's a really reckless extreme group that has taken over first. took over the republican party and now they've taken over the house and congress and they're dictating this agenda that has nothing to do with jobs it's purely destructive and they're not going to create any jobs and in fact the cuts that they're talking about would actually cut a million jobs that's what america is affordable and not bad is it utterly fraud and it would reduce it would reduce our economic growth by app is that what you want to hear let me introduce you to reality we're talking about fifty billion dollars in cuts when we owe one we're short one point six five trillion this year these core cuts are infinitesimal it's what we need to do their jobs once excuse
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me but he has the guts this government shrinks private sector expands it happens every time the reason the unemployment numbers are going down and by the way they're not underemployed it's nineteen point whatever the reason for the reason the it's close to twenty percent real and right now the other reason we the reason the employment is getting slightly better is the balance on the bottom is because we're getting further and further away from the trillion dollar stimulus we're getting further and further away from a democrat controlled house senate and obama administration still it's a job i want to penalize those that are here you're going to be are you look at order to actually just look at you in the past on a matter of itself and you know we're going to what do you expect republicans they can put together is many jobs as you want that's not going to happen it's not going to get through the dimmock wash it doesn't get is that it's not the leader should be in the business and the green jobs i thought you saw the last major when they were double the amount of people are getting their checks from the government now instead of when you've actually brought an industry that's a problem that we have to face you don't have all those republicans or hardliners
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that got elected they got elected by their constituents to cut government spending right where that's done their duty you are seeing much of the debates during the obama care shrink spending that we have seen forty measure that and that was all that it was also about with respect to shrink government national debt less government. care i mean i think every american thinks right now what we need to be doing is hiring people not hiring yes but we want any private side hiring them not a government here because they go in there and when where they're not why not me. their own money and either private finally saying here half of these jobs that were created with equal to wal-mart greeter jobs i think until we change our trade policies in a really significant way that makes both republicans and democrats frankly cringe other than a few progresses in congress and ron paul. we're going to continue to have a problem in my view and you see an eight new c.n.n. poll shows support for the tea party all time low just thirty two percent yesterday fox news had to abandon its daylong breaking news out of the press coverage of the
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tea party rally here on capitol hill because pretty much nobody showed up they said it was because of bad weather but the washington nationals just down the street were having no such problem they're playing ball so the weather was bad so is the tea party in its death throes how long till the tricorder hats are put up for good you know it's what you're witnessing is the maturation of the tea party. they're going from rallying and showing up at rallies and this was this was poorly organized it was put together the philosophy and what you're seeing is they're becoming entrenched establishment figures to the good i don't mean to the bad they're not showing up at rallies anymore they're working towards two thousand and twelve they're working towards being more big government republicans and democrats and becoming a fixture in the political process rather than appendage as it was in twenty cents or showing up in wisconsin yeah i mean i think the tea party is a joke you know the original tea party said about things that are certain republicans and i always have sort of joke it's not a joke or a play those are going to see our to be resolved it was and that is
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a huge risk and evolution with the east india company we're talking about the other night i guess you're nailing it with about collusion with the indian imperio business is down already right now like it is bought it we have taken a lot of members are waking up to that and i would guess one of the government in the twenty five elections they've already had a huge impact in two thousand and ten calling it a job is a waste of time because these members of congress would do exactly as always i thought you know calling it a joke is a waste of time because the members of congress that are here and are here doing what their constituents want is that the right did. by the tea party they won or lost because of the tea party going to the party yeah we're going to the tea party took over the republican party and it was going to take over the really make they're able to take over a look at what they're doing there how it's all a job regulating jobs that do every american wants the government doing right job you'd never be their eyes doing the business the american people want to simple about the economy as you are a big government strengths the prophecy played spin and you're saying no i'm sure you understand that and you want to say you don't want to get out of control budget that's it get that under control i'm a freshman at our center and they look at the current situation and they say look
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this government is doing and zilch the house has to exists to create jobs all they're talking about is cutting and that's going to cut a million jobs around the country what does of our economic you're quoting that fraudulent number of. communities going nowhere he wants all along see if you will see i don't because of a letter to follow yet rather he wrote i think what's happening with the tea party is that people are waking up i'm you know i do a radio show three hours a day five days a week and i'm getting it's blowing my mind i will get a host one tea party radio show and eight who are stations christian radio these people are not who are supposed to be the tea party fifty five year old women they all are they're not going to show up at a rally in washington d.c. when there is no welfare reform i look back and let me go to paid for by yeah. we'll see we'll see a government shutdown could be just one week away senate majority leader harry reid placed the blame of failed negotiations on the tea party saying the infighting between the tea party and the rest of the republican party is keeping our negotiating partner from the negotiating table meanwhile the democrats are pushing
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for a provision that would suspend congressional salaries in the event of a shutdown so if they're successful with republicans finally do everything they can to shut out the tea party and prevent a shutdown now that their bank accounts are on line or are republican it's like small time crook there i said to risk the care you know they play with fire you get burned you know and what the republican party did was they play with the fire of the tea party who now have infiltrated the house and the congress and they've taken over to a large part and you. well we really need the republican leaders those that do still exist to stand up to the extremists in their party that are rooting for a government shutdown that are cost us billions of dollars in our economy i love this place he would go but i'll tell you what he's going to support you in two thousand and twelve people do not want to go to the out and see this what you were talking about debate over thirty billion dollars of cuts thirty or sixty oh wow it's like tell us what they were tell you why is that even a debate that democrats have to have with us why can't they say oh boy one point six trillion that we're going to move forward pass or sixty million billion in cuts
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it will move for the next year you've got another election coming up people don't like the cuts they come back to power instead of that they're bickering over thirty billion dollars and i think you've already seen from john boehner on the cover shot that john boehner said we know we only have a third control we're going to have to do we can't hear they're going to be in agreement i don't think republicans want to tell him we're going out for governor walker our and his poll numbers now they don't tell the voters voters we know what he did exactly what voters wanted and it's tough when you do it and you have to look at what happened to the long term and they don't want to know what they're going to call it because they ran on that i didn't really put a big republican governors around the country going oh i'm not sure i want to step in the back yard daniel simply back you know because your constituents want is chris christie is none of the cars and i can tell you he's not backing off you just said governor daniels doesn't have a conscience you know you did ok my take on this is that like wisconsin the republicans are going to are overplaying their hand frankly that they probably will shut down the government when they do they're going to pay for it one sleepovers and stabilises overplaying their hand sixty billion in cuts is not we will see we
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shall see g.e. was the latest corporation to be outed for making billions in profits while paine absolutely no corporate taxes got a tax refund of three point two billion dollars republicans for some reason think corporate taxes are still too high check out soon to be presidential candidate newt gingrich said about corporate tax dodgers in general corporations who are making millions and billions in profit but not contributing anything to the united states government for take this fairly and that means of profiting from. boy those people in those towns those people because you want to so i'm for the maximum job creation and united states and i think that means lower taxes not just so the question is how do you possibly cut corporate taxes to less than zero in america and who are the real job very well thank god there's at least one republican talking about jobs there but he's kind of got the wrong in talladega about it i mean jeez creating a ton of jobs right now in china and india and around the world unfortunately
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there's not a lot of jobs getting created here at the moment but and you know she alone would pay their taxes then we could restart jobs you know we can you know a little bit or he goes right on that and you know the filter and things are going to say and he is violating the law they're following the law that are on the books the tax code the united states has the highest corporate tax in the developing world the five players in the laws that they created and we actually have their laws that is like you are as evil as the second lowest. but if you want to bring any of those tax rates and there been deals that they have tried to work out five percent to bring more and they never go through the democrats are stood in the way that so guess what those companies are going to keep moving overseas so long as it's legal and today it is right there's one democrat that wants to do comprehensive corporate tax reform it's ron wyden and that's it he's the only one republicans are on board for streamlining the tax code lowering the rates getting rid of a lot of the exemptions which gets. in the one nine hundred fifty s. during the republican eisenhower administration a republican congress you know the top tax rate of ninety one percent on the very
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wealthy and corporate income taxes constituted thirty one percent of total government revenues things were doing pretty good right now corporate revenues are sixteen point six seven yards yeah right back if you travel right polls we are only those numbers held right up pretty much until reagan at the world were competing now with china and india as of the world and places like what governments of the world are right as china is also dies it's a great window lindsey wixson will be hello us is here with marilyn you're going to let me go in there. yes you know your medicine made america in. chicago have this great you know i think everybody knew unions and the tax rates finish off the unions in america is lower than half of the middle class that's going to be is are not job created or they're going to just lay bare is there what is a job or kind of look at this being actually you know doing it really impacts your deal like we can see the people like you that haitian actually be allowed to you know work now you said you wanted to meet you well i said a bad place a union member because you know you understand because you understand their freedom
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you understand now you could be you know one of the people like you were trying to deal with the economy and workers are actually human rights and that's ok good common use of the world if you want to compete with them you have to figure out a way to compete and that's what we're going to. wrap this up by saying in my opinion the real job creators are the people have money in their pockets spend and that creates demand in the economy and thanks keane's if i were back to actually all the way back to gilgamesh and years it never works just going to go ok quick fire here we got about a minute after republican representative sean duffy from wisconsin is in hot water this week for saying that he's struggling to pay his bills on his hundred seventy four thousand dollars annual taxpayer funded salary take a look. right here to you but most of you are if you're there for good. i still feel it was too close. or you didn't get it. i think it was. ok so i did it one paycheck that still three times higher than the average
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wisconsin workers so how does he out with the bills what can the people of wisconsin through here's some multiple choice possibilities a teachers can put out a special table just for duffy at their next bake sale where they're raising money for the schools that walk or took away b. they can petition congress to give all members of congress collective bargaining rights or c. they can give duffy a role in a new reality t.v. show i hear he's really good at it's called the real congress the truest. her of seven lawmakers pick to work on capitol hill and how their lives have changed by now what happens when lawmakers stop being bipartisan and start being. america it is really hard to be a congressman and only make one hundred seventy five thousand dollars every year please send your top hats and send your french cup shirts and send your monocles the needs of representative sean duffy really need your help today because he's not working a job that pays the american median income about thirty five to fifty thousand dollars you know what your heart is not what you say let's say this is what you
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have way to go on those we left out one important thing which is that he said he supported to cut and congressional salaries and he has six kids he has to live in two cities most people don't have to go you are asking for the right is the really hard i didn't say some really hard not so bad but why not have the whole quote which said and i'm fine with slashing my pay and it's really why would you leave that up do you know i mean i don't know i don't think it was time i slash is that if it was six thousand dollars a year. he said we need. to live a hundred seventy five dollars a year these are hard to live if i had to have six kids and to go to two cities i don't maybe that's for sean duffy i don't know what his bills are so you would take her seat on your thoughts on this i look i'm just i'm really tired of the left scrutinizing everybody else's money just so it's not your business the only two people whose business it is is a person that writes the check in the person who catches it this incessant whining about other people's money what we're really is i want and this is a mismatch of writing that this is one of those activities i deserve a oh here's a threat ok we have to wrap it up absolutely nothing is what i say is going to
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happen absolutely nothing except that come the next election or vote him in as many of them out of office so that was sort of jordan cycle of ryan clayton seat molly thank you all for being here is that right was not rates are going after a break a daily take on why c.e.o.'s shouldn't be complaining about anything next. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think iraq the beautiful and funny well. whenever government says they're for keeping safe get ready because you give them
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if you're a watching m.s.m. to see this morning i may have noticed this odd little tease for a story coming up later in the day take a look. erin what do you what are you doing to have your show work you talk actually about something i know you are right up which is this whole issue of c.e.o. . personal regular compensation and we'll see what arguments on both sides of this a lot more stuff where we were paid at the peak. that's right c.e.o.'s complaining that their salaries haven't quite reached three recession levels so your guy robbing a bank and then complaining you didn't get as much loot as you hoped for you have certainty of this complaint by millionaires and billionaires can't really fully be
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understood and so we take into account this fact that last year in two thousand and ten the average pay of corporate c.e.o.'s jumped twenty seven percent twenty seven percent from two thousand i did two thousand and ten already were rich c.e.o.'s got a twenty seven percent pay raise but i guess that's not enough meanwhile the pay of average workers those guys work in the factory floor while the rich bosses play golf with a twenty seven percent increase those workers average pay ticked up just slightly a mere two percent increase from two thousand and nine to two thousand and ten a good c.e.o.'s got twenty seven percent pay raise last year workers two percent that's actually a point less than inflation so it's really up a cut in real dollars twenty percent in percent versus two percent came to see the wealth gap between the rich and the working class. were three years out of the
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bush great recession and our economy is headed for a double dip recession in the housing market in my humble opinion a surge in poverty levels and a stagnant job market ever since the bush recession began in two thousand and seven average u.s. families have seen a combined a combined loss of twelve point eight trillion dollars in wealth much of it. twelve point eight trillion. that's nearly as much as our nation's entire gross domestic product which is around fifteen trillion right down the drain main street is still bleeding but on wall street the average take home pay holding salary bonuses and stock options for c.e.o. last year thrown eight point six million just a hair shy of the pre-recession level of nine point two million dollars back in two thousand and seven and for the top hedge fund managers average income last year was two billion dollars per person they're doing just fine but i guess that's not
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enough money they want ten million twenty million one hundred million a nonprofit organization wider opportunities for women recently published a report on what would be necessary for a minimum annual salary to meet the basic needs of an individual family we're talking about the bare minimum to put a roof over your head from the heat the winter the air conditioning in the summer food on the table gas in the car child care out insurance policy plus a little bit extra for retirement and rainy days you know that bare minimum is on average in the united states now sixty seven thousand nine hundred twenty dollars unfortunately the average income for a white family in america is only about fifty four thousand dollars more than ten thousand dollars shy of what they need to get by and for african-american families it's even worse only thirty two thousand less than half of what they need that
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means families all across america are having to sacrifice their savings their retirement plans dinner a few nights a week we actually have kids go to bed hungry in the united states millions of them a summer without air conditioning and sadly really serious stuff like medical care when they or their child falls ill just to get by just to make it month to month week to week day day to. and the c.e.o.'s who are bringing home an average of nine million dollars which is a little over twenty four thousand dollars a day three security sixty five days out of the year are complaining that their salaries are still too low i think it's time we tell them to put a sock in it i don't know about you but i'm tired of c.e.o.'s complaining about their million dollar paychecks while nearly a quarter of our country lives in poverty literal poverty i'm tired of hearing
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c.e.o.'s complain about their income tax rates when rates are actually at the lowest level they've been in the last fifty years i'm terry here and c.e.o.'s complain about their corporate taxes and most of the really profitable companies in america pay little or no taxes and i'm tired of hearing c.e.o.'s complain about government regulations when in the last five years they crashed our financial markets destroyed the gulf of mexico shoveled tons and tons of toxic chinese goods that us shipped millions of jobs overseas and all the while families across america are today right now sacrificing the basic necessities of life day in and day out so the question today is not should certain c.e.o.'s be paid more it's should certain c.e.o.'s have their citizenship revoked and be put on trial for treason and else would you call someone who steals poisons and sabotage is their
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home country other than a traitor and economy is meant to serve all of us not just the super rich so it's time for all of us you and me to take back our economy and really give the millionaires and billionaires something why a vote. and that's it and that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this is our web site at tom hartman dot com and our entire show by the way available as a free podcast called right i tunes also check out both or you choose pages there's one at you tube dot com slash the big picture artsy and into back slash top. and don't forget democracy. you you show up when you participate and you get active then this country gets real tag you're it.
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