tv [untitled] April 2, 2011 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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soil some time to explain the findings. in the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars report. here with r t live from moscow our top stories the libyan regime has bluntly were back to the field by the opposition bloc for the ceasefire in exchange for troop withdrawal and the road his resignation of colonel gadhafi. and israeli investor gets seven years in the georgian jail after being charged with bribery he says it was a sellout by the georgian government which owes him one hundred million dollars and refuses to quickly tax. trouble continues workers prepare to seal
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a breach of pan stricken nuclear site as radioactive water seeps into the pacific ocean. max it's our interview show spotlight with its. peak. hello again and welcome to spotlight the information marcy i'm always love and today my guest in the studio is silent right. over it is promising to be the greatest in history but the summer games in london are promising to be the greenest and contractors are using then u.s.
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high tech methods to reduce carbon dioxide emissions they even say ninety per cent of demolition materials are going to be recycled and reuse this is involved in the massive construction campaigns that will deliver roads new buildings and stadiums for the games but do the brits have anything to share with the russians to make the next games in sochi even greener and maybe even greater is the director of infrastructure utilities and public will at the london two thousand and twelve olympic deliberate authority simon wright. run an olympics delivery authority designed its work plan to be one of the most high tech and progressive they're going to turn underdeveloped area of the city into a twenty first century benchmark of the urban environment roads bridges waterways buildings public transport and environment are going to see a new standard of quality and comfort thousands of miles away from london another
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big construction project is on the way to the sochi olympics organizers surely don't want to lose the innovation race. as a writer welcome to the show thank you very much for. this right well first of all what is the olympic delivery authority in a few ways and how different are the responsibilities from the london organizing committee. who. i work of the government organization who are charged with the design and construction implementation of the venues most of the venues the new venues on the olympic park along with the olympic village were publicly funded where a government agency a local london organizing committee of the olympic games is the private organization who are charged with actually running the games in south. the question that i had to you as soon as london won the bid was this deal with public
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transport in london public transport was partly there of the olympic bid and it was rated pretty poorly which was a surprise to me because i love london public transport and for example saatchi as far as i know has no public transport all so that what's wrong with the system for from the point of view of olympics of course with the london transportation system and what and what's being done i think it's going to work extremely well stratford olympic park which is in east london is one of the best connected parts of london has many railway lines that are over we are developing new capacity on existing lines so the underground railway system is being improved the overground surface rover systems also being heavily invested in and the docklands light railway system which is a new system that's gone in fairly recently again has significant investment so that's going to be capacity increases will be measures to keep vehicles off the
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roads in the days and because by persuading normal commuters to stay at home and i think it's going to work really well well is it possible to persuade people to settle down what they did in moscow in one nine hundred eighty during the olympics they just persuaded the normal commuters to get out of the city you know i put it period this is i think the only way to keep people off the streets and there wasn't a lot of well proven way of doing things so through up campaign which was really started working with employers were saying change your patterns of commuting coming later coming earlier but don't come in at the peak time when we're trying to get the games to go home to getting select private cars why not private beds but olympic the tolls on two bustling well there are the network which is our separate lanes so the olympic fleet will be using those lanes not the bus lanes as a driver london are i been lucky. at the bus lane i don't know that for the living is different. so the bus lanes will keep other does it for buses will be for gas is
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ok now how much of the planned route has already be done because i've heard that your head of schedule is we're out of we're actually eighty percent of all the construction work is is complete at the low greater percent were slightly ahead of schedule we've already handed over the first of a need to local that was the velodrome which was last month the main stadium will be completed early spring spring summer and all the venues will be completed by july of this year and that is within one still one year to go to the twenty four games where we finished the last venue so we are the last two which going to be the swing. so what wembley how big is one really going to be for the olympics wembley is already completed so no there's no work so you don't have to do anything i think is very minimal work we're not involved we were really local to some overlay just to make it look like an olympic venue but there's no other construction it will be heavily used. will have only four football for her and the opening ceremony you
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know that's in the main stadium on the olympic park with eighty thousand seats so it's bigger than wembley no when is ninety. but why why not use wembley village until i did that thing but it's in the wrong part of the city we wanted a stadium that was close to the athletes' village of course as you understand the athletes you know don't want to be spending lots of energy travelling a long distance just that crucial moment before the before the sports start so there's a new stadium being built very close to the i think village they can get to easily and they can get back home easily off the surface speaking about traveling how wide are the olympic facilities spread around the world most many of them are in east london so we have the olympic park at stratford which is where we're most involved we have xcel center which is only on the docklands in east london. we have the ode to dome which is well well used. the old millennium dome as it's become. and so
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many venues are in that part of east london and the only other venues really are weymouth which is for the sailing on the south coast dorney which is the rowing in windsor and heathrow and then the football stadium. and the matter of fact what about wimbledon i go as you will be used wimbledon exactly will be used for the tennis so it is tennis going to be on grass tennis will be in gross olympic tennis is going to be on ground i believe so not one of my particular responsibility but it's going to lead to craig you lation to have a good hard court and the country can choose is there i believe the right person lono was i'm playing right now i've got an expert on olympic tennis and it seemed so yes otherwise i presume we wouldn't have got permission to use ok now i want to ask you i think it's five hundred days before the opening of the games that everybody's been talking about is a limp a clock that was that was launched in that curated and then it stopped after
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a couple of hours what. do you have to do anything to do. i mean the clock was it didn't work it's now been fixed so yes i don't that there was a problem with what it was so so so but but but but it's being the clarke is. a deal pick time keeper very efficient and keeper so so that this is a scandal and it's kind of the time for the olympics even sponsored it's of mine a figure in that you know it was a it was a clock there's a countdown clock it's not used for limping timing it's stopped it's been fixed it'll be fine ok so if the clock timekeeping at least today is not a problem what's the major what's the key challenge for for for europe is a should right now i think we yes well the weather we cannot predict life like any other country but we've been we've been very fortunate. in keeping to washable so far we set a program of two years for planning four years of construction and one year for
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commissioning and testing and we're we're now into that last year of construction and we will finish on time this year so the key challenges are really in turning what is sort of static works into operational function and work so i.t. is always an interesting problem digital systems and then of course getting all the people all the all the support staff and the operations staff trained and in in some place and working effectively so i was turning water off explain he was into operational business that's the key challenge no one here to do that well you said you said like any other country can't predict the way i think i think i think the brits have the advantage and not like any other country can't predict but you can say it's going to be bad for you and this is what you always say but live with the weather in london at all and around london one of the best in europe as a matter of fact but you always say it's because we like to complain about it it's just one of those national where it's you know it's like fall of us or the never
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never the weather is never perfect there are several going to be and i think you'll be ok i think it will be how to plan for every venture all of you so you know we're doing that but how did the experience of paging and did it influence the construction of the link between use in land not so much the construction i mean in two thousand and eight we we went to beijing and some of the sochi team went to beijing and met them and so we chose city turns to go and learn and talk to the previous a new city so we certainly learn things from from the chinese interesting useful things about technology and back of our support but our venues were pretty well designed by them so we didn't really affect the design we were set on a path of trying to do things you know our own way i mean there is a there is a british way and there are other nationals have their own views but we want to make things very lightweight very low. in carbon intensity and we wanted to make things that were sustainable and it's true and it's why the sport of science and
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where venues for instance do not have a legacy and use a permanent and use we made them temporary and so we're going to take them down at the end of the game so we've used a lot more temporary facilities and i think most of the games so far but people that. were present at the beijing games i was there before the olympics i was not part of the olympic. team but people say it was one of the best probably the best to live yes it was five in the world and you say you know that he has the experience but still you say oh you're going to be better i think i thought he'd be better do you not think that's pretty you know i mean it's a fair comment i think the chinese did a fantastic job i think if anybody as you saw about opening and closing ceremony was not some remarks you know just incredible i mean you can't compete with that so i don't think the point is to try and compete with the previous city we will do it in our own way we will do it in a london way and it will be different i think the brits have to change the trend because because these opening ceremonies they become two it's something something
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different to change the trend because spending another it is the billion more then the child it is not the point exactly and so we're not trying to do that now local good response will follow certainly is not the only so. you know what is being planned i am not sure but i can tell you it will definitely be interesting exciting but it will certainly be very different from china that's for sure more couldn't put more smoke it looks very british. says sally ride the director of infrastructure utilities and public real mad the lead in two thousand and twelve olympic village week but like it will be back shortly right after the break so stay with us we'll continue the century here in less than a minute people. as
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you know sean was sixteen years old when he committed these murders that's not to say that song so or should not be punished for his crimes sean is being punished no rational person can deny that sean has been punished is been punished and will be punished. as ours must be executed for the brutal crime committed this is a punishment this is not. to mention. vengeance. because we've been immersed know me whatsoever. how i didn't come here just. in her very first. start her dismay at. martin.
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and my that is now. consumptives been to the jaroslav bridge handicrafts has become a major industry. party goes to form a top secret military stronghold. which today has limitless possibilities for extreme sports. with a long lost secret you can ask seal has been discovered. and the real suffering feet divers watch is a may. come from a chilly army screecher. russian close up on t. .
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welcome back to the spotlight and i'll get up in just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is simon right the director of infrastructure utilities and public real man to london two thousand and twelve olympic delivery authority mr wright well we've already talked. about about connections with the with the beijing olympics about using we're not using some of the expertize expertise that that that you've learned from the chinese now how about the russians who are getting ready for an eleven page ad in two years after the after years and such this will be one so but but anyhow are they interested in the using some of your. know how some of your expertise are you ready to share absolutely one of the reasons to be here this week is to precisely
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that delegation from sochi have a. already been to london we've hosted a number of us from senior officials from the organizing committee in london and we've had a long and detailed discussions with them and they've asked a lot of questions we try to give them pointers and tell them exactly what we're doing and to let them choose whether they elect to make use of any of that so we're very willing to share i think each city ought to be prepared to share the learning and we're absolutely willing to do and i think you in many ways the more cities can get together and actually make use of each other's knowledge the better off we'll all be because the end of the day we want this olympics to work efficiently and well and to make it more cost effective. let's now take a look at the preparation for the two thousand and fourteen winter games in russia with three years left before the such a winter games the newly built venue is there are starting to host major
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international events spotlights you know the media has more. two thousand and fourteen snorts will see i'm the one pick chan and descending it world their fleets already have the chance to capture the feeling of the be different. venue for the winter games. has begun host an international competitions the first serious examination was the european cup in their all points scheme last month after which four input disciplines shared their impressions around the whole of the whole world in them i really can't believe you've got a little area here beautiful mountains and the organizing committee they did a great job. to get this globe ready seventy more bands will use the facility within the next three years dylan can down a speeding up the venue's are now more than two thirds ready but this still a lot of work to be done it's not only about building new tracks and stadiums but
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also. i messaged me called one of the whole area the legacy of the two thousand and fourteen games is meant to be a unique year round thing you can buy in the possibilities for power point scheme and sunny seaside relaxation while it's definitely a positive transformation for the region's economy to reason among the bigger wieners environmentalist are voicing their concerns they gave the green light to the project in two thousand and seven but they're still keeping an eye on construction works for any possible damage. well. one of the main problem for russians was not the climate but the environmentalist years i'm sure you did have problems with with environment viable with environmentalists how did you deal how did you come up wurlitzer in a good question i mean we set out very early on to make sure that we damage the
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environment and the absolute minimum extent so we're talking about an inner city site so we have a very challenging environment very urban post industrial environment so there wasn't much ecology on our site but that which we had we certainly treated very carefully and we worked very closely with the ngos from from day one so we're very transparent we tell everybody that what's going on and we work with stakeholders very carefully do you feel that you are your environmentalist are happy or are there never happy well i think their job is to be slightly up this lightly unhappy because they are trying to put pressure on people to do better and we appreciate that and we expect that but i think by and large i think if you spoke to them you'll bed so that actually we've pretty well and we've met most if not all of our targets in terms of sustainability fifty percent carbon reduction overall against current regulations renewable energy biodiversity reuse of waste as you said in
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your introduction all these things we've achieved. do you have a third. well maybe it's a question to the to the organizing committee but still how much will dylan dylan pics cost our budget is just over nine billion billion or to one billion houses in the hands of which our budget o.d.o.'s is seven point one billion. so you mentioned that most certainly many facilities will be pulled down after the olympics yeah so will it pay back these no new one pounds will how you're. thinking of getting it back here well i think the economic benefit has to be looked at in the war in a wider sense so of course the local budget is separate to ours lots of different budgets private sector so ticket sales or the revenue goes to local to us but in terms of london and u.k. and british industry and our economy we feel it is a good investment it is
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a broader payback it is a longer payback and so to say you know that all the money will be earned back in revenue i think one has to look at the wider economy and resume in london we believe will be improved over a longer period. i think suppose you're a pretty much of an interest in a lot of the old readies that you want world of them over a longer period listen why am i asking about payback is that is there for example countries like china hosting and paying billions for this this will improve our image countries like russia like saatchi did say we'll build a whole new industry structure and all the stadiums will have new hotels roads will improve the city of saatchi and turn it into a great resource. the level now for london now here's a pretty good proving the image probably they work most of the facilities will be
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be will. quit aid after the games so how's it going to pay back tickets tickets out of other go away let me correct you that's not most of the venues will be removed a few venues if you can the main stadium is now saying will rule host west football club the velodrome is a permanent venue and request exceeds a permanent venue so one of two venues are being removed but the investment in this part of east london which was a very deprived area had very little investment for many years will kick start the whole regeneration of that part of the east of the city so this is part of a long term regeneration plan that this is against the british culture and the whole point about calling the west-end west-end is being is being underfunded. it's not going to be west end anymore if you get it. but at least. it's a benefit as well that it was the. government's plan was to kickstart regeneration so this is a great way of saying ok it was the money coming from our all from taxpayers and
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your money your budget our money is from two sources one is tax payers one is from the lottery. a lottery funds it fifty fifty or are you giving was about twenty percent from the lottery some twenty from the lottery and one of the eighty percent from its other task to somebody i think you'll find it's like those are pretty happy we do a lot of surveys the government do surveys and something over seventy percent public approval for the games and it's going up. is the word in learn. about reconstruction were your main concern is the new facilities you have you're our concern is the new facilities is we have i think one of two areas where we are improving existing facilities at the rowing eton dorney we've made some improvements there and on the infrastructure on the transport then we're investing in improving the facilities rather than whole new facilities will be limited park is all new ok i've mentioned as you already know to some pioneering
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things in the introduction. can you can you say couple of words about their strong pioneering pioneering because because there's been lots of talk about you know well we wanted to do things slightly differently so as well as having a very large construction program which had to be completed on time of course and within budget we also set out to to make some meet some other objectives sustainability being one so as i said reducing carbon emissions overall by heart of my fifty percent was a massive reduction using renewable energy. for instance training so we have a problem in britain over the construction industry not attracting enough bright young school leavers and graduates so we want to change that and in truth and introduce more print to ships back into construction better training better health and safety we have a very good record on police to say we're not there yet so we don't want to be complacent but on health and safety really trying to improve that so that we make
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the construction industry a safer and better place to work longer that you're using london waterways. during construction are you going to use the waterways for the guests of the olympics to you know that to some extent clearly capacity is you can get a lot of people up rivers and canals but there will be some use of the thames and then the canals that lead up through the site yeah but most of the customers the ticket holders will come by rail rather than by water and we've used a lot in construction so more than half of all our materials are coming in in and out of the site by by rail and by water thank you thank you very much in just a reminder that my guest on the show today was director of infrastructure really utilities and probably we'll add the london two thousand and twelve olympic village and that's it for now for all of us if you don't tell yourself spotlight or have someone in mind who you think i should to be next time to drop me
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a line how did not have how to tell you how you and let's keep the party. interact back with more from comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay a party and take it thank you but. the . line in the motion would be soon which writer if you knew about someone from feinstein the pressure inside. these friends starts on
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