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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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gadhafi loyalists step up a fight against the insurgency attempting to recapture the western ripple stronghold of misrata m twenty three in the capital city of tripoli joining me in a few moments and i'll bring you all. the opposition's fight against drugs are being offered on a back to back without me a dozen rebels reportedly killed in a call with an airstrike. over a potential terrorist attack in europe grow security experts claim the coalition's involvement in libya could trigger a radical response. that had struggles to stand in the kind of radioactive water from the fukushima power plant into the ocean well thousands of whom the tsunami
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survivors placed in the system feature. and get off the most current metro suicide bombing russia deals a devastating blow to terrorism by killing a group of high ranking militants. around the world around the clock this is our team with our weekly news if you welcome the first pro gadhafi forces continue that latest offensive in western libya attempting to recapture the country's third largest city in misrata that's the last rebel stronghold left in the west and has been under attack for weeks of course on its part of syria's and trip a bit more. the work of bloodshed is increasingly being used to describe the situation in the last rebel held city in the west of this country the city of misrata now according to doctors on the scene they say that one person was killed
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and several people were wounded in the early hours of sunday morning when the government forces renewed shelling on a building in the city now we understand from the doctors and to a few days ago there were a number of civilians being housed inside that building they had been injured in recent clashes between pro and gadhafi forces but fortunately there had been evacuated before the shelling began we're also hearing from doctors that in the last week alone hundred and sixty people have been killed in misrata itself from these battles gobbing told by doctors that in a month of fighting between six hundred and a thousand civilians has been killed in the city certainly the rebels have been in control of it for more than a month now but we are seeing increasingly is that the government troops are intensifying michelle and and more and more looks likely that this is he will fall to the hands of gadhafi as man ever since the united states handed over command of the military operations here in libya to nato the u.s. has been decreasing the number of combat missions it carries out here we are
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hearing from top american military officials that they're also going to begin withdrawing the fighter jets the submarines and the missile ships now this does come across does come against the background of the stalemate in terms of fighting on the ground between those pro and anti government forces around the city of brega in the east of the country it also comes against a backdrop of increasing criticism from within the american president barack obama's own administration over questions in terms of the representation and the capability of those opposition fighters what we also understanding though in terms of the reaction here on the ground is that the rebel fighters are increasingly concerned as nato takes over command of this operation that they will need to be greater consensus from your trinity eight member coalition for some kind of robust action on the ground and that action perhaps would have been much more. he authorized when the united states was in charge as far as the tripoli government goes though they continue to call this a crusader route they say that these actions are illegal and immoral and they all
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know it when you see movie concerns that in the future they will be the supplying of weapons to these rebel fighters this will soon be followed by training and ultimately end and the deployment of foot soldiers are being nato is investigating reports that at least thirteen begin rebels were killed in a coalition air strike in the west of the country sees an office girl has been talking to the government fighters and bring following it. the general feeling here in the rebel stronghold is confusion a lot of confusion around that incident because it's working to some reports this is a time for new claims for the rebels cause the triggered by. the rebels that opened fire at the planes but other reports suggest that the rebels were celebrating and began shooting into the air confusing the pilots and also true . to react back but i can tell you that judging by poor level of
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organization and training off the rebel fighters both versions are possible because the rebels have been seen arguing and even fighting among themselves on the front many are teenagers who don't have any experience in combat and there is even speculation and lots of rumors that egypt and the united states army be. training the rebels there on the front and also rumors of cia secret agents maybe operating there as well trying to organize the rebels so when it comes to. forces there are much better trained they're much better equipped and apparently there is much more of them according to some figures. at the moment is around one to ten meaning one rebel fighter against then the soldiers so the general
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understanding here in being guys he is that the only way the rebels could be successful is with this air support from nato. the international community permitted intervention in libya to protect civilians from colonel qaddafi who washington wants to go further than that and is considering arming the rebels while officially denying that toppling canal is the reject of its involvement in libya but broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake president obama has reportedly signed his secret order authorizing covert american support for rebel forces seeking to oust the libyan leader critics of the u.s. taking sides in a civil war war of the consequences we help accelerate the chaos. and in creating more chaos we're to we think somehow we're going to be able to direct the outcome it's the same hubris that has visited the united states in
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iraq the same hubris that keeps us penya and in afghanistan causes us to believe that somehow we are going to wreck events and the outcome in libya we cannot do that nor do we have the right to determine who the leader of libya should be many fear radical forces could take advantage of the chaos in libya former jihadists nomen bennett men who renounces all kind of two thousand says he estimates one thousand jihadists are among the rebels in libya one lady and rebel commander has openly admitted his fighters had hokkaido links other reports say terrorists seized libyan surface to air missiles when arsenals were looted nato intelligence reports claim flickers of al qaida and hezbollah have been found among the rebels in libya but maintained there is no reason to believe their presence is significant but the u.s. military studies three years ago said lidia's made up the second largest group of
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jihadists in the world right after saudi arabia all of that seems to be discarded as the u.s. is trying to prop up the opposition in libya as some analysts say in an attempt to forge a relationship with them that would be favorable for the united states in the future but experts say is now the opposition in libya hardly has a defined face or power these people. will not be able to take control over the situation as soon as the current regime. goes off and that means that somebody else will be. tempted to take over the country and we know that the only a well organized. force in the region not in the country but in the region is unfortunately right some say arming the rebels could backfire we've been in this situation in afghanistan one day we help people and the next day they shoot
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at us if we are cautious about military intervention so blowback her charm was johnson johnson wrote famously about is sure to happen in libya in afghanistan back in d.d.'s the us had a narrow goal to help the mujahideen fight soviet troops subsequently the same with the militants turned their wrappings and training against the us among those of them was osama bin ladin whose group eventually evolved into al qaida cannistraro cia and alice is an operations chief in the 1980's says back then the us didn't see the dangers of arming afghan militants. and won't see where the tribal so. you know it's. leading. over two decades after arming the afghan mujahedeen america is now considering giving weapons to another rebel band with an unclear identity simply because of who
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they're fighting against. ghana check on r.t. washington what you see as the coalition forces continue to impose a no fly zone over libya there are concerns that the intervention racing backfire on europe security experts fear libyan islamic groups are plotting terror attacks in revenge for allied airstrikes are no reports. e.u. countries have taken a leading role in forcing the u.n. resolution but their efforts all the way over in libya now threaten to bring conflict right to their very own back doors analysts claim colonel gadhafi now has little other weapons left in his armory than overseas terror he's faced repeated accusations that he would look at the bombing that killed two hundred seventy mostly westerners experts say some countries are particularly in the firing line tree leading countries of the offensive operation that means for.
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the united states of course the only. really. so i think. it's a clear cut in prison today in the. coming weeks. backing for anti gadhafi rebels could backfire further rebel leaders include the libyan islamic fighting group and associates of al qaida and the casualties mounting every day from allied bombing make fertile recruiting ground and she western forces there are agents. working now. that at the. tail. e.u. muslims protest against nato bombing of libya the organizer says people should prepare for the worst that's not only there's a very strong likelihood but i think the ability to. track everybody should.
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i go the invasion of iraq. in terror attacks in the e.u. almost two hundred people died in the madrid train bombings in two thousand and four while suicide bombers killed fifty two people in london in two thousand and five officials now dread similar results in the wake of this campaign western intelligence reports increased activity among suspected terrorist cells indicating the threat of attack by one officer told r.t. an e.u. terrorist strike is now just a question of time. out see brussels. on the way from investor to convict an israeli businessman has been sentenced to seven years in the georgian prison try to get back one hundred million dollars paid to a bunch of this. in japan the bodies of ten workers killed by the tsunami have been found. out. of water continues to leak from quaking facility into the ocean
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officials say a crack on the troubled reactor maybe the source of an twelve thousand people lost their lives in the tsunami hundreds of thousands left homeless have been forced into overcrowded shelters there's not. survive the government's failure so far to rebuild their lives. this is the first time many residents of asian america have seen their houses since the tsunami the search through them but in most little of value remains but subtle shinji is not trying to salvage material possessions. my house was totally destroyed and my husband died in the tsunami now i'm honoring him by getting his personal things out i just wish everything could go back to how it was. shinji has been housed at the local school with several hundred others people here have been taking turns to volunteer as cooks and cleaners. but the cramped
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conditions mean that after nearly three weeks the communal spirit is fraying and. we are dissatisfied with your forties we know there are temporary houses that will be put up but who will get them some areas are being favored over others. the government admits that not a single temporary house has been constructed so far but even when they do finally go up they won't solve the far greater problem. the government excavators are moving the rubble as fast as they can but a lot of victims of the disaster even those lucky enough to get the temporary housing it will be years before they can come here rebuild their house and call of their home many of the stricken japanese coastal towns relied for generations on doing ling fishing and shipping industries livelihoods which no longer exist and there is little hope of ever getting them back. the government is good at something
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people problems but not the ones of us more people i do not think this town will ever be a rebuild as it was even if i restore what i have and no one will build anything next to my house. but the government providing food and shelter was the relatively straightforward part in helping victims cope with the disaster making sure people have a place and a community to return to will be much of. difficult. enough not see. scale counter terror operation in russia's caucasus region that killed seventeen militants last monday the wife doctor of assistance of russia's number one terrorist maarouf were identified among the dead experts agree it proves there is a high chance a lot of himself was killed as the three remaining unconcernedly some bodies have not yet been identified runs that results expected to take several weeks the multi-phase operation talking to morrow in a circle responsible for a series of deadly attacks in russia started early this year so it's
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a mission or at least as most scary mark a year since the double suicide bomb attack on two of its letter stations all the suspects were hardly a trust they haven't identified a list of influence for friends of terror or inference from this culture never visited the site that's going to last. it started off as just an ordinary monday morning for me the people here like many others had a certain strain in his step you know with his harshness go into his own little bit little did he realize the nightmare he would be thrown into just a few minutes later suddenly there was a very horrible sound as if something huge had formed. and i woke up and there was a small a haze. he was shouting and rushing out of the car with me that he had heard was the start of the worst terrorist attack in the russian capital in
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six years just before eight am the first of two explosions hit the moscow subway killing twenty four people at the crowded lubyanka station which lies beneath they had placed on the federal security service forty minutes later the terror trail moved south targeting a station at a crucial city intersection killing twelve more. last year was a set game at eight thirty eight right in the middle of the rush hour work its truck up the back of the train asked commuters try to get on board it was dark there was no lighting and i just thought it was what is in the whatever remained of them some of them were stretched on the floor near the metal plane and the side was horrible it was people who were die just before your eyes and there was nothing that would save them with eight million commuters after
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a day in moscow subway is one of the busiest in the world that's made it a terrorist target in the past and on this day a year ago in wants to be a target once again a twenty year old student leaders say the force for herself the trick uses to live in fear today. sometimes i feel something. like this i think about this but in general i think that we have safe safety. a year ago terrorist broad moscow to a standstill by bringing our three day life but if they wanted to destroy people's spirit the goal was certainly know what it says to live go zone and while a terror threat to millions both in moscow and across the globe remains it's something people have blown to live with my son the question also moscow when he's really this is men are only foods for saving the invitation from the
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georgian prime minister. the last thing he was expecting was a prison sentence the meeting was to finalize the settlement of a hundred million dollars georgian government that has been tracing for almost fifty years resulting as a country as a river ports doing deals with georgia can be risky business. take one israeli businessman one former soviet republic and the lot of potential profit from oil and gas transit sounds like a winning combination which is exactly why ronnie folks came to independent georgia teen anyone and scored a monopoly on the energy transfer market but the subsequent changes of government software for bigger fish and his investments turned into a loss so he did what any businessman would take a case to court and won at the difficult part was getting the georgian side to cough up the hundred million u.s. dollars it there started negotiations with. the minister of finance was and will
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these negotiations if they just go to. the payment is that not in the month from jordan or mckinney immunity. it was just or in the account that was the way to go over very informal drinks and unnamed as temple hotel folks worked out the details with none other than george's deputy finance minister that that's your feeling restated that one hundred million was not the kind of money georgia could afford to pay out and suggested an alternative might millions danger seventy two go to folks and everybody's happy so in just a week later the businessman received an invitation from the georgian prime minister he was expecting to collect the josh but instead was collected himself there was in fact a. cooperation a collaboration between four important ministries of the government and probably with the approval of the president of the ministry of finance the ministry of
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justice ministry of the interior and the prime minister's office all of which came together with the plan to entrap ronnie felix and trapped in now in prison the businessman and then apparently got sucked into yet more corrupt games after going straight to jail without. king is cash folks still but his again jail free card would cost him one hundred million u.s. dollars his own one hundred million dollars fuchs was that informed through diplomatic channels that he would not be released until the arbitration award was waived sought signal does this send to anyone else who might be considering putting big money into georgia the odds of his succeeding in georgia are very very slim and point zero one percent so it's a good it's a good warning to businessmen who are thinking of investing in georgia
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that they should think twice and that they should be aware for now georgia may have saved itself a lot of money considering the fact last year's foreign investment scheme to four hundred thirty three million dollars avoiding pleading with nearly quarter would be termed feet but the overall cost for his economy could be colossal as not many investors like doing business with people who don't sell debts and film them with hidden cameras newspapers are already full of the potential political ads financial consequences to this conviction and there's all this ronnie folks and see if incl stay in prison some businesses may well decide that this is the kind of georgian hospitality they did not want to invest into cash it is however i t d c georgia. now it's just a couple of days left before a russian rocket the last of the launch will celebrate the upcoming fiftieth anniversary of the unsophisticated space that's in just
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a couple minutes. or more it's national news in brief for you there as well is ready prime minister binyamin netanyahu has called on the u.n. to immediately cancel a report which accuses forces of committing war crimes in the three thousand and nine guns are offensive comes all three accounts with a south african richard goldstone backtracked on claims that israel targeted civilians israel refused to cooperate with growth as the story from there was a profile of the school where the highest summit for some hundred palestinians and it's in these regions appealed to the three week campaign. to the ivory coast where red cross reports say the number of the children violent crashes in the west of the country was from things as reached one thousand of this rising from to moves across the main city of other national polls has boiled recognized more than some. battle that is of his rival but both sets of rather support it is claimed to have control
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of the country's capital and conflict comes after barbara refused to step down from the presidency since the brain was direction of the united nations and most. of the present star the rest of us have flocked to the polling stations because their votes in an early presidential election that is expected to overwhelmingly we come from is a beautiful moment for them so it was a brilliant three candidates challenging in the point where none have publicly opposed his policies more than a thousand international observers overseeing sunday stood ready to proceed with the first official results are expected it's early on monday. preparations for the takeoff of so you space. during the. cosmodrome rohan storm on the launch pad on tuesday it will blast off celebrating the upcoming fiftieth anniversary of the first journey to the stars. site and got some first
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hand impressions when asked to hold just returned from space. the we're here at the l. launch pad like in our cars and drove we're actually watching right now. they're moving the rocket for the expedition twenty seven for the cars on the position to the particle position feeling very interested to see this whole process will surely be watching what's going on right now is a nasa astronaut full stop and she actually just landed on the international space station about three weeks ago now and again this is your first time looking at this process particularly when you think about it i think it's it's pretty impressive it's really neat to see. how differently to her rockets work to get to space and how it all isn't working out in the end but very different very different in the spatial in what we do but looking forward to watching our friend ron karen load up in a couple days to go back to space having been there before i had you know an idea of
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what i was going to be looking forward to and everything and the space station is such a wonderful huge volume in space the largest volume ever had in history and space and now to be able to look out oh we were talking earlier this cucolo window this kind of. a window that looks down to the earth it's just. a really it's a very emotional thing to i think that. you know you see your own planet from space you're experiencing floating around in microgravity doing some good work up there i think and working as international partners to you know anything about living in space you're in your new species and you're very protected you you have to be because we as humans can and can't live on our own out in the vacuum of space and very similar to what it's like living underwater you're under pressure you can't just you know walk out the door without special so for the most part you know the entire time you're there you're thinking about things like you know what do i need to do to protect myself in this given environment and fortunately the space station
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and the various habitat water are very comical places to be. and they got this way this is what the. richard did really grieve for your beautiful planet and he very much thank you for that insight thank you nicole you're well there you have it there are a lot of astronauts cosmonauts and astronauts here right now watching this very process coming here especially because i'm here to court today it's happening to fiftieth anniversary of you guys first like and the thirtieth anniversary of the office first up the space shuttle flight is again everyone here very excited seeing all this up close and it was just pretty good for sure at this rate i'll go a bit a bit to chilly at the moment so we are expecting to see more of the families of the astronauts coming here and even the little boy from french guiana who had designed did the catch of the crew of the expedition twenty seven to die assess and we're going to come forth from day one of them arrested for crimes he may not have committed to an engine there awaits his fate or an israeli prison and from there he
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says he's innocent he was arrested in the middle of the noise on a train traveling across ukraine it's very intelligence agency mossad claims of c.c.s. apart but it's important isolation that officials in kirkuk moves as to why they went and that's israel's actions have caused them to doubt and like since in his singular heard from the relatives of the suspect said house time paradox and. every copy of the headlines is coming up in just a few minutes stay with us. download
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the official t.m.p. cation my phone the i pod touch from the q saps to. life on the. video on demand cheese mine comes and says feed stock now in the palm of your. question on the call she told com. fix.


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