tv [untitled] April 5, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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still if you don't actually break into. tradition to use it we. can talk all the food. you seem to. believe. what i hear with our t. here's a look at the top stories aaa says it's ready for any political reform provided the colonel gadhafi remains in power to prevent libya from slipping further into chaos experts say destabilizing the arab world as part of washington's out first to dominate the region that obvious and boys and europe for talks on a possible solution to the conflict which has dragged on for over a month. there is anger in the u.k. as a country spends millions of pounds on the war in libya overall the public sector at
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home is neglected and slashed and a recent poll suggests nearly half of the population opposes involvement in libya while british politicians are overwhelmingly in favor of it. and a russian space ship named after the first man in orbit is carrying a crew of three to the international space station to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the regards first wife two russians and one american will span nearly six months on the ice as were their due to arrive a few days time. so they have alliance next next geyser looks out of scandals behind financial news headlines. and this is the kaiser report. stacey herbert thomas moore thanks well we know that ireland has fallen into this black hole of never
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ending debt just give the fear is a little background here the government backstop all the banks of all deposits and then the banks promptly set up nama which is a big black call a cesspool of non accountability and they just keep racking up these huge on account of for debts and then squeeze on the public and what they're austerity measures so it's really financial porcher well known as national asset management agency so the government took these debts and they call them assets and this is a wealth of the people now these are the bad debts of anglo irish bank mostly and now the people themselves are having to give up real assets their own national wealth and their resources in order to make good on those assets right so they have a bunch of debts and then as part of the reconfiguration when there is this coup by the bankers of the country they call the debts assets and then to pay for the
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they're going to actually start to liquidate the people's actual assets that's correct it sounds like a scam to me so we're going to go over some other scams and money laundering operations around the world the first one virtual pigs and kooks see payday for crooks this is new south wales in australia and apparently according to the police chief their virtual worlds like farmville and world of warcraft are being used by criminals to launder money who have discovered that buying and selling virtual items and currency is a growing new way of cleaning dirty money oh oh. on this show we've talked about farmville facebook zingo the virtual currency goldman sachs deal to take facebook public in an illegal way just like the bank in the past has committed acts of fraud first and then gone to the government and the lawmakers and ask them to pass new laws that would be effective retroactively to cover the laws that they
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broke they have broken this law with a facebook deal and of course facebook on farmville and they do a deal as india and they issue all this virtual currency which is now being used by crooks to launder money in the same way that ben bernanke used the federal reserve a lot of money the same a goal of a sax used as an aristocracy to launder money and i've got virtual money laundering going on right under everybody's noses and they've got billions of dollars in valuations and this will be the next huge let me make a prediction here stays here but the next big crash after we've had the real estate crash in a sovereign debt crash will be the virtual market crash because in the virtual market these things are trading for billions of multi billions of dollars in in value ation they've yet to be even made public and this will be a huge crash to come so this is going to be a momentous beautiful crash of epic proportions like in partly way a little bit max remember all these arab revolutions all the freedom you know the alternative media erupting in the united states this is happening because of the
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freedom of the internet and this is also this could be a way for the government and the authorities to say it's online where all the bad things happened you know this is where to look at trying to distract you from the banking crimes that are happening in europe in america and around the world in this article they speak to alastair macgibbon who is the founding head of australia's high tech crime center and he put this into context the money laundering happening online so remember citibank j.p. morgan these big banks anglo irish bank took trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars he says but compared to laundering. money at the track or christine or offshore financial havens i would suggest that the online stuff is a fraction of a fraction compared to all the other ways that criminals longer funds which are still very successful you don't innovate as a criminal unless you have to and while this may sound really cool i would suggest that traditional means of money laundering are still pretty effective for no i mean
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it's a growth industry and remember you've got to back in the valuation on a company like goldman sachs who is in effect a criminal syndicate we have to incorporate that into your multibillion dollar money laundering equation when examining the facebook scam so let's look at as he mentions traditional means of money laundering so let's look out how they are still successful in the world today headline reads bill gross says treasuries have little value echoing buffett so bill gross we've spoken of him many times he runs the world's largest bond fund and he writes on his website that his firm has been selling treasuries because they have little value within the context of a seventy five trillion dollar debt burden the u.s. has been recorded dead of seventy five trillion or close to five hundred percent of gross domestic product counting what it owes on its bonds plus obligations for social security medicare and medicaid he says if the us doesn't reform its entitlement programs it's going to have to go bankrupt and is technically bankrupt
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and talking about the u.s. bond market because a lot of these bonds and up and pension accounts from the people who are getting these so-called entitlement programs the people who save money over many decades who created the backbone for the american economy who actually are the capital to create the capitalism that is america those people are being disenfranchised by bond speculators who are laundering their losses and laundering money through the u.s. government treasury bond market as it appears in these pension accounts they transfer losses guaranteed. losses but the problem with the u.s. government treasury bond market is that when you're buying these bonds today you're locking in a guaranteed loss of capital but of course nobody is telling the pension holders in the pension funds the stark fact and they're going to wake up one day find out they're down forty percent and everyone on wall street in the city of london and washington will say we never saw it coming it was a huge accident we're just going to have to try better next time when it was
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a planned demolition a lot confiscations gain more money laundering and more financial terrorism from the folks in washington and wall street colluding together once again for the steroid everything the other thing to note here is this propaganda pushed on to the people that these are in title and programs that they didn't contribute to them fifteen percent of their income for the last forty fifty years that they were putting money into this and the funny is owed and they were basically lending it to the government and then speculated and and basically bailed out banks less so if they preferred their income to help the government so what's the government do to say thank you they steal the money ok that's that's not cause for an insurrection in america nothing is and it also reminds me of what happened to greece and portugal and ireland is in particular greece where the bond guys basically said give up your wealth or we're going to crash your bond market and actually bill gross uses the phrase we are out wreaking the greeks that they know
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that they can use the markets as a tool of terrorism to extract wealth and terrorize the population he mentions greece let's move on to greece greece we need to break a taboo on selling land to slash debt soldier i told you i told you i told you this is going to happen so apparently the greek government is able to generate fifty billion euros from state asset sales there's that word again and property transactions by twenty fifteen to reduce greece's public debt so but those plans may fail if one looks at the polls which showed. that the greek citizens fifty eight percent of them wanted state lands to be developed but not sold and of that number sixty six percent supported laws that would stop any sale of public land well to this and bloomberg reports milk toast kember wheaties who is the managing partner of dolphin capital partners registered in the british virgin
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islands these plans may fail he said if the government comes to pressure to keep assets in public hands the greek people want to have their cake and eat it too yes overtones there listen there's a lot of rich folk in america who would love to own a greek gile and get it on the cheap they caused the crisis in greece there are controlled demolition experts using financial technology and weapons of mass financial destruction the entire greek economic crisis manufactured by the i.m.f. and the world bank and the global cartel of banking. scott well he's actually gone one step beyond. marie antoinette offered the peasants cake she said here have cake eat it but this guy is saying they have their cake but they want to eat it too why don't they go to farmville like little peasants and eat their fake cake that's fake can't call it is torture is a here's a cake business no it can't have any fears you know you can't have a fifty dollars is a loser ok having more live value work for these global banking cartel and we
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bought all your islands for pennies on the dollar and that was our intention from the very beginning well the guy actually kember edis he used to work for goldman sachs of perhaps he has some ownership shares in farmville. that is but speaking of virtual cakes you know if you have a virtual job and work for virtual pay you might be able to afford those so here is this have imax not even in zimbabwe at the height of hyperinflation were even dedicated to hospital staff willing to go to work once the bus fare exceeded their wages yet in the united states the economic conditions seem so bad that workers are willing to make a loss just to say they have a job so there are fourteen million unemployed americans and apparently a lot of them are now taking to just working for free to keep their resume padded out yeah well mickel explain something to you if you're showing up at a job and you're putting in hours and you're getting no money you can't technically
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call that work. and it's amazing that in the us they've been successful in destroying any collective bargaining rights of anybody as if the point of those who are fighting against collective bargaining isn't to force everyone's hourly wage down to zero to get that number zero you'll be pickin cotton in the fields for less than a dollar a day because you're too stupid to stand up for your own rights and collective bargaining is how you negotiate with banking. terrorists and the cartel you know the the bankers are engaged in collective bargaining every single day at the discount window of the federal reserve they collectively bargain for virtually free money now they speak to a c.e.o. but she says people who work for free are far hungrier than anybody who has a salary so they're going to outperform they're going to try to please they're going to be creative he said then how many americans is it take to screw in
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a light bulb about three hundred million as long as they're not paying them anything who cares are all of them she goes on to say that she's convinced it's the wave of the future paying these people nothing ten years from now this is going to be the norm she says. yeah well that they had a model like that one hundred fifty years ago it was called slavery they abolished it the folks who are down in the south of political block of america they never forgot the joys of slavery and they want to bring it back in this to coax clint i suppose as well and cross burning and all the all the accoutrements but go with slave owning in america and in america you know they don't have the luxury of a bus or public transport like they do in zimbabwe where they also had this sort of situation now one needs loads of oil in order to drive to and from work they're going to take you to the final headline here where is americans are going to work for free saudis aren't even getting out of bed for less than eighty three dollars
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a barrel sounds even more egregious and k.-mart's opec set for a one trillion dollar export revenues so fatso barrel the chief economist at the i.a.e.a. said that a new assessment by the rich nations oil watchdog shows that the total number of barrels exported by opec in two thousand and seven would be slightly lower than two thousand and eight but their income would be one trillion due to the increased cost and that saudi arabia however because of all their promises to the people in order to avoid and. uprising a revolution they need oil now eighty three dollars a barrel otherwise they can't meet all their obligations and that is a revolution so we're caught in a spiral and we're going to get into a lot of that stuff after the break when i get in touch in austin texas with alex jones states ever thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max thank you when we come back alex jones.
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twenty years ago in our this country is. a good. school janitor. where did it take to. download the official policy of the case gone so the line called touch from the q sounds to. life on the. video on demand keep in mind those costs. are as is feeds now in the palm of your. shoe on the. welcome back of the cars are part time now to go to austin texas and speak with
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alex jones alex jones is basically delivered fox news and mainstream media a black eye because he is skyrocketing popularity ever since two thousand and two things have been moving up gold and alex jones alex jones welcome to the kaiser report max thanks for having me but you know the alternative media has been skyrocketing in the last decade as well i'm just writing on the crest of that because we do tell the truth we do give people deep analysis across the political spectrum brake. down what's happening on the geo political front show liberty and a global awakening a revolt against the new world order bankers is expanding worldwide not just the reach of him for jobs from yeah i think there's a lot of us in the media business are enjoying thanking us you know laughing at rupert murdoch and his pet glenn beck as they burn in crass i mean murdoch's launch
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the daily newspaper recently it's been a failure is launched my space dot com he took over a completely destroyed it that's been a failure wall street there only bought at the top that's been a total failure so here's a monopolist who's failing on every front meanwhile independent media is doing well and recently there's been some stories and the new york magazine you put on the view big popular show in the us and you know you're just basically coughing out of the gate here but your message is different than what people are used to because you are focusing on building this coalition of informed paint ball to take back the government and take back their rights and that's your primary focus not the profit motive correct yes well i'm the corporate system likes to brand things liberal or conservative and then basically the establishment controls both of those arms and then plays them off against each other to limit the scope of the paradigm to kind
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of keep people in the box but what's been happening is more and more people see obama continuing the policies of bush bush who basically continue the policies of clinton clinton who continued the policies of george herbert walker bush you see congress with an eleven percent approval rating the government is discredited in these big mega monopolies are becoming discredited in show you have many of rupert murdoch's ventures imploding or falling on their face you have many of the old establishment liberal publications floundering around also losing readers because. the internet but we are in a very dangerous area of history right now because the system still has a lot of power and has the incentive now to try to discredit and begin to carve away and shut down the free internet as we have known it because that level playing field is allowing the true diversity of a true crime of ideas and debate to take place and it's expanding
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people's awareness and giving people more options you know it's like going back decades ago when you couldn't go to a grocery store and buy organic food but slowly as people demanded it now you go to a major grocery store more than half the vegetables and fruits and other foods are organic because we've built that market of choice starting with very small little health food stores and vitamin stores building up their clientele and then expanding with the same thing with alternative media basically the old line media is like the horse and buggy whip manufacturers in one thousand ten or so still being arrogant saying we don't have to worry about cars there are no competition and just a decade later every major horse and buggy whip maker was basically bankrupt let me ask you about the report now it's talking about the pentagon. using what they call thought poppets with the phrase that's become common now people are talking about
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these sock puppets or crawls tell us about what a thought puppet is and what's the thing we have against of this story look if you go back even six seven years ago the pentagon admitted that centcom and others had hired tens of thousands of private bloggers through public relations firms all over the world who engage in global decision from asian and also engage in this information here domestically and now they're basically adopting that same pentagon system and expanding it to go out. with computer systems that in mass opposes individuals spamming the internet message boards and commenting systems with ridicule of anyone that questions any government lies as a conspiracy theorist they're also now basically shutting out more and more quantifying media watchdog organizations that also go out as so-called experts
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and demonize the alternative media and the amazing thing about this is it's now admitted that they've got fake robot computer systems out spamming the web you know posing as individuals that they've got armies of bloggers that they hired doing this in the united states and all over the world in israel going back many years admits they actually have computer programs that alert hundreds of thousands of paid. minions who also go out and do this but people are beginning to really recognize this new form of spam and so the internet as a really living breathing. system that that that humans breathe life into has its own immune system and is getting smarter and smarter as really the group collective the group consciousness of the web becomes more and more instantly identifying the government robot trolls and the physical individual
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trolls right and of course you've mastered the art of overwhelming the bots with the google bombs that you've launched and which have been very very successful i want to talk about something here food stamp usage has doubled in the past two years says the financial terrorist attacks of two thousand and eight and three thing with the fastest growing usage there i don't know utah and wyoming what federal aid is something that they they turn their nose up at they say they're fat so. how our how does this work exactly because here you have three states that are quote absolute government but they have this huge increase in food stamps from the government there's a huge disconnect how is that possible how the propaganda is so effective how are they able to push that out how do you think what's going on here well max that's a very sophisticated question there's
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a lot of factors obviously forty two of the states for technically bankrupt the federal government itself is admitting that it's preparing to take the states into receivership with the federal government has been bankrupted by the central banking primitive damage and this has all been engineered to consolidate wealth vertically integrated and so you do have states that have tried to stay independent tried to not take federal aid but because of the financial terrorism that you mentioned. there so devastated that individuals are basically surviving more and more of them off of the food stamps and that's really the catch twenty two the bankers come in they take over the government the lion's share of the money goes to interest on debt that they have tricked the government on to signing onto and then the fake right wingers come in and make the whole debate about cutting general welfare for the poor when that's only a small part of the overall debt and so they shift the debate over to cutting you
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know basic social safety net and blaming the giant deficits on that when it's a very small piece of it if you don't get rid of the international bankers if you don't write off the thousand plus trillion dollars in derivatives that they prick our governments now in the u.s. and in greece in ireland into signing on to if we don't say no to this debt as ron paul and others have said and point out that it's not. and make wall street take a haircut then nothing will fix this debt black hole that's been created and so now the bankers will play the left the control left and say we've got to keep taxes going up we've got to you know pay all this into the treasury or you're going to kick all ladies off social security medicare medicaid you're going to kick poor single moms off food stamps they play the left on one side and on the right they
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come in and blame all the problems on the social safety net and then they cause of control paradigm fight at that level and meanwhile the bankers hope no one notices that they're the ones that actually made off with the majority of the money all right so last week in holland and the people demanded that the government prevent a bank in holland i and they said we're going to withdraw all our money and less the government steps in and cancels all the bonuses to the executives at i.m.g. the government acquiesced they forced the bank to cancel those bonuses that people want is this something that can work and you know will it come to you guys day is the global as a reaction against banker occupation coming to the united states in a serious way alex jones yes it is i mean if you go back ten years ago ron paul couldn't even get one or two co-sponsors for his build out of the private federal reserve last year his bill passed in the house they use
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a procedural move to block it the senate but in major polls over eighty percent of the public want to on it or abolish the private fed which is just the local arm here in the u.s. private banking cartel and show yes people are moving against the bankers they already in a filing the private mega banks not your local bank but the private mega banks as the criminal cartels that are engaged in the financial terrorism in the vertical integration and consolidation of the planet's wealth they are launching financial warfare. against us but the bankers have actually tried to spin things into just cutting some of the bonuses for their employees what about the shareholders the mega rich of these big mega banks who are making in some cases billions and billions of dollars per quarter what about just writing off all that debt that they created to pave paid off our government to sign onto for a true big to fail what about just saying you know forget the bonus or forget
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everything quit holding us hostage we don't owe this money this is stuff you created you keep your toxic assets and let the chips fall where they may because if we don't go ahead and cut it off you know at the knees they're going to continue to just drag us down that's what they're masters of is getting everybody's pension funds and investments mixed in with their ponzi schemes where the nobody wants to end the ponzi scheme because it'll bring down the whole system well the ponzi schemes already bring it all down and so we're going to go down let's take the bankers with us let's let's get rid of them let's discredit them so that they don't use the crisis to get even more power they're already bringing us into total collapse they plan to use it to get total control let's go ahead and just bring it all down and then in the process i have nuremberg trials for these criminals and bring them to justice and then rebuild our republics as the people see fit as the
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declaration of independence states ryans alfalfa thanks so much for being on the kaiser report and i think for happening all right now going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert and i thank my guests alex jones but i mean now please do so at kaiser report r t t v are you and this is a back stabber thing. it
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