tv [untitled] April 5, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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from feinstein. starts on t.v. dot com. while colonel gadhafi says struggling for a diplomatic solution some mideast experts accuse washington of steering the arab world in accordance with its own plans. there's a new fighting between gadhafi forces and the rebels for the libyan city of brega where nato is todd has the story and knowing this convoy i'm told is here in the capital city of tripoli joining me in a few moments and i'll bring you more. as the u.k. pours a more cash into the libyan campaign and many at home are slamming the government for massive cuts in the public sector they say their democratic right so being neglected. launching a space that legacy three cosmonauts blast off towards the international space
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station nearly fifty years to the day since man first ventured to the stars. and in business news oil prices keep setting new furred see a lot of highs that's despite expectations that supplies from libya may resume soon find out more in our business goes on around twenty minutes time. here with r.t. live from moscow now as the fight for control over the oil rich libyan coast line continues the u.s. is stepping back from its leading role in the operation washington will still oversee that logistics of the mission but has encouraged other nato countries to increase their military contribution she's gonna check our knowledge of how libya could be just the start of why the u.s. go. in the region. as waves of public rage sweep through north africa and the
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middle east world powers jump on bad as many analysts say in an attempt to direct the waves of unrest in a way that's more favorable for them in libya forging relationship with the opposition so that if gadhafi goes their people there to do business with as syria popular wrath gather steam some experts say western powers might see the advantages of getting involved there to these three countries and syria are the main countries that will not align themselves or that magically to the global power elites or the western powers interested objectives in north africa in the middle east as for example egypt will do or used to do with hosni mubarak and definitely kuwait and saudi arabia syria is iran's closest ally in the region and the cost to support the remark in syria after income was mentions of iran's syria is obviously
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a strategic ally for iran in the in the region and without syria iran loses their their bridge their line bridge to lebanon and they're hit hezbollah and force and so of course hezbollah will suffer if the syrian regime was to fall and that would be stabilizing iran and weaken its power in the region which would be an obvious benefit to being called american forces some experts even believe that destabilize ation is part of a strategy the west pursues in the region we're seeing reflect a strategy which includes amongst other points the generalized weakening of the sovereign nation states of the sovereign genes in the arab world in order to try to isolate iran leaving very few perhaps no friendly countries in the region and that will then leave iran pretty much alone at least in the arab world and will facilitate further turmoil inside iran although the u.s. secretary of state has ruled out america's involvement in syria for now the country's been. the syrian army to quote empower
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a revolution and follow the example of egypt's military syria. and. iran. if you just thought you would be. iran's would be a tough card and no matter how much washington would want the regime there to fall for now it's seen as a mission impossible i'm sure that there are some in the u.s. who would love to attack iran and there are others who would like to take over the iranian opposition i think they know that the iranian opposition is not so fond of the united states they have a long memory in iran people remember the role of the united states in overthrowing the precursor to the shah of iran overthrowing the democratically elected government of back in one hundred fifty three so i don't think the u.s. would be welcomed and i think many in washington know that would leave you being
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torn apart by the war and anti-government protests gaining momentum in syria the question on everyone's mind is who might be next i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . forces loyal to colonel gadhafi are regrouping of their troops in the east after losses following the coalition strikes meanwhile khadafi is a diplomatic efforts to find a solution out of the crisis remain stalled. from the capital tripoli it's not really clear who is in control of this oil town of brega in the east of the country what has changed though is that it was a lull in nato airstrikes for about twenty four hours in and around the city and several hours ago nato did hit a convoy of eight military vehicles that were advancing from the center of the town which is where they are in control of the outskirts which is where the rebels are holding the frontline now according to eyewitnesses two of those vehicles were hit the runway quickly regrouped and then retraced his steps back in. to the city
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center bringing with it the bodies of slain the soldiers yesterday monday was flying to between both sides and tonight for at that stage the rebels did retrace their steps to the outskirts and again they offload in the field there this is an important time because if the rebels can maintain control there is a small oil refinery in brega and this will be a source of income for the rebels while they were able to purchase the weaponry and this is one of the shortcomings that they are stopping at the moment despite the fact that the nato airstrikes are providing them with some kind of assistance they are consumed on the international community for some kind of weapons supply in the west of the country in the city of misrata we are now hearing that clashes there in the last twenty four hours have seen five people killed and twenty four people wounded and we are hearing of one will cause they can military and situation is evolving there as people remain without access to food and water fuel and electricity so much about the diplomatic activity happening outside of libya for
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a while here in tripoli the government is remaining tight lipped conduct he himself has not been seen over state television says that he was greeting crowds of his supporters outside be compounds that he has here in tripoli we haven't been able to independently verify exactly when these pictures were taken but what we are hearing from and who are the turkish capital is that a convoy a very representing the gadhafi regime headed party didn't see foreign minister has been putting those on the table that would try and see some kind of cease fire implemented while at the same time a political solution moving forward but the turkish saying that the sticking point is the whole question of whether or not give up the remains and power with the libyan regime insisting that he does while the rebels insisting that he doesn't like the proposals we will see here and that is being put forward is the possibility that one of the few sons straight out could head up some kind of constitutional democracy some kind of transition towards that. the rebels in most
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an international community are saying that that is unsatisfactory because he is essentially his father's son and cut from the same cloth and he doesn't want it because it's not turned out to be one of the strongest defenders of his father's policies. so his policy reporter you can follow a regular online update on what's going on in libya from our correspondents who are in the country you can do so via our twitter and facebook pages and of course don't forget to check out our our you tube page over.
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you without the live from moscow russia wants an explanation from the u.n. over its use of force in ivory coast which is currently a group trying a civil conflict foreign minister sergei lavrov questioned if it was illegal for international peacekeepers to support one of the presidential clemence. good to watch uses the un peacekeepers in supporting french forces in ivory coast has started military action taking the side of mr ouattara carrying out air strikes on the positions held by supporters of mr gbagbo we're now looking into the legality of this situation because the peacekeepers were authorized to remain neutral and nothing more we've requested an emergency briefing in the un security council we will keep looking into the matter because it's the u.n. and french troops bombarded targets around the residence of incumbent president in the city of abidjan the u.n. says it's ready to work carried out to protect civilians forces loyal to the
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internationally recognized winner of the presidential poll. as its claim to have captured the palace with the now negotiating the terms of his departure he had been refusing to see power ever since losing last november's election and hundreds are being killed during a week of fighting in the country john auckland from the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris says the u.n. and france are not defending civilians but are pursuing their own goals. basically the crisis is crystallized around a rivalry between two men as you said in your report. so we're tired of what is it is what business is it of the west in my view not at all and yet the west in this case france but by means of the united nations has got into the habit of intervening systematically in other people's conflicts we know that france is not neutral in this political crisis because france has said repeatedly and explicitly that it once long ago to step down so there is absolutely no shred of
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neutrality about france's position and yet these u.n. troops that we hear about are in fact of course french troops and they take orders from paris they don't take orders from the united nations they take them from paris and my concern about this intervention is that it fatally damages the authority of the united nations. because nobody you know is ever going to believe that the united nations intervention in the future is neutral when we can see in the united states nations intervention as in this case being used for explicitly political purposes. still to come for you here in the program on our team cleaning up their act japanese authorities asked for russia's help in dealing with thousands of tons of radioactive liquid the gratitude of fukushima power plant plus. blasting into history three space travelers set off on a mission to the international space station to mark the fiftieth anniversary of
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mankind's first trip beyond earth. britain is upping its military presence in libya with more of its tornado jets being sent in because the country continues to tighten its belt when you're starting to doubt their government is spending taxpayers' money with the public's needs in mind as artie's a lot of reports increasing numbers in the u.k. are questioning their democratic rights. but winter of discontent that's becoming a seething spring british streets regularly filling with massive anti-government protests which start peacefully but with teen lee turn violent. their fury is over swinge ing spending cuts quiet coalition government they say no one wants and now a new foreign war. that democracy in britain which it prides itself on and keenly exports is wearing thin for some i
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don't think they listen in training they're just making up their own mind about everything we don't have to say anything so i don't sit in. this church. comes with a working social conversation. find it ridiculous how much money they're spending in libya. and taking money away from us i should be spending more money i but the will of these people is one which lawmakers willingly ignore while a t.v. news poll suggested forty three percent of people oppose military intervention in libya they're elected m.p.'s voted overwhelmingly in favor five hundred fifty seven to just thirteen against what we have in parliament are a political class they all go to the same schools they go to the same universities they get the same jobs the research offices they spread their careers in politics i mean about jobs in the real world how they operate speak and vote like shape we
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don't have independent of independent thinkers sitting in the house of commons prepared to make counter-arguments in a league of their own and a world apart from a public mandate the person directly choose their prime minister is certainly not the most recent man at number ten golden brown was handed the job when tony blair quits during his eventual success as roth. moldavia so-called good people good for you what was your party's. david cameron was only rescued from a minority government with a deal of his own sharing power with a party that has put third it's a coalition which an angry electorate sees breaking promises and which listens to washington more than westminster protesters politicians are so committed. to this kind of silly fantasy of the of the special relationship with washington that they're prepared to do everything necessary to maintain that relationship while
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they are in you know having no concern for their relationship with the people who elected them in the first place and this is a this is a function of deep deep dysfunction of the heart of the british so-called democracy the past six months have seen a series of demonstrations in london and across the u.k. gates cuts to public spending and the war in libya some of those protesters have marched right down this road past the front door of their democracy to say it's not working you're emmet r.t. london. from moscow and japanese officials say sixty thousand tons of radioactive water accumulated in the basement of the stricken fukushima power plant workers keep feeding water into the reactors to stop them from overheating which of course is leading to a buildup of radioactive fluid. as i asked russia to send zero waste disposal facility to the crippled nuclear station almost twelve thousand tons of low tainted
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water are being released into the ocean to free storage space for more highly contaminated waste authorities say this poses no threat to human health or the environment let's get some more details on this now as we're joined by nuclear industry expert on all the gunderson. so as we just heard almost twelve thousand tons of radioactive water dumped into the pacific and continue to be done to the government saying this won't pose a threat to people all the environment is that accurate. i disagree i mean they had no choice but the radiation a releasing into the water will get absorbed by the fish and i'm sure they'll be quarantined fishing within the within the area to prevent. human consumption and when you talk about the nuclear waste mean absorbed by by marine life there in the pacific let's talk about the pacific concerns here because if nuclear waste gets into the global oceanic currents what are the world wide implications that oughta be aware of. well do you know it's
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called by a look humiliation and what'll happen is the radioactivity they're releasing is going to be absorbed by the ground and the grasses and then the little fish and the bigger fish. so as you get up the food chain those fish swim much further so you know you could be hundreds of miles away from fukushima and a case of fish there was that there was feeding at the edge fukushima so i don't see it extending across the pacific now but certainly up and down the coast of japan it should be a concern. let's talk about the cleanup issues going on here of japan has asked for russia's assistance in disposing of radioactive waste with a special type of floating facility and sounds like russia could play a crucial role in this of this disaster. i think so you know the problem is that the the amount of water is so astronomical and it's so tainted that as they
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begin to clean the water they're going to get the filters will become so we'll active it will be very difficult to approach the filter so you know the problem becomes one of. keeping it in tanks and this stuff will stay radioactive for three hundred years so there are between a rock and a hard place and it's heartening to know that the that the russians have the capability to. clean this water but it it's still not going to be easy so what point does it stop so we have we have the contamination effect and nothing on the food chain and then we have the contamination effect on the filters as you were saying of this disposal facility i what point does it stop. but it's a great question they can tame in a specially on unit to. it's leaking and a half the pump water into the reactor to cool it but it's running out the bottom of the reactor into these trenches or some of say they're pumping out as much as
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fifty tons a day and fifty tons is therefore coming out i don't know if any processing unit can handle fifty tons a day of radioactive material which means that we haven't seen the end of releasing into the ocean and there will be no alternative because the they have to keep their cool the reactor core cool. by now let's let's talk about this. this issue of having a russian disposal facility because that i mean one of the questions is that japan has a vast use of nuclear energy why doesn't it have one of these i suppose all facilities already at hand. were out in engineering space that no one in the west ever imagined occurring you know this this is well beyond what used to be called design bases accident and. we just didn't anticipate it i not sure that the russian barge was designed for this but that it's available and and
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has the capability is it is it is certainly a wonderful international future i'll gunderson a nuclear industry expert thank you. well you can always find more news and features on blogs on our website that's our team got a comment here a few of the items that are lined up for you right now because it sounds incumbent leader who's been in power for two decades has now won the country's latest presidential election secured over ninety five percent of the vote. and overstepping north already the f.b.i. is accused of abusing their wiretapping powers as the agency has reportedly been spying on little children find out more artsy talk. let's check out some of the headlines are from around the world this hour and in haiti a musician michel martelly has won last month's presidential runoff that's according to preliminary results he defeated a former first lady of the country taking nearly sixty seven percent of the vote
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the first round of elections was marred by fraud after which a government backed candidate withdrew from the race the winner will face the task of rebuilding over a million houses by last year's devastating earthquake. and in yemen thousands have been marching in the capital sanaa to demand that president ali abdullah saleh step down three people have reportedly been killed in clashes between forces loyal to the leader and soldiers supporting opposition hundreds also injured in that renewed violence in the city of taiz a day after fifteen were killed during demonstrations there the embattled president meantime has been refusing to step down since the protests started back in february . fred in the democratic republic of congo a un plane crashed on monday killing all but one of the thirty three people on board the jet it broke into and caught on fire while trying to land at the airport in the capital kinshasa he won't start peacekeepers were on the plane with china
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georgian crew both congolese and foreign nationals were certainly on board officials suggest that bad weather may have contributed to the accident. well it is almost exactly fifty years since the first man to venture into space and today your garden is flying again a spaceship named off of the pioneer has blasted off from i can all cosmodrome in kazakhstan it's carrying three men to the international space station to australia was there to see the crew's preparations and of course there's a much. better here's a lot of excitement definitely especially among biggest spectators for that we're going to see the takeoff of the crew two russian cosmonauts you have on the climb the some of which you have and they are buddy said go as well as nasa astronaut ron garan over the last a few hours leading up to this point right here we have been following them very going through the three flight traditions if you will very interesting indeed especially for first timers even those who have been here several times say it's never quite the same b.v.
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whole process that we saw them getting out of the core of the facility first they left their signatures on their doors as had their street assessors and then they walked to the out to the crowd and they we saw them in their space is very interesting to see them in their gear say quite an emotional farewell to the people waving their a good vice of them this is a very special mission if you will because this is happening close to the fiftieth anniversary of you to go god it's a first space flight happening right here with what they call gary and start this is where it all began with a nasa astronaut on board ron garan his words he had said that fifty years ago on that day mankind became a different species that we were able to go beyond the boundaries of earth.
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you can hear. the guys well it will take about ten minutes to get it through. a couple of days to reach the international space station about. three of their colleagues and ron garrett who is a very tech savvy astronaut he did say he will try his very best to keep us updated using twitter that is. well as a blog so we do look forward to reading about their experiences up there is space. launch as well as the business news with dimitri. hello and welcome to the program libyan rebels are expected to start exporting oil
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tanker kolby if it is you to dock in the east of the country he would be the first exports from libya nearly three weeks since colonel gadhafi ordered production be shut down. to pacify the markets crude prices are actually growing this reaching. brant crude costs around a hundred and twenty two dollars a barrel oil light sweet is still over eight dollars a barrel very chilling period from being people too early to celebrate the resumption of world in the breeze from libya i think it's a little bit early to the resumption of supplies from libya these are just tentative cargoes and in the end we have a disruption to supply in excess of a million girls for a day and i don't think it's a couple of cargoes here or there that are going to shift the market but oh and so until further notice supply of libya is disrupted and this is why the market is not responding. second of the stock markets now and the u.s. stocks age higher on tuesday despite reports saying us manufacturing sector grew
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more solos expected last month tech stocks leading the gains nash. semiconductor surged seventy one percent that's after texas instruments and stocks is down actually more than two percent made a bid for the group of six billion dollars worth. european markets are still lower this tuesday session but see on the dax are shedding well point two that is just one notch down the new credit downgrade of portugal by moody's rating agency is further dampening sentiment. here in russia the markets ended the session on a lightly negative note if they were actually getting it together in the session that saw the world decline for most of the session new york trading and while most energy companies managed to recover some of those losses by the end of the session a second about roles that actually are point to six percent while it was news in
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one and a half percent for the session the t.v. was one of the biggest losers of choose the session down one point six percent the point is gold was up one point four here's the scene from or else it kept. going through some profit taking in the morning. and then you know russian storks done very well this courtroom sitting going to kill superfoods names and again sproule names and tonight centrally any global economic statistics sometimes use as a pretext to. russia's top telecoms group ross telecom that's finalized the process of taking over eight regional companies under its brand now the company worth an estimated sixteen billion dollars as a going to list on the london stock exchange the president of russia telecom alexander but i thought of explains the reasons for the i.p.o. . the main goal of the flute station is to improve the liquidity of our shares
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we hope to complete a listing by the end of this year it has a significant role for the company's image and we expect the new track to investors in top western funds will also improve the company's capitalization the maximum volume of the listed shares may be up to twenty five percent and as often as they were that evil headlines with rory just after a short break. wealthy
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british scientists now behind the times. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause report on r.g.p. for the full story we've got in first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. down the field fishel antti ugly cation jaunty phone on called touch from the i choose up.
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