tv [untitled] April 5, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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other than. fighting for a key oil tells rages on in libya while some mideast experts accuse washington of steering the arab world in the direction it wants. british weapons could have been used to massacre rebels in libya as a new report slams the u.k. for approving millions of dollars worth of arms deals to the arab world. and launching a space legacy three cosmonauts last off towards the international space station nearly fifty years since man first ventured to the stars.
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and have you with this international news live from our studios here in central moscow this is it's just past eleven pm in the russian capital and nine pm in libya and as the fight for control over the oil rich libyan coastline continues the u.s. is stepping back from its leading role in the operation washington will still oversee the logistics of the mission was encourage other nato countries to increase their military contribution he's going to change car looks at how libya could be just the start of wider u.s. goals in the region. as waves of public rage sweep through north africa and the middle east world powers jump on them as many analysts say in an attempt to direct the waves of unrest in a way that's most favorable for them in libya forging relationship with the opposition so that if gadhafi goes there are people there to do business with as
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syria popular wrath gather steam some experts say western powers might see the advantages of getting involved there to these three countries. the main countries that will not align themselves with the manically to the global power elites or the western powers interested objectives in more than half of it in the middle east as for example egypt will do or used to do with hosni mubarak and definitely kuwait and saudi arabia syria is iran's closest ally in the region and the cost to support the remark in syria affan come with mentions of iran's syria is obviously a strategic ally for iran in the in the region and without syria iran loses their their bridge their land bridge to lebanon and their hit has the one force and so of course hezbollah would suffer if the syrian regime with the fall and that would be stabilizing iran and weaken its power in the region which would be an obvious benefit to being called american forces some expert even believe that this
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stabilize ation is part of a threat to the west pursues in the region we are seeing reflect a strategy which includes amongst other points the generalized weakening of the sovereign nation states of the sovereign genes in the arab world in order to try to isolate iran. with very few perhaps no friendly countries in the region and that will then lead erode pretty much alone at least in the arab world and will facilitate further turmoil inside iran although the u.s. secretary of state has ruled out america's involvement in syria for now the country's defense secretary carter the syrian army to quote empower and gravel lucia and follow the example of egypt's military syria. enter aaron a road america's list at some point they will rise to thank you just the way in libya many say iran's would be
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a tough car and no matter how much washington would want the regime there too far for now it's seen as a mission impossible i'm sure that there are some in the u.s. who would love to attack him. and there are others who would like to take over the iranian opposition i think they know that the iranian opposition is not so fond of the united states they have a long memory in iran people remember the role of the united states in overthrowing the precursor to the shah of iran overthrowing the democratically elected government of most of their back in one hundred fifty three so i don't think the u.s. would be welcomed and i think many in washington know that would leave being torn apart by the war and anti-government protests any momentum in syria the question on everyone's mind is who might be next i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . colonel gadhafi could have used british made weapons to slaughter hundreds of rebels in libya a new report by a parliamentary committee shows the u.k. sold libya almost one hundred million dollars worth of weapons since the start of
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two thousand and nine k. stillman from the campaign against trade told me earlier that the kind of equipment so by britain could only ever have been used for internal repression. the fact is these governments in the middle east and north africa who are being sold weapons quite aggressively by britain i should say who are in fact undemocratic dictatorial abusive regimes i think it was pretty world know when these weapons were likely to be used for internal repression and of course no one knew when it was likely to happen but the fact is there were buying weapons such as crowd control technology cheer gas and wall and door breaching equipment which could only be used for internal repression for us the most essential thing this report does is our sister really tough question how do you reconcile promoting arms exports with staunch
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support for human rights well we would say irreconcilable we want to see a continuation of an arms embargo right across the entire middle east and north africa and we'd certainly welcome the committee's report and recommendation that there should be review of all arms sales to thora here in regimes i think it's the least they can do. the libyan rebels are to begin shipping oil from opposition held there is the country they plan to load a tanker and they are parked at one of the terminals they control the e.u. being main importer of libyan oil ati's daniel bushell who's in brussels explains the significance of this move. the deal will go through qatar petroleum qatar being one of the few still the coalition's military intervention in libya and is a main user of libyan oil the main purchaser of germany countries like france and italy or heavy users of libyan oil however there is. on trade in
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libya and the representative here in brussels michael mann says that only applies to daffy held companies in other words sanctions only applied to the national mall corporation the state held back he held energy company now there are concerns that this will be used as a small up for forms and that will raise the violence in the region of course the u.n. security council has imposed an embargo on the import of weapons and it also raises questions about the motives of the coalition raising kids ations the control of libya's vorst was the motive all along the rebels certain to get a lot of money from this oil deal less than is who the people are going to get this money of course a lot of these young men these young volunteers are in looted army uniforms on pickup trucks with virtually no experience no military training even the rebels
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have admitted that the al qaeda has set up bases in the east of the country and it has tried to infiltrate the rebels but of course among the leadership over the rebels they're all former key allies of gadhafi so the west really doesn't know who either they're dealing with and their allegiances. and find out how the libya deals are affecting the world oil market in our business update here that's in just over ten minutes from here. well now let's talk to michael parenti he's a political analyst and author joining us from california talking to michael about the events the situation there in libya it seems that the conflict has reached a stalemate now michael in the only way the rebels can win is to be supplied with arms but that be the right thing to do now do you think i don't think so at all because what we're doing is feeding it civil war and really feeding it war intervention you notice how the intervention has escalated first it was supposed to
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be a no fly zone and they started by army all or all of libya's infrastructure has been hit. seriously damage sea ports airports utilities centers are being hit and now giving aid to on the ground rebels. against the government in what may be protracted civil war the u.s. is now spending eight hundred million dollars a year which in the year is thirty six billion dollars this is well the president the u.s. is freezing messed big spending and cutting back on services people in america this kind of money going here so we have. we have this kind of. war that's going on which is not only for oil it's really did teach libya a lesson is that any country that doesn't get in line and get in the global
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imperial system and bring in the i.m.f. and the world bank. and act as a powerful state any country that goes there will be eventually targeted me so does that mean that yemen and syria could be in line for what you say being taught a lesson. absolutely and iran and iran can be destroyed by air air attacks they have ten thousand targets all mapped out they want to send any troops but us that many troops in iran it's too big country to costly but they can they can do what they did to yugoslavia which is just destroyed by air all in the name of humanitarian war on the name of there's an insane leadership there all these leaders apparently are all insane any country that the us decides to target lead it is clear to be sane and crazy noriega in panama would take it in nicaragua
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milosevic. saddam hussein in there or there are always very we'll get even the ones that the us was helping and collaborating with as with saddam hussein who's was a witness early years and that's your point that seems to start just seem to be contradiction in what you're saying and what the u.s. position is at the moment on what's going on in libya as we reported this is today we're saying that the u.s. is stepping back from its leading role in the military intervention that it's because washington really wants to distance itself from what's actually going to happen or could happen in libya. you know it's because it's a very unpopular move here in the u.s. and they want lower visibility and so they're letting the french and the british. take all the glory in this rather one sided. you know let me point out that the united nations human rights commission gave. the government a clean bill of health in the year two thousand and ten last year human rights the
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u.s. last year several years ago back us in every other country removed libya from any terrorist list so they haven't been guilty of terrorism and the like and so what is the u.s. doing here is it's it's it's taking our c.n.n. here i only have basle spades states the totally collaborate they cooperate and throw open their plan their labor their resources their markets through a completely open to internet and international capital for they are potentially enemy states by the you are a vassal or av so call ally a friend or you are a potential enemy and libya is seen as a potential enemy in many ways surely relations improved there are a lot of bridges built between the us on the course europe and what we saw there was it not people power a revolt against a forty year old regime against a dictator who they want to remove they are actually saying that this wasn't wanted
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by the libyan people any of us will know the way to putting up a resistance to this people for who own these rebels they are former minor kids and al qaeda linkages as far as we know we don't know who they are they have no mass organization they have no military organization but they are being paraded as the people that the u.s. must come in on they didn't do that with with with egypt when mubarak was was under siege and they supported him joe biden said he's a stable he's a good friend of ours hillary clinton said. nice stable government obama had nice words for him when it became one tenable and they could no longer support him then they moved on behalf of democracy where mubarak was their kind of leader he threw the country over the i.m.f. he threw the country open to the big corporations in every way now gadhafi was caving in and doing some of that in the last ten years he has joined. consortium's
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with different companies. and he was cooperating when he was still keeping an awful lot of earnings and using those for his own people and libya was only one of two countries in africa alone two can never get that don't have food insecurity the people have enough they were getting education all of that is going to get rolled back because the goal is the third world nation of everywhere that's the goal of the empire and it's been very successful it ok interesting to talk to you thanks very much indeed michael parenti political analyst and author joining us live from california thanks for your time thank you. well you can follow all our regular online updates on what's going on in libya on our twitter and facebook pages and to forget to check out our you choose page for all the latest video just. if.
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russia wants an excellent explanation from the u.n. over its use of force in ivory coast which is currently gripped by civil conflict foreign minister sergey lavrov has questioned if it was legal for international peacekeepers to support one of the presidential claimants get washed uses the un peacekeepers in supporting french forces in ivory coast and started military action taking the side of mr ouattara carrying out airstrikes on the positions held by supporters of mr gbagbo we are now looking into the legality of this situation because the peacekeepers were authorized to remain neutral and nothing more we've
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requested an emergency briefing in the un security council we will keep looking into the matter because. the u.n. and french troops bombarded targets around the residence of incumbent president laurent gbagbo in the city of abidjan the u.n. says it's raids were carried out to protect civilians forces loyal to the internationally recognized winner of the presidential poll listen to what i have since surrounded the palace where by those hiding in a bunker he's being refusing to cede power ever since losing last november's election and the latest reports say he is still unwilling to negotiate his departure hundreds have been killed during a week of fighting in the country from auckland probably and some cheap democracy in cooperation in paris says the u.s. and france are not defending civilians but pursuing their own goals. basically the crisis is crystallized around a rivalry between two men as you said in europe or know all about poland for so we're tara wall. is it is what business is it of the west in my view none at all and yet the west in this case france but by means of the united nations has got
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into the habit of intervening systematically in other peoples conflicts we know that france is not neutral in this political crisis because france has said repeatedly and explicitly that it once long ago to step down so there is absolutely no shred of neutrality about france's position and yet these un troops that we hear about are in fact of course french troops and they take orders from paris they don't take orders from the united nations they take them from paris and my concern about this intervention is that it fatally damages the authority of the united nations because nobody now is ever going to believe that the united nations intervention in the future is neutral and we can see in nations intervention as in this case being used for explicitly political purposes. and from the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris. japanese officials say sixty thousand tons of radioactive water of accumulated in the basement of the stricken for
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consumer plant workers must keep feeding water into the reactors to stop them overheating which is leading to a buildup of radioactive fluid in japan as asked russia to send a waste disposal facility to the crippled nuclear station almost twelve thousand tons of load tainted water being released into the ocean to free storage space for more highly contaminated waste storage is say this poses no threat to human health or the environment nuclear industry expert. told us earlier that the situation is far from being resolved and russia's help cannot come soon enough. you know the problem is that. the amount of water is so astronomical and it's sold to change it so you know the problem becomes one of. keeping it in tanks and this stuff will stay radioactive richard three hundred years so there are between a rock and a herd and it's hardly. i know that now the russians have the capability to shoot to clean this water but it's still not going to be easy containment especially on
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unit two is leaking and a half the camp water into the reactor to cool it well but it's running out the bottom of the reactor into these trenches so they're sort of say they're pumping out as much as fifty tons a day and fifty tons is therefore coming out i don't know any processing you know can handle fifty tons a day of radioactive material which means that we haven't seen the end of releasing in the ocean and there will be beyond no alternative because the they have to keep the reactor core cool i not sure that the russian barge was designed for this but that it's available and and has the capability it is certainly a wonderful international future. by the way you can always find more news features and blogs on our website that's part of con is some of what we got there lined up for you right now. a russian pilot is tried in the u.s.
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for alleged international drug trafficking but just held legal was his arrest in the first place. plus burning bridges we look at the implications of the afghan riots that broke out after an american pastor torched the koran you'd have your say on this issue by taking part or not online poll just head over to our team com. time now to check out some other stories making headlines this hour in the biggest lebanese jail three security guards have been taken hostage in a prison a riot in mates also set fire to one of the buildings in the facility east of route where i started last week with prisoners that morning a general amnesty and better conditions of detention the prison was built to house fifteen hundred inmates but currently holds around four thousand. in yemen thousands have been marching in the capital sanaa to demand the president. step down three people have. reportedly been killed in clashes between forces loyal to the leader soldiers supporting the opposition dozens were also injured in renewed
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violence in the city of taiz after fifteen people were killed during demonstrations embattled president deserves the opposition to join talks to stop the weeks of bloodshed. in haiti musician michel martelly has won last month's presidential runoff preliminary results show he defeated the former first lady of the country taking nearly sixty seven percent of the vote the first round of elections was marred by fraud after which a government backed candidate withdrew from the race the winner will face the task of rebuilding over a million houses hit by last year's devastating earthquake. fifty years since the first man ventured into space and today you're to get it is flying again a spaceship named after the planet has blasted off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan carrying three men to the international space station and the teams to see who was there to see the crew's preparations and if the. well here's a lot of excitement definitely especially among the spectators for the we're going to see the takeoff of the crew through russian cosmonauts you have alexander some
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of which i have and they are but he said go as well as nasa astronauts ron garan are for the last a few hours leading up to this point right here we have been following the very going through the free flight traditions if you will very interesting indeed especially for first timers even those who have been here several times say it's never quite the same the whole process that we saw them getting out of the core of the facility first they left their signatures on their doors as had their creed assessors and then they walked to the aisle to the crowd and they we saw them in their space is very interesting to see them in very dear i would say quite an emotional farewell to the people we think there are devices of them this is a very special mission if you will because this is happening close to the fiftieth anniversary of you got its first space flight happening right here with what they call the garden start this is where it all began with the nasa astronaut on board ron garan it his words he had said that fifty years ago on that day mankind became
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a different species that we were able to go beyond the boundaries of earth. the basics of life really you can hear the ground here now do you guys well it will take about less or ten minutes to get it through two orbits to zero gravity and then a couple of days to reach the international space station where they will join three of their colleagues and ron garrett who's a very tech savvy astronaut he did say he will try. his very best to keep us updated using twitter that is the biggest as well as blogs that we do look forward
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to reading about their experiences. when looking ahead at some upcoming programs here for you see the kaiser report focuses on the black hole of bankers' debt in ireland to the business update with dmitri stay with us life here in moscow. welcome to the program good to have you company the libyan rebels are expected to start exporting oil now grieco tanker called the equator is due to dock in the east of the country would be the first exports from libya in nearly three weeks since colonel gadhafi ordered production shut down let's take a look at the price now brant crude cost around one hundred twenty two dollars a barrel just under that now while light sweet is just below one hundred eight dollars a barrel carries even gear in from b.m.p. perry says news from libya is doing little to pacify the market but i think it's a little bit early to the resumption of supplies from libya these are just
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tentative cargoes and in the end we have a disruption to supply in excess of a million barrels per day and i don't think it's a couple of cargoes here or there that are going to shift to more of a balance so until further notice supply out of libya is disrupted and this is why the market is not responding. all right the stock markets now u.s. stocks have reversed they've raised earlier games they're now trading just slightly this is after a court said the u.s. non-manufacturing sector grew slowly and they expect this last month tech stocks however are gaining we've seen national semiconductor surging one seventy one percent after texas instruments made a bid for the group worth six and a half billion dollars european markets were flat on tuesday a new credit downgrade of fortune. by moody's rating agency is further dampening sentiment in europe all eyes now on thursday's anticipated rate hike from the european central bank tellers like correction in russia after two days of growth r
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t s m i six with the answer like the other close sort of falling oil price movement throughout tuesday's session secular individual shares while stocks managed some kind of recovery by the end of the session last year putting up point three percent while it was actually losing one after sending a session the to be one of the biggest losers correcting one point six percent pollies gold was up one point four percent on record high prices for the precious metal here's my seamstress and caught up to us at capital. who are always so on the going through some profit taking in the morning. when you know russian stocks have done very well this courtroom and we're sitting on the hill superfoods names and against are more names and tuna centrally any good will become an expertise thing sometimes i use as a pretext to be proof of. russia's top telecoms group ross telecom has by my eyes the process of taking over eight regional companies under its brand now the company
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which is worth an estimated sixty billion dollars it's aiming to list on the london stock exchange by the president of russia telecom i saw the parameter of explains the reasons for the i.p.o. . the main goal absolutely should use to improve the liquidity of our shares we have to complete a listing by the end of this year it has a significant role for the company's image and we expect the new year to actually investors and western funds will also improve the company's capitalization and maximum volume of the listed shares maybe up to twenty five percent. and from the business desk for today join my colleague gary milligan she'll be here eight twenty am one time with an update the headlines are next with girls that are.
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