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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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but then you have nations like israel and like something we see with us often that feel like international laws don't necessarily apply when you're fighting terrorism so it's a touchy and dirty subject thank you so much and thank you for having now it's time for a break we'll return he just tries a little so hard to tell you which presidential candidate just isn't funny or exciting no matter how hard we try. to get that we get in a park right. well . we haven't got that says the keep him safe get ready because you're going to be freed up.
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a charmer been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new web site which twenty four seven live streaming news tell us what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. stories never. so. the political. aren't.
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you guys welcome to show and tell the alona show which part of our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear our audience just go on to you tube video response or to twitter to reply to the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on the first day of the show a long response is. your voice. all right it's time for it's night school time award and tonight it goes to potential presidential candidates who well he just plain sucks at connecting with the younger voters know about or how many bad jokes he tries to crack at symbology former governor of minnesota he spoke and i university's college republicans event and i think this was his attempt to getting in touch with his former for four years so of course he addressed all the typical issues you know things like obama hating
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misguided government spending habits yada yada but apparently he also thought that speaking to the college group publicans meant that it was open mike night at the comedy club and last fall and you broke a bad joke at the expense of one of his colleagues when they first met some years ago you know justin bieber i mean look at him. yeah you heard that right he dropped a line about the beads so you think but he might just drop one joke you know try to show up with the times but i guess people out of the crowd actually loved his first line so much they decided to do another one so this time he brought up how america's attention in spoke is on one very popular at apple. its trade sheen. you know. tiger blood like he does. something else in common with him is going to be along with. so. it's going.
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to be really just use tiger blood as a line isn't the goal to stop paying attention to charlie sheen i mean is that really the guy that he wants to equate himself with when it comes to winning so surely right he got his random pop culture references in any would not try for a third joke what he waits oh wait he did and this time his joe came at the expense of barack obama and lady gaga. i think with the voters have figured out is this this is really a broken relationship he made sure he promises greece a great expectations he's broken his promises you feel the expectations if this was a lady gaga song the relationship between the you. get it you get it bad romance hey guys grab me a p.b.r. let's just sit around a listener teapot all night i mean these one liners are just priceless come on you're running for president or are you trying out the last comic standing i know
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that are desperately trying to get on the good side of the young minds of the college frappe always but their trust funds are probably not the best way to finance your exploratory committee so here's a hint stick with what you're good at who every major t.v. ads really really knows how to talk on america's heartstrings. but there is a great. you know what. role jobs limited government spending and entitle you to dream team unity for small business owners the hard work the brave men and women throughout this country's history they ask for nothing we work hard. and you see what i mean so i'm going to give credit to teapot for coming up with some actually inspirational and emotional acts over that atrocious string of pop culture jokes and for just being the guy that tries a little too hard. tim paul and he is tonight's told time where. now in light of
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the looming deadline for the government shutdown here's one budget cut proposal that's just too funny to pass up tea partier and retired army lieutenant colonel allen west has announced an unusual proposal to cut thirty seven million dollars from the military budget and his plan well it's to get rid of color copies i know that's not some fancy military code word he literally means cutting all funding for those color glossy prints you know the kind you can pick up from staples or office depot he according to west he said it is twenty two years of military service make him knowledgeable in the areas of wasteful spending and go figure his proposal actually passed with bipartisan support on monday night the only problem here i don't know how about this is big beyond that minuscule elements of military spending as in point zero zero three percent in fact we have the circle graph here to show you how little color copies cost but all slivers really does hard to see on t.v. see it turns out the west presented voters with three options on military cuts all
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of which are pretty weak in my opinion but they included cutting the d.o.d. printing costs by ten percent stopping producing unnecessary military research report research reports and the nine pay raises to pentagon employees with weak evaluations and according to west the voters that printing was their best bet so frankly i'm a little concerned at this point the american public thinks that all of our costs come from printing with colored ink they must be completely out of where of what the u.s. military actually does how about the rest of the g.o.p. from weapons to defense contracts to funding at least two wars and those are just the official once so you know i bet tea partiers are not going to be too happy when they hear about this teeny tiny cost cutting measure out are all they are about government spending right cutting government spending yet again the g.o.p. seems to be too afraid to touch anything that has a d o d label on it no matter how expensive or unnecessary it may be and speaking of government spending let's move
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on to our next story. the budget battle on capitol hill keeps growing and it's getting here's your pie hole compromise at thirty three billion dollars last week it was supposedly reached yeah that went out the window and the g.o.p. has prepared another stop after after twelve billion which the president rejected today to add more fuel to the buyer paul ryan released his budget for two thousand and twelve today and ryan laid out his plan that he says would cut six point two trillion dollars in spending over the next ten years working spending below twenty percent of g.d.p. and reducing the deficit by four point four trillion dollars we've also got medicare and medicaid and leave defense spending pretty much on touched and revamp some tax cuts some people have called it political suicide others have said it's the most courageous political move they've ever seen so which one is it going to be to discuss it is a reporter and blogger a blogger for think progress dot org and the progress report the center for american progress and liz mair vice president of heinz communications and former
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communications director for the republican national committee guys thanks for joining me you really got to work on making those title a little shorter could available every time now. you know i did say has to be longer show. last week apparently we had this compromise apparently you know vice president joe biden said everything's good john boehner said we at least came up with a number everybody can agree on with thirty three billion dollars suddenly that seems to have gone out the window it looks like boehner is the one that really went back on what happened. but i think the reality of the situation is that there wasn't actually a compromise and that people were getting a little bit ahead of themselves but i think it's also important to look at the fact that republicans obviously want to wake him up with another stopgap measure and this morning it was completely crushed i mean that was just thrown out the window and you know from my perspective and certainly looking at this from a republican perspective it feels like republicans keep coming to the table in making offer after offer after offer and democrats keep saying no no no no so when
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we're looking. budget issues that's a trend that i think people need to be cognisant it's probably right like who's turning into the party of no now somehow there's this really weird reversal but are republicans coming to the table with offers that they know are going to be refused and turned down every single time are they not really putting two and two together realizing that they need to get both votes from both sides here and this is what i would say if you want your proposals to be start proposing a serious proposal start saying that we have this big we have a we had a recession let's not blame it on little kids getting has started let's not blame it on students and pell grants those people didn't cause our gigantic debt and attacking those sorts of programs is going to hurt our economy and in the and the end of the day it's going to cause an even larger deficit an even larger did i mean why are they attacking main street americans people who had nothing to do with the recession called caused by mostly by wall street by tax cuts by subsidies for big oil which republicans you almost unanimously voted against i mean why are they attacking the wrong people here we should say no to things like that obviously in
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all political systems eventually you have to compromise but as long as they're going to blame those of us on main street for what happened on wall street i don't think we should be saying yes i don't think that's what's going on in any way shape or form and i think if we're going to be talking seriously about cutting spending we're going to have to talk about cutting spending and that's something that the democratic party and the left in this country have zero interest in doing absolutely none and actually switching and talking to what representative ryan has been talking about we'll get there in a minute we will get there in a minute but first i just want to ask first do you think that this budget or this government shutdown is actually going to happen on friday there's not a lot of time left like you mentioned president obama came out today said no thank you i'm not taking a stab in stopgap i want you guys to actually get things done but it's also too late for him to get you know he's been really quiet on this issue that's part of that you know too late for him to come in strong aren't really you know honestly it's his advisers that this morning were telling people that they refused to compromise with republicans so you know if they if they maintain that negotiating position i guess we're going to have a shutdown and it really doesn't matter what the republican party does i mean
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that's the reality if we're going to find programs for one point. seven million kids they want to kick off the going to program i have to say that we have to keep fighting and unfortunately it's going to come down to us not taking main street americans and poor people middle class americans in the face the neighbor the government will shut down unfortunately well let's talk about now paul ryan's approach here six point two trillion dollars in cuts over the next ten years i think everybody knows that obviously this is never going to pass so what is he doing here is he just trying to come out and say look i'm so serious a later on in his career he's going to look like this rebel or you know basically is he trying to just pressure the democrats now because they know that the real budget battles coming later on in the fall i think he's trying to deal with that really legitimate serious problem that nobody else seems to be taking seriously you know the president asked for this fiscal commission and then he ignored everything that they came out with he actively made a decision if you look at his budget he actively makes a decision to do nothing about looming problems that we're facing with regard to
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entitlements that is an active decision on his part and frankly full credit to paul ryan he's being serious about trying to deal with all of people right now a lot of lawmakers that have absolutely no desire to touch entitlements it's not just the president i mean even you know the of the bowles simpson commission couldn't even agree on this people from both sides of the aisle not every single republican and they're definitely not on board of cutting entitlements spending if you look at the polling that's not what the people want right the latest and b c wall street journal poll said that seventy six percent of americans think it's unacceptable to cut medicare and medicaid nobody wants to do it but what i would say is this if you put one hundred tea partiers a rumor this is the most conservative people in the country and us and how many of you guys want to privatise medicare and destroy the promise that we've had in this country for decades you have tried that say yes i'm for probably misheard the question i mean this is an extremely unpopular way to deal with this issue if you want to deal with health care costs is what you do start looking at other countries why don't we do it medicare a negotiation both for drug prices why don't we drug reimportation ok well we allow people on medicare to go and do medical services. receipts were cheap or free trade
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right we're not doing any of these things because the drug lobby the doctors lobby the insurance lobby paul ryan isn't touching any of this he's saying let's take the most popular insurance program in the entire country let's hand it over there private insurance and people are going to stand for that quite honestly the polls are still show that people are for that and only washington d.c. is hurting people ahead of profits over the insurance considered serious but one other thing that i'm curious about i'm going to you here because you're saying that the democrats don't want to deal realistically with the fact that they don't ding it when it will cut all but how come your public and talk i'm paul ryan just completely ignores defense spending is not one of the things that everyone said should be on the table should all be on the table and that a very big you know cost you that it is a big cost but let's be realistic about this the driver of spending is entitled ment's and nobody else is talking about any plan to deal with this i mean everything that you've said maybe we should have a discussion about that i don't hear the president saying it into the question and the question as to why should he when there's all this disagreement because he's
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the president it's his job this is what he's supposed to do and he refuses to do it and the consequence of that is he's presenting the country with two options are ryan's one is and heilman sco completely bust and then we really won't have anything or we face massive tax increases to fund these things down the road and some estimates are looking at you know huge tax increases potentially like up to eight percent that's a phenomenal number and it's something that frankly i think if we're going to have a discussion about opinion polls let's think about the popularity of those two options because i'm willing to bet it's there was a poll that put out recently that said the majority of tea partiers would rather raise the payroll taxes on social security obviously that isn't a ryan's budget but there are these programs that are extremely popular and it's right social security doesn't actually have a medicare does but if we do some of the things that i'm talking about if president obama stepped forward and offered a progressive alternative we could save these programs for the future without hurting poor people without handing off gigantic profits the insurers the drug companies the doctors and i guess i think it's going to be a big political issue i think it's a very big political issue even in two thousand and twelve for the next
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presidential. election period so we'll see how it all plays out perhaps obama needs to come out with his own whopping amazing brand new much of a budget in response to paul ryan here but i do wonder what americans would think in terms of you know closing up some corporate tax loopholes to know that bank of america xology evasive income taxes and then maybe they'd be interested thanks so much for joining us you guys now time for break will return it time for happy hour we'll cover everything from the flood talking here on health to young kids getting cosmetic surgery you'll find that. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then he looks something else here's some other part of it i realized everything you saw you don't know i'm charged as a big. let's
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not forget that we had in the far right great. i think. one well. we haven't got the it says we're going to keep you safe get ready because you get your freedom. hey guys welcome to shelly's hell on the obama show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear our audience just go on to you tube the video response or the twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday with the show long responses please let your voice be heard
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. the right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized apparently really meeting with paragraph i was reading is the fourth
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amendment of the bill of rights which seeks to protect the people of the united states from a reasonable search and seizure the government however has other plants and they have seized upon a legal exception to the fourth amendment the border search exception which allows for travelers both foreign and american to be searched out the border without a warrant and this dubious exception of the bill of rights has in the past been used to subject immigrants to harsh invasive searches when entering the country but now it's being used to target specific people and their digital data for expressly political reasons not for border safety concerns let me just give you a few examples of the over six thousand people who've had their electronic devices seized and searched for and supporter of bradley manning david house was detained and questioned while his laptop and thumb drive were taken from him and searched at the u.s. mexican border we can link supporter jacob apple dog was quote randomly chosen for a search and questioning while entering the united states and i guess randomly question about the whereabouts of julian
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a son while his laptop and three cell phones were searched by border and customs agents and i think we all know that these two men being detained at the border was not for the safety of the american people or to protect the border this was to punish and intimidate them for supporting wiki leaks as well as to look at all the personal information that they had on those digital devices now these types of searches and seizures which should appall both the people of the united states and the courts of the united states have now been expressly authorized by an appeals court which ruled that laptop that cell phone digital camera stager camera seizures and searches could happen without any suspicion so a. ever so they give body your privacy if you ever plan to leave and re-enter the united states again because the government can't be trusted to use this exception only on suspected child pornographers or terrorists oh wait they have a pattern of targeting people for political reasons and often provide absolutely zero reason why so everybody let's just take a moment to mourn the fourth amendment may it rest in peace it was really nice
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while it lasted. ok it's tuesday and it's time for happy hour because we really like to be happy on this show not once but two times a week. a happy really. good year was going to move you right. joining me is our due producer jenny churchill and the daily caller is mike riggs who i want to start with the story out of toronto canada because i just really like this so it all happened because of outrage because one policeman was giving his speech basically into the but how to stay safe any basically said don't dress like a slut and so now there is a lot of outrage and there was a huge slut walk in toronto we actually have a clip of it to show you. i think i can dress in the song at some tights or maybe
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not where do i want to wear your skirt and not not be a concern for me to get raked. now jenny i think i know how you feel about this issue because you want to have this discussion before with what that reporter that went into the jeff locker room and you say. you deserved it because you really like actually like i could be expected to be treated i find your i.q. and leave an ally in that last sentence i know i said i said she didn't deserve it no one ever and ok these are actually a psychotic break to attack i said don't dress like a skank and then be surprised when you're mistaken for a skank now this is my thing with this situation like i said no one ever deserves to be attacked however i do think that if you have the right to dress like that then other people have the right to judge you and don't be surprised when they judge you judge you is one thing that is mean that people have the right to whatever it was so you kill you and that's basically what these officers were
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saying so i can understand you know some of the outrage here what do you say what do you think of slugs and women dressing like a flood of i'm. told they believe in their right to dress like sluts without being looked at without having men take that as an excuse to mistreat them but i mean what these people are fighting back against i think on the police side and both on the student side is a culture where it's easier to shame women into behaving more modestly think that it is to convince men like nobody's ever asking for it nobody's ever asking to have their personal sovereignty violated but the reality here is that this cop was just completely off base because eighty percent of sexual assaults happen with someone who knows the person so it's not like a random stranger walks down the street and says you look at that our own high up you know it's people that are often already saying things like this and the more people might think well you know that it must be ok and we see these stories and i think more and more with like younger girls in the media girl that was eleven years old it was rape then people saying well she was dressed so provocatively to bad
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means that she was asking for a bit more of the you start talking about this the more people start thinking that it's acceptable and saying i have. and with lara logan so absolutely. now let's move on into you know i think you just can't win and you can't you can't wait either way either you can dress like a slut and you can't show off your features because people are going to call you slut and judge you for it or if you don't have any features to show people are going to holy you there's a new study that says that a lot of kids are getting cosmetic surgery just so they can stop. this actually maybe what. you were talking about the girl in the article that a.b.c. talked about was seven and she was getting her ears spread because she was being made fun of and what makes me so sick about this is when i grew up you know and people would tease or taunt you you learned that you know these are the experiences that make you who you are you become stronger and instead the things that make you different that make you special and beautiful and that you own and really become
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who you are by those experiences and the fact that these people are teaching their children that the best thing to do is you know if someone doesn't like something change it so that they can't say anything about it that's a really sick to their taste and so easy to do if you have money to go well i mean i don't i'm not playing devil's advocate just for the sake of doing so because there's something kind of sad about having a seven year old subject themselves to that but is it ok for parents like how we move out their kids for instance i mean right i mean there's a so maybe if they have like a really weird birthmark if there's a good treatment for that i mean it's not it's these are all like shades of difference between i again i think it's sad that you would have a seven year old doing that but i think i started my love handle removal slush fund when i was like twelve have been paying into it ever since that's you know. there's a there's a huge rise in girls under the age of eighteen getting botox to present your very being can mean it's right out of the know are the bullying you know and i'm totally totally with you their last story just because we're getting
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a little short on time and i you know i'm not a fan at all representative peter king who held the head of the muslim. radicalization hearings on capitol hill turns out the there was a bloody pig's foot in the mail to have along with some kind of anti-semitic now of course and get all the way down to him his handler signed it first but. because he's there to give the it was great it ended up being harmless right that it wasn't like. from somebody who was disgruntled about the hearings or something like that but i mean it's almost like we're now going to start making it you're right it is told on threatening but it is there's something sort of scary about that i mean like i get i like almost break down in tears when people send me angry e-mails about stories you know in like the big sort of stuff for the next level but i think we need to look at this through the lens of peter king and do what he would do so you know there was an interest make note so it probably wasn't a jewish person it was about the muslim hearing so probably wasn't a muslim you know christians you know i'm going to say i can probably rule them out
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i think it's the wiccans we have the right wing christians ruled out why the christians ruled out well you know i used to versions of the words to blame here it was a report called the daily. mail having to use regularly but i'm doing really good which is great it just told me just proves everything he said about radicalization united states i mean if this is an angry muslim and he's only received one pig foot i mean doesn't this make his hearings completely moot yes yes it does and that's not the only thing that makes sense here thanks guys for joining me tonight thank you now time for our tweet of the day before we go to candy's foundation whose mission is to educate america's youth about the devastating consequences of teen pregnancy through celebrity p.s.a. campaigns and initiatives reportedly played paid bristol palin two hundred sixty two thousand dollars last year to be their spokesperson so we were just wondering what would a pregnant teen tweet so wait so i can make six figures just for having a baby want in high school thanks for the advice bristol that's there for an ice show thanks for tuning in to make you come back tomorrow for more and more likely
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that there will not be a compromise of the budgets will bring you the latest details on the link for a shutdown time you'll think it's become a fan of the ownership. on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any if nights or any other nights and catch a glimpse of the top slash feel ownership next news of the latest headlines from the rest of our. wealthy british style. sometimes the tightness of the. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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