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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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margit. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. was a report. british m.p.'s accuse the government of a grave misjudgment over the selling of arab weapons of weapons to arab regimes now using them against their own people. a priest in finland finds himself under attack for speaking out against chechen terrorists off the mark and his terrible and supporters in helsinki. breaking the news breaking the budget u.s. networks now the cost of covering disasters of war but still find the millions needed to pay their star and curse.
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this is r.t. coming to live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program the u.k. is considering arming libyan rebels opposition fighters say that you lack the ammunition needed to fight off the forces of colonel gadhafi but britain is already facing accusations from the international criminal court over the weapons it sold to libya it believes khadafi was wanting to use force to crackdown on protesters long before the uprising began and the u.k. was among its main arms providers argues laura m. it has more from london. security forces put down on rest of the middle east with well but bullets take gas and all the irritant down the nation and they've got plenty the u.k. was still selling arms to libya just full months before colonel gadhafi turned them on his own people with government ministers approving a deal to sniper rifles bullets and take out. there are very strict set of dogs.
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and that's where it is likely that human rights violations might take place you're not supposed to saw the weapons and i would say looking back through a number of credible sources including amnesty international but it was always likely always very very likely that equipment supplied to colonel gadhafi would and could be used in the brutal crackdown of protesters arms export is big business in the u.k. valued at nearly twelve billion dollars in two thousand and nine now a highly critical report by m.p.'s exposes the scale of u.k. arms sales to some of the world's most brutal regimes the libyan export licenses were some of the most valuable according to the reports the u.k. sold nearly three hundred fifty million dollars worth of arms there in the year leading up to september two thousand and ten in the same year egypt bought twenty seven million dollars worth of small guns and electronic warfare equipment from the u.k. and bahrain ordered more than ten million dollars of guns and crowd control agents
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dozens of arms export licenses to the region have now been hastily revoked but still days into unrest in cairo u.k. prime minister david cameron led a junkets to the middle east to flaunt the wares of british arms dealers i can't imagine who it was in the prime minister's office who said to him look you can arming these dictators. it's going to spend a certain amount of the weapons and shooting at their own population now it's a really good time to go and try and sell them some more some more i can't imagine what damage when people see british weaponry in the hands of the people who are invading bahrain and putting down the protesters at the moment reports also say the government misjudged the risk of selling arms to countries like egypt and bahrain but many would go much further one of the things that you've seen is a characteristic of british. around the world over the last ten years has been the
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provision of this highly militarized security sectors exactly the opposite of what trying to stimulate similar scenes we are providing the means by which those countries regimes can come down since the violence began more than a thousand people have been killed in libya and twenty six killed in a thousand injured in bahrain circumstantial evidence gathered by reports also suggests much about damage was done with british weapons when we underestimate darted of at least the government scrambled to suspend arms export licenses but this report is evidence that it clears the stable door long after the force of cold states when british weapons were probably already being used against civilians in bahrain and libya the government still hasn't ruled out arming the rebels in libya it remains to be seen whether these damning revelations will make them think twice the british foreign secretary has said that the un resolution on libya made it
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legal to give people aid in order to defend themselves and the pressure on western governments to arm the rebels is growing with colonel gadhafi taking in his heels a string of high profile figures is speaking out in favor of the move bill clinton for instance has said he would be inclined to do it so far the u.k. has officially offered telecommunications equipment to the rebels but many suspect help of a different kind may be on the way to lure emmett london and will bring in more thoughts from anti-war activists john rees who was featured in lawrence report later this hour. rebels are preparing to restart crude oil exports as the first tanker arrives in the opposition held eastern corridor to grow the petroleum is expected to go through kickstarter for it reaches its maiden quarter the e.u. and according to reports oil hungry european states have offered their rivals a look let's have deal with potentially dangerous consequences daniel bushell
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explains the main use of libyan oil the main. reason to go on. the e.u. representative here in brussels more sanctions only applied to the national old corporation the state held hold energy company and all other companies continues as usual there are concerns that this will be used. for own. in the region of course the u.s. . has imposed only. and the proof will raise questions about the motives of the coalition raising. the control. was the motive and the ruble for the. bases in the east of the country trying to infiltrate the rebels and the leadership over the rebels there or form
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a key allies of gadhafi so the west really doesn't know who they're dealing with and their religion. well prices here thirty months high a few days ago and we can now cross live to our business desk. on and discuss that will prices in more detail so corrina what's the latest on the oil prices well we're seeing a slight drop in oil prices today greg group is trading at around one hundred twenty one dollars eighty six cents per barrel prices are fluctuating a bit light sweet is lower one hundred eight dollars per barrel and as you were saying earlier the libyan tanker overwrought arrived in tobruk to load the first crude cargo but it's still unknown who is going to be the potential buyer of this oil from the rebel territory now just remind you that before the address the view was producing one point six million barrels of oil per day and exported some one point three million barrels per day now since those exports were halted brant crude would have risen to around one hundred twenty two barrels from around one hundred
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barrels. sorry one hundred dollars before and just to give you an idea all in all prices of games eighteen percent this year. more it is going to increase their old corrina we'll hear more on the other business news stories in about twenty minutes time here in the studio. and you can follow regular online updates on what's going on in libya on our twitter and facebook pages our twitter stream is always running and it's r t underscore com and our correspondents are on the ground a levy of bring you firsthand news an eyewitness account so log on to find out the latest from here in tripoli any gorup and spin off an opposition held benghazi also you can check out all the latest to be used in our you tube channel initiative. are . coming up in the program the soaring cost of coverage. the news organizations are crying because they're saying they're just spending their entire budget is god by march. but us media outlets have laid out hundreds of
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reporters find out where all the money is going invest of humans. russia's number one outlaw chechen terrorists is also high up on the international most wanted list but it seems one of russia's northern neighbors isn't interested in helping bring him to justice ours is going to be the reports on fillin where a priest has found self at the center of a storm for speaking out against him are. your it's knees may be the last days these man whereas he's pastas color you hum waller faces being defrocked priest speaking out against i use the word word dearest they use words but if you don't know kumar and his internet malta peace become a center of the sun it was the first to publish the terrorists' words on the tax he claims the business school siege the nab skeets press the matter of war means and
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most recently the dim idea divert water tank the website is banned in russia but in finland enjoys quite a comfortable standing and not only on the internet but also in downtown helsinki the priest was the first openly say this was an outrage and the reaction was quick to form. the sky. is hundred percent. what does the letters. for i don't. know five ok so there got more here away from the real you one more literary one to police but instead as booker and as i've been prosecuted himself been sued for criticizing what inland calls illegally operating organization the same people who. promoting the construction they are promoting public opinion a moral claim of maury is
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a racist. racist statements about. people of the church and which is of course not the truth because maurice only representing the internationally a college opinion about an international tourist in russia a manhunt is on for a morrow and people close to him but in helsinki you manned up dining next to his relatives. with their brother. he lives in stockholm. and we can met him quite often in. people walking down these quiet and prosperous streets maybe unaware of the disturbing case of you harm or the rape there used to thinking of their country as fair and politically correct but would they remain just as neutral if tragedy knocks on their door here in helsinki people travel on public transport without fear their neighbors in russia only four hundred
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kilometers away aren't quite so lucky. after all it's only a step from extremist rhetoric to action and there is seldom a warning call with providing a good for a minority of bird brought moderates who want to do terrible thing. disturbing. it. there are so many. who were but. there is quite a team after the pastor now finland's prosecutor's office the church and some of the world's most determined terrorists you home all the way has already changed address and divorced his wife to avoid putting your and his children at risk is now considering a move to russia that we have a double. do you feel that you've been in democratic control i can feel. the pressure of our tea house in key finland to africa's ivory coast now where
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embattled president laurent gbagbo those generals are to go shielding a truce after months of resistance is holed up in a compound in abidjan surrounded by supporters of his rival president elect al assad. gobbles been refusing to cede power ever since november's election and maintains he won't leave despite his dire situation un peacekeepers and supporting french troops have stepped in to protect civilians as fighting escalated over the past weeks the death tolls estimated nearly a thousand a month the u.n. and french forces opened fire on those positions in the first military action supporting the atar has questioned the move saying peacekeepers weren't authorized to take sides in the conflict john walk on from the easiest for the moccasin cooperation in paris says france is pursuing its own agenda in ivory coast. what business is it of the west in my view none at all and yet the west in this case
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france but by means of the united nations has got into the habit of intervening systematically in other peoples conflicts we know that france is not neutral in this political crisis because france has said repeatedly and explicitly that it wants a long bow to step down so there is absolutely no shred of neutrality about france's position and yet these un troops that we hear about are in fact of course french troops and they take orders from paris they don't take orders from the united nations they take them from paris and my concern about this intervention is that it fatally damages the authority of the united nations because nobody you know is ever going to believe that the united nations intervention in the future is neutral when we can see in the united nations intervention as in this case being used for explicitly political purposes i was young from these years for democracy and cooperation in paris i remember there's plenty more happening in our website arm including sponsible irreparable damage fallout continues after the crown burdened
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by us pass for the latest alice's website. and aiming for a baby was a population in the klein politicians of nascar thinking up creative ways of persuading her to start a family. they faced this is not a problem but warmth. let me show you just everybody is sure to support your dream because they have no idea about the hardships the baby face. plate. is this is it of them to the city. or in the army the life never use the other is the most precious thing in the world. years of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. nineteen
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forty five dog r.t. dot com. if. a series of planned terrorist attacks have been prevented in russia's north caucasus republic of covers you know according to the national and state terrorism committee three members of a terrorist organization were captured in the operation two homemade bombs with the equivalent of three kilograms of t.n.t. were extracted by special forces one of those seized is suspected of attacking policemen in the region as well as being responsible for a fatal attack on security forces in december last year. so take a look at other stories from around the world
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a long running of highly radioactive water in the pacific ocean from japan's fukushima nuclear plant has been stopped local operation tepco has injected a chemical agent which has solidified the soil near where the water had been. in a while there is renewed fear of an explosion at the first reactor with hydrogen gas pressure building nitrogen will be pumped into the plant as we try to tackle the problem. tribal gunmen on eastern philippine island have freed twelve hostages a total of fifteen teachers and students were initially captured but a child and two adults were let go soon after wards the kidnappers were demanding the release of a jailed tribal leader he's awaiting trial for murder and kidnapping over an incident two years ago when dozens were taken hostage in the same area during a clan feud. president nicolas sarkozy's governing conservative party has held the controversial debate on the practice of islam in secular france it comes a week before
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a panel and wearing full face covering veils in public takes effect the opposition described the meeting as an electoral ploy aimed at pandering to right wing voters to have next year's general election france's western europe's largest muslim population estimated at least five million. barrels coney's trial on sex charges. has been postponed until may after opening earlier on wednesday perilous cody's accused of paying for sex with an underage prostitute and abuse of power prosecutors allege that a stream of young women were regularly supply for dinners at berlusconi's mansion earlier italian m.p.'s voted to challenge the legitimacy of silver was coney's trial which could derail the case times for ations against the prime minister were staged in rome and i had of the try. from the chain of revolt across the arab world to natural disasters and potential nuclear meltdown the past few months have been a turbulent time across the globe and for the t.v.
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networks trying to cover it it's left some u.s. news channels short of cash after blowing much of their budgets and artie's in the city of reports there's criticism over how the money was spent. today when egyptian protesters news pundits are teleporting almost at the speed of light from the safety of their news desks to far away and dangerous places sirens are going off led by their journalistic colleagues and big bucks to be made and spent egypt tunisia libya in a world full of chaos japan in a tremor of tsunami and earthquakes i want to err on the side of caution for you hear disasters exploding around the world one after the other these past months have broken all breaking news records my guess is that you're ok forcing u.s. networks to cough up the cash but news organizations are crying because it is saying that the spending their entire budget is gone by march their whole annual
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budget for covering emergencies and crises with the latest from cairo reports suggest big t.v. networks have been spending as much as two million dollars on each of the middle east uprisings one network has said to have spent an entire one and a half million dollars in just one day in japan while this money is ripping away at their annual budgets it's certainly not ripping away at the pockets of the star pundits when you talk about someone like katie her who for five years reportedly received fifteen million dollars a year you talk about brian williams ten million dollars a year and some reports now if they didn't take those enormous salaries you could hire a hundred or one hundred fifty actual reporters producers but instead most networks have been shutting down foreign bureaus and kicking out hundreds of journalists many of whom were on the ground and actually in the know a.b.c.
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news alone cut twenty five percent of their entire news staff last year begging the question whether the superstars are actually worth more than hundreds of their colleagues and putting a toll on the information that you are. yes and a preceding there is no doubt that in general the quality of any one news organization is lower than it was thirty years ago with a shadow officially cast on what was once top notch news coverage to pay the enormous salaries to these stars who don't know a lot about the middle east they're not experts on nuclear power they don't speak arabic but there they are jetting over to these countries it's a little silly and we'd have been is standing by getting filled in on events in an unknown land forces networks to play catch up at top speed but often unsuccessfully as far as libya goes you know we're hearing all this talk about the rebels nobody has really told me who these rebels are they don't seem to know though c.n.n.
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got to enjoy the highest reading since obama's inauguration after several months of dined you worship bucks for one has been caught cheating yet again please think should we have egg man a local nightclub on one map with japan's nuclear reactors as well as going so far as to call new york's times square with the lion king ad kairos to rear square and it's news coverage in fear of being out competed by others t.v. networks have to be there or be square the wrong square that is and while this method certainly saves a buck or two it can cover up the fact that crews check in for disaster jet back home in the worst is over leaving us in the dark about what leads up to and what happens after the chaos once they see their t.v. we are. anchoring this here with the latest business news to go away.
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welcome to our business part of this hour moscow and washington are to step into a new round of negotiations on rosseau joining the world trade organization russia's bid to join the w t o has been ongoing for almost two decades and it remains the only major economy still outside this organization deputy prime minister said gavan off says a deal is in the final stage i think the it's all the controversial decisions like intellectual property rights also making pharmaceuticals and the like have been negotiated and agreed with united states european union and in fact more than two hundred countries which are members of w two i hope that they somehow or the latest in the fall of the assembly will be ready to accept russian of course there are different opinions in the american congress trying to connect trade issues with other questions like democracy and the legal system in russia and the like but
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since has nothing to do with governmental. have a look at the stock markets european stock markets get off to a cautious start on wednesday you see the banks are weaker across the board led by a two and a half percent fall for deutsche bank footsies trading higher led by mining companies on a new high for gold futures retailer marks and spencer group rose four percent are trading update. here in russia markets are trading higher as well the r.t.s. has bounced back from yesterday's losses two point four percent of them isaac's is in the black after having opened in negative blue chips of trading mix let's look at some individual movers nordisk nickel has slipped into the red despite its announcement of another one point two billion dollars buyback also among the losers is ross now down around half a percent ahead of the end of tax holidays goods which bank or appealed in siberia holy metal is on the rise helped by rising gold price shares are up almost two
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percent this hour. now prices of oil have slightly retreated from tuesday on concerns that the recovery in fuel demand may falter in the u.s. and china the world's biggest energy users brant crude is currently trading at a bit below one hundred twenty two dollars per barrel a light sweet is around one hundred eight dollars. next insertion coffee at roll seed capital says there are other industries and sectors of russia's economy that could also benefit from increased oil prices. in addition to. the substantial domestic place at the benefit especially those who have the riverina smooth as a rule the search for strength from them is a reason is a constant and say cost and those. who will cost but among major beneficiaries will be as i mentioned the really banking sector the telecom company which has been
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through courtrooms beacham tear spree simply roast a nickel to the six thousand about dreamgirls the fact is i will see infrastructure companies something children construction company is also set to benefit that's because been visible in the market in the past three weeks and from the retail consumer names would also do well money it was very strong earnings this year we think the ex-wife could start catching up as well so overall you know the overall. in the course of the second quarter pick up through the quarter so it would be great to have their reciprocation and gradual shift of large pools to show money in free will so sextus. three percent inflation in russia in the next few years is a realistic goal according to sort of galaxy high school of economics but only if the government pursues and more aggressive policy on prices the russian government has the more the price of. targeting inflation and the quality three percent and
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all the facial three percent so that for the coming year disposable to the cheap was many others kept on the slot and nothing new under the old government has became the school indexation there are no more look at this will gas railways for the research if that's what pay for all your services after that the government makes that inflation will go down the central bank will reach out to someone for policy. at the business news this hour stay with us for headline news up next. the.
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wealthy british style the sun. is not on the rise. of the. markets. come to find out what's really happening for the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines few minutes to cause a report on r.g.p. . more news today violence is once again flared up the phone these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to hope for asians are on
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the day.


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